Not a fan of any of the extant plans. I'm therefore presenting my own. Reasoning is inline.
[x] Plan Unconvention
-[X] Attempt to recruit assistance for the Karag Dum Expedition. (Light College, Azul Runesmiths)
Unconventional position number one: Light College instead of Damsels. I seem to remember a WoG somewhere saying that we wouldn't be able to get Damsels. Even if I'm wrong, I can't say I'm a huge fan of the idea. I'd prefer sticking with a known quantity that we know we can work with and characters that we might see again. Without Soizic I also don't think we have a way to get in the front door. If our goal is to get anti-demon magic, I think that going with Light magisters is a much more reliable option.
The runesmith situation will be somewhat tricky, but I think that we need runesmiths around in the case where Karag Dum is overrun more than we need to avoid possible complications if Karag Dum isn't overrun and the runemasters are inclined to cause major problems. We'll also have a much stronger negotiating position if the initial conflict happens while we're on the expedition rather than when the whole Karaz Ankor can get in on it, specifically, "you need to get along so we don't all die right here and right now." Given that I'm solidly supporting runesmith recruitment.
-[X] Continue to work on your 'Fog Path' spell.
--[X] The Gambler: specify an action this will apply to: Fog path spell
-[X] With the help of a gyrocarriage, personally scout part of the route specify: Western Great Steppes
Following the lead of the other plans.
-[X] Branulhune's ability to disappear and reappear at a thought allows entirely new forms of combat. Try to create them.
-[X] Enchant an item with a Fiendishly Complex or easier spell: Robe with AA and AA mastery (with an aim to have physically indefatigable always on) (Use powerstone and drake scales) (Overwork)
This is basically a "pick two of three" - between Branulhune, Robes, and Pall of Darkness, we're going to do all three by the time the Expedition leaves, so it's basically just which you prefer to start with. I think that the robes are the most important to get right, so we lead with those so we have time to spend another AP if they take more than one action.
-[X] DUCK: Attempt to recruit Adela and some human siege weapons and operators for the Karag Dum Expedition.
Unconventional position number two: Adela and siege rather than kittybirds. I think that the Knights of Taal's Fury will cause more logistical problems than they solve tactical problems. And you know the quote about amateurs studying tactics and professionals studying logistics. Tunnels are the native environments of siege engines like the Skaven warp-lightning cannons and the grapecannon, so I have to believe that human ballistae would do perfectly well inside Karag Dum, probably just as useful as the Knights, and they'll have competitive tactical value and greatly lessened logistical difficulties on the road. Additionally, spending six months working on a steam-wagon day and night will do fantastic things for Adela's engineering chops. Esbern and Seija, on the other hand, will get basically nothing out of the expedition.
-[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
We still have a few different options for fun towers. A couple crafting-related options, plus I have a personal desire for a teleport tower. Tactical would be good just so Mathilde doesn't have to tromp up and down the stairs six times a day, but I'm also into the tactical teleport tower as a stepping stone to a strategic teleport tower that would, for example, let us touch base with the expedition leaders more frequently than once every two years.
Additionally, there aren't that many options left for rooms. We weren't exactly scraping the bottom of the barrel in the last vote, but IIRC only two or three rooms got any support at all other outside the five we picked.
-[X] Write a paper: Warp Lightning observations - shared with Adela (Serenity)
Get this done.
-[X] MAX: Allow him to spend all his time on his own preparations.
-[X] JOHANN: Allow him to spend all his time on his own preparations. (NEW)
Let them do their thing.
-[X] EIC: Found an auditors division, to make sure the ledgers are in order.
Unconventional position number three: Navy and Gong Farming are both low-utility.
Gong Farming in particular is a bigger risk than I think people realize; integrating a largish guild and a bunch of workers from a totally unrelated field is by far the most likely way for the values we instilled in the company to begin to fail. I've seen it happen at more than one company.
Navy is of strictly short-term utility - Marienburg collapsing or the canal finishing will both make it a moot point.
Of the options that I think are actively good, hardening the EIC against insider risk is at the top of my list. Company-wide cultural values won't help at all if a single bad actor goes unnoticed for too long.