Mini-Snakepit, 2325.Q4
This isn't like your usual trips into the lion's den of the Federation Council, you muse as you finalize your plans for tomorrow's special session. Usually, it's a matter of wheeling and dealing, the work of ordinary lobbying. Councillor Celis's empty seat and the lingering echoes of President Okaar's recent speech will make it clear just how different the special session will be.
50 political will, 6 engineering points (ep) available to spend; note that spent ep will stay spent through 2326 (or 2327 if adding a 2mt berth or Centi-Cochrane Band Antenna sensor platforms). Anything unspent remains in your normal budgets.
- Request a Miranda-B refit: 5pp, 2 qtr
- Request a refit: 10pp, 2 qtr for frigates, 3 qtr cruisers, 4 qtr explorers (specify class)
- Add 1mt berth to a shipyard: 1.5 ep, 5 pp, 1 yr
- Add 2mt berth to a shipyard: 2 ep, 10 pp, 1.5 yr
- Add starbase to HBZ: 2 ep, 15 pp, 1 yr
- Add 4x Outposts to HBZ: 2 ep, 20 pp, 1 yr
- Upgrade Convoy Waystations in the HBZ: 2 ep, 20 pp, 1 yr (stronger stations in wartime)
- Add Centi-Cochrane Band Antenna sensor platforms in the HBZ: 2 ep, 30 pp, 2 yr (increases event rate, including for special sectors created in the HBZ)
- 2-qtr Diplomatic Push on a border power: 10 pp (may take up to twice; qualifying factions* are Therans, Nessic, Morshadd Commune, Arcadian Empire, Bolians)
- Recruitment Drive: +6 OET, 20 pp
- Sponsor a Cooperating Faction's Efforts: 1 ep, 5pp, -50br, -40sr (once per faction; qualifying factions are ISC, Licori (collectively), OSA, Tauni)
[ ][SPECIAL] Submit a plan to the Council Special Session
*Diplomatic efforts are already currently being focused on the Felis. The OSA and Tauni are both fully convinced of the need for unified action to oppose the Harmony; the Commune and Empire, while convinced of the need to act, are less convinced of the need to act in a unified manner.
As you consider your recommendations, you've got a news feed on in the background, mostly to have some noise in an otherwise quiet room. Your ears perk up suddenly, at the mention of USS
Mendel - the first ship you ever served on, way back as a senior cadet. You pause the news feed and rewind it, listening to the story again.
"Unexpected solar flare activity at the brown dwarf WISE 0855-0714 has severely damaged the research platform there, the former
Oberth-class USS
Mendel, operated by the ISE Consortium. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but an inquiry is being held into the incident..."
You tune out the news feed for a bit as you look up the WISE 0855-0714 research platform, confirming what you already were calling up from your memory. Owned by a consortium of universities, supported by Starfleet. Research is focused on atmospheric chemistry, weather patterns and ecosystem of WISE 0855−0714, along with the geology of its two rocky planets. You skim through recent journal articles published by the consortium; they seem to be slowing down, to be finding less and less of interest. Zakharov University on Alpha Centauri and Wuhan University on Earth have already pulled out of the consortium, citing a need to devote resources to other, more productive projects, and Elysium University on Mars only narrowly voted to remain in the consortium last year.
On one hand, cold logic suggests that this project is winding down. And this would have direct benefit for you: Operating and supporting the WISE 0855-0714 research platform has required notable Starfleet support; withdrawing from the project would mean a small crew infusion of experienced scientists and engineers for the year, as well as a trickle of additional crew income from no longer needing to continue to support the program. It's small, but you see that it would be enough to make it possible to crew two
Ambassador-class heavy explorers in 2326 with Explorer Corps crew, rather than just one, presuming that you send
Voshov to the regular fleet.
On the other hand, the
Mendel has sentimental value to you. She was the first ship you ever served on. And there would be political hay raised from ending Starfleet support for even a minor platform like WISE 0855-0714. Sure, there'd be some small resource costs for repairing the platform, and you'd lose out on a bit of extra starship crew, but science is important, isn't it? Or is this sentiment talking?
[ ][MENDEL] Withdraw from the ISE Consortium (-2 pp, +0.52 Explorer Corps Technicians, +0.07/year EC technician income (effective 2325), NCC-4314 will be named USS
Mendel by Admiralty order)
[ ][MENDEL] Repair Stationary Research Platform USS
Mendel and remain in the Consortium (+2 pp, -5 br, -10 sr)
Note that the pp gain/loss here does not affect the mini-snakepit above. There will likely be further changes to crew incomes.