Renegade Chapter Master Quest (WH40k Quest)

[X] Remains within Aula Fortis.
[X] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus.

it seems like the genestealer are running out of numbers, might be worth it to send more SM after dealing with the orcs to loot it for ourselfs
[X] Remains within Aula Fortis.
[X] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus.
[X] Remains within Aula Fortis.
[X] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus

As epic as a duel would be, the risk are too great and if we lose it would both demoralize our forces and invigorate the Orkz (especially with how the WAAAGH!!! field works).

While I wasn't surprised they struck at us, I am with just them going full throttle straight to us with the biggest fleet we have encountered so far. Then again, I shouldn't be too surprised b/c this is a very Orky thing to do. And while our rescue mission wasn't the smoothest, it did go a bit better than I expected.
[X] Remains within Aula Fortis.
[X] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus.
[x] Challenge Stormsmasha to a duel.
[x] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus.
[X] Remains within Aula Fortis.
[X] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus.
[X] Remains within Aula Fortis.
[X] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus.
[X] Remains within Aula Fortis.
[X] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus.
[X] Remains within Aula Fortis.
[X] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus

We have favour to use them in time of need, and well we can say that this is a very important moment, and we can always regain favour from the mechanicus invading the flagship of Stormsmasha and loot the hell out of it
[X] Remains within Aula Fortis.
[X] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus.
[X] Remains within Aula Fortis.
[X] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus.
[X] Remains within Aula Fortis.

Iirc our chapter master is not at his best and this guy just did a blood axe deep strike behind enemy lines. He's smart enough to tip things to his advantage.

[X] Don't request any friendly Titans to be deployed.

Hear me out on this he just got off of another campaign. That was a duel with titans, and he won.

Which means I'm going to have to say trying to fight him titan versus titans is probably a bad idea.

Plus as terrifying as this attack is, this is only the beginning this is not his full mustered force the only reason he's this successful right now, is because we were not expecting him to ignore all of our lines and strike directly at us. If we had our chapter prepared this would be manageable.

We just need to hold out till the rest of our chapter gets back
[X] Remains within Aula Fortis.
[X] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus
[X] Remains within Aula Fortis.
[X] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus.
[X] Remains within Aula Fortis.
[X] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus.
[X] Remains within Aula Fortis.
[X] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus.
[X] Remains within Aula Fortis.
[X] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus.
[X] Remains within Aula Fortis.
[X] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus.
[x] Challenge Stormsmasha to a duel.
[x] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus.
[x] Challenge Stormsmasha to a duel.
[x] Request the deployment of a friendly Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica. Costs 1 Major Favour from the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Sequel Quest
I have made a sequel to this quest where you play as the new captain of a recently reformed 6th Company of the Storm Avengers. The new quest is a continuation of this quest with the new quest starting in 050.M41 as Princess-General Reximus' crusade to reclaim the Ymir Sub-Sector is about to kick off.

Space Marine Captain Quest (40k Quest) Sci-Fi

Play as a Space Marine Chapter Master who continues to protect their home sector even after it has been abandoned by the Imperium as indefensible and ignoring orders for reassignment.
I have made a sequel to this quest where you play as the new captain of a recently reformed 6th Company of the Storm Avengers. The new quest is a continuation of this quest with the new quest starting in 050.M41 as Princess-General Reximus' crusade to reclaim the Ymir Sub-Sector is about to kick off.

Space Marine Captain Quest (40k Quest) Sci-Fi

Play as a Space Marine Chapter Master who continues to protect their home sector even after it has been abandoned by the Imperium as indefensible and ignoring orders for reassignment.

So I'm just starting this, nevermind the sequel so I have a quick question. With the rest of the empire cutting us off and leaving us to die. I don't see these guys bending the knee until Roboute Guilliman takes control. So a major question is will they be crippling themselves by playing by the rules, or will they expand beyond a thousand Space Marines?

Because without outside backup, no kill teams, no inquisition(also a good thing), maybe no sisters of battle, and even if the imperial Knight houses refused to leave their worlds and people. They'll need more then a thousand SM to patch all the holes in the defenses.
So a major question is will they be crippling themselves by playing by the rules, or will they expand beyond a thousand Space Marines?
The Storm Avengers believe in the Codex Astartes because it was something that their Primarch wrote rather than something imposed upon them by the Imperium so they are Codex-compliant by default. That said, I left it possible to break with the Codex Astartes through at a price, including going over the thousand marine limit. However, while the thread did vote to break with the Codex Astartes in some ways such as turning all of your reserve companies into battle companies, the thread never actually vote to break the thousand marine limit.

So there was an option to expand beyond it was offered by me, but that option had yet to be taken before the quest died. It also never came up beyond theoretical discussions because the Chapter never got above eight hundred marines and struggled to stay above seven hundred marines at times.
So there was an option to expand beyond it was offered by me, but that option had yet to be taken before the quest died. It also never came up beyond theoretical discussions because the Chapter never got above eight hundred marines and struggled to stay above seven hundred marines at times.

As were playing a captain now it doesn't look like that is an option to vote for anymore. But I would hope that we could vote that training companies would no longer be considered one of the ten companies, and you not counted as a space marine, or added to a company until you finish your training.