[X][COUNCIL] Enerael Snakepit 2326
- Request Research Colony Hill 361 Archive, N'Lask, 9pp, 2 cp, 4 (6.5) rp/year, 4 turns (Sol; may not be transferred to United Earth)
- Request Mining Colony V'Ten, 10 (25) br/year, 15 (35) sr/year, 4 turns (GBZ)
- Request Mining Colony LM-34-V-XL, 14pp, 2 cp, 20 (35) br/yr, 4 turns (Tellar)
- Request Research Colony Morgana-1321, 2 (4.5) rp/year, 4 turns (GBZ)
- Arrange to Pass Control of a potential colony site to a nearby power, gain +10pp from members or +15 relations from affiliates or other powers - Mining Colony Qendip III, 10 (25) br/year) (Rethelia; pass to Ataami)
- Request Academy Development, 30pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
- Request Explorer Corps Annex Development, 25pp (Gain +0.15 EC O/E/T throughput)
- Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Yrillians) [Can be taken up to five times]
- Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Tauni) [Can be taken up to five times]
- Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Sydraxians) [Can be taken up to five times]
- Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Ashidi) [Can be taken up to five times]
- Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species without an N/A tag; 20pp (Misek TAG - [A Bad Neighbourhood]) [Can be taken up to five times]
- Request an increase in the Research budget, 70pp, +1 yearly Breakthrough.
- Request to start a ship refit project, 20pp, 2 turns for frigates ("low crew" Kepler refit)
- Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Command, 75pp (Permanently gain +3pt under control of Vice Admiral)
- Request that an eccentric and esoteric Gaeni defensive project be approved - pp cost is based on inherent risk: convert Starbase computer into Singer trap, 80pp, (Ke'lurr Starbase in the HBZ), 4 turns
- Request that an eccentric and esoteric Gaeni defensive project be approved: Dreamer Ranger Gear, 50pp, 20sr, 2 turns
- Request resources for an extra Starfleet Intelligence Tactical task group (Will add a Combat-heavy event responder for intel events - see notes), 30pp, 1 year, (Defense)
- (9ep used below)
- Request new Auxiliary Shipyard at <Fiiral>, 3ep, 45pp, (12 turns, 1x2mt, 4x1mt Berth)
- Request new Outposts on 4 Rimward BZ Federation Colonies, 2 ep, 10pp
- Request new Sensor Platform in a system or map square – (Map Square C5, for Kelowna Front) will add an event card to rebuff raiders on that front. 1ep, 10pp
- Request new Sensor Platform in a system or map square – (Becarra System, for Okatha Front) will add an event card to rebuff raiders on that front. 1ep, 10pp
- Upgrade Convoy Waystations in a particular Sector, 2 ep, 40pp, 4 turns (Paddah Sector)
- 8 extra engineering points from members = 40 pp
- = 678, 2pp remaining
Unordered Lists are an editing nightmare.
Credit to Briefvoice for most of it.
Changes from his plan:
Swapped SR mining colony for BR, because we have such a BR/SR income that we literally can't design ships that match or exceed it if we wanted to (without outright waste), outside of possibly modern light cruisers. We have a massive SR surplus coming.
Changed Ops Task Group to Defense. We are losing there while winning with our ships, so strengthening our offense there does not seem wise.
GBZ Convoy Stations for Rimward Outposts. Our hold on that area really needs some reinforcements, its really new and it's a dangerous space.
Swapped Listening Posts (which are crappier Intel Gathering, as they are more expensive and less versatile with locked targets, much less Intel Command) for more diplopushes and FDS missions.
Could buy one for the remaining 20pp, but they aren't good and it's better to have some PPs in reserve.
Edit: Swappne one BR colony to a better one just edited in by SWB, which costs a bit more PP.
Edit2: Inspired by Sunrises plan below, swapped more diplopushes and FDS mission for +3 Intel Points because Intrigue crisis underway.
Edit3: Swapped one Task Group and Eng Team for Research, changed Ops TG for Tactical. This is because of I learned on Discord that Eng and Colony ships don't need line berths, this is just an option to build extra if aux berths don't produce them fast enough for us. And we have some pairs soon to launch.
And now,
Edit4: Giving the colony to Ataami instead, it makes them affiliates and I didnt need the PPs.