@Iron Wolf - Did Taggart not make any process this quarter? Because her log ends pretty abruptly with no mention of it.

Also I found the lack of the usual Task Force names at the start of each log and the Task Force details at the end very confusing. For example with Taggart I'm still not entirely sure what her Task Force was supposed to be doing. I think it's tackling the Slavery tags on the Septs but the log is pretty damn vague.
Oops that's my bad, I accidentally cut her progress off.
[X] Focus on the OSA and Felis
We're doing better with the OSA, and can double-team the Felis with the ISC. There's simply no way we can counter 42 additional ships, so we're going to have to pick our battles. Their cruisers and capitals simply have better P-scores than ours do, and we're already spending ludicrous quantities of PP drafting member ships. We can't keep that going, and we're already basically out of P-specialists to draw on.
I expect it'll be stalled yes. But they should be able to limit the bleeding until we can reinforce Beyond.
The way I see it, losing some influence with the Licori and Bolians isn't too bad, we can recover from it once we recover our TF. But even with Diplopushes, there's a good chance our progress with the OSA and Felis will just stall if we don't concentrate on them. So I'd rather work on locking down the OSA and Felis ASAP so that our reinforced TF can fully concentrate on the Licori and Bolians instead of having to split between 4 polities.
Task Force Commander's Log - Commodore Leaniss Larai
(USS Frontier, Excelsior-A)

We continue to make allies among the Florists, and we are indeed winning many over to our perspective. The influx of new trade, and the reality of war shown so clearly by the OSA-Licori conflict weighs heavily on many Gorn, who are very aware of the potential difficulties of replacing their capital-heavy fleet. Their ships must be hoarded jealousy, and not thrown into battle with abandon. However, despite the best efforts of Commodore Kuznetsova to pin it on the Cardassians, the social unrest continues, most of it directed at the Crown Prince and his allies. Powerful religious groups stoke the populace's fears of Federation dominance, and the King himself watches the Licori with a wary eye. A power so similar to his own, and yet one that threatens to teeter over into chaos and bloodshed. The activities of the Kelsatha in Romulan space, official or otherwise, have reached here on whispers. I fear things are about to become much more difficult.

+20 to Militarist Foreign Policy (now 194/300)

I never know what to make of TF Royal reports. We keep making progress on the tags, but the flavor always feels like we're actually losing. The slow pace of progress is frustrating too. Another three quarters of this and we'll need another year of this.... Whelp. I mean, if things are about to become much more difficult we're about to just plain start losing!

Still, the stories of the individual ships were good.

Task Force Commander's Log - Commodore Vol Chad
(USS Opportunity, Excelsior-A)

Sup dudes. Let's get to it.

First let me say I'm stoked to have my flag on the Opportunity. No offense to the Hrvass, she's a fine ship, but Oppo here is a fellow EC veteran, and one last Captained by an accomplished Tellarite. I would have loved to be on Atuin, especially since Captain Aharani tells me they made the volleyball court a permanent feature, but no way am I taking away his fun.

Now then, to business. To our surprise, our diplomatic calls to the Ittick-ka did not lead to outright hostility. The local governor, Governor-General Kit'l'tk'kt offered to meet us on the edge of Daw space in his Palace class. For the Ittick-Ka, that's practically rolling out the welcome wagon. Then he offered to 'hold a keg for me,' and I realized the man had done his homework.

Some really great Vol Chad here. Primo stuff, 100%.

But, just when I thought things couldn't get any better, disaster. USS Starlight made an attempt to foster some dialogue between passing Gorn, Trill, and Ittick-Ka ships, continuing the sort of work that Forward had been doing. It was a real bummer to find out that the dialogue had rapidly gone south, and then a nightmare when the Gorn and Ittick-Ka vessels exchanged some 'light' torpedo fire. Apparently none of the shots found their mark, but no one's coming away happy.

So, next round I'm being hosted on the Palace. Here's what I'm hoping for: the Governor General to take me back to the Daw homeworld, so I can figure out just how tightly the Ittick-ka grip to power.

Results: +17 on Distant Stars, +19 on Great Power Ambitions, +10 rp

And he delivered! By far the best progress of any TF. A total of +36 in tags and a research point bounty. Some great work. Of course, light torpedo fire is not good news.

Task Force Commander's Log - Commodore Abigail Taggart
(USS Liberty, Excelsior-A)

I first wish to thank you, and the Federation Council, for assigning me to a truly righteous mission. I am very aware of the burden placed on me, the responsibility of one who is to mete out justice in a lawless place. But I will go forth with compassion, and attempt to convince those who would deny others liberty that they are damned if they continue to hold sophonts in fetters. Unfortunately, history informs us that in order to be the shield of the enslaved, we must also pick up the sword.

Well, it's good to see Taggart is properly enthused about the mission.

Captain's Log, USS Hypatia - Captain Ixazza

So, slipping in was easy as we expected. We have collected vast amounts of data on Hishmeri activity in the sector, including a very long, and I would think rather unseemly, caravan of misery that extends from Klingon space, through the Gorn, and finally to the Ittick-Ka. Rather disturbingly, we have detected some outflow from the Ittick-Ka, suggesting they may be exporting excess population.

The Screaming Hawks, in addition to this little slaving empire, are also preparing for combat. We have observed ship construction underway, and believe the Ittick-Ka may be supplying them with weapons. However, they do not appear to be moving towards the Imelak. Indeed, they may be preparing for confrontation with us. Killing Abigail Taggart would be something of a coup for the Screaming Hawks' leader -- enough to make her Perfect, and undo the work we've done.

That is... very interesting yet very disturbing news. They're selling ships, they're buying ships, they're not seeming to be moving after the Imelak.

Potential responses to these targets will include both diplomatic and military options. I hope that by precisely hitting the nodes of this slavery network, we will reduce casualties and weaken the resolve of belligerent Hishmeri.

Yours Faithfully,

Abigail Taggart

No tag progress? I suppose we got a lot of juicy intelligence instead.

Rear Admiral Michel Thiur sat in the Pleezirra's conference room. Around the dark-surfaced table sat Commodores Tomiq zh'Pohren and Sabek, along with Captain Volkov. The quarter's attention was focussed on one of the conference room's large screens. On it, a Tseskiya was speaking to a room of pale blue faces and pointed ears, midnight black feathers glossy in the light. Committeeman Singer Abeshta of the Harmony of Horizon was addressing the Amarki Senate, to a raucous reception. Thiur wondered how many others in the crew were watching.

"... Like us," Abeshta said, "You are a people who stands United in the idea that strength, insofar as it should exist, should only be used in defense of the weak, the less fortunate, the preyed-upon. You are a people with moral clarity and the desire to right wrongs, no matter the logistical cost. And like us, you chafe when a system entrenched in inaction allows wrongs to continue."

Shit talking us on the Amarki Senate floor. Great.

However, in dealing with our neighbours, and in welcoming a new member into the Harmony, we have realized our own deep moral shame. We instituted a certain system out of what we believed to be necessity, and now realize was only fear. We have seen other powers in the galaxy operate without such measures and still maintain healthy, happy, and open societies. Indeed, we queasily find all-too-ready comparisons between the outcomes of our system, and the activities of secret police.

So, effective immediately, we will no longer be carrying out algorithm informed euthanasia, particularly not on those who have been highlighted as possible criminals, and not even on those who have committed heinous acts. From now on we will approach the matter with compassion and respect, and never give up on reforming even the most violent and hardened criminals. Euthanasia for psychological trauma will be offered only to informed and consenting citizens. This is part of an evaluation and overhaul to the entire system, to retain our incredible ability to place people into the jobs they are best suited, and monitor their overall happiness.

I mean, I am genuinely happy to hear this. It's good that they're going to stop killing pre-criminals and commit themselves to reform.

We now go forth to our neighbors, to reach out to all of them openly, to appeal to them, and offer the peace-loving and open societies of the galaxy an alternative morality. A morality that does not stand idly by. This will be the largest outreach campaign in our history. It will impact the lives of everyday citizens in the Harmony. But we believe it is vital to be present, to hear the concerns of others, and to campaign strongly. Perhaps some day a synthesis can be reached among the outlooks of the free peoples of the galaxy, but until then, the Harmony of Horizon will ensure our viewpoint is heard.

Thank you,

Singer Lupt Dances-on-Orbitals

GMs: Oh, you didn't want a war? Well you're getting a goddman war! Just be grateful the HoH isn't blowing up ships and is instead going to use diplomacy to strip away potential allies. Bigly.

Thiur put the PADD down. On the screen, Singer Abesta smiled bashfully as the Amarki Parliament applauds. Thiur flicked his eyes away and down to the warp tracks, crawling across the table. He glanced up at Sharizz, "I must admit that my ability to read raw warp data is somewhat lacking. How many ships are we looking at?"

Commodore Tomiq zh'Pohren and Commodore Sabek leaned in to hear as Sharizz tapped at their PADD, "Adding to the existing vessels, we are looking at a total of approximately 42 cruisers and capital ships, with an unknown number of swarmers awaiting." They looked up, "They appear to be splitting their forces to focus on two areas: the OSA and Felis zone, and another for the Licori and Bolians.

Thiur leaned back in his chair, feeling like he'd taken a punch to the ribs. Even half of the incoming force matched Beyond. Drastic measures would have to be taken, possibly even focusing the task force in one area of operations and letting the Harmony run unopposed in another.

"Looks like we have our work cut out for us," he said.

As a reminder, here is what Thuir is working with.

Task Force: Beyond
Mission: Resolve [Horizon Influence: 147/300] tag on Licori, [Horizon Influence: 164/300] tag on Felis, and [Horizon Influence: 282/300] tag on OSA. If a [Horizon Influence] tag emerges on the Bolians, resolve that tag as well.
Commander: Rear Admiral Michel Thuir- Reroll first event failure each quarter

  • Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment
  • Starfleet Tactical Brass: 15pp per year. Enables coordination events with other powers
  • Molchenek-Danashad: 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to the first diplomatic roll involving a capitalist society each quarter
  • Sam Jones: 10 br on purchase, 10 br per year. Effect: Gain both sr & relations on trade summit missions for this task force.
  • Harbind-Attu Institute Research Team: 40 rp on purchase, 20 rp per year. Effect: Receive a bonus to a technology related to the Task Force's activities each year.
  • Cpt. Wolfe's Analysis Team: 20 pp on purchase, 10 pp per year. Effect: +1 on opposed rolls
  • Technocracy Interstellar Ministry Diplomatic Team: 10 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: For every passed Presence event each quarter, add +3 relations to another applicable tag.
Ships 2324.Q1:
  • Explorers: 2 Starfleet Excelsior-A [Pleezirra (B), Excalibur], 1 Caitian Excelsior-A [Nisharr], 1 Starkin Basilica [Basilica of Rangers], 1 Starkin Basilica of Lakhept [Basilica of Lakhept]
  • Cruisers: 2 Apiata Little Queenship [Birizzida, Tapazzira], 2Orion Nelhiar Savings & Loan Enforcer Cruisers [OUSNelhiar's Pride, OUS Nelhiar's Honor],1 Honiani Reliquary, 1Risan Heave Corvette-A
  • Frigates: 1 Caldonian Centaur-B,4Apiata Stingers [Anuzza, Tunirri, Sezzina, Luzzina], 3 Orion Molhane Patrol Escorts [Gessir, Burdina, Dasrut]
  • Notes: 19 ships total

The rule in warfare is, "concentrate your forces". Splitting to two fronts just means we lose slower on two fronts. However look at where we are with the OSA and Felis. 282/300. 164/300. If Beyond concetrates there, it just might be possible to pull off a decisive victory and then swing back around on the Licori and Bolians before the HoH can achieve complete victory there. So I have to vote for:

How should Commodore Thiur proceed?

[ ] Focus on the Licori and Bolians
[ ] Focus on the OSA and Felis
[ ] Keep the Task Force split

[X] Focus on the OSA and Felis

And it's Admiral Thuir, not Commodore Thuir.
I expect it'll be stalled yes. But they should be able to limit the bleeding until we can reinforce Beyond.
If we dump every single ship that completes next year directly into Beyond, we will still be behind by 12 ships, not counting their swarm frigates, which are likely to soon include Alert-class replacements, which are liable to have decent (at least) SPD.
Looks like we are going to have to send some more ships to reinforce Thuir. As for the vote.

[X] Keep the Task Force split

We will just have to keep doing what we are already doing and wait for reinforcements

I need to be clear... we don't have reinforcements to send unless you abandon another priority somewhere else. We've maxxed out our ability to draft member ships, and we're still a little understaffed on Sectro response. True more Keplers will complete next year, but we're also going to start sending Renaissances in for refit.
Does the Harmony not have any other enemies or something?

That or they have a staggeringly large reserve of ships.

Something on the lines of "If we're not repairing, we're building more ships. Even if we can't crew them right now, we'll have them when we need it."

Like, as things stand, they just wardecced in all but name. Probably sensed weakness from us if we weren't willing to go to the knife.

That, or they absorbed or destroyed a rival superpower on the opposite border, and can redeploy their forces here to start grinding away at us in earnest.

But yeah, a 42 ship approach? 42 capital ships and god knows how many parasite craft attached? That's a wardec in literally all but name. They've decided that we're too weak to oppose a passive-aggressive "Annexation", and have put cards on the table to try and knock us on our ass while we're in an unstable position.

Frankly, I'm surprised if the Federation Council allows the movement of armada-sized fleets right on our borders without a challenge. This is the kind of thing that absolutely demands a "Hey, cut that shit out or this is going to get unpleasant" response, or else the Federation can say goodbye to its sovereignty.
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Adding to the existing vessels, we are looking at a total of approximately 42 cruisers and capital ships, with an unknown number of swarmers awaiting.
This right here is probably the most terrifying threat we have ever faced. Going by the ratios of capital to cruiser to swarmer found in the Peacekeeping Directorate (1:2:12) and their prior Task Force (1:9:4) we are looking at a seriously scary fleet. The former gives:
14 Capitals
28 Cruisers
168 Swarmers​
but since that makes up pretty much the entire Peacekeeping Directorate we are probably looking at the Task Force ratio for:
4 Capitals
38 Cruisers
16 Swarmers​
which is bloody terrifying. Running the numbers that is probably superior to any fleet we have ever pulled together.
Running the numbers that is probably superior to any fleet we have ever pulled together.
Just to hammer things home here is a post I made up back when we first assembled Task Force Unity:
Task Force Unity is a massive force all told. Seriously we are bringing in:
EC Attachment: USS Sarek

Explorers: 4 Starfleet Excelsior-As: [Rru'adorr (B), Pleezirra (B), Lakota, Opportunity]

Cruisers: 1 Orion Nelhiar Savings & Loan Enforcer Cruisers [Nelhiar's Honor], 1 Little Queenship

Frigates: 1 Vulcan Centaur-B, 4 Betazoid Centaur-B, 1 Caldonian Centaur-B, 1 Andorian Centaur-B, 1 Starfleet Centaur-B [Zephyr (B)], 3 Molhane Patrol Escorts, 2 Stingers, and in Q2 add 1 Starfleet Centaur-B [Gale (B)]That is 20 ships, with a 21nd showing up in Q2, which have a combined statline of:
1 x Elite Excelsior-A: C10 S9 H7 L9 P9 D6
2 x Blooded Excelsior-A: C16 S14 H10 L14 P14 D12
2 x Green Excelsior-A: C14 S12 H8 L12 P12 D12

1 x Orion Nelhiar Savings & Loan Enforcer Cruiser: C5 S3 H2 L5 P7 D3
1 x Little Queenship: C4 S4 H2 L7 P6 D7

7 x Green Centaur-B: C28 S28 H14 L28 P28 D35
1 x Blooded Centaur-B: C5 S5 H3 L5 P5 D5
3 Molhane Patrol Escort: C9 S6 H6 L6 P15 D6
2 Stingers: C8 S4 H2 L8 P4 D8
(Quarter 2) 1 x Blooded Centaur-B: C5 S5 H3 L5 P5 D5

Total: C99 S85 H54 L94 P100 D94
+C5 S5 H3 L5 P5 D5 in Q2 -> C104 S90 H57 L99 P105 D99
For comparison during the Gabriel Campaign, which was effectively a limited war, Starfleet only sent 16 ships and the Federation in total 24 ships. Then there was the Arcadian Crisis which was both a fully declared war and a State of Emergency in which we mustered 35 ships totaling C128 H99 L127 S127 although only 27 ships totaling C104 H83 L104 S98 were in front line positions with the rest been allocated to patrolling.
Seriously this fleet is 165% the fleet we had for the Arcadian Crisis and literally double the forces we actually sent in to fight them and that was a full on war.

My very rough estimates I putting total Science, Presence, and Defense values in the high two hundreds to low three hundreds for the HoH fleet.
Can't be, not even we can absorb a rival superpower just like that.

Federation's also a generalist, while the Harmony is pretty much full Diplomatic Dystopia. Just like our superpower is our massive industry, they probably have a superpower that lets them diplo-annex peers if they can get enough advantage on them.
I need to be clear... we don't have reinforcements to send unless you abandon another priority somewhere else. We've maxxed out our ability to draft member ships, and we're still a little understaffed on Sectro response. True more Keplers will complete next year, but we're also going to start sending Renaissances in for refit.
I know that Briefvoice. I am still thinking about the vote and whether or not I should focus one side over the other.
"Results: 46/100 Slavery I"
Ok, well, that's pretty good. It'll take us about 10 quarters at this rate, so 2.5 years.
Well, they did mention that they are dipping into their sector forces for that big an outreach and that it's going to affect their citizens. So, they probably can't pull much more.

Bit weird that they'd be doing that, given that they just announced a massive, social change.

So, effective immediately, we will no longer be carrying out algorithm informed euthanasia, particularly not on those who have been highlighted as possible criminals, and not even on those who have committed heinous acts. From now on we will approach the matter with compassion and respect, and never give up on reforming even the most violent and hardened criminals. Euthanasia for psychological trauma will be offered only to informed and consenting citizens. This is part of an evaluation and overhaul to the entire system, to retain our incredible ability to place people into the jobs they are best suited, and monitor their overall happiness.

The Harmony just announced that they'd end what was basically an eugenics project on an unprecedented scale. There's only 2 ways that such a project can exist. Either a total buy-in from the population, or a severe repression and hiding of the program.

Since they openly announced the end of the program, either possibility should lead to major unrest.
The only good news is that this is flagrantly an act of war. You don't move armada sized forces in an attempt to annex a superpower's neighbours (And that's flagrantly what they're doing) and not expect the other side to react to it

Which means that we're liable to be able to draw on the member fleets more heavily for this.

Like, the HoH pulled this because they smelled weakness, that we didn't hold our ground when it was untenable out of ideals--and thus, those ideals are obviously weak and easily absorbed. I think this was actually a blunder on their part brought on by a lack of ability to get in the Federation's head--because they would go to the knife on their ideals at the drop of a hat, even if it's not geopolitically sound to do so.

Bit weird that they'd be doing that, given that they just announced a massive, social change.

The Harmony just announced that they'd end what was basically an eugenics project on an unprecedented scale. There's only 2 ways that such a project can exist. Either a total buy-in from the population, or a severe repression and hiding of the program.

Since they openly announced the end of the program, either possibility should lead to major unrest.

You don't need much to hold your own ground when nobody who isn't assured loyal is allowed to have starships that can survive on their own longer than a few days.

And when you've got enough internal control on top of that to the extent of "Everything you say is believed implicitly", all you need to do is wipe out anyone who protests and claim it was the act of someone else, and all is well.

More importantly, they're just confident they have enough social control at this point that they can say "We've always been at war with EastAsia" with a straight face and expect everyone in their populace who matters to agree.
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Which means that we're liable to be able to draw on the member fleets more heavily for this.
I can only hope, but they've apparently convinced large portions of the Amarki senate that the UFP is a bunch of cowards, and are probably going to try and do the same everywhere else.
The only good news is that this is flagrantly an act of war. You don't move armada sized forces in an attempt to annex a superpower's neighbours (And that's flagrantly what they're doing) and not expect the other side to react to it.

Which means that we're liable to be able to draw on the member fleets more heavily for this.

HARMONY: War, what war? We're just talking to these people, attempting to get them to join the Harmony like you want them to join the Federation. Where's the war?
HARMONY: War, what war? We're just talking to these people, attempting to get them to join the Harmony like you want them to join the Federation. Where's the war?

"Oh, I dunno, the fact you're throwing enough ships out per planet to blockade them and shut out any dissenting voice until they agree with you?"

This is frankly a massive escalation in force from the HoH, and the only way I can see it is if they legitimately saw us not intervening in the Chrystovian Crisis as a sign of weakness, rather than "The logistics are fucking untenable and it's not in our charter to get in shooting wars with peer powers if it's not necessary--especially when there's another highly belligerent superpower who'll take advantage".

Like, they didn't look at the logistics, they saw the fact the Federation didn't intervene with full force at this as a sign of weakness, that we're compromising on our beliefs and are therefore brittle and ready to be hit, so they make a big show of force and are going "Oh? We're going to annex these guys now, what are you going to do about it?" They've already seen we're not willing to go to the knife to protect people who aren't in our camp after all--and if we do anyway? Well, they can just use that as proof that we don't practice what we preach in the various diplomatic wars.

The answer to that being, basically. "What you do right on our borders is a whole different story to what we do to someone who we'd have to carve through a peer power's borders to set up a line of support to."