The following plan is based on Briefvoices Taskforces A but boosts Royal at the cost of Goodfoot.
This is done in 3 ways:
Ventil Oyana: 4 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +5 on a targeted diplomatic tag each quarter. [move to ROYAL from Goodfoot]
Ambassador Sarek: 8pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed diplomatic roll each quarter; add +1 to the reroll. [move to ROYAL from Goodfoot]
And the Goodfoot trades its Excelsior-A[Sojourner (B)] for Emancipation (B)
This is done because i do not see problems if Goodfoot takes longer but royal is an oppossed TF trying to prevent a war
It also adds Harbind-Attu Institute Research Team: 40 rp on purchase, 20 rp per year. Effect: Receive a bonus to a technology related to the Task Force's activities each year. to dreaming as we have enough RP so spending some for a research bonus is a easy choice.
[X][TASK] Sunrise 2326 Task Forces
-[X] Retain 24 points of ships and three cargo ships (40 pp)
- Explorers: 1 Starkin Basilica of Lakhept [Basilica of Lakhept],1 Starkin Basilica, 1Ked Paddah Aggadah, 1 STO Sunrise-A Battleship, 1 Caitian Excelsior-A [Hrvass] = 10
- Cruisers: 1Apiata Little Queenship, 3 Orion Nelhiar Savings & Loan Enforcer Cruisers, 3 STO Audacious Cruisers, 1 Gaeni Tech Cruiser-A = 8
- Frigates: 2 Apiata Stingers, 1 Amarkian Centaur-B, 2 Amarkian Anacails, 2 Indorian Centaur-B, 1STO Centaur-B, 1 Caldonian Centaur-B, 1 STO Kepler, 1 Orion Kepler, 1 Gaeni Kepler = 6
Maintain following pp cost TF attachments (127pp):
Langa Mbeki: 5 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the lowest diplomatic roll each quarter - 5pp [ROYAL]
Starfleet Intelligence Infiltration Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: When used with EC panel Captain, enables harder Raid Events. [ROYAL]
Commodore Alexandria Kuznetsova: 13 pp on purchase, 8 pp per year. Increased chance of responding to unexpected events instigated by opposing task forces. [ROYAL]
Nash & Scott's Consultant Cooperative: 10 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: [CLASSIFIED] [ROYAL]
Ashtarr: 10 pp on purchase, 8 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the first diplomatic roll involving the Gorn each quarter. [ROYAL]
Yan-Ros Ranger Team: 18pp on Purchase, 10pp per year. Enables Raid Events, adds extremely potent assault asset. [ROYAL]
Cpt. Wolfe's Analysis Team: 20 pp on purchase, 10 pp per year. Effect: +1 on opposed rolls [ROYAL]
Ventil Oyana: 4 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +5 on a targeted diplomatic tag each quarter. [move to ROYAL from Goodfoot]
Ambassador Sarek: 8pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed diplomatic roll each quarter; add +1 to the reroll. [move to ROYAL from Goodfoot]
FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter [CHORUS]
Yokathi Lakhept: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reduce the cost of all failed diplomatic events by half. [CHORUS]
Starfleet Tactical Brass: 15pp per year. Enables coordination events with other powers [CHORUS]
Second Starfleet Intelligence Field Intel Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables extra event types. [RIGHTEOUS]
Ambassador Nikael Dalera: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Double progress on the first passed Diplomatic event each quarter. [RIGHTEOUS]
Amarki Gendarmes: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: +1C for Away Team action, fulfills a Peacekeeper requirement attached to a Mission or event [RIGHTEOUS]
Starfleet Engineering Team: 15 pp on purchase, 15 pp per year. Effect: Fulfills an Engineering requirement. +3 on Distant Stars tags each year. [RIGHTEOUS]
FDS Diplomatic Team. Cost: 5pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter – 5pp [LIBERTY]
Starfleet Intelligence Joint Operations Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables Raid Events. [LIBERTY]
Shar Ordey: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to the first diplomatic roll involving anti-slavery efforts each quarter. [LIBERTY]
Maintain the following rp cost attachments (68rp)
Pallas-Abat Institute Ship Design Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: Ships in this task force get +1 to shield and hull checks to resist damage. [RIGHTEOUS]
University of Betazed Contact Team: 10 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the first First Contact roll each quarter. [RIGHTEOUS]
Hallad-Wel Institute Computing Team: 10 rp on purchase, 8 rp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed Science test of this task force each quarter, but at -1 to the roll. [DREAMING]
Harbind-Attu Institute Research Team: 40 rp on purchase, 20 rp per year. Effect: Receive a bonus to a technology related to the Task Force's activities each year. [DREAMING]
Kedaia Naar Institute Doctrine Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the first space combat roll each quarter. [LIBERTY]
Yoyodyne Research Team: 10 rp per year. Enables reroll on first failed D-Test each quarter. – 10 rp [LIBERTY]
Maintain the following BR cost attachment (10br)
Sam Jones: 10 br per year. Effect: Gain both sr & relations on trade summit missions for this task force. [ROYAL]
Task Force List
Task Force: Royal
Mission: Reduce [Gorn-Cardassian Diplomacy: 258/500] tag to 0, or at least prevent the Cardassians from raising it to 500/500.
Commander: Commodore Sabek (bonus???)
Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
Langa Mbeki: 5 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the lowest diplomatic roll each quarter
Starfleet Intelligence Infiltration Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: When used with EC panel Captain, enables harder Raid Events.
Yan-Ros Ranger Team: 18pp on Purchase, 10pp per year. Enables Raid Events, adds extremely potent assault asset.
Commodore Alexandria Kuznetsova: 13 pp on purchase, 8 pp per year. Increased chance of responding to unexpected events instigated by opposing task forces.
Nash & Scott's Consultant Cooperative: 10 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: [CLASSIFIED]
Ashtarr: 10 pp on purchase, 8 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the first diplomatic roll involving the Gorn each quarter.
Cpt. Wolfe's Analysis Team: 20 pp on purchase, 10 pp per year. Effect: +1 on opposed rolls
Ambassador Sarek: 8pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed diplomatic roll each quarter; add +1 to the reroll.
Ventil Oyana: 4 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +5 on a targeted diplomatic tag each quarter.
Explorers: 2 Starfleet Excelsior-A [Frontier(B), Sojourner (B)], 1 Starkin Basilica, 1 Starkin Basilica of Lakhept
Cruisers: 2 Starfleet Renaissances [Justice (B), Suffrage (B)]
Frigates: 1 STO Centaur-B, 1 STO Kepler
Notes: TF is 8 ships.
TF Dreaming
Mission: Resolve [Alien modes of Communication and Thought: X/300] tag on Dreamer Collective.
Commander: Huth fop Makpol - Reroll first two failed Diplomacy rolls each year, at -1 to the reroll.
Hallad-Wel Institute Computing Team: 10 rp on purchase, 8 rp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed Science test of this task force each quarter, but at -1 to the roll.
Harbind-Attu Institute Research Team: 40 rp on purchase, 20 rp per year. Effect: Receive a bonus to a technology related to the Task Force's activities each year.
2325.Q1 Ships
Cruisers: 1 Starfleet Renaissance [Mugat], 1 Gaeni Tech Cruiser-A
Frigates: 1 Caldonian Centaur-B, 1 Starfleet Centaur-B [Starlight], 2 Starfleet Kepler [Kepler (B), Axema]
Notes: 6 Ships
TF Goodfoot
Mission: Affiliate Ur'razzi
Commander: Percival Amin - Reroll first failed Diplomacy roll each year.
Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
2325.Q1 Ships
Cruisers: 1 Starfleet Renaissance [Emancipation (B)], 3 Orion Nelhiar Savings & Loan Enforcer Cruiser
Frigates: 2 Indorian Centaur-B, 1 Orion Kepler
Notes: 7 ships strong
TF Righteous
Mission: Negotiate an [Anti-Cardassian Mutual Defense Pact] with the Allupii (0/400) or shift mission to Dobetians depending on vote.
Commander: Pavel Chekov - Nullifies the first 2pts of crew casualties per year, reroll the first failed Away Team Combat each year
Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
Starfleet Intelligence Field Intel Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables extra event types.
Amarki Gendarmes: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: +1C for Away Team action, fulfills a Peacekeeper requirement attached to a Mission or event
Ambassador Nikael Dalera: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Double progress on the first passed Diplomatic event each quarter.
Pallas-Abat Institute Ship Design Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: Ships in this task force get +1 to shield and hull checks to resist damage.
Starfleet Engineering Team: 15 pp on purchase, 15 pp per year. Effect: Fulfills an Engineering requirement. +3 on Distant Stars tags each year.
University of Betazed Contact Team: 10 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the first First Contact roll each quarter.
2325.Q1 Ships
Explorers: 6 Starfleet Excelsior-A [Spirit (B), Avandar (B), Endurance (B), Odyssey, Pathfinder (B), Rru'adorr (B)]
Cruisers:1Apiata Little Queenship [Pollizazza],
Frigates:2Apiata Stingers [Lucrazza, Srizziri]
Notes: 9 Ships
TF Chorus
Mission: Resolve [Gorn/Ittick-Ka Tensions 135/300], with an eye to preventing a devastating interstellar war and potentially opening doors for future diplomacy.
Commander: Vol Chad - faster experience gain for ships in the squadron
FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
Starfleet Tactical Brass: 15pp per year. Enables coordination events with other powers
Yokathi Lakhept: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reduce the cost of all failed diplomatic events by half.
2325.Q1 Ships
Explorers: 1 Starfleet Excelsior-A [Thirishar(B)], 1 Caitain Excelsior-A [Hrvass]
Cruisers:1 Starfleet Renaissance [Thelasa-vei], 1 Starfleet Patrol Cruiser-A [Rixx]
Frigates: 1Gaeni Kepler,1Starfleet Centaur-B [Harmony],2StarfleetKepler [Lyflam, Hypatia]
Notes: 8 ships.
TF Liberty
Mission: Disrupt and ultimately destroy the rimward slave trade dominated by the Hishmeri OR if CAT vote is "NO" request permission to revise TF composition using different member ships and reassign to Court the Uaquuo.
Commander: Abigail Taggart - Successful Combat tests are worth double progress.
FDS Diplomatic Team. Cost: 5pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
Yoyodyne Research Team: 10 rp per year. Enables reroll on first failed D-Test each quarter.
Kedaia Naar Institute Doctrine Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the lowest space combat roll each quarter.
Shar Ordey: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to the first diplomatic roll involving anti-slavery efforts each quarter.
Starfleet Intelligence Joint Operations Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables Raid Events.
2325.Q1 Ships
Explorers: 1 Starfleet Excelsior-A [Liberty], 1 STO Sunrise-A Battleship
Cruisers: 3 STO Audacious Cruiser
Frigates: 1 Amarkian Centaur-B, 2 Amarkian Anacail
Notes: 8 Ships
TF Alarm
Mission: Engage in direct diplomacy and intelligence work with the Sei-Farie
Commander: Diego Zaardmani - +1S on Flagship, Re-roll first failed Science check each year
FDS Diplomatic Team. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter. (free)
Starfleet Intelligence Field Intel Team: (free)
Starfleet Engineering Team: Effect: Fulfills an Engineering requirement. +3 on Distant Stars tags each year (free)
2325.Q1 Ships
Explorers: 1 Starfleet Excelsior-A [Pleezirra(B)],1 Ked Paddah Aggadah
Cruisers: None
Frigates: None
Notes: 2 Ships
Task Force:Na'Shaya (Vulcan for Welcome)
Mission: Affiliate Sathuri.
Commander: Commodore Enad Rebin (if available)
Attachments: None
2325.Q1 Ships
Cruiser: 1 Renaissance [Thejal]
Frigates: 1 Centaur-B [Talaxana], 1 Kepler [Nolaeis]
Note: In Q2 1 Kepler [Grand Duk Berth 1] arrives to make 4 ships.
In 2325.Q2:
Task Force: Welcome [Starts in 2325.Q2 when ships arrive]
Mission: Resolve [Stellar Shock: 0/100] tag on Ataami.
Commander: Commodore Mica zh'Halron - +1 on Trade Summit event rolls.
Attachments: None
2325.Q1 Ships
Cruiser: 3 Constellation-A (12) [Stalwart (B), Triada, Docana (B)]
Frigates: 1 Centaur-B [Flabbjellah]
Note: 4 ships.
This is done in 3 ways:
Ventil Oyana: 4 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +5 on a targeted diplomatic tag each quarter. [move to ROYAL from Goodfoot]
Ambassador Sarek: 8pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed diplomatic roll each quarter; add +1 to the reroll. [move to ROYAL from Goodfoot]
And the Goodfoot trades its Excelsior-A[Sojourner (B)] for Emancipation (B)
This is done because i do not see problems if Goodfoot takes longer but royal is an oppossed TF trying to prevent a war
It also adds Harbind-Attu Institute Research Team: 40 rp on purchase, 20 rp per year. Effect: Receive a bonus to a technology related to the Task Force's activities each year. to dreaming as we have enough RP so spending some for a research bonus is a easy choice.
[X][TASK] Sunrise 2326 Task Forces
-[X] Retain 24 points of ships and three cargo ships (40 pp)
- Explorers: 1 Starkin Basilica of Lakhept [Basilica of Lakhept],1 Starkin Basilica, 1Ked Paddah Aggadah, 1 STO Sunrise-A Battleship, 1 Caitian Excelsior-A [Hrvass] = 10
- Cruisers: 1Apiata Little Queenship, 3 Orion Nelhiar Savings & Loan Enforcer Cruisers, 3 STO Audacious Cruisers, 1 Gaeni Tech Cruiser-A = 8
- Frigates: 2 Apiata Stingers, 1 Amarkian Centaur-B, 2 Amarkian Anacails, 2 Indorian Centaur-B, 1STO Centaur-B, 1 Caldonian Centaur-B, 1 STO Kepler, 1 Orion Kepler, 1 Gaeni Kepler = 6
Maintain following pp cost TF attachments (127pp):
Langa Mbeki: 5 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the lowest diplomatic roll each quarter - 5pp [ROYAL]
Starfleet Intelligence Infiltration Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: When used with EC panel Captain, enables harder Raid Events. [ROYAL]
Commodore Alexandria Kuznetsova: 13 pp on purchase, 8 pp per year. Increased chance of responding to unexpected events instigated by opposing task forces. [ROYAL]
Nash & Scott's Consultant Cooperative: 10 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: [CLASSIFIED] [ROYAL]
Ashtarr: 10 pp on purchase, 8 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the first diplomatic roll involving the Gorn each quarter. [ROYAL]
Yan-Ros Ranger Team: 18pp on Purchase, 10pp per year. Enables Raid Events, adds extremely potent assault asset. [ROYAL]
Cpt. Wolfe's Analysis Team: 20 pp on purchase, 10 pp per year. Effect: +1 on opposed rolls [ROYAL]
Ventil Oyana: 4 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +5 on a targeted diplomatic tag each quarter. [move to ROYAL from Goodfoot]
Ambassador Sarek: 8pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed diplomatic roll each quarter; add +1 to the reroll. [move to ROYAL from Goodfoot]
FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter [CHORUS]
Yokathi Lakhept: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reduce the cost of all failed diplomatic events by half. [CHORUS]
Starfleet Tactical Brass: 15pp per year. Enables coordination events with other powers [CHORUS]
Second Starfleet Intelligence Field Intel Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables extra event types. [RIGHTEOUS]
Ambassador Nikael Dalera: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Double progress on the first passed Diplomatic event each quarter. [RIGHTEOUS]
Amarki Gendarmes: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: +1C for Away Team action, fulfills a Peacekeeper requirement attached to a Mission or event [RIGHTEOUS]
Starfleet Engineering Team: 15 pp on purchase, 15 pp per year. Effect: Fulfills an Engineering requirement. +3 on Distant Stars tags each year. [RIGHTEOUS]
FDS Diplomatic Team. Cost: 5pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter – 5pp [LIBERTY]
Starfleet Intelligence Joint Operations Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables Raid Events. [LIBERTY]
Shar Ordey: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to the first diplomatic roll involving anti-slavery efforts each quarter. [LIBERTY]
Maintain the following rp cost attachments (68rp)
Pallas-Abat Institute Ship Design Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: Ships in this task force get +1 to shield and hull checks to resist damage. [RIGHTEOUS]
University of Betazed Contact Team: 10 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the first First Contact roll each quarter. [RIGHTEOUS]
Hallad-Wel Institute Computing Team: 10 rp on purchase, 8 rp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed Science test of this task force each quarter, but at -1 to the roll. [DREAMING]
Harbind-Attu Institute Research Team: 40 rp on purchase, 20 rp per year. Effect: Receive a bonus to a technology related to the Task Force's activities each year. [DREAMING]
Kedaia Naar Institute Doctrine Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the first space combat roll each quarter. [LIBERTY]
Yoyodyne Research Team: 10 rp per year. Enables reroll on first failed D-Test each quarter. – 10 rp [LIBERTY]
Maintain the following BR cost attachment (10br)
Sam Jones: 10 br per year. Effect: Gain both sr & relations on trade summit missions for this task force. [ROYAL]
Task Force List
Task Force: Royal
Mission: Reduce [Gorn-Cardassian Diplomacy: 258/500] tag to 0, or at least prevent the Cardassians from raising it to 500/500.
Commander: Commodore Sabek (bonus???)
Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
Langa Mbeki: 5 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the lowest diplomatic roll each quarter
Starfleet Intelligence Infiltration Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: When used with EC panel Captain, enables harder Raid Events.
Yan-Ros Ranger Team: 18pp on Purchase, 10pp per year. Enables Raid Events, adds extremely potent assault asset.
Commodore Alexandria Kuznetsova: 13 pp on purchase, 8 pp per year. Increased chance of responding to unexpected events instigated by opposing task forces.
Nash & Scott's Consultant Cooperative: 10 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: [CLASSIFIED]
Ashtarr: 10 pp on purchase, 8 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the first diplomatic roll involving the Gorn each quarter.
Cpt. Wolfe's Analysis Team: 20 pp on purchase, 10 pp per year. Effect: +1 on opposed rolls
Ambassador Sarek: 8pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed diplomatic roll each quarter; add +1 to the reroll.
Ventil Oyana: 4 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +5 on a targeted diplomatic tag each quarter.
Explorers: 2 Starfleet Excelsior-A [Frontier(B), Sojourner (B)], 1 Starkin Basilica, 1 Starkin Basilica of Lakhept
Cruisers: 2 Starfleet Renaissances [Justice (B), Suffrage (B)]
Frigates: 1 STO Centaur-B, 1 STO Kepler
Notes: TF is 8 ships.
TF Dreaming
Mission: Resolve [Alien modes of Communication and Thought: X/300] tag on Dreamer Collective.
Commander: Huth fop Makpol - Reroll first two failed Diplomacy rolls each year, at -1 to the reroll.
Hallad-Wel Institute Computing Team: 10 rp on purchase, 8 rp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed Science test of this task force each quarter, but at -1 to the roll.
Harbind-Attu Institute Research Team: 40 rp on purchase, 20 rp per year. Effect: Receive a bonus to a technology related to the Task Force's activities each year.
2325.Q1 Ships
Cruisers: 1 Starfleet Renaissance [Mugat], 1 Gaeni Tech Cruiser-A
Frigates: 1 Caldonian Centaur-B, 1 Starfleet Centaur-B [Starlight], 2 Starfleet Kepler [Kepler (B), Axema]
Notes: 6 Ships
TF Goodfoot
Mission: Affiliate Ur'razzi
Commander: Percival Amin - Reroll first failed Diplomacy roll each year.
Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
2325.Q1 Ships
Cruisers: 1 Starfleet Renaissance [Emancipation (B)], 3 Orion Nelhiar Savings & Loan Enforcer Cruiser
Frigates: 2 Indorian Centaur-B, 1 Orion Kepler
Notes: 7 ships strong
TF Righteous
Mission: Negotiate an [Anti-Cardassian Mutual Defense Pact] with the Allupii (0/400) or shift mission to Dobetians depending on vote.
Commander: Pavel Chekov - Nullifies the first 2pts of crew casualties per year, reroll the first failed Away Team Combat each year
Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
Starfleet Intelligence Field Intel Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables extra event types.
Amarki Gendarmes: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: +1C for Away Team action, fulfills a Peacekeeper requirement attached to a Mission or event
Ambassador Nikael Dalera: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Double progress on the first passed Diplomatic event each quarter.
Pallas-Abat Institute Ship Design Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: Ships in this task force get +1 to shield and hull checks to resist damage.
Starfleet Engineering Team: 15 pp on purchase, 15 pp per year. Effect: Fulfills an Engineering requirement. +3 on Distant Stars tags each year.
University of Betazed Contact Team: 10 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the first First Contact roll each quarter.
2325.Q1 Ships
Explorers: 6 Starfleet Excelsior-A [Spirit (B), Avandar (B), Endurance (B), Odyssey, Pathfinder (B), Rru'adorr (B)]
Cruisers:1Apiata Little Queenship [Pollizazza],
Frigates:2Apiata Stingers [Lucrazza, Srizziri]
Notes: 9 Ships
TF Chorus
Mission: Resolve [Gorn/Ittick-Ka Tensions 135/300], with an eye to preventing a devastating interstellar war and potentially opening doors for future diplomacy.
Commander: Vol Chad - faster experience gain for ships in the squadron
FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
Starfleet Tactical Brass: 15pp per year. Enables coordination events with other powers
Yokathi Lakhept: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reduce the cost of all failed diplomatic events by half.
2325.Q1 Ships
Explorers: 1 Starfleet Excelsior-A [Thirishar(B)], 1 Caitain Excelsior-A [Hrvass]
Cruisers:1 Starfleet Renaissance [Thelasa-vei], 1 Starfleet Patrol Cruiser-A [Rixx]
Frigates: 1Gaeni Kepler,1Starfleet Centaur-B [Harmony],2StarfleetKepler [Lyflam, Hypatia]
Notes: 8 ships.
TF Liberty
Mission: Disrupt and ultimately destroy the rimward slave trade dominated by the Hishmeri OR if CAT vote is "NO" request permission to revise TF composition using different member ships and reassign to Court the Uaquuo.
Commander: Abigail Taggart - Successful Combat tests are worth double progress.
FDS Diplomatic Team. Cost: 5pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
Yoyodyne Research Team: 10 rp per year. Enables reroll on first failed D-Test each quarter.
Kedaia Naar Institute Doctrine Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the lowest space combat roll each quarter.
Shar Ordey: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to the first diplomatic roll involving anti-slavery efforts each quarter.
Starfleet Intelligence Joint Operations Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables Raid Events.
2325.Q1 Ships
Explorers: 1 Starfleet Excelsior-A [Liberty], 1 STO Sunrise-A Battleship
Cruisers: 3 STO Audacious Cruiser
Frigates: 1 Amarkian Centaur-B, 2 Amarkian Anacail
Notes: 8 Ships
TF Alarm
Mission: Engage in direct diplomacy and intelligence work with the Sei-Farie
Commander: Diego Zaardmani - +1S on Flagship, Re-roll first failed Science check each year
FDS Diplomatic Team. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter. (free)
Starfleet Intelligence Field Intel Team: (free)
Starfleet Engineering Team: Effect: Fulfills an Engineering requirement. +3 on Distant Stars tags each year (free)
2325.Q1 Ships
Explorers: 1 Starfleet Excelsior-A [Pleezirra(B)],1 Ked Paddah Aggadah
Cruisers: None
Frigates: None
Notes: 2 Ships
Task Force:Na'Shaya (Vulcan for Welcome)
Mission: Affiliate Sathuri.
Commander: Commodore Enad Rebin (if available)
Attachments: None
2325.Q1 Ships
Cruiser: 1 Renaissance [Thejal]
Frigates: 1 Centaur-B [Talaxana], 1 Kepler [Nolaeis]
Note: In Q2 1 Kepler [Grand Duk Berth 1] arrives to make 4 ships.
In 2325.Q2:
Task Force: Welcome [Starts in 2325.Q2 when ships arrive]
Mission: Resolve [Stellar Shock: 0/100] tag on Ataami.
Commander: Commodore Mica zh'Halron - +1 on Trade Summit event rolls.
Attachments: None
2325.Q1 Ships
Cruiser: 3 Constellation-A (12) [Stalwart (B), Triada, Docana (B)]
Frigates: 1 Centaur-B [Flabbjellah]
Note: 4 ships.
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