Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Personally I think we need to ask Johann and Max to learn enchanting.

To build on this, it's not that I think this needs to happen immediately but it is something that we need to have happen so Max and Johann can help with what will be our most important project for Webmat which is wind herding. AV is a solo project which is why I want to go through it asap, wind herding will need us to have our own pool of trained enchanters to work with us(webmat) unless we want to spend boat loads of CF.

Webmat should also be leveraged for the waystone project where applicable as well but that's just a sensible use of resources.
[X] Plan Don't Ignore Engrim

Even though I have no clue who this Engrim is :p
I like the meta idea that mathy spent a while planing out the months, then went to bed… only to wake up in a start and yell 'shit, I forgot the Light Wizard is moving in this week!'
[x] Plan Don't Ignore Engrim
- [x] JOHANN: Have Johann spend time getting to know Kadoh, who has expressed an interest in meeting the 'fist metal-Mage'.
- [x] EGRIMM: Work with him using windherding to combine Dazzle and Bewilder in a spell combo.
- [x] MAX: Go through every library of the Colleges you can access for any scrap of information about Waystones.
- [x] Attempt to bring a Karak's Runesmiths into the Waystone Project (Karak Azul)
-- [x] COIN: The Gambler
- [x] Furnish the living spaces of the Waystone Project HQ (600gc)
- [x] Immerse yourself in the culture of the 'Cityborn' Toriour inhabitants of Tor Lithanel
- [x] Investigate how the Vitae reacts with Divine Magic.
- [x] EIC: Have a blackpowder factory built in Wurtbad.
- [x] SERENITY: Observations of Karag Dum and its unusual guardian
You can use write+dictate for just one paper if you want to.
Sure, but that's just shooting ourselves in the foot. What I mean is that to use Max's bonuses efficiently we had to write 2 papers for 2 AP (1 personal, 1 Max's half-AP) because his actions didn't include us by default. Can we now write 1 paper with 1 Max's WEBMAT AP retaining his bonus since it is now a collaborative action even without personal AP?
Sure, but that's just shooting ourselves in the foot. What I mean is that to use Max's bonuses efficiently we had to write 2 papers for 2 AP (1 personal, 1 Max's half-AP) because his actions didn't include us by default. Can we now write 1 paper with 1 Max's WEBMAT AP retaining his bonus since it is now a collaborative action even without personal AP?

That seems reasonable. I'll try to remember to tweak the wording properly for next turn, but for now I'll just say '[ ] MAX: Write a paper' will receive the bonus.
To build on this, it's not that I think this needs to happen immediately but it is something that we need to have happen so Max and Johann can help with what will be our most important project for Webmat which is wind herding. AV is a solo project which is why I want to go through it asap, wind herding will need us to have our own pool of trained enchanters to work with us(webmat) unless we want to spend boat loads of CF.

Webmat should also be leveraged for the waystone project where applicable as well but that's just a sensible use of resources.
If we are planning to use Max/Johann for winderherding enchantments then getting them the lessons is absolutely something we should do ASAP rather than waiting until the turn before we plan to use them. At least that way they will have some time to upgrade their own gear and get some experience in. It would be extremely irresponsible to have them do babies first enchanting course then immediately expect them to start windherding straight afterwards with no real experience in regular enchanting
[X] Plan WEB-MAT & Culture

Would quite strongly prefer we limit ourselves to one blue-sky research action per turn until we're at least somewhat better entrenched in our new position. There's a lot of stuff to get done for the Waystone project & our backlog isn't getting realistically smaller any time soon.
I've been thinking about which Cults with a significant Empire presence might know something about the Waystones.
  • Taal - The Cult of the God of the Wilds is most likely to know the locations of remote Waystones. (I have a hunch that they might know more too, but I can't quite put my finger on why.)
  • Rhya - As much as we love Rhya and her friends, I don't see this falling under her spheres at all.
  • Manaan - worship of Manaan is nigh-universal amongst sailors of every race, which does grant them great reach. This doesn't seem like something they'd know a lot about, but consider that the oceans are vast, and the Waystone Network sends magic across them to a specific destination, apparently without any Waystones along the way to send it on further. Depending on how this problem is handled, or if it's even a problem at all, Manaan's Cult might well know something.
  • Ulric - There is no obvious area that Ulricans would know about the Waystones through, though we do have something of an "in" there.
  • Morr - It's possible that their constant watch for an obvious effect of ambient dhar might have led them to discover the Waystones attempting to solve this problem, especially in Sylvania.
  • Verena - the Goddess of Learning has probably picked up a particularly eclectic mix of information by sheer dint of the subject being obscure secrets. Might be tricky to access though, given the ongoing Marienburg troubles.
  • Myrmidia - It feels like something of a cop-out to say they might know about Tilean and Estalian Waystones just because she's based in Estalia, but it might be the case purely by the size of their presence in those regions.
  • Shallya - Maybe we can ask the Lahmians if th-ahahahaha but seriously, not her field.
  • Ranald - We can ask and probably get a straight answer, but probably nothing to work with here.
  • Sigmar - Last on the list because he sucks. Hates magic because he sucks. His Cult is doctrinally obligated to help out if we get a Runesmith to ask (and also probably Mathilde, but best not to poke that bear if we can avoid it.)

Amongst the minor Gods I will specifically call out Sheirrich as being a God of Wind, which is interesting for obvious reasons. A pretty massive caveat being that Sheirrich exists entirely as a fart joke, according to the wiki.

It's also not implausible that some Dwarven Cults retain specific knowledge lost to the Runesmiths.
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