@OneirosTheWriter, preliminary 2322 EOY audit:

Note: Incomplete since still awaiting:
  • Q4 Rat Race, if any surprises there (edit: done)
  • any other surprises (edit: nope)

Corrections (that are compatible with 2322 player votes):

  1. Starting off with previous year's EOY (where there are inconsistencies there, using the more detailed info as official source).
  2. Per historical precedent, member ratifications replace the tech-based affiliation crew income (was 0.15 O/E/T until after 2320.Q3, when it increased to 0.2 O/E/T) rather than the alliance bonus crew income, even if the ratification crew income change text is ambiguous on the matter.
  3. Per historical precedent, new affiliation/alliance/membership income bonuses apply immediately (i.e. applies to the current year's annual income at EOY).
  4. Ships under repair and/or refit are (re-)crewed upon start of repair/refit. (If refits took longer than a year, changes in crew would presumably manifest exactly one year before relaunch, just like the one year crewing before commissioning of new ships that take at least a year to build.)
  5. Michel Thuir's 5% enlisted & 10% EC enlisted bonuses can result in enlisted numbers beyond 2 decimal places. For the sake of not having to retain this precision, EOY enlisted are always rounded to 2 decimal places, and all future changes start from that rounded value.
    • However, annual income is always recalculated from its base components, and thus, in contrast, all future changes start from the full precision EOY values. Note that although the annual income results do appear rounded, it is added unrounded to the EOY totals, after which those EOY totals are rounded.
  6. Task force attachment annual upkeep cost is applied right after every Q1 deployment vote at least 4 quarters after assignment of the attachment. This also means that the annual upkeep cost of the 2319.Q3-assigned attachments will apply right after the 2321.Q1 deployment vote (and not in 2320.Q1 or 2320.Q3) that are still voted to be assigned then.
    I originally planned to just add attachment annual upkeep cost to next year's (2320) EOY, but the advent of the new annual Q1 deployment vote in 2320 throws a wrench in that plan, because the annual upkeep cost of attachments & requisitioned member fleet ships in 2320.Q1 is applied at either:
    1. 2320 EOY, which is problematic because the just-following 2321.Q1 deployment vote could change such attachments & requisitioning; or
    2. 2321 EOY, which is problematic because that's effectively two years after 2320.Q1.

    So it would be better to apply the annual upkeep cost of continuing attachments and requisitioned member fleet ships every Q1 deployment vote.

    However, the first attachments were assigned in 2319.Q3, thus I can either apply the annual upkeep cost in:
    1. 2320.Q1, which is simple, but this would be somewhat unfair, and in any case, be too late to change for the 2320.Q2 snakepit;
    2. 2320.Q3, exactly 4 quarters later, which is the most technically correct, but this requires more bookkeeping to track annually (and thus more error-prone) if these particular attachments continue to see consecutive use year-after-year; or
    3. 2321.Q1, which is the simplest and compatible option, but this gives 2 "free" quarters for these particular attachments.

    I eventually decided on option 3 for the 2319.Q3 attachments, since it's simple, and it's not like we already have such timing simplifications in the form of EOY income (where most annual income is applied at EOY, rather than exactly every 4 quarters after initiation), which was my original plan anyway.
    1. Moving attachments between task forces does not incur any additional costs.
    2. The stuff above about attachments also applies to member fleet ship requisitioning (annual upkeep cost is half the initial cost).
  7. Ex Astris, Scientia RP expenses are rounded to nearest integer.
  8. Diplomacy with the new tag system:
    1. General diplo points are directed toward the lowest diplomacy "blockers", an unfilled main diplo level (e.g. affiliate at 100) or diplomacy tag (e.g. Unreliably Ally at 100), then spilling over to the next highest blocker(s). The order of the blockers is determined by: main diplo level (e.g. affiliate at 100) or diplomacy tag max (primarily), main diplo level over diplomacy tag (e.g. fill main diplo to 100 first before working on any unfilled 100-level diplo tags), then tag text order (tertiary).
    2. Examples:
      • A general +50 to {Tauni: 440/500, [Unreliable Ally: 60/100]}, where the "/500" indicates currently alliance and heading toward member candidate, results in {Tauni: 450/500, [Unreliable Ally: 100/100]}. The order of "blockers" is: Unreliable Ally (100 tag), Candidate (500), Fool me once... (500 tag), Member
      • A general +50 to {Chrystovians: 100/100, [Distant Stars: 5/100]}, where the "/100" indicates non-affiliate and heading towards affiliate, results in {Chrystovians: 100/100, [Distant Stars: 60/100]}. The order of blockers is: Distant Stars (100 tag), Alliance (300), Cardassian Neighbors (300 tag), Candidate (500), Member
    3. Negative general diplo points do not have a "reverse spillover" behavior - they only affect the main diplo points, potentially reducing the main diplo level (e.g. from affiliate to non-affiliate). For example, a general -25 to {Sydraxians: 124/300, [Recently in a Shooting War: 100/100]} results in {Sydraxians: 99/100, [Recently in a Shooting War: 100/100]}, whereby the Sydraxians would no longer be affiliates.
    4. The presence of any N/A diplo tags that aren't strike-throughed has two effects:
      1. Diplo pushes can't be voted for the polity in the snakepit. That doesn't exclude diplo events from happening though (as has happened at times for Gretarians back when they were Sydraxian clients).
      2. Spillover logic remains the same, but the current diplo level can't increase. This does allow for main diplo points to increase above the current diplo maximum, e.g. 105/100 would be possible. For example, {Dawiar: 100/100, [Ashalla Pact: N/A]} and {Dylaarians: 60/100, [Ashalla Pact: N/A]} are stuck with the "/100" non-affiliate diplo level, but their main diplo points can go above 100 (resulting in relations like 105/100) and progress towards tags can still be made.
      3. Exceptions can be made for the above. For example, Kadeshi have reached Alliance (>=300) status, yet technically should have had the N/A tags since their expedition while in Affiliate (>=100) status.
    5. "Targeted" diplo points directed toward diplo tags go only to that diplo tag with no spillover. A diplo tag's points can go negative. It can also technically go above its blocker level, but as there is no spillover and a diplo tag is "done" once its points does reach its blocker level, it has no practical effect.
  9. Ship name prefixes:
    1. Names of Federation (not just Starfleet) cargo ships and freighters and other auxiliary ships have sometimes had the "SS" prefix (more prominent in Captain's Logs), while at other times, they've had the prefix of the owner fleet, e.g. "USS" (more prominent in the GBZ updates, used for hospital ships in Captain's Logs). Memory-alpha also shows the prefix isn't completely insistent, but it does suggest that "freighters and transports were given SS prefixes" and includes some survey ships and Oberths. So I've decided to prefix all auxiliary ships, excluding hospital ships, with "SS" instead of "USS" (or the owner fleet prefix).
    2. Names of Federation (or at least Starfleet) runabouts are prefixed with "USS" and have NCC registries, as suggested by memory-alpha for the future Danube-class runabouts. Since they're probably like small-yet-still-warp-capable civilian ships, I'm listing them if they do show up (as lost, built, etc.).

Starting Resources
2090 Bulk Resources
1347 Special Resources
310 Political Will
624 Research Points

Starting Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 34.65 Officer, 62.03 Enlisted, 73.3 Technician
Explorer Corps: 14.6 Officer, 14.84 Enlisted, 10.9 Technician

1700 Bulk Resources
1430 Special Resources
510 Political Will
543 Research Points

Standard Starfleet: 1 Officer, 0 Enlisted, 1 Technician
Explorer Corps: 8 Officer, 9 Enlisted, 9 Technician
Total: 0 Officer, 0 Enlisted, 0 Technician

Career Casualties
Standard Starfleet: 60 Officer, 70 Enlisted, 62 Technician
Explorer Corps: 15 Officer, 20 Enlisted, 19 Technician
Human: 4 Officer, 3 Enlisted, 1 Technician
Andorian: 0 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 1 Technician
Tellarite: 1 Officer, 0 Enlisted, 0 Technician
Amarki: 0 Officer, 1 Enlisted, 2 Technician
Apiata: 0 Officer, 3 Enlisted, 3 Technician
Rigellian: 0 Officer, 1 Enlisted, 1 Technician
Orion: 1 Officer, 1 Enlisted, 1 Technician
Ked Paddah: 3 Officer, 10 Enlisted, 10 Technician
Tauni: 1 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 1 Technician

Total: 10 Officer, 23 Enlisted, 20 Technician

Total Starfleet Ship Losses:
5 Excelsior, 1 Renaissance, 2 Constitution, 2 Constellation, 2 Centaur, 5 Miranda, 1 Oberth, 1 Hospital Ship, 3 Cargo Ship, 1 Runabout
USS Miracht, Miranda, NCC-1629 @ 2303.Q4
USS Faithful, Miranda, NCC-1630 @ 2304.Q1
USS Centaur, Centaur, NCC-2102 @ 2304.Q1
USS Polaris, Constellation, NCC-1813 @ 2308.Q1
USS Comfort, Hospital Ship, NCC-748 @ 2309.Q3
USS Lion, Miranda, NCC-1654 @ 2311.Q3 - presumed lost until recovered in 2315.Q1
USS Miracht, Excelsior, NCC-2006 @ 2311.Q4
USS Thunderhead, Miranda, NCC-1656 @ 2315.Q1
USS Blizzard, Centaur-A, NCC-2108 @ 2315.Q1
USS Suvek, Oberth, NCC-1508 @ 2315.Q1
USS Enterprise, Excelsior, NCC-1701-B @ 2315.Q2
USS Republic, Constitution-B, NCC-1743 @ 2318.Q1
SS Sturdy, Cargo Ship, NCC-37?? @ 2318.Q2
SS Scallop, Cargo Ship, NCC-37?? @ 2318.Q2
USS Excelsior, Excelsior-A, NCC-2000 @ 2318.Q3
USS Bantam, Miranda-A, NCC-1663 @ 2318.Q3
USS Huascar, Constitution-B, NCC-1752 @ 2318.Q3
USS Renaissance, Renaissance, NCC-2601 @ 2318.Q3
USS Fidelity, Miranda-A, NCC-1634 @ 2318.Q3
USS Sappho, Constellation-A, NCC-1812 @ 2319.Q2
USS Kumari, Excelsior-A, NCC-2005 @ 2320.Q2
USS Quicksilver, Runabout, NCC-???? @ 2320.Q3
SS Robert Wesley, Cargo Ship, NCC-3707 @ 2320.Q3
USS S'Harien, Excelsior-A, NCC-2008 @ 2322.Q4

Total Other Allied Non-Auxiliary Ship Losses in Starfleet-led Operations and Incidents:
1 Miranda, 3 Orah, 3 Stinger, 1 Patroller
UES Shanghai, Miranda-A, NCC-1904 @ 2315.Q1
KPS Guarded, Orah @ 2315.Q1
KPS Wary, Orah @ 2315.Q1
KPS Thoughtful, Orah @ 2315.Q1
Unknown Stinger, NCC-32?? @ 2318.Q3
Gerzzi, Stinger, NCC-3202 @ 2318.Q3
Triada, Stinger, NCC-3201 @ 2318.Q3
SGC Oethyeus, Patroller-A, NCC-251? @ 2320.Q2

Ships Lost
USS S'Harien, Excelsior-A, NCC-2008

Ships Damaged
USS Tarrak, Excelsior-A, NCC-2023
USS Svai, Miranda-A, NCC-1658
USS Exeter, Constitution-B, NCC-1748
USS Courageous, Excelsior-A, NCC-2003

Ships Scrapped

Ships Laid Down
Ambassador, NCC-3909
Renaissance, NCC-2636
Kepler, NCC-4102
Kepler, NCC-4103
Kepler, NCC-4104
Kepler, NCC-4105
Kepler, NCC-4106
Kepler, NCC-4107
Kepler, NCC-4108
Kepler, NCC-4109
Kepler, NCC-4110

Refit - USS Rru'adorr, Excelsior-A, NCC-2016
Refit - USS Pleezirra, Excelsior-A, NCC-2024
Refit - USS Yukikaze, Centaur-B, NCC-2101
Refit - USS Zephyr, Centaur-B, NCC-2103
Refit - USS Gale, Centaur-B, NCC-2106

Comfort, NCC-3507
Comfort, NCC-3508
Freighter, NCC-3625 (Andorian)
Freighter, NCC-3626
Freighter, NCC-3627
Super-Freighter, NCC-3628
Cargo Ship, NCC-3732 (Human)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3733 (Rigellian)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3734
Cargo Ship, NCC-3735
Cargo Ship, NCC-3736
Cargo Ship, NCC-3737
Cargo Ship, NCC-3738 (Orion)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3739 (Orion)
Passenger Ship, NCC-5201
Colony Ship, NCC-908

Ships Crewed
Renaissance, NCC-2632
Renaissance, NCC-2633
Centaur-B, NCC-2147

Comfort, NCC-3505 (Medical Crew)

Ships Commissioned
USS Enkindle, Renaissance, NCC-2629
USS Zh'Mai, Renaissance, NCC-2630
USS Renewal, Renaissance, NCC-2631
USS Whale, Centaur-B, NCC-2135
USS Fluffy-Puffy, Centaur-B, NCC-2136
USS Sommerfield, Centaur-B, NCC-2137
USS Kepler, Kepler, NCC-4101 (formerly NX-4101)

Refit - USS Avandar, Excelsior-A, NCC-2010
Refit - USS Pathfinder, Excelsior-A, NCC-2021
Refit - USS Winterwind, Centaur-B, NCC-2104
Refit - USS Bull, Centaur-B, NCC-2107
Refit - USS Chinook, Centaur-B, NCC-2130
Refit - USS Sirocco, Centaur-B, NCC-2131

USS Shepherd, Comfort, NCC-3504
Freighter, NCC-3610 (Vulcan)
Freighter, NCC-3611 (Tellarite)
Freighter, NCC-3612 (Human)
Freighter, NCC-3614
Freighter, NCC-3615
Freighter, NCC-3616
Freighter, NCC-3617 (Human)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3725 (Vulcan)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3726 (Betazoid)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3727 (Orion)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3728 (Orion)
Cargo Ship, NCC-3729
SS Rocinante, SFI Civilian Ship, NC-2944

Final Stockpile with Annual Income
BR/yr: 1470 - 25 + 100 = 1545
SR/yr: 1130 - 15 + 130 = 1245
PP/yr: 173 - 5 + 2 = 170
RP/yr: 308 - 0 + 45 = 353
BR: 2090 - 1700 + 187 + 1545 = 2122
SR: 1347 - 1430 + 155 + 1245 = 1317
PP: 310 - 510 + 305 + 170 = 275
RP: 624 - 543 + 394 + 353 = 828

2122 Bulk Resources
1317 Special Resources
275 Political Will
828 Research Points

New Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet:
O/yr: 23.3 - 0.0 + 0.75 = 24.05
E/yr: 35.12 + (-1.5 + 0.75) * 1.05 = 34.34
T/yr: 27.65 - 0.0 + 2.25 = 29.9
O: 34.65 - 14.0 + 0.0 + 24.05 = 44.7
E: 62.03 - 17.0 + 0.0 + 34.34 = 79.37
T: 73.3 - 14.0 + 0.0 + 29.9 = 89.2

Explorer Corps:
O(EC)/yr: 6.1 - 0.3 + 0.1 = 5.9
E(EC)/yr: 6.27 + (-0.0 + 0.0) * 1.1 = 6.27
T(EC)/yr: 4.7 - 0.0 + 0.3 = 5.0
O(EC): 14.6 - 2.0 + 6.0 + 5.9 = 24.5
E(EC): 14.84 - 4.0 + 5.0 + 6.27 = 22.11
T(EC): 10.9 - 4.0 + 5.0 + 5.0 = 16.9

Standard Starfleet: 44.7 Officer, 79.37 Enlisted, 89.2 Technician
Explorer Corps: 24.5 Officer, 22.11 Enlisted, 16.9 Technician

Current Federation Full Members:


Pending Ratification:
Honiani (includes Obar and Yan-Ros)
-[Multispecies Polity: 300/300]
-[Too Faithful for your Federation: 300/300]

Ked Paddah

Current Federation Affiliates:
Tauni: 500/500
-[Obsolete Technology: 100/100]
-[Unreliable Ally: 130/100]

-[Fool me once...: 26/500]

Kadeshi: 499/500
-[Missing In Action: N/A]
-[On A Journey Across The Galaxy: N/A]

Laio: 474/500
-[Obsolete Technology: 100/100]

Ashidi: 300/300
-[Cardassian Threat: 221/300]
-[Too Good To Be True: 60/500]

Yrillians: 300/300
-[Cardassian Influence: 100/100]
-[Bigfoot is a Communist Pirate: 256/300]
-[Anarchy at all levels: 0/500]

Sydraxians: 267/300
-[Ashalla Pact: N/A]
-[Recently in a Shooting War: 100/100]

-[Society and Government In Flux: 0/500]

Bajoran Diaspora: 196/300
-[Cardassian Agitators: 100/100]
-[Suspicious of Outsiders: 0/300]
-[Caste System: 0/500]
-[Rule by Vedek: 0/500]

Vermillions: 205/300
-[Obsolete Technology: 0/300]

Muuyozoi (Outer Space Alliance): 165/300
-[Corps are lying to us: 0/100]
-[Horizon Influence: 222/300]
-[Disunified Homeworld 200/500]

Currently Known Other Possible Members:
Gretarians: 100/100
-[Sydraxian Client: N/A]
-[Need some space right now: 63/100]
-[You are all Crazed Militarists!: 0/500]

Chrystovians: 100/100
-[Distant Stars: 5/100]
-[Cardassian Neighbours: 15/300]

Licori (Arcadian Empire): 100/100
-[Recently in a Shooting War: 100/100]
-[Romulan Influence: 80/100]
-[Horizon Influence: 102/300]
-[Uncontrolled Mentats: 0/300]
-[Slavery: 20/500]
-[Unequal Feudal Society: 15/500]

Shanpurr: 90/100
-[Interfering with Pre-Warp Societies: 0/500]

Hishmeri: 69/100
-[Eternal Empire Influence: 0/100]
-[Raiding the Federation: 155/100]

-[Slavery I: 0/100]
-[Slavery II: 0/100]
-[Slavery III: 0/100]
-[Slavery IV: 0/100]
-[Nomadic Raiders I: 0/300]
-[Nomadic Raiders II: 0/300]

Ittick-Ka: 99/100
-[Distant Stars: 0/100]
-[Slavery I: 0/100]
-[Slavery II: 0/100]
-[Slavery III: 0/100]
-[Slavery IV: 0/100]
-[Slavery V: 0/100]
-[Great Power Ambitions: 0/300]
-[Authoritarian Hivestate: 0/500]

Daw: 75/100
-[Ittick-Ka Vassals: N/A]

Sotaw: 60/100
-[Romulan Influence: 0/100]
-[Located in the Neutral Zone: 0/300]

Lamarckians: 100/100
-[Limited Stellar Presence: 36/100]
-[Obsolete Technology: 0/100]
-[Limited Stellar Ability: 0/300]
-[Unequal Distribution of Wealth: 0/300]
-[No Unified Government: 10/500]

Bolians: 100/100
-[Isolationist Government: 12/100]

Breen: 28/100
-[Isolationist: 0/100]
-[Militarily aggressive: 0/300]
-[Intensely Suspicious: 0/300]
-[Intensely Xenophobic: 0/500]

Gorn: 66/100
-[Distant Stars: 0/100]
-[The Ancient Enemy (Orions): 0/100]
-[Great Power Ambitions: 75/300]
-[Autocratic Monarchy: 0/500]

Talarians: 108/100
-[Under Padani Supervision: N/A]

Felis: 88/100
-[Horizon Influence: 94/300]
-[Inclined towards Independence: 0/300]
-[Weak Central Government: 0/300]
-[Systematic Wealth Inequality: 0/500]

Yizgisi (Azsi Popular Democratic Mandate): 100/100
-[Continent of Goo: 100/100]
-[Stellar Shock: 44/100]
-[Close Call: 0/100]
-[No warp tech: 0/300]
-[Obsolete Technology: 0/300]

Trills: 100/100
-[Aloof: 75/100]
-[They don't trust us: 0/300]
-[Discourage Attacks on the Trill: 201/300]

Unbound Gaeni: 40/100
-[Distant Stars: 0/100]
-[Slavery I: 0/100]
-[Slavery II: 0/100]
-[Slavery III: 0/100]
-[Slavery IV: 0/100]
-[Slavery V: 0/100]
-[Fractured Government: 0/300]
-[Clone Space Pirates: 0/300]
-[Survival of the Fittest: 0/500]

Dreamers: 100/100
-[Cosmozoan Lifeform: 20/100]
-[Alien Modes of Communication and Thought: 0/300]

Ur'razzi: 22/100
-[Off to a Bad Start: 0/100]
-[Aggressive: 0/100]
-[Obsolete Technology: 0/300]

Dawiar (Great Kingdom of Kharhazad): 100/100
-[Ashalla Pact: 130/300]
-[Gorn Alliance: N/A]
-[Sour about Caitian Conflict: 1/100]
-[End of Ambition: 0/300]
-[Feudal Monarchy: 0/500]

Dylaarians: 60/100
-[Ashalla Pact: N/A]

Goshawnar: 0/100
-[Ashalla Pact: N/A]

Imelak: 0/100
-[Ashalla Pact: N/A]

Konen: 0/100
-[Ashalla Pact: N/A]

Lecarrens: -30/100
-[Ashalla Pact: N/A]
-[We can't trust you: 0/100]
-[You don't trust anyone: 0/500]

Non-Diplomacy Tags:
-[Explore the Adrazzi Gulf: 185/430]

Details in audit ledger spreadsheet: ToBoldlyGo Audit Ledger
(Note: The diplo relations part of the main sheet ledger still hasn't been updated to account for the new tag system, so ignore its EOY values. I'm currently manually updating the relation values in the 'report template' sheet.)
Last edited:
Omake - Proposed Atomic Refit - Briefvoice
Proposed Atomic Refit

From: Vice Admiral John Harriman, Chief of Staff, Starfleet Command
To: Shey ch'Tharvasse, Commander, Starfleet Command
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Atomic-Class Refit

Shey, take a look at the attached white paper. I recommend we bounce it over to Admiral Eaton and have her do a study on whether Starfleet would have any use for the "strategic ambiguity" this refit might offer. I sure think it would be nice if our friends outside the Federation's borders couldn't count our phaser banks quite as easily as they have in recent times.

Not sure Council would ever authorize, but the thought of swiping the concept from the Harmony of Horizon makes me chuckle. Imagine the look on their faces!

John Harriman

P.S. Seriously though, expect more on this in the future.

>>>>>> Forwarded Message Follows <<<<<<

From: Admiral Nyota Uhura, Commander, Ship Design Bureau
To: Vice Admiral John Harriman, Chief of Staff, Starfleet Command
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Atomic-Class Refit

John, take a look at the attached white paper and consider forwarding it to Admiral ch'Tharvasse.

We're still years out from phaser arrays, but having our own version of the Scientist/Solace division would be, as an old friend might say, "intriguing". It's also a design we could turn out in a rush if a crisis were to hit. I've authorized a detailed design study to be sure it's practical.

Nyota Uhura

>>>>>> Forwarded Message Follows <<<<<<

To: Admiral Nyota Uhura, Commander, Ship Design Bureau
From: Vice Admiral Laura Mendoza, Chief of Staff, Ship Design Bureau
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: White Paper: Proposed Atomic-Class Refit for the Kepler

Admiral, I believe even at this early stage the attached should be brought to your attention and would recommend that we authorize a detailed design study using SDB resources.

>>>>>> Forwarded Message Follows <<<<<<

From: Commodore Anne Usha, Director, Office of Naval Architecture
To: Vice Admiral Laura Mendoza, Chief of Staff, Ship Design Bureau
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: White Paper: Proposed Atomic-Class Refit for the Kepler

Admiral Mendoza, got a hot one for you!

My assistant director, Captain Solberg, was on the Kepler Design Team before coming to the ONA. He's been playing around with the Kepler's design, and he says there's a combat refit in the Kepler that could give it firepower equivalent to a pre-refit Excelsior. All it will take is phaser arrays and a m-o-d-u-l-e. (Well that, and a few other advancements we've come up with since the original Kepler design was locked down.)

The kicker is that is sacrifices only a very little of the Kepler's scientific capability and keeps a strong suite of diplomatic facilities. It would still be our best non-Explorer for exploration and diplomacy. With any Kepler built with what Solberg is calling the "Atomic" refit, we could feel better about sending it to a real hot spot.

Anyway, read the attached white paper and let me know if SDB wants to look into this further.


>>>>>> Forwarded Message Follows <<<<<<

From: Captain William Solberg, Assistant Director, Office of Naval Architecture
To: Commodore Anne Usha, Director, Office of Naval Architecture
Subject: Fwd: White Paper: Proposed Atomic-Class Refit for the Kepler

As we discussed, my team has completed a white paper on the combat-focused Kepler refit. You'll see that I chose to term it the "Atomic" refit for purposes of discussion. I selected this name because of what the dawning of the atomic age meant for both Earth and so many other Federation members. It was a time of wonder and horror, when we both developed weapons that nearly destroyed us and at the same time began our long journey to the stars. It seems appropriate for unleashing science as a weapon.

>>>>>> Forwarded Message Follows <<<<<<

From: Lieutenant Bezzingza, Design Analyst, Office of Naval Architecture
To: Captain William Solberg, Assistant Director, Office of Naval Architecture
Subject: White Paper: Proposed Atomic-Class Refit for the Kepler

Commander, see attached.


Title: Proposed Atomic-Class Refit of the Kepler.

Executive Summary:

As Starfleet has learned more about the coreward power known as the Harmony of Horizon, one of the more intriguing elements of their fleet design are the dual light cruisers types known respectively as the Scientist and Solace classes. The Scientist, used primarily by the Horizon Science Directorate, serves a function very similar to that of Starfleet's new Kepler design. That is, the Scientist is a rapid response vessel meant to carry out scientific and diplomatic missions. It has shielding comparable to other light cruiser designs, but very low offensive capability. We believe the Solace class is a combat-focused refit of the Scientist. At the cost of a small reduction in scientific capability and reaction speed, the Solace possesses offensive capability equivalent to a pre-refit Excelsior.

Unlike most refits, which are intended as strict improvements, the Solace does not appear to be a replacement for the Scientist. Instead, both versions of the cruiser are produced and operated simultaneously. This presumably allows the Harmony to leverage the superior scientific capabilities of the Scientist for the many missions in which combat is low/no probability, while being able to pull in the superior firepower of a Solace where necessary. This also provides the Harmony with what Starfleet Intelligence has described as "strategic ambiguity" regarding the full firepower of its fleet, as the Solace and Scientist classes are virtually identical when viewed from the exterior. This identical appearance is likely no accident, but was deliberately preserved in the refit design.

All of which raises an intriguing question. Given the similarity between the Kepler and Scientist classes in function, would it be possible to design a "Solace" type refit for the Kepler and utilize it in a similar fashion to how the Harmony utilizes its Solace cruisers? Our team believes the answer is "yes". Based on our preliminary designs this paper describes such a proposed Kepler refit, termed the Atomic-class refit for purpose of discussion.

The basis of the refit is the phaser array technology even now being prototyped and the burst launcher technology already being fielded. Utilizing these new more efficient weapon technologies, the Atomic refit could achieve equivalent firepower to a Solace. At the same time, use of cutting edge, more efficient parts for diplomatic, health, and replicator functions would allow preserving nearly all Kepler capabilities. The only exception is a slight degradation in sensor capabilities due to having to move many sensor functions to an external (and therefore less accessible) science module.

The primary weakness of the Atomic refit as compared to the Solace is its low hull strength and durability once its shields are down. At present the team has found no way to compensate for this lack. The Solace is after all a full sized 1.2mt light cruiser compared to the 900kt base Kepler frigate frame. There's simply not enough room to build a tougher Kepler, and we can only point to the usual frigate advantages of a (presumably) faster build time, lower resource requirement, and lower crew complement.

The remaining question is whether the Atomic refit and baseline Kepler could be made externally identical in the fashion of the Scientist and Solace to allow for the "strategic ambiguity" enjoyed by the Harmony of Horizon. This remains the most speculative part of this white paper, especially given the requirement for an external science module on the Atomic. Our team's tentative conclusion is that yes, it is likely possible if made an explicit design goal. Port covers could be used for the weapons and various masking and disguise technologies could be used to obscure the module. Whether this would be a useful tool for Starfleet tactical, consistent with the ideals of the Federation, and/or otherwise desirable is not for this team to say. If requested to be done, we believe it would be doable.

(touch here to expand full paper)


Link to Wiki for Kepler
Link to Wiki for "Atomic" Kepler Refit

This omake owes a lot to the omake Busywork by @SynchronizedWritersBlock from which I blatantly stole the format. @SynchronizedWritersBlock is also the designer for the proposed Atomic refit.

Yes, this is an actual mechanically viable refit that could in theory be ordered if we think it's a good idea and could get it past the Council.
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Muuyozoi (Outer Space Alliance): 100/100 + 40 EASQ3 = 140/300
-[Horizon Influence: 36/100] + 39 SR = 75/100 + 6 CLQ2M1 = 81/100 + 55 TFQ2 = 136/100 + 25 TFQ3 = 161/300 + 61 TFQ4 = 222/300 + 25 WTTQ4 = 247/300

Muuyozoi (Outer Space Alliance): 165/300
-[Corps are lying to us: 0/100]
-[Horizon Influence: 222/300]
-[Disunified Homeworld 200/500]

I'm seeing a +15 difference in general relations between our posts, and -25 for Horizon Influence.
Pretty good, we could argue its for defence of the Kepler's science work and create the perception that all science ship can defend itself or others compare to those that can't.
I mean the look of the design is not threatening so we could get it through the council without too much problem.
Explorer Corps: 8 Officer, 9 Enlisted, 9 Technician

Career Casualties
Explorer Corps: 15 Officer, 20 Enlisted, 19 Technician

Assuming Sulu really did go down with all hands, almost half of the past 20 year's EC casualties were in this year alone. Really puts things into perspective.

I'm almost tempted to leak this info to the Breen just so they know exactly what kind of raw nerve they just hit and how pissed we really are.

Legends say that the Kadeshi will return in the time of the Federation's darkest hour.

It's adding a science module to the Kepler. Surely that will be a nice peaceful thing, right? Right?!

This is a Kepler refit along the lines of the Harmony of Horizon's Scientist/Solace-class cruisers. For the meager cost of -1S it gains firepower of a heavy cruiser or a last-generation battleship, while keeping all of the Kepler's normal capabilities

That's hilarious!

I don't think the Council has anything against 'emergency war refits' as long as we're honest and upfront about it.
With a full four quarters of Task Force results under the revised system I present the following results:

Task Force Beyond (Opposed Task Force):
Q1 Relations Gain: +62
Q2 Relations Gain: +77
Q3 Relations Gain: +107
Q4 Relations Gain: +68
# Ships: 16/16/16/19
Q1 Average: 3.9 Relation/Ship
Q2 Average: 4.8 Relation/Ship
Q3 Average: 6.7 Relation/Ship
Q4 Average: 3.6 Relation/Ship
Total Average: 4.7 Relation/Ship

Task Force Boldly:
Q1 Progress Gain: +30
Q2 Progress Gain: +50
Q3 Progress Gain: +75
Q4 Progress Gain: +30
# Ships: 5/5/5/5
Q1 Average: 6 Progress/Ship
Q2 Average: 10 Progress/Ship
Q3 Average: 15 Progress/Ship
Q4 Average: 6 Progress/Ship
Total Average: 9.3 Progress/Ship

Task Force Relief:
Q1 Relations Gain: +45
Q2 Relations Gain: +17
Q3 Relations Gain: +52
# Ships: 3/3/3
Q1 Average: 15 Relation/Ship
Q2 Average: 5.7 Relation/Ship
Q3 Average: 17.3 Relation/Ship
Total Average: 12.7 Relation/Ship

Task Force Forward:
Q1 Relations Gain: +42
Q2 Relations Gain: +89
Q3 Relations Gain: +45
Q4 Relations Gain: +100
# Ships: 6/5/5/8
Q1 Average: 7 Relation/Ship
Q2 Average: 17.8 Relation/Ship
Q3 Average: 9 Relation/Ship
Q4 Average: 12.5 Relation/Ship
Total Average: 11.5 Relation/Ship

So a trend certainly seems to be appearing here. Our three non-opposed Task Forces combined average out to +10.9 Relation/Ship and they are all reasonably closely clustered around that mean point within a ±5 range covering ~80% of the data points. Our only directly opposed Task Force meanwhile averages out to just 4.7 Relation/Ship but I'm still rather hesitant to comment on something with just four data points. It's especially worth noting that none of our Task Forces have anywhere near the size of Beyond. This is problematic because it could just be that Relation/Ship starts breaking down as a reliable measurement of performance at the higher ship counts seen in Task Forces like Beyond. Still for our smaller Task Forces, which generally seem more common in plans, it does seem to work.

Basically for future Task Force planning we can probably assume that if the Task Force is unopposed we'll get an average of +10 Relation/Ship per quarter up to at least Task Forces in the five to six ship size. Although given we can only change Task Forces once a year it may be more useful to think of it as +40 Relation/Ship per year. So a three ship Task Force should on average knock through a 100pt tag in a single year and a four ship Task Force should on average knock through a 300pt tag in two years.
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I'm seeing a +15 difference in general relations between our posts, and -25 for Horizon Influence.
Actually +25/-25 difference in both cases.

+x general relations, which a diplo push provides, goes toward the main relations until they're blocked by a diplo tag of the same level. This is why you see main relations fill up to 100/100 before any further +x general relations fills over into the 100-level diplo tags. Same applies to 300/300 and 300-level diplo tags, and 500/500 and 500-level diplo tags.

So the +25 from the diplo push went toward the main relations, bringing it from 140/300 to 165/300, and leaving "Horizon Influence" 300-level diplo tag untouched. Note that if the "Corps are lying to us" 100-level tag was added before the diplo push roll was applied, the +25 would've gone there instead.
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A fighting Kepler refit is an option, disguising it as our premier peaceful response vessel is very much not. The council would slap that down hard, and for very good reasons.

Also, what is the point of it? In a fleet battle, Keplers are scouts, and retreat in the skirmish phase. Even this refit would evaporate in vanguard, with the H2. We would also have the HC only a few years away by the time this would be ready for production.

Nice omake though.
A fighting Kepler refit is an option, disguising it as our premier peaceful response vessel is very much not. The council would slap that down hard, and for very good reasons.

Also, what is the point of it? In a fleet battle, Keplers are scouts, and retreat in the skirmish phase. Even this refit would evaporate in vanguard, with the H2. We would also have the HC only a few years away by the time this would be ready for production.

Nice omake though.

In a serious war, we only need one Kepler per fleet for scouting. Maybe have a second following along behind to swap in if the first is damaged/lost.
We are going to have a lot of Keplers by current build projections. Certainly more than we will have fleets. The option to turn them into flimsy but otherwise useable skirmisher/vanguard units might be of use. Or maybe they will be more useful holding down the garrisons while the Rennies, Centaurs and Comets all head to the sounds of guns.
So a while ago I put together an analysis of our current diplomatic standings:
Since we're talking Diplomacy I thought I'd put together a bit on all our possible diplomatic targets that may help people contextualize things.

First here is our current diplomatic standing:
Pending Ratification
Honiani (includes Obar and Yan-Ros)

Current Federation Affiliates:
Tauni: 500/500
-[Obsolete Technology: 100/100]
-[Unreliable Ally: 100/100]

-[Fool me once...: 26/500]

Ked Paddah: 498/500

Laio: 459/500
-[Obsolete Technology: 100/100]

Ashidi: 300/300
-[Cardassian Threat: 163/300]
-[Too Good To Be True: 60/500]

Yrillians: 300/300
-[Cardassian Influence: 100/100]
-[Bigfoot is a Communist Pirate: 236/300]
-[Anarchy at all levels: 0/500]

Sydraxians: 267/300
-[Ashalla Pact: N/A]
-[Recently in a Shooting War: 100/100]

-[Society and Government In Flux: 0/500]

Currently Known Others Possible Members:
Muuyozoi (Outer Space Alliance): 100/100
-[Horizon Influence: 81/100]

Gretarians: 100/100
-[Sydraxian Client: N/A]
-[Need some space right now: 60/100]
-[You are all Crazed Militarists!: 0/500]

Chrystovians: 85/100
-[Distant Stars: 5/100]
-[Cardassian Neighbours: 10/300]

Licori (Arcadian Empire): 100/100
-[Recently in a Shooting War: 100/100]
-[Romulan Influence: 80/100]
-[Horizon Influence: 67/100]
-[Uncontrolled Mentats: 0/300]
-[Slavery: 5/500]
-[Unequal Feudal Society: 0/500]

Shanpurr: 65/100
-[Interfering with Pre-Warp Societies: 0/500]

Hishmeri: 69/100
-[Eternal Empire Influence: 0/100]
-[Raiding the Federation: 100/100]
-[Slavery I: 0/100]
-[Slavery II: 0/100]
-[Slavery III: 0/100]
-[Slavery IV: 0/100]
-[Nomadic Raiders I: 0/300]
-[Nomadic Raiders II: 0/300]

Ittick-Ka: 94/100
-[Distant Stars: 0/100]
-[Slavery I: 0/100]
-[Slavery II: 0/100]
-[Slavery III: 0/100]
-[Slavery IV: 0/100]
-[Slavery V: 0/100]
-[Great Power Ambitions: 0/300]
-[Authoritarian Hivestate: 0/500]

Sotaw: 60/100
-[Romulan Influence: 0/100]
-[Located in the Neutral Zone: 0/300]

Lamarckians: 100/100
-[Limited Stellar Presence: 31/100]
-[Obsolete Technology: 0/100]
-[Limited Stellar Ability: 0/300]
-[Unequal Distribution of Wealth: 0/300]
-[No Unified Government: 10/500]

Bajoran Diaspora: 117/300
-[Cardassian Agitators: 100/100]
-[Suspicious of Outsiders: 0/300]
-[Caste System: 0/500]
-[Rule by Vedek: 0/500]

Bolians: 100/100
-[Isolationist Government: 2/100]

Breen: 28/100
-[Isolationist: 0/100]
-[Militarily aggressive: 0/300]
-[Intensely Suspicious: 0/300]
-[Intensely Xenophobic: 0/500]

Gorn: 66/100
-[Distant Stars: 0/100]
-[The Ancient Enemy (Orions): 0/100]
-[Great Power Ambitions: 75/300]
-[Autocratic Monarchy: 0/500]

Felis: 73/100
-[Horizon Influence: -5/100]
-[Inclined towards Independence: 0/300]
-[Weak Central Government: 0/300]
-[Systematic Wealth Inequality: 0/500]

Yizgisi (Azsi Popular Democratic Mandate): 80/100
-[Stellar Shock: 0/100]
-[Continent of Goo: 45/100]
-[Close Call: 0/100]
-[No warp tech: 0/300]
-[Obsolete Technology: 0/300]

Vermillions: 132/300
-[Obsolete Technology: 0/300]

Trills: 100/100
-[Aloof: 15/100]
-[They don't trust us: 0/300]
-[Discourage Attacks on the Trill: 27/300]

Unbound Gaeni: 40/100
-[Distant Stars: 0/100]
-[Slavery I: 0/100]
-[Slavery II: 0/100]
-[Slavery III: 0/100]
-[Slavery IV: 0/100]
-[Slavery V: 0/100]
-[Fractured Government: 0/300]
-[Clone Space Pirates: 0/300]
-[Survival of the Fittest: 0/500]

Dreamers: 100/100
-[Cosmozoan Lifeform: 10/100]
-[Alien Modes of Communication and Thought: 0/300]

Ur'razzi: 15/100
-[Off to a Bad Start: 0/100]
-[Aggressive: 0/100]
-[Obsolete Technology: 0/300]

Now everything to follow has been determined using this spreadsheet I worked up and assumes there are no hidden tags in play. We know they exist so that means for at least some of these races the following will be wrong but this is the best that can be done with current knowledge.

Points to Affiliation (100/100 + 100pt tags cleared):
Under 100pts
Muuyozoi: 19
Shanpurr: 35
Gretarians: 40
Licori: 53
Trills: 85
Dreamers: 90
Bolians: 98

Under 200pts
Chrystovians: 110
Felis: 132
Sotaw: 140
Lamarckians: 169
Breen: 172

Under 300pts
Gorn: 234
Yizgisi: 275
Ur'razzi: 285

Over 300pts
Hishmeri: 531
Ittick-Ka: 606
Unbound Gaeni: 660

Points to Alliance (300/300 + 100pt & 300pt tags cleared)
Under 200pts
Sydraxians: 33
Yrillians: 64
Ashidi: 137

Under 300pts
Muuyozoi: 219
Shanpurr: 235
Gretarians: 240
Bolians: 298

Under 500pts
Vermillions: 468
Bajoran Diaspora: 483
Licori: 553
Dreamers: 590

Under 600pts
Chrystovians: 600
Sotaw: 640
Gorn: 659

Under 1000pts
Ur'razzi: 785
Trills: 858
Felis: 932
Lamarckians: 969
Breen: 972

Over 1000pt
Yizgisi: 1075
Ittick-Ka: 1106
Hishmeri: 1331
Unbound Gaeni: 1460

Points to Membership (500/500 + 100pt & 300pt & 500pt tags cleared)
Under 100pts
Ked Paddah: 41
Laio: 41

Under 500
Muuyozoi: 419
Tauni: 474
Bolians: 498

Under 800pts
Vermillions: 668
Sydraxians: 733
Yrillians: 764
Ashidi: 777
Dreamers: 790

Under 1000pts
Chrystovians: 800
Sotaw: 840
Shanpurr: 935
Gretarians: 940
Ur'razzi: 985

Under 1500pts
Trills: 1058
Yizgisi: 1275
Gorn: 1359

Under 2000pts
Hishmeri: 1531
Felis: 1632
Lamarckians: 1659
Breen: 1672
Bajoran Diaspora: 1683
Licori: 1748
Ittick-Ka: 1806

Over 2000pts
Unbound Gaeni: 2160
Well with all the recent changes I thought it might be useful to go through and update this. Especially since people have been talking about potential Task Forces and Diplomatic Pushes.

Credit to @lbmaian and @HearthBorn for the up to date diplomatic statuses.

Our current Diplomatic Status is a bit redundant with lbmaian's EoY post so close to this but it will be useful for future reviews.
Pending Ratification
Honiani (includes Obar and Yan-Ros)

Ked Paddah

Current Federation Affiliates:
Tauni: 500/500
-[Obsolete Technology: 100/100]
-[Unreliable Ally: 130/100]

-[Fool me once...: 26/500]

Laio: 474/500
-[Obsolete Technology: 100/100]

Ashidi: 300/300
-[Cardassian Threat: 221/300]
-[Too Good To Be True: 60/500]

Yrillians: 300/300
-[Cardassian Influence: 100/100]
-[Bigfoot is a Communist Pirate: 256/300]
-[Anarchy at all levels: 0/500]

Sydraxians: 267/300
-[Ashalla Pact: N/A]
-[Recently in a Shooting War: 100/100]

-[Society and Government In Flux: 0/500]

Bajoran Diaspora: 196/300
-[Cardassian Agitators: 100/100]
-[Suspicious of Outsiders: 0/300]
-[Caste System: 0/500]
-[Rule by Vedek: 0/500]

Vermillions: 205/300
-[Obsolete Technology: 0/300]

Muuyozoi (Outer Space Alliance): 165/300
-[Corps are lying to us: 0/100]
-[Horizon Influence: 222/300]
-[Disunified Homeworld 200/500]

Currently Known Other Possible Members:
Gretarians: 100/100
-[Sydraxian Client: N/A]
-[Need some space right now: 63/100]
-[You are all Crazed Militarists!: 0/500]

Chrystovians: 100/100
-[Distant Stars: 5/100]
-[Cardassian Neighbours: 15/300]

Licori (Arcadian Empire): 100/100
-[Recently in a Shooting War: 100/100]
-[Romulan Influence: 80/100]
-[Horizon Influence: 102/300]
-[Uncontrolled Mentats: 0/300]
-[Slavery: 20/500]
-[Unequal Feudal Society: 15/500]

Shanpurr: 90/100
-[Interfering with Pre-Warp Societies: 0/500]

Hishmeri: 69/100
-[Eternal Empire Influence: 0/100]
-[Raiding the Federation: 155/100]

-[Slavery I: 0/100]
-[Slavery II: 0/100]
-[Slavery III: 0/100]
-[Slavery IV: 0/100]
-[Nomadic Raiders I: 0/300]
-[Nomadic Raiders II: 0/300]

Ittick-Ka: 99/100
-[Distant Stars: 0/100]
-[Slavery I: 0/100]
-[Slavery II: 0/100]
-[Slavery III: 0/100]
-[Slavery IV: 0/100]
-[Slavery V: 0/100]
-[Great Power Ambitions: 0/300]
-[Authoritarian Hivestate: 0/500]

Sotaw: 60/100
-[Romulan Influence: 0/100]
-[Located in the Neutral Zone: 0/300]

Lamarckians: 100/100
-[Limited Stellar Presence: 36/100]
-[Obsolete Technology: 0/100]
-[Limited Stellar Ability: 0/300]
-[Unequal Distribution of Wealth: 0/300]
-[No Unified Government: 10/500]

Bolians: 100/100
-[Isolationist Government: 12/100]

Breen: 28/100
-[Isolationist: 0/100]
-[Militarily aggressive: 0/300]
-[Intensely Suspicious: 0/300]
-[Intensely Xenophobic: 0/500]

Gorn: 66/100
-[Distant Stars: 0/100]
-[The Ancient Enemy (Orions): 0/100]
-[Great Power Ambitions: 75/300]
-[Autocratic Monarchy: 0/500]

Felis: 88/100
-[Horizon Influence: 94/300]
-[Inclined towards Independence: 0/300]
-[Weak Central Government: 0/300]
-[Systematic Wealth Inequality: 0/500]

Yizgisi (Azsi Popular Democratic Mandate): 100/100
-[Continent of Goo: 100/100]
-[Stellar Shock: 44/100]
-[Close Call: 0/100]
-[No warp tech: 0/300]
-[Obsolete Technology: 0/300]

Trills: 100/100
-[Aloof: 75/100]
-[They don't trust us: 0/300]
-[Discourage Attacks on the Trill: 201/300]

Unbound Gaeni: 40/100
-[Distant Stars: 0/100]
-[Slavery I: 0/100]
-[Slavery II: 0/100]
-[Slavery III: 0/100]
-[Slavery IV: 0/100]
-[Slavery V: 0/100]
-[Fractured Government: 0/300]
-[Clone Space Pirates: 0/300]
-[Survival of the Fittest: 0/500]

Dreamers: 100/100
-[Cosmozoan Lifeform: 20/100]
-[Alien Modes of Communication and Thought: 0/300]

Ur'razzi: 22/100
-[Off to a Bad Start: 0/100]
-[Aggressive: 0/100]
-[Obsolete Technology: 0/300]

Now everything to follow has been determined using this spreadsheet, specifically the 2322.Q3 Update sheet, I worked up and assumes there are no hidden tags in play. We know they exist so that means for at least some of these races the following will be wrong but this is the best that can be done with current knowledge.

Points to Affiliation (100/100 + 100pt tags cleared):
Under 100pts
Shanpurr: 10
Felis: 18
Licori: 20
Trills: 25
Gretarians: 37
Dreamers: 80
Bolians: 88
Chrystovians: 95

Under 200pts
Sotaw: 140
Yizgisi: 156
Lamarckians: 164
Breen: 172

Under 300pts
Gorn: 234
Ur'razzi: 278

Over 300pts
Hishmeri: 438
Ittick-Ka: 601
Unbound Gaeni: 660
The key things to note here are that we have not one but four races within one roll of Affiliation. Diplomatic Pushes average +30 per roll and Annual Rolls +27.5 which neatly covers:
  1. Shanpurr: 10
  2. Felis: 18
  3. Licori: 20
  4. Trills: 25
Also of note are the Gretarians who require just +37 which IIRC isn't outside the range demonstrated by our Diplomatic Pushes. So while the others would all be fine with average rolls the Gretarians would probably require a good/lucky roll.

If we take into account my calculations on unopposed Task Forces the four groups people are particularly concerned about could be Affiliated in:
  1. Dreamers - 3 Ship Task Force = 3 Quarters
  2. Breen - 5 Ship Task Force = 4 Quarters
  3. Gorn - 6 Ship Task Force = 4 Quarters (Good odds on slipping to 5 quarters so a 5 Ship Task Force should be just as good)
  4. Ittick-Ka - 5 Ship Task Force = 12 Quarters
Those slavery tags on the Ittick-Ka really slow down recruitment times. Three years is a long time to wait for those who think we shouldn't Affiliate the Gorn before the Ittick-Ka. I suppose theoretically a fifteen ship Task Force could chew through those tags in just a year but even setting aside the logistical issues of that I just don't buy us being able to deal with slavery on such a wide scale that quickly. Even three years is pretty fast but we do have a lot of experience with the Orions and I could see the slavery tag morphing into a higher tier tag to cover the more systemic issues.

Points to Alliance (300/300 + 100pt & 300pt tags cleared)
Under 200pts
Sydraxians: 33
Yrillians: 44
Ashidi: 79

Under 300pts
Shanpurr: 210
Gretarians: 237

Under 500pts
Muuyozoi: 313
Vermillions: 395
Bajoran Diaspora: 404
Licori: 418

Under 1000pts
Trills: 624
Felis: 818
The first thing that may jump out is that unlike the last version I haven't done everyone who could eventually become an Ally. Instead I've covered those we've either already Affiliated or are within a single Diplomatic Push. Mostly because things get weird with the transition from non-aligned to Affiliate.

With an average Diplomatic Push result of +120 and an average Annual Roll of +27.5 we could easily have the Sydraxians, Yrillians, and Ashidi all allied by the end of 2323. Two years of pushes and rolls gives +295 which would be sufficient for the Shanpurr and Gretarians.

Interestingly enough reasonably sized Task Forces aren't actually much of an improvement over Diplomatic Pushes. Three ship Task Force averages the same as a Diplomatic Push on a yearly basis and a five ship Task Force should bring in around +200 Relation/year. That said they do perform a lot better from a cost perspective. If we assume the three ship Task Force is a cruiser backed up by a pair of frigates it effectively (not actually since the cruiser would be a Starfleet ship) cost as much as 10pp (new ships at the 24pt level) and as little as 2.5pp (retained ships at the 8pt level). A five ship Task Force headed by an Explorer with a pair of cruisers and frigates meanwhile would range between 25pp on the high end and 6.25pp. Compared to the 20pp of a Diplomatic Push that isn't bad.
Why are the Padani watching the Talarians?
The Talarians, if they're based on their canon equivalents were a particularly fierce, aggressive, and patriarchal species with a habit of spacegoing raiding, even against the Federation in the TNG era. Not exactly a cross between Space Spartans and Space Vikings, but kiiiinda like those.

In canon, the Federation basically seems to have just settled for removing their [Federation Raiding] tag and then noninterfered at them for a decade and a half or so. The Padani, obviously, aren't going to put up with that kind of bullshit.

Even if it does, and we have no data supporting this to my knowledge, is that worth more that an entire frigate? A Centaur B gives us a guaranteed roll at +4.
It depends on whether every ship in a task force is treated equally, or whether the flagship automatically takes on the most important single part of the task force's mission and has a bigger effect on the outcome, or whether every single ship in a task force actually rolls independently. Furthermore, in some cases we have more to worry about from whether a few of our ships can pass opposed rolls than whether we have more low-end ships.

I'm not saying you're wrong as such, I'm saying that you're making some implicit assumptions about the unknown nature of the task force mechanics.
i say we push every one of the under 100 but the trill and secure that ticking diplomatic score
with maybe the gorn there 2
I'm not saying you're wrong as such, I'm saying that you're making some implicit assumptions about the unknown nature of the task force mechanics.
Well, it is true that I assumed that there is nothing special about a flagship, but we dont have any data saying there is? I never noticed any at least. There might be, sure, but an extra frigate is a known, significant, and guaranteed bonus. And even if there is, it might still not beat an extra P4 ship.

E: So, not enough data, but better err on the extra frigates side, is my conclusion.
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The Talarians, if they're based on their canon equivalents were a particularly fierce, aggressive, and patriarchal species with a habit of spacegoing raiding, even against the Federation in the TNG era. Not exactly a cross between Space Spartans and Space Vikings, but kiiiinda like those.

In canon, the Federation basically seems to have just settled for removing their [Federation Raiding] tag and then noninterfered at them for a decade and a half or so. The Padani, obviously, aren't going to put up with that kind of bullshit.
Of special note is that the Talarians were xenophobic enough that they would wear gloves so as to avoid touching aliens with their bare hands.
I would put our highest priority for pushes, based on @UberJJK's excellent analysis, as the Felis, Licori, and Trill. All three are in the midst of major diplomatic contests, and having FDS support for those is exactly why we even have diplopushes.

For the other two, I would suggest the Gorn because of their high strategic importance, but I'm not sure what to do with the last push. The Dreamers would probably be my default choice, but I don't know whether they're actually the best pick. It may be wise to push the Ittick-Ka alongside the Gorn to keep from tipping the scales there.
I would put our highest priority for pushes, based on @UberJJK's excellent analysis, as the Felis, Licori, and Trill. All three are in the midst of major diplomatic contests, and having FDS support for those is exactly why we even have diplopushes.

For the other two, I would suggest the Gorn because of their high strategic importance, but I'm not sure what to do with the last push. The Dreamers would probably be my default choice, but I don't know whether they're actually the best pick. It may be wise to push the Ittick-Ka alongside the Gorn to keep from tipping the scales there.

No point in pushing the Trill. The TF is clearing their 100pt tag just fine. I'd push the Felis, OSA, Licori, Gorn, and the Shanpurr. The Felis and Licori to affiliate them, the OSA to clear their new 100pt tag, the Gorn to start the affiliate process, and the Shanpurr to bring them into the affiliate fold.
I would suggest calling ships of Atomic class with nuke scientists names. Oppenheimer, Feynman, Kurchatov... And other species equivalent.