Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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I think this one is the most important to choose. The ships, aliens, and effects aren't worth choosing. The setting and story are fine and we don't need to radically change anything here. Unless we have any major changes to make, characters isn't worth taking, especially if the furthest extent of change is "make them more like people" when this problem was already solved OTL during production and filming as brought up earlier(I have plenty of ideas, just nothing that would be agreed upon by the thread, given that they very distinctly cater to MY style of writing). Remember, this is all we get, the leading plan right now comes off as kind of a waste of potential. What is the Rebel Alliance doesn't seem terribly worth taking either. What is the Empire isn't worth taking either unless we've got major changes to make, because the desire for changes to the Empire seems to fall more in line with showcasing why the Empire is in control in the first place and why people accept it, which can easily be done without taking this specific action, like showcasing things being safer in Empire space, or people being fervently patriotic/chauvinistic about the Empire, or the economy doing much better and places that were doing poorly before are now going strong, and people comparing the state of things now to before during the Galactic Civil War/Clone Wars and before it as well. Sort of like in Avatar: the Last Airbender when we see what life in the Fire Nation is like. The Force I think would be the most impactful choice here and allows to introduce many many later ideas developed in Star Wars and bring them in early, including their actual philosophies and different techniques. It's also what sets Star Wars apart from other Sci-fi, so it would be very important to develop strongly and clearly. The only other one I think could be as impactful is setting, where we establish a lot of later stuff early like Revan and whatnot.
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[X] The Characters
-[X] Make them feel real, they need to be actual people, not just exposition dumps. Write out who they are and then ask with every line 'would Luke/Han/Leia say this?' And go on from there.
[X] The Characters
-[X] Make them feel real, they need to be actual people, not just exposition dumps. Write out who they are and then ask with every line 'would Luke/Han/Leia say this?' And go on from there.
All I ask is... why would we need to increase the budget?

Are we trying to get A Listers on the Payroll?
The Force I think would be the most impactful choice here and allows to introduce many many later ideas developed in Star Wars and bring them in early, including their actual philosophies and different techniques. It's also what sets Star Wars apart from other Sci-fi, so it would be very important to develop strongly and clearly. The only other one I think could be as impactful is setting, where we establish a lot of later stuff early like Revan and whatnot.
I think the Force as it is workes just fine. The basics are all there; there is the Light side and the Dark side, the Light side of the Force is balance and selflessness, which is just as it should be, while the Dark side is obsession and selfishness. It goes on to show how acting in a way to help everyone instead of only yourself is the way to go.

Other interpretations and ideas about it can be done after this movie, or in supplementary TV shows and movies.
All I ask is... why would we need to increase the budget?

Are we trying to get A Listers on the Payroll?
Let George go wild with his love of special effects im sure he could make some magic with the extra cash.
Welll, we would use it on Special Effects, better costumes, better and more durable props and lights, perhaps more cameras that would allow for different shots. If possible perhaps some computer generated effects (computers do exist, if not as powerful as they are now).

For actors, I guess good salaries and a bonus are a must, but I still want us to use the OTL actors (save for Harrison of course, we are Han this time).
Welll, we would use it on Special Effects, better costumes, better and more durable props and lights, perhaps more cameras that would allow for different shots. If possible perhaps some computer generated effects (computers do exist, if not as powerful as they are now).
Hopefully we can get Goerge to Realize its okay to wear underwear in space, so Carrie can be comfortable.

And more durable props.
I really want Lucas to get his pick for Obi Wan, but aside from that for the rest of the cast to be the same except for Han being Bruce, as you say.

And maybe have Leia and Han have a hint of romance instead of Luke and Leia, and maybe have a show spin off for Luke after the trilogy is over (alongside your own tv series anthology pitch after New Hope) or something where we bring in Mara Jade.
[X] The Characters
-[X] Make them feel real, they need to be actual people, not just exposition dumps. Write out who they are and then ask with every line 'would Luke/Han/Leia say this?' And go on from there.
[X] $15 Million
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I think the Force as it is workes just fine. The basics are all there; there is the Light side and the Dark side, the Light side of the Force is balance and selflessness, which is just as it should be, while the Dark side is obsession and selfishness. It goes on to show how acting in a way to help everyone instead of only yourself is the way to go.

Other interpretations and ideas about it can be done after this movie, or in supplementary TV shows and movies.
Hard disagree. The Force is what separates Star Wars from other instances of Sci-Fi. It is the core of what drives Star Wars and to neglect it like what frankly happened in the original trilogy, is a high crime as far as I'm concerned. This is particularly important for Empire, when Yoda is training Luke, in not only explaining the most important part of Star Wars(it's obviously not the reason for it's success, but if you took out the Force, Star Wars would be actually incredibly generic), but also imparting the knowledge necessary to Luke in order for him to begin reviving the Jedi Order in Return. It also allows viewers to understand the conflict between the Sith and Jedi even better and form a strong foundation going forward. Again, the current plan of
[X]The Characters
-[X] Make them feel real, they need to be actual people, not just exposition dumps. Write out who they are and then ask with every line 'would Luke/Han/Leia say this?' And go on from there.
Is a complete waste. Not only was this an issue that was OTL resolved during filming and something that can easily be kept in line during the production, but it's also horribly vague. The current plan isn't anything that a higher roll wouldn't already fix. There's no way that I can support this plan vote.
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I really want Lucas to get his pick for Obi Wan, but aside from that for the rest of the cast to be the same except for Han being Bruce, as you say.
Yeah, I nearly forgot about Toshiro Mifune in my excitement over finally starting the Production.

We need to learn Japanese ASAP now.
And maybe have Leia and Han have a hint of romance instead of Luke and Leia, and maybe have a show spin off for Luke after the trilogy is over (alongside your own tv series anthology pitch after New Hope) or something where we bring in Mara Jade.
I disagree here. The whole Love triangle which was formed thanks to said hint of romance was what gave the eventual romance between Leia and Han the spice it needed, not to mention the shock and sense of everything going wrong for Luke that made the second film so iconic in my opinion.

Mara Jade could be added in with what many fans think should have been done: Heir to the Empire.

Thrawn awaits...
Hard disagree. The Force is what separates Star Wars from other instances of Sci-Fi. It is the core of what drives Star Wars and to neglect it like what frankly happened in the original trilogy, is a high crime as far as I'm concerned. This is particularly important for Empire, when Yoda is training Luke, in not only explaining the most important part of Star Wars(it's obviously not the reason for it's success, but if you took out the Force, Star Wars would be actually incredibly generic), but also imparting the knowledge necessary to Luke in order for him to begin reviving the Jedi Order in Return. It also allows viewers to understand the conflict between the Sith and Jedi even better and form a strong foundation going forward. Again, the current plan of
I'm not saying we ignore the Force, but neither can we just start doing a technical description of what it can and cannot do, its origins, it's differing philosophies, etc., in the story whcih should be about a Rebel Alliance against the Empire. The Force, as George put it in the films was just as it should be; Not too much to overshado everything else, not too little so as to make it irrelevant. It was just right.

After the films we can flesh out the Force in further films dedicated to it, perhaps one about Padawan learning about it, or perhaps a TV show where we see different philosophies disagreeing. But for these films, I think the Force has been given the right amount of exposure.

...Though perhaps we could change the third one? Not that is bad, but out of the three, it is the one that I think could be changed oddly enough.