Sorry to badger you with so many questions, but, how would Mathilde treat the research of the Asp Blood at this exact, present stage, absent a personal research lab but with a general lab and a penthouse to her own?
I'd say delay till a right proper personal lab
or let every journeymanling know enough about it to not poke the scary crates with demon blood.
Latter actually can be possible - if Johan pokes warpstone tech, why not poke demon blood? Wizards we have with us do not seem to be the
most conservative bunch in this regard.
However, they may still inform someone else about it, whether on accident or because some grey order folks decided to double check how is K8P going. Not sure whether that'd get us in hot water.
Former is a tad preferable in my eyes, but if people think they can both
- convince all our wizards to not poke demon blood and
- convince them not to talk about it to Colleges and
- ensure they do not
accidentally blab it and
- that giving them this more or less blackmail over us (dependent on how bad is demonic research viewed in Empire)
If people think all above is is worth getting to research a turn or two earlier....
Well sure, why not? It's a valid enough tradeoff if one thinks that demon blood is time-sensitive.
I honestly want to say that those who want to
research something right now should take a long hard look at Coin research instead - it looks way safer in pretty much all regards.