A Far-Flung Hope (Warhammer 24K Quest)

Voting is over. The Age of Progress has won.
Okay. Next I'm going to be doing rolls for the other systems you have control over. This will not cover every part of said systems, simply the areas where humans are present. You will need to do a full survey for more info on that. In addition none of these rolls can be bad for you, so I'll discount any rolls that give you a Daemon World.
10moorem II threw 6 100-faced dice. Reason: Human Presence 1 Total: 264
17 17 63 63 50 50 66 66 14 14 54 54
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Well, that's pretty boring.

Your first world is the DAoT equivalent of an Agri World, and thus contains nothing you didn't already possess.

Your second world was a pleasure world, and thus has access to STC's related to luxury.

Your third world was a Secret Research World, which got my hopes up. But they're studying political sciences. Likely other species politics in order to disrupt them, given that the research was being performed secretly.

And finally you gained a normal civilised world. Perfectly normal with only a few extra minor STC's that you didn't already have.

I promise my table does have more exciting things.

Let's hope the rest of the systems are more interesting.
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Well, that's pretty boring.

Your first world is the DAoT equivalent of an Agri World, and thus contains nothing you didn't already possess.

Your second world was a pleasure world, and thus has access to STC's related to luxury.

Your third world was a Secret Research World, which got my hopes up. But they're studying political sciences. Likely other species politics in order to disrupt them, given that the research was being performed secretly.

And finally you gained a normal civilised world. Perfectly normal with only a few extra minor STC's that you didn't already have.

I promise my table does have more exciting things.
you could just looks around quickly Reroll them
Aw, nothing really fancy. Oh well, we'll manage fine with what we did get.
What could have been.
I suppose I'll start with the runner up.

The Age of Unity would be an interesting polity to play as. Their communication technology was leagues ahead of all other choices you could have taken. In fact your reach was such that you would have had six systems instead of five to start with.

In fact rather than any megastructures the Federation's pride and joy of this age was their Galactic Noosphere, their buoys were capable of receiving and sending millions of signals in an instant due to a massive breakthrough in the previous century. Of course while civilians had access to this it was slow and buffered often (which is still impressive given the scale) and the military remained the main user of this communication network.

Their increased speed was possible thanks to a breakthrough in Gellar field structure, allowing less drag to slow them down. Mechanically anything trying to infiltrate, corrupt or otherwise slow down your government would face higher dice thresholds and any roll you had that included stewardship would have a bonus attached to it.

Your learning dice would be reduced, however. Your high homogenisation stifling differing ideas. In addition your people would never allow for you to sit idly by as the galaxy burned. So any plan to run or fort up in the systems you currently own would be locked, and you would be forced to take actions that would gain you little for massive cost.

Next up was The Age of Contact.

As many of you may have surmised, this would essentially be playing as Starfleet. You would first have a chance to roll on a table to pick up a number of unique technologies gifted to you by your allies. This could go from more efficient guns to missiles that exist in multiple dimensions.

Your Linguistics and translators would allow you to massively lower checks to integrate aliens peacefully into your federation, or even trade. Due to having numerous examples of alien technology and mindsets available reverse engineering would have been given a large bonus. So your best bet with this build would have been to be as aggressively friendly as possible and trade to gain massive amounts of tech and populations.

In addition due to the narrative of humans being super nice and friendly there would be less alien empires attacking, thus allowing for a (very small) chance for the main Federation to bounce back on it's own, and if not then massively extending it's lifespan. Naturally all diplomacy rolls would have bonuses.

However your intrigue rolls would be Massively nerfed and this could allow for sabotage and betrayals, ironically your biggest strength would also be your biggest weakness, as the tech and population that you gain could very easily become a poisoned knife against your heart.

In addition Your generals will generally try to end wars as fast as possible (which sounds good
but nope) and thus ignore better strategies for more expedient ones. Even choosing peace deals which don't favour you.

Also you can't nuke Orks.

The Age of War was next.

Do you like big guns? Ever wanted to launch black holes at your enemy or use nova rounds with the ship equivalent of a semi automatic weaponry? The war gear of Humanity would be ridiculously strong, as well as their personal prowess. Every soldier in humanity would be the equivalent of a Space Marine. No. I'm not joking.

Even in this age of horrors there wouldn't be any single fight you would lose. Except for the Aeldari and such.

However everyone knows this and also doesn't like you. There would be Far more hostile enemies, and they wouldn't try to fight you head on. They'd target your logistics and infrastructure, they'd exterminatus your planets if you left them too undefended and any attempt at diplomacy with these attackers would be extremely difficult. After all, this was a lesson you taught them.

And finally The Age of Silence.

I was admittedly kind of bummed nobody wanted to play as these guys, considering they were my second favourite. This faction would be geared towards stealth and survival in deep space. Your stealth would be the equal of the Craftworld Eldar and your troops independence would mean you would gain more actions than all other choices.

It's definitely the choice that would be taken for those who want the largest chance of survival. In addition you would start off with an ally faction that would be your equal and gain bonuses to intrigue actions.

However this version of humanity is undoubtedly the most fractured, operating in splinter cells. If you played as this I would have often hidden certain actions from you due to the presence of people from your own faction. In addition your weapons, warp knowledge and stewardship would have been worse than the standard.
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The Age of War was next.

Do you like big guns? Ever wanted to launch black holes at your enemy or use nova rounds with the ship equivalent of a semi automatic weaponry? The war gear of Humanity would be ridiculously strong, as well as their personal prowess. Every soldier in humanity would be the equivalent of a Space Marine. No. I'm not joking.

Even in this age of horrors there wouldn't be any single fight you would lose. Except for the Aeldari and such.

However everyone knows this and also doesn't like you. There would be Far more hostile enemies, and they wouldn't try to fight you head on. They'd target your logistics and infrastructure, they'd exterminatus your planets if you left them too undefended and any attempt at diplomacy with these attackers would be extremely difficult. After all, this was a lesson you taught them.
Fuck, the 4x option is not close to us
Your third world was a Secret Research World, which got my hopes up. But they're studying political sciences. Likely other species politics in order to disrupt them, given that the research was being performed secretly.
Huh, this would actually be pretty interesting for diplomacy purposes, because we'd already have knowledge on other species' politics in the area around us.

Which is pretty useful for when it comes time to negotiate.
Civilisation Generator 2
The Age of Progress

Civilisation Generator 2

In the distant years of M3 310 efforts were attempted by numerous Companies and Governments to begin the construction of a Dyson Swarm. It was purely a vanity project from start to finish. Their solar collectors were inefficient when compared to our Conversion Batteries and the machines sent to mine Mercury were lead by corrupt and incompetent fops, who had treated the effort as a chance for fame and glory but wished to put in none of the work.

Eventually the Atomic Wars of Old Earth began and the machines left upon our celestial neighbour were left to rot, our attention turning inward for a millennia.

In M5 serious considerations to once more attempt the construction were held. The transmissions of the two alien empires was causing a renaissance in industrial and scientific efforts. This time when we once more stepped foot on Mercury it was not in fragile and cramped habitats, it was in mighty bulwarks of ceramite. The machines we sent forth were the Men of Glass, the ancient precursors of the Men of Stone, and those sent to observe and direct the swarm of machines were chosen based on their organisational and scientific skills.

The Dyson Swarm itself could have been built in only fifty years, such was the power of our self replicating servants. However we took our time to constantly check and re-check the construction. Were the orbits perfectly aligned? Were the Conversion Batteries functioning properly? What contingencies were in place in the case of a solar flare? A thousand questions were asked, simulations were run and optimised.

The Dyson Swarm itself would only complete nearly a decade after the Klyria Imperium attempted to invade the Sol System, but it wasn't as if we needed it to be complete. Even a partially finished Dyson Swarm gave us a surplus of useable energy with which to complete our projects. Great rings were raised around Mars fitted with millions of Ion Shields, Lance Cannons and Caldera Pattern Shipyards. Great Stellar Bellows drank greedily from the Sun, their magnetic maws eagerly filling with elements for us to reshape to our whims. By the time the Klyria arrived we had an estimated total of 93,000 ships of various classes, enough for us to drown their entire empire in steel and blood.

By the time of M24 Humanity has, in it's possession, around 500 artisanal crafted Megastructures that encompassed a star. Not all of these were Dyson Swarms. Ring Worlds, Alderson Disks, Dyson bubbles and even one attempt to create High Energy lifeforms which necessitated a truly massive research station which encircled a red dwarf. All Matrioshka Brains were pre-emptively destroyed in fear of them falling into the hands of the Men of Iron, causing a massive loss of computing infrastructure and information that will likely be felt for thousands of years.

These 500 systems constitute the main industrial, scientific and cultural centres of Humanity and each system contains trillions of lives. So vital are these systems that if they were cut off from the Federation Network thousands of systems would quickly fall into anarchy and ruin.

Wait. Are we the Forerunners now?
-A post the forum Sufficient Velocity

Always have been. 🔫
-The next post

Yes, the Federation had stood for nearly 20,000 years and it was one of the mightiest civilisations known to the Milky Way Galaxy. They were known to the Kyria Imperium as "The Great Jailers" after Humanity's fleets had tracked them back to their systems and bound them to their planets with fixed defence platforms, never to rise to the stars again. When the Kyria civilisation inevitably collapsed under their own weight, the descendants of these vicious people would only remember humanity as sneering demons that watched them from above and were lauded as their final test to reach paradise. They would later be among the first species lost in the Green War.

To the Great Conglomeration of OOO Humanity had acted as their shields during the Great Collapse, sheparding their tree clutches to safer and more tranquil worlds, to start anew. Thousands of years later they would rise from these worlds to greet Humanity like a brother, the genetic memory passed down allowed them to retain much of their history.

The Aeldari, or at least the few who even bothered to give their thoughts, described them in a word that might mean 'Annoyances' or perhaps 'Speedbumps' or 'Pinpricks'. Few would even recognize the slight compliment for what it was.

The Empire of One Million Stars, some would call it.

Such a shame it was burning.

The Terran Federation was primarily known for it's science and not for it's government. Thus, we shall be fleshing out that part of the Federation next. Unlike the last vote this shall have no mechanical benefits or downsides. It is simply narrative that changes Humanity's view on certain things and how they behave. No matter what these Governments can be thought of a reasonably competent or, at the very least, stable.

Pick one:

[ ] A Feudal Confederacy

The Terran federation held an enduring and successful Feudal Institution. It both bound its worlds through the good leaderships of elected officials and nobles alike while leaving enough freedom for individual worlds to develop meaningful cultures. This was a product created by convenience due to the sheer size of the Federation and the distance between colonies.

[ ] Corporate Polity
In the aftermath of the Atomic Wars the only standing systems of control left were the various corporations that survived. Acting quickly, the various megacorps took control of the planet. The next millennia was a trying time as the Corporations and those under them faced various transitional issues. Through sheer pragmatism and thousands of repeated lessons of nukes to their corporate buildings the various companies eventually took a softer and less profit oriented approach. These days both corporation and worker walk hand in hand with a dagger behind their backs, constantly keeping the other in check.

[ ] Representative Democracy
The various governments of Old Earth survived, if in a weakened state, and their citizens used this weakness to force greater responsibility, legal consequences and scrutiny for these elected representatives. Given the sheer size and reach of the federation this means that decisions are often taxing and slow, but the Federation has gained much experience in this and is constantly working on ways too shorten the gap between colonies.

[ ] Communist State
Given the existence of Dyson Swarms and Stellar Bellows the energy and material production of the federation will always outstrip any need for these things. With this in mind there is a one party state fully devoted to their state ideology. Each citizen has full access to Nanofabricators and enough energy and mass per month to build a mansion. There have been bouts of corruption in this one state party from time to time, however numerous impartial Men of Stone ensure it does not last long.

[ ] Feudal Technocracy
The rank and prestige of a person in the federation depends on ability and skill, while those below perform more menial tasks. Given the invention of autonomous machines this work has less become working in factories, collecting rubbish or other things of that nature. Instead those of less ability are given tasks to survey, research, and investigate areas of less scientific importance and many have used this to climb higher in the ranks.
This vote is weighted as 1.1 due to The Age of Progress' obssession with scientific research and development

[ ] Something Else
What's that? you don't like these options and want to make your own? or maybe you didn't like the way I explained one of these types of government? Here's a blank check, go make your own and save me the trouble! ...Oh god, I just gave SV a blank check to make a Government.
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[X] Representative Democracy

Personally in my head this is what the Federation is in my view. Makes it more impactful when grimdark comes and have us go bye bye to Democracy being the plurality.