Teacher of the cursed: A Warhammer 40k Psyker School Quest.

Ok first off I really want there to be Big Daddy-esque combat servitors.

Secondly with all the local psychic stuff I wonder if there's a local brand of spook/ghast? That stuff is dangerous and can even turn someone into an actual psyker, though often with mutative results.
First, I have to say that everything here is amazing and I love it, and that something so interesting would have not happened with the other choices. I am so glad this won.
Given the QM's past body of work, I'm pretty sure all of the planetary finalists would have lead to extremely interesting worlds. Mayto is one helluva worldbuilder.
So the extra telekinesis and pyrokinesis are pulled from the divination pool, as it were.
Well, that stings a bit. Divination is a damn useful discipline.
Not complaining about what was chosen but because we picked an underwater radiation world we probably aren't going to have a lot of opportunities to show off our abbs😔
I don't think even an alpha Psyker could hold up that amount of pressure for long. We're talking about a pressure so heavy that if there's a breach in a cabin, the air gets compressed and heated so quickly it undergoes nuclear fusion.
Starting your fortress.
The Master of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica slides a sheet of parchment towards you across the wooden desk. It is the most official-looking document you have ever seen, written in golden ink and marked with the official seal of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica.

"Sign this, Kai, and you will transcend the rank of Primaris Psyker to the higher orders of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica. "

Astra Telepathica Charter for Odium:

The Decuma Tertio Tithe-Grade world "Odium" will be transferred from Administratum oversight to the Adeptus Astra Telepathica as a fief, by decree of the Senatorum Imperialis.

The title and office of Planetary Governor will be merged with the position of Lord Prefect of the Scholastica Psykana. As part of this, the following assets will be transferred to the office of Lord Prefect
-Secular authority over the planet of Odium.
-Command over the Planetary Defence Forces.
-Command over the System Defence Fleet.
-Command over the section of the Defiance of Oblivion, Ramilies Class Star-Fort, currently assigned to the planet of Odium. Command of the station remains with the Imperial Navy.

As part of the transfer of power to the Adeptus Astra Telepathica.
-The Hadal System Astropathic Choir is to be renovated at the first possible opportunity and transferred into the new Scholam Psykana.
-The world of Odium is to become a waystation and a source of resupply for the League of Black Ships.
-Every five years a Black Ship will arrive with a new shipment of Psykers for immediate training.

The purpose of the Scholam Psykana is to process Psykers into Wyrdvane Psykers for service in the Imperial Guard. If the Scholam is shown to be able to do this, then it will receive further injections of material and supplies to expand training efforts.

"A test, then." You say, noting the emphasis on Wyrdvane Psykers.

"To see if the world is meant for more than a supply station for the Black Ships." The Master says, sipping his tea. "An Adeptus Mechanicus Magos and an Administratum Adept have been prepared to offer you assistance during the initial setup, as has a staff of teachers and educators. Your purpose is merely to keep the Scholam operational."

After this short conversation, you were quickly ushered out of the room as another prospective Lord Prefect entered to speak to the Master of the Astra Telepathica.

The Black Sentinels guided you towards a large conference room containing a set of blueprints actively being worked on by a woman in Administratum robes moving on a set of spider legs, her body hidden almost completely by a thick white robe. She is massive, and her hood covers what must be extensive cranial implants. Only her face is visible.

The first thing that draws your attention is the quality of the parchment. You trace a finger along the surface, feeling the imperfections that can only come from real parchment.

"Is this real vellum?" Your finger traces an ingrown hair.

"Bovine. Freshly processed." The Administratum Adept says proudly as four servo skulls detach from seats on her hunched back and begin to stretch out the square foot of parchment using small pincers built into their frames.

You whistle in appreciation. "The Officio Parchmentae has come through for us." This parchment is worth more than the livelihoods of the average terran hab block. "I apologise for my manners. Kai Zestus, prospective Lord Prefect."

She cocks her head, then extends a hand for you to shake. "Radalla 17, Primus-Optima class scribe. I will be your Administratum envoy."

"Good to hear. This will be the fortress?" You examine the drawings.

"Possible fortresses. The chosen location will affect the design. We will design the fortress before we arrive and transmit instructions to Odium. When you arrive, it will be finished."

Her hands split into a dozen smaller tendrils fitted with small ink pots and quills both made from the bones of honoured members of the Adeptus Terra. Dipping the quills in the molecularly encrypted ink, she begins to draw upon the vellum, as the ink dries, her genetic signature is encrypted into it so that all will know she was the one who made the blueprints.

"Should there not be an Adeptus Mechanicus representative?" You ask.

Radalla leans backward. You smell ozone as her robes change colour. And then her face loses all tension, appearing little more than a piece of plastic stretched across a frame. It retracts into her cybernetic skull, spins around on a cylinder, and is replaced by a new just as artificial face that has had its mouth replaced by a vox broadcaster and the eyes with cybernetics.

It begins to speak with a mechanically processed male voice. "Magos Karlos K84. How can I be of service?"

You silently stare at what just happened. "What."

"Married." Radalla and Karlos say at the same time.

Then Karlos K84's voice speaks again. "This body is but a construct, created so Radalla could join me in the long life of a Magos"

"The faces are not real." Radalla adds helpfully.

You blink and nod. Certainly one of the more confusing things you've seen, and certainly the most if you discount warp phenomena.

"Lovely." You mutter. "Do you have a location in mind for the fortress?"

You will start with an advisor: Scholam Board Member(s?) Radalla 17 / Karlos 84
A dual entity made of a Magos husband and an Adept wife who after both receiving extensive cybernetics, chose to merge their bodies into a greater gestalt. Radalla handles the administration of the Scholam with her staff, Karlos will meanwhile ensure the fortress is maintained.

Your Scholam Psykana will be built in:
(Choose one)
[] The Mesa Plane:

Located close to the orbital tether, constructing a fortress on the Mesa plane would give you the easiest and fastest way to transport new Psykers and materials in and out of the planet. However, its distance from Nautilus will make any attempt at integrating into the politics of the hive city much harder to accomplish, and you will not be able to rely on the city's defences to protect you.
-Best logistics to connect to the Black ships, the sector and the voidborn.
-Defences will have to be built from the ground up.
-Isolated from Nautilus and its psi-crystal mines.
-Much harder to integrate Odium's government.
Imperial Influence costs for production is 1 per point of production for importing tech not available on the planet.

[] The Black Nothing:

Built on one of the higher expanses of lifeless ocean floor, below the thriving Upper Biosphere and above the Lower Biosphere.
-Second in terms of logistics to connect to the Black ships, the sector and the voidborn.
-Defences will have to be built from the ground up.
-Isolated from Nautilus and its colonies.
-Much harder to integrate Odium's government.
-Located in absolute darkness.
-Possible to hide the Scholam by setting up a large exclusion zone, putting up sensor baffling and decoys.
Imperial Influence costs for production is 1.5 per point of production for importing tech not available on the planet.

[] The Abyssal Plane:

Close to Nautilus's colonies but removed from the city.
The middle option in terms of distance between Nautilus and the rest of the system.
-Medium defences. The PDF will need time to arrive if called.
-Abundant natural light and near to the Psychic creatures of the depths for study.
-Access to psi-crystal mines.
-Nearly unlimited space to expand, although it is full of wildlife.
-Integrating Odium's government will be difficult.
Imperial Influence costs for production is 1.5 per point of production for importing tech not available on the planet.

[] Just outside Nautilus.

Located on the edge of the mass of domed factories and processing centres that are connected to the city's colonies. Your fortress will be sunk deep into the ground and covered with a triple-layered dome.
-Eight hours from the PDF.
-Still need to transit airlocks and use a submarine if you wish to speak to anyone in Nautilus.
-No collateral damage.
-Nearly unlimited space to expand.
-Integrating Odium's government will be difficult.
Imperial Influence costs for production is 1.5 per point of production for importing tech not available on the planet.

[] Inside Nautilus:

Directly inside of the hivecity in its Low-Middle section, building and expanding a fortress will be a challenge in the compact and space-starved city, therefore it will be located at the bottom of the section so you can dig further. Will allow for a smoother transition of power, but beware the hate of the mutant. You will be within reach of the mobs.
-Direct connection to most of the population under your rule for better or worse.
-Quick access and easy communication with the various Adepta and factions in the city.
-Under the protection of the hive cities numerous defences.
-Will have the most difficult logistics to get materials not found on the planet.
Imperial Influence costs for production is 2 per point of production for importing tech not available on the planet.

[] On the bottom of the Nautilus Trench
The light coming from the Geothermal vent at the bottom of the Nautilus trench has always been a luxury few can have the pleasure of experiencing daily. Building a fortress there will be a statement of intent by the Telepathica and would allow its occupants to bask in its natural light.
-Is connected to Nautilus through transit corridors and tubes that can be safely severed.
-All the advantages and disadvantages of being inside Nautilus.
-Abundant natural light.
-Someone important probably wanted to build a palace on the edge of the magma vent.
-Much harder to expand.
Imperial Influence costs for production is 2 per point of production for importing tech not available on the planet.

Upon arrival on Odium, the following will be at your disposal.

Orbital assets:

Defiance of Oblivion:

Currently controlled by Battlefleet Torvum. Fully stocked and crewed by some of the better crews and graduates of Odium's naval academy. She serves as an important recruitment centre for the Imperial Navy and a stopping point for the fleet in its fight against the mutant threat.
A section has been leased by the planetary government in exchange for maintaining a planetary defence fleet.
Currently commanded by: Rear Admiral Gorgias, A once-renowned leader of Imperial Navy forces waging war on the Tergragh. A newcomer to the sector, but a supporter of the Voidborn for providing him with his finest crews. He unfortunately Lost a major engagement with a Tergragh Heavy Carrier and has since been relegated to this position. A dead end for his career.

Naval Base Hadal:

Odium maintains a large system defence fleet which is so large that the Imperial Navy does not generally keep a large garrison within the system, allowing them to free up ships needed on the fronts. This has ensured that there is actually a healthy rapport between the System Defence Navy and the Imperial Navy.
-4 System Defence Cruisers.
-16 System Defence Escorts.

System Astropathic Choir:
A fortified section at the heart of the orbiting Star Fort, containing the living area and habitation of the astropaths. The system currently has an assignment of thirty astropaths, working in shifts of ten, each led by a single Gamma-Grade Astropath. Has its own force of guards and maintenance menials.
Currently commanded by: Stella Bonrala, a beta-grade astropath. A woman who managed to retain a measure of her sight from the soul-binding process, only to be driven mute and deaf.
Operating this choir will provide you with Imperial Influence if you can convince Stella to use her position to advance your mutual goals.

Odium Orbital Plate:

Your lifeline to the Imperium. This orbital plate is the end of the planetary tether used to bring goods and cargo down from orbit in rad-shielded compartments.

This plate is a fief of the Adeptus Mechanicus, currently in sworn vassalage to the office of Planetary Governor of Odium.
Currently commanded by: Rho-T27-Gamma, a native of Nautilus, recruited from an orphanage upon showing technical aptitude, recently returned from a three decade education upon Mars, and a one century tour of duty aboard the Explorator Fleets. Boring, practical, efficient and has their 'humanity' controlled by a literal switch. Seeks to incorporate the technomats of Odium into the Mechanicus.
The tether has four cars, one arriving and one departing every twelve hours. It is able to handle whole tithings, and the arrival of millions of immigrants at a time by transporting them in rad-shielded stasis pods. The traditional way newcomers arrive to Nautilus.
Able to produce small shuttles, perform maintenance on small frigates, and dock a ship the size of a battleship.

Planetary assets:
You will need to perform a closer census of the planet to determine what is within your power to influence. Without personal promises and pledges of fealty, you can not expect immediate compliance to your orders.

Core facilities:
These are parts of the Fortress that will be upgraded over time, and can be run by named characters who are on your council.

Administrative Office:
Your fortress does not currently produce a lot of paperwork internally, being managed by adepts working for the Adeptus Astra Telepathica instead of the Administratum. The adepts working for you are quite skilled at their jobs, having been picked out specifically for this fortress. They ensure that all your forms are filed properly, the proper channels are used, and if asked, to mercilessly bypass, circumvent, obfuscate, and generally do whatever is necessary to ensure that you get what you want.
Operated by Radalla-17
This office provides you with:
10 Imperial Influence.

Adeptus Mechanicus Shrine:

A single Magos and a dozen Tech Priests live within your fortress, ensuring that the technical needs of your Schola Psykana are met. It is a small shrine, seen as little more than a backwater assignment for the unlucky Magos.
Operated by Karlos-84
This shrine provides you with:
10 Simple Psi-Production.

Black Sentinels:

Created all the way back during the Great Crusade at the Council of Nikea, the Black Sentinels are the personal guards of the Astra Telepathica, clad in suits of psychically shielded armour and using lances with psi-suppressing crystal tips. They also carry special null-rods which weaken ambient psychic phenomena and will send a Psyker unconscious from sheer pain when used to strike them.
State of the Black Sentinels:
You currently field twenty Black Sentinels.
Their attitude is Professional: The Black Sentinels are confident about the state of the fortress and are therefore less prone to stab first and ask questions later regarding matters like Psykers sneaking out of their rooms after dark or other juvenile antics.
Provides 20 Suppression.

Fortress Guardians:

Your fortress currently has the right to maintain a force up to a 'Sector Planetary Defence Force Regiment', (According to a legal ruling by the Adeptus Arbites Supreme Court of the Torvum Sector, in 'Sub-sector Torvum Deeps Astra Telepathica vs Planetary Governor Alrik Von Liebenhausenstein XXVIII, 4 164 614.M40', the current regimental size is three thousand men. However a current lawsuit with good standing is set to change this to 3012.')

For your founding, a force of a thousand Fortress Guardians has been assigned to guard your base.
Currently equipped on the level of Imperial Guard regulars.

Small Chapel to the God Emperor of Mankind:

"Our thoughts light the darkness that others may cross space. We are one with the Emperor, our souls are joined in his will. Praise the Emperor whose sacrifice is life as ours is death. Hail his name the Master of Humanity."
The Creed of the Astronomicon​

Although not assigned to the Astronomicon, this prayer and creed is popular among the sanctioned Psykers.
Provides for the spiritual needs of your students.

Telekine Training Cells and Library:

Thanks to the mastery and discipline in Telekinesis that you have shown during your brief stay in the City of Sight, proving the reports about your ability, The Primaris Ultimatum Psykana' of Telekinetics has ensured that your fortress will start with dedicated training cells and instructors who will help in training future generations of telekinetics.

Although the purpose of your Scholam is to train Wyrdvane Psykers at first, you will be able to provide personal instructions.
The five strongest Psykers that graduate from each class will do so as Telekinetic Primaris Psykers.

Note: Beta and Alpha Grade Psykers can be unlocked later.

Scholam Psykana Faculty Quarter

No school is functional without the teachers, and therefore a large teaching staff has been provided for you. Only the Lord Prefect's Council and the Deans are appointed by them directly. A hundred Scholastica Psykana teaching staff have been assigned to your Scholam, of whom twenty are Epsilon-grade Psykers chosen for their stability, as well as five Gamma-grade Psykers with the unenviable task of assisting the Black Sentinels in taking out rogue Psykers.
Your scholam has a hundred teachers.

Scholam Psykana Campus

Your Scholam Psykana is a sprawling teaching complex meant to train up to five thousand Psykers at any one time, and to do so without overcrowding, at the hands of Scholastica Psykana-assigned teachers and faculty.

Life upon the campus is strictly regimented and all the Psykers are to remain within the dormitory that they are assigned to. They each get a cell containing a simple bed, bathroom, and a desk with parchment on which they write their dreams and visions.

There are libraries where the Psykers can study approved documents and historical texts to train their minds. There are refectories where sustenance will be provided. A large medical suite for those who need physical tending.

And naturally the classes. There are lecture halls where Psykana veterans will scare the students, classrooms where more focused subjects are taught to small groups, and training rooms where the psi-dampeners are removed and where teachers can observe students from behind reinforced glass with a hand over the purge button.

During lights-out Psykers must be within their assigned dormitory. If found outside, the Black Sentinels will either escort them back, jab them with a null-rod, or execute them on the spot.
Can manage five thousand Psykers.

Fortress Production:
10 Imperial Influence:
Represents your ability to process and cut through red tape. The Imperium is a massive entity, and as an official Adepta of the Imperium, you are entitled to requisition whatever you need from the Administratum.
This is used to import materials you can not produce locally at double cost.
10 Simple Psi-Production: Represents your ability to produce psi-active technology. Every batch of Psykers processed will be fitted with implants.
20 Suppression: Newly arrived Psykers that have not gotten their powers under control are liable to go insane or cause warp incursions. When the first possessions or psychotic episodes occur, the Black Sentinels put them down with brutal force

Production not used is not stored until the next turn. Production is used for turn actions.

Production Cost:
Wyrdvane Equipment:

A series of cortical plugs that connect to a simple set of brain implants that manage the flow of psychic energy within the brain. A cable is connected from the back of the skull to the spine to increase the capacity of psi-energy storage. As well as a simple Force Staff that serves as a walking aid.
Cost 0.1 Simple Psi-Production for each Psyker that graduates.

Primaris Implants:

A complete reconstruction of the skull to facilitate improved use of psychic power. As well as a personally chosen psi-active weapon.
Cost: 1 Simple Psi-Production for each Primaris Psyker that graduates.

Psyker Recruitment:

For the start of your fortress you will receive a shipment of a thousand Psykers with another hundred waiting for you upon the planet itself.

Psykers will graduate after five years, at which point they'll be put into a pool that can be given implants and sent off, at leisure
Expect only ten percent to survive.

Finally, there are some more choices before you can depart. Your Scholam Psykana will need a way to deal with emergencies. What do you prefer?

What emergency purge system does the fortress have?
(Pick two)
[] Flamer Purification:

Defensive turrets equipped with blessed promethium turrets descend from the ceiling and bathe the entire room in liquid psi-dampening flame Note: Will cause heavy internal damage.
[] Nerve gas:
Each room is hermetically sealed and can be flushed with a rapidly acting nerve agent. Note: Can leak.
[] Mandatory bomb collars:
A signal can be sent to any acolyte in the building to detonate their bomb collars. Note: Collars are expensive. The Magos asks you to keep pre-emptive disciplinary detonations to one a day.
Each major room has walls hiding packs of psi-shielded murder-servitors with pre-set orders to either kill specific individuals, or clear whole rooms. Note: Incredibly traumatising for survivors, onlookers, and cleanup teams.
[] Let the water in: Sections of the fortress are able to be flooded with a flick of a switch killing all humans in the room because of the sudden pressure increase. Removal is a slow process involving dedicated pumps.

What Self-Destruct system does the fortress have? Note: Only you, The Admech, and the leader of the Black Sentinels know this exists.
(Pick two)
[] Reverse the Gravity field:
The whole fortress is constructed using material sciences that Odium has managed to maintain throughout the DaoT. Part of this is the use of gravitic manipulation to lessen the immense pressure of the ocean. Although the building can survive a complete shutdown of the field, barring the failure of a dozen redundant systems, as per local regulations. However, depending on their design and installation, the emitters can reverse their output.

Setting off this system will instantly destroy the Scholam as the immense air pressure of the onrushing water causes all air inside to immediately undergo nuclear fusion, shortly before the water rushes in and crushes everything.
[] Reactor overload: The plasma reactor can be set to overload and destroy the Scholam: Note. Does not work if the reactor is down for maintenance.
[] Cataclysmic volcanic eruption: The Geothermal power plant which powers the Fortress is overloaded, setting off a supervolcano that will destroy the Fortress and anything within a kilometer before the water pressure stops the explosion.
[] Life-Eater release: A strain of the Life-Eater virus is released within the fortress. This strain, however, can not survive the depths of Odium, allowing for resettling.
[] A Nuke: A ten megaton nuclear warhead, currently hidden in a suitcase.
[] A big nuke: A hundred megaton nuclear warhead in your office, currently hidden under your bed.
[] An even bigger nuke: Your office is built on top of a one gigaton nuclear warhead.
[] A cyclonic torpedo: If you're going down, so is the planet. Your fortress is built around a cyclonic torpedo.

Plan voting again. The fortress begins here.

4 hour Moratorium.
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There will be a "choose your special upgrades and focus" post at a point. But I first want you to prove yourself by having a class of Psykers graduate.
[] Plan: The Deep Ones
-[] The Abyssal Plane
-[] Flamer Purification
-[] Let the water in
-[] Reverse the Gravity field
-[] Life-Eater release

Gotta take advantage of the depths for the special security options.

Honestly, I would've preferred a fortress in the completely lifeless darkness of the dead zone for maximum isolation aesthetic but the abyssal will have to do.
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Radalla leans backward. You smell ozone as her robes change colour. And then her face retracts into her cybernetic skull, spins around on a cylinder, and is replaced by a new face that has had its mouth replaced by a vox broadcaster and the eyes replaced by cybernetics.

It begins to speak with a mechanically processed male voice. "Magos Karlos K84. How can I be of service?"

You silently stare at what just happened. "What."

"Married." Radalla and Karlos say at the same time.

You blink and nod. Certainly one of the more confusing things you've seen, and certainly the most if you discount warp phenomena.
Yeah this is pretty out there even by 40k standards. I'm sure that it will all make sense once we get to know them, but right now, my suspension of disbelief is getting pretty well tested.
Radalla leans backward. You smell ozone as her robes change colour. And then her face retracts into her cybernetic skull, spins around on a cylinder, and is replaced by a new face that has had its mouth replaced by a vox broadcaster and the eyes replaced by cybernetics.

It begins to speak with a mechanically processed male voice. "Magos Karlos K84. How can I be of service?"

You silently stare at what just happened. "What."

"Married." Radalla and Karlos say at the same time.

A dual entity made of a Magos husband and an Adept wife who after both receiving extensive cybernetics, chose to merge their bodies into a greater gestalt. Radalla handles the administration of the Scholam with her staff, Karlos will meanwhile ensure the fortress is maintained.

Well. How...romantic?

Huh. Makes a new meaning to "till death do us part".
[X] Plan: Prime Real Estate
-[X] On the bottom of the Nautilus Trench
-[X] Let the water in
-[X] Reverse the Gravity field
-[X] Life-Eater release

Since the Telepathica primarily relies on soft power to get things done, it might be wise to set up hard power as soon as possible.
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[] Plan Last Bastion
-[] On the bottom of the Nautilus Trench
-[] Let the water in
-[] Flamer Purification
-[] Life-Eater release
-[] A cyclonic torpedo

I want all the natural light. This plan also means we don't have to focus on our security as much since the sheer depth of the fortress provides us with so much in-built defense already. If we're really in trouble and all else fails, cyclonic torpedo time. If the fortress can still be retaken then we have the Life-Eater to use first.
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Added some bits to make Radalla / Karlos's situation clearer.

"Radalla leans backward. You smell ozone as her robes change colour. And then her face loses all tension, appearing little more than a piece of plastic stretched across a frame. It retracts into her cybernetic skull, spins around on a cylinder, and is replaced by a new just as artificial face that has had its mouth replaced by a vox broadcaster and the eyes with cybernetics.

It begins to speak with a mechanically processed male voice. "Magos Karlos K84. How can I be of service?"

You silently stare at what just happened. "What."

"Married." Radalla and Karlos say at the same time.

Then Karlos K84's voice speaks again. "This body is but a construct, created so Radalla could join me in the long life of a Magos"

"The faces are not real." Radalla adds helpfully.

You blink and nod. Certainly one of the more confusing things you've seen, and certainly the most if you discount warp phenomena."

Artificial body, two brains inside.
Added some bits to make Radalla / Karlos's situation clearer.

"Radalla leans backward. You smell ozone as her robes change colour. And then her face loses all tension, appearing little more than a piece of plastic stretched across a frame. It retracts into her cybernetic skull, spins around on a cylinder, and is replaced by a new just as artificial face that has had its mouth replaced by a vox broadcaster and the eyes with cybernetics.

It begins to speak with a mechanically processed male voice. "Magos Karlos K84. How can I be of service?"

You silently stare at what just happened. "What."

"Married." Radalla and Karlos say at the same time.

Then Karlos K84's voice speaks again. "This body is but a construct, created so Radalla could join me in the long life of a Magos"

"The faces are not real." Radalla adds helpfully.

You blink and nod. Certainly one of the more confusing things you've seen, and certainly the most if you discount warp phenomena."

Artificial body, two brains inside.
Ah, much more sensible than what I was thinking. I'd hardly call it sane, but then again, how much of 40k can be described as such? I'm just curious how they got their superiors to sign off on it. A marriage is one thing, but actually sharing a body is quite another. Compartmentalization isn't really possible under those circumstances.
Added this:
[] The Black Nothing:
Built on one of the higher expanses of lifeless ocean floor, below the thriving Upper Biosphere and the Lower Biosphere.
-Second in terms of logistics to connect to the Black ships, the sector and the voidborn.
-Defences will have to be built from the ground up.
-Isolated from Nautilus and its colonies.
-Much harder to integrate Odium's government.
-Located in absolute darkness.
-Possible to hide the Scholam by setting up a large exclusion zone, putting up sensor baffling and decoys.
Imperial Influence costs for production is 1.5 per point of production for importing tech not available on the planet.
Ah, much more sensible than what I was thinking. I'd hardly call it sane, but then again, how much of 40k can be described as such? I'm just curious how they got their superiors to sign off on it. A marriage is one thing, but actually sharing a body is quite another. Compartmentalization isn't really possible under those circumstances.
Well, when your wife doesn't fall under the Admech and hence can't be given more advanced implants to extend her life, the obvious solution is to put her into your body.

[] Plan: Maximum Aesthetic
-[] The Black Nothing
-[] Flamer Purification
-[] Let the water in
-[] Reverse the Gravity field
-[] Life-Eater release
Should there not be an Adeptus Mechanicus representative?" You ask.

Radalla leans backward. You smell ozone as her robes change colour. And then her face retracts into her cybernetic skull, spins around on a cylinder, and is replaced by a new face that has had its mouth replaced by a vox broadcaster and the eyes replaced by cybernetics.

It begins to speak with a mechanically processed male voice. "Magos Karlos K84. How can I be of service?"

You silently stare at what just happened. "What."

"Married." Radalla and Karlos say at the same time.
Well that's simultaneously pretty weird and cool.
[] The Abyssal Plane:
Close to Nautilus's colonies but removed from the city.
The middle option in terms of distance between Nautilus and the rest of the system.
-Medium defences. The PDF will need time to arrive if called.
-Abundant natural light and near to the Psychic creatures of the depths for study.
-Access to psi-crystal mines.
-Nearly unlimited space to expand, although it is full of wildlife.
-Integrating Odium's government will be difficult.
Imperial Influence costs for production is 1.5 per point of production for importing tech not available on the planet
Honestly, I'm feeling this. Let's get close to the wildlife to study them.
Each major room has walls hiding packs of psi-shielded murder-servitors with pre-set orders to either kill specific individuals, or clear whole rooms. Note: Incredibly traumatising for survivors, onlookers, and cleanup teams.
[] Let the water in: Sections of the fortress are able to be flooded with a flick of a switch killing all humans in the room because of the sudden pressure increase. Removal is a slow process involving dedicated pumps.
And this is what I'm feeling for our emergency rogue psyker duties.

Servitors b/c I just find the image of killer cyborgs living in our walls absurdly humorous plus they could also be more directed in case we have intruders or one specific guy we want murderized in a room full of people we would want to keep alive. And honestly, if they can't handle a little trauma from seeing zombie cyborgs horrifically evicerate people, they weren't going to last long anyways.

Letting the water in is also making good use of our environment and the only downside is time, plus I honestly think it's one of the hardest outside of nerve gas and maybe bomb collars for them to counter if the person who flips is particularly powerful.

No strong opinions on our self-destruct button, but I'm going for against the cyclonic torpedo, just seems excessive and it would be a shame to destroy such a fascinating world with rich history.
[] Students of the Abyss
-[] The Abyssal Plane
-[] Let the water in
-[] Reverse the Gravity field

-[] Life-Eater release:

I think the abyssal plane has the best opportunities for growing the abilities of our students, and our academy, which is why I'm picking it. It's also just plain awesome.