Well.... Wow.

Farbjorn is truly jacked.

Only gets through when it would be used as a Perfect. However, this isn't Puncture. It just forces Perfects to work like rolled defenses. The odd coating on the javelins and Thanes isn't anything new, it's just something that you've only now really taken notice of
Well, with the memory cycler/identify still being on capacity....
Does Halla know of a similar trick to the Thanes' "roll on that perfect"?
Anything of note catching her attention?
Did she notice anything interesting about the birds? Like their bond to the knights?

On the hawk...
The Hawk—the bird of Serge Gagnon—is scarily fast and seems to posses some kind of 'blinking' ability that allows it to cross distances in an instant.
I just hope it's not the variety that only applies to the bird and nothing it carries...

Edit: this got buried, looks like:
On that note, @ Imperial Fister he isn't from that branch of the family, is he? just making sure.
I meant the core group in Skane.
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I love how Farbjorn's response to our shenanigan WEAPON as a siege engine was just "do you even lift."

Well, that works. Also, Farbjorn has Fortification! Now that we've seen someone use it, maybe we can pick it up.
Are you proposing to pick up a technique called 'Fortification,' to learn the trick of literally picking up a fortification, or both?
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The thing you do with Sharpen... how difficult is it to do that to somebody else's weapon? Would making physical contact with it be enough? Does having your blood on it help?
I just realized something.

Abjorn is both smaller than Farbjorn and has a Shadow Hugareida. That means he is litteraly living in the shadow of his brother.

That is both incredibly ironic and incredibly sad. Poor Abjorn....😥
I just realized something.

Abjorn is both smaller than Farbjorn and has a Shadow Hugareida. That means he is litteraly living in the shadow of his brother.

That is both incredibly ironic and incredibly sad. Poor Abjorn....😥

Eh. Abjorn is making shadows his own, and he's got Halla, which is definitely at least one up on Farbjorn. Abjorn is also just...not actually that invested in the spotlight. He's happy to take a backseat for the most part...the issues have to do with his father not accepting that more than they do the overshadowing itself.
You know, when we can we should try to create some Fylgja Tricks. We only have one until now.

Anybody has any ideas on possible Fylgja Tricks?
Some kind of trick to that allowed swapping places with your fylgja could be usefull. It would allow tactics like having both halla and the owl charging the enemy at the same time from different directions and the enemy couldn't know which direction the big attack was coming from. halla has a lot of very high powered close range tricks but it feels like she doesnt have the ability to hit people with them.
Some kind of trick to that allowed swapping places with your fylgja could be usefull. It would allow tactics like having both halla and the owl charging the enemy at the same time from different directions and the enemy couldn't know which direction the big attack was coming from. halla has a lot of very high powered close range tricks but it feels like she doesnt have the ability to hit people with them.

Great idea!

Eh. Abjorn is making shadows his own, and he's got Halla, which is definitely at least one up on Farbjorn. Abjorn is also just...not actually that invested in the spotlight. He's happy to take a backseat for the most part...the issues have to do with his father not accepting that more than they do the overshadowing itself.

I mean, Abjorn seems to have some issues related his father comparing him to his apparently more acomplished brother. I hope he and Farbjorn can fix their relathionship now that they are reunited, maybe bonding over how shitty their father is and how much better they are without him.
Some kind of trick to that allowed swapping places with your fylgja could be usefull. It would allow tactics like having both halla and the owl charging the enemy at the same time from different directions and the enemy couldn't know which direction the big attack was coming from.

The issue with this idea is that having our Fylgja hiding away is almost always better due to the Quickdraw Shield thing we've got going. It's hard to overstate how good that is. What we want for Fylgja Tricks is non-combat stuff or maybe things where it can suddenly leap out when we run out of shields...I guess this might qualify for the second? I dunno.

halla has a lot of very high powered close range tricks but it feels like she doesnt have the ability to hit people with them.

This is super not true any more. It was true until recently but it really isn't now that we have Fang 5 and are about to have Glima 5. We're actually extremely deadly in close and can afford to get in close vastly more easily.

I mean, Abjorn seems to have some issues related his father comparing him to his apparently more acomplished brother. I hope he and Farbjorn can fix their relathionship now that they are reunited, maybe bonding over how shitty their father is and how much better they are without him.

There are issues, yeah, but it's more about how his father treated him and wanted him to be as opposed to how he was, than it actually is about his brother.
What makes the quickdraw shields so good?

Being able to quickdraw shields like we can now is, in most situations, like having Perfect Defenses on tap that Puncture does not apply to and that do not cost either dice or Orthstirr. We have 10 of those this fight, for instance.

Now, that doesn't work 100% of the time, but it does most of the time, and that's more than enough.
What makes the quickdraw shields so good?
Deadman answered the question, but I wanted to talk about it a bit more informally.

I'm not the biggest mechanic expert, but as I understand it, what it comes down to is that you can expend your shield to block a wide variety of really gnarly attacks.

Sacrificing your shield to block a single enemy heavy attack is a big deal if you're a classical sword-and-board fighter who only has one shield to begin with. But if you have the ability to pull shields out of nothingness like kleenexes out of a box over and over, it lets you no-sell a lot of attacks that would otherwise have hit hard and cost you orthstirr or something else to block.