Maybe, a bit. Not sure how much of our intrigue does not depend on our magic. I remember us creating a spy network, but I forgot how we did it.
teach him about intrigue, and how to see the world.
2) She's the awesome crazy aunt who talks to giant spider swarms and dragons and runs around murderizing WAAAGHs when not teaching the young impressionable kid about how to not piss of dawi.
Sounds like a great thing for two or several write-ins between the turns, which we could have doing anything (besides going to Lustria I guess).
That said, so far there has been nothing about Mathilde that would make her a bad parent, apart from workaholism. And Mathilde is not that young, she was a young adult when the quest started, over a decade ago, if not for the whole wizard thing, she could have kids nearing adulthood by now.
I agree. At the same time, I don't know what would make her a good/exceptional parent. What of our mindset or life-rules would we like to impart? That's a very interesting thing which I'm struggling to understand, for now. I am pretty sure there is something there and I'd like to understand it. What made Mathilda great (except powers of Ulgu).