Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[] House Filuan
[X] Sofia
[X] Gretel
[X] The Black Water Canal
[X] Elementalism

[] Middenland
[] Nordland
[] Amber College
[] Gold College
[] Skull River Ambush
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[X] House Filuan
[ ] Swordplay
[X] Sofia
[X] Gretel
[ ] Middenland
[ ] Nordland
[X] Wissenland
[X] The Black Water Canal
[-] Gold College
[ ] Elementalism
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—The engagement goes very well, probably with another mysterious +20 somewhere, maybe in the casting roll
GBW Quest is left panicking, cause why the fuck were they getting mystery bonuses, and how did everything line up so perfectly, and oh god oh fuck, are they being used as a pawn by Tzeentch or something?
Fated: +20 to spellcasting in the presence of Tzeentchian sorcery, ??? when spellcasting in the presence of Tzeentchian sorcery.
Anyway, vote's open.

[X] Sofia
Practically mandatory imo, as she's going to be an important person in Panoramia's life. Also, Eike needs to meet her new troubled quasi-stepsister.

[X] House Filuan
[X] Middenland
[X] Nordland
Those all fall under "stuff we should really look into sometime sooner than later". If I had to pick one I'd vote for just Middenland because this is the one we haven't looked at the longest, and depending on how the vote goes I might drop the other two, but all of those should be taken soon.

[X] Skull River Ambush
How did we leave this mystery sitting for so long without as much as glancing at the results of the investigation? The mind boggles.
I forgot about this earlier, but now that I've remembered it, I feel obligated to inform the thread that I totally called it. 😎

I think it goes further than that. I think runecraft takes Winds or Earthbound magic and converts it into magic resonant with the nature of reality itself. "The magic in Kragg's hammer heated it until it glowed red in the same way that water flowed downhill, as the inevitable result of inanimate forces."

This implies that runes are part of the thing that isn't reality imposing reality on the winds.

We know that it's a property imposed during the process when AV breaks into winds, rather than reality itself having inertia, from the liminal realm research.

We know runes suck up magic and push out reality.

So I think there's a solid chance that the answers to the questions Mathilde has about the nature of the winds, reality, and the aether can be found in the glittering realm.
OK team, here we go.

[X] Gretel
I want to catch up with her, it's been a while and I'm curious what's going on in the Border Princes.

[X] Middenland
[X] Nordland
I really want to do both of these; I think hitting both in one turn would make for a very interesting combo, as we see the Cult of Ulric and the human-Eonir relationship with parallax. That's where you get the most insight into things: not from one perspective, but from multiple that you can compare and analyze. With political tensions heating up that might affect our work at the Project, we should try to keep abreast of things.

[X] The Black Water Canal
This should have been done years ago if everything went according to plan. Therefore, obviously, things did not go according to plan. I want to see what the fuck happened to knock things behind schedule -- or, optimistically, be there for the opening.

[X] Gold College
It's been a long-ass time since we dropped the skaventech off with the Golds, and I want to see what they've made from it. The thing I am most crossing my fingers for is whether they've figured out how to make farsqueakers work without warpstone: that would revolutionize things for the Empire in ways that really can't be overstated, you look back at the history of the early 20th century and it is astonishing how big a deal radio was for both efforts of war and efforts of peace.

I'll undoubtedly strategically approval-vote stuff as the vote continues, but these are my top five.

Here's some stuff I'm not going to vote for and why: For Sofia, I'd prefer to give Panoramia a little while to get to know her Apprentice before we come sniffing around like the nosey super-spy girlfriend we are -- that just seems polite -- and for the Druchii I'm kind of hoping that in our Library action we manage to backfill a bunch of Imperial books about them before we have to deal with them. Elementalism is neat, but not really relevant to our ongoing projects or friendships, which is what I generally want to prioritize.
[X] Gold College
See what's become of their research into Skaven technology.
[X] Skull River Ambush
Look into the investigation of the mining of the Skull River, and any consequences of it.
[X] Elementalism
Now that you're sitting on a massive stockpile of magical texts, explore what 'Elementalism' actually is from an inside perspective.
[X] Middenland
See how the Ulricans are going with their new Eonir coreligionists.
[X] Nordland
See what's going on with the Ulrican schismatics that Nordland is backing.
[X] The Black Water Canal
Pay another visit to the canal project, and see if there's any further signs of sabotage.
[X] Swordplay
[X] House Filuan
[X] Middenland
[X] Nordland
[X] Elementalism
[X] The Black Water Canal
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[X] House Filuan

Feels a tad time sensitive if the bridge theory is true. Then again, I don't think Boney would have Mathilde act or talk about things the thread is merely planning to do, so I have no idea how that would play out.

[ ] Swordplay

[X] Okri

[X] Gretel

...I'd like to see these just because I'd like to see them, honestly.

[X] Middenland

[X] Nordland

Feels a tad overdue, but I definitely want to poke our noses into the last project member left uninvestigated. I think taking both of these actions might involve the Middenland bit going more into the religious and cultural conflict than just the Elf diplomacy I'm into, but It's not like the conflict is uninteresting and I trust the action to do what it says on the tin.

[X] The Black Water Canal

@picklepikkl pointed out how they're late, so it feels like we should get some answers about that. Canals are cool and exciting.

[ ] Elementalism

Not something I'm incredibly hyped for, but I am definitely curious and it feels cheap as a social action.

EDIT: Refining approval votes.
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[X] Sofia
[X] Gretel
[X] Nordland
[X] House Filuan
[X] The Black Water Canal
[X] Skull River Ambush
[X] Wissenland
[X] Elementalism
[X] Middenland
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[X] Sofia
[X] House Filuan
[X] The Black Water Canal
[X] Druchii Diplomats
[X] Gold College
[X] Skull River Ambush
[X] Elementalism
[X] House Filuan
[X] Sofia
[X] Gretel
[X] The Black Water Canal
[X] Elementalism

Been convinced by neat lore and practicality of looking at how the canal is doing.
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Could this also be the principle behind some sympathetic magic, including some Hedgecraft spells? Earthbound magic drawn from material components retaining a connection to it could maybe explain how, for example, a thorn cut under the evil Chaos moon could be used to make a dagger that's extra strong against evil and Chaos. otoh this seems a lot more involved than "magic from water is related to water", so maybe it's a different thing entirely.

There does seem to be a relation between the two, but it's hard to say whether it's a broader 'conceptual resonance is a thing that happens in magic', or if it's an outright 'sympathetic magic works so well with the four elements (because ???) that it can be a whole field of study on its own'.

Oh, I forgot to ask when I asked about the religious stuff. @Boney is there anything in the Dazh books to imply that He and the other Kiselv Gods are siblings, as Ljiljana said?
...actually now that I think about it can Mathilde even read the books? Are they translated?

Mathilde has picked up bits and pieces of Kislevarin. There's definitely a treatment of the four as being their own pantheon, though no explicit mention of being siblings in the books she has, few of which delve at all into any kind of sacred mysteries. Ursun and Dazh particularly have a close relationship, with it being said that bears sleep during winter because they're sad that Dazh isn't around.
This implies that runes are part of the thing that isn't reality imposing reality on the winds.

We know that it's a property imposed during the process when AV breaks into winds, rather than reality itself having inertia, from the liminal realm research.

We know runes suck up magic and push out reality.

So I think there's a solid chance that the answers to the questions Mathilde has about the nature of the winds, reality, and the aether can be found in the glittering realm.
Which also brings up one terrifying possibility: Someone with knowledge of runecraft and bad intentions could possibly mess with the "thing that isn't reality imposing reality on the winds", changing the nature of the Winds of Magic for the entire world. A good reason to keep Runecraft's inner workings super secret is if it could potentially be used to cause the end of the world.
[ ] Wissenland
Though the Elector Count is his usual self, some of their actions recently have hinted at the hand of someone a great deal defter. Investigate who took the job of his Spymaster after you turned it down.
I'm going to make a wild guess - this is Jack Albright, who was dissapointed to find that Mathilde's Stirland watch was not actually fighting the war below, and has been looking for an opportunity to actually fight the Skaven for a while now. Luckily, Ranald provided him with one.
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