Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] Panoramia, to properly finishing catching up with her.
[X] The Karak Azul Architects, to get to know their ideas for the potential layouts of the Library in detail.
[X] Middenland, to see how the Ulricans are going with their new Eonir coreligionists.
[X] Karak Vlag, to see if they've been talked out from behind their fortifications yet.
[X] Eike, as she begins her tutelage at the Grey College.
[X] The Amber College, to check in on the salamanders.
[X] Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.
[X] Pay a visit to your fief, to see if anything has changed. It probably hasn't.
[X] Eike, as she begins her tutelage at the Grey College.
[X] Altdorf, to witness the octenniel duels for the position of Supreme Patriarch.
[X] Karak Vlag, to see if they've been talked out from behind their fortifications yet.
[X] The Amber College, to check in on the salamanders.
[X] The Gold College, to see what's become of their research into Skaven technology.
[X] Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.
[X] Pay a visit to your fief, to see if anything has changed. It probably hasn't.

Because I'm curious.
[X] Eike, as she begins her tutelage at the Grey College.
[X] Altdorf, to witness the octenniel duels for the position of Supreme Patriarch.
[X] Karak Vlag, to see if they've been talked out from behind their fortifications yet.
[X] Eike, as she begins her tutelage at the Grey College.
[X] Panoramia, to properly finishing catching up with her.

The only two important things. :V
@Humbaba, nice omake! Those last few letters had lots of feels.

A few more thoughts:
  • I'm sort of hyped by the idea of a Vampire Mathilde who hides away doing research and emerges to wreck shit. The obvious short-term plan is going to Sylvania and wrecking everything that moves with the Second Secret, but after that there are many places we could visit! This might finally be a good opportunity to go back to the Chaos Dwarves and start wrecking shit! More Skaven adventures could be on the table! There are lots of ridiculously dangerous places I'd be interested in visiting if we got a massive power boost while also losing our current duties and connections.
  • Don't forget the following possibility: "she becomes something new with its own odd weaknesses she has to discover and hide". Or even "whatever she becomes is sufficiently distinct from a vampire that she can uses the Coin to lie to the College about how she achieved it and simply continue her life".
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! :) One of the bigger plotlines Mathilde could interact with in a Vampire story is the Hell Pit or Chaos Dwarves plots, since we were explicitly warned that one of the consequences of seeing that might be Mathilde picking up her big 'break glass in case of apocalypse' hammer.

Vampires have no problem manipulating Shyish, Ghyran is the wind they cannot use.
Oops. For some reason I got confused thinking it was the wind of death as it has anti-undead spells like ward against abomination. Fixed.

rolls to not explode
That bodes poorly.

Anyway, votes.

[X] Panoramia, to properly finishing catching up with her.
[X] Altdorf, to witness the octenniel duels for the position of Supreme Patriarch.
[X] Eike, as she begins her tutelage at the Grey College.
[X] The Karak Azul Architects, to get to know their ideas for the potential layouts of the Library in detail.
[X] Belegar, to discuss who will be Loremaster after you.

I'm torn between Belegar and the library so approval voting both.
[X] Eike, as she begins her tutelage at the Grey College.
[X] Altdorf, to witness the octenniel duels for the position of Supreme Patriarch.
[X] Panoramia, to properly finishing catching up with her.
It's interesting how fast Mathy has gone from comparing the prince unfavorably to Wolf to lavishing attention on Eike. I would suspect IC that is because she does not know how to handle small children, but that cannot be it since she came from a large peasant family. Maybe it's sense of protectiveness she feels towards Eike that the prince does not evoke. After all who would he need protecting from?
Apart from the above arguments which I agree with I think it should be noted that Social Actions do not have that sort of long term effect that an 'improvement' would bring regardless. That is not what they are for.

Vote for what seems fun guys not for any notion of efficiency. The latter is what proper action votes are for.

I know, I only wanted to debate the arguement that seeing the design would help make it right.

Still, social actions tend to give a lot of information that we can base our future regular actions on.
[x] Karak Vlag, to see if they've been talked out from behind their fortifications yet.
[X] Eike, as she begins her tutelage at the Grey College.
[X] Panoramia, to properly finishing catching up with her.
[X] Panoramia, to properly finishing catching up with her.
[X] Altdorf, to witness the octenniel duels for the position of Supreme Patriarch.
[X] Eike, as she begins her tutelage at the Grey College.
[X] Karak Vlag, to see if they've been talked out from behind their fortifications yet.
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Yes, as I mentioned in the same post you quoted, that one doesn't fit, because in addition to being wildly implausible, Mathilde doesn't miss -

....oh good gods. It's not Mathilde doing the missing, is it?

@BoneyM, speaking purely hypothetically, why would you do that to yourself?!
Not sure if you saw it but BoneyM made this post a bit after the roll, but before the update:
To stop speculation going too nuts, here's a minor spoiler for the coming chapter:

Mathilde rolled a crit on Branarhune and needs a sneaky-type trainer so she doesn't have to reinvent the art of going from zero to murder as innocently as possible.

1: Francesco knows some Tulio and Miguel types
2: Soizic knows a thing or two from her pre-Knight days - Bretonnian women have cultivated the art of 'accidentally' stabbing someone with a sharpened fan if need be, preserving both their person and their demure reputation
3: A Witch-Hunter
4: Heideck
5: Wait and see
6: Eshin-friend
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It's interesting how fast Mathy has gone from comparing the prince unfavorably to Wolf to lavishing attention on Eike. I would suspect IC that is because she does not know how to handle small children, but that cannot be it since she came from a large peasant family. Maybe it's sense of protectiveness she feels towards Eike that the prince does not evoke. After all who would he need protecting from?
Eike is significantly older than Mandred.

As for votes, I'll just go with my customary "every follow-up except the Fief, which it hasn't been long enough yet for" votes.

[x] The Amber College, to check in on the salamanders.
[x] The Gold College, to see what's become of their research into Skaven technology.
[x] Karak Vlag, to see if they've been talked out from behind their fortifications yet.
[x] Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.
It's interesting how fast Mathy has gone from comparing the prince unfavorably to Wolf to lavishing attention on Eike. I would suspect IC that is because she does not know how to handle small children, but that cannot be it since she came from a large peasant family. Maybe it's sense of protectiveness she feels towards Eike that the prince does not evoke. After all who would he need protecting from?

'Does not know how to handle small children' can totally be it, as can 'does not like small children'.

Eike is a lot older than Mandred and is also currently going through something that Mathilde knows a lot about. Having the common ground of 'has magic, going to be a Grey' is plenty for the basis of a bond, and its common ground that (... probably) doesn't exist with Mandred.
[X] Panoramia, to properly finishing catching up with her.
[X] Eike, as she begins her tutelage at the Grey College.
[X] Karak Vlag, to see if they've been talked out from behind their fortifications yet.
[X] Altdorf, to witness the octenniel duels for the position of Supreme Patriarch.
Hmm @BoneyM two minor things: 1. you didn't include the spoiler with "unfinished business" at the start of the update like you normally do for split turns and 2. while the organization information post has updated to include the EIC's 'Minor presence in Barak Varr and Ulrikadrin.', the 'Information being collected and supplied to Mathilde:' section doesn't list the new Karnos cult informants

[X] Belegar, to discuss who will be Loremaster after you.
[X] Panoramia, to properly finishing catching up with her.
[X] The Karak Azul Architects, to get to know their ideas for the potential layouts of the Library in detail.
[X] Altdorf, to witness the octenniel duels for the position of Supreme Patriarch.
[X] Eike, as she begins her tutelage at the Grey College.

And as long as i'm here, its been a while since i've shown any diffcheckers:

Char Sheet 06/01 - 06/15 - Diffchecker

Char Sheet 06/01 - 06/15 - [QUOTE="BoneyM, post: 10000102, member: 21872"] Character Sheet [spoiler='Portraits'] [IMG]https://

Only interesting things i see are 'Greatsword, Master (2*/4)', where i assume the crit is being represented as the *, and that i dont think i saw anyone comment on our new tower's names:

Purple Tower:
Basic Shyish Battery

Yellow Tower:
Basic Chamon Battery

Brown Tower:
Basic Ghur Battery

Beige Tower:
Basic Hysh Battery

Beige... poor Hysh tower XD

Also, the collection of important information had two new paper modifications added:
Popular, +1: Concerning a topic that, for whatever reason, is currently in vogue, causing the paper to gather more attention than it otherwise would.
Unpopular, -1: Concerning a topic that is unfashionable, controversial, or awkward, that might cause some to remain silent where they would otherwise give praise.
[X] Eike, as she begins her tutelage at the Grey College.
[X] Altdorf, to witness the octenniel duels for the position of Supreme Patriarch.
[X] Belegar, to discuss who will be Loremaster after you.
[X] The Gold College, to see what's become of their research into Skaven technology.
It's interesting how fast Mathy has gone from comparing the prince unfavorably to Wolf to lavishing attention on Eike. I would suspect IC that is because she does not know how to handle small children, but that cannot be it since she came from a large peasant family. Maybe it's sense of protectiveness she feels towards Eike that the prince does not evoke. After all who would he need protecting from?
Or we have better chances influencing her than daring to try to win against someone who managed to pose as a Vampire count as a mortal.
Eshin-Friend nooooo! so close! :cry:.

I like to think he observed our progress from the shadows, judged it sufficient, and after nodding sagely vanished back into the shadows.

[X] Altdorf, to witness the octenniel duels for the position of Supreme Patriarch.

[X] Pay a visit to your fief, to see if anything has changed. It probably hasn't.

[X] Karak Vlag, to see if they've been talked out from behind their fortifications yet.

[X] Eike, as she begins her tutelage at the Grey College.
[X] Eike, as she begins her tutelage at the Grey College.
[X] Altdorf, to witness the octenniel duels for the position of Supreme Patriarch.
[X] Panoramia, to properly finishing catching up with her.
[X] The Karak Azul Architects, to get to know their ideas for the potential layouts of the Library in detail.

I agree it's early to check on Vlag. We could probably get in if we wanted to, but It'd be nice to give them *relative* time to get tidy. If we're going to be Head Librarian, then taking an interest in the physical layout of our Library seems like a good idea to me. I'm looking forward to the duels.
It's interesting how fast Mathy has gone from comparing the prince unfavorably to Wolf to lavishing attention on Eike. I would suspect IC that is because she does not know how to handle small children, but that cannot be it since she came from a large peasant family. Maybe it's sense of protectiveness she feels towards Eike that the prince does not evoke. After all who would he need protecting from?
She probably sees more of herself in Eike, than Mandred.

Also, Mathilde's initial reaction to Mandred was determined by dice, while the reaction to Eike was determined by "cute"
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