Renegade Chapter Master Quest (WH40k Quest)

Apart from finding or otherwise acquiring the STC for one, no. Also, frankly speaking, I'm not sure what use you would have for one since you aren't a fleet-based chapter and it wouldn't be able to do anything that your homeworld can't.
Oh, yeah I just thought they could be part of a normal homeward based chapter, not a fleet based one. As for what it could do? I was thinking like helping maintenance costs for our equipment, or on us getting a few extra points for us to use.

What does our home world actuality do for us, industry wise, actually? I get the other reasons for why we have it, but isn't ours like, a civilized planet?
Oh, yeah I just thought they could be part of a normal homeward based chapter, not a fleet based one.
The only one that I know which belongs to a non-fleet chapter is a relic of Vulkan that belongs to the Salamanders.
As for what it could do? I was thinking like helping maintenance costs for our equipment, or on us getting a few extra points for us to use.
It could, but it wouldn't be a cost-effective method of getting extra production points compared to improving Midgardia's industry or just using those favours for additional production points.
What does our home world actuality do for us, industry wise, actually? I get the other reasons for why we have it, but isn't ours like, a civilized planet?
It makes all of your standard gear free and provides high quality equipment for your huskarls.
Slight spoilers for the next couple of updates. Please discuss in spoilers out of consideration for those that don't want to be spoiled.
By the way, there will be a sector civil war due to the fallout of your actions on Vanaheim as many of you rightly predicted. However, none has come close to predicting the nature of said civil war yet.
Slight spoilers for the next couple of updates. Please discuss in spoilers out of consideration for those that don't want to be spoiled.
By the way, there will be a sector civil war due to the fallout of your actions on Vanaheim as many of you rightly predicted. However, none has come close to predicting the nature of said civil war yet.

Oooohh I can already imagine something.

Is it possible that we fucked up so bad that part of the Chapter is rebelling against our leadership for not following the Codex ideals or some shit like that? That would be absolutely hilarious.
Oooohh I can already imagine something.

Is it possible that we fucked up so bad that part of the Chapter is rebelling against our leadership for not following the Codex ideals or some shit like that? That would be absolutely hilarious.
That would be absolutely terrible if that was the case. Now, instead of just worrying about a civil war that we would need to manage to not have it all burn up in flames, we now get to see a chapter try and beat itself to death, in the midst of said Sector trying to kill itself.
Slight spoilers for the next couple of updates. Please discuss in spoilers out of consideration for those that don't want to be spoiled.
By the way, there will be a sector civil war due to the fallout of your actions on Vanaheim as many of you rightly predicted. However, none has come close to predicting the nature of said civil war yet.
I'm going to take a wild guess and think that the Sacred Storm didn't exactly like what we did and declare us heretics.
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That would be absolutely terrible if that was the case. Now, instead of just worrying about a civil war that we would need to manage to not have it all burn up in flames, we now get to see a chapter try and beat itself to death, in the midst of said Sector trying to kill itself.

Oh I agree it would be terrible, its the worst case scenario probably, specially if the rebelling battle-brothers join the Lord Sector. That doesn't mean it wouldn't be hilarious, I mean, what are the odds?
Oh I agree it would be terrible, its the worst case scenario probably, specially if the rebelling battle-brothers join the Lord Sector. That doesn't mean it wouldn't be hilarious, I mean, what are the odds?
I mean even I wouldn't expect it to get that bad, but still if it's pretty bad I'm going to tell everyone who voted for this plan the four magic words that will at least give me a bit of schadenfreud for fucking ourselves over.
Slight spoilers for the next couple of updates. Please discuss in spoilers out of consideration for those that don't want to be spoiled.
By the way, there will be a sector civil war due to the fallout of your actions on Vanaheim as many of you rightly predicted. However, none has come close to predicting the nature of said civil war yet.
Hoh? Well now, that's interesting. No one has come close to predicting the Nature of the civil war? A rather interesting choice of word.

A shadow war perhaps? Assassins, intruige, plots and schemes.

Maybe a religious war? Did we catch Reximus consorting with Chaos? That would be rather convenient. And not as it would mean the Sector is infested with cults.

Maybe even Genestealers? The genestealers came to the galaxy long, long before the Hives Fleets proper showed up. That would be a nightmare but would be good to catch early.

I don't really see the Order of the Sacred Storm kicking up much of a fuss given their insular nature and I doubt there was much love lost between them and Reximus given his nature. I find it even less likely that some of the Chapter would go turncoat over us attacking a long time rival and enemy. The Mechanicus definitely won't give much of a shit.

Most of the predictions involved the Odin Sub-Sector revolting and maybe some of the other Sub-Sector Governors/Worlds. So none/little of that. At least in the conventional, politically motivated, sense.

*chuckle* I think this is going to be Fun. Moreover I think this is going to expose a threat we didn't even know existed within the Sector.
don't really understand some of the complaining about the future civil war, the next few turns are going to be far more entertaining then just slapping some Orks around would have been, besides methinks that judging from Ops note someone, or something, else has a stake in the sector and we've just meddled in its plans

This is going to be amazing.
Turn 3 Results/010-014.M41 - Part I
[X] Plan Let's end it
-[X] Free Actions
--[X] Have Master of the Recruits and Reconnaissance Clin Boltson contact the Ecclesiarchy on Vanaheim and ask for their support in our deposition of the governor, as well as providing a calming voice while a new sector government is formed. He is authorised to accept or decline to exchange them a favour for their support in case he needs it. (basically like the forge world odin last turn, we get to vote if we give them a favour or not, dependent on how much of a favour they ask)
--[X] Have Chief Librarian Steffen Strangeson Look into Psyker Recruitment and Training solutions
--[X] Have Chapter Master Torvald Thunderson choose some of the best administrators in the ranks of the Storm Avengers to join him and set up a temporary government for Sector Asgardia and especially sub-sector Odin and hive world Vanaheim. While making calls and sending messages to all planets in the sub-sectors to follow the Storm Avengers lead in these dark times.
-[X] Deployment
--[X] Defence of Ragna (3rd Company, 8th company using Battle Barge Void Thunderer)
--[X] Home Guard (5th company using 8th company strike cruiser to defend our homeworld and sector with battlefleet Asgardia following us)
--[X] Battlefleet Asgardia (use the major favour to call upon the battlefleet against the Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus and his forces)
--[X] Reximus Rising (Torvald and his Honour Guard, Battle Barge Might of Storms, Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance, Battle Barge Ardent Storm, 4th company, 7th Company, 9th Company, 10th Company) objective is to arrest the lord sector Sigurdr Reximus under charges of treason, cowardice and incompetence in the handling of his duties as sector lord, take over control of the lord sector's position in preparation to either hand it over to another highborn or place one of our own and take control both sub sector Odin or at least the hive planet Vanaheim, battlefleet Odin and all former imperial forces present. Diplomacy is to be tried with all former imperial forces doing our damnedest to try and convince who we can among the Vanaheim Valkyries, the PDF, and Battlefleet Odin to stay out of the fight, specially Battlefleet Odin, and to bring into the fold under the control of the Avenging Storm . However if unsuccessful then decapitation strikes are advised to try and minimise casualties and the lord sector must be arrested and then executed.
-[X] Production
--[X] 1 Production for 5 Heavy Weapons
--[X] 24 Production for 12 rhino
--[X] 1 Strike Cruiser (Major Favour)
-[X] Chapter Organisation
--[X] Assign "Monsterslayer" to Chapter Champion Sig Stormson
--[X] Distribute as much of the newly constructed Rhinos to the forces sent against the lord sector

+Midgardia System+

While he has only held the title for a few decades, Chief Librarian Steffen Strangeson has spent more than three centuries as a Storm Avenger. He knows the warp and the terrors held within. He is an Angel of Death and he has fought on countless battlefields. And yet the task before it may very well be beyond him despite the fact he spent a decade campaigning to be given this task by the Chapter Master.

On average, one psyker of notable strength is born amongst every million souls. These individuals are still weak by psyker standards and their notability is only such because their psychic strength is enough that it can be consciously controlled. Under the Assignment, those of Iota // Theta // Eta fall under this description, strong enough to be powerful on a personal scale, but only able to affect a battlefield as a group.

Next is those ranked Zeta or Epsilon under the Assignment with one appearing in every hundred thousand births. They are strong enough to affect a battlefield on their lonesome though they are rarely able to master more than a single psychic discipline. In fact, their power is such that unless discovered or contained quickly, they most likely die, either to their own power or fearful mortals, or worse, they are possessed by daemons.

The majority of the Librarium are at this level of psychic strength as any too weak to reach this degree of strength are also too weak to pass the trials to become a Storm Avenger. Even the weakest brothers in the Librarium can count themselves as Zeta-Level

Then appearing once for every billion births are those of Delta and Gamma ranks on the Assignment, powerful enough to dominate a battlefield and master multiple psychic disciplines, Steffen himself is Gamma-Level, the most powerful member of the Librarium in addition to being the oldest and most experienced. Unlike most at this level, Steffen was able to maintain his mental stability and the strength needed to maintain his sanity is what allowed him to both become a Storm Avenger and survive to his current age.

Over two hundred trillion Imperial citizens live in the Asgardia Sector, perhaps even as many as three hundred trillion. With tens of thousands being born every day for each billion, it is almost certain that over ten thousand psykers are born in the Asgardia Sector on a yearly basis. Steffen wonders just how the Imperium survives the existence of so many psykers when it only sends a Black Ship to a sector once every century.

Many psykers are almost certainly killed by angry mobs or fearful individuals or the zealous faithful find out about their abilities. But many more must just live out their lives despite their abilities and Steffen wonders if those who are born close to the arrival of a Black Ship feel cheated. A birth a decade or two later would have granted them a chance at a normal life.

No, a life in service to the Emperor is the highest of honours and the chance of a normal life is nothing compared to the chance of becoming an astropath.

Speaking of which, it has quickly become apparent to Steffen that there is no way to replace them. While it is theoretically possible to teach the technique to regular psykers, the risks are simply too great as one needs a connection to the Emperor himself to safely communicate across the Immaterium.

For the Adeptus Astartes, they are the sons of the Emperor's sons and the Chief Librarian strongly suspect that is why he and his brothers can communicate across light years using their telepathy. For the astropaths, they are brought before the Emperor Himself and have their soul bound to Him's own. Their souls are reshaped and a fragment of His might is left behind, giving them enough protection to relatively safely cast their minds across the Immaterium.

The Storm Avengers have no chance of replicating that and Steffen isn't foolish enough to try.

It is a similar situation with the navigators. Those vital mutants cannot be artificially created and all respectful members left the Asgardia Sector with the Imperium. A handful of disgraced navigators remain, but their numbers are dwindling and frankly, Steffen doesn't trust them for they are scorned for a reason. Space Marine Librarians like himself can ape the method to some degree, but it isn't comparable to the ability of a true navigator.

Both astropaths and navigators are an increasingly rare and irreplaceable resource with the sector that will have dwindled into non-existence within a few decades. And so the Asgardia Sector must adapt to a life without navigators or astropaths.

To a degree, it has already done this due to how few there were even in the days of the Imperium. While the Imperial authorities had access to navigators and astropaths, civilians such as merchants or most nobility had to rely upon calculated warp jumps and couriers. Even the Adeptus Administratum primarily relied upon couriers over astropaths due to how few and unreliable the latter are.

Then are those on the Assignment with negative. Some like Sigma or Tau ranked individuals merely have an inherent resistance to psychic manifestations while anybody lower on the Assignment has varying degrees of outright immunity until you reach the final ranking, Omega. Omega-ranked individuals are more commonly known as Blanks, Untouchables or Pariahs have a warp presence so inert that they permeate an auras where it is impossible for psychic powers or warpspawn to manifest. A side effect of that aura is an interference with natural electrical-mental functions of others, inciting discomfort, loathing and irrational fear that results in Omega-level individuals to widely be considered soulless.

Those that aren't killed by their distrustful neighbours either live short lonely lives or are taken into service by eager Inquisitors. For all of the unpleasantness that the presence of Blank brings, the usefulness that they provide in fighting the Ruinous Power and other users of the warp is just too valuable to pass up.

All in all, Steffen can see three possible ways forward, none of which are mutually exclusive with each other.

The first is to gather up the young male pyskers and put them through the chapter's aspirant trials. While most will not pass and it isn't guaranteed for those that do to take to Primarch's geneseed, enough will that it will boost the numbers of the Librarium. Given that the Librarians will be the Chapter's only method of piloted warp jumps or non-courier, increasing the number of brothers in the Librarian will only be to the chapter's benefit.

The second is to make a localised version of Adeptus Astra Telepathica, where the Asgardia Sector is regularly searched for psykers, which are then either put to use in the Emperor's service. While astropaths are impossible, training with enough strength of mind to sanctioned psykers would have its uses as they make for capable combat assets. As for those without the strength of mind to control their powers, there is always a need for more servitors.

The third is similar to the second except for the blanks rather than pyskers. While significantly less numerous, blanks are arguably more useful thanks to their anti-warp aura. Steffen must confess he has no idea beyond the abstract for what the blanks can be used for, but with their ability, the chapter can certainly get some value out of them.

Which pysker reform does Chief Librarian Steffen Strangeson implement?
[ ] The first. While only a few will enter the ranks of the Librarian, the extra pysker-capable aspirants will be useful to the chapter.
[ ] The second. Something needs to be done to keep the sector's pysker numbers in check.
[ ] The third. Blanks have a valuable ability that can certainly be used for the good of the sector.
[ ] None. Steffen doesn't implement any of his proposed measures.


+Malmur System+

It was a waste is the most common thought on the mind of Captain Stefan Freeson of the 2nd. He took no joy in killing the Traitor Guard on Malmur because the whole situation should have been unnecessary. Sverd should have never invaded another loyal Imperial world. The guardsmen on Malmur should have surrendered when Grand Jarl Blackwood had been slain.

And yet the invasion did happen and rather than surrender, the invaders had pledged themselves to Slaanesh. Perhaps worst of all, it was just pointless. The Prince of Pleasure couldn't save the Svendish soldiers and the invaders stood no chance against the Storm Avengers. The last remnants of the PDF were dying and more devastation was being inflicted upon the world and its people.

The only saving grace is that they got here soon enough that there should be no lasting corruption. This rot would be excised from the planet swiftly and within a generation or two, there would be no sign that it ever happened.

"For the Emperor!" cries Stefan as the Captain of 2nd Company charges the line of renegade soldiers, storm shield in one hand and a power sword in the other.

Las bolts come his way, but those that don't miss only ineffectually strike either his armour or shield, burning some of the paint at best. Meanwhile his command squad lays into the platoon of Traitor Guard, bolts tearing through their flak armour with ease.

The soldiers do their best, screaming praises to their foul god, but it is an Angel of Death against mere mortals. Stefan swiftly carves his way through the survivors and the handful that attempt to flee are put down by his command squad.

"Report," calls Stefan into the vox.

"Two-One, encircling the rear. No engagement yet, but we will be ready to intercept any runners."

"Two-Two, multiple platoons eliminated. No unexpected resistances.

"Two-Three, ran into a mechanised battalion. Called Two-Nine to assist in their destruction."

"Two-Seven, eliminating the command posts. Pulling back to avoid being encircled and overwhelmed."

"Two-Six, pushing through the hab blocks. Some traitors have attempted to take hostages from the surviving populace, but our reflexes and aim are superior to theirs."

And like that, the reports flow in as 2nd Company informs their captain of how the assault is faring. The capital is falling with ease as while the Traitor Guard might be numerous, they are purely line infantry that had already taken losses against the PDF. The guardsmen aren't rolling over for the Storm Avengers, but their defence is simply insufficient.

Now with multiple positions overrun and their senior leadership eliminated by the assault squads, the pair of regiments holding the capital will fall by the end of the day. High Chaplain Jannis and 1st Company are pushing the rural mining villages, making use of their vanguard squads to purge the enemy on the surface while the terminator squads rout out the heretics who attempt to hide underground in the mines.

Despite near annihilation of its PDF and heavy losses amongst the civilian populace, Malmur is going to be liberated and returned to the light of the Emperor. It will be decades before the planet has fully recovered, but Stefan has faith that they will. The people of Malmur have proven themselves to be the strong sort. The PDF fought to the last and the locals have rejected the heretical beliefs that their invaders chose to embrace.

Malmur will be saved thanks to the Storm Avengers and Malmur will recover thanks to the hardiness of its people.

Final Result:
Mining World Malmur: World Secured
Space Marines Deaths: 0
Mining World Losses: 45% (High)
PDF Casualties: 97% (Near-Total)
Final Verdict: Mission Success


+Ragna System+

"For the Emperor!" cries Captain Halla Stormson of the 8th as he swings his thunder hammer into the face of the Ork Nob, obliterating the head of the greenskin, "We are the Avenging Storm!"

The battle is not going well. The presence of the Void Thunderer was to ensure that the Ork fleet could be defeated, but it seems that failed to account for the cunning of the greenskin admiral. The alien fed its escorts into the guns of the Storm Avenger fleet so that the capital ships could get close.

It was fortunate that the Orks seemed to desire the capture of the space marine vessels over their destruction as Halla has no doubts that the Orks could have wiped them out if that was their wish. And all the while, the roks containing the bulk of the Ork invaders were making landfall on Ragna with Warboss Hedkrumpa amongst their number.

They would be Rod's problem to deal with and Halla will have to trust the 3rd to handle the groundside battle. He and his 8th are having the fight of their lives up here in the void battle. Multiple Gladius-class Frigates have already been destroyed whilst both capital ships are crippled and swarming with Ork boarding parties. The only saving grace is that the greenskip kill kroozers are in equally bad shape while the terror ships seem to have expended what strike craft they held within their hangars.

"We are the Avenging Storm!" echoes his command squad as they lay into the boyz being led by the nob that just died to Halla's hammer.

Bolters spit out bolts while flames from flamers wash over the Orks, slaying many of them. And yet it is not enough as dozens may die here, but there are still tens of thousands of greenskins to kill. If it wasn't for the valour of the huskarls, the xenos would have already overrun most of the Void Thunderer regardless of 8th Company's presence.

"Die xenos!" roars Halla as he throws himself into surviving greenskin.

He smashes one into the wall with his storm shield as he pounds down on another with his thunder hammer, knocking several more off their feet. The reminder of the boarders break, but Halla and his command squad don't let up. He and Sigbrand take out the few getting back to their feet whilst the rest are moved down with boltgun and bolt pistol as they flee.

"Humies!" cries a greenskin as another band of Orks comes rushing into the corridor, "Get 'em! Waaagh!"

"Purge the alien!" orders Halla, raising his thunder hammer in their direction, "Show them no mercy!"

And with that he charges, drawing the bulk of the enemy fire as the Orks fire their sluggas and shootas. Leaving the ordinary Orks to his command squad, Halla focuses on the largest greenskins, a trio of Nobs armed with two-handed chain-axes of Orkish origin.

"Die beakie!" growls one of the Nobs as he raises his oversized axe to strike Halla down.

"Taste my wrath, Ork!" retorts Halla as the Captain of the 8th blocks the axe with his storm shield, sparks emitting from both.

He stabs his thunder hammer into the belly of the Ork, annihilating its guts and leaving it in two pieces. He steps forward and then swings into the second of the Nobs, slaying it and knocking back several more Orks. A regular Ork attempts to strike the captain with his choppa, but Sigbrand faithfully dispatches the alien.The last Ork strikes Halla, its chain-axe chipping his pauldron and Halla responds by liquidating the greenskin's head.

"We are the Avenging Storm!" cries Halla as he charges into the wavering horde of Orks, bowling over several of the greenskins and leaving them for Sigbrand to finish off with swift stabs and slashes of his power sword.

Like the previous group, this band of greenskins also breaks as morale gives out as their leaders die and their losses mount. Flames burn down those on either side of Halla whilst bolters gun down in front of him.

"This is a pittance compared to total number of Orks we need to slay this day," notes Sigbrand as they cleave their way.

His champion speaks the truth, but there is little they can do. The Ork fleet has the Astarte fleet on its last legs and only their desire to steal the Void Thunderer and Wrath of Midgardia is giving the defenders a fighting chance. And yet if the tide turns enough, there is a good chance that the Ork admiral will just decide to cut his losses and finish them off.

Something must be done if the Storm Avengers are to avoid their most grievous defeat in centuries.

"We still have thunderhawks in the hangar," says Halla as a plan begins to come together.

"We do, but the xenos have already destroyed their anti-ship ammunition," points out Sigbrand, "They are effectively without weapons against the enemy fleet."

"No, they are not," declares Halla with a grin on his face, "For are we not weapons, forged by the Emperor's own hand to protect His faithful?"

"Ah, counter-boarding action," says Sigbrand, "That could work. Do you believe we can pull it off?"

"The Ork turrets are pitiful and unable to stop a thunderhawk, especially with their strike craft destroyed," replies Halla, "We wouldn't have to take the enemy vessels, just destroy critical areas to eliminate the entire xenos warship."

"It is a better plan than our current one," calls one of Halla's command squad, "We are also detecting more greenskins enroute to our position."

"Of course, they are," says Halla, but the spirits of him and his command squad are up as they now have a plan to take the fight to the enemy.


Halla marches into the bridge of the Ork terror ship, stepping over the corpse of an Ork mekboy to do so. The greenskins have put up a valiant effort, but Halla will not be denied his vengeance for all of his brothers who have fallen this day.

Kaptin Zogdakul is a formidable figure as while not quite as tall as a proper warboss, the leader of the Ork fleet stands tall enough. Armed with a twin-linked shoota in hand and one of those oversized chain-axes on his back whilst wearing 'eavy armour, Zogdakul is far from the most impressive Ork leader that Halla has seen in his century of service, but he isn't the least impressive one either.

"So ya are da 'umie 'oo 'as been blow'n up all uv ma ships," says Zogdakul, "I was supposed ta be tak'n yer ships an' ya go an' blow all uv mine. 'dat ain't right, beakie."

"I care not for you think, alien," sneers Halla as he marches forward, battered storm shield raised before him while his thunder hammer is ready to slay more foul greenskins, "For I am one of the Emperor's Angels of Death and you will taste my wrath on this day."

"Wot duz wrath taste like?" asks Zogdakul as Halla slaughters his way through the last of the surviving bridge crew.

"You are about to find out, you foul xenos," retorts Halla, "For it is now just you and me."

"Jus ya an' me an' all ma meganobs!" replies Zogdakul, the Ork shouting at the end as he presses a big red button and a dozen meganobs teleport into the bridge.

"It matters not, greenskin, for my wrath is enough to kill you all!" declares Halla, "We are the Avenging Storm!"

The Orks open fire, but Halla just kills the closest of them, smashing him across the room with his thunder hammer. Against such a mighty weapon wielded by a space marine, not even the toughness and armour of a meganob can survive. Halla slays two more of the Orks before a fourth meganob attempts to skew the captain with his power klaw.

He smacks him in the face with his storm shield before striking a fifth meganob in the gut with his thunder hammer. Halla decapitates the fourth before a sixth meganob attempts to jump the captain from behind. He rolls out of the way, breaking the Ork's legs with a swipe of his thunder hammer as he comes back up.

"Dakka-die beakie!" roars one of the meganobs as they open fire on the space marine with their shootas.

Halla doesn't get his storm shield up quite in time and the first few bullets bounce off of his battered power armour.

"For the Emperor!" cries Halla as he charges the Orks.

He lays one low before another meganob grips his storm shield within the grip of its power klaw. The storm shield sparks and crackles with electricity before the generator grips out and the Ork literally rips it apart. The greenskin doesn't get to savour its small victory before Halla slays it, but it is a victory for the xenos nevertheless.

Bullets bounce off of his armour and more than one begins to pierce his armour. Oh well, the Emperor stands with Halla and it is nothing that he cannot handle. Pushing the mild pain to one side, the Captain of the 8th grips his thunder hammer with both hands and slaughters his way through the surviving meganobs.

Halla brings his thunder hammer down on the last of them only for Zogdakul to swing his chain-axe into Halla's shoulder, piercing the power armour of the space marine. Halla lets out a cry of pain as the Ork activates his chain-axe, tearing up Halla's flesh. Zogdakul justs lets out a bark of laughter before kicking Halla halfway across the bridge as he yanks his oversized axe out.

"You do not fight fair, xenos," spits out Halla as he gets back to his feet

"Fight fair, 'umie?" laughs the Kaptin, "Iz a blood axe. Wot did ya 'pect?"

"You are right, Ork filth," retorts Halla, "Now face my wrath!"

Zogdakul attempts to shoot up the captain, but Halla just smacks the weapon aside with his thunder hammer. The Ork Kaptain tries to strike him with his big choppa, but Halla blocks, forcing it into the floor with his thunder hammer. The Captain of the 8th deftly draws his little-used plasma pistol, aims it at Zogdakul's surprised face and pulls the trigger.

"This is Captain Halla Stormson," calls Halla into the vox as he watches the smoking greenskin corpse drop to the ground, "I have eliminated the Ork admiral and secured the bridge. I will be placing melta-charges and withdraw to the thunderhawk."


The Battle of Ragna was a mixed affair for the Storm Avengers Chapter. 3rd Company fought well on the ground, successfully helping the local PDF repel the Ork invaders with Captain Rod Forgeson personally slaying Warboos Hedkrumpa. Less than a fifth of the PDF died during the fighting and only one Storm Avenger from 3rd Company went to meet the God-Emperor.

It was a solid victory for the Emperor's faithful, an undeniable victory for the Storm Avengers over the foul greenskin menace. Yet the same could not be said for the war up in the void. While the Ork fleet was ultimately destroyed, the Storm Avenger fleet took crippling losses in the process and it was only due to the valiant efforts of 8th Company that the Ork warships were destroyed instead of the chapter losing a battle barge and a strike cruiser.

As things are, both Storm Avenger capital ships were crippled to the point of requiring a major refit while ten of the twelve Gladius-class Frigates were lost in battle. A full ten battle-brothers from the 8th died, the body of one being so thoroughly destroyed that no gene-seed could be claimed from it.

Despite the heavy losses, the survivors of 8th Company emerged from their ordeal stronger for it. Several members of the company were good enough to be considered fit for 1st Company while the thunder hammer of Captain Halla could now be considered a chapter relic. It was now known as the Wrath of Halla for the weapon held within it the wrath that drove the Captain of the 8th in his determined counter-attack against the Ork fleet.

Gain 7 Veterans from 8th Company
Gain Relic
Wrath of Halla.
3rd Company gains Speciality Orkslayers
8th Company gains Speciality Void Warriors.
Battle Barge Void Thunderer is wrecked. Requires Major Favour from a Forge World to repair.
Strike Cruiser
Wrath of Midgardia is wrecked. Requires Major Favour from a Forge World to repair.
Gladius-class Frigates have been destroyed.

Final Result:
Agri World Ragna: World Secured
Space Marines Deaths: 11 (10 Gene-Seed Recovered)
Agri World Losses: 16% (Low)
PDF Casualties: 17% (Low)
Final Verdict: Mission Success


+Midgardia System+

Things had initially gone well for 5th Company as the newly formed company was once again left to defend the homeworld while the majority of the chapter was away. It was their duty to see off any threats in addition to overseeing the aspirant trials.

The last few years saw a continuation of getting an above average number of aspirants as forty-six young Midgardian boys successfully passed the trials. Unfortunately, this bout of good fortune was matched by the disappointing number of aspirants from the previous intake that successfully became neophytes.

Of the prior forty-two aspirants, a full score failed to accept the gene-seed of the chapter, destined to become karls rather than Angels of Death. At least there was some measure of silver lining in the fact that of the twenty-two successful neophytes, three of them had sufficient psychic potential that the Chief Librarian snatched them up for the Librarium.

Of the existing neophytes, sixteen of them successfully became scout marines while one became an Acolytum in the Librarium. The bodies of the last three failed to finish accepting the procedures to become space marines and so despite their initial success, the trio were reassigned to the ranks of the karls.

Gain 16 Scouts.
Gain 1 Acolytum.
Gain 46 Aspirants from Midgardia.
Gain 19 Neophytes.
Gain 3 Psyker Neophytes.

Final Result:
Civilised World Midgardia: World Secured
Space Marines Deaths: 0
Agri World Losses: 0% (None)
PDF Casualties: 0% (None)
Final Verdict: Mission Success


Okay, here is the non-Vanaheim stuff. Malmur and the pysker reforms went well, but Ragna was a mess. Well, the ground battle at Ragna was fairly standard, but the space battle was a mess. Except for the boarding actions, you didn't get a dice roll higher than 16 and I did multiple rolls for both the strike cruiser and the battle barge because those don't get wrecked on a single roll.

Nevertheless, 8th Company pulled through for you so you didn't lose your capital ships. Both the Void Thunderer and the Wrath of Midgardia will need major repairs, but you got several veterans and a relic out of the affair so silver linings and all that.

As for the vote, you can do all three reforms, but each one is worth a free action in its own right. So you get one for free now, but the other two will require future free actions to be implemented.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to
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[ ] The first. While only a few will enter the ranks of the Librarian, the extra pysker-capable aspirants will be useful to the chapter.

I want to do this as its really the safest option and it could give our chapter the edge in some engaments
Well, I am glad I sent the 8th instead of the 10th scout company, that battle was tough, in terms of space marines' losses it's tolerable since we have a steady stream of recruits and a lot of Geneseed but those ship losses are painful, 1 major favor gives us 5 escorts so we have to use 3 major favors and 3 minor ones to recover our losses. will the strike cruiser and Battle barge be repaired in 1 turn?

Also happy to see that the reforms to the chapters Serfs the Karls has already had an effect.

as for the vote I Like both
[ ] The first. While only a few will enter the ranks of the Librarian, the extra pysker-capable aspirants will be useful to the chapter.
[ ] The second. Something needs to be done to keep the sector's pysker numbers in check.

The second cause the earlier we deal with it the more effect it can have, while the first cause we can always use more librarians. not sure which one to choose. Also really happy that we can take the others as free actions in later turns and since they are reforms we don't need to assign a ship for transport like for example a diplomatic mission.
Interesting post I have to admit the first two options appeal to me since increasing the amount of Liberians makes it easier to counter enemy psykers and coordinate our own forces, while setting up a localised version of Adeptus Astra Telepathica is a great way to help the sector and prevent chaos incursions by rogue or wild psykers.
Ok, so quick question: How blank can you be before you can't take geneseed? Because even weakly resistant space Marines would be useful, but I'm not sure it's compatible. Assuming the inquisition isn't nabbing them, there's a lot of places for blanks to see usage even without geneseed. Training them up similar to the sisters of silence for example.
Ok, so quick question: How blank can you be before you can't take geneseed? Because even weakly resistant space Marines would be useful, but I'm not sure it's compatible. Assuming the inquisition isn't nabbing them, there's a lot of places for blanks to see usage even without geneseed. Training them up similar to the sisters of silence for example.
Blanks are incompatible with gene-seed. Only possible exception is the Grey Knights and as I've only heard that third or second hand, I'm not sure that is canon.
Blanks are incompatible with gene-seed. Only possible exception is the Grey Knights and as I've only heard that third or second hand, I'm not sure that is canon.

Yep the Ferrymen they are Grey Knight Blanks who are responsible for looking after the dead fields on Titan, they are and old order of the grey knights that never leave the world in question given their responsibility's for purifying the dead.
[X] The first. While only a few will enter the ranks of the Librarian, the extra pysker-capable aspirants will be useful to the chapter.
[X] The first. While only a few will enter the ranks of the Librarian, the extra pysker-capable aspirants will be useful to the chapter.
[X] The second. Something needs to be done to keep the sector's pysker numbers in check.

Would the aspirants who don't make it to implantation be attached to our newly raised combat serf regiments?
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[X] The first. While only a few will enter the ranks of the Librarian, the extra pysker-capable aspirants will be useful to the chapter.
[X] The third. Blanks have a valuable ability that can certainly be used for the good of the sector.

I agree the first option is a must.

But the third one will have very huge positive effect in long term if we do it.

It will give us basicly Siters of Silence but more numerous and with worse gear, and both geneders.

When Chaos, Eldar or Tyranids will come knocking they willl be priceless advantage in any War and battle against enemy Psykers and Daemons.

And in peace time they can work as living detectors of Chaos or Eldar influnece, placing a few on each planet to periodicaly check the Ruling Class would be Massive Boon for long term stability and early detection of heresy.

Not to mention their usefulness in corraling and subduing wild psykers.