In this version of Star Trek, civilian warp drives are black boxed and limited to an absurd degree. Even an outdated drive like the Oberth's would run rings around them, have far fewer limits, and store at least an order of magnitude less antimatter.

It's also true that we saw Oberths in civilian service by TNG, which we are still nominally headed in the direction of.
I think a Gorn diplomatic push is low value at this point, and I regret the one we made last year.

With two 100 point tags barring them from affiliation, it just isn't going to do much. Send a task force (if we're not fighting the Breen), sure. Don't spend one of our diplomatic pushes on them. It just won't accomplish much this year.
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I think a Gorn diplomatic push is low value at this point, and I regret the one we made last year.

With two 100 point tags barring them form affiliation, it just isn't going to do much. Send a task force (if we're not fighting the Breen), sure. Don't spend one of our diplomatic pushes on them. It just won't accomplish much this year.

I concur. There's other areas where a push could be useful and accomplish more-the Gretarians, or the Dreamers.
2322.Q4 - Rat Race
Starfleet Personnel - Promotions Board

Highlighted Officer's Summary
Promoted to Chief Petty Officer

Pirea mav Rahn - Assigned to Phaser Control, USS Kepler
Sergey Rozhenko - Assigned to Reactor Operations, USS Endurance

Commissioned as Ensign
Owen Paris - Assigned as Junior tactical officer, USS Korolev
Norah Satie - Assigned as Junior investigator, Starfleet Criminal Investigation Division, Starfleet Security

Promoted to Lieutenant (j.g.)
Assash - Assigned to junior security officer, USS Eclipse
Gev - Assigned to Junior officer (Comms & SigInt), USS Kepler
Gregory Quinn - Assigned to junior diplomatic officer, USS Salnas
Anna St. James - Assigned to Junior tactical officer, USS Enkindle

Promoted to Lieutenant
Alemi - Assigned to Junior navigator, USS Odyssey
Elardir - Assigned to junior science officer, USS Emancipation

Promoted to Lieutenant-Commander
Jalak Deressa - Assigned to Diplomatic officer, USS Atuin
Rachel Garrett - Assigned to Chief Science Officer, USS Odyssey
Sabine - Assigned to Helm Officer, USS Opportunity
Dash sh'Rinboq - Assigned to Helm Officer, USS Enterprise-C
Yuna Zwicky - Assigned to Security Officer, USS Bull

Promoted to Commander
Zles ch'Katen - Assigned to XO, USS Svai
Schodad Daetud - Assigned to Office 3 (Internal Counter-Espionage), Irregular Operations Department, Starfleet Intelligence
Ginzan - Assigned to CMO, USS Discovery
Wanda Glowinski - Assigned to Supervisor, Office 13 (Romulan), Field Intel Department, Starfleet Intelligence
Zosuhn Hak - Assigned to Lecturer, Starfleet Diplomatic School, Starfleet Academy
Tiberius Kahurangi - Assigned to XO, USS Kir'Shara
Sharizz - Assigned to XO, USS Courageous
Temari - Assigned to Chief of Staff, Horizon Border Zone
T'Lammas - Assigned to Science Officer, USS Frontier
Phyton Vesuvian - Assigned to XO, USS Avandar
Norbu Vũ - Assigned to Chief Engineer, USS Pleezirra

Promoted to Captain
Oric Awa - Assigned to CO, USS Yukikaze
Hugo Church - Assigned to CO, USS Epiphany
Criel Galthis - Assigned to First Officer, Starbase 6 (Indi Beta)
Khiwuolo - Assigned to First Officer, Starbase 17 (Rethelia)
Adai Loviss - Assigned to Deputy Director, Battle Review Division, Starfleet Tactical Command
Mrr'rali - Assigned to CO, USS Cloudburst
Rekkon - Assigned to CO, USS Calypso
Aris Voxu - Assigned to Chief of Staff, Mental Health Division, Starfleet Medical Command

Promoted to Commodore
Percival Amin - Assigned to CO, Starbase 2 (Vulcan)
Nokair ch'Gharist - Assigned to CO, KBZ Task Force
Toriq sh'Irinas - Assigned to Chief, Warp Core Fabrication Division, Shipyard Industrial Command
Abigail Taggart - Assigned to Supervisor, Explorer Squadron 1, Starfleet Explorer Corps

Promoted to Rear Admiral
Leah Colt - Assigned to Administrator, Operations Mission Control, Starfleet Operations Command
Iorin Grann - Assigned to Vice Chief of Staff, Starfleet Operations Command
Samhaya Mrr'Shan - Assigned to CO, Ferasa Sector
Ferath zh'Kylarrth - Assigned to CO, LBZ

Placed on Sabbatical
Rachel Ainsworth from CO, Explorer Corps

Miriam Gold
Gregory Locke

Key Reassignments
Lieutenant Yesmine Kim - Assigned to Conn Officer, USS Fluffy-Puffy from Conn Officer, USS Hawking
Lieutenant Tera zh'Taaliq - Assigned to Operations Officer, USS Tarrak from Helm officer, USS Lightning
Lieutenant Commander Jacqueline Appel - Assigned to Deputy Chief, Communications, Starfleet Headquarters from Operations Officer, USS Atuin
Lieutenant Commander Lance Arthur - Assigned to Tactical Officer, USS Cloudburst from Security Department Head, USS Lexington
Lieutenant Commander Lyem Liacross - Assigned to Tactical Officer, USS Emancipation from Security Officer, USS Atuin
Lieutenant Commander T'Pel - Assigned to Science Officer, USS Incorruptible from Beta Shift Science Officer, USS Salnas
Commander Kirc blasch Brann - Assigned to Lecturer, Starfleet Communications School, Starfleet Academy from XO, USS Gerzzi
Commander Vinon - Assigned to Assistant, Underway Department, Field Repair Division, Starfleet Engineering Command
Captain Angela Curtis - Assigned to Lecturer, Starfleet Diplomatic School, Starfleet Academy
Captain Jeanette Devereaux - Assigned to CO, USS Sarek from CO, USS Sojourner
Captain Hayden Kennedy - Assigned to CO, USS Endurance from CO, USS Cloudburst
Captain Robert Kenichi - Assigned to CO, USS Avandar from CO, USS Lion
Captain Kole - Assigned to CO, USS Continent from Starfleet School of Engineering
Captain Nina Kowalski - Assigned to Superintendent, Berth B, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards from Superintendent, Berth 2, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Captain Ozzgrizzira - Assigned to CO, USS Incorruptible from CO, USS Typhoon
Captain T'Atring - Assigned to Director, Auditing Division, Starfleet Logistics Command from CO, USS Epiphany
Captain Kith th'Risroth - Assigned to CO, USS Thirishar from CO, USS Yukikaze
Captain Victoria Villeneuve - Assigned to CO, USS Tarrak from CO, USS Lightning
Commodore Alexandria Kuznetsova - Assigned to CO, Starbase 12 (Betazed) from Chief, Field Research Division, Starfleet Explorer Corps
Commodore Min-Jee Lee - Assigned to Director, Press Office from CO, Task Force Handshake
Rear Admiral Michel Thuir - Assigned to CO, Rethelia Sector Command from Academy Commandant
Rear Admiral Ikitha zh'Bessash - Assigned to Director, Auxiliary Shipyard Operations Command from CO, Amarkia Sector

Changes to Explorer Panel of Captains
Out: Percival Amin (promotion), Abigail Taggart (promotion)
In: Goluzu


Starfleet Judge Advocate General Corps - Disciplinary Notices

Courts Martial into the Damaging of the USS
Exeter in the incident of Stardate 28022

While Captain Xansad Lalen was imprudent in ordering Exeter to warp deep into the Razzira system, the severity of the consequences of this action could not have been predicted. As such, Captain Lalen is reprimanded for his recklessness, but will retain command of Exeter.

Board of Inquiry into the Bannicka Prime Directive Breach of Stardate 28071 to 28080

A Board of Inquiry has been impaneled to examine the Prime Directive Breach on the planet Bannicka, and all related events involving Starfleet personnel and equipment. This includes an investigation into the deaths that occurred during the emergency response phase of the operation.

The Board of Inquiry has been authorised by the Starfleet Judge Advocate General to pursue cooperation with the Gaeni Technocracy Standing Board of Review, plus the recently convened T'Masek Commission on Vulcan to acquire information related to the preconditions of the incident.


Andorian Journal of Science, Editorial

The issue of the Bannicka Research Expedition continues to engulf Vulcan and and Gaeni science communities. Already culpability has been found to be present on all sides. A dozen tenured professors of the Vulcan Science Academy have tendered resignations, as has Rear Admiral Gregory Locke, who led the Rethelia Sector Fleet, taking responsibility for the actions of the USS Whale. The Gaeni Institutes hold firm on the line that their Holo-masker was improperly installed by the Vulcan anthropology teams, but the Gaeni SBR inquiry already stands poised to heavily sanction the Menk-Kloa Institute for the unacceptable failure state of their product. And with the third criminal charges being laid by the T'Masek Commission for failures on the Vulcan end, the only thing we can be sure of is that this issue has not yet run its course.


Vice Admiral Rachel Ainsworth has elected to take an extended sabbatical. As such, a new commander of the Explorer Corps is required.
Further, Personnel Command has been reorganized into a Vice-Admiralcy. A new Vice Admiral of Personnel is required.

[ ][EC] Choose a new commander of the Explorer Corps
[ ][PERS] Choose a new Director of Personnel Command.

Bonuses will be listed after the new heads of the EC and Personnel Command are chosen. Any Vice Admiral, or any Rear Admiral with at least 3 years of time-in-rank, is eligible to be chosen. Eligible candidates can be found here.


Rear Admiral Michel Thuir has secured a new space command, taking charge of troubled Rethelia Sector. A new Academy commandant is needed.

[ ][ACAD] Rear Admiral Nash ka'Sharren, Chief of Staff, Explorer Corps
[ ][ACAD] Commodore T'Priat, Director, Starfleet Academy Tactical School
[ ][ACAD] Commodore Pritya Asurva, Director, Medical Training Command

Bonus will be listed after the new Commandant is chosen.
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Looks like Norah Satie has just made her first appearance in this verse. :whistle: Here's hoping she doesn't find some young Half Romulan to bully around. ;)

BTW does anyone know what happens to that kid after the episode or was he just a one off character?
[X][EC] Vice Admiral T'Lorel

Rationale - We are certainly going to make Shipyard Ops (T'Lorel's current position) into an Admiral position in the next Snakepit, which T'Lorel would be ineligible for anyway. Might as well shift her to overseeing the EC now.

[X][ACAD] Rear Admiral Nash ka'Sharren, Chief of Staff, Explorer Corps

[X][PERS] Rear Admiral Gorac Crogan
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No point in pushing the Trill. The TF is clearing their 100pt tag just fine. I'd push the Felis, OSA, Licori, Gorn, and the Shanpurr. The Felis and Licori to affiliate them, the OSA to clear their new 100pt tag, the Gorn to start the affiliate process, and the Shanpurr to bring them into the affiliate fold.
Well personally I'm a fan of giving a push to every near Affiliate and new Affiliate because the roll over into a four quarter push almost guarantees they'll be at 200+ come next Snakepit and that significantly reduces the chances of something happening to drop them out of Affiliation.

I think a Gorn diplomatic push is low value at this point, and I regret the one we made last year.

With two 100 point tags barring them from affiliation, it just isn't going to do much. Send a task force (if we're not fighting the Breen), sure. Don't spend one of our diplomatic pushes on them. It just won't accomplish much this year.
Indeed. By your own estimates Task Force Royal would only set us back:
5pp/yr on Ambassador Sarek
10pp then 8pp/yr on Ashtarr
2.5pts of ships (2.5pts ~= 6.25pp at current levels)​
That comes to a total initial outlay of 21.25pp and 19.25pp/yr after that.

So for the same price as a Diplomatic Push we get four quarters of Task Force Rolls instead of one lone roll we'd get from the push. Assuming the same performance as our other unopposed Task Forces, and assuming it is actually unopposed, the nine ships assigned should bring in +90/quarter for a annual total of +360. Compared to the average of +30 we'd get off a Diplomatic Push the Task Force really is a steal.

Of course this doesn't factor in the opportunity costs of the four Starfleet ships and five member world ships assigned to Task Force Royal. However even if that was factored in I still think the 10:1 advantage in relations:pp cost more then makes up for those lost opportunities.
Ainsworth taking a sabbatical right now unprompted is probably wise. I for one have no problem with her actions and don't think she could have done anything to prevent any of the recent EC incidents, but this is they kind of thing that might ordinarily have resulted in a good bit of finger pointing and hints that someone ought to take the fall even if every reasonable person knows it shouldn't be necessary. By stepping out now on good terms before the dust has settled, she instantly shuts all of that down while still being unlikely to accumulate any lasting stain on her record that would still impact her career in a couple years, especially with everything else going on as a distraction. Taking one for the team, but in an intelligent way that doesn't actually cost her much in the long run. Or at least that's how I read it.
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[X][EC] Vice Admiral T'Lorel

What's her bonus again?
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[X] Revak

What's that, the Explorer Corps fucked up again? Well, you can't hit me with pp costs, for I have Revak to protect me on that front!
Well personally I'm a fan of giving a push to every near Affiliate and new Affiliate because the roll over into a four quarter push almost guarantees they'll be at 200+ come next Snakepit and that significantly reduces the chances of something happening to drop them out of Affiliation.

Indeed. By your own estimates Task Force Royal would only set us back:
5pp/yr on Ambassador Sarek
10pp then 8pp/yr on Ashtarr
2.5pts of ships (2.5pts ~= 6.25pp at current levels)​
That comes to a total initial outlay of 21.25pp and 19.25pp/yr after that.

So for the same price as a Diplomatic Push we get four quarters of Task Force Rolls instead of one lone roll we'd get from the push. Assuming the same performance as our other unopposed Task Forces, and assuming it is actually unopposed, the nine ships assigned should bring in +90/quarter for a annual total of +360. Compared to the average of +30 we'd get off a Diplomatic Push the Task Force really is a steal.

Of course this doesn't factor in the opportunity costs of the four Starfleet ships and five member world ships assigned to Task Force Royal. However even if that was factored in I still think the 10:1 advantage in relations:pp cost more then makes up for those lost opportunities.

The reason I would suggest a push would be that Gorn relations are at 66/100, which is above our average for pushes. We may need 2 to clear them in order to Affiliate.
Has that... ever happened before?
They weren't Affiliates yet back then (only 60/100) but:
First Officer's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 22340.0

Captain Thuir has been gravely injured. A phaser blast very nearly killed him. If we'd gotten him to sickbay even a minute later...

Despit that, many crew members are dead. I have organised the recovery of wounded and bodies as best I can, and at most recent count, all crew are accounted for. Sydraxian ships harried us as we escaped the system, and our shields collapsed. I have set a maximum warp course to Leas Akaam to begin organising repairs.

We still are unclear as to exactly what local custom we broke. I do not know for sure if we will ever know, but the Sydraxians are apparently nearly as angry we deprived them of the "trophy" of the offending party as with the original offence itself.

[2 Hp damage, 1 Officer, 1 Enlisted Killed, will be towed back to shipyard, -100 Relations with Sydraxians]

I'm fairly sure there have been other events where we've lost serious amounts of Affiliate/Ally relations before. IIRC there was a string of bad luck with the Honiani a while back that set us back by over -50 Relations at least.

Edited in Response:
The reason I would suggest a push would be that Gorn relations are at 66/100, which is above our average for pushes. We may need 2 to clear them in order to Affiliate.
The Gorn Task Force will be explicitly tackling the 100pt "Distant Stars" and 300pt "Major Power Ambitions" tags. Even assuming the Cardassians don't show up to interfere with their own 100pt tag, Task Force, or worse both that is still a two year effort on behalf of Task Force Royal. Given the amount of spillover to related tags we seen with stuff like Task Force Forward I'm not too concerned about the Gorn's regular relations or their 100pt "Ancient Enemy" tag.

Besides even if that was a concern it would be a concern for the 2324 or 2325 Snakepits not the 2323 Snakepit since those are the ones it would likely make a difference in.
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[X][EC] Michel Thuir

Is going to be the best option in the aftermath of a lost ship. He will handle the investigation well, and follow up to make exploration safer without risking the mission.