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So, do we lead an army again? I dont really think Mathilde should represent senior Wiz status but it could present an oportunity to learn from Ambers.

Also the actions, one is familiar bond obviously and the rest? Kinda undecided as of yet.
TimEd threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: The lols Total: 25
25 25
[X] Accept as leader of the Stirlander forces (commanding 5,000 crossbowmen and 5,000 huntsmen).
[X] The Gold Wizard journeyman.
[X] The Amber Wizard journeymen.
[X] The Stirlander forces

[X] Spend time with your wolf pup, trying to develop a famliar bond.
[X] Accept as the most senior Wizard present (commanding two Amber Journeymen and one Gold Journeyman).
[X] Ulthar Alriksson, Head Ranger
[X] The Amber Wizard journeymen.
[X] The Gold Wizard journeyman.
[X] Spend time with your wolf pup, trying to develop a famliar bond.

We're going to want to spend time with the head ranger as we'll be working with him and wanting training from him. Also I don't want to assume command of the Stirland contingent it locks us into managing the troops which while something we can do isn't the skill I'd like to develop during this campaign.
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[X] Accept as the most senior Wizard present (commanding two Amber Journeymen and one Gold Journeyman).
[X] Skaroki Grimbrow, Thane
[X] The Amber Wizard journeymen.
[X] The Gold Wizard journeyman.
[X] Spend time with your wolf pup, trying to develop a famliar bond.
Mathilde's role is entirly different from that of the other wizards and they don't know her. We shouldn't lump them together. Either take command of the people who already respect us or be the intrigue advisor again.
Everyone's too busy to help their neighbor but perfectly able to help foreigners? :V Those moot halfing certainly are everywhere.
Hey, if an army marches on its stomach, then the Moot halflings are the perfect marching band.

Also can anyone tell me WHY we should talk to the Gold Wiz? The Amber might have some help for our pup, but im not seeing the lure of gold.
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[X] Accept as leader of the Stirlander forces (commanding 5,000 crossbowmen and 5,000 huntsmen).

[X] The Stirlander forces
[X] The Winter Wolves

[X] Spend time with your wolf pup, trying to develop a famliar bond.
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[X] Accept as the most senior Wizard present (commanding two Amber Journeymen and one Gold Journeyman).
[X] Skaroki Grimbrow, Thane
[X] The Amber Wizard journeymen.
[X] The Gold Wizard journeyman.
[X] Spend time with your wolf pup, trying to develop a famliar bond.
Mathilde's role is entirly different from that of the other wizards and they don't know her. We shouldn't lump them together. Either take command of the people who already respect us or be the intrigue advisor again.

But experience from leading other wizards does look good on a resume or application for wizard Lord. :V Not to mention networking opportunity, before those suffer miscast too.
Ulthar grins at that, Halken frowns, and Belegar simply nods. "Strollendreki. Better a reason than most. Come, join the discussion." You approach the table, your scalp brushing against the roof, glad for once to be under-endowed with height. "You're not the first umgi zhufokri to join, there's a pair of Gorzhufokri, those animal wizards, and one of those damn strange Azulzhufokri metal wizards, but they're all Journeymanlings."
Cool, Journeymen!
Second of all and almost as surprising is the turnout from your home province: apparently the Elector Countess has started to phase out crossbows in favour of rifles and things have not been going well, as thousands of former troops have rallied to Clan Angrund to seek their fortunes rather than trying their luck with newfangled gunpowder contraptions. Of roughly equal size are the detachment of various hunters, poachers, and woodsmen from western and northern Stirland. A lifetime living next to Sylvania, you're sure, will make the Badlands seem homey by comparison.
So...that sounds like Anton's work.
She's probably not too happy about that.
The third major category of volunteers are, in a twist of irony, caused by the very breakdown in civil order that prevented the Empire proper from assisting. First, there are Nordlanders who have abandoned their home province in the face of entire villages disappearing overnight to seek their fortunes where the danger is something that can be met with an axe to the face. Many speak darkly of the Norscan blood running through Nordlander veins, but none can gainsay their ability in combat, and what they lack in armour or tactics they make up for in strength and courage. Second, bizarrely, an equal number of Middenlanders - religious exiles, apparently, who speak darkly of conflict within the Ulrican church. The core of this group are the Winter Wolves of Middenheim, who have struck the 'of Middenheim' from their name, turning their back on their home province as, they say, their home province has turned their back on them. Unusually for a knightly order, most of them fight dismounted, but a core of them are mounted on the giant wolves of the Drakwald. After a rocky start, the Nordlanders and Middenlanders have found common ground - both are disgusted with their respective provincial leadership, so they feel no need to continue the conflict.
Nordlanders and Middenlanders agree, the Imperial mess of this shit is too much, fuck this we both go fight Old Night.
Fourth, finally, and as unexpected as any, is the response from the Moot: they've sent the entire force that was present in the Sieges of the Drakenhofs as well as an equal amount of civilians, who boast the ability to produce a feast from damn near anything. If anything, it seems more like a migration than a military contribution.
Seems they liked it.

[ ] Accept as leader of the Stirlander forces (commanding 5,000 crossbowmen and 5,000 huntsmen).

This is a minor overreach of authority as a Knight of Stirland. In this case we'd be confusing the dwarfs a bit, considering we approached in the capacity of a wizard.
We're quite likely to succeed, seeing as they know our reputation.
Martial heavy.

[ ] Accept as the most senior Wizard present (commanding two Amber Journeymen and one Gold Journeyman).

As a Magister we are actually entitled to order the others around, and the Amber and Gold orders get along well enough with the Grey. Not sure what they can do, but Mathilde should know well enough. IIRC the Amber wizards are buffers(though the Dwarfs are likely to refuse) and melee based.
Gold wizards are enchanters(the dwarfs again are likely to refuse) and mass debuffers for any weapon users.

[ ] Accept simply as yourself.

Responsible for ourselves alone as a stealth unit

[ ] Decline.

Declines command.

Personal preference:
[X] Accept as the most senior Wizard present (commanding two Amber Journeymen and one Gold Journeyman).
[X] The Amber Wizard journeymen.
[X] Ulthar Alriksson, Head Ranger
[X] Spend time with your wolf pup, trying to develop a famliar bond.

We speak for the wizards, since the dwarfs don't trust magic a lot, but as a Magister we're considered a Guild Master and can advise more extensive magic used than otherwise.
We then talk to the Head Ranger to organize recon efforts as a Hero unit, and the Amber wizards so we can you know, speak for their objectives.
Then form the familiar bond. We'd need it.
[X] Accept as leader of the Stirlander forces (commanding 5,000 crossbowmen and 5,000 huntsmen).
[X] The Amber Wizard journeymen.
[X] The Gold Wizard journeyman.
[X] Spend time with your wolf pup, trying to develop a famliar bond.

While it's already been a few years since the siege, I'm sure in the mind of most Strilander, Mathilde is still a war hero. Additionally, with how disgruntled they are with the new elector countess and also possibly rumors that the countess fired Mathile, I'm sure its easy to build rapport with the stirland forces.

As for the wizards, we had seen how easy for magic to backfire in the heat of battle, and those were done by high ranking wizards. The chances of these journeymans miscasting or worse is pretty high and as their senior, we at least have some responsibility to make sure they don't fuck up.

Finally, bonding with our wolf pup and possibly getting some bonus. Hell yes. Also, if I'm not wrong, there is Ulricans there and I could easily imagine them seeing Mathilde raising the wolf up and instantly have a good opinion on her. Mathilde on the other hand is panicking since her faith is against their and Ranald somewhere is just laughing his ass off.
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Also that Regrowth item is even better than I thought it would be, it holds 4 charges (Holy shit that's amazing), can't be stolen and the recharge condition is easy, it's not like bodies are going to be difficult to find during this campaign. We've also been told it won't interfere with our casting.
[X] Accept simply as yourself.

[X] Ulthar Alriksson, Head Ranger
[X] Skaroki Grimbrow, Thane
[X] Spend time with your wolf pup, trying to develop a famliar bond.

If we want to make the most of our stealthiness, we should get to know these people.

Approval votes.
[X] Accept as leader of the Stirlander forces (commanding 5,000 crossbowmen and 5,000 huntsmen).
[X] The Stirlander forces
[X] The Stirlander forces
[X] Spend time with your wolf pup, trying to develop a famliar bond.
[X] Deliver last-minute messages for Belegar, trying to scrape together any remaining support to be had before leaving.
- [X] To Dwarfholds of the Grey and Black Mountains.
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Mathilde's role is entirly different from that of the other wizards and they don't know her. We shouldn't lump them together. Either take command of the people who already respect us or be the intrigue advisor again.
Not exactly. The problem here is that the dwarfs:
-Don't trust magic.
-Don't particularly trust Journeymen.

If we don't speak for the journeymen, odds are they'd be underutilized or left to independent initiatives.
As a Magister we're the equivalent of a Guild Master by their understanding, and thus if we say something our jouneymen can try, the dwarfs are more likely to accept that.

This does not bind us to operate with the unit(though the Stirlanders may expect us to lead personally if we take charge, such is expectations).
Fourth, finally, and as unexpected as any, is the response from the Moot: they've sent the entire force that was present in the Sieges of the Drakenhofs as well as an equal amount of civilians, who boast the ability to produce a feast from damn near anything. If anything, it seems more like a migration than a military contribution.
@BoneyM, is the one in charge of them still this guy, who we never learned the name of?

From said high ground, the view of the town is awe-inspiring. An entire district is lost to the brilliant-white fires that are all that remains of Jovi Sunscryer, and conventional fires have claimed another. The sounds of battle rise to your ears, and you see flashes of various lights as gunpowder weapons are fired and Shyish is unleashed. And in one of the towers atop the walls, you find what you were looking for. Gustav, the generals of the 1st, 2nd and 4th, the general equivalent of the Halflings, the Amethyst Patriarch Hexensohn, the dwarven engineer Narfi, and Asarnil are gathered, looking over a crude sketch of the streets of Drakenhof.


"The picket holds," reports the halfling, "though we've had to stop asking nicely after several of them went berserk and caused heavy casualties. Now any that try to escape are greeted with arrows, and we hope the sight of their bodies just outside the gates dissuades the innocent."


The halfling shrugs.
[ ] "Fire has taken a quarter of the town, why not give it the rest? Some fire arrows from here, and over the walls around the rest of the town, and we can consider the town pacified once the fire burns itself out."
If yes, could we get his name? He's now a recurring character, after all!
Also that Regrowth item is even better than I thought it would be, it holds 4 charges (Holy shit that's amazing), can't be stolen and the recharge condition is easy, it's not like bodies are going to be difficult to find during this campaign. We've also been told it won't interfere with our casting.

Then rumours starts floating around about a ghost of Stirland walking in the dead of the night devouring souls of the dead. :V I'm sure there are no witch hunters anywhere near. (Have to admit that item is awesome.)
[X] Accept as the most senior Wizard present (commanding two Amber Journeymen and one Gold Journeyman).
[X] The Amber Wizard journeymen.
[X] Ulthar Alriksson, Head Ranger
[X] Spend time with your wolf pup, trying to develop a familiar bond.
Well on the bright side apparently we aren't the only one vacating the Empire at the prospect of a civil war?

[X] Accept as the most senior Wizard present (commanding two Amber Journeymen and one Gold Journeyman).
[X] Ulthar Alriksson, Head Ranger
[X] The Amber Wizard journeymen.
[X] The Gold Wizard journeyman.
[X] Spend time with your wolf pup, trying to develop a famliar bond.

Because Mathilde came here as a wizard, looking after your juniors albeit of another college is the proper thing for a wizard, and insures their skills are used where they're most needed. Also keeping them nearby will hopefully allow Mathilde to revive whomever the journeyman that miscasts* first, and keeping them alive will make a difference.

The Head Ranger is the leader whose subordinates we'll be working closely with to get to where we're needed, and well live captives are best for recharging, which the rangers would be best suited for capturing.

These are networking with subordinates, and bonding with the familiar who'll hopefully detect any Skaven before they shank any of the wizards present.

*Well depending on the exact nature of the miscast.
[X] Accept as the most senior Wizard present (commanding two Amber Journeymen and one Gold Journeyman).
[X] Skaroki Grimbrow, Thane
[X] The Amber Wizard journeymen.
[X] The Gold Wizard journeyman.
[X] Spend time with your wolf pup, trying to develop a famliar bond.
[X] Accept simply as yourself.

[X] Ulthar Alriksson, Head Ranger
[X] Skaroki Grimbrow, Thane
[X] Spend time with your wolf pup, trying to develop a famliar bond.
Voting is open