Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
It's not every model, just one at a time, I think.
Grants Terror, once per turn deals 1d3 hits at 1d6 strength to an enemy character or unit at close range
I suppose there is space for alternative readings. We'll need a WoG to clear it up, I think. Unless there is somebody who is good at tabletop rules and knows how to interpret stuff like that well.
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Old news, but a reminder wouldn't be amiss, I suppose; new Mastery now blobs of infantry are yet another thing on the list against which Mathilde is pure murder against. 1d3 hits at 1d6 strength to every model in a unit would absolutely murder just about any non-elite unit you care to name unless your dice is completely fucked and routinely keeps rolling 1 and 1.
Every model in a unit? That can't possibly be right. That's Battle Magic worthy.
[X] Plan Specialists to their specialties
-[x] Mathilde: Mounting your Shadowsteed and fighting with:
--[x] The Winter Wolves
-[x] Esbern and Seija: With the Demigryph Knights
-[x] Panoramia: With Ulthar's rangers
-[x] Maximilian: With Codrin's archers
-[x] Johan: With the Siege Engine crews

Our beast cavalry is one of our best assets for making a breakthrough and thus a prime target for enemy casters - giving it dispellers and extra punch only makes sense. Mathilde would get on better with the Ulrican wolves than the Sigmarite Demigryphs (and longer term so will Wolf so better build relationships now) so the Ambers go with them.

Ulthar's Rangers are most likely to find Panoramia suitable targets.

Codrin's archers are the largest and closest packed of the ranged troop units which makes them a target so they can have dispelling support.

Boosted artillery makes everything better so they get Johan of course.
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It's kind of crazy, yeah, so I wouldn't be surprised if I am misreading the rule. "Just" +1d3 1d6STR attacks is also pretty damn good.

Regardless, if my probably overly optimistic interpretation of Dread Aspect Mastery isn't right, Terror is still a special rule strong enough to make her matter against blobs of enemies.
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[x] Plan Strike Team and Buffs
-[x] Trying to flank the enemy to strike at spellcasters and siege weapons
-[x] With the Demigryph Knights
-[x] With you
-[x] With you
-[x] With the Siege Engine crews

I agree with this plan. Let us basically be Champion killers.
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[X] Plan Rout the Enemy
- [X] [Mathilde] Striking at enemy lines wherever they seem most vulnerable
- [X] [Esbern & Seija] With the Demigryph Knights
- [X] [Panoramia] With Ulthar's rangers
- [X] [Maximilian] With Codrin's archers
- [X] [Johann] With the Siege Engine crews
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[X]Plan Leeroy
-[X] Mounting your Shadowsteed and fighting with:
- [X] The demigryph knights
-[X] With you
-[X] With Titus' skirmishers
-[X] With Ulthar's rangers
-[X] With the Siege Engine crews

Maybe we'd be better picking off casters but they are pretty rare and our spells and items make us pretty good linebreakers.
I think that'll be more useful than putting down whatever petty shaman thinks he's hotstuff compared to Kragg the Grim.
Apologies. I'll fix that now.

[x] Plan Gank the Mages
-[x] Trying to flank the enemy to strike at spellcasters and siege weapons
-[x] With you
-[x] With Codrin's archers
-[x] With Ulthar's rangers
-[x] With the Siege Engine crews
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Your Place:
[ ] Sticking close to Belegar, just in case.
[ ] Mounting your Shadowsteed and fighting with:
- [ ] The demigryph knights
- [ ] The Winter Wolves
[ ] Joining the fighting wherever it's thickest
- [ ] Fighting among dwarves
- [ ] Fighting among humans
[ ] Striking at enemy lines wherever they seem most vulnerable
[ ] Trying to flank the enemy to strike at spellcasters and siege weapons
Belegar does not need babysitting.
Tempting to go with the cavalry… but against goblins it seems like wasteful overkil.
We aren't well suited to slugging it out with elite troops. Fighting where it is thickest means fighting enemies least likely to break from Terror.
Last two options are both appealing. Of the two I would rather hit vulnerable with Terror than go after casters and artillery. We are likely to have a far greater impact by being a line-breaker and drawing aggro than by sneaking around ganking individuals.

For the journeymanlings: Best to spread out. We are the dispel coverage and for the most part none of their skill-sets overlap very well.

Really think plan voting is needless for this. We are going to end up with half a dozen plans that only differ on a single point.

[X] Plan Highly Visible Ninja Wizard
-[X][Mathilde] Striking at enemy lines wherever they seem most vulnerable
-[X][Esbern & Seija] With the Demigryph Knights
-[X][Panoramia] With Titus' skirmishers
-[X][Maximilian] With Codrin's archers
-[X][Johann] With the Siege Engine crews

Are we still doing approval votes?

[X] Plan Rout the Enemy
- [X] Striking at enemy lines wherever they seem most vulnerable
- [X] With the Demigryph Knights
- [X] With Ulthar's rangers
- [X] With Codrin's archers
- [X] With the Siege Engine crews
@Silver719 , @TimEd , @Hangwind , various other plan writers, remember to indent your plan elements. Like so:
[*] Plan Name
-[*] Item
-[*] Item


Hmmm. Lesseee.
Your Place:
[ ] Sticking close to Belegar, just in case.
[ ] Mounting your Shadowsteed and fighting with:
- [ ] The demigryph knights
- [ ] The Winter Wolves
[ ] Joining the fighting wherever it's thickest
- [ ] Fighting among dwarves
- [ ] Fighting among humans
[ ] Striking at enemy lines wherever they seem most vulnerable
[ ] Trying to flank the enemy to strike at spellcasters and siege weapons
Belegar can take care of himself.
Mathilde fighting alongside either knights or wolves seems likely to spook their mounts, particularly as we didn't take much time to get to know them on the march.
Joining the fighting where it's thickest strikes me as a waste of our special abilities. Thickest fighting is where enemies put their +Ld stuff and the hordes just keep coming no matter what we kill and so forth.
Hitting vulnerable enemy lines with SHADOWHORSE TERRORCHARGES sounds good.
Flanking and assassinating would be my second preference.

Esbern and Seija:
They are inseperable; Esbern is a dangerous melee combatant and Seija is skilled at assisting friendly animals and sabotaging unfriendly ones.
[ ] With you
[ ] With the Demigryph Knights
[ ] With the Winter Wolves
One of the riding groups, I think. I imagine Mathilde would marginally favor the Winter Wolves for the Ulric-Sigmar arguments that recur from time, but that's mostly irrelevant and either one is fine, really.

Her offensive spells make her a terrifying threat at range, as thorned plants burst from the ground and sprout within the enemy.
[ ] With you
[ ] With Titus' skirmishers
[ ] With Codrin's archers
[ ] With Ulthar's rangers
Ulthar's rangers IMO. They know her from the Black Lotus poisons previously, are less likely to do something stupid at seeing creepy magic thornbushes sprout up, and have probably best training for taking advantage of that kind of battlefield shaping.

His spells make him a supernaturally resilient and accurate archer.
[ ] With you
[ ] With Titus' skirmishers
[ ] With Codrin's archers
[ ] With Ulthar's rangers
Archers seems the obvious place to put the guy who knows the Silver Arrows of Arha spell. It's a lot less creepy than some other magics.

He can supernaturally guide the efforts of his allies, which has won him a place among the dwarf siege engineers; he can also magically sabotage enemy wepaons.
[ ] With you
[ ] With the Siege Engine crews
We're not expecting enemy siege engines here for him to sabotage, are we? Such things are mostly a) skaven and b) offensive tools, but here the expected enemies are mostly orcs on the defensive. And sabotaging orc swords is just wasted effort. Put him with our siege engines.

Putting it together:

[X] Plan Austria
-[X] Mathilde striking at enemy lines wherever they seem most vulnerable
-[X] Amber Wizards with the Demigryph Knights
-[X] Panoramia with Ulthar's rangers
-[X] Maximilian with Codrin's archers
-[X] Johann with the Siege Engine crews

(no particular reason why Austria)
Something I want to bring up: we're monstrous unit killers as long as we fight alone. We're small enough that only one of them will be able to attack is, while our wounds will just go into the unit. Trolls? Gone. Doombells? Shattered. Boar riders? Skewered. Anything with a larger than normal base can't attack us more than one on one.

I kind of wish we were fighting ogres.
[X] Plan Specialist
[X] Trying to flank the enemy to strike at spellcasters and siege weapons
[X] With the Demigryph Knights
[X] With Ulthar's rangers
[X] With Codrin's archers
[X] With the Siege Engine crews
Indent your plan to have it counted properly.

[X] Plan Specialists to their specialties
[x] Mathilde: Mounting your Shadowsteed and fighting with:
- [x] The Winter Wolves
[x] Esbern and Seija: With the Demigryph Knights
[x] Panoramia: With Ulthar's rangers
[x] Maximilian: With Codrin's archers
[x] Johan: With the Siege Engine crews
Indent your plan.

[X] Plan Rout the Enemy
- [X] Striking at enemy lines wherever they seem most vulnerable
- [X] With the Demigryph Knights
- [X] With Ulthar's rangers
- [X] With Codrin's archers
- [X] With the Siege Engine crews
My god, someone who indented their plan! Now if only you'd used those task tags...

[x] Plan Gank the Mages
[x] Trying to flank the enemy to strike at spellcasters and siege weapons
[x] With you
[x] With Codrin's archers
[x] With Ulthar's rangers
[x ] With the Siege Engine crews
Last option is broken; remove the space. Also, indent your plan.

[X] Plan Highly Visible Ninja Wizard
-[X][Mathilde] Striking at enemy lines wherever they seem most vulnerable
-[X][Esbern & Seija] With the Demigryph Knights
-[X][Panoramia] With Titus' skirmishers
-[X][Maximilian] With Codrin's archers
-[X][Johann] With the Siege Engine crews
I think I love you.
[]Plan [Name]
-[][Esbern & Seija] With
-[][Panoramia] With
-[][Maximilian] With
-[][Johann] With

Here, I made this for ease of plan-making. Just copy it, add the X's and write in your stuff. @BoneyM, you might want to add something like this to updates in the future, it seems like it would simplify record-keeping by a lot.
He can supernaturally guide the efforts of his allies, which has won him a place among the dwarf siege engineers; he can also magically sabotage enemy wepaons.
[ ] With you
[ ] With the Siege Engine crews
if hes with the engines, can he still do his sabotage stuff?
Alas, we can't murder a few dozens of mooks per round. Throw that into a "Probably never" bin of battle magic spells to invent alongside with summoned shadow dragon mount, I suppose. :V

[X] Plan Highly Visible Ninja Wizard
-[X][Mathilde] Striking at enemy lines wherever they seem most vulnerable
-[X][Esbern & Seija] With the Demigryph Knights
-[X][Panoramia] With Titus' skirmishers
-[X][Maximilian] With Codrin's archers
-[X][Johann] With the Siege Engine crews

Altho I think there is a really strong argument for just going wizard head-hunting and spooking enemy artillery... It would be stronger if Orcs were known for strong artillery.

Do Esbern and Seija actually have mounts, or they are offering to stick themselves into the cavalry forces (Wwolves and that knightly order) as two lone infantry heroes?

That would be really silly, so that is probably not what they are offering, but just to be sure.
Alas, we can't murder a few dozens of mooks per round. Throw that into a "Probably never" bin of battle magic spells to invent alongside with summoned shadow dragon mount, I suppose. :V
A have seen nothing with a movement higher than 8, which is our Horse's speed. The only thing that matches it is that mechanical horse some Empire Engineers can ride. Everything else is slower.

And, if I understand correctly, any enemy that breaks and is run down is automatically slain, wholesale, as long as you can catch it.

So I suppose we technically can check that box?
Voting is open