Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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Anyway..shouldn't we have 7 Actions for this turn?

Reward: Gain 1 Actoin for the rest of the year, due to... anger at MASH's Success.

if so, what should we pick? Carrie's a given (I'm going to say both Carrie Options are going to be chosen). Already stated why Renai research would be beneficial for auto pass (Espesially if we want to get a Uni degree on Renaissance History, we could get more history-related degrees later)
[X] Plan Vengeance
-[X]The MASHTERFUL Reunion: They came crawling back, trying to get you on for a second season. You and everyone else. Lets see who has the Leverege now? DC: 0 (You can negotiate with them. Or you can write in no, and see how they react.)
--[X] we hold them by the balls, tell them you will entratain this as possabilty only if they sign on a much better contract regarding working conditions and money (will make an omake for that contract:)), also reach out to the other actors (that you are in good realtion with, you did sve a few people from the fire) and create some kind of a "union" by convincing them to say those terms are a requirement by everyone. If they refuse, threaten to go public about them endangering people.
-[X]A Date with Carrie: Carrie wants to go on a date with you. You will oblige. DC: 25
--[X] Propose a zoo date, as in a date in the zoo
-[X]Helping Carrie: Carrie has come to you asking for help. Trying to help her kick her Drug Habit. DC 20/50/70
--[X]we need some Omakes.
-[X]Your Birthday: You haven't celebrated your Birthday in two years. Time to enjoy it. DC: ???
--[X] Party hard, like an Hollywood actor who got a nomination for an Emmy
-[X] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15
--[X] auto pass - Renaissance
-[X]The Call of Creation: You want to create something of your own, a story, an idea that maybe, you can shop around to more talented people. DC: ???. Write in what you want to create. Reward: (Your write-in idea will be going through the creative process)
--[X] 1904 Summer Olympics (will need an omake to improve chance!)
CBS only gave Goose and his team a banana and a tape, then force them to make something, or else...

Expectedly, Goose and Co. Sue them to oblivion for the farce.

Unexpectedly, the "taped banana" somehow sold like god, making Goose and Co. Somehow both destroying and saving CBS at the same time.
[X] It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood..
-[X]The MASHTERFUL Reunion: They came crawling back, trying to get you on for a second season. You and everyone else. Lets see who has the Leverege now? DC: 0 (You can negotiate with them. Or you can write in no, and see how they react.)
--[X] Team up with the other actors that hasn't abandoned the ship during the entire run to decide whether or not we should actually continue the series together, or tell the CBS to shove it where they won't see the end of day. (If we do not get convinced, we're not joining for a second season).
-[X]A Date with Carrie: Carrie wants to go on a date with you. You will oblige. DC: 25
--[X] Propose (if possible) a date to the theatre..while no one in the audience notices them somehow.
-[X] Helping Carrie: Carrie has come to you asking for help. Trying to help her kick her Drug Habit. DC 20/50/70
-[X] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15
--[X] Research: Renaissance
-[X]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better.
--[X] Add Tai Chi to meditation practices
-[X]Take Care of Yourself: You don't have anyone to really take care of you. that means you need to take care of yourself. DC 0
--[X] Learn from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, you'll never know what you can learn from him on television.
Movie Pitch: Iron Lung
TITLE: Iron Lung

GENRE: Horror

SUBGENRE: Psychological Horror, Existential Horror

FORMAT: Roughly 80 minutes

BASIC PROMPT: Takes place almost entirely in a small submarine, very isolating. Depicts the Main Character's slow descent into madness before pulling themselves from the brink and reaching surface once again(could be subject to change and simply have them be trapped and not escape which would follow the themes more closely in essentially being left at the bottom and forgotten under the waves, but would be much more nihilistic). The ocean itself is the main horror. Lots of submechanophobia. The ocean has zero regard for you. In any other scenario like being lost in the woods or in the desert, you still have your legs and can still see and move but the ocean does care that we are not adapted to it and that every second that we spend in it without a man made creation leaves us completely at its mercy. The ocean also doesn't care about our understanding of it and it also doesn't care about our monuments. Like with photos of submechnophobia and you see the different great things that we've built and no matter however big or small, sentimental or otherwise, you see them beneath the water and there is this destitute sense of something being forgotten. No matter what level of sentimentality we apply to something, the ocean just does not care and it creates a strange sort of liminal space that while we are looking at it and we wish for there to be some sense of cherishing or memory or simply something sacred, there is none to be found. Roughly 9% of species in the ocean are logged with roughly 20% of the ocean mapped, which means that 80% of the single largest body on the planet is a complete mystery as are many of the events that take place on or within it. The Mariana Trench is so deep that you can take the entirety of Mount Everest, put it at the bottom, and you would still have a mile to go before you reached surface. The largest structure on land and the ocean will take it all and bury it so deep, we would never even know that it had done so in the first place. It is wrong in every sense that something should be wrong, it's inhumane, it's unreasonable, and it's uncaring. The ocean is infinite nothingness and it doesn't even allow the curtesy of being able to see the infinite and absolute abyss. This is the horror that Iron Lung is built off of. The character gets trapped phenomenally deep underwater with a limited supply of oxygen and is slowly going mad from the limited supply of food, of water, of space, of light, and air while also going mad from the isolation and hallucinations that start to plague them and the horrors relating to the cruel and uncaring ocean where things are forgotten.
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Well Actually it was that, and Nam coming to an end.

There is also the fact we might have helped them make a crap load of money too. :V
good point
They said:

If the viewership numbers weren't off the charts, or the critics didn't praise it for its amazing show... the entire show was canceled.

Well shit, that was news you didn't know you were getting this morning.
I forgot about this part
[X] Plan Alt Actions
-[X]The MASHTERFUL Reunion: They came crawling back, trying to get you on for a second season. You and everyone else. Lets see who has the Leverege now? DC: 0 (You can negotiate with them. Or you can write in no, and see how they react.)
--[X] Team up with the other actors that hasn't abandoned the ship during the entire run to decide whether or not we should actually continue the series together, or tell the CBS to shove it where they won't see the end of day. (If we do not get convinced, we're not joining for a second season).
-[X]Take Care of Yourself: You don't have anyone to really take care of you. that means you need to take care of yourself. DC 0
--[X]Go to a Dodger game
-[X]Apartment Blues: You take a look at the apartment, and realized something. Something is wrong, and you are going to fix it. DC: 40
-[X]Finding a Good Match: You want to see if you are in good enough shape to actually beat a professional boxer. It seems you have to do everything yourself now, because your promoter is an idiot. DC: 50/???
-[X]Modeling (High Fashion): So you got a call from a photographer in LA, some no name. But that no name works for Gucci. And he wants you on their next lineup of products. And he needs you to model for him. Which is great… one problem, you have no idea what the hell you are doing. DC: 60
-[X] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC: 40 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)
Come on, we have a birthday, we just got an Emmy nomination, we kinda probably got a girlfriend

We have 10 million dollars, and apartment building.

I think it's time to party, party hard.
[X] Plan: Self-care, Health and Payback

-[X]The MASHTERFUL Reunion: They came crawling back, trying to get you on for a second season. You and everyone else. Lets see who has the Leverege now? DC: 0 (You can negotiate with them. Or you can write in no, and see how they react.)
--(If Possible, negotiate to make this show the best it could be and was always meant to be but with the network reduced to consultory status instead of having total power over production)

-[X]Helping Carrie: Carrie has come to you asking for help. Trying to help her kick her Drug Habit. DC 20/50/70

-[X]Your Birthday: You haven't celebrated your Birthday in two years. Time to enjoy it. DC: ???

-[X]Apartment Blues: You take a look at the apartment, and realized something. Something is wrong, and you are going to fix it. DC: 40

-[X]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better.

-[X] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)
--(Write in: The US Military)