Teacher of the cursed: A Warhammer 40k Psyker School Quest.

You know I am not too happy with the quest being about politiking first and planetary management second, but that's what was voted way back, so I'll respect that. I want to make the most out of it too.
As things are, teaching is third on the list roru
So I wonder, what are our short term goals? We have a 5 turn freebie with each taking only a year and things will speed up afterwards. QM had the great idea to keep some things obscure such as the REAL survival rate of the aspirants, because that 30% life expectancy has me doubting
We need to at least get a few important departments of the planet to really like us so they side against anything that will try to screw with us, and once in deep enough the other departments will see how are "products" are extremely useful and that we are indeed deep in the planets system to get rid of and accept that it will be a new political "plate" to to balance with the others, because in the imperial of man there is no true acceptance of others especially when it's a political fight about who gets more power over there competitors.
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I just found this quest, and it is amazing! The world-building is all of stunningly detailed, interesting, and appropriate for Warhammer 40k. The story is intriguing too, as are the quest mechanics. Definitely looking forward to the next chapter (whenever that may be)!
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I just found this quest, and it is amazing! The world-building is all of stunningly detailed, interesting, and appropriate for Warhammer 40k. The story is intriguing too, as are the quest mechanics. Definitely looking forward to the next chapter (whenever that may be)!
Welcome, good to have you here. Watch out for all the reality warping.

Edit: Whoops I thought this was another quest, thankfully the commentary still applies.
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