So, quick post - just woke up, haven't caught up yet, etc, etc.
The thing about Sayaka and hypocrisy is that, well... She's a teenage girl. It's easy to talk about justice in the abstract, not so easy to be objective when you've been personally affected by something.
Nyan nyan nyan~?
I wrote a whole thing, then paged through the thread to see what was going on and found Firn saying the same thing I wrote, nya...
Now, I'm going to hazard a guess and see what pops up in response.
I don't think we ever talked with Sayaka about Oriko's backstory.
So, in that context, what we get is that Sabrina is saying we should go easy on the people who burnt down Sayaka's house for nebulous reasons and don't have any humanizing characteristics.
This is a hilariously large problem!
It's also important to note that Homura and Sayaka see Oriko's release as problematic for different reasons. Homura views it as a threat; Sayaka views it as an injustice. These need to be addressed separately, but I don't actually agree with the whole "get them in private" business entirely. I think we can and should proceed, for the moment, as-is, but we will need to speak with Homura in private after. I support this course of action because I feel that everything we can and should say to Sayaka will be relevant to Homura.
We also really haven't thought about alternate punishments, despite the truth of the matter being that we really should have. The general consensus is that house arrest is not acceptable, but the only real alternatives people have suggested are exile or fines, which aren't really punishments for Oriko. In this proposal I will outline a new suggestion for this which I think is both healthier and harsher than the house arrest.
Finally, I want to point out that the
immediate purpose of this proposal is not to convince anyone that we should lift the house arrest, but rather to convey the real reasons
why we believe that we should, to humanize Oriko to Sayaka, and to give Homura some background information. These are all at minimum semi-necessary steps which we have not carried out previously.
Step One: slap self in head.
Step Two: ask if you're saying things while leaving out literally all the background information *again.* You want to get the house arrest exchanged for some other form of punishment because it conflicts with the nature of Oriko Mikuni's wish and the results are, predictably, negative.
2.5: if Sayaka inquires, go into some detail on the nature of wishes and what denying them does.
Step Three: exposit the basics of Oriko's wish and background.
3.5: respond to "but wishes private" with "she forfeited that right when she burned down Sayaka's house."
Step Four: you have reason to believe that Oriko's wish is not incompatible with lawful society. If you didn't have information backing that you wouldn't be nearly as okay with her as you are.
4.25: if asked, standard metaknowledge nondisclosure. Can't talk about it because it would violate privacy of innocent parties (i.e., Homura)
4.5: PM homu with "full details after and I wont ask for any agreements here."
Step Five: while confinement is a highly traditional punishment, that does not make it ideal, necessary, or even harsh. One could, for example, allow Oriko to discover whatever the meaning of her life turns out to be, and then force her to spend eight to twelve hours a day away from it for a long period of time. You would speculate that that would be both healthier and much, much meaner. It would of course rely on Oriko not committing suicide first, but as of a few nights ago you are almost certain that will not be an issues.
5.5: This wouldn't even be dependent on Oriko's honesty. Fulfilment of her wish -- and, you would assume, the subsequent acceptance of it -- should result in her soul un-pretzeling, which is observable.
After this we would need to speak with Homura about Oriko. I frankly don't see a way to convince Homura to agree to us lifting the house arrest that doesn't involve outright spending credibility on it. Convincing Sayaka is much easier. I think convincing Homura to agree to it is doable but complicated. I've been sketching a possible outline for it but it's still a work in progress and I don't know how much of it I agree with beyond the general blueprint of "Madoka will be safer post-WPN with Oriko alive, and Madoka dying is game over for these reasons, and
yes parties are still going to want to screw her over after WPN. I get one chance at this and at this point I don't believe there is any chance that Oriko Mikuni is a threat to Madoka -- I'm willing to stake everything on that, and the reasons why are metaknowledge rather than really anything Oriko has said to me."
[spoiler="sketch]On spending Homu Cred to purchase an Oriko, if necessary:
> Express belief that, post-WPN, Madoka will be safer with Oriko alive than without.
-> Unknown nature of future, lack of precognition, Kyubey's continued desire to screw everyone over, Madoka being the obvious weak point for any attempt to screw us over on Kyubey's part
-> Establish that based on meta-knowledge rather than anything from Oriko -- print Oriko Magica if we have to.
> Express genuine belief that Madoka Kaname's death results in the end of the world
-> Homura would either loop or witch out. You know many things, but you have absolutely no idea what the result of Homura witching out would be, and considering her powerset and proximity to Madoka, you really,
really aren't interested in finding out.
-> Looping...
> If you believed in the slightest that Oriko could be a threat to Madoka, you wouldn't be pushing for this. You'd been on and off considering gemming the kures the whole time up until the conversation a few (cite) nights ago, and honestly it was getting more and more likely that you would have had to. There was a... A
shatterpoint, and you hit it, and you're pretty sure they'd be dead right now if you hadn't.
-> You have exactly one chance at getting things right. For this one chance, your bet is that the kures are more benefical to Madoka's safety alive than dead. [/spoiler]