Tales of a Lost Demigod (40k Primarch Quest)

I'm not holding my breath for the Emperor sharing his plans, and unless I'm mistaken literally all of them are sent to Terra first.

Actually looking around uh... I'm pretty sure Craftworlds literally need an Infinity Circuit for most of the their technology to function, and that would certainly explain why the Emperor never bothered trying that for his Webway project. So Bone-Singer isn't going to be a magic route for getting the power source for all that juicy Aeldari technology.

Basically Mor-Sidhe is going to have to design her own Craftworld technological wonder of the Warp in the form of a flagship that is most definitely not a mobile Psyker Academy. Probably best to plan around having a populous of regular humans who live there imo.
Wraithbone isn't a power source. It's a power conduit, insulator and structural component rolled into one. The purpose of Mythril would be making tools meant to be used by Psykers or facilities exploiting its naturally insulating properties. Additionally, the main reason they risked sending untrained Psykers through the Warp to Terra was because the Emperor was basically the only thing that could stop possessions and brainsplosions. Having insulated facilities could (not necessarily will, but could) change that risk assessment.
The uh problem is you need a lot more than a single Psyker to do anything infrastructure related, and have redundancies in place. Also on the scale of some of the more horrific Hive Worlds even a thousand Psykers aren't even going to be noticeable.
That's simply false. Craftworlds have populations ranging from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions, and less than a percent of those are Bonesingers, and they manage to maintain continent sized chunks of pure Wraithbone infrastructure. A single Psyker, especially if they can follow the Astropath method of synergizing with a Choir of weaker Psykers, could definitely maintain the two buildings and maybe few hundred devices I mentioned. Those being the following:
  1. Astropathic Ansible to increase range and fidelity of the Astropathic Choir, possibly also acting as short range nav beacons if the technology allows.
  2. Warp Insulated bunker, both to stave off possession and brainsplosions in discovered Psykers until the Black Ships arrive, as well as act as a safe retreat for leadership in the event of a sorcerous attack or warp storm.
  3. Psi-testers so they can actually implement risk mitigation before they start expressing their powers actively, enough for the major population centers plus a few traveling ones to hit smaller places at least once a year.
  4. Maybe some personal gear for other Sanctioned Psykers stationed on planet.
I'm not talking about making psychoplastic hypertrains, phone lines and tractors, I'm talking about things there's already only likely to be a couple of on the planet.
Also, you keep referencing the "GS" and I don't know what that is. Contextually I'd assume you're talking about the Great Crusade but that's a C not an S.
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... of course when a human sings the warp into reality it might be something very different that forms...
Just an off hand note on where the votes currently stand on SB, SV, and in total.
SB votes said:
13 [] Farseers

12 [] Spiritseers

4 [] Bone-Singers

1 [] All of them

1 [] Warlock
SV Vote said:
6 [] Warlock

4 [] Bonesinger

1 [] Farseers

Total said:
14 [] Farseers

12 [] Spiritseers

8 [] Bone-Singers

7 [] Warlock
1 [] All of Them

I'm really not.

The imperium knows this and will gladly throw a few infantry divisions away to save a tank or especially a tank factory.

The tech is better at helping the imperium expand and thus gets higher priority.
It is probably best to just agree to disagree as our pov aren't exactly the important one here, and it isn't going to relevant for a awhile imo.
Wraithbone isn't a power source. It's a power conduit, insulator and structural component rolled into one. The purpose of Mythril would be making tools meant to be used by Psykers or facilities exploiting its naturally insulating properties. Additionally, the main reason they risked sending untrained Psykers through the Warp to Terra was because the Emperor was basically the only thing that could stop possessions and brainsplosions. Having insulated facilities could (not necessarily will, but could) change that risk assessment.
I think we're talking past each-other as I'm well aware of what Wraithbone does, and trying to point out that the Craftworld system that a Bone-Singer functions within has a rather important caveat built into it. Since the entire system has a cocoon in the form of the Wraithbone superstructure connected to the Infinty Circuit that makes an Aeldari who'd normally be risking their soul through drawing upon the Warp safe.

Also we can compare how often a structure composed purely of Wraithbone like the Webway is invaded by daemons, and how Craftworld Altansar despite being dragged into the Eye was invaded through her broken Webway portals instead of daemons clawing through the superstructure.

Hm. From the perspective of the Emperor I imagine any alternative drop off point to Terra is going to require comparable protections to that place, or at least the means to eventually achieve that end result.
That's simply false. Craftworlds have populations ranging from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions, and less than a percent of those are Bonesingers, and they manage to maintain continent sized chunks of pure Wraithbone infrastructure. A single Psyker, especially if they can follow the Astropath method of synergizing with a Choir of weaker Psykers, could definitely maintain the two buildings and maybe few hundred devices I mentioned. Those being the following:
  1. Astropathic Ansible to increase range and fidelity of the Astropathic Choir, possibly also acting as short range nav beacons if the technology allows.
  2. Warp Insulated bunker, both to stave off possession and brainsplosions in discovered Psykers until the Black Ships arrive, as well as act as a safe retreat for leadership in the event of a sorcerous attack or warp storm.
  3. Psi-testers so they can actually implement risk mitigation before they start expressing their powers actively, enough for the major population centers plus a few traveling ones to hit smaller places at least once a year.
  4. Maybe some personal gear for other Sanctioned Psykers stationed on planet.
I'm not talking about making psychoplastic hypertrains, phone lines and tractors, I'm talking about things there's already only likely to be a couple of on the planet.
Also, you keep referencing the "GS" and I don't know what that is. Contextually I'd assume you're talking about the Great Crusade but that's a C not an S.
Craftworlds to my knowledge were made exclusively before the Fall, and Wraithbone automatically repairs itself given enough time. This is why the Webway hasn't fallen apart.

I'm not disagree there are ways for improvement, and while we can debate the specifics it is important to keep in mind that the current system is designed by someone who has trust issues in regards actually permitting psykers to participate in the recruitment/transportation process. This has predictable results for the overall survival rate of humans with psyker potential, and will make any attempts to change it an up-hill battle imo.

Also looking over the Black Ships I think flat out designing a new ship is prudent as the current design is based around being anti psyker including wards, and any Wraithbone equivalent is naturally conductive for psychic equivalent while repelling the raw Warp. Probably reduce the crew compliment to something that isn't so pointlessly large as well.

Yea I meant GC there my bad.
... of course when a human sings the warp into reality it might be something very different that forms...
That is part of why I'm not expecting to get Wraithbone as Mor-Sidhe isn't a perfectionist, and even getting those with a psychic link relatively close to whatever Mor-Sidhe comes up with through her being their Primarch will take a lot of work.

For regular humans the process might very well take generations to get a consistent result, or other possible outcomes.
Oh the problem isn't consistency, odds are that humans will sing of the stolen flame, and will create something far more volatile than wraith bone.
Oh the problem isn't consistency, odds are that humans will sing of the stolen flame, and will create something far more volatile than wraith bone.
That is certainly a possible complication, and one that would be difficult to overcome, but assuming Mor-Sidhe can teach her kids to safely work with the stuff she can probably work something out to get academies that don't require the passengers to spend months/years in what amounts to despair ships.
I think we're talking past each-other as I'm well aware of what Wraithbone does, and trying to point out that the Craftworld system that a Bone-Singer functions within has a rather important caveat built into it. Since the entire system has a cocoon in the form of the Wraithbone superstructure connected to the Infinty Circuit that makes an Aeldari who'd normally be risking their soul through drawing upon the Warp safe.
Yeah, I was just kind of confused why you were bringing up power sources when I was interested in it as a material.
I'm not disagree there are ways for improvement, and while we can debate the specifics it is important to keep in mind that the current system is designed by someone who has trust issues in regards actually permitting psykers to participate in the recruitment/transportation process. This has predictable results for the overall survival rate of humans with psyker potential, and will make any attempts to change it an up-hill battle imo.
I don't particularly see this as more egregious than Astropaths, though I can imagine arguments that it is.
Also looking over the Black Ships I think flat out designing a new ship is prudent as the current design is based around being anti psyker including wards, and any Wraithbone equivalent is naturally conductive for psychic equivalent while repelling the raw Warp. Probably reduce the crew compliment to something that isn't so pointlessly large as well.
Yeah, the canon Black Ships suck. Some insulating psychoplastic formed into additional wards should help.
Oh the problem isn't consistency, odds are that humans will sing of the stolen flame, and will create something far more volatile than wraith bone.
We could just as easily summon, like, celestial bronze representing our mastery of technology or something.
Not really, it's a matter of being an emergent species without major patrons, and the general concept of the stolen flame or spark interspersed through our mythology.

Celestial bronze would be more appropriate for the Orks or the Tau.
It should also be noted that the AdMech doesn't suck as much as in 40k yet. The sheer draconian traditionalism we see in canon is a result of the Horus Heresy. There used to be conservatives, progressives and radicals on both sides.
Not really, it's a matter of being an emergent species without major patrons, and the general concept of the stolen flame or spark interspersed through our mythology.

Celestial bronze would be more appropriate for the Orks or the Tau.
We've spent the last twenty thousand years being masters of the Materium and our major patron is trying to spread a pro-science, everything can be explained and controlled philosophy. And that was just an arbitrary example. My point was that we have no reason to believe humanities psyche defaults to "explodium" when trying to crystalize warp energy over any other possibility.
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Celestial bronze implies a proper place in the order of things. Humans never had that, or if they did it was way below where you were allowed heavenly materials. Everything we gained before the birth of slaanesh was something we scraped out of an uncaring universe. The narrative just doesn't fit, not until well after we spent a few millenia being dicks to everyone and enforcing a new order, which hasn't happened yet. The toxic imperial culture is what we're specifically here to prevent.
Celestial bronze implies a proper place in the order of things. Humans never had that, or if they did it was way below where you were allowed heavenly materials. Everything we gained before the birth of slaanesh was something we scraped out of an uncaring universe. The narrative just doesn't fit, not until well after we spent a few millenia being dicks to everyone and enforcing a new order, which hasn't happened yet. The toxic imperial culture is what we're specifically here to prevent.
Even still, there's no reason to believe that our material would be volatile instead of, for example, synergizing as an expression of humanity's propensity for teamwork and civilization. Also, the concept of stolen fire would directly oppose the Imperial Truth. We can't have stolen fire from gods that don't exist.
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Even still, there's no reason to believe that our material would be volatile instead of, for example, synergizing as an expression of humanity's propensity for teamwork and civilization. Also, the concept of stolen fire would directly oppose the Imperial Truth. We can't have stolen fire from gods that don't exist.
The imperial truth isn't part of humanity's archetype, it never was. Emps spread it around for a bit but it all fell apart during the heresy.