Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
To quote the post: while you could, at a later date, fold groups like the Road Wardens or Sewer Jacks into the Watch, they would act as a special branch of the Watch rather than something the mainstream Watch can do. This is a unique opportunity to create a second purpose for the organization that it can perform just as well as the first. They will not have this capability immediately, of course, but the goal of being capable of it will be written into their founding document.

If you take the Sewer Jack option, it's not just bringing the Sewer Jacks onto the watch payroll - it's creating an organization that patrols the undercity with the same skill and tenacity as it does the streets above. You could, later, bring the Sewer Jacks into the Watch, and they'd continue to patrol the sewers, probably a bit better now that they've got official backing, but they'd never achieve the level of manpower and dedication that taking this one-time opportunity would result in. The same applies to the Roadwardens, and the River Wardens, and all the other options.

This is a one-time deal. It is very unlikely you'll get another opportunity like this to build a dual purpose into the very heart of the Watch.
Another good thing about the Sewer Jack option is that it strengthens the Watch's hand against the Thieves and other criminal elements, which is something we need short/medium term to get the Underground organized on official payroll.

Once that and expanded Watch is done, Panopticon get.
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Wooot secret tunnels unlocked!

Im sure we will end up there somehow or other.

So vote for secret tunnels guys! Lets not have secret cults under our noses and all the other clichè related to tunnel networks
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[X] Stirland Guard
[X] Rat-catchers

[X] Plan The Watched

[X] Plan Team Mystic

[X] [Orders] Plan Surf 'n' Turf
-[X] If we've got vampire troubles, maybe you should spend some time investigating how to counter vampiric infiltration.
-[X] The Wurtbadian Watch is now your pet. Given more time, you can make it your attack dog.
-[X] Write In: Given the many forms and threats of undead in the region, perhaps it might be useful to have a dedicated unit to track them down and dissect them to learn how to better kill the things, how they might form, and how they might disguise or hide their nature, so as to actually push the undead back permanently. Something like what you did together on the transformed servants, but on a bigger scale.
-[X] Write In: While we're working with the Wurtbad Watch, the theft of the documents has made it clear that Stirland needs Riverwardens. That having been said, we also don't want to further alienate the veterans of the WW by forcing them to ignore Wurtbad in favor of watching the waterways, so we're asking for Van Hal's permission and Gustav's assistance to set up a province-wide network, similar to that of the Road-wardens. Except with boats.

Honestly, if something fuck up from the underground, it's all going to be on our back while roads/river/milita/siege is the military problem. Since we're playing an individual, and not the province of Stirland, it doesn't make sense to use 'what is the best way to improve Stirland' and not 'What is the best way to improve my office/station as a spymaster?'

Which is what all those votes for Riverwatch come down to.
For those interested, some info on the Empire's river situation.

On Dockers
From the smallest Stirland jetty to the bustling Suiddock of
Marienburg, wharves have locals ready to receive vessels from the
busy river. On larger docks, Foremen organise gangs of unskilled
dockers to do most of the muscle work unloading and loading
barges. On the smaller docks, the unemployed eye the jetties
from dirty taverns, ready to work at the sight of a sail. As dockers
only work when vessels arrive and leave, their wages are highly
irregular. Because of this, most docker families live in a state of
acute poverty, causing some to turn to alcohol or crime.
Larger docks also have skilled dockers, called Stevedores, who
generally form permanent gangs, often from their extended
families. A Stevedore's safety depends upon his gang, especially
when handling cargo in confined spaces or difficult conditions,
so trust is essential. Gangs vary in size according to the port
they call home, but are usually six to twelve strong. Stevedore
Foremen liaise with dock companies and ship-owners to organise
the unloading and loading of vessels to the quayside. From there,
cargo is moved by the lower-paid, unskilled dockers.
In large towns, Stevedore gangs band together into guilds to
protect their business and increase their bargaining power. These
guilds are renowned for their violent ways, and often share more
in common with Racketeers than skilled workers. The guilds
of large cities, on the other hand, are generally better organised
than their provincial versions. This is no more in evidence than
with the well-regarded and powerful Stevedores and Teamsters
Guild of Marienburg, which enjoys a total monopoly of the city's
dockers and could, some believe, shut down trading in the city
with a word from its Guildmaster.
Although most dock work is carried out by gangs, some men are
employed individually by dock companies. These include but are
not limited to coopers who repair and renew barrels and casks,
knockers who open and close cases for customs officials, and
markers who paint the destinations of exports on their crates.
Dockers are mostly Peasants (labourers), Stevedores, Tradesmen
(coopers and knockers), Scribes (markers), and sometimes
Thugs. They are usually led by Foremen, although Racketeers
are also common.

Boats of all kinds are willing to ferry passengers from one port
to the next. As it is a potentially lucrative business, many barges
are remodelled permanently to accommodate passengers. For
overnight vessels, this involves converting holds into cabins for
the rich and erecting canvas tents on the decks for the poor.
Vessels making shorter journeys require less conversion.

On Ferry- and Watermen
As ferries are demonstrably faster and safer than most overland
options, they are popular among anyone travelling the river's
route. Passenger vessels are often filled to the gunwales with
wide-eyed peasants searching for a better life in the festering
cities. Of course, with all the coin to be made, all manner of
folk try to cut in on the business, with private boat-owners
openly competing with established ferries. In this literally
cutthroat market, many vessels are far from safe, with their
crews happy to rob passengers between settlements or even
sometimes casting them overboard.
Murder on the rivers has became such a problem that some
provincial rulers charter local guilds of "Watermen" to regulate
and control passenger vessels. These guilds are given strict rules
of conduct and, assuming they uphold them, also granted
the right to hunt down and capture any transgressors. The
four Waterman guilds currently in operation on the Reik
have exemplary reputations, but sailing with them isn't cheap.
Poorer travellers often prefer to pay less by joining with a trader
or private vessel, despite the risks that this may entail.
Passenger boats are typically crewed by three to eight Boatmen.
Watermen guild boats often hire a Marine or two for

On Pirates
Despite the best efforts of the Riverwardens, pirates plague
the river ways of the Reik. Some use boats stripped down for
speed, others lure passing vessels into traps, but all seek the
same goal: lucrative cargo.
Most who take to pirating do so out of desperation. Such crews
typically number from five to ten and work from a single barge.
They are unlikely to be killers, preferring to threaten and trick
their victims, and rarely attack vessels with any obvious defences.
A mercifully low percentage of the criminals on the Reik are
truly ruthless murderers who have made a living of piracy.
These bloodthirsty rogues band together in gangs of 20 or
more spread across a motley handful of boats. Some of their
"fleet" may even sport a cannon or two. They use any trick
they can think of to board a vessel, and once there mercilessly
kill anyone that thinks to bar them from the hold. Some pirate
bands are even feared enough to racketeer, accepting protection
money from trading companies to ignore marked vessels or
even to hunt down their rivals. Most such crews are eventually
tracked down by the Riverwardens and State Armies, for they
cost too much in lost taxes and revenue to ignore.
Nevertheless, some pirate crews do flourish. The waters of
Averland, often neglected by authorities more concerned with
protecting lucrative cattle and horse-flesh, are home to an
array of competing pirate crews. Chief amongst these are the
vicious Black Bulls, who rarely have to step off their horned
barges; their fearsome reputation ensures that most passing
traders pay any tithes requested to keep them off their ships.

On the Riverwardens
Most riverside villages and inns set aside moorings for the
Imperial River Patrol, for without their presence, criminals
would rule the waters.
The Riverwardens are employed by various groups—including
nobles, merchant houses and private individuals—to keep the
Reik free of crime. Unfortunately, the wardens are sometimes
as crooked as those they pursue, and it isn't uncommon to
find them accepting bribes, requisitioning legal cargo from
weaker operations, or charging groundless fines. Worse, as most
patrol boats have gunpowder weapons and a legally-enshrined
power to stop other vessels, turning to piracy can be extremely
Although bribes are always welcome, the more corrupt
activities are rare. Most Riverwardens work hard to keep the
rivers free of criminals. If there is a significant problem that
they can't handle alone, like a well-organised pirate fleet,
a community of Wreckers, or Greenskins tracking River
Trolls, patrols call upon the local Militiamen. If matters
become desperate, the patrol may also request aid from the
Roadwardens. However, this is always a last option, as the
Roadwardens and Riverwardens often have jurisdiction
disputes. This commonly occurs when criminals abandon the
river and flee into the forests.
Patrol Boats are crewed by six to ten Riverwardens and led by
a Sergeant. Patrol Ships have 11–20 Riverwardens, up to five
horses, two Sergeants and a Captain. It is also common to find
Marines, Militamen and Roadwardens on their vessels.

A clarion call across the murky waters of the Reik can only
mean one thing: Riverwardens. These strong-backed lawmen are
commonly perceived by river goers as little better than thugs, as
they must harass even innocent vessels when checking for
smuggled goods and have learned that politeness and trust
do not pay off. The over-worked patrols,
which toil through month-long shifts at
a time, are responsible for waters too
large to be effectively controlled.
They spend most of their time
concentrating on the worst
law-breakers, including pirates,
murderers, and barge thieves,
and allow most petty
misdemeanours to slip
by with spot-fines.
They are a common
sight on the rivers,
and their patrols
extend as far as
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Wurtbad has (at least in places) several generations of buried buildings beneath surface level. (See: Hidden Palace). Tunnels that run to outside the city walls. It's not just sewers. Going round and round on this... but for overall City Watch type effectiveness, underground makes more sense than rivers... because of the diplomatic angle, and there isn't much overlap between pounding city streets and crewing riverboats. River Wardens yes, but they don't need to be a core capability.

[X] [WatchName] No name change required.
[X][WatchDuty] Underground
[X] [Public] Plan The Watched
[X] [Private] Plan Team Mystic
[X] [Orders] Plan Surf 'n' Turf+money
-[X] If we've got vampire troubles, maybe you should spend some time investigating how to counter vampiric infiltration.
-[X] The Wurtbadian Watch is now your pet. Given more time, you can make it your attack dog.
-[X] Write In: Given the many forms and threats of undead in the region, perhaps it might be useful to have a dedicated unit to track them down and dissect them to learn how to better kill the things, how they might form, and how they might disguise or hide their nature, so as to actually push the undead back permanently. Something like what you did together on the transformed servants, but on a bigger scale.
-[X] Write In: While we're working with the Wurtbad Watch, the theft of the documents has made it clear that Stirland needs Riverwardens. That having been said, we also don't want to further alienate the veterans of the WW by forcing them to ignore Wurtbad in favor of watching the waterways, so we're asking for Van Hal's permission and Gustav's assistance to set up a province-wide network, similar to that of the Road-wardens. Except with boats.
-[X] Your intelligence infrastructure is becoming worthy of the title; perhaps you could dedicate some time to expanding it. And, ideally, Stirland could pay for it directly instead of it eating your discretionary income.
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This is a one-time deal. It is very unlikely you'll get another opportunity like this to build a dual purpose into the very heart of the Watch.
That's honestly completely fine for me; as I don't think it's a good idea to just conglomerate organizations into the watch when it can instead serve a distinct purpose. I'd much prefer a Stirland Watch focused on the towns and cities of Stirland, the Roadwardens as a dedicated organization to protect the roads of Stirland, and the River Watch (or whatever name it'll be called) to protect the rivers of Stirland. That to me makes much more organizational sense with a clear division of skills and responsibilities, and if you want to do anything it'd be to put an organization above them all that it answers too. An example being a pseudo department of Internal Security (with a more appropriate name), with a mix of intelligence and military people with ideally it's own distinct leader that isn't either the spymaster or martial.
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[X] [WatchName] The Stirland Vigil
[X][WatchDuty] Underground: Absorbing the Sewer Jacks and rat-catchers into the Watch will allow you to make the underways of the city as safe as the streets above.

[X] [Public] Plan The Watched
-[X] The Watch is now legally under the office of the Spymaster and no longer doing their own thing on the city's budget. If anyone has areas of concern regarding law enforcement needing attention they could bring it up as well.
--[X] You'd also want to talk to Kasmir about arranging some appropriate spiritual guidance for the Watch, since it doesn't have anything formal set up, and this being Stirland, they could probably use someone to talk to when they come across dead bodies, or help answer the more complicated questions they encounter in the course of their duties, like when some burgher are simply following a legal cult too enthusiastically rather than conducting an unholy sacrifice to the dark powers.

[X] [Private] Plan Team Mystic
-[X] Much to your chagrin the efforts at setting up a lab had been hit yet again by the latest fashion statement. Which was your own damned fault. You hope this is funding expansion in somebody's fancy glassware industries somewhere and the price drops once the fad wears out.
-[X] In addition to publicly taking over the Watch, you've also put in agents throughout the middle layers to make sure that thing with the servants never happens again.
-[X] Apparently you've somehow captured the Wisdom's Asp in such a manner that it got stuck threading between the mirrors, so it's half alive and half dispersed, half in the material realm and half in the Warp...well this particular snake is not going to reform as slain daemons and their ilk are wont to while the box exists. Unfortunately the method wouldn't work safely on anything BUT a Wisdom's Asp, and it'd have to be very very unlucky or extremely stupid to get stuck in this exact manner.
-[X] The lands you were granted for your knighthood were very well suited to your limited availability to oversee the estates. Thanks for that.

[X] [Orders] Plan Who Ya Gonna Call?
-[X] If we've got vampire troubles, maybe you should spend some time investigating how to counter vampiric infiltration.
-[X] Your intelligence infrastructure is becoming worthy of the title; perhaps you could dedicate some time to expanding it. And, ideally, Stirland could pay for it directly instead of it eating your discretionary income.
-[X] The Wurtbadian Watch is now your pet. Given more time, you can make it your attack dog.
-[X] Write In: Given the many forms and threats of undead in the region, perhaps it might be useful to have a dedicated unit to track them down and dissect them to learn how to better kill the things, how they might form, and how they might disguise or hide their nature, so as to actually push the undead back permanently. Something like what you did together on the transformed servants, but on a bigger scale.

Note that I'll be asleep shortly after this. I'll check in on any feedback in the morning...and note that each [Stuff] Plan(note you can change the contents of a plan freely and you can vote for a plan with just the top line of each) bloc is tallied independently so go nuts stealing chunks if thats your preference :) .

Edited now that the scope of the difference is clear.
No impact on copied votes.

Namevoters take heed
[X] Stirland Guard
[X] Rat-catchers

[X] Plan The Watched

[X] Plan Team Mystic

[X] [Orders] Plan Surf 'n' Turf
-[X] If we've got vampire troubles, maybe you should spend some time investigating how to counter vampiric infiltration.
-[X] The Wurtbadian Watch is now your pet. Given more time, you can make it your attack dog.
-[X] Write In: Given the many forms and threats of undead in the region, perhaps it might be useful to have a dedicated unit to track them down and dissect them to learn how to better kill the things, how they might form, and how they might disguise or hide their nature, so as to actually push the undead back permanently. Something like what you did together on the transformed servants, but on a bigger scale.
-[X] Write In: While we're working with the Wurtbad Watch, the theft of the documents has made it clear that Stirland needs Riverwardens. That having been said, we also don't want to further alienate the veterans of the WW by forcing them to ignore Wurtbad in favor of watching the waterways, so we're asking for Van Hal's permission and Gustav's assistance to set up a province-wide network, similar to that of the Road-wardens. Except with boats.
There are three different choices for underground going around and it is a total mess.
[ ] Rat-catchers.
[ ] Underground: Absorbing the Sewer Jacks and rat-catchers into the Watch will allow you to make the underwaysof the city as safe as the streets above.
[ ] [WatchDuty] Underground: Absorbing the Sewer Jacks and rat-catchers into the Watch will allow you to make the underways of the city as safe as the streets above.

- Alliterate, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 147
- AielloA, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 142
- chocolote12, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 142
- Claytominor, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 142
- Dadarian, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 145
- habrok, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 146
- HanEmpire, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 145
- HavocKeeper, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 145
- jamie96969, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 146
- Johncup, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 146
- Kadark, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 147
- liberty614, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 146
- LoganBert34, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 142
- Lupercal, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 143
- Neptune, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 144
- noliar, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 140
- No7shere, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 147
- maximillian, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 146
- pianoman, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 143
- Seventeen, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 145
-Sinsystems, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 146
- The Meddler, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 146
- TimdEd, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 146
- VoidZero, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 143

- Dutchman, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 146
- Horium, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 144
- Mr Appollo, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 142
- Nicklance, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 144
- Pyro Hawk, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 145
- REAPER35, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 144
- StarkDemise, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 145
- TotallyNotEvil, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 145
- Trogolodyte, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 146

- veekie, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 142
- - Night_stalker, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 143
- - Notteboy97, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 145
- - masterofmadness, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 143
- - Klaus Wulfenback, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 143
- - Artemis1992, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 146
- - vsh, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 146

- wingstrike96, Fantasy - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest | Page 142

As of the time I posted this :
Rivers : 17 (7 of these are the ''Veekie block'')
Underground : 24 votes

EDIT : As seen below by my try at managing the votes, it appears veekie switched his vote to Underground while I was doing my list.
Adhoc vote count started by Kadark on Feb 9, 2018 at 5:23 AM, finished with 173 posts and 43 votes.

  • [X][WatchDuty] Underground: Absorbing the Sewer Jacks and rat-catchers into the Watch will allow you to make the underways of the city as safe as the streets above.
    [X] [Public] Plan The Watched
    -[X] The Watch is now legally under the office of the Spymaster and no longer doing their own thing on the city's budget. If anyone has areas of concern regarding law enforcement needing attention they could bring it up as well.
    --[X] You'd also want to talk to Kasmir about arranging some appropriate spiritual guidance for the Watch, since it doesn't have anything formal set up, and this being Stirland, they could probably use someone to talk to when they come across dead bodies, or help answer the more complicated questions they encounter in the course of their duties, like when some burgher are simply following a legal cult too enthusiastically rather than conducting an unholy sacrifice to the dark powers.
    [X] [Private] Plan Team Mystic
    -[X] Much to your chagrin the efforts at setting up a lab had been hit yet again by the latest fashion statement. Which was your own damned fault. You hope this is funding expansion in somebody's fancy glassware industries somewhere and the price drops once the fad wears out.
    -[X] In addition to publicly taking over the Watch, you've also put in agents throughout the middle layers to make sure that thing with the servants never happens again.
    -[X] Apparently you've somehow captured the Wisdom's Asp in such a manner that it got stuck threading between the mirrors, so it's half alive and half dispersed, half in the material realm and half in the Warp...well this particular snake is not going to reform as slain daemons and their ilk are wont to while the box exists. Unfortunately the method wouldn't work safely on anything BUT a Wisdom's Asp, and it'd have to be very very unlucky or extremely stupid to get stuck in this exact manner.
    -[X] The lands you were granted for your knighthood were very well suited to your limited availability to oversee the estates. Thanks for that.
    [X][WatchName] Stirland Watch
    [X] [WatchName] The Stirland Vigil
    [X] [Orders] Plan Who Ya Gonna Call?
    -[X] If we've got vampire troubles, maybe you should spend some time investigating how to counter vampiric infiltration.
    -[X] Your intelligence infrastructure is becoming worthy of the title; perhaps you could dedicate some time to expanding it. And, ideally, Stirland could pay for it directly instead of it eating your discretionary income.
    -[X] The Wurtbadian Watch is now your pet. Given more time, you can make it your attack dog.
    -[X] Write In: Given the many forms and threats of undead in the region, perhaps it might be useful to have a dedicated unit to track them down and dissect them to learn how to better kill the things, how they might form, and how they might disguise or hide their nature, so as to actually push the undead back permanently. Something like what you did together on the transformed servants, but on a bigger scale.
    [X] [WatchDuty] Riverwardens: With the addition of a fleet of very small warships, the Watch extend their reach onto the waterways of Stirland, fighting piracy and smuggling in the rivers that are the Empire's lifeblood.
    [X] [Orders] Plan Surf 'n' Turf
    -[X] If we've got vampire troubles, maybe you should spend some time investigating how to counter vampiric infiltration.
    -[X] The Wurtbadian Watch is now your pet. Given more time, you can make it your attack dog.
    -[X] Write In: Given the many forms and threats of undead in the region, perhaps it might be useful to have a dedicated unit to track them down and dissect them to learn how to better kill the things, how they might form, and how they might disguise or hide their nature, so as to actually push the undead back permanently. Something like what you did together on the transformed servants, but on a bigger scale.
    -[X] Write In: While we're working with the Wurtbad Watch, the theft of the documents has made it clear that Stirland needs Riverwardens. That having been said, we also don't want to further alienate the veterans of the WW by forcing them to ignore Wurtbad in favor of watching the waterways, so we're asking for Van Hal's permission and Gustav's assistance to set up a province-wide network, similar to that of the Road-wardens. Except with boats.
    [X] Stirland Guard​
    [X][Orders] Plan Let Me Do Magic
    -[X] You kind of regret learning exactly what you did to the Thorned One, but you did it. But the liquid leaking out? That's still an unknown. Will Van Hal let you look into it on the clock?
    -[X] The spell used by the informants is like nothing you've heard of before. You want to see if you can detect or replicate it.
    -[X] Your intelligence infrastructure is becoming worthy of the title; perhaps you could dedicate some time to expanding it. And, ideally, Stirland could pay for it directly instead of it eating your discretionary income.
    -[X] The Wurtbadian Watch is now your pet. Given more time, you can make it your attack dog.
    [X][WatchName] Grey Coats
    [x] If we've got vampire troubles, maybe you should spend some time investigating how to counter vampiric infiltration.
    [X][WatchName] QM's Choice
    [x] For no particular reason, it'd be a good idea to see about informants within the military.
    [x] Your intelligence infrastructure is becoming worthy of the title; perhaps you could dedicate some time to expanding it. And, ideally, Stirland could pay for it directly instead of it eating your discretionary income.
    [X] [Orders] Plan Surf 'n' Turf+money
    -[X] If we've got vampire troubles, maybe you should spend some time investigating how to counter vampiric infiltration.
    -[X] The Wurtbadian Watch is now your pet. Given more time, you can make it your attack dog.
    -[X] Write In: Given the many forms and threats of undead in the region, perhaps it might be useful to have a dedicated unit to track them down and dissect them to learn how to better kill the things, how they might form, and how they might disguise or hide their nature, so as to actually push the undead back permanently. Something like what you did together on the transformed servants, but on a bigger scale.
    -[X] Write In: While we're working with the Wurtbad Watch, the theft of the documents has made it clear that Stirland needs Riverwardens. That having been said, we also don't want to further alienate the veterans of the WW by forcing them to ignore Wurtbad in favor of watching the waterways, so we're asking for Van Hal's permission and Gustav's assistance to set up a province-wide network, similar to that of the Road-wardens. Except with boats.
    -[X] Your intelligence infrastructure is becoming worthy of the title; perhaps you could dedicate some time to expanding it. And, ideally, Stirland could pay for it directly instead of it eating your discretionary income.
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No need to rename the Wurtbad Watch IMO, just have it cover Lower Wurtbad as well as Upper Wurtbad.

[X] [WatchDuty] Underground: Absorbing the Sewer Jacks and rat-catchers into the Watch will allow you to make the underways of the city as safe as the streets above.

[X] [Orders] Plan Surf 'n' Turf
[X] [Public] Plan The Watched
[X] [Private] Plan Team Mystic
Yeah we need to be able to clump the votes. Also we cant all jus vote for the plan due to some prefering other specific details.

Maybe a proper format?
Someone make a format for the votes so that similar votes atleast arent separated too far
No need to rename the Wurtbad Watch IMO, just have it cover Lower Wurtbad as well as Upper Wurtbad.

[X] [WatchDuty] Underground: Absorbing the Sewer Jacks and rat-catchers into the Watch will allow you to make the underways of the city as safe as the streets above.

[X] [Orders] Plan Surf 'n' Turf
[X] [Public] Plan The Watched
[X] [Private] Plan Team Mystic
Regarding the name, my thinking was we'd institute the same reformed structure in the other towns of Stirland, with the local captain reporting to us. But, on reflection, that might not be possible, as those towns have different barons/Counts and so probably their own Watch charters. In which case, no name change required.

Edited now that the scope of the difference is clear.
No impact on copied votes.

Namevoters take heed
Really not a Stirland-wide organisation without boats or roads. Or we rewrite a lot of local Watch charters and persuade their barons to sign.
Last edited:
Yeah we need to be able to clump the votes. Also we cant all jus vote for the plan due to some prefering other specific details.

Maybe a proper format?
Someone make a format for the votes so that similar votes atleast arent separated too far
The vote tally already has a pretty good clumping feature, click the "Manage votes" button at lower left of the tally display, and you can drag-and-drop groups to be counted together.
It also comes with an implied expectation of format, from the announcement thread:

Vote divison can be used to split a vote:
Selection Raw vote Tallied vote(s)
None [x] Vote line 1
[x] Vote line 2
[x] Vote line 1
[x] Vote line 2
By line [x] Vote line 1
[x] Vote line 2
[x] Vote line 1
[x] Vote line 2
By block [x] Vote block 1 line 1
-[x] Vote block 1 line 2
--[x] Vote block 1 line 3
-[x] Vote block 1 line 4
[x] Vote block 2 line 1
-[x] Vote block 2 line 2
[x] Vote block 1 line 1
-[x] Vote block 1 line 2
--[x] Vote block 1 line 3
-[x] Vote block 1 line 4
[x] Vote block 2 line 1
-[x] Vote block 2 line 2
By plan [x] [TASK 1] Part of the task
-[x] Sub task
[x] [TASK 2]
-[x] Sub task 2
[x] Part of the vote, but not a task
[x] [TASK 1] Part of the task
-[x] Sub task
[x] [TASK 2] Part of the task
-[x] Sub task 2
[x] Part of the vote, but not a task
While we're working with the Wurtbad Watch, the theft of the documents has made it clear that Stirland needs Riverwardens.

1. Documents were probably stolen by the aide in staff.
2. Documents were driven away in wagon halfway to a landlocked village.
3. Documents were dumped in a necromantic mound.
4. There's a strong possibility that former Spymaster was involved, and he probably resides in a landlocked village.
5. There's a strong implication that a vampire from Sylvania, which has only land borders with Stirland, is involved.
6. It is crystal clear to me now: Stirland needs Riverwardens!
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Yeah we need to be able to clump the votes. Also we cant all jus vote for the plan due to some prefering other specific details.

Maybe a proper format?
Someone make a format for the votes so that similar votes atleast arent separated too far

We're already clumping using the tasks.
One plan or vote for each section.

My vote's intent is pretty much so you can take or ditch any section if you use the task
We're already clumping using the tasks.
One plan or vote for each section.

My vote's intent is pretty much so you can take or ditch any section if you use the task
But the others are either not votin properly or spliting similar votes like the sewer/underground/rat catcher votes.

Kinda hard to clump those whith differemt wordings
[X][WatchName] Stirland Watch
[X][WatchDuty] Underground: Absorbing the Sewer Jacks and rat-catchers into the Watch will allow you to make the underways of the city as safe as the streets above

[X] [Orders] Plan Surf 'n' Turf
[X] [Public] Plan The Watched
[X] [Private] Plan Team Mystic
1. Documents were probably stolen by the aide in staff.
2. Documents were driven away in wagon halfway to a landlocked village.
3. Documents were dumped in a necromantic mound.
4. There's a strong possibility that former Spymaster was involved, and he probably resides in a landlocked village.
5. There's a strong implication that a vampire from Sylvania, which has only land borders with Stirland, is involved.
6. It is crystal clear to me now: Stirland needs Riverwardens!

Except your current vote is under Underground forces. It's what happen when you vote for another person with [ ] username.

Anyway, as I said earlier, what happen on river isn't more important to our office than the city's underground. The terrain to cover and the number of time people use rivers to actually plot something is just not worth it.
Except your current vote is under Underground forces. It's what happen when you vote for another person with [ ] username.

Anyway, as I said earlier, what happen on river isn't more important to our office than the city's underground. The terrain to cover and the number of time people use rivers to actually plot something is just not worth it.
I realise that tone is hard to parse on the internet but @vsh was being sarcastic.
[X][WatchName] Stirland Watch
[X][WatchDuty] Underground: Absorbing the Sewer Jacks and rat-catchers into the Watch will allow you to make the underways of the city as safe as the streets above