Renegade Chapter Master Quest (WH40k Quest)

Voting seems to have dried up so I'm calling the vote now.
Adhoc vote count started by Oshha on Jun 25, 2023 at 2:26 PM, finished with 134 posts and 32 votes.

  • [X] Plan Let's end it
    -[X] Free Actions
    --[X] Have Master of the Recruits and Reconnaissance Clin Boltson contact the Ecclesiarchy on Vanaheim and ask for their support in our deposition of the governor, as well as providing a calming voice while a new sector government is formed. He is authorized to accept or decline to exchange them a favor for their support in case he needs it. (basically like the forge world odin last turn, we get to vote if we give them a favor or not, dependent on how much of a favor they ask)
    --[X] Have Chief Librarian Steffen Strangeson Look into Psyker Recruitment and Training solutions
    --[X] Have Chapter Master Torvald Thunderson choose some of the best administrators in the ranks of the Avenging storm to join him and set up a temporary government for sector asgarids and especially sub-sector Odin and hive world Vanaheim. While making calls and sending messages to all planets in the sub-sectors to follow the Avenging storms lead in these dark times.
    -[X] Deployment
    --[X] Defence of Ragna (3rd Company, 8th company using Battle barge Void Thunderer)
    --[X] Home Guard (5th company using 8th comapny strike cruiser to defend our homeworld and sector with battlefleet Asgardia following us)
    --[X] Battlefleet Asgardia (use the major favor to call upon the battlefleet against the Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus and his forces)
    --[X] Reximus Rising (Torvald and his Honour Guard, Battle Barge Might of Storms, Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance, Battle Barge Ardent Storm, 4th company, 7th Company, 9th Company, 10th Company) objective is to arrest the lord sector Sigurdr Reximus under charges of treason, cowardice and incompetence in the handling of his duties as sector lord, take over control of the lord sector's position in preparation to either hand it over to another highborn or place one of our own and take control both sub sector Odin or at least the hive planet Vanaheim, battlefleet Odin and all former imperial forces present. Diplomacy is to be tried with all former imperial forces doing our damndest to try and convince who we can among the Vanaheim Valkyries, the PDF, and Battlefleet Odin to stay out of the fight, specially Battlefleet Odin, and to bring into the fold under the control of the Avenging Storm . However if unsuccessful then decapitation strikes are advised to try and minimize casualties and the lord sector must be arrested and then executed.
    -[X] Production
    --[X] 1 Production for 5 Heavy Weapons
    --[X] 24 Production for 12 rhino
    --[X] 1 Strike Cruiser (Major Favor)
    -[X] Chapter Organisation
    --[X] Assign "Monsterslayer" to Chapter Champion Sig Stormson
    --[X] Distribute as much of the newly constructed Rhinos to the forces sent against the lord sector
    [x] Plan No fighting in the War Room!
    --[X] Have Master of the Apothecarion Bruce Boltson look into different worlds to establish as recruiting worlds for the chapter.
    --[X] Have Chief Librarian Steffen Strangeson Look into Psyker Recruitment and Training solutions
    --[X] Have master of Sanctity Jannis Hopeson cleanse any remaining chaos taint on Malmur and establish a loyal government after the fight is over.
    -[X] Deployment
    --[X] Defence of Ragna (3rd Company, 8th company using Battle barge Void Thunderer, Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance)
    --[X] Home Guard (5th company using 8th company strike cruiser to defend our homeworld and sector with battlefleet Asgardia following us)
    --[X] Reximus Rising (Torvald and his Honour Guard, Battle Barge Might of Storms)
    ---[x] Objective: Open Diplomatic negotiations
    ----[x] Main points: Assert Chapter Independence, set up channels of communication, discuss threats to the Sector, discuss ways the Chapter can support increasing Sector resilience in the long term, discuss plans for retaking lost Sub-sectors.
    -----[x] If the Sector Lord ignores our request for audience, attempt to do the same thing with the leadership of the assembled Imperial Guard and Battlefleet instead.
    --[x]Sentinels of Sif (7th Company)
    ---[x] Discuss similar diplomatic concerns as with the Sector Lord.
    --[x] Forge World Loki (9th Company)
    --[x] Black Market of Kjede (4th company)
    --[x] Patrolling Odin Sub-Sector (10th Company and Battle Barge Ardent Storm)
    -[X] Production
    --[X] 1 Production for 5 Heavy Weapons
    --[X] 24 Production for 12 rhino
    --[X] 1 Strike Cruiser (Major Favor)
    -[X] Chapter Organisation
    --[X] Assign "Monsterslayer" to Chapter Champion Sig Stormson
    [X] Plan Gunboat Diplomacy
    -[X] Free Actions
    --[X] Have Master of the Apothecarion Bruce Boltson look into different worlds to establish as recruiting worlds for the chapter.
    --[X] Have Chief Librarian Steffen Strangeson Look into Psyker Recruitment and Training solutions
    --[X] Have master of Sanctity Jannis Hopeson cleanse any remaining chaos taint on Malmur and establish a loyal government after the fight is over.
    -[X] Deployment
    --[X] Oligarch Warlords (Greater Half of 10th Company)
    --[X] Defence of Ragna (3rd Company, 8th company using Battle barge Void Thunderer, Lesser half of 10th Company)
    --[X] Home Guard (5th company using 8th company strike cruiser to defend our homeworld and sector with battlefleet Asgardia following us)
    --[X] Battlefleet Asgardia (use the major favor to call upon the battlefleet against the Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus and his forces)
    --[X] Reximus Rising (Torvald and his Honour Guard, Battle Barge Might of Storms, Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance, Battle Barge Ardent Storm, 4th company, 7th Company, 9th Company)
    ---[X] First we will attempt to speak and negotiate with Reximus, our demands being that neither he, nor any successor of his, shall ever attempt to subjugate or attack the Storm Avengers, Battlefleet Asgardia, the Forge Worlds Odin, Loki, Thor or any future Forge World of the Sector or The Order of the Sacred Storm. He will stay in his lane as Lord Sector as he did under Imperial Rule. He will return the ships he suborned from Battlefleet Asgardia immediately, though he may keep the new ships he commissioned from Forge World Odin for his Battle Fleet Odin and may in the future commission further ships from them or other Forge Worlds without issue from us. He will also, lastly, cease his attempts to mar our reputation within the Sector and turning worlds against us.
    ----[X] Our Concessions: We will also never attempt to subjugate nor attack said factions nor his to our own authority, we will continue to do our Duty to the Sector just as we have been for the past 8 millennia, and we won't kill him here and now.
    ----[X] We will both sign multiple copies of this treaty, triplicate for each faction listed to be delivered to them for their own safe keeping and to make sure the whole Sector is well aware of the terms of it
    —--[X] If he refuses our terms we will invade Vanaheim to end him, doing our damndest to try and convince who we can among the Vanaheim Valkyries, the PDF, and Battlefleet Odin to stay out of the fight for we have no wish to bring harm upon them, only their greedy and arrogant master who would try to make slaves of us, and for those who don't to deal as few casualties and as little damage as possible.
    -[X] Production
    —[X] 5 Rhinos (10 Production)
    —[X] Stormraven (10 Production)
    —[X] 5 Specialist weapons (1 Production)
    —[X] 10 Power Weapons (2 Production)
    —[X] 10 Heavy Weapons (2 Production)
    —[X] 1 Strike Cruiser (Major Favor)
    [X] Plan Soft Words and Big Sticks
    -[X] Free Actions
    --[X] Have Master of the Apothecarion Bruce Boltson look into different worlds to establish as recruiting worlds for the chapter.
    --[X] Have Chief Librarian Steffen Strangeson Look into Psyker Recruitment and Training solutions
    --[X] Have master of Sanctity Jannis Hopeson cleanse any remaining chaos taint on Malmur and establish a loyal government after the fight is over.
    -[X] Deployment
    --[X] Defence of Ragna (3rd, 4th, 8th, Ardent Storm, Void Thunderer, Might of Storms)
    --[X] Home Guard (5th Company)
    --[X] The Titan War (10th Company) Are to undertake sabotage and assassination missions to prevent any one side from gaining the upper hand.
    --[X] Patrolling (Asgardia Sector) (9th Company)
    --[X] Diplomatic Meeting (Torvald and his Honour Guard, 7th Company, Unyielding Defiance, Sentinel of Asgardia) Sail to Vanaheim and request a meeting with Lord Sector Reximus to discuss concerns of the Titan War and the subsequent invasion of Ragna. If meeting is refused, redirect to join defence of Ragna.
    -[X] Production
    --[X] 7 Rhinos (14 Points)
    --[X] 3 Whirlwinds (9 Points)
    --[X] 4 Bikes (2 Points)
Well, I think most or at least a lot of people here are in favour of legion building anyway, so this kind of is about establishing a pocket empire beneath the Imperium's nose.

You know, instead of a Tyranid invasion as an endgame I think we could just as easily have to face off against an invasion by the Minotaurs as our final antagonist.
Well, I think most or at least a lot of people here are in favour of legion building anyway, so this kind of is about establishing a pocket empire beneath the Imperium's nose.

You know, instead of a Tyranid invasion as an endgame I think we could just as easily have to face off against an invasion by the Minotaurs as our final antagonist.

Given that 22 voted for various diplomatic plans and 16 voted for the outright power grab I would not assume that.

A solid minority want to Legion build with full control of the Sector, everyone else is in favor of various other strategies.
Well then. Let's see how others react to our blatant power grab
I'd hardly call it a power grab. I'm very much in favor of appointing a new Lord Sector with the help and input of the Sub-Sector Governors next turn. We're busy doing our thing, let someone else run the Sector.
Given that 22 voted for various diplomatic plans and 16 voted for the outright power grab I would not assume that.

A solid minority want to Legion build with full control of the Sector, everyone else is in favor of various other strategies.
Let's not go assuming, hmm? I voted for Let's End It because we can't afford to leave Reximus in power, not because I'm interested in ruling the Sector.

Also I would note that a fair number of the diplomatic votes were people voting for both plans.
Edit: 6 in fact so more like 16 to 17
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I'd hardly call it a power grab. I'm very much in favor of appointing a new Lord Sector with the help and input of the Sub-Sector Governors next turn.

Wouldn't the chapter still be in some control though? The deposing of the Sector Lord by the chapter sends a powerful message to the governors that someone selected must give the space marines a wide berth (with special concessions).
Let's not go assuming, hmm? I voted for Let's End It because we can't afford to leave Reximus in power, not because I'm interested in ruling the Sector.

Given repeated QM comments that Reximus could be negotiated with and made an ally, consider me unconvinced.

Remember, Reximus is very popular and all he is truly guilty of is shit talking us.

We are the aggressor here and acted without even meeting most of the power brokers in the Sector. Space Marines are traditionally supposed to be above petty politics, yet here we are jumping straight in and making a mess of things. This is not a good look.
Wouldn't the chapter still be in some control though? The deposing of the Sector Lord by the chapter sends a powerful message to the governors that someone selected must give the space marines a wide berth (with special concessions).

TBF, Space Marines have always held a wide degree of power in the Imperium's politics, it's just that they don't usually bother wielding it. When Space Marines do get together for a single purpose they can even overthrow the central Terran government like they did with Vangorich and Goge Vandire.
I'd hardly call it a power grab. I'm very much in favor of appointing a new Lord Sector with the help and input of the Sub-Sector Governors next turn. We're busy doing our thing, let someone else run the Sector.
Sure, as long as said Sector Lord is loyal to us then we'll have no problems. They just need to know not to cross us. Definitely not a power grab whatsoever. /s

Look, just b/c we aren't making ourselves the official head of state doesn't mean this is any less of a power grab. This is the equivalent of the Praetorians in the Roman Empire shanking the Emperor and then giving the throne to someone else that will serve their interests.
Let's not go assuming, hmm? I voted for Let's End It because we can't afford to leave Reximus in power, not because I'm interested in ruling the Sector.
I mean, you don't know that for a fact. We haven't even tried working something out with him. We just heard he was slandering us then decided to go overthrow him. If that's the bare minimum then basically it means no one can do anything we don't like without bringing the hammer down on them. In what universe is that not tyrannical?
Given repeated QM comments that Reximus could be negotiated with and made an ally, consider me unconvinced.

Remember, Reximus is very popular and all he is truly guilty of is shit talking us.

We are the aggressor here and acted without even meeting most of the power brokers in the Sector. Space Marines are traditionally supposed to be above petty politics, yet here we are jumping straight in and making a mess of things. This is not a good look.
Yeah, "could" as in "is possible". It's also possible, and I would say more likely, that he simply either chooses not to or betrays us. Just because something is possible doesn't mean it's terribly likely.

Moreover all of the movers and shakers in the Sector are well aware of our history and mutual animosity with Reximus. It doesn't take a genius to see why we would not want him, in particular, to be our nominal superior. Nor is it hard to see what Reximus was building to when he began criticizing us for putting down rebelling worlds, building up his forces while holding them back, and seeking allies around us. He wanted the same thing he wanted when the Imperium was still in charge, us under his boot doing his bidding.
Sure, as long as said Sector Lord is loyal to us then we'll have no problems. They just need to know not to cross us. Definitely not a power grab whatsoever. /s

Look, just b/c we aren't making ourselves the official head of state doesn't mean this is any less of a power grab. This is the equivalent of the Praetorians in the Roman Empire shanking the Emperor and then giving the throne to someone else that will serve their interests.

I mean, you don't know that for a fact. We haven't even tried working something out with him. We just heard he was slandering us then decided to go overthrow him. If that's the bare minimum then basically it means no one can do anything we don't like without bringing the hammer down on them. In what universe is that not tyrannical?
No, just one that isn't our active enemy that's liable to tear the Sector in half in a fight with us. I'm entirely fine leaving choosing the new Lord Sector entirety up to the Sub-Sector Governors to hash out between themselves.

So we're just forgetting the long history our chapter has with Reximus trying to subordinate the Chapter? That's just, totally irrelevant now? Like I said before, just because something is possible doesn't make it likely, and given the surrounding circumstances, our previous history with the guy, and his own actions I find the possibility of being able to work with Reximus without him stabbing us in the back extremely unlikely.

Whatever, votes over, and I'm not explaining my reasoning for the millionth time.
TBF, Space Marines have always held a wide degree of power in the Imperium's politics, it's just that they don't usually bother wielding it. When Space Marines do get together for a single purpose they can even overthrow the central Terran government like they did with Vangorich and Goge Vandire.

Yes, but this is a different situation, wherein the provisional government, after Imperium retreat, is attempting to consolidate power onto itself to stabilize the sector. A powerful faction of super soldiers don't want to be consolidated (subordinated), so initiate a coup. There's no real egregious behavior on the part of Rex here, really.

Matter of fact? I'd argue that Rex has greater legitimacy than the chapter.

Anyway, I am all for the Chapter taking over and creating a Space Norse Empire, let's just make sure that all "dissident" forces are ripped out, root and stem
Okay, the Vanaheim update is going to be a real big one so I'm going to have part one be non-Vanaheim and then have the second update cover what is going on at Vanaheim. And there might be a part three to cover the reactions and fallout of Vanaheim.
Eight Millennia (Semi-Canon)
Eight Millennia.

The paintings that filled the room, each masterfully created to record the looks of his ancestors, stared at him and pierced his soul. They weren't all the same; some were somber, most were regal and imperious, a few were captured in moments of joy. But regardless of all that, they all looked at him now and, at the risk of almost believing himself to be turning insane, he could almost hear them, speaking in unison, repeating the same over and over again.

"For eight millennia."

And indeed, the patriarch of House Reximus had a heavy burden on his shoulders. Eight thousand years of tradition and history, ambitions and failures, of uncountable successes and horrific tragedies, all that fell upon him just as he ascended to become head of his House and Lord Sector of Asgardia.

As he looked at the faces of those that came before him, memories sprout, the history of his family painfully repeating on his mind. How they had arrived as part of the mighty Imperial Guard, leading hosts of brave soldiers against the Beast; how they fought side by side with divine Demigods, stopping the Green Tide that threatened to destroy it all; and how they earned their titles by blood and might, a right recognized by a son of Holy Emperor Himself if the records were to be believed! And now, it all tasted like ashes to him. The Imperium they had fought for and protected for so long had abandoned them. Entire worlds rebelling, corruption spreading, and worst of all, those so beloved protectors, so called Angels, now acting against his will! Disrespecting the divine duty the God-Emperor had given him and his family!

Many would call him mad, but he knew the truth, the grim truth that was hidden from the masses, something forgotten in the dark era of ignorance and war. He knew that even the holiest of Angels could fall, he had read of it, and he had seen it with his own eyes as even in that very momento their damned and fallen kin were attacking his planets, butchering his subjects, destroying the domain that Him on Holy Terra expected him to protect.

"This cannot stand" Said the ancient Patriarchs and Matriarchs of Vanaheim. "This will not stand" Answered Sigurdr Reximus, Lord of Vanaheim and Asgardia, true defender of the Divine Emperor's Will. For he knew that only he could, no, only he should lead, for his blood demanded it, and his subjects expected it from him. For the Holy God-Emperor of Mankind had entrusted him with this task, to him alone.

Standing, Lord Sigurdr XVIIth Reximus gave one last look at all the faces that doted the Hall of the Forefathers, all mighty predecessors that paved the way for his glory. He stared at them and swore on their name that, even if it took the last drop of his blood, he would fight to preserve what was theirs by right. And with the Holy Emperor's blessing, he knew he would succeed.


Well that was fun to write. A small omake from the POV of the Lord Sector.
Yes, but this is a different situation, wherein the provisional government, after Imperium retreat, is attempting to consolidate power onto itself to stabilize the sector. A powerful faction of super soldiers don't want to be consolidated (subordinated), so initiate a coup. There's no real egregious behavior on the part of Rex here, really.
You mean, besides deliberately antagonizing the strongest faction in the Sector due to personal spite? Seriously, he's actively trying to turn people against us, despite being smart enough (theoretically) to know that the best way to gain power is to try getting us on his side, or at least aiming us at greater threats. And yet, he's done absolutely nothing to mitigate hostilities with us, not even tried to talk to us, and is doing all he can to turn the sector against us.
He had a decade to try diplomacy, he chose to double-down on being an enemy, so we treat him like one. Seriously, I expected him to try a diplomatic overture this Turn after we got Forge World Odin on our side, but he apparently decided not to.
Anyway, I am all for the Chapter taking over and creating a Space Norse Empire, let's just make sure that all "dissident" forces are ripped out, root and stem
Norse? Don't be silly, we aren't Space Wolves, we'd go with Roman Empire style.
Some thoughts on Rex and what may happen after this turn.

Some people seem to think that Rex is acting as a incompetently, or that we can use his actions to argue when deposing him. I think that's nonsense. All his actions seem reasonable taking into account his situation: The Imperium abandoned what's left of the sector, there's both a Waaagh! ongoing and Chaos attacks, and all he knows both us and the Sisters are acting to undermine him. Part of his fleet has joined us, it's not said but it's pretty safe to asume both his PDFs and his Guard regiments were battered when the Imperium retreated, and governors all around are rebelling. So yeah, the fact that he's been slowly but surely consolidating from his base, not overextending to other regions while also probably rearming is what any sane (or sane-ish) governor would have done in his situation.

With all that said, there are a couple possible scenarios to happen with what we decided. Best case, we take him out and whoever was aligned to him falls in line behind us. I doubt that'll make the rest of the sector to fall in line, to be honest it will probably make it harder for us to convince factions that weren't aligned with anyone to join us, as we may appear to be upstarts and untrustworthy. Worst case, full of civil war starts, Chaos seizes the opportunity and planets fall to heresy and everything goes to hell. Being honest, I expect a little in between both, and we manage to at least take control of Odin sector without much bloodshed we can consider ourselves lucky. And let's hope we get some Guards to side with us, we will very much be needing them in the future.

You mean, besides deliberately antagonizing the strongest faction in the Sector due to personal spite? Seriously, he's actively trying to turn people against us, despite being smart enough (theoretically) to know that the best way to gain power is to try getting us on his side, or at least aiming us at greater threats. And yet, he's done absolutely nothing to mitigate hostilities with us, not even tried to talk to us, and is doing all he can to turn the sector against us.
He had a decade to try diplomacy, he chose to double-down on being an enemy, so we treat him like one. Seriously, I expected him to try a diplomatic overture this Turn after we got Forge World Odin on our side, but he apparently decided not to.

Being completely honest, our first three actions in the whole quest were to take a planet, set a government loyal to us in said planet, while also aligning a forge world and part of the sector's fleet with us, all before even talking with the guy. Yeah, if I were Rex, I wouldn't even attempt diplomacy with us, as we made it pretty clear from our first actions that we were planning to do our own stuff and wanted nothing to do with him. That's not to say our actions were wrong, I'm full on in support of creating our own government with us at the top, but we can't fool ourselves into thinking we didn't earned having the Lord Sector being hostile to us from the very beginning, as even with the trait we picked, we could have been less antagonistic towards him.
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Being completely honest, our first two actions in the whole quest were to take a planet, set a government loyal to us in said planet, while also aligning a forge world and part of the sector's fleet with us, all before even talking with the guy.
And you conveniently forget that the reason why we only got part of that sector's fleet is because the man decided to keep the majority of it to himself, weakening the sector's fleet in the process.

I'm full on in support of creating our own government with us at the top, but we can't fool ourselves into thinking we didn't earned having the Lord Sector being hostile to us from the very beginning, as even with the trait we picked, we could have been less antagonistic towards him.
Let me remind you, NPCs have their own actions. The sector lord has used his actions to do nothing more than expand his power base while the remnants of the sector were burning, he could have at least tried to talk to us or you know, help more than one single planet.

Now, is this a power grab on our part? Yeah, it is but what other option do we have? The sector lord is clearly hostile and will not cooperate.
Being completely honest, our first two actions in the whole quest were to take a planet, set a government loyal to us in said planet, while also aligning a forge world and part of the sector's fleet with us, all before even talking with the guy. Yeah, if I were Rex, I wouldn't even attempt diplomacy with us, as we made it pretty clear from our first actions that we were planning to do our own stuff and wanted nothing to do with him. That's not to say our actions were wrong, I'm full on in support of creating our own government with us at the top, but we can't fool ourselves into thinking we didn't earned having the Lord Sector being hostile to us from the very beginning, as even with the trait we picked, we could have been less antagonistic towards him.
So, rescuing people and stopping revolts on planets in our sub-sector is a sign of ill intent towards him? Not sure how that tracks, especially since he got to Battlefleet Asgardia first. And Gunnerkrigg and Galarborn disproves that, since we simply helped the people and went home making no attempt to interfere with that sub-sector beyond saving it.
Now, is this a power grab on our part? Yeah, it is but what other option do we have? The sector lord is clearly hostile and will not cooperate.
I still don't think that's entirely true since we haven't even tried cooperating with him at all. If we tried talking it and he spat in our face I'd agree but I can't agree when we haven't even tried.
@Oshha, could we eventually find a way to help make our own Forgeship? Or, pull a couple of really heavy favors from our local forge world to help make one?

Apart from finding or otherwise acquiring the STC for one, no. Also, frankly speaking, I'm not sure what use you would have for one since you aren't a fleet-based chapter and it wouldn't be able to do anything that your homeworld can't.