A light on the frontier:40k Planetary Governor Quest

[X] Upgrade your main space station into a tier 3 large station
[X] Mechanized warfare- focus on armored and mechanized mobile units
[X] 4 Regiments of Krieg infantry
[X] Agree to make contact with the mercenaries
[X] Upgrade your main space station into a tier 3 large station
[X] Mechanized warfare- focus on armored and mechanized mobile units
[X] 4 Regiments of Krieg infantry
[X] Agree to make contact with the mercenaries
[X] Upgrade your main space station into a tier 3 large station
[X] Mechanized warfare- focus on armored and mechanized mobile units
[X] 4 Regiments of Krieg infantry
[X] Agree to make contact with the mercenaries
[X] Upgrade your main space station into a tier 3 large station
[X] Aerial warfare- expand the air force and establish several drop trooper regiments
[X] Gene-seed clones for the Umbral Knights
[X] Agree to make contact with the mercenaries
[X] Upgrade your main space station into a tier 3 large station
[X] Aerial warfare- expand the air force and establish several drop trooper regiments
[X] Gene-seed clones for the Umbral Knights
[X] Agree to make contact with the mercenaries
[X] Upgrade your main space station into a tier 3 large station
[X] Aerial warfare- expand the air force and establish several drop trooper regiments
[X] Gene-seed clones for the Umbral Knights
[X] Agree to make contact with the mercenaries
[X] Upgrade your main space station into a tier 3 large station.
[X] Void warfare- focus on void troops, void-capable troop transports, and defensive strike craft.
[X] Geno-warriors(Requires roll)
[X] Agree to make contact with the mercenaries
[X] Upgrade your main space station into a tier 3 large station
[X] Mechanized warfare- focus on armored and mechanized mobile units
[X] Gene-seed clones for the Umbral Knights
[X] Agree to make contact with the mercenaries
X] Upgrade your main space station into a tier 3 large station
[X] Mechanized warfare- focus on armored and mechanized mobile units
[X] 4 Regiments of Krieg infantry
[X] Agree to make contact with the mercenaries
[X] Upgrade your main space station into a tier 3 large station
[X] Mechanized warfare- focus on armored and mechanized mobile units
[X] 4 Regiments of Krieg infantry
[X] Agree to make contact with the mercenaries
Turn 128
You agree to make contact with the mercenaries, their leaders traveling on one of Blackwood's freighters to meet you on the station. As soon as you see them it becomes immediately obvious that these are not simply some high-end mercenaries with advanced gear but a squad-sized group of Astartes….

They tell you they heard a rumor of their brothers founding a new chapter in the area.

You quickly reach out to the Chapter Master of the Umbral Knights to confirm their identity and they quickly dispatch a delegation to meet the mercenary leaders.

You also decide to upgrade the station to a large station, tripling its size and cementing Morans place as a minor trade center in the region and a near mandatory stop for traders along the Volantean road, serving as a megacity in space it will also serve as a fortress, market and dock facility, capable of hosting several capital ships at once and large numbers of smaller ships.

You also focus on expanding the mechanized troops, ideal for expeditionary operations. While you train 4 new basic infantry regiments and an additional 4 mechanized regiments, equipped with leman Russ tanks chimera apcs and mobile artillery and anti air vehicles

You order the vitae-wombs to generate 4 new regiments of Kriegers.

You have been notified that a triumvirate listening post have detected a Volantean fleet gathered above a desolate planet with no known inhabitants on the edge of Imperial Space. With a flotilla being gathered to counter them and wipe them out while they are gathered closely together in one place.

[] Join the expedition to engage the Volanteans
[] Leave it to the Triumvirate(initiate a new development turn)
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[X] Join the expedition to engage the Volanteans.

To War. For The LOOOOOT.
Plus we have plenty of green troops in need of blooding.
Like our super soldier regiment that recently finished training.
[X] Join the expedition to engage the Volanteans.

We can call more favour foe trivunate and really im iching for good fighting and looting.