Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
This might sound off topic, but it's been stuck on my mind for a while now. The non-Chaos Gods do have Daemon equivalents of their own. Typically they don't appear unless they've been summoned using Ritual Magic, and their form tends to differ greatly, from being a symbol of the God in question to a famous Venerated Soul or an abstract concept.

What irritates me the most is that their name isn't snappy. They're called "Divine Servants", which is such an underwhelming title in comparison to "Daemon". I've been wondering on what kind of title would fit them best in one word that has a better feel to it. I don't think "Angel" fits very well.
Deva? That's already being used in Ind's lore though.
Maybe Seraphim? Virtues? Seraph?
On the note of swording and apparitions and other fighty-stuff...

I think I've somewhat undervalued the er, value of fighty-stuff in the near future.

Like, the "we need to be able to fight unpredictable hostile action" argument wasn't compelling enough to me by itself, but there actually are quite a few things we want to be good at fighting for in the Waystone Project.

Mainly, negotiation. It's become very apparent that "let me murder an inconvenient part of your schedule" is one of our primary negotiation tactics. It's what Bretonnia wants from us, and it's very plausible that other factions we might try to recruit to the Waystone Project(such as the Ambers) would request similar murderins.

Personally, I'd like to get both a bound Apparition and complete our swordstyle before we go for Bretonnia.

EDIT: Also, Waystone research can involve things like "investigate Athel Loren", which, ah... yeah. I'm sure I don't need to explain why "fight good" could be important there.
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There is a difference between a wood and steel tool that you swing and use everyday, and a stone and mortar fort who's biggest enemy is time.
Doesn't help that for most tools, solid and servicable only differs from a masterwork in the hands of someone already pushing the bounds of their current tool limitations.

Legit not a lot of call for that for civilians.
[X] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
[X] [CASH] Take half
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Apparitions, Powerstones, Aethyr, Wild Magic
[X] [DWARF] Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown, for training (1 gallon AV)
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase
[X] [PURCHASE] Books on Greatswords(Extensive dwarven)
[X] [PURCHASE] Books on Greatswords(Extensive Dwarven, 100 gc), Books on Dancing (Eonir, Extensive and Esoteric, 250 gc)

Oh right. Voting. Approval voting should work right?

Also man gotta say even though I didn't vote for it, cactus fief is pretty damn charming in its bucolic exemplarsism. Also mildly amused by the threads attempt to uplift or 'modernize' things and Boney having to shut it down with "no its not needed and they don't want it," most recent instance being the school. For some reason I'm thinking about vaguely Buddhist schools of thought on simplicity and decreasing attachment being goals to reach for and can't help but kinda-sorta see some of that here. Which is kinda charming to me.

Of course yes, I am the same person who was delighted to learn about the We expanding their desires beyond basic sustenance via the Book trading. And that I suppose would be a case of a sentient forming more attachments to the material world. So why I find both pleasing is something beyond my "Stemlord who's never taken a philosophy or rhetorics or similar class in my damn life" self.
What irritates me the most is that their name isn't snappy. They're called "Divine Servants", which is such an underwhelming title in comparison to "Daemon". I've been wondering on what kind of title would fit them best in one word that has a better feel to it. I don't think "Angel" fits very well.

Deva or Daēva are usually the go-to for order alligned warp-entities in the fandom. Or Living Saints, if you want to go 40K.
[X] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
[X] [CASH] Take half
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Apparitions, Powerstones, Aethyr, Wild Magic
[X] [DWARF] Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown, for training (1 gallon AV)
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase
[X] [PURCHASE] Books on Greatswords(Extensive dwarven)
You're not using any conditioners or shampoo or whatever. You're just running water through your hair using your fingers a couple times. This is a procedure that people had to perform 1400 years ago, often with a bucket of water.
I guess the environment is hot enough that drying isn't an issue? I had long hair for a while, and it took fifteen minutes at least to dry out.
[X] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
[X] [CASH] Take half
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Apparitions, Powerstones, Aethyr, Wild Magic
[X] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr: Metallurgy, Textiles, Athel Loren
[X] [DWARF] Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown, for training (1 gallon AV)
[X] [COLLEGE] No Purchase
There is a difference between a wood and steel tool that you swing and use everyday, and a stone and mortar fort who's biggest enemy is time.

Ehhh through my work I've seen a tooon of work needed to keep buildings just "as is", and sure that experience is with modern buildings with a ton of intricate systems (Hvac, plumbing and anything that needs electricity to start) but I doubt even basic "stone and motor" can even just sit there with no problems whatever. To start moisture, mold and plant growth if you're really going all out on leaving it alone could cause issues. Even for dwarf architecture I'd think anything with enough openings to let people in and out will have to worry about those things.

What I've read stone castles where expensive as fuck to both build (which we'd cover tbf) and maintain, and still don't think Dwarfs craftsmanship equals "no maintenance ever." Can't pull up exact stuff right now, but I do recall mentions how unused Dwarf passageways on the way to K8P had a bunch of stalagmites that broke up marching formation, which would normally be sanded down or cleaned up in an occupied location, and other stuff being iffy from just neglect vs outright enemy defilement. Sure the big vaults and Hall of Records et al were mostly intact, but I have a feeling those might have protection beyond what Mathilde could get or hell, modern Runesmiths could provide. In general I think Dwarfs have more experience with underground construction vs above ground structures which I have to imagine have their own distinct sets of challenges and issues.
I guess the environment is hot enough that drying isn't an issue? I had long hair for a while, and it took fifteen minutes at least to dry out.
40 to 50 celsius in the summer. 20 celsius and below is considered a good day. Besides, most male-presenting Arabs don't have long hair because you're expected to wear a type of headwear that's absolute hell if you have lots of hair. You will hate yourself for growing out your hair.

I say male presenting because I'm one of those people, despite being a woman. Can't even shave my mustache without my mom getting on my ass about it.
[X] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
[X] [CASH] Take half
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Apparitions, Powerstones, Aethyr, Wild Magic
[X] [DWARF] Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown, for training (1 gallon AV)
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase

Very happy to see the fief thriving, and content to check in again down the road rather than just going "okay it's just money exchanging hands" and never looking at it again. I will continue my vigil as a fief-voter when social turns permit it! :V
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From animals. I couldn't find a hard answer on how well that would work on people, but some sources did suggest that early experiments with it were performed this way, and I have read somewhere that animal insulin works in humans.
Adrenaline is a (small molecule) hormone and very old, evolutionary speaking, as it's very close to the neurotransmitter noradrenaline; it uses the same receptors, though they have different affinities for the different varieties of adrenergic receptors. So human adrenaline is exactly the same as pig adrenaline. Though if I remember correctly, adrenaline is rather sensitive to oxidation, so at the Empire's tech level the resulting medicine would probably break down rather quickly.
Insulin is a peptide hormone, meaning it's a short sequence of amino acids, which can differ between species due to genetic drift. The more distantly related, the more different amino acids in the sequence. This means pig insulin can be, and was, used to treat humans, though the small differences in a few amino acids made it less effective than human (or humanized) insulin.
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Adrenaline is a (small molecule) hormone and very old, evolutionary speaking, as it's very close to the neurotransmitter noradrenaline; it uses the same receptors, though they have different affinities for the different varieties of adrenergic receptors. So human adrenaline is exactly the same as pig adrenaline. Though if I remember correctly, adrenaline is rather sensitive to oxidation, so at the Empire's tech level the resulting medicine would probably break down rather quickly.
Insulin is a peptide hormone, meaning it's a short sequence of amino acids, which can differ between species due to genetic drift. The more distantly related, the more different amino acids in the sequence. This means pig insulin can, and was, used to treat humans, though the small differences in a few amino acids made it less effective than human (or humanized) insulin.

Thanks for the irl stuff! Wonder if WHF life being explicitly bioengineered by a single civ might have a general increase in biocompatibility between the proteins, cell receptors, etc of various otherwise distinct species. Why program whatever machine or technique you use to churn out stuff give different t-cell receptors to different 'species' when the same set works for most life?
Thanks for the irl stuff! Wonder if WHF life being explicitly bioengineered by a single civ might have a general increase in biocompatibility between the proteins, cell receptors, etc of various otherwise distinct species. Why program whatever machine or technique you use to churn out stuff give different t-cell receptors to different 'species' when the same set works for most life?
The Old Ones were not perfect. They used existing biological material from the planet itself for their creations and modified the existing creatures to suit their needs, and often ended up making mistakes that they didn't expect. They also wiped out all "undesirable" elements, but some of those elements still remain, such as Greenskins.

This isn't to say that the Old Ones wouldn't have tried something like that, just that it might not have turned out uniform in the end.
Thanks for the irl stuff! Wonder if WHF life being explicitly bioengineered by a single civ might have a general increase in biocompatibility between the proteins, cell receptors, etc of various otherwise distinct species. Why program whatever machine or technique you use to churn out stuff give different t-cell receptors to different 'species' when the same set works for most life?
That is very close to a real life argument I've seen people use for intelligent design, yes. :V

(But let's not go into that)
@Boney If we want a Celestial on hand for bookmining next turn, do we need to do the hiring now, or can we do it as an addition to the bookmining action in next turn's plan?
Can't go back and change things for our previous bad rolls on Branarhune, but we can at least try to finish strong. 250gc is whatever, we're still money-positive on the turn.
Welp, nevermind.

[X] [PURCHASE] Books on Greatswords (Extensive Dwarven)
Just wondering, why are we buying only Extensive Dwarven and not the Eonir books too?
Something like this?

[] [PURCHASE] Books on Greatswords (Extensive Dwarven, Extensive & Esoteric Eonir)

I don't think money is a concern, considering we're on track to steal earn 400 gc from the fief.

EDIT: oops, gotta work on my reading comprehension :V
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@Boney If we want a Celestial on hand for bookmining next turn, do we need to do the hiring now, or can we do it as an addition to the bookmining action in next turn's plan?
Yeah, options for bringing along various flavours of buddies will be available if that action is taken.
We've done this before (twice), and both times hiring wizards was a turnplan action and not a purchase round thing.
Just wondering, why are we buying only Extensive Dwarven and not the Eonir books too?
Something like this?

[X] [PURCHASE] Books on Greatswords (Extensive Dwarven, Extensive & Esoteric Eonir)

I don't think money is a concern, considering we're on track to steal earn 400 gc from the fief.
They would count as military so the Eonir are out, but through Gunnars she could get up to Extensive in Dwarven Greatsword books.
Just wondering, why are we buying only Extensive Dwarven and not the Eonir books too?
Something like this?

[X] [PURCHASE] Books on Greatswords (Extensive Dwarven, Extensive & Esoteric Eonir)

I don't think money is a concern, considering we're on track to steal earn 400 gc from the fief.
They would count as military so the Eonir are out, but through Gunnars she could get up to Extensive in Dwarven Greatsword books.
For future reference, Boney has updated the Organizations threadmark with our book purchase availability
Book purchase availability:
Empire: Mundane, Divine up to Extensive (via Barak Varr bookseller), Magical (via Colleges of Magic)
Bretonnian: Mundane up to Extensive, Divine up to Extensive (via Barak Varr bookseller)
Dwarven: Mundane, Divine up to Extensive (via Barak Varr bookseller)
Eonir: Mundane, Divine, no military topics (via Library of Mournings)
EDIT: Weber'd. Well, at least I get to tell you about the update to the organizations threadmark.
Does anyone remember when we were given the first OOC post about the Everchosen tournament? Or have a link to the post? I've skipped a lot of discussion when I was reading, so I missed it.
Ok so it looks like we are going to go all out so we can come back in 3-7 years and find out how the sheep project worked out. If it is successful than we can make looms , salty brine for cheese, pots for storage , and salt for mutton.

As for Eike I want to go all out on her ceremony, like a Bat Mitzvah for a rich girl in New York. Which technically she is if you think about it, rich that is. Also I kind of want to do it just to mess with her. I have so many scenes I want to see with Eike. Like when we introduce her to a skaven, her first plot against authorities in the empire, plotting against evil forces, or the first time she steals something from a enemy of man.
Voting is open