Turn 26 Rumor Mill
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Maritime Minotaurs: With the establishment of a trade agreement between Gryphus and the Minotaur Republics, Minotaur Galleys and Griffon Caravels begin plying the waves between the two nations, bringing cargoes of exotic goods to the shores and markets of the Empire, particularly the port city of Aukland. Minotaur olive oil joins Neighponese tea and Canterburian wine in the pantries and cellars of the Imperial Nobility as the availability of Marble spawns new architectural trends, and a whole new culture becomes acquainted with the paper currency that the Empire has become famous for.
An example of a Minotaur Trade Vessel.
Soon, merchants of Neighpon begin reaching out to their bipedal counterparts from across the sea to arrange a trade route of their own, and by the end of the year the sea lanes between the three nations, dubbed the "golden triangle" by seafarers of all stripes, are occupied by dozens of ships carrying untold riches from port to port, netting hefty profits for all involved.
Qilin Emerald Outreach: Meanwhile in the Emerald Isles, the local Diamond Dog population has been experiencing an uptick in economic growth and a rise in standards of living as a result of their own trade agreement with the Neighponese, as well as the forging of growing economic ties between the two nations, the Dragon Emperor Koryū taking a page out of Emperor Golden-Feather's book and subsidizing merchants seeking to establish their own business interests in the neighboring territory. Some foreign observers have gone so far as to say that the whole plan of Neighponese investment is nearly identical to Gryphus' own investment in Libertalia, just scaled up to deal with a larger population.
A Diamond Dog Stonemason installs an Archway into a newly constructed Subterranean Estate.
Naturally, concerns have arisen regarding how the Caribou will react to the sudden enrichment of their neighbors, but few miss the fact that much of the economic development has taken place along the west coast of the Emerald Isles, where the Neighponese navy has begun to conduct an increasing number of exercises and patrols, ostensibly to ensure the protection of their own trade vessels. Whether their presence will be enough to deter the greed of raiders and pirates, only time will tell.
Pegicles' March to the Sea: After many months of minor skirmishes and border clashes between House White Star and House Storm, the stalemate shatters in spectacular fashion, as the bulk of the Storm Army, led by Pegicles himself, stages a series of lighting assaults, pushing deeper and deeper into House White Star territory, their offensive untethered from lines of supply as they aggressively forage for supplies, "requisitioning" food and other essentials from the locals at the point of a spear, occasionally burning the farms afterwards to deny House White Star the ability to do the same.
Initially, leaders and analysts amongst House White Star and your own intelligence services are confused by Pegicles' actions. He doesn't seem interested in taking or holding territory, in fact his army actively skirts around cities and other strategic locations, seeking to avoid being bogged down or losing his momentum by beginning a siege. In fact, for an invading force, the Storm army seems remarkably unconcerned with actually seeking out or fighting their enemies, in some cases outright avoiding coming into contact with the comparatively weaker and less organized forces of House White Star. They seem to seek to stay mobile purely for the sake of staying mobile, never halting in their seemingly pointless drive East.
It's not until Pegicles' army reaches the coast and a vortex starts to form that anyone realizes the significance of his actions.
House White Star is slow to respond; Duke Haygle committed much of his forces into a counterattack against the largely undefended holdings of House Storm, and the forces that he does have on hand aren't even technically his, but the bodyguards and retinues of nobles within his faction. By the time the would-be conquerors have turned themselves around to defend their own territory and the Duke has sorted out the chain of command problems within his own ranks, it's too late for them to do anything.
A hurricane slams against the walls of House White Star.
Much of Ravenburg's intelligence network goes silent for a time. This is understandable, as it's hard to pass along messages when most of the city you live in has been blown away or swept into the ocean. When the first messages start to come back in, the picture painted is...not pretty. Virtually the entire East Coast of Maretonia has been ravaged. White Star, Abolitionist, soldier and slave, Noble and burgher, the winds and tides did not discriminate. Thousands lie dead, either crushed by flying debris or lost amidst the floodwaters. Many are mercenaries or leaders of House White Star. But most are civilians, non-combatants caught up in a war not of their own making. Whether Pegicles deliberately targeted them or not is as unclear as it is irrelevant.
The economy of House White Star is, obviously, ruined. Crops have been lost, infrastructure destroyed, and half of the port city of Abila has been essentially swept away into the ocean, along with almost every ship at anchor in its harbor, effectively severing the Minotaur trade route and depriving House White Star of its greatest source of income. Numerous members of Duke Haygle's faction have perished, either due to the storm or the opportunistic strikes of Pegicles' soldiers as they tried to flee the rising floodwaters. Despite rumors claiming otherwise (no doubt spread by Pegicles himself), Duke Haygle himself manages to survive, as does Countess Cooper Top and a handful of other higher nobles. The latter survive largely through luck and the occasional bit of help from your own spies, while the former is sheltered by the mages of the Maretonian Colleges of Magic. And speaking of the Colleges...
Your agents can't give you a lot of info on exactly what happened, as no one is clear on the specifics, but when Pegicles' storm approached one of the College's largest arcane facilities shortly after devastating the port of Abila, a spear of magical energy suddenly formed and pierced through the wall and into the eye of the storm before exploding in a great flash of light.
The few eyewitness accounts describe Pegicles' hurricane abruptly fading away, the thousands of Pegasi within it falling through the clouds that had before bore their weight as the storm cell became little more than inert water vapor.
While the storm had been dealt with, Pegicles still possessed a major advantage over his disorganized foes, and rallied his forces to launch a proper attack against the devastated holdings of House White Star. The offensive saw House Storm make great gains against their enemies, with large swathes of territory falling under their control as the forces of House White Star were shoved back on all fronts. Duke Haygle and some of his more martially inclined colleagues do what they can to stem the tide, but their magic can only do so much in the face of such a furious assault across their entire frontline.
While the Storm offensive does eventually come to a halt, they do so only to consolidate their new holdings and reorganize their supply lines, a task complicated by continued raids from the Abolitionists. Ambrosia and her comrades have not been idle, their usual raids on noble supplylines supplementing attacks in the open against the reeling and overstretched forces of House White Star, expanding their own territory at the expense of their hated rival. Their gains pale in comparison to those made by Pegicles, but they are gains nonetheless.
As a new year dawns, Pegicles readies another round of assaults against House White Star, the divided holdings of Duke Haygle's followers now under siege as the Abolitionists stab at the logistical arteries of both sides, the Royal Guard still refusing to get involved. Many believe that it will take a miracle to prevent the army of House Storm from simply rolling over their opposition and uniting the lands of Maretonia under Pegicles rule.
A miracle...or Imperial intervention.

An example of a Minotaur Trade Vessel.
Soon, merchants of Neighpon begin reaching out to their bipedal counterparts from across the sea to arrange a trade route of their own, and by the end of the year the sea lanes between the three nations, dubbed the "golden triangle" by seafarers of all stripes, are occupied by dozens of ships carrying untold riches from port to port, netting hefty profits for all involved.
Qilin Emerald Outreach: Meanwhile in the Emerald Isles, the local Diamond Dog population has been experiencing an uptick in economic growth and a rise in standards of living as a result of their own trade agreement with the Neighponese, as well as the forging of growing economic ties between the two nations, the Dragon Emperor Koryū taking a page out of Emperor Golden-Feather's book and subsidizing merchants seeking to establish their own business interests in the neighboring territory. Some foreign observers have gone so far as to say that the whole plan of Neighponese investment is nearly identical to Gryphus' own investment in Libertalia, just scaled up to deal with a larger population.

A Diamond Dog Stonemason installs an Archway into a newly constructed Subterranean Estate.
Naturally, concerns have arisen regarding how the Caribou will react to the sudden enrichment of their neighbors, but few miss the fact that much of the economic development has taken place along the west coast of the Emerald Isles, where the Neighponese navy has begun to conduct an increasing number of exercises and patrols, ostensibly to ensure the protection of their own trade vessels. Whether their presence will be enough to deter the greed of raiders and pirates, only time will tell.
Pegicles' March to the Sea: After many months of minor skirmishes and border clashes between House White Star and House Storm, the stalemate shatters in spectacular fashion, as the bulk of the Storm Army, led by Pegicles himself, stages a series of lighting assaults, pushing deeper and deeper into House White Star territory, their offensive untethered from lines of supply as they aggressively forage for supplies, "requisitioning" food and other essentials from the locals at the point of a spear, occasionally burning the farms afterwards to deny House White Star the ability to do the same.
Initially, leaders and analysts amongst House White Star and your own intelligence services are confused by Pegicles' actions. He doesn't seem interested in taking or holding territory, in fact his army actively skirts around cities and other strategic locations, seeking to avoid being bogged down or losing his momentum by beginning a siege. In fact, for an invading force, the Storm army seems remarkably unconcerned with actually seeking out or fighting their enemies, in some cases outright avoiding coming into contact with the comparatively weaker and less organized forces of House White Star. They seem to seek to stay mobile purely for the sake of staying mobile, never halting in their seemingly pointless drive East.
It's not until Pegicles' army reaches the coast and a vortex starts to form that anyone realizes the significance of his actions.
House White Star is slow to respond; Duke Haygle committed much of his forces into a counterattack against the largely undefended holdings of House Storm, and the forces that he does have on hand aren't even technically his, but the bodyguards and retinues of nobles within his faction. By the time the would-be conquerors have turned themselves around to defend their own territory and the Duke has sorted out the chain of command problems within his own ranks, it's too late for them to do anything.
A hurricane slams against the walls of House White Star.

Much of Ravenburg's intelligence network goes silent for a time. This is understandable, as it's hard to pass along messages when most of the city you live in has been blown away or swept into the ocean. When the first messages start to come back in, the picture painted is...not pretty. Virtually the entire East Coast of Maretonia has been ravaged. White Star, Abolitionist, soldier and slave, Noble and burgher, the winds and tides did not discriminate. Thousands lie dead, either crushed by flying debris or lost amidst the floodwaters. Many are mercenaries or leaders of House White Star. But most are civilians, non-combatants caught up in a war not of their own making. Whether Pegicles deliberately targeted them or not is as unclear as it is irrelevant.
The economy of House White Star is, obviously, ruined. Crops have been lost, infrastructure destroyed, and half of the port city of Abila has been essentially swept away into the ocean, along with almost every ship at anchor in its harbor, effectively severing the Minotaur trade route and depriving House White Star of its greatest source of income. Numerous members of Duke Haygle's faction have perished, either due to the storm or the opportunistic strikes of Pegicles' soldiers as they tried to flee the rising floodwaters. Despite rumors claiming otherwise (no doubt spread by Pegicles himself), Duke Haygle himself manages to survive, as does Countess Cooper Top and a handful of other higher nobles. The latter survive largely through luck and the occasional bit of help from your own spies, while the former is sheltered by the mages of the Maretonian Colleges of Magic. And speaking of the Colleges...
Your agents can't give you a lot of info on exactly what happened, as no one is clear on the specifics, but when Pegicles' storm approached one of the College's largest arcane facilities shortly after devastating the port of Abila, a spear of magical energy suddenly formed and pierced through the wall and into the eye of the storm before exploding in a great flash of light.
The few eyewitness accounts describe Pegicles' hurricane abruptly fading away, the thousands of Pegasi within it falling through the clouds that had before bore their weight as the storm cell became little more than inert water vapor.
While the storm had been dealt with, Pegicles still possessed a major advantage over his disorganized foes, and rallied his forces to launch a proper attack against the devastated holdings of House White Star. The offensive saw House Storm make great gains against their enemies, with large swathes of territory falling under their control as the forces of House White Star were shoved back on all fronts. Duke Haygle and some of his more martially inclined colleagues do what they can to stem the tide, but their magic can only do so much in the face of such a furious assault across their entire frontline.
While the Storm offensive does eventually come to a halt, they do so only to consolidate their new holdings and reorganize their supply lines, a task complicated by continued raids from the Abolitionists. Ambrosia and her comrades have not been idle, their usual raids on noble supplylines supplementing attacks in the open against the reeling and overstretched forces of House White Star, expanding their own territory at the expense of their hated rival. Their gains pale in comparison to those made by Pegicles, but they are gains nonetheless.

As a new year dawns, Pegicles readies another round of assaults against House White Star, the divided holdings of Duke Haygle's followers now under siege as the Abolitionists stab at the logistical arteries of both sides, the Royal Guard still refusing to get involved. Many believe that it will take a miracle to prevent the army of House Storm from simply rolling over their opposition and uniting the lands of Maretonia under Pegicles rule.
A miracle...or Imperial intervention.