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Quests Archive

This is a quiet place.


Not even cosmic horror can dampen the Terran spirit. Much anyways.
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Play as a Space Marine Chapter Master who continues to protect their home sector even after it has been abandoned by the Imperium as indefensible and ignoring orders for reassignment.
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A casual jaunt into madness, join us on a quest to become something horrifiying
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Few are those blessed to be a herald of Those Vast Machines. To repair them is a privilege. To build them? An honor few receive. You are one of those few. Prove worthy of it.
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A light on the frontier:40k Planetary Governor Quest
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The Swarm survives no matter what.
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Two primarchs were erased from Imperial record. All that they were: their names, their deeds, even their legions, lost to time. This is the story of the 11th primarch, on the oceanic knightworld of Tabgach. Captain Ching Sun-Sin was found by the great Reaver Queen, ruler of the greatest pirate armada in the world. He has slaughtered slavers on their own misbegotten ship slain ancient krakens, fought off a Dark Eldar raid, and destroyed a Chaos cult within an eternal storm. Now, however, the...
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You are a Primarch, a demigod forged by the greatest human that has ever and will ever live. Your role is that of war and conquest, a tool built to subjugate a galaxy. Except, something went horribly wrong, as it tends to do. Will you break free of the shackles of your creation, or will you embrace them? The choice is yours.
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Marvel's Incredible Hulk meets 40K's Orks, what's not to love? (Slow Posting)
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Welcome to Defenders of Humanity, a Warhammer 40,000 Quest that might be considered a spiritual successor in some ways to my previous Space Marine quest, Korianis in Shadow. Unlike Korianis in Shadow, I'm going to be plotting arcs more tightly, I'm focusing more tightly on your character's primary role instead of making it a Sector Governor quest, and I'm focusing more on the difficulties inherent in any reform of the Imperium- that is to say, significant efforts of the Imperium either...
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On Barbarus, Mortarion the Pale King completes his war of liberation, slaying the last of the Overlords and bringing freedom to his world. When the Emperor comes, he will find a Primarch quite different to the bitter monster he could have become, and the galaxy will feel the echoes of that change.
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Iranni Heavenseeker began life on one of the idyllic Eldar Maiden Worlds, riding her dragon and herding the great beasts of her tribe. However, she could never be content with such a simple life, and has taken the stars with her trusty steed to find her true destiny with ragtag crew of Eldar Corsairs.
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A quest where you have to rule the planet as a faithful servant of the God-Emperor.
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The galaxy is a very big place with alot of unique cultures and planets. Many a unique Guardsmen regiments has been drawn from such cultures to defend humanity and the Imperium across the stars. You SV get to play as the commander of such a Regiment.
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Angron Thal'kyr was not plucked against his will from Nuceria's surface. He was reinforced by the Twelfth Legion, and together they waged war across the galaxy. Now, with the Great Crusade drawing to a close and dark clouds gathering, Angron must lead his little brothers of the Chainbreakers Legion into an uncertain future... and, perhaps, one better than what lies in his past.
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The galaxy roils in a storm of change, the likes of which have not been seen since the blessed Avatar of the Omnissiah guided the Legio Astartes across the stars during the Great Crusade. But you, oh Magus, stand impervious to the tempest, for this day has brought a triumph that eclipses the tumult of the wider Imperium. Today, the shipyard above Temari's Prime stands complete, a gleaming testament to the Omnissiah's will, and it is yours to command. It is a realm of steel and starlight...
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The Anathema has lived many lives and had many incarnations, of which the Emperor was but the latest. Until you, that is. You are the New Anathema, and the fate of the galaxy is in your hands.
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The End Times came and for all the prophecy and foretelling of those ancient days it turned out to be a trap set for Chaos. The Grand Alliance of Order created the Great Seal and banished the Great Enemy from the Fated Place and much of near space forever. For a few millennia or so the Conclave of the Great Seal has been developing Civilisation out into the galaxy. Alas the Terrible Rebellion brought Chaos back in a most horrific fashion. Though the war was won, at most terrible cost...
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It is the final days of the Goden Age of Technology. Warp Storms ravage logistics and worlds alike, rendering interstellar travel fraught with strife. The Men of Iron rage against their creators, brought low by a disease of the mind. Strange and abnormal humans have begun appearing babbling and whimpering at the storm of shrieking pressed hot against their minds, against their very souls. Even the stars in the sky are disappearing from a malignant race delighting in watching Humanity's fall...
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A significantly older Shirou Emiya from 'From Fake Dreams' by Third Fang got reincarnated in the Warhammer universe as the Eleventh Primarch. How will the Tenth Dead Apostle Ancestor change the faith of the galaxy? Shout out to Third Fang for From Fake Dreams and Daemon Hunter for The Eleventh Primarch.
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Basically you will influence a group of orks, on an unknown planet in an unknown universe, to do… WAAAGHHHH bonk This group of orks have no previous knowledge of anything, they don’t know about machines, guns, a choppa even, they have nothing. They have squigs, snots, and grots, very few ork boys with no war boss(Yet). Their success will depend partially on what you do to influence them. Also you can occasionally give them technology. Use plans!
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Take the PC of your choice and see how far you can get in the Universe of 40k before you die! But don't worry, its not all bleak! You can make the Galaxy a better place by killing your foes, leveling up your PCs ability to do paperwork until they make Gulliman look like a chump or even becoming so skilled in being a Fleet Admiral that Abbadon fears coming out of the eye of terror! Survive the lower levels and see if you snowball! Good luck. Keep in mind though, that you are guiding...
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"Call them what you will—Krell, Psyrens or Enslavers. Just one witch, unsanctioned, caused the destruction of Hive Skorpios when one of those things used her brain as a gateway to this world. Within three days the entire hive's population was reduced to drooling mindslaves. Within three weeks an entire continent was at war. And all because the governor thought his family should be exempt from the Psyker cull and refused to give his daughter to the Black Ships." — Inquisitor Mallen, Ordo...
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The universe is a cruel, uncaring place, filled with the laughter of thirsting gods and the sounds of endless conflict. Life is cheap, and hope is scarce. Fortunately for you, you don't have to worry about all the horrors of the 41st Millenium. Your only concern is getting rich quick, and hopefully not dying to the myriad threats ahead of you.
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The Abbey of Chalder on Saint Lagrange the Second is an abbey of the Adeptus Soritas, the most devout and pious warriors in the Emperor's service. Sadly, piety and devotion do not make it easy to manage the damn place. Buried in debt, ruined from an ork attack, full of novitiates without any guidance and eager social climbers, the Abbey of Chalder seems close to being closed down in shame and disgrace. Fortunately...that is when you arrive. With your deeds written by your dedicated...
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The teeming trillions of the Astra Militarum are all heroes. This is the tale of one such hero and their trials in the 41st Millenium.
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A somewhat cracky warhammer quest where a xenos somehow became the planetary governor of an imperial world and now has to juggle various jobs and not getting discovered.
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You're a regular piss-ass merc in the 42nd century who just wants what every dude wants - fat, greasy grox burgers; hot chicks with fucking fat tits; and stacks of Thrones so FAT that they could buy a small moon. Problem is, you're a bit of a fucking idiot. Thankfully, so is everyone else; driven by ignorance, wishful thinking, and more bullcrap than a mutated bull hive.
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The story about a prototype from a bygone age, reawakened into a galaxy that has fallen from the lofty peaks of what once was.
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Kan't ya read, stupid?! Don't fink ta much about it! When 'n doubt WAAAGH!
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