Might want to fix that to Tauni.
I actually noticed that too and pointed it out to BV... and then forgot, and copied it.


Edit: Inspired by Sunrise, swapped more resources to FDS for +3 Intel Points because intrigue crisis underway and I could just barely afford it.
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I don't know what I'm doing this. Tired brain does as tired brain wants I suppose.

Request Research Colony Hill 361 Archive, N'Lask, 9pp, 2 cp, 4 (6.5) rp/year, 4 turns (Sol; may not be transferred to United Earth)
Request Research Colony Morgana-1321, 2 (4.5) rp/year, 4 turns (GBZ)
-Copied from BV plan. Prioritizing PP colonies does make sense on further thought though.

Request Mining Colony V'Ten, 10 (25) br/year, 15 (35) sr/year, 4 turns (GBZ)
-When I saw it, I had to take it. We don't need more SR, but we could trade it or stockpile it or something... +5 br/y that the alternative I originally picked is not worth -35sr/y.

Request Mining Colony LM-34-V-XL, 14pp, 2 cp, 20 (35) br/yr, 4 turns (Tellar)
-Copied from BV, we need BR.

Arrange to Pass Control of a potential colony site to a nearby power, gain +10pp from members or +15 relations from affiliates or other powers - Mining Colony Qendip III, 10 (25) br/year) (Rethelia; pass to STO) +10pp
-Copied from BV. As he our shipyard ops expert, I trust that he has good reasons.

Request Academy Development, 30pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
Request Explorer Corps Annex Development, 25pp (Gain +0.15 EC O/E/T throughput)
-Opportunities to increase crew income are rare and precious.

Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Yrillians) [Can be taken up to five times]
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Tauni) [Can be taken up to five times]
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Sydraxians) [Can be taken up to five times]
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Ashidi) [Can be taken up to five times]
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Misek) [Can be taken up to five times]
-BV agreed on my picks when I shared them on Discord. He used to avoid species close to membership because he didn't like how quickly UFP grew (a secret Development plant!) which, fair enough, but given that few made Snakepit plans other than him and people bandwagoned (including me, until I realized what's going on), it felt like sabotage... I was dreading having to fight his plan to get decent diplopush targets. Quite relieved that I don't have to.

Request to start a ship refit project, 20pp, 2 turns for frigates ("low crew" Kepler refit)
-BV ordered a ship like this from the SDB because of an En shortage (because monster RenA refit) leaving resources and berths unused otherwise. It will be a single wave and done, followed by proper Iso refits. Alliterates work. It's possible that someone manages something better that fits the criteria, but good luck with that. You will need it.

Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Command, 75pp (Permanently gain +3pt under control of Vice Admiral)
-Last minute realization that I could afford it if I dropped FDS resources, which would be nice to have but we are in the middle of a now non-diplomatic crisis.

Request allocation for new Engineering Team, 50pp, will allow 2 x Engineering Ships to be built in Starfleet line yards, providing 2 ep on completion.
-EP lack until 2330 when Antares finishes, unless the HoH crisis ends before that. No Colony Ships, because no free berths for them surprisingly. Next year, hopefully.

Request that an eccentric and esoteric Gaeni defensive project be approved - pp cost is based on inherent risk: convert Starbase computer into Singer trap, 80pp, (Ke'lurr Starbase in the HBZ), 4 turns
-Its a risk and there should probably be a plan that lacks this option, but its a risk I will take given the possible massive payoff, and the risks we brave every quarter this crisis goes on.

Request that an eccentric and esoteric Gaeni defensive project be approved: Dreamer Ranger Gear, 50pp, 20sr, 2 turns
-Copied from BV, seemed very popular, and I don't mind it so why not. Looks interesting. Not attached to it though.

Request resources for an extra Starfleet Intelligence Operations task group (Will add a Science-heavy event responder for intel events - see notes), 30pp, 1 year, (Defense)
Request Civil Service cooperation for an early Law Enforcement task group (Will add a balanced event responder for intel events - see notes), 30pp, 1 year
-Copied from BV, I dont grok Discord Task Groups. Just knew that we should reinforce them and swapped offense for defense.

(9ep used below)
Request new Auxiliary Shipyard at <Fiiral>, 3ep, 45pp, (12 turns, 1x2mt, 4x1mt Berth)
-BV is one of the few qualified to tell if we need this. There has been attempts to buy it for a while. I will happily support him in this. Unsure about placing it this close to the border, Lecarre, and Imelak, but eh. Not that important. Feel free to argue for a different location, I would be willing to change it. Tomorrow that is, I'm going to sleep soon.

Request new Outposts on 4 Rimward BZ Federation Colonies, 2 ep, 10pp
-We need to both solidify our hold on the newly claimed space and protect our stuff, it's dangerous there.

Request new Sensor Platform in a system or map square – (Map Square C5, for Kelowna Front) will add an event card to rebuff raiders on that front. 1ep, 10pp
-I recommended C5. Covers the Tauni, a weak point in our front there. I think that this will be useful for Discord too, Singers have stealth ships.

Request new Sensor Platform in a system or map square – (Becarra System, for Okatha Front) will add an event card to rebuff raiders on that front. 1ep, 10pp
-Copied from BV, did not find better use for the PP.

Upgrade Convoy Waystations in a particular Sector, 2 ep, 40pp, 4 turns (Paddah Sector)
-I missed this one. Very glad that BV noticed this. Ked Paddah connection to UFP is very, very thin and close to the HoH, this is a necessity.

8 extra engineering points from members = 40 pp
= 688 – 10 for colony = 678 pp, 2pp remaining

Edit: Note that we will need to buy Prototyping Replicators next year, and possibly an Amby Berth in San Fran.

Wait, I forgot Research. Damn it.
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We don't have any free Line berths to start a pair of engineering ships in this year.
They'd presumably not be able to start until next year, then delaying a couple of Miranda refits.
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Ok. I completely forgot the Research option. And upon checking up on Discord, found out that we have a concerning lack of C among defensice Task Groups (and could use an S Offensive TG).

So. New plan. Literally. I am forced to drop Dreamer Ranger Gear and one Task Group for Research. It was that or the Intel Points. As that is a rather significant change, I am making a new plan instead of editing the old one. Also changing the TG bought to Defensive Tactical.

[][COUNCIL] Enerael Snakepit 2326 +Research -Dreamer Ranger Gear, Task Group
  • Request Research Colony Hill 361 Archive, N'Lask, 9pp, 2 cp, 4 (6.5) rp/year, 4 turns (Sol; may not be transferred to United Earth)
  • Request Mining Colony V'Ten, 10 (25) br/year, 15 (35) sr/year, 4 turns (GBZ)
  • Request Mining Colony LM-34-V-XL, 14pp, 2 cp, 20 (35) br/yr, 4 turns (Tellar)
  • Request Research Colony Morgana-1321, 2 (4.5) rp/year, 4 turns (GBZ)
  • Arrange to Pass Control of a potential colony site to a nearby power, gain +10pp from members or +15 relations from affiliates or other powers - Mining Colony Qendip III, 10 (25) br/year) (Rethelia; pass to STO) +10pp
  • Request Academy Development, 30pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
  • Request Explorer Corps Annex Development, 25pp (Gain +0.15 EC O/E/T throughput)
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Yrillians) [Can be taken up to five times]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Tauni) [Can be taken up to five times]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Sydraxians) [Can be taken up to five times]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Ashidi) [Can be taken up to five times]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Misek) [Can be taken up to five times]
  • Request to start a ship refit project, 20pp, 2 turns for frigates ("low crew" Kepler refit)
  • Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Command, 75pp (Permanently gain +3pt under control of Vice Admiral)
  • Request an increase in the Research budget, 70pp, +1 yearly Breakthrough.
  • Request that an eccentric and esoteric Gaeni defensive project be approved - pp cost is based on inherent risk: convert Starbase computer into Singer trap, 80pp, (Ke'lurr Starbase in the HBZ), 4 turns
  • Request that an eccentric and esoteric Gaeni defensive project be approved: Dreamer Ranger Gear, 50pp, 20sr, 2 turns
  • Request resources for an extra Starfleet Intelligence Tactical task group (Will add a Combat-heavy event responder for intel events - see notes), 30pp, 1 year, (Defence)
  • (9ep used below)
  • Request new Auxiliary Shipyard at <Fiiral>, 3ep, 45pp, (12 turns, 1x2mt, 4x1mt Berth)
  • Request new Outposts on 4 Rimward BZ Federation Colonies, 2 ep, 10pp
  • Request new Sensor Platform in a system or map square – (Map Square C5, for Kelowna Front) will add an event card to rebuff raiders on that front. 1ep, 10pp
  • Request new Sensor Platform in a system or map square – (Becarra System, for Okatha Front) will add an event card to rebuff raiders on that front. 1ep, 10pp
  • Upgrade Convoy Waystations in a particular Sector, 2 ep, 40pp, 4 turns (Paddah Sector)
  • 8 extra engineering points from members = 40 pp
  • = 678 – 10 for colony = 668 pp, 20sr, 12pp remaining
Am also voting for my older plan.

[][COUNCIL] Enerael Snakepit 2326

I love approval voting.

Edit: I could also drop Academy Development and one Sensor Platform for the Dreamer Ranger Gear if people really want it.

Edit2: Learned on Discord that Eng and Colony ships dont need line berths, this is just an option to build extra if aux berths dont produce them fast enough for us. And we have some pairs soon to launch. As such, and because it would be difficult to find line berths for them anyway, I am dropping that option in favor of Dreamer Ranger Gear. Which would make this plan identical to my older one but with Eng ships and one Task Group traded for Research. Which is similar enough that I am editing the older plan and abandoning this one.
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Some blather about polities that we're close to reaching diplomacy thresholds with:
Outer Space Alliance: 470/500 + 27 = 497/500
Tags before Affiliation:
-[At War: 443/???]
-[Corps are lying to us: 100/100]

Tags before Alliance:
-[Horizon Influence: 282/300]
Tags before Membership:
-[Disunified Homeworld [2/3 (FDS)]

Both the FDS tag and the diplomacy progress will finish next year, leading to the OSA joining as a member... if nothing drastic happens, which it might as the OSA is on the border with the HoH.
Dreamer Collective: 329/500 + 29 + 17 + 28 = 403/500 [Including 2325.Q4 and 2326.Q1 Continuing Diplomatic Push]
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Cosmozoan Lifeform: 100/100]
Tags before Alliance:
-[Alien modes of Communication and Thought: 300/300]

Our second closest Ally to Membership and another polity near the HoH, needing only 97 more diplo-points.
Tauni: 500/500
Tags before Alliance:
-[Obsolete Technology: 100/100]
Tags before Membership:
-[Fool me once...: 230/500 + 42 = 272/500]
-[Unreliable Ally: 125/100]

Lastly, the Tauni are 228 diplo-points away from membership. They're in reach, basically, where before they had a 0/500 tag we didn't even consider touching.
Gretarians: 200/300 + 35 = 235/300
-[Need some space right now: 63/100]
-[Sydraxian Client: N/A]

Tags before Membership:
-[You are all Crazed Militarists! 0/500]

The Gretarians are very close to becoming Allies, only needing 65 more points. We do get some extra resource, crew, and narrative benefits from a new ally, though it's not seen as a significant step compared to Affiliation or Membership so I doubt we'd put in the 1 diplomacy push we'd need here.
Vermillion Connectivity: 300/300
-[Obsolete Technology 65/300 + 32 = 97/300]
Our second-closest potential Ally, needing 203 diplomacy progress.
Arcadian Empire (Licori) 100/100
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Civil War: 0/NA]
-[At War: 443/???]
-[Recently in a Shooting War: 100/100]
-[Romulan Influence: 85/100]
-[Slavery: 0/4 (FDS)] (Task made much easier by changes in situation)
-[Fiddling while Morshadd Burns: 1/3 FDS] (linked with the Commune's tag)
Tags before Alliance:
-[A Question of Harmony: N/A (Resolve the Harmony infiltration of House Rithe and the wider Empire)]
-[Continual Nest of Vipers: 0/300]
-[The Tal Shiar on your Shoulder: 0/300]
-[Unequal Feudal Society: 1/8 FDS]
-[Horizon Influence: 147/300]

The Licori are a mess-and-a-half, but we're not actually that far from Affiliating with them. Starting up the 0/4 FDS tag is all we'd really need to do to gain their Affiliation, and after that their 0/300 tags are much more manageable.
Sotaw: 100/100
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Romulan Influence: 28/100]
Tags before Alliance:
-[Located in the Neutral Zone: 0/6 (FDS)]

I know, no-one's much interested in the Sotaw. But 72 points isn't out of reach, and we don't need to resolve their FDS tag to affiliate with them. Getting an in with them helps us deal with Neutral Zone events and get better lines of communication with the Romulans.
Bolians: 100/100
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Isolationist Government: 53/100]

A mere 47 points away makes them the second-closest polity to Affiliation.
Ataami: 90/100
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Stellar Shock: 100/100]
Tags before Alliance:
-[Obsolete Technology: 65/150]
-[Limited Stellar Ability: 60/300]

Just 10 points away from Affiliation. Ten! That's a guaranteed win if we ever have the diplo-push to spare.
Currently 3 4 plans:

Pushes (all have Tauni, Ashidi)ColoniesSpecials (all have Academy, Low-Crew Kepler, Aux Shipyard, 2x Sensors)Mad ScienceDiscord IntelOps Teams
[ ][COUNCIL] No Starbase Loss Briefvoice Snakepit 2326Yrillians, Sydraxians, Misek2 pp, 1 sr, 1 br colony, no giveawayEC Academy, 2x Listening Posts, Research, Eng Team, 2x WaystationDreamer RangersSci-Off, Balanced
[ ][COUNCIL] Enerael Snakepit 2326Yrillians, Sydraxians, Misek2 pp, 1 br/sr, 1 br colonyEC Academy, Intel, Research, 1x Waystation, RiBZ OutpostsSinger Trap, Dreamer RangersCom-Def
[ ] Sunrise snakepit planBolians, Ataami, Morshadd Commune3 br, 1 sr colonyIntel, 2x Listening Posts, 2x WaystationSinger Trap, Dreamer RangersSci-Off, Balanced
[ ][COUNCIL] Raw90 Safe Snakepit 2326Yrillians, Sydraxians, Misek2 pp, 1 br/sr, 1 br colonyIntel, 2x Listening Posts, Research, 2x WaystationDreamer RangersSci-Def, Balanced
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Currently 3 plans:

Pushes (all have Tauni, Ashidi)ColoniesSpecials (all have Academy, Low-Crew Kepler, Aux Shipyard, 2x Waystations, 2x Sensors)Mad ScienceDiscord IntelOps Teams
[ ][COUNCIL] Briefvoice Snakepit 2326Yrillians, Sydraxians, Misek2 pp, 1 sr, 1 br colonyEC Academy, 2x Listening Posts, Eng TeamSinger Trap, Dreamer RangersSci-Off, Balanced
[ ][COUNCIL] Enerael Snakepit 2326Yrillians, Sydraxians, Misek2 pp, 1 br/sr, 1 br colonyEC Academy, Intel, ResearchSinger Trap, Dreamer RangersSci-Def
[ ] Sunrise snakepit planBolians, Ataami, Morshadd Commune3 br, 1 sr colonyIntel, 2x Listening PostsSinger Trap, Dreamer RangersSci-Off, Balanced

Thanks for doing this, Swb, much appreciated as a list-averse person.

Though my risk-averse side also kind of wants a plan without the Starbase trap...

Edit- I will state again for clarity, Briefvoices plan essentially pushes 50pp into next year, for the two additional Engineering ships we can't actually start until 2327.
The 'background' engineering ship construction is already underway, in auxiliary yards, and we're getting a pair of ships from it shortly.
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So, because I don't like the idea of the Singer Trap, despite the great payoff, here's an alternate plan. Lots of credit to BV and Enerael for the basic formatting. Gets research and intel instead of the EC academy, the trap, and BV's engineering team.

EDIT1: Changed the SR colony to BR/SR

[X][COUNCIL] Raw90 Safe Snakepit 2326
  • Request Research Colony Hill 361 Archive, N'Lask, 9pp, 2 cp, 4 (6.5) rp/year, 4 turns (Sol; may not be transferred to United Earth)
  • Request Mining Colony V'Ten, 10 (25) br/year, 15 (35) sr/year, 4 turns (GBZ)
  • Request Mining Colony LM-34-V-XL, 14pp, 2 cp, 20 (35) br/yr, 4 turns (Tellar)
  • Request Research Colony Morgana-1321, 2 (4.5) rp/year, 4 turns (GBZ)
  • Request Academy Development, 30pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Yrillians) [Can be taken up to five times]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Tauni) [Can be taken up to five times]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Sydraxians) [Can be taken up to five times]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Ashidi) [Can be taken up to five times]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Misek) [Can be taken up to five times]
  • Request to start a ship refit project, 20pp, 2 turns for frigates ("low crew" Kepler refit)
  • Deploy Improved Listening Posts to a Border Zone to gain a 25% chance of generating +1pt of Intel Spending on reports for powers on that border. (Imelak Border Zone), 20pp
  • Deploy Improved Listening Posts to a Border Zone to gain a 25% chance of generating +1pt of Intel Spending on reports for powers on that border. (Rimward Border Zone), 20pp
  • Request that an eccentric and esoteric Gaeni defensive project be approved: Dreamer Ranger Gear, 50pp, 20sr, 2 turns
  • Request resources for an extra Starfleet Intelligence Tactical task group (Will add a Combat-heavy event responder for intel events - see notes), 30pp, 1 year, (Defence)
  • Request Civil Service cooperation for an early Law Enforcement task group (Will add a balanced event responder for intel events - see notes), 30pp, 1 year
  • (9ep used below)
  • Request new Auxiliary Shipyard at <Fiiral>, 3ep, 45pp, (12 turns, 1x2mt, 4x1mt Berth)
  • Upgrade Convoy Waystations in a particular Sector, 2 ep, 40pp, 4 turns (Gabriel Border Zone)
  • Request new Sensor Platform in a system or map square – (Map Square C5, for Kelowna Front) will add an event card to rebuff raiders on that front. 1ep, 10pp
  • Request new Sensor Platform in a system or map square – (Becarra System, for Okatha Front) will add an event card to rebuff raiders on that front. 1ep, 10pp
  • Upgrade Convoy Waystations in a particular Sector, 2 ep, 40pp, 4 turns (Paddah Sector)
  • 8 extra engineering points from members = 40 pp
  • Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Command, 75pp (Permanently gain +3pt under control of Vice Admiral)
  • Request an increase in the Research budget, 70pp, +1 yearly Breakthrough.
  • Arrange to Pass Control of a potential colony site to a nearby power, gain +10pp from members or +15 relations from affiliates or other powers - Mining Colony Qendip III, 10 (25) br/year) (Rethelia; pass to Ataami) +10pp

    EDIT: Was pointed out to me that I don't need the mining colony giveaway for the budget. EDIT2: Took Enerael's suggestions on 4416.
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Political Will: 680
Starfleet Engineering Points: 1 available (the other 13 points are locked on projects initiated in 2325.Q2 and 2325.Q4)
Available Federation Points: 8 at 5pp per
Extended Federation Points: 8 at 20pp per
Request new Starbase I [Write in Sector] 2ep, 15pp, +12pp for each Starbase past the first in-sector - GBZ Invalid (10pp cheaper for HBZ or LBZ this year, 5pp cheaper for CBZ, Okatha, Paddah, Rigel, RiBZ sectors)
If we spent 180pp to borrow 15ep from the rest of the Federation, we could spend the remaining 500pp to order eight starbases. Now, where would we put them... 🤔
[X][COUNCIL] Raw90 Safe Snakepit 2326

We might be able to trap a Singer, but we don't have a plan for what to do with them. If the specific chip research needed one, or if we knew we could use them as a negotiating tool, I'd be more pro-trap, as it is, it looks like getting our hands on a hard to manage POW.
Folks, I am repudiating my old plan. After being informed that a failed result on the "capture a Singer" venture would be "loss of the starbase at least" (and probably our admiral's resignation I am thinking) I can no longer call it worth the risk. Here, have an increase in our research budget instead.

[X][COUNCIL] No Starbase Loss Briefvoice Snakepit 2326
  • Request Research Colony Hill 361 Archive, N'Lask, 9pp, 2 cp, 4 (6.5) rp/year, 4 turns (Sol; may not be transferred to United Earth)
  • Request Mining Colony 23 Levar VIII, 12pp, 2 cp, 15 (35) sr/year, 4 turns (GBZ)
  • Request Mining Colony LM-34-V-XL, 14pp, 2 cp, 20 (35) br/yr, 4 turns (Tellar)
  • Request Research Colony Morgana-1321, 2 (4.5) rp/year, 4 turns (GBZ)
  • Request Academy Development, 30pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
  • Request Explorer Corps Annex Development, 25pp (Gain +0.15 EC O/E/T throughput)
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Yrillians) [Can be taken up to five times]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Tauni) [Can be taken up to five times]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Sydraxians) [Can be taken up to five times]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Ashidi) [Can be taken up to five times]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Misek) [Can be taken up to five times]
  • Request to start a ship refit project, 20pp, 2 turns for frigates ("low crew" Kepler refit)
  • Deploy Improved Listening Posts to a Border Zone to gain a 25% chance of generating +1pt of Intel Spending on reports for powers on that border. (Imelak Border Zone), 20pp
  • Deploy Improved Listening Posts to a Border Zone to gain a 25% chance of generating +1pt of Intel Spending on reports for powers on that border. (Rimward Border Zone), 20pp
  • Request allocation for new Engineering Team, 50pp, will allow 2 x Engineering Ships to be built in Starfleet line yards, providing 2 ep on completion.
  • Request an increase in the Research budget, 70pp, +1 yearly Breakthrough.
  • Request that an eccentric and esoteric Gaeni defensive project be approved: Dreamer Ranger Gear, 50pp, 20sr, 2 turns
  • Request resources for an extra Starfleet Intelligence Operations task group (Will add a Science-heavy event responder for intel events - see notes), 30pp, 1 year, (Offense)
  • Request Civil Service cooperation for an early Law Enforcement task group (Will add a balanced event responder for intel events - see notes), 30pp, 1 year
  • (9ep used below)
  • Request new Auxiliary Shipyard at <Fiiral>, 3ep, 45pp, (12 turns, 1x2mt, 4x1mt Berth)
  • Upgrade Convoy Waystations in a particular Sector, 2 ep, 40pp, 4 turns (Gabriel Border Zone)
  • Request new Sensor Platform in a system or map square – (Map Square C5, for Kelowna Front) will add an event card to rebuff raiders on that front. 1ep, 10pp
  • Request new Sensor Platform in a system or map square – (Becarra System, for Okatha Front) will add an event card to rebuff raiders on that front. 1ep, 10pp
  • Upgrade Convoy Waystations in a particular Sector, 2 ep, 40pp, 4 turns (Paddah Sector)
  • 8 extra engineering points from members = 40 pp
  • = 675 pp total