Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Plan Grassroots Improvement
-[X] As Per Orders: Perform your current assignment.
--[X] Wurtbad, inevitably, has criminals. And you're a follower of Ranald. Maybe you could reach an understanding - they'd have access to a huge amount of information, though it would mean tacit approval of their activities.
---[X] Ranald's Blessing
--[X] You're from peasant stock yourself, so it shouldn't be too hard to make friends and contacts among the peasantry in the villages surrounding Wurtbad; Julbach, Biderhof and Tarshof.

Grassroot networks first. They hear everything, so there'd be hints of at least, anything big going on. They're also difficult for ANYONE to truly subvert, being too everywhere.
These are our chargen background advantages. Use them. We can get higher class spies once we have some basic blackmail.
And they're cheap, which would be a great relief to our boss until the taxes come back to life next year.

-[X] Backtracking and Side Operations:
--[X] Van Hal is interrogating the Von Stolpes. Sitting in may be helpful to him, and educational to you.
--[X] A large number of Shyish-stained weapons were uncovered from the Barrow. Perhaps you should:
---[X] Send them to the Amethyst Order for examination (does not take an action).

Interrogations we should be involved in where possible. If only to fit the intel into what we know.
As for the weapons, while we're an enchanter we're a pretty rookie one. Best send it to the experts to make sure they aren't cursed.

-[X] Self-Improvement: Things have been going well so far, but the skills of a Journeyman Grey Mage can only go so far.
--[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
--[X] You only really kept in practice with a handful of the petty and minor magics you were taught. Maybe you should brush up on the others.
--[] As a Journeywoman, the path to Magister is marked by mastering more than the two shadow spells you already know. Send to the Grey Order for the basics and work on figuring out one of the others.

Keep working on that skill...and we REALLY should know more than just our starting spell kit.
Edited to take Petty Magics for Quash so we have a dispel to use against enemy mages. And magical security spells.

-[X] Home Comforts: Your Palace-Shrine is bursting with potential. And also mud.
--[X] No Place Like Home: Move in furniture, set up a chimney, put in the effort to make sure that your new home actually feels like a home and not like sleeping in an underground mud cave.

Finish the home base basics. We can expand it later in our own time, but well...basic human comforts.

-[X] Change tithe payment/loan payment/embezzlement (specify)
--[X] Student loans to 50 gold per turn.
--[X] Embezzlement to 50 gold per turn.

Well this amount is easy to justify. A set amount and dump it all into the student loans so they go away soonest
Plan seems solid, but we should change the embezzlement to either 75 or 37g, because those are the risk-breakpoints for the 150g income. 37 with it going to loans seems good to me.

And is setting up our home a higher priority than researching the Asp? Maybe we could find a way to ward our lair against it.
[X] Plan Grassroots Improvement

Make the Comte de jure lord of all floors above the fifth?

I mean, odder arrangements occurred in the empire.

A pragmatic solution if any, though that would mean the Countess gets the short end of the stick. The dominium (=property), would be with the person owning the land on which it is built, the customary law Erbbaurecht/droit de superficie or right to the building is limited in time and needs to be renewed. And it is a secondary real estate right, derived from the rights of ownership, so any destruction of the relevant property causes the right to revert to the owner of the land.

...but I suspect discussions on customary law are slightly outside of the scope of this quest.
They match the style of all the other weapons that were left there, in the style of the pre-Sigmarite original builders of the Mound. It's possible that they were enchanted by a Shaman of the tribe, or they absorbed ambient Shyish over the centuries.

But yeah, everyone on the Council is aware that it could be a trap. That's why the decisions all amount to 'see if it's a trap', all that varies is who's doing the looking.
If they turn out to be legit, will the college return them all?
No. How much they return will be down to negotiations between the Amethyst Order, the Grey Order, and Van Hal if he feels like weighing in. Worst case scenario, you'll get two or three out of the fifty. Best case, half of them. If you want them all, you'll have to keep it in-house.
And risk Chaos. Of course.
I don't suppose we could just hire an Amethyst Mage with an uncertain task, and claim that they're not entitled to more payment?
No. How much they return will be down to negotiations between the Amethyst Order, the Grey Order, and Van Hal if he feels like weighing in. Worst case scenario, you'll get two or three out of the fifty. Best case, half of them. If you want them all, you'll have to keep it in-house.
@veekie There you go.

Fifty enchanted weapons.

What about a write-in:
-[] Keep them locked in a lead-lined box. You will get to them soon enough.

That's enough gear for two elite platoons.
-[] "Keep them locked up for now, you will get to them later. Lock them in a lead box, inside a wooden box floating in holy water, inside a steel box, inside a blessed cage fastened to the floor, inside the treasury."
Informational Collection of QM Statements

QM Headers for this post might be: "this is more part of the teething process of me figuring out how best to do this format of quest", or "I'm always happy to answer questions. Nobody would know the answers better than me, after all". I figured I could help out by collecting a bunch of things the QM said in mostly non-threadmarked posts as a potentially useful reference to help keep track of what's been said, answered, clarified and figured out. I'll probably edit it into an accordion later.

On the most frequently asked question:
Mastery happens, first and foremost, when I decide it does. That said, my internal process for deciding it is something like this:

a) when a crit happens;
b) when it is, in my opinion, narratively appropriate for a spell to be mastered; and
c) when there's no more pressing issue that the benefits of a crit would be better applied to.

If anyone is ever even a little bit tempted to point to a past or future situation where a crit did not result in a mastery, and argue that it should have, I would encourage them in the strongest possible terms to instead not. I try my best to be an easy-going kind of person, but very little gets me more heated than someone trying to 'gotcha' me. The relationship I want to have with you, the readers, is a collaborative one where we all work together to forge a story. If it turns into an adversarial one where readers feel like they can argue me into giving Mathilde extra benefits, all it will result in is undermining my desire to spend time here.

On quest mechanics:
Suggest courses of action for the next six months; the Elector Count is likely to choose one of them. You can use this to your advantage. One possibility is to suggest things that align with your personal goals, another is to suggest things you can do easily and have plenty of time left over to spend elsewhere. However, if there's a pressing concern the Elector Count has that is not covered by what you put forward, he may 'write in' your orders, and cause a relationship hit due to losing respect for your abilities. Votes for this will be in plan format - the more options you give the Elector Count, the greater chance he'll pick one, but the less you can steer his instructions.
If we give our Elector Count (too) many options, is he liable to pick several of them with his own actions and thus impose extra work on us?
No, but it will mean you've got much less control over what he decides to do.

You've got six actions per turn, and it's up to you how you're going to balance that responsibility with your own development and motivations. As long as you make enough progress to satisfy the Count, he won't even ask how much time you spent doing it or what you were doing the rest of the time.
- Keep in mind that spending every waking moment on the job is certainly laudable and will help win over Van Hal, but it does mean that you're not climbing the power curve.
- Typical working week for your fellow councillors would be spending two to four 'actions' on their job and the rest on their personal life and other responsibilities, depending on their level of dedication.

The list of potential orders to suggest will not all be created equal. Some will be better uses of your time than others, some will be more dangerous than others, some will be more urgent than others. And because of limited information, often you will not know which will be which.

But while there will be better and worse options, there won't be trap options.

If you suggest investigating Drakenhof and the Count chooses to give that as the order, it won't mean you're forced to knock on the front doors of the castle and ask whoever answers if they've heard the good word about Sigmar. The question to consider is: is it likely that I would be able to gather useful information. And: would the information I could gather be more valuable than other actions I could be doing. And even: would the Count expect me to suggest this.

But you don't have to ask: is this the booby-trapped option that will cause the QM to cackle and pull the lever marked 'inevitable death'.
A peek under the hood, as well as conclusions Mathilde could reasonably make in hindsight: not presenting options related to the Stirlandian League aroused Van Hal's suspicions that you were going to suborn it for your own profit, and he was considering either a 'write-in' or investigating you. Your fantastic roll in response allowed you to present good, solid reasons why in a convincing manner, which immediately put his concerns to rest. This prevented any loss of relationship points as well as leading him to investigate the Professor instead of you. He doesn't just show up once every six months to listen to reports and hand out orders - he's got Personal Actions and he uses them.
We do actually receive reports from all the networks we've been building, right? That is, I keep expecting to have a "here's what you heard this turn from the Watch, here's what you heard this turn from the thieves, here's what you heard this turn from Swartzhafen" sort of post, but we never seem to actually get any information from them.
Yeah, the way you're hooked into them is for them to send you news of anything unusual, but so far none of them have picked up on anything - it's the only way to manage things since it's still a one-woman operation. If you had an underling with the ability to manage it, you could set it up so they start sending more mundane news.
Yes, when/if something that's going on in the background crosses paths with your contacts, I roll to see if they pick up on it.

On money:
35/turn will pay [the student loan] off in about eight years, while 15/turn will barely make headway against the interest rates - you should pay it off just in time to retire.
Discretionary Income: +150g
Embezzlement: -75g
Vague estimates: You could start selling beer out of a shack in the slums for about forty gold, including the beer. Setting up a tavern along a trade road would only cost you what it takes to build it because you could get the land for a song, maybe 200 gold or so. A moderate size middle class tavern could run you 400. An established tavern of good repute on Wurtbad's main road could run you a thousand.
And another thing clarified in a scattershot way that doesn't quite fit a single quote: Our embezzlement levels and corresponding risk will be rounded up to "none", "quarter", "half", "three-quarters", or "all".
So if we embezzle a third, that'll be as risky as embezzling half. Here are the descriptions based on a time when we had 200 gold to embezzle from:
Do you skim your discretionary budget?
[ ] I see no contradiction in being an honest spymaster. (no change)
[ ] Perk of the job, you know. It's practically expected. (+50 personal gold, -50 discretionary gold, absolutely no risk)
[ ] Money don't grow on trees, and I got bills to pay. (+100 personal gold, -100 discretionary gold, almost no risk)
[ ] What's good for me is good for Stirland. (+150 personal gold, -150 discretionary gold, some risk)
[ ] 'Discretionary' is just another word for 'mine'. (+200 personal gold, -200 discretionary gold, moderate risk)
Now that our income is 150, the corresponding levels are none/35/75/115/150.

On Ranald:
Ranald the Deceiver is the god of lies, illusions, luck and irony. He is a god of the common people, and most people in the Empire will invoke him when they need luck on their side. He's also the patron god of spies and Grey Wizards, and if that was all there was to Ranald it wouldn't just be acceptable but expected for you to venerate him. But Ranald has other guises.

Ranald the Night Prowler is the god of thieves, patron of criminals, and veneration to him is tied into the very language of the thieves cant.

Ranald the Protector is the god of democracy, revolution, and freedom from tyranny. Every year tax collectors are murdered in his name, every revolt against Imperial authority has him as a patron god.

Ranald is eternally on the knife edge between 'frowned upon' and 'actively suppressed'. Admitting that you worship him is not likely to make you friends.

(I say this not to encourage you to act one way or another, only to give you information that you would possess in-character)
See also the Guide to Ranald.

On magic:
You're currently at the level where you can imbue petty magics into items.
'Proper' battle magic is Magister-level - you won't be taught it or given instructions on how to learn it until/unless you graduate. You could try to work it out but a) very heavily frowned upon by the College and b) if it goes wrong it'll go really wrong.
I'm using the magic system from Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay as a base. As an Apprentice, you learned Petty Magics and Lesser Magics. As a Journeyman, you've started to learn actual Shadow Magic - so far, Shadowsteed and Mindhole. But the spells you might know from Warhammer Fantasy Battle or Total Warhammer that change the face of entire battlefields aren't taught until the rank of Magister.
Journeymen don't get assigned Journeymen. Once you reach the rank of Magister, then you can start taking on Apprentices and sending word to the Grey College that you've got a good assignment here for a new Journeyman to cut their teeth on.

Before anyone asks, the way to graduate would be that once you feel like you've proved yourself both magically and in deed, you return to the Grey College (two actions) and are Tested.
Deed like... knocking over a (Vampire?) Necromancer in Drakenfells? Or is that... overkill?
It would be overkill, though if you pull it off it'd definitely work. You only need to prove that you're ready to begin as a Magister. The entire Ledger Saga could qualify if you sold it well enough, though you are currently heavily lacking on the magical side of things - which is why I haven't brought it up before now.
Generally you only formally report to the Count every six months or when something important comes up. It'd be quite possible to slip out for a couple months when things are relatively quiet and hope that Stirland is still standing when you get back.
is it one mastery per spell?
Yes. Your rote memorization of a codified spell has evolved into a more personal understanding of the magics at play, bringing you a deeper insight into the Winds of Ulgu. To try to change it would be to undermine your improvement as a wizard.
Attempting to 'game' Mastery will go badly for you.
Mastery will come only from rolling high during actual practical use of the spell. You can't 'grind' it until Mastery procs.
No form of practice will ever give you mastery - you need to be actually using it in while attempting to achieve something.

Tax records are being dropped in Wilhelmina's lap, while Van Hal is performing the interrogation of the Count personally. You've got time to consolidate or backtrack, instead of new fires cropping up.
She knows you're competent, that doesn't change how much she likes you. Doing your job well impresses Van Hal, but if you want to get in Wilhelmina's good books you need to spend time with her.
gathering up a few hundred Knights of Morr, a few dozen priests, and a lot of those troops that the late unlamented professor spent all that time and money theoretically recruiting and leading them to destroy everything fishy-looking living there, looting and/or destroying everything we find, and then going home before all the rest of Sylvania descends upon us?
Doing this about once a decade is pretty much the status quo. It keeps Sylvania from reaching a critical mass of things that go bump in the night without having to feed money into a black hole by trying to permanently garrison the whole accursed land.
Dieter IV granted the City of Flensburg the title of a free city without bothering to change the legal status of the County of Flensburg, back when he was both Emperor and Elector Count of Stirland. So all the arguments are based around what 'city' really means.

Dieter didn't care because he got paid either way, but once the Elector Count of Stirland and the Emperor stopped being the same person, things got complicated.
If duty requires the Spymaster of Stirland to go to Altdorf, that trumps a Journeyman Wizard being traditionally forbidden from seeking the comforts of 'home'. As long as you don't try to move back in to your old bedroom, everyone will politely look the other way.
Stirland has a postal service.
Please do not waifu the demon snake.
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Thanks for that, I didn't realize how much useful and important information was scattered about the place until it was all laid down like that.
Adhoc vote count started by BoneyM on Jan 27, 2018 at 7:58 AM, finished with 168 posts and 31 votes.

  • [X] Plan Grassroots Improvement; Updated
    -[X] As Per Orders: Perform your current assignment.
    --[X] Wurtbad, inevitably, has criminals. And you're a follower of Ranald. Maybe you could reach an understanding - they'd have access to a huge amount of information, though it would mean tacit approval of their activities.
    ---[X] Ranald's Blessing
    --[X] You're from peasant stock yourself, so it shouldn't be too hard to make friends and contacts among the peasantry in the villages surrounding Wurtbad; Julbach, Biderhof and Tarshof.
    -[X] Backtracking and Side Operations:
    --[X] Van Hal is interrogating the Von Stolpes. Sitting in may be helpful to him, and educational to you.
    --[X] A large number of Shyish-stained weapons were uncovered from the Barrow. Perhaps you should:
    ---[X] Keep them in a lead-lined steel box, fastened to the floor, inside the treasury.
    -[X] Self-Improvement: Things have been going well so far, but the skills of a Journeyman Grey Mage can only go so far.
    --[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    --[X] You only really kept in practice with a handful of the petty and minor magics you were taught. Maybe you should brush up on the others.
    -[X] Home Comforts: Your Palace-Shrine is bursting with potential. And also mud.
    --[X] No Place Like Home: Move in furniture, set up a chimney, put in the effort to make sure that your new home actually feels like a home and not like sleeping in an underground mud cave.
    --[X] Diggy Diggy Hole, Outsourced: Pay someone to do the digging, then Mindhole them on their way out. (no action required, -personal gold)
    -[X] Change tithe payment/loan payment/embezzlement (specify)
    --[X] Embezzlement to 35 gold per turn.
    [X] Plan Grassroots Is Not Enough
    -[X] As Per Orders: Perform your current assignment.
    --[X] The Wurtbad Watch already has their ear to the ground. Make their information flow to you.
    --[X] Personally vet everyone that works in the castle, and replace everyone you're not sure of the loyalties of.
    --[X] You're from peasant stock yourself, so it shouldn't be too hard to make friends and contacts among the peasantry in the villages surrounding Wurtbad; Julbach, Biderhof and Tarshof.
    --[X] Try to find a reliable lieutenant or two to delegate some spymastering to. Perhaps you'll locate someone with potential while building networks, or Ser Markus can recommend someone competent and loyal to Stirland. They'll have to be investigated before trusting them, of course…
    ---[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] Backtracking and Side Operations:
    --[X] Van Hal is interrogating the Von Stolpes. Sitting in may be helpful to him, and educational to you.
    --[X] A large number of Shyish-stained weapons were uncovered from the Barrow. Perhaps you should:
    ---[X] Secure them until you can get around to examining them yourself.
    -[X] Self-Improvement: Things have been going well so far, but the skills of a Journeyman Grey Mage can only go so far.
    --[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    -[X] Home Comforts: Your Palace-Shrine is bursting with potential. And also mud.
    --[X] Diggy Diggy Hole, Outsourced: Pay someone to do the digging, then Mindhole them on their way out. (no action required, -personal gold)
    -[X] Change tithe payment/loan payment/embezzlement (specify)
    --[X] Embezzlement to 35 gold per turn.
    [X] Plan Grassroots Improvement
    -[X] As Per Orders: Perform your current assignment.
    --[X] Wurtbad, inevitably, has criminals. And you're a follower of Ranald. Maybe you could reach an understanding - they'd have access to a huge amount of information, though it would mean tacit approval of their activities.
    ---[X] Ranald's Blessing
    --[X] You're from peasant stock yourself, so it shouldn't be too hard to make friends and contacts among the peasantry in the villages surrounding Wurtbad; Julbach, Biderhof and Tarshof.
    -[X] Backtracking and Side Operations:
    --[X] Van Hal is interrogating the Von Stolpes. Sitting in may be helpful to him, and educational to you.
    --[X] A large number of Shyish-stained weapons were uncovered from the Barrow. Perhaps you should:
    ---[X] Send them to the Amethyst Order for examination (does not take an action).
    -[X] Self-Improvement: Things have been going well so far, but the skills of a Journeyman Grey Mage can only go so far.
    --[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    --[X] You only really kept in practice with a handful of the petty and minor magics you were taught. Maybe you should brush up on the others.
    -[X] Home Comforts: Your Palace-Shrine is bursting with potential. And also mud.
    --[X] No Place Like Home: Move in furniture, set up a chimney, put in the effort to make sure that your new home actually feels like a home and not like sleeping in an underground mud cave.
    -[X] Change tithe payment/loan payment/embezzlement (specify)
    --[X] Student loans to 50 gold per turn.
    --[X] Embezzlement to 50 gold per turn.
    [X] Plan They are really out to get us
    -[X] As Per Orders: Perform your current assignment.
    --[X] The Wurtbad Watch already has their ear to the ground. Make their information flow to you.
    --[X] Personally vet everyone that works in the castle, and replace everyone you're not sure of the loyalties of.
    -[X] Backtracking and Side Operations:
    --[X] You haven't asked Anton about your predecessor - see if he knows anything useful.
    --[X] The thing you stabbed in the face is still in the cells, and now several others that were found are keeping it company. Examine them, learn from them, see if you can identify them.
    --[X] A large number of Shyish-stained weapons were uncovered from the Barrow. Perhaps you should:
    ---[X] Send them to the Amethyst Order for examination (does not take an action).
    -[X] Self-Improvement: Things have been going well so far, but the skills of a Journeyman Grey Mage can only go so far.
    --[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    --[X] That damn Asp has still been quiet, but maybe it's just biding it's time. Finally admit it's existence to your contacts back in the College and see if they know anything that can help. // Add Ranalds Blessing here
    [x] As Per Orders: Perform your current assignment.
    -[x] Personally vet everyone that works in the castle, and replace everyone you're not sure of the loyalties of.
    -[x] You're from peasant stock yourself, so it shouldn't be too hard to make friends and contacts among the peasantry in the villages surrounding Wurtbad; Julbach, Biderhof and Tarshof.
    [x] Backtracking and Side Operations:
    -[x] The thing you stabbed in the face is still in the cells, and now several others that were found are keeping it company. Examine them, learn from them, see if you can identify them.
    -[x] Van Hal is interrogating the Von Stolpes. Sitting in may be helpful to him, and educational to you.
    -[x] A large number of Shyish-stained weapons were uncovered from the Barrow. Perhaps you should:
    --[x] Examine them yourself and see if they're useful, or dangerous, or both.
    -[x] This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
    [X] Plan Grassroots Is Not Enough
    -[X] ...and ensure some of the new castle staff hires do report to you.
[X] Plan Grassroots Improvement; Updated
-[X] As Per Orders: Perform your current assignment.
--[X] Wurtbad, inevitably, has criminals. And you're a follower of Ranald. Maybe you could reach an understanding - they'd have access to a huge amount of information, though it would mean tacit approval of their activities.
---[X] Ranald's Blessing
--[X] You're from peasant stock yourself, so it shouldn't be too hard to make friends and contacts among the peasantry in the villages surrounding Wurtbad; Julbach, Biderhof and Tarshof.
-[X] Backtracking and Side Operations:
--[X] Van Hal is interrogating the Von Stolpes. Sitting in may be helpful to him, and educational to you.
--[X] A large number of Shyish-stained weapons were uncovered from the Barrow. Perhaps you should:
---[X] Keep them in a lead-lined steel box, fastened to the floor, inside the treasury.
-[X] Self-Improvement: Things have been going well so far, but the skills of a Journeyman Grey Mage can only go so far.
--[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
--[X] You only really kept in practice with a handful of the petty and minor magics you were taught. Maybe you should brush up on the others.
-[X] Home Comforts: Your Palace-Shrine is bursting with potential. And also mud.
--[X] No Place Like Home: Move in furniture, set up a chimney, put in the effort to make sure that your new home actually feels like a home and not like sleeping in an underground mud cave.
--[X] Diggy Diggy Hole, Outsourced: Pay someone to do the digging, then Mindhole them on their way out. (no action required, -personal gold)
-[X] Change tithe payment/loan payment/embezzlement (specify)
--[X] Embezzlement to 35 gold per turn.
Last edited:
---[X] "Keep them locked up for now, you will get to them later. Lock them in a lead box, inside a wooden box floating in holy water, inside a steel box, inside a blessed cage fastened to the floor, inside the treasury."
That's ridiculous. You aren't handling manifested demons, you're storing magic weapons that sat happily in a crypt for years without twisting the landscape. Just put them in a box with a lock.
@veekie @Dadarian @VoidZero @No7sHere @atrophy @Siual @Night_stalker @masterofmadness

Can I convince you to switch to my Plan? Reduces the embezzlement meaningfully, doesn't throw away fifty magical weapons, adds some home improvements. Otherwise all that grassroots goodness.

That's ridiculous. You aren't handling manifested demons, you're storing magic weapons that sat happily in a crypt for years without twisting the landscape. Just put them in a box with a lock.
Updated plan.
We might want to let Morrites deal with the swords. They most likely have experience with this sort of thing (considering the locale), are less influential than the order (thus easier to negotiate with) and most likely want to get along with their vigorously anti-undead count. We could get a better deal from them.
Guys, we picked Enchanter as one of our talents. Let's practice it and get a truckload of magical weapons to boot.

Don't you want fifty Greatswords with magical death swords?

At least keep them locked for now. Keeping them for study doesn't stop us picking one of the other options later.
I wouldn't be surprised if we could send most of the weapons off but keep a few to study. Granted, they're enchanted with death magic and we're a shadow mage, so who knows how useful that'll be, but w/e.
"Weber, if you get a chance, take a look at them - but your network takes priority. Kasmir, tend to your flock. Find out which God every soldier and servant within these walls answers to. If the goat has predilections towards proscribed cults I want to know about it"
This is going to find out that we praise Ranald, isn't it.