[X] Remain silent
[X] Gambling
[X] Hold a Ranaldan religious service
[X] Yes to Shenanigans
[X] Gambling
[X] Hold a Ranaldan religious service
[X] Yes to Shenanigans
Adhoc vote count started by Alliterate on Sep 24, 2019 at 12:23 AM, finished with 682 posts and 208 votes.
[X] Yes to Shenanigans
- Night_stalker
- HavocKeeper
- HeWhoAdds
- Shador
- Darik29
- The king Chad
- LordEdric
- Warlord D Thoran
- aledeth
- KleverKil'Vanya
- ConfusedCanuck
- Chlof
- MortichFrittle4
- Candesce
- Artemis1992
- Fehu
- natruska
- Dark as Silver
- wrecksalot
- cheesyme
- Doctor Elsewhere
- Sib
- Damian45
- thefoolswriter
- Sinsystems
- quichwe10
- QuarkDS9
- maximorph
- BurnNote
- Fimconte
- das_slash
- Teron
- lqlpl
- rex754
- FlyingScanian
- Enerael
- Tomlado
- dycouza
- JackOfAll
[X] Gambling
- Night_stalker
- HavocKeeper
- Shador
- Darik29
- The king Chad
- LordEdric
- Warlord D Thoran
- Chlof
- Candesce
- Artemis1992
- Fehu
- wrecksalot
- cheesyme
- Gingganz
- Doctor Elsewhere
- Sib
- Sinsystems
- quichwe10
- saganatsu
- QuarkDS9
- Heretek
- Fimconte
- Teron
- lqlpl
- rex754
- FlyingScanian
- Exmorri
- dycouza
- JackOfAll
- Smartphone
- Zenbeast
- noliar
- Abby Normal
- adaer
- DarkLight140
- Varano
- Bladesguy
- Sole Purpose
- Bruce-Man
[X] Remain silent.
- Night_stalker
- HavocKeeper
- No7sHere
- Neshuakadal
- DragonParadox
- Thor's Twin
- DarknessSmiles
- Oeticod
- Zysek
- racnor
- Jyn Ryvia
- undead frog
- notbirdofprey
- Nasr
- Valarauko
- PurposefulZephyr
- tryrar
- Daecl
- PsyFarrow
- Unstorpable
- Khaos
- FantasticMsFox
- Ordis
- natruska
- wrecksalot
- cheesyme
- Sinsystems
- quichwe10
- QuarkDS9
- Heretek
- maximorph
- BurnNote
- rex754
- Tomlado
- Waffle
- dycouza
- Smartphone
- Zenbeast
- noliar
- DarkLight140
[X] Tell Belegar and Kragg
- tokero6294
- Quest
- newgman
- EFW3
- HanEmpire
- CelestialJade
- dudedorey
- Lunamoto
- Rakuhn
- Mopman43
- random_npc
- Chronic
- Rentoba
- Nahden
- Bilbo Baggins
- Klaus Wulfenback
- Slynnwen
- Seleucus
- Shador
- Darik29
- The king Chad
- LordEdric
- Warlord D Thoran
- aledeth
- KleverKil'Vanya
- ConfusedCanuck
- MortichFrittle4
- Artemis1992
- Fehu
- Gingganz
- Doctor Elsewhere
- Sib
- Damian45
- thefoolswriter
- saganatsu
- Fimconte
- das_slash
[X] Cook with Panoramia and Titus
- HeWhoAdds
- Shador
- Darik29
- The king Chad
- LordEdric
- Warlord D Thoran
- Chlof
- Candesce
- Artemis1992
- Fehu
- wrecksalot
- Gingganz
- Doctor Elsewhere
- Sib
- Sinsystems
- quichwe10
- QuarkDS9
- maximorph
- BurnNote
- das_slash
- Teron
- lqlpl
- rex754
- FlyingScanian
- Exmorri
- torac
- dycouza
- JackOfAll
- Smartphone
- Zenbeast
- noliar
- Abby Normal
- Sole Purpose
- Bruce-Man
- Asheram
- Kelenas
- LockedMind
- Claudiu26@@
- SpaceSloth
[X] Play with a giant wolf
- Shador
- Darik29
- The king Chad
- LordEdric
- Warlord D Thoran
- aledeth
- KleverKil'Vanya
- ConfusedCanuck
- Candesce
- Artemis1992
- Fehu
- cheesyme
- Gingganz
- Doctor Elsewhere
- Sinsystems
- quichwe10
- QuarkDS9
- maximorph
- BurnNote
- Fimconte
- Teron
- rex754
- Tomlado
- Exmorri
- JackOfAll
- Smartphone
- noliar
- adaer
- DarkLight140
- Varano
- primemountain
- Frvborg
- LightMage
- Ganurath
- Horium
- Kyr'am
- Reynal
- VoidZero
- WanderingEye
- buli-buli
[x] Hold a Ranaldan religious service
- Chlof
- wrecksalot
- cheesyme
- Heretek
- lqlpl
- FlyingScanian
- Exmorri
- JackOfAll
- Businessmanga
- Smartphone
- Abby Normal
- DarkLight140
- ctulhuslp
- Ashmaker
- Claudiu26@@
- SpaceSloth
- Nix's Warden
- Angelform
- NotteBoy97
- notanautomaton
- Noname1
- MooseHowl
- Karnax626
- buli-buli
- Dutchman
- TripleG316
- Mr Apollo
- Koya2
- LilyWitch
- The Meddler
- Abhorsen
- Chronobreak
- Algalon
- BookMouse
- Chimeraguard
- DocMatoi
- SuperSonicSound
- zxzx24
- Hypate
- Redshirt Army
[X] Telling war stories
- Night_stalker
- HavocKeeper
- HeWhoAdds
- aledeth
- KleverKil'Vanya
- ConfusedCanuck
- Damian45
- thefoolswriter
- maximorph
- BurnNote
- Fimconte
- FlyingScanian
- Tomlado
- JackOfAll
- Businessmanga
- Smartphone
- Zenbeast
- DarkLight140
- Bruce-Man
- Kelenas
- LockedMind
- Inferno67
- Frvborg
- LightMage
- Ganurath
- Karnax626
- CuttleFish2.0
- TripleG316
- Zaratustra
- BungieONI
- Chiperninerm
- mmgaballah
- The Meddler
- Kornet
- Chronobreak
- Lurker of Urk
- doruma1920
- HidCyan
- Robotninja
- Lucker13
[X] Drinking
- Night_stalker
- HavocKeeper
- HeWhoAdds
- Shador
- Darik29
- The king Chad
- LordEdric
- Warlord D Thoran
- Artemis1992
- Fehu
- natruska
- Gingganz
- Doctor Elsewhere
- Damian45
- thefoolswriter
- saganatsu
- QuarkDS9
- Exmorri
- dycouza
- Zenbeast
- Bladesguy
- Bruce-Man
- ctulhuslp
- Kelenas
- Angelazreal1
- LockedMind
- SpaceSloth
- Inferno67
- Kyr'am
- WanderingEye
- NotteBoy97
- CuttleFish2.0
- Koya2
- BungieONI
- Chiperninerm
- mmgaballah
- LilyWitch
- Kornet
- Abhorsen
- Chronobreak
[X] 'Make sure the ale hasn't gone bad' with Skaroki
- aledeth
- KleverKil'Vanya
- ConfusedCanuck
- Artemis1992
- Fehu
- natruska
- wrecksalot
- Gingganz
- maximorph
- BurnNote
- Fimconte
- lqlpl
- JackOfAll
- Businessmanga
- Smartphone
- noliar
- DarkLight140
- Sole Purpose
- Kelenas
- Ashmaker
- Inferno67
- Kyr'am
- Reynal
- Karnax626
- buli-buli
- Dutchman
- TripleG316
- The Meddler
- Kornet
- Briefvoice
- Algalon
- BookMouse
- Chimeraguard
- bigbow
- TotallyNotEvil
- thisisinsane
- Redshirt Army
- Max Uristwell
- Guile
- Andmeuths
[X] 'Make sure the ale hasn't gone bad' with Johann
- Night_stalker
- HavocKeeper
- HeWhoAdds
- cheesyme
- Damian45
- thefoolswriter
- saganatsu
- Teron
- Waffle
- dycouza
- adaer
- Bladesguy
- Bruce-Man
- Angelazreal1
- LockedMind
- SpaceSloth
- LightMage
- Ganurath
- Angelform
- Horium
- NeonLights
- MooseHowl
- CuttleFish2.0
- Mr Apollo
- Zaratustra
- BungieONI
- Chiperninerm
- mmgaballah
- LilyWitch
- The Meddler
- Chronobreak
- Briefvoice
- TotallyNotEvil
- thisisinsane
- Max Uristwell
- ichypa
- In_lurk_shadow
[X] Join the hunting with Maximilian
- Doctor Elsewhere
- Sib
- Damian45
- thefoolswriter
- DarkLight140
- Varano
- ctulhuslp
- LockedMind
- Nix's Warden
- Horium
- NotteBoy97
- Karnax626
- buli-buli
- Dutchman
- Mr Apollo
- Zaratustra
- BungieONI
- Chiperninerm
- mmgaballah
- LilyWitch
- The Meddler
- Chronobreak
- Alratan
- thisisinsane
- Max Uristwell
- Guile
- Stranger1950
- Alectai
- avatar11792
- Theunderbolt
- Hadiz
- Lightwhispers
- EVA-Saiyajin
[x] Join the hunting with Ruprecht Wulfhart
- Chlof
- Candesce
- Fimconte
- Exmorri
- JackOfAll
- Smartphone
- adaer
- DarkLight140
- Bladesguy
- primemountain
- CuttleFish2.0
- TripleG316
- Zaratustra
- The Meddler
- Kornet
- Alratan
- Lurker of Urk
- Algalon
- bigbow
- Jrin
- Prospalz
- TotallyNotEvil
- thisisinsane
- Redshirt Army
- Max Uristwell
- Guile
- Muninn
- Andmeuths
- Rafin
- Avoozl
- Xilentxium
- Glau
- EVA-Saiyajin
- spiritualatheist
[X] Help move the Karag Nar hoard
[X] Listening to Longbeards grumble
[X] Sparring
[X] Join the hunting with Esbern and Seija
[X] Join the hunting with Codrin
[X] Being maudlin
[X] Put on a magic display (Petty and Lesser only)
[X] Drinking games
[X] Join the hunting with Ulthar
[X] Cook with Karak Izor
[X] Cook with Clan Angrund
[X] Eating
[X] Join the hunting with Sigwald Kriegersen
[X] Target shooting
[X] 'Make sure the ale hasn't gone bad' with Durin
[X] Play with a demigryph
[X] Valayan religious service
[X] Tell Belegar.
[X] No to Shenanigans
[X] Ulrican religious service
-[X] 'Make sure the ale hasn't gone bad' with Skaroki
[X] Tell Belegar the full story and let him handle Kragg for us, (telling us if he intends to tell Kragg and what)
[X] More drinking
-[x] Help move the Karag Nar hoard
-[x] Hold a Ranaldan religious service
-[X] Cook with Clan Angrund
-[X] Tell Belegar and Kragg.
[x]Plan Honest Umgi
[X] Hold a Ranaldan religious service, in private
[X] Tell Kragg.
[x] 'Make sure the ale hasn't gone bad' with Johann
[X] Drinking games
[X] Gambling
[X] Play with a giant wolf
[x] Tell war stories