Adhoc vote count started by Briefvoice on Apr 13, 2018 at 8:25 AM, finished with 229 posts and 69 votes.
There must be a layer of abstraction, or we'll all lose our minds. You do not sit there coming up with individual line-items on the invoice, you mark out the general theme and then let specialists handle the details. In this event, you have us QMs, who can take into account all the things that we would have taken into account when judging your ideas.

So that is what happens to most of the Starfleet brass in canon! I knew there had to be a rational explanation for that!
[55][PREZ] Alliance-Building Diplomacy Response to gain more participants in response
[38][PREZ] Recon & Intel Support
[32][PREZ] Conciliatory Diplomatic Response to Breen
[26][PREZ] Industrial Support/Lend-Lease Response
[21][PREZ] Romulan-Klingon Border Peacekeeping Response
[15][PREZ] Aggressive Diplomatic Response to isolate Breen
[6][PREZ] Push for Federation Early Mobilisation
[3][PREZ] Direct Action Response against Breen assets
[2][PREZ] Subterfuge & Sabotage Response


[27%][PREZ] Alliance-Building Diplomacy Response to gain more participants in response
[19%][PREZ] Recon & Intel Support
[16%][PREZ] Conciliatory Diplomatic Response to Breen
[13%][PREZ] Industrial Support/Lend-Lease Response
[11%][PREZ] Romulan-Klingon Border Peacekeeping Response
[8%][PREZ] Aggressive Diplomatic Response to isolate Breen
[3%][PREZ] Push for Federation Early Mobilisation
[3][PREZ] Direct Action Response against Breen assets
[1%][PREZ] Subterfuge & Sabotage Response
Last edited:
[ ][PREZ] Subterfuge & Sabotage Response
[ ][PREZ] Romulan-Klingon Border Peacekeeping Response
[ ][[PREZ] Aggressive Diplomatic Response to isolate Breen

Considering changing my vote again, even though my opinion hasn't actually changed, in order to make sure two options I like get a better share and one that isn't quite as terrible as we've been treating it gets even mentioned at all. Thoughts?
[X][PREZ] Alliance-Building Diplomacy Response to gain more participants in response
[X][PREZ] Romulan-Klingon Border Peacekeeping Response
[X][PREZ] Conciliatory Diplomatic Response to Breen

I would like to change my vote, now that we know that the FDS thinks that the Klingons will react more favorably to the Peacekeeping than to the Lend/Lease.
I think that I would want to do this:

[][PREZ] Recon & Intel Support
[][PREZ] Conciliatory Diplomatic Response to Breen
[][PREZ] Romulan-Klingon Border Peacekeeping Response

With the biggest emphasis on peacekeeping, frankly - to ensure Klingons or Romulans do not mulch each other.
Oneiros was explaining on Discord that this was supposed to be a more philosophical vote. Don't vote based on the costs or how you think people will react. Vote based on what you think Starfleet should be doing. Philosophically speaking.

Maintaining peace and poking Breen diplomatically, while having fleet on standby to prevent them from having bright ideas.
Yeah, I'd go with....

[X][PREZ] Recon & Intel Support
[X][PREZ] Conciliatory Diplomatic Response to Breen
[X][[PREZ] Aggressive Diplomatic Response to isolate Breen
...I am still not sure whether Oneiros is opening the vote back, but just in case he does:

[X][PREZ] Recon & Intel Support
[X][PREZ] Conciliatory Diplomatic Response to Breen
[X][PREZ] Romulan-Klingon Border Peacekeeping Response
Oneiros was explaining on Discord that this was supposed to be a more philosophical vote. Don't vote based on the costs or how you think people will react. Vote based on what you think Starfleet should be doing. Philosophically speaking.

This just makes me want to rethink everything all over again. *sigh*
Oneiros was explaining on Discord that this was supposed to be a more philosophical vote. Don't vote based on the costs or how you think people will react. Vote based on what you think Starfleet should be doing.
But one of the things that in my opinion Starfleet should be doing is try to preserve or create good relations with its neighbours, so the expected Klingon response is important to my vote.
[X][PREZ] Recon & Intel Support
[X][PREZ] Conciliatory Diplomatic Response to Breen
[X][PREZ] Romulan-Klingon Border Peacekeeping Response
[X][PREZ] Alliance-Building Diplomacy Response to gain more participants in response
[X][PREZ] Aggressive Diplomatic Response to isolate Breen
[X][PREZ] Recon & Intel Support
Last edited:
Hmmm what to do? what to do? Honestly I too am at an impasse over my vote. and am still thinking about it. Tally Time to see what everyone voted for.

Never mind I am not changing my vote. I still think I voted correctly so the Vote stays
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Apr 13, 2018 at 1:10 PM, finished with 249 posts and 71 votes.
Last edited:
[X][PREZ] Alliance-Building Diplomacy Response to gain more participants in response
[X][PREZ] Romulan-Klingon Border Peacekeeping Response
[X][PREZ] Industrial Support/Lend-Lease Response
[X][PREZ] Aggressive Diplomatic Response to isolate Breen
[X][PREZ] Conciliatory Diplomatic Response to Breen
[X][PREZ] Romulan-Klingon Border Peacekeeping Response

Am I doing it right?
[X][PREZ] Alliance-Building Diplomacy Response to gain more participants in response
[X][PREZ] Recon & Intel Support
[X][PREZ] Conciliatory Diplomatic Response to Breen
Adhoc vote count started by Brogatar on Apr 13, 2018 at 3:15 PM, finished with 255 posts and 74 votes.