Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] Karak Eight Peaks
[X] Praag
[X] Laurelorn
[X] Marienburg
[X] Nagashizzar

I know we're not supposed to relitigate votes that lost but... I wanna. Second coming woo!
Now the ideal solution would be for all male magic users in Kislev to simply be trained in a separate style of magic, and that appears to be slowly happening, but the existence of any alternative schooling system for male wizards is relatively new. I also wouldn't be surprised if the vampire who seized control of Kislev had been slowing the spread of such outside training during her rule to avoid strengthening her neighbor.
This is actually addressed in-quest:

Truth be told, you're a little nervous. Kislev and the Empire are on generally good terms, but Ice Witches and the Colleges of Magic are not. Kislev apparently has a prophecy that a male Ice Witch will one day permanently taint Ice Magic, so any magically-sensitive Kislevites are forbidden from using magic and are killed if they are suspected of doing so - or they were, until relatively recently when they instead crossed the border into the Empire and made their way to the Colleges of Magic, which accepted them with open arms. So they might not look kindly at a request for aid from a Wizard of the Colleges.
The Ice Witches are very much Not Happy with the 'ideal solution' of training Kislev men in other styles of magic.
Graf Boris X Todbringer

... I know that it is his name, but my dumb shipper brain really, really wants to misinterpret this.

Very possible for this guy I guess:

Marius Leitdorf

"Sigmar preserve us, but I often put much more trust in the Dwarfs than I do in my fellow Electors." —Count Marius Leitdorf of Averland.[2a] Marius Leitdorf, known most infamously as the Mad Count of Averland, was the late Elector Count of Averland, counted as one of the bravest, albeit most...
It means you have eight times as much potential fuel and no conceptual limitations on what you can do with it.
I'd argue that it is even better than that. I strongly suspect that High Magic benefits from a form of synergy such that were you to take all the winds of magic and use them for a high magic spell and do the same for mono wind spells via 8 spellcasters, the high magic would have a higher value. Of course, this would be all but impossible to test, as I strongly doubt that Elven High mages are willing to use it so we can write papers on the subject. Quite selfish of them, really.
It means you have eight times as much potential fuel and no conceptual limitations on what you can do with it.
So you could add Chamon, Hysh, Ghur or Azyr to spells targeting armoured foes, demons, beasts or flying foes. Or put a Shysh effect in your fire battle magic spells to terrify the ennemies, heal with a combination of Hysh and Ghyran, buff with a mix of Chamon, Hysh and Ghyran to have better armor, move faster and be more endurant, ... It's good High Magic is balanced in the tabletop and Total War😏
Personally i think it would be better for the world if Marienburg was reunited with the Empire, but would prefer that it happens relatively peacefully.
Agreed with both points. It won't break my heart if Marienburg's attempted monopoly-preserving economic extortion results in a more violent reunion - if you fuck around, be prepared to find out it wasn't actually smart to do that. But as far as ideal outcomes go a peaceful reunification would almost certainly be much better.

And I only qualify that as "almost" certainly because if Marienburg is retaken by force after a casus bellum provided by Marienburg, IMO that's a sufficiently-plausible excuse to confiscate an appreciable portion of the Directorate's wealth. Which would be a major boon to the Imperial treasury that could buy a lot of defenses and/or progress, and I will literally never cry for the super-rich losing a portion of their wealth to finance things that can benefit everybody.
I think the bigger issue is being so relatively close to the Chaos Wastes that if we actually do achieve significant progress...expecting an interrupt to be too easy.
I saw a take from someone on this that I quite liked. To wit: a Chaos attack aimed at disrupting Waystones research isn't a problem. It's an opportunity for a combined force of elves, dwarves, Imperial Wizards, and whatever Kislev fields to kick Chaos's dick off. Don't think of the Fire Spire as a tower. Think of it as an enormous middle finger to Chaos that we can live in.
Living in the Fire Spire also means having the ability to write papers on the invading Chaos gribblies before any others, an important factor that will prove its worth once the Evermammoth arrives and we get papers on it published. :V
I kinda doubt we'd be working in the actual Fire Spire, though.

It's cursed.

(Well, I mean, literally all of Pragg is cursed*, but the Fire Spire has the whole "none who enter return" thing going on)

*I think it's fair to say that when main street has to be cleaned every morning from the blood that welled up from the cobblestones
I saw a take from someone on this that I quite liked. To wit: a Chaos attack aimed at disrupting Waystones research isn't a problem. It's an opportunity for a combined force of elves, dwarves, Imperial Wizards, and whatever Kislev fields to kick Chaos's dick off. Don't think of the Fire Spire as a tower. Think of it as an enormous middle finger to Chaos that we can live in.
I concur. Without having seen the update in which we find out more, my preliminary ranking is K8P > Grey College > Laurelorn > Everything Else. But the primary attraction of Praag to me that might cause me to go for it in the final vote isn't "ice witches" and "Karak Vlag," it's that building your multinational Fuck Chaos crew in a city that Chaos recently soaked in blood and corruption is objectively very funny. It has the largest "turning your back on the battlefield so you can moon the enemy" factor, and that's not nothing. we need to plan a heist to steal Teclis and hold him captive in Altdorf? (He'd probably view it as a holiday.)

EDIT: Actually now that I think about wherever we end up going for the project we really should abduct Teclis.
Teclis looks both ways outside of his room
"Help, I'm being abducted"

"Now, quick, let's leave before they actually send help."

That means that if we base our operations in Praag, we can't hire Teclis, right? That's an instant disqualification then.
Teclis has the great advantage of being able to respond to being told to leave with "make me".
I kinda doubt we'd be working in the actual Fire Spire, though.
Update suggested otherwise:
You got along well with Ljiljana and Ranald is up to something up north, so Kislev might be another - it might be nice for the Fire Spire to rule Praag's skyline once more.
Sure, it might be a bit of a fixer-upper, but our project should have both means and motivation for cleansing the Fire Spire that the magic users of Kislev lack. Hysh is good for this kind of thing and we'll likely be aiming to involve the Light College anyway, and we can personally attest to how effective dwarven runework can be at warding off or cleansing Dhar. It's true that Kislev might have been able to source something like that themselves, but the Ice Witches never cared for the original Fire Spire and IIRC have canonically literally never tried to do anything to cleanse it because they don't care, and while the Hag Witches have some anti-Chaos spells they also don't fuck around with cities in the first place. I think being the ones to rehabilitate the Fire Spire would be very viable, and it appears as if Mathilde does as well.
That means that if we base our operations in Praag, we can't hire Teclis, right? That's an instant disqualification then.
Teclis is an elf, and so I don't see he'd be a matter of concern to them. No more than Kragg, anyway.

Besides, it's also not like they're incapable of working with male mages. We had a few on the expedition, and they weren't spontaneously murdered. I'd say it' similar to the "foreign mages can't work for the colleges, but they can work with them": A bit of trickery making use of technicalities and lot of looking somewhere else, because the strict reading leads to nasty diplomatic incidents, and nobody is all that eager for it, but some might if the alternative is an unacceptable precedent. We shouldn't bring Max or Johann to work with us there, because having male wizards constantly hanging around gives people ideas like "Maybe I can actually use magic without inevitably falling to corruption", which the ice witches are not ok with. On the other hand, it's (relatively) well known that elfs play by different rules, so having Teclis around isn't a threat to the status quo the same way.
Voting is open