SWB is essentially trying to create a faux-Harmony Task Force embedded in the Horizon Border Zone/Licori Border Zone/Paddah sector, even though we were told not to create a Harmony Task Force. He thinks they'll do a a lot; I think they'll sit there and do nothing.

In return, he's stolen ships from a lot of other locations so those sectors will be fatally weakened and we'll have failed events out the wazoo.
We were rather specifically told in the Deployment vote post that those sectors would be supporting the anti-harmony activities and would get extra missions. Reinforcing those sectors seems wise.

In the end, it's not just that I expect them to see heavy stuff there, and I do. In addition to the HoH plotline, we are also now on the hook for guaranteeing the safety of the Morshadd Commune and conducting activities in Licori space against House Rithe.

It's that the Licori, and our new friends in the OSA, are very vulnerable to a direct strike, and tensions on the border are very high. And they are going to get worse as we start confronting the HoH and their proxies. If we'd had enough warning of the Chrystovian Crisis I would have been weighting the CBZ/Gabriel like mad too.
[X][SQUAD] SWB Horizon-Proof Garrison

[X][FDS] Plan SWB 2325 FDS - 12P

[X][TASK] SWB 2325 Task Forces A

[X][WOLF] Shift to focus on developing relations, and possibly a defense agreement, with the Dobetian Commonwealth

[X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.

[X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade
[X][WOLF] Retask to attempt to negotiate a mutual-defense agreement with the Righteous Allupii Empire, aimed at Cardassia [Difficult Mission, -50pp]

[X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.

[X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade

[X] [SQUAD] Briefvoice Sector Garrison 2325
[X][FDS] Plan Briefvoice 2325 FDS - 12P
[X][TASK] Briefvoice 2326 Task Forces A
We were rather specifically told in the Deployment vote post that those sectors would be supporting the anti-harmony activities and would get extra missions. Reinforcing those sectors seems wise.

I had lots of ships in those border zones! More than I put in other sectors. They definitely were reinforced; it's just that when SWB sees a Miranda he can't imagine it contributing positively to any situation ever.
Really, CinC Starfleet should be delegating Deployment.
Out vote should probably be on the Task Forces (re)prioritization and perhaps size, how many MWCD ships to draft up, and then its over to the Theatre Commanders.

Is Deployment not- once again- proving itself a extremely time consuming, opaque and complex process, tiring out a few key individuals and risking ill-will among the player base.
Note the change in thread mood?

When the only way Variant plans are ever proposed is by taking a lot of hard work done by one person, and even spending more time building off that to present an alternative grab for their votes...

Comments for @SynchronizedWritersBlock , when he's on:
Goodfoot currently has no Starfleet ships; T'Mir is deployed twice.
Easy enough fix for Goodfoot - Swap in, say, a Caldonian, Indorian or STO Renaissance for Thelasa-vei (or Rixx) on Chorus, then swap in Thelasa-vei (or Rixx) for one of the Orion cruisers on Goodfoot.
And it still has mistakes...
(looks into thread, checks tally)

Hey look at that, while I was out of it SWB must have (deleted to be nicer). Well it's great that I lost probably 24 hours of my life to doing all those plans. I don't even know why I bothered.

EDIT: Eh well, I guess most of my work wasn't wasted. It just looks like he made a mad rush to pull ships to the Harmony border. I fear it'll cost us elsewhere, but what can one do?
It is very difficult to assess claims and counterclaims, because it's relying on the differing judgement of two experienced, involved players.
In the end, it's not just that I expect them to see heavy stuff there, and I do. In addition to the HoH plotline, we are also now on the hook for guaranteeing the safety of the Morshadd Commune and conducting activities in Licori space against House Rithe.
It's that the Licori, and our new friends in the OSA, are very vulnerable to a direct strike, and tensions on the border are very high. And they are going to get worse as we start confronting the HoH and their proxies. If we'd had enough warning of the Chrystovian Crisis I would have been weighting the CBZ/Gabriel like mad too.
So what are the differences between the Briefvoice vote and the SWB vote? I lack the time and technical knowledge to figure the differences and their implications so I would like to ask for a summary of what each plan does differently.
Too complex to even parse the overall intent, let alone create one.
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Corrections made.

Comments for @SynchronizedWritersBlock , when he's on:
Goodfoot currently has no Starfleet ships; T'Mir is deployed twice.
Easy enough fix for Goodfoot - Swap in, say, a Caldonian, Indorian or STO Renaissance for Thelasa-vei (or Rixx) on Chorus, then swap in Thelasa-vei (or Rixx) for one of the Orion cruisers on Goodfoot.
Since this is done on your advice I'm hoping no issues in having an Orion ship try to make nice with the Gorn-IK?

WRT pulling ships, the main difference in the sector garrison is the Excelsiors from the RBZ and KBZ were pulled. In every single other sector the garrison is the same, equivalent, or stronger. Overall the deployment is less likely to miss or fail events.

It's fair to critique the RBZ and KBZ excelsiors but not fair to claim that the sector garrison is weakened as a whole.
Really, CinC Starfleet should be delegating Deployment.
Out vote should probably be on the Task Forces (re)prioritization and perhaps size, how many MWCD ships to draft up, and then its over to the Theatre Commanders.

Is Deployment not- once again- proving itself a extremely time consuming, opaque and complex process, tiring out a few key individuals and risking ill-will among the player base.
Note the change in thread mood?

I guess, what's the alternative though? The GMs have to do it, and then everybody gets huffed because they didn't even get a chance to at least comment?
Corrections made.

Since this is done on your advice I'm hoping no issues in having an Orion ship try to make nice with the Gorn-IK?

We were told last night that was no good, though.

My suggestion - switch the Orion Cruiser back to Goodfoot, drop one of the Indorian Centaur-Bs from Goodfoot (as in, drop it from the draft), and instead draft an additional Amarki Centaur-B for Chorus.

EDIT: I don't like to take Indorian ships too far from home; they're always grimly prpearing for the long-expected Cardassian attack.
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I guess, what's the alternative though? The GMs have to do it, and then everybody gets huffed because they didn't even get a chance to at least comment?
Sure. 95% of the comments do seem to be "this is opaque so I'm voting [x] <tryhard player plan/ just player name>".
And shifting the workload to GMs is obviously no better.

You may recall I've made attempts to propose and discuss on Discord alternative models where Deployment of which-named-ship-is-where-and-when matters less, at CinC level.

We now have as many Theatres as there were game start Sectors, correct?

Theatre Commanders to be selected and operate similar to Intelligence. We get told their personality and approach, set them some targets, and get the reports.

If they suck, we give someone else the opportunity.

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Sure. 95% of the comments do seem to be "this is opaque so I'm voting [x] <tryhard player plan>".

I've made attempts to propose alternative models where Deployment of which-named-ship-is-where-and-when matters less, at CinC level.

We now have as many Theatres as there were game start Sectors, correct?

It's hard, though. "It matters which ships takes this," is woven into the game at its deepest roots. And you can't just abstract them all away and do only Explorer Corps logs. We get our EC captains from fan favorites showing up in individual non-EC logs.
[X][WOLF] Shift to focus on developing relations, and possibly a defense agreement, with the Dobetian Commonwealth
[X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
[X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade

I attempted to start building my own deployment plan...and this stuff is bonkers complicated. Just figuring out what ships *exist* is a good bit of effort, and pushing them around to...*checks list* 25 different postings PLUS Task Forces? Nope, brain overload. Thank you, Briefvoice, for doing the base work for anyone else to build off of. I wish I was capable of holding anywhere close to all of this in my head, but I just can't.
Still mulling over a vote on the deployment plan proper. It is, unfortunately, an awful lot to think about for one vote.
"It matters which ships takes this,"
Given. But you can in fact create parameters that influence and determine which specific ship takes this event, without crafting a overcomplex, micromanaged Deployment plan.

Fuzzy Just In Time Deployment. Give the TC their pool of ship classes (specific named ships can be in by request?), then some combination of none or more their SPICE score, Intelligence-like "Approach to Garrison" and ships stats is used to determine the responder in a roll, at Event Time, not before.
(The challenge is to find a low-QM-overhead way to do this).

Assume the Theatre Commander moves the Garrison around a lot more than CinC Starfleet ever had time to do, to respond to the changing nature of the region they are responsible for.

Edit: In game, CinC Starfleet has stopped worrying about deciding which specific Centaur-B is in Alukk Sector. There are Theatre Commanders for a reason.

IMO All we should need to know up front is how many Constellations we gave the Tailwards commander.

(task Forces would probably remain allocated on a similar manner to now... but I could, eventually, absolutely see that being given to someone in Starfleet Operarions too. We authorise the task force, and member ship callup.)

(Edited quite a bit)
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I never really understood how this was supposed to work on the QM side of things.
It's complicated by the fact that we (I) don't really understand how it works now, either... :)

But I assume you have tables that generate say "oh no, [Hard] [emergency rescue] [S-Event] in [Andor Sector]" or similar. And any other events in Andor.
Now, you look the Deployment to find out what ships are available? Based on the painstaking deployment plan, to find out which if any ships might be able to help.

In Theatre Commander Decides Deployment, the essential answer to 'can ships roll to respond to an event' is 'yes'! Of course a ship can go rescue those miners. The first time.

That 'yes' that gets less certain over the Quarter. The TCs are good at their jobs, so ships are always available for the first event in a Sector. Second, third events reduce likelihood of having responders available to roll.
Adding fins and chrome to this, some TCs prioritise their Border zones. Some prioritise Diplo-Events rather than S-events. This might be where you derive the cap on the number of ships you make Response Rolls for.
Future VA Theatre Commander Straak has virtually no limit to the number of Rock Discovery Events he has ships respond to, but might be capped at two for irrational, emotional trade summit disputes. (I'm thinking here you have useable categories from your Event tables. Maybe not, in which case perhaps drive it from the resolution Stat involved).

The overall 'available ship curve' could perhaps be based on formula of our quest success over time, if those numbers are stored and crunchable.

(Edited a fair bit)
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Future VA Theatre Commander Straak has virtually no limit to the number of Rock Discovery Events he has ships respond to, but might be capped at two for irrational, emotional trade summit disputes.

And now I am imagining his subordinates coming up with more and more rationalizations about how every event is really a rock event somehow.

As for "which specific ship waifu": it gets better!
We've hopefully quickly divided the fleet between the TCs, and Lathriss dutifully dispatches new builds as they leave the slips.

At Response time You, the QMs, get to pick the ship/captains you like or have an idea for how they'd respond in the Log.
Plus, Deployment becomes a Waifu Vote!
"I really want to see (my favourite ship or captain) this Quarter".
Winners get Appearances!

I'd imagine a Waifu Vote for "spotlight time this Quarter" might get some more debate going...
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[X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
[X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade
[X][WOLF] Shift to focus on developing relations, and possibly a defense agreement, with the Dobetian Commonwealth
It's complicated by the fact that we (I) don't really understand how it works now, either... :)

But I assume you have tables that generate say "oh no, [Hard] [emergency rescue] [S-Event] in [Andor Sector]" or similar. And any other events in Andor.
Now, you look the Deployment to find out what ships are available? Based on the painstaking deployment plan, to find out which if any ships might be able to help.

In Theatre Commander Decides Deployment, the essential answer to 'can ships roll to respond to an event' is 'yes'! Of course a ship can go rescue those miners. The first time.

That 'yes' that gets less certain over the Quarter. The TCs are good at their jobs, so ships are always available for the first event in a Sector. Second, third events reduce likelihood of having responders available to roll.
Adding fins and chrome to this, some TCs prioritise their Border zones. Some prioritise Diplo-Events rather than S-events. This might be where you derive the cap on the number of ships you make Response Rolls for.
Future VA Theatre Commander Straak has virtually no limit to the number of Rock Discovery Events he has ships respond to, but might be capped at two for irrational, emotional trade summit disputes. (I'm thinking here you have useable categories from your Event tables. Maybe not, in which case perhaps drive it from the resolution Stat involved).

The overall 'available ship curve' could perhaps be based on formula of our quest success over time, if those numbers are stored and crunchable.

(Edited a fair bit)
Isn't the main draw that you generate events and responders one way quickly, without needing a bunch of conditionals. I think the main part of events on the GM perspective is clogs, not ship assignment.
[X][SQUAD] SWB Horizon-Proof Garrison
[X][FDS] Plan SWB 2325 FDS - 12P
[X][TASK] SWB 2325 Task Forces A

[X][WOLF] Return home (If chosen, ships are available for deployment starting Q3)
[X][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
[X][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade