Really, funny ratings?
Looking at the numbers we see when we clash, Ling Qi is roughly onpar with them.
All we need to get rid of is this crippling sense of worthlessness you guys are sporting.
Narratively, There is at least four different factors I can think of offhand where we are significantly disadvantaged compared to the monsters. Art Quality, Art Stage (E.G the cultivation level the arts are at), Ressources and Build Coherency. The main advantage Ling Qi arguably has is her build's rarity and her amount of arts/meridians, but the latter doesn't work against Meizhen/CRX because white room.
We can expect
all of Liling/Meizhen/CRX's art to be at least at SCS/FVM level of quality if not better. While our other arts are not usually particularly of low quality (especially AE/TRF/PLR) they are either too low levels or not quite there yet.
Liling was Bronze 2 week 32. Meizhen probably was Spiritual 2 around then too. CRX lags a bit behind, but should have gotten to Spiritual 2 a while ago. This means that while our best arts are going to be capped at early green/early bronze level, Liling/Meizhen/CRX are going to have SCS7/FVM7/PLR3/TRF6/AE5 etc equivalents. This is also an extremely hard to overcome hurdle.
The monsters are going to have all of their gears being beyond their level of cultivation... and are likely to have 2 third realm spirit beast each if they can afford to Qi-wise. We know after all that Meizhen is doing so. Ling Qi is unlikely (so far) of getting one, let alone two 3rd grade spirit beast.
Meizhen, Liling and CRX all have had build coherency they have been going for since before they came to the sect. They might have changed their mind some on the details, but they have a definite fighting style that all their arts enhance. We currently do not have that.
Any of those factors would make for the monsters being able to beat us with strong regularity. All four is basically game over.