Trust me I get it, I want ogre archers as well. However, I have to admit that the actual immediacy of them is not super needed from IC perspective.We need ogre archers because we WANT them to focus fire on heavies that the enemy has. Has everyone forget the power of each ogre specialized unit that we had?
Our thunderbringers MULCHED the opening orc army and served as both heavy mobile artillery and defenders of our own artillery for years.
In the first Laurelorn, our pulverizors held the line significantly and distracted darn near the entire beastmen army that our allies could rally once more.
Having a 100 ogre archers to focus fire onto heavy units and elites as well heroes, IS Important more so when the shit storm hits. Not to mention we are also gathering all available Ogre that worship Taal, where they can operate as our rangers far more effectively. I rather we gather our specialist first before letting them go into the beast path.
I also waited for 3 years for the day we got Ogre Archers. Please, can we get it?
That's a good point.
Brotherhood of Alms, Painted Ladies and White Company would be my picks if adding more mercs.
Just how many canons does averland have now? We have been selling to them for what feels like half a decade. I imagine that Blackfire pass looks like a literal wall of guns at this point.
Best step off Of Empire territory son.
The fact that he (Averland) has been buying a large portion of Ostland's yearly production capacity of cannon (who rivals Nuln) for almost a solid decade with no sign of stopping.
Come to think of it, how many pieces of cannons and guns he has bought from us now?
Not that I am complaining about the money thougg.
That's simply to deliver quality gear in large numbers. At the time, Freddy had yet to stamp down on the engineer sabotage. Which will be a problem if any of that sabotage is still in existence or can reoccur.I'm not sure if we have ever been given solid numbers. But it needs so many Engineers to produce and maintain, our Research has been handicapped the entire time.
Come to think of it, how many pieces of cannons and guns he has bought from us now?
Not that I am complaining about the money thougg.
Guns and Cannons? Zero. Nuln has an exclusive contract with Averland for those.(Weapon Catalogue: Boomdiscs, Deathspinners, Doomspheres, Bird Bombers, Hohenzollern Cocktails)
That's wrong. You started from the wrong post, which was when the votes were already being voted upon. Torroar interupted the voting tally with a post.Vote pretty close so far with only one difference between leading opinions.
Adhoc vote count started by Massgamer on Jan 9, 2021 at 8:32 AM, finished with 185 posts and 37 votes.
[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
[X] Go Down
[X] Why Not?
[X]Trofurt Estates
[X]Plan: Prelude to the Beast Storm
-[X]Gold Testing
-[X]Intensive Hunting
-[X]Ogre Archery
-[X] Purchase Additional Mercenaries
--[X]Helmut's Free Company
--[X]Perdición de Los Nórdicos
--[X]The Smoking Manticores
-[X] Galley Focus *
-[X] Checking For Yourself
-[X] Extra Careful
-[X] An Open Hand
-[X] Stirland Soils – By Handrich:
-[X] Have Laws, Need Judges:
-[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians
-[X] Debating Rhya
-[X] Equivalent Exchange
-[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger
-[X] Corporate Espionage - Geisen:
-[X] A Little More Conversation
-[X] Imperial Fighting Patronage
-[X] Tutoring The Herd
[X]Plan: Prelude with Beast Paths
-[X]Gold Testing
-[X]Intensive Hunting
-[X] Tracking Beast-Paths
-[X] Purchase Additional Mercenaries
--[X]Helmut's Free Company
--[X]Perdición de Los Nórdicos
--[X]The Smoking Manticores
-[X] Galley Focus *
-[X] Checking For Yourself
-[X] Extra Careful
-[X] An Open Hand
-[X] Stirland Soils – By Handrich:
-[X] Have Laws, Need Judges:
-[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians
-[X] Debating Rhya
-[X] Equivalent Exchange
-[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger
-[X] Corporate Espionage - Geisen:
-[X] A Little More Conversation
-[X] Imperial Fighting Patronage
-[X] Tutoring The Herd
[X] Plan Nautical Caution
-[X]Gold Testing
-[X]Intensive Hunting
-[X]Ogre Archery
-[X] Purchase Additional Mercenaries
--[X]Helmut's Free Company
--[X]Perdición de Los Nórdicos
--[X]The Smoking Manticores
-[X] Wolf Focus
-[X] Greatship 6
-[X] Extra Careful
-[X] An Open Hand
-[X] Northern Soils – Cold
-[X] Lumbering Heat
-[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians
-[X] Debating Rhya
-[X] Equivalent Exchange
-[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger
-[X] Weighty Weiss
-[X] A Little More Conversation
-[X] Imperial Fighting Patronage
-[X] Tutoring The Herd
[X] An unnamed area some 15 miles northeast of Dunkelstal
[X] Plan: Getting too old for this shit
-[X] Tracking Beast-Paths
-[X]Gold Testing
-[X]Ogre Archery
-[X] Extra Careful
-[X] Checking For Yourself
-[X] Galley Focus *
-[X] Stirland Soils – By Morr
-[X] Northern Soils - Warmth
-[X] Lumbering Heat
-[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians
-[X] A Pilgrimage Of Cold Fire DD
-[X] Debating Rhya
-[X] Corporate Warfare – Rutger
-[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger
-[X] Imperial Fighting Patronage
-[X] Tutoring The Herd
-[X] Studying The Past
[X] Not Yet
[X] Why Not?: Let him wield it properly. Cost: Frederick will not have Brain Wounder for a year. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Magnus wields Brain Wounder for the entire year, potent symbol of trust in your son as your heir, potent weapon for him to wield in battle.
[X] Go Down: Meet with Maghda Sprenger directly. Deal with this problem once and for all, lest the tension end up utterly ruining your water-based economics and the lives of tens of thousands in Ostland who rely directly on it. This needs to be solved, one way or the other, definitively. Cost: N/A. Reward: Marienburg Interlude(s)
[X][Plan] Free Trade and Charity
[X]The Trofurt Estates
[X] Yes
[X] Middle Mountains
[X] Why Not?: Let him wield it properly.
[X] Dunkelstal *
[X] Go Down: Meet with Maghda Sprenger directly.
Thanks, fixed now.That's wrong. You started from the wrong post, which was when the votes were already being voted upon. Torroar interupted the voting tally with a post.
The difference is five.
Thanks, fixed now.
On another note, once we have helped locals a bit do people think it would be worth it to put up a trading post/military base on Albion as a counter to Dark Elves in general while also continuing to trade more regularly with locals? Our own little Sudenburg?