Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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-[] Commission an altar based on (boosted) Transformation of Kadon.
--[] Able to transform non-wizards.
--[] Optimized to reduce destructive consequences in case of miscast.
--[] Can only be activated by a Dwarf not currently being transformed.
--[] Can only be activated with one of three keystones.
--[] Transportable but heavy and unwieldy enough that even the resulting dragon can not just carry it away.

What the actual fuck. I am really struggling to react to this. What a time to glance away from the thread.
[X] Plan: Fight Dragon with Dragon
Needs to happen. Just have to make sure Mathilde thoroughly vets whoever volunteers are picked, but am assuming character is not an idiot.
Memes aside Transformation is a canon spell and it's quest canon that we can make items of battle magic spells. Just what is it about doing it for this spell that is SoD breaking? I once proposed it for wolf and only dropped it on confirmation that he has too much Ulgu in him.
I just can't support a plan that involves turning a dwarf into a dragon.

[X] Plan Versatile
I actually don't mind if we do the dragon plan and it doesn't work.

it would be relatively interesting if she fails some of her wacky ideas and has to go with the next best thing here and there.
[X] Plan: Fight Dragon with Dragon
I am slighty worried there might be no one willing to become a dragon, but apaapart fron that, this is great if it works.
This is taking the comedy that's sometimes seen in the thread discussion and trying to inject it directly into the story proper. I can't help but feel extremely dissonant at the idea that the thread would both vote for this and that Mathilde-the-character would try such a hairbrained and meme-y idea. If the narrative straight-facedly goes along with this stupidity I don't feel like I could read the quest anymore because it's such a complete tone break.
To break character for a moment -

We've been going back and forth since the update dropped trying to come up with a good dragon counter and we've been having a devil of a time with it because it's just hard to counter dragons. Some of the other plans involve single visible points of failure, some are just "use your artillery, but, like, better", all of them fail to address the problems posed by tunneling dragons when the dragon the prompted this task attacked by tunneling. Simply making another dragon to at least tie down the real one is honestly one of the best plans I've heard for how to deal with the thing.

Especially since we can use our Penthouse action to make an AA-tower on top of that, if we decide to include some more traditional defenses.

So if it's a meme but also arguably the best idea on the table, I don't think it's that absurd to go forward with it.

I just can't support a plan that involves turning a dwarf into a dragon.
Ah, but we have Undumgi for that!
Still. That's a bridge too far into umgi madness for my sensibilities. A lightning tower's all well and good, though.
Honestly Im surprised that Empire is not trying to create army of dragons with that spell. Im sure that there would be plenty of volunteers.
Either they just didn't think of it, which is fair—weaponizing what's commonly considered a failure takes certain levels of crazy that even wizards don't usually reach—there's other downsides that makes it unfeasible, or they probably refrained from conservation of power. Having an army of dragons is nice, but if you don't have a definitive way to control said army... also, supporting the dragons probably takes a lot of resources.
Legal wizards have only been around 150 years or so, and they were illegal again for some of that time. The Empire is probably only just starting to get to the point where they can even potentially pull it off, just because of the necessary institutional knowledge and resources needed. I think it's one of the hardest spells out there. And that's not even talking about the necessary trust, which would take a generation or two (and there's probably still a few people around who remeber the time the wizards went totally bonkers and starting fighting each other in Altdorf).

This kind of project also needs a hefty push to get going. Just the item itself will cost 16 favors at minmum, and in total it will probably be significantly more. Anything short of an Elector Count or Lord Magister just won't have the connections/pull to get this kind of thing going. A wizard that totally dedicates themself to it might get it rolling, but they'd need to be at the Lord Magister level in power and skill anyway. This is the sort of spell that wins you the Magister Patriarch position.

Incidentally, we might end up talking to him for this. Though that might blow up Belegar's budget.
Lit it with the Divine fires of Dwarven Hell, to be exact. Can't forget that part.
And then she wanted to use it for gardening.
And then she did.
I actually don't mind if we do the dragon plan and it doesn't work.

it would be relatively interesting if she fails some of her wacky ideas and has to go with the next best thing here and there.
Honestly I am desperately trying to come up with reasons why it wouldnt work, but...

It seems like it would work better than the tower idea?

Even a false dragon will irritate a dragons territorial instincts pretty hard if they are doing a fight.
[X] Plan: Fight Dragon with Dragon

Eh, what the hell. It is at least more creative than another tower.

My only remaining concern is that it might cause issues with the Ice Dragon if we have to use it to fight some Wyverns or something.
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