@mrttao Why do you want do destroy the League?
This irks me. Not only have I explained in detail why, but my ACTUAL VOTE is not trying to destroy it but doing my best to avoid having it destroyed this turn because I wanted people to actually support it and because I think we should focus on capturing our predecessor.
Reasons I personally think it should be destroyed.
A. It severely harms the economy of the fief for marginal gains for spying. It mostly was a form of extreme embezzlement
B. Taking it over as a spying engine should take more effort than building our own spy ring.
C. The spies in it are loyal to our predecessor. And most likely currently feeding him info and money. making him a bigger threat and causing issues in the potential takeover
D. The "destruction" is to repossess it all due to tax evasion, not burn it down to the ground. Of course once repossessed they won't be quite as profitable to their owner directly... since the rulers that allow them to maintain this economically harmful monopoly would be taken away which will make the fief as a whole richer
What my vote actually does:
1. The choice of destroying it or not
is not ours to make. We can only try to gently manipulate it by how we
present things to our lord liege and his supposed fictional players. Trying to intentionally hide options from him is
bad and has bit us before.
2. When we fucked up last time by trying to hide options from our lord liege, our fast talking roll had us make certain statements (returning books unlock destruction, capturing spymaster unlocks takeover). I am just following through on that.
3. I explicitly present both options of destruction and capture, with capture being placed as a "next step" of capturing the spymaster. I cannot just put takeover there directly right now since doing so contradicts our previous statements
4. I explicitly warn that even if he does want to destroy the league, doing so
right now could cost us leads on capturing the previous spymaster. While at the same time playing up the spymaster danger
The phrasing is actually manipulated in such a way that I
believe there are fairly low odds for him to go for destroy this turn... but no way to truly tell since I can't read his mind. maybe he has a hateboner for it and want it gone ASAP
Wouldn't it benefit Stirland if the Elector Count took control of this League?
This is what destroy means. Destroy is having the elector count repossess it for tax evasion, making it his personal property. But no longer existing as a faction / instrument of embezzlement