[X] Plan Nautical Caution
-[X]Gold Testing
-[X]Intensive Hunting
-[X]Ogre Archery
-[X] Purchase Additional Mercenaries
--[X]Helmut's Free Company
--[X]Perdición de Los Nórdicos
--[X]The Smoking Manticores
-[X] Wolf Focus
-[X] Greatship 6
-[X] Extra Careful
-[X] An Open Hand
-[X] Northern Soils – Cold
-[X] Lumbering Heat
-[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians
-[X] Debating Rhya
-[X] Equivalent Exchange
-[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger
-[X] Weighty Weiss
-[X] A Little More Conversation
-[X] Imperial Fighting Patronage
-[X] Tutoring The Herd
[X]Trofurt Estates
[X] Why Not?
[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
[X] Go Down
I'd rather finish the Albion Diplomacy before spreading our navy more thinly across the Norscan coast. Better we wait a year, get our issues with the Cult of Manann sorted out etc...
Galleys can't range as far as Wolf Ships. Going Wolf Focus to prepare for our scouting out the Norscan coast and/or for future Albion expeditions.
I'm fine with having a grace period before we get strict about enforcing the new Law system. Getting back to pruning the treeline is more important than ensuring the Nobles are 100% compliant from the word go.
Give our people the opportunity to dig a hole for themselves(or to prove themselves).
Weighty Weiss to offset some of the reduced trade income. We should be able to afford the 2k upkeep cost of both, but the unknown additional lost income makes it a dicier proposition.
Some might call it a risk to try setting up a competing merchant conglomerate, but we do have a marriage alliance with the Nassau, and the alternative is a Marienburger merchant family.
I'm seeing a few people saying things like this. One, the thing about having enemies is that they don't need your permission to fight you. If somebody wants to pick a fight with us, they will. Two, and definitely more importantly, there seems to be this assumption that showing favoritism for our friends/allies/whoever it seems like it might advantage us to favor isn't "legit". But this is medieval-era politics, "conflict of interest" basically doesn't exist as a concept and favor-trading is the foundation of politics. Nobody will bat an eye at us showing favoritism, at least not unless they're dead set on ginning up some bullshit to be mad about (see my first point), but bc there isn't really the same cultural basis for it as in modern-day that won't win them much traction even if they tried, which they probably wouldn't bother to.
It's not about conflicts of interest. It's about Kislevites being of the opinion that Kislev is Stronk because Kislev stands alone and don't need no help from outsiders.
I feel like the leading plan is defeating the spirit of the GM asking us not to use metaknowledge from interludes to influence our decisions, since I'm nearly certain if we weren't aware of the scale of the build up people would want to focus on gathering more info on beast-paths first over doing a purge with even more mercs (the amount of them which we have already an army of its own). However, I can't prove that only point it out and give an opinion on the matter so up to others to decide whether right or not.
On another note,
@CuriousRaptor there a reason you are choosing Trofurt Estates for Urgdug's land grant? Its one of my top two picks so not complaining just curious on reasoning.
Eh, I think I've been expressing my opposition to the idea that building isolated garrisons in the deeper parts of the woods are an effective way to prep against the Centigor crusade before the interludes.