Turn 26 Rumor Mill
Maritime Minotaurs: With the establishment of a trade agreement between Gryphus and the Minotaur Republics, Minotaur Galleys and Griffon Caravels begin plying the waves between the two nations, bringing cargoes of exotic goods to the shores and markets of the Empire, particularly the port city of Aukland. Minotaur olive oil joins Neighponese tea and Canterburian wine in the pantries and cellars of the Imperial Nobility as the availability of Marble spawns new architectural trends, and a whole new culture becomes acquainted with the paper currency that the Empire has become famous for.

An example of a Minotaur Trade Vessel.

Soon, merchants of Neighpon begin reaching out to their bipedal counterparts from across the sea to arrange a trade route of their own, and by the end of the year the sea lanes between the three nations, dubbed the "golden triangle" by seafarers of all stripes, are occupied by dozens of ships carrying untold riches from port to port, netting hefty profits for all involved.

Qilin Emerald Outreach: Meanwhile in the Emerald Isles, the local Diamond Dog population has been experiencing an uptick in economic growth and a rise in standards of living as a result of their own trade agreement with the Neighponese, as well as the forging of growing economic ties between the two nations, the Dragon Emperor Koryū taking a page out of Emperor Golden-Feather's book and subsidizing merchants seeking to establish their own business interests in the neighboring territory. Some foreign observers have gone so far as to say that the whole plan of Neighponese investment is nearly identical to Gryphus' own investment in Libertalia, just scaled up to deal with a larger population.

A Diamond Dog Stonemason installs an Archway into a newly constructed Subterranean Estate.

Naturally, concerns have arisen regarding how the Caribou will react to the sudden enrichment of their neighbors, but few miss the fact that much of the economic development has taken place along the west coast of the Emerald Isles, where the Neighponese navy has begun to conduct an increasing number of exercises and patrols, ostensibly to ensure the protection of their own trade vessels. Whether their presence will be enough to deter the greed of raiders and pirates, only time will tell.

Pegicles' March to the Sea: After many months of minor skirmishes and border clashes between House White Star and House Storm, the stalemate shatters in spectacular fashion, as the bulk of the Storm Army, led by Pegicles himself, stages a series of lighting assaults, pushing deeper and deeper into House White Star territory, their offensive untethered from lines of supply as they aggressively forage for supplies, "requisitioning" food and other essentials from the locals at the point of a spear, occasionally burning the farms afterwards to deny House White Star the ability to do the same.

Initially, leaders and analysts amongst House White Star and your own intelligence services are confused by Pegicles' actions. He doesn't seem interested in taking or holding territory, in fact his army actively skirts around cities and other strategic locations, seeking to avoid being bogged down or losing his momentum by beginning a siege. In fact, for an invading force, the Storm army seems remarkably unconcerned with actually seeking out or fighting their enemies, in some cases outright avoiding coming into contact with the comparatively weaker and less organized forces of House White Star. They seem to seek to stay mobile purely for the sake of staying mobile, never halting in their seemingly pointless drive East.

It's not until Pegicles' army reaches the coast and a vortex starts to form that anyone realizes the significance of his actions.

House White Star is slow to respond; Duke Haygle committed much of his forces into a counterattack against the largely undefended holdings of House Storm, and the forces that he does have on hand aren't even technically his, but the bodyguards and retinues of nobles within his faction. By the time the would-be conquerors have turned themselves around to defend their own territory and the Duke has sorted out the chain of command problems within his own ranks, it's too late for them to do anything.

A hurricane slams against the walls of House White Star.

Much of Ravenburg's intelligence network goes silent for a time. This is understandable, as it's hard to pass along messages when most of the city you live in has been blown away or swept into the ocean. When the first messages start to come back in, the picture painted is...not pretty. Virtually the entire East Coast of Maretonia has been ravaged. White Star, Abolitionist, soldier and slave, Noble and burgher, the winds and tides did not discriminate. Thousands lie dead, either crushed by flying debris or lost amidst the floodwaters. Many are mercenaries or leaders of House White Star. But most are civilians, non-combatants caught up in a war not of their own making. Whether Pegicles deliberately targeted them or not is as unclear as it is irrelevant.

The economy of House White Star is, obviously, ruined. Crops have been lost, infrastructure destroyed, and half of the port city of Abila has been essentially swept away into the ocean, along with almost every ship at anchor in its harbor, effectively severing the Minotaur trade route and depriving House White Star of its greatest source of income. Numerous members of Duke Haygle's faction have perished, either due to the storm or the opportunistic strikes of Pegicles' soldiers as they tried to flee the rising floodwaters. Despite rumors claiming otherwise (no doubt spread by Pegicles himself), Duke Haygle himself manages to survive, as does Countess Cooper Top and a handful of other higher nobles. The latter survive largely through luck and the occasional bit of help from your own spies, while the former is sheltered by the mages of the Maretonian Colleges of Magic. And speaking of the Colleges...

Your agents can't give you a lot of info on exactly what happened, as no one is clear on the specifics, but when Pegicles' storm approached one of the College's largest arcane facilities shortly after devastating the port of Abila, a spear of magical energy suddenly formed and pierced through the wall and into the eye of the storm before exploding in a great flash of light.

The few eyewitness accounts describe Pegicles' hurricane abruptly fading away, the thousands of Pegasi within it falling through the clouds that had before bore their weight as the storm cell became little more than inert water vapor.

While the storm had been dealt with, Pegicles still possessed a major advantage over his disorganized foes, and rallied his forces to launch a proper attack against the devastated holdings of House White Star. The offensive saw House Storm make great gains against their enemies, with large swathes of territory falling under their control as the forces of House White Star were shoved back on all fronts. Duke Haygle and some of his more martially inclined colleagues do what they can to stem the tide, but their magic can only do so much in the face of such a furious assault across their entire frontline.

While the Storm offensive does eventually come to a halt, they do so only to consolidate their new holdings and reorganize their supply lines, a task complicated by continued raids from the Abolitionists. Ambrosia and her comrades have not been idle, their usual raids on noble supplylines supplementing attacks in the open against the reeling and overstretched forces of House White Star, expanding their own territory at the expense of their hated rival. Their gains pale in comparison to those made by Pegicles, but they are gains nonetheless.

As a new year dawns, Pegicles readies another round of assaults against House White Star, the divided holdings of Duke Haygle's followers now under siege as the Abolitionists stab at the logistical arteries of both sides, the Royal Guard still refusing to get involved. Many believe that it will take a miracle to prevent the army of House Storm from simply rolling over their opposition and uniting the lands of Maretonia under Pegicles rule.

A miracle...or Imperial intervention.
Turn 27: A Storm Down South
You consider the intelligence report before you, your expression grave. Gathered about the council chamber, your privy council digests Ravenburg's report on the situation in Maretonia.

The true death toll from Pegicles' artificial hurricane would likely never be known, but it was estimated to be in the thousands. Combined with the tens of thousands rendered displaced or otherwise homeless and the incalculable damage to infrastructure and the local economy, the territorial holdings of House White Star have been quite effectively gutted. In the weeks and months to come, starvation was likely to become an issue for the survivors, much of the crops in the fields having been drowned by the torrential downpour or blown away by gale-force winds.

Combined with the deaths of much of their mid-level leadership and the loss of much of their territory, House White Star has been absolutely devastated, forced onto the defensive across all fronts. Though Pegicles and his allies have halted their advance for now, everyone knows that this is merely a lull before the next big push. The writing is on the wall: House White Star's days are numbered and everyone knows it. You raise a talon to rub your forehead, sighing.

"I don't suppose there's any good news to be had today?"

You were being at least partially sarcastic, so you were a bit surprised when Ravenburg responds.

"Perhaps not exactly good, but certainly not as bad. While his artificial superstorm may have caused much destruction and laid waste to the lands of his enemies, Pegicles' storm has not had the diminishing effect upon the morale of House White Stars troops that he may have hoped. While some of the mercenaries in Duke Haygle's service have deserted, many have remained, some even willingly taking pay cuts in order to oppose the Stormmaker. Combined with the numerous eager volunteers raised from amongst the ravaged civilian population, and House White Star is not as down for the count as their rivals would hope."

"Additionally," he continued, "the Royal Guard in general and Captain-General Marecinas in particular are extremely displeased with what Pegicles has done. Rumor has it they've gone so far as to send a letter to Pegicles stating that, if another such storm is created and used on Maretonian soil, they will have no choice to but directly intervene in the conflict."

He pauses. "Of course that's their official stance. Unofficially, several House Storm outposts close to Roam have been witness to officer assassinations and supposedly random spellfire from the wilderness. Ambrosia and the abolitionists claim not to have any units capable of such actions in those areas."

Redbeak sums up the impromptu intelligence report. "Seems everyone's mighty upset with the would be King of Maretonia."

You nod. That is...somewhat reassuring at least. "Anything else?"

Frida sighs. "We've seen another surge of refugees over the border...three guesses as to why that is...our existing infrastructure and relief organizations should be sufficient to care for them all and get them integrated but it's going to take more funding than we currently have set aside."

You nod. You'd expected as much. "Take as much from the coffers as you need."

-500 Income This Turn

Of course, most of the refugees would be from House White Star territory...you give Ravenburg a look, and he nods wordlessly at your unspoken directive. There probably wouldn't be any spies amongst the desperate masses...but he'd make sure of that.

And so the meeting continues, each of your closest advisors raising their own concerns and proposing their own possible solutions to the numerous challenges facing your empire. Redbeak proposes an expansion of the military, Gisa raises the possibility of numerous diplomatic missions as Frida visibly struggles to come up with something to surpass her previous infrastructure projects, the trio of Genevieve, Archimedes and Merlin occasionally chipping in with their own proposals for new research projects that may support or supplement the ideas of the others. Throughout it all, Gawain silently observes, occasionally interjecting with a question or idle observation.

After a few hours, the meeting disbands, decisions that will affect the entire Empire having been made within the warded confines of the council chambers.

As your advisors begin to depart (either through the doorway or, in Merlin's case, via a teleportation that makes your fur stand on end), you walk over to your son, placing a talon upon his shoulder.

"So...what do you think?"

Gawain sighs.

"I think there's no good solution to this situation. Direct Intervention could be disastrous if not handled correctly...but not intervening is becoming less and less morally justifiable."

The crown prince shakes his head.

"I don't think there's any good way forward here."

You nod solemnly.

"Perhaps not...but it falls to us to find the least bad out of a series of terrible options. There are times where that is all you can do."

The two of you stand there for a moment, quietly contemplating the fate of two kingdoms...before you haul your firstborn to his feet and lead him out the door.

"Come on...let's go see what your sisters are up to. I hear Pearl has been making some nice sculpture-work with her crystalmancy."

It was times like this that you were thankful for your family. They helped keep things in perspective...and reminded you of what it was you worked for.

Martial: Pegicles Storm has rattled Redbeak. The idea that a potential enemy has such destructive power at his command isn't something he's particularly comfortable with. But magic isn't his area of expertise, so for now, he focuses his efforts on expanding the military and writing up contingencies for any situation he can imagine. (Two Actions Per Turn) One Action Locked

-[ ] Runic Fortifications-Hardbeak Line: Runes are useful, this much is obvious. They allow Griffons, Diamond Dogs, and the other less magically inclined races to harness the arcane powers that they otherwise could never dream of wielding. Unsurprisingly, Redbeak's mind has been awash with ideas as to how to use this new addition to the Empire's arsenal, and amongst his more conservative and practical ideas is the plan to place fortifying and hardening runes upon the walls of the fortresses of the Hardbeak Line, making the defensive emplacements even more durable. While such a thing is possible, it is also expensive. Still, it may be worth it to ensure that, should the line be assaulted, it's walls can withstand as much punishment as possible. Cost: 2000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Hardbeak Line Fortifications Strengthened with Runic Enchantments, increased upkeep costs. Will Finish This Turn

[ ] Doubling the Guard: The recent population explosion has brought problems, but it has also brought opportunities, chief among them an end to the previous shortage of able-bodied Griffons and Dogs available for military service. Redbeak has long been considering an expansion of the army, and if given sufficient funding to do so he could double the size of your Empire's primary fighting force within two years. With the onset of the Maretonian Civil War, such an expansion may soon become a necessity. Cost: 3000 Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial Army Doubles in Size.

[ ] Gryphus Foriegn Legion: In a bid to quickly swell the Empire's troop numbers in preparation for a future conflict with Maretonia, Redbeak has made a radical proposal: the recruitment of foreign volunteers. These foreign born soldiers would serve for several years in the military of Gryphus in exchange for citizenship, bringing their own unique skills and abilities to your military. Such an idea is not without merit, you must admit. You figure there's no harm in giving Redbeak the funds to give it a try. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Imperial Foreign Legion established, Foreign Auxiliaries recruited.

[ ] Cog Conversion: The creation of your new Carracks have left much of your existing naval assets obsolete. Rather than simply scrapping them or continuing to field outdated ships, a few clever shipwrights have drawn up a plan to convert the hulls of the Cogs into new cannon-armed Carracks. While it won't be a perfect conversion (the Carracks requiring more building material than a Cog) and the cannons will still have to be sourced from the foundries, it will likely be cheaper than building new vessels from scratch. Cost: 700 Time: Two Years. Reward: 20 Cogs Converted into 14 Carracks.

[ ] Knights of the Frontier: With the settlement and rapid expansion of the frontier territories, now dubbed Kestrella, some have begun to call for the establishment of a new Knightly Order to serve as the guardians of the new province, small and relatively underdeveloped as it is now. Though the war against Sombra has depleted the public's appetite for conflict, there is never any shortage of Griffons willing and eager to join an esteemed Knightly Order. Construct a suitable citadel and begin the search for any aspiring Knights. Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.

[ ] Abolitionist Army: The Storm Offensive brought untold suffering to the people of Maretonia and crippled House White Star's ability to act as a major military power. But it also gave the Abolitionists the opportunity to engage their enemies in open combat and win, allowing them to take territory previously held by the noble houses for the first time since the beginning of the war. This, combined with the likelihood of House Storm destroying House White Star in the near future, has led Ambrosia and her comrades to consider expanding the Abolitionist's military capabilities in preparation for a full on confrontation with House Storm. This means more trainers and military advisors, more armor and weapons, and even a few cannons to allow for a greater range of tactical and strategic options. This will of course cost you, but if it will strengthen the abolitionist's position, it may be worth it. Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionist Military Strengthened.

[ ] Cautious Curiosity: While the now-infamous expedition that discovered Sombra has caused some to question the wisdom of venturing beyond the Empire's borders, you feel that such things are a necessity. Without such scouting missions you would have never encountered the Yaks or the Neighponese, who are now your trading partners and steadfast allies. And as some of the more pessimistic have said: "better our scouts meet them than their invasion force meet us." Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Knowledge of Distant Lands.

—[ ] Far West: The Yaks can't tell you anything about what lies beyond their lands, aside from the fact that they know such lands exist. Prior to meeting you and Sombra they never had any reason to wonder about the lands beyond their steppe. Now you have a chance to satisfy both their curiosity and your own.

—[ ] Far South: As of now, it doesn't appear that you and Maretonia will be going to war anytime soon. As such, some have proposed sending a flotilla of exploration ships South along the coast, to see if your rival kingdom has any neighbors that might prove less antagonistic to you and your people. With any luck, you might find another ally or trade partner, or new resources that you could grab before the Maretonians can.

—[ ] Far East: The Minotaurs hinted at the existence of a land to the East, across the great ocean. But aside from these cryptic hints, you know little about this strange land. The journey will be long, but it is one you and your people must make if they are to have answers to the many questions that have been raised regarding this mysterious nation.

Diplomacy: Gisa, though as concerned with the events in Maretonia as everyone else, is more focused upon the international reaction to the magically created superstorm, as well as the potential reactions to any Imperial intervention in the conflict. Gawain continues to assist her, volunteering to act an emissary to your allies. (Three Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Immigration Campaign: The addition of Magical Advisors to your court, and the memory of how much the integration of the Diamond Dogs improved your Kingdom, has led some to propose the idea of advertising abroad for immigrants, from Neighpon, Yakyakistan and Canterbury. You're not sure how many takers you'll get, but it can't hurt to try. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Yak/Neighponese Immigrants. Chance of Success: 65%

[ ] Gaze upon the mists of Fate: The seers and shamans of Yakyakistan have been a subject of interest to you ever since you learned that they had warned their people of the threat of Sombra long before encountering him themselves. In a way, they were partially responsible for your victory at the battle of Redstone, as well as your ensuing positive relationship with the Yak Clans. With the threat of Sombra now extinguished, you find yourself wondering what else these mystics may know...and if they might be willing to share this information with you. There's no harm in asking, right? Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain information from Yak Seers. Chance of Success: 60%.

[ ] She can see the Futuuure!: First the Yak Shamans, now Queen Chevaline. Seriously, how many races can predict the future? Regardless, while the Seer of the Waters may not publish as many prophecies as the Yaks, her predictions tend to be less vague and more detailed. It appears that quality vs quantity is also a problem for prophets. Perhaps you could convince her to share any pertinent vision she may have regarding you or your nation? It might not be as easy as just asking though. Her prophecies are the Word of The Lady, and she might not be eager to share them with outsiders, not even allies. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain Information from Queen Chevaline. Chance of Success: 50%

[ ] Emerald Isles Emissary: The discovery of an entire independent kingdom of Diamond Dogs has raised more than a little bit of interest amongst your people...and the realization that it was the Neighponese who met them first has more than a few members of your diplomatic corps kicking themselves at the missed opportunity. But there's still time to rectify this and properly introduce yourself to the inhabitants of the Emerald Isles. A diplomatic mission seems to be in order. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Contact established with Emerald Isles, New Actions Unlocked.

[ ] Appeal to the Praetorians: You know that Pegicles' recent actions have upset the remnants of the Maretonian Royal Guard enough to warrant them threatening him with their intervention...but thus far they have been content to publicly maintain their neutral stance while taking limited, covert actions against House Storm. It may be time to approach the Captain General and appeal to her conscience and love of country. The recently uncovered evidence of so many plots against the late Queen should lend some support to any arguments you may hope to make...one could even argue you've been taking better care of the Maretonian people (in the form of refugees) than any of the Nobles have. You won't know unless you try. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Royal Guard Negotiations Mini-Turn.

[ ] International Relief Effort: Pegicles' storm brought much suffering and chaos to the Kingdom of Maretonia. Thousands dead, tens of thousands displaced or homeless, and the threat of famine and disease now looming over the survivors. The ruling factions are either uninterested or unable to organize relief efforts, and no one single group can hope to gather and deploy enough resources to make a dent in the ongoing crisis. It would be remiss, and potentially immoral of you, to not try to assist the civilians caught in the middle of the feuding noble houses. Of course, the Maretonians aren't going to accept help from Gryphus...were the situation reversed you'd probably reject their aid as well. Gisa has instead raised the idea of a multinational disaster relief program, a coordinated effort between Gryphus, Neighpon, Canterbury, Minotauria, and even YakYakistan. While you have no doubt that most if not all of the listed nations would agree to some manner of assistance and contribution to the program, coordinating such an effort would be a monumental task...and this is all assuming that the Maretonians would tolerate any sort of foreign involvement. Still, if you hope to build goodwill with the common people of Maretonia and prevent your Southern Neighbor from sliding even further into chaos, it may be the best plan you have available. Cost: 1200 (only paid if action succeeds). Time: One Year. Reward: International Relief Effort Organized, Maretonian Situation Improved. Chance of Success: 60%, Auto-Pass if Appeal to the Praetorians Succeeds.

[ ] International Peacekeeping Force: With each passing day, an intervention in the Maretonian Civil War seems more and more necessary. But as great as your military is, you're not sure they're up to the task of pacifying the divided nation, even with the help of the Abolitionists. Additionally, having support from other nations would lend recognition to your intervention into another kingdom's affairs, no matter how warranted it may be. Float the idea of a multinational "peacekeeping force" to your allies and see if any of them would be willing to contribute. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Promises (or lack thereof) of Support in event of Maretonian Intervention.

[ ] Talking to Scholars: With the tides of the war shifting as they are, and with House White Star growing increasingly cash-strapped, it's likely that some of the Wizards and Mages of the Maretonian Colleges of Magic are starting to have second thoughts when it comes to their support of Duke Haygle, and they likely wish to see Pegicles defeated as much as you. And you could always use another ally in Maretonia. Some have said that the Colleges are like a nation unto themselves with the amount of autonomy they enjoyed, and still do enjoy in the current climate. Perhaps it's time you started treating them like one? Have an emissary approach the Colleges with an offer: whatever Duke Haygle is offering, you can give them more. Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Opened Relations with the Maretonian Colleges of Magic. Chance of Success: 60%

Stewardship: Although as pleased with the completion of the national rail network as everyone else, Frida is now struggling to come up with a program to follow it or rival its impact upon the Empire. This, combined with the renewed flow of refugees from Maretonia, has your steward a little stressed. (Two Actions Per Turn) One Action Locked

-Aggressive Agricultural Expansion: Now that your nation has purged its forests of beasts and monsters, it's time to clear some of that untamed wilderness and prepare it for farming. Having enough food to feed so many new mouths is going to be vitally important for the security and prosperity of the nation going into the future. Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Expanded Agriculture, Secured Food Supply, Increased Income. Will Finish This Turn

[ ] Thaumatological Education: The science of magic is poorly understood by the inhabitants of your Empire, and for good reason. Griffons and Diamond Dogs have no magic of their own, and much of the knowledge gathered by the Crystal Ponies was lost when Sombra enslaved their people. This state of affairs was of little concern in the past...but with the growing Hippogriff population and the inevitability of these new magical minorities access the arcane abilities of their parents, it is becoming apparent that this lack of magical education cannot stand. Frida has been consulting with Merlin and your other magical experts to devise a curriculum for "gifted" individuals that will allow them to better understand and harness their powers. Of course, such knowledge will need to be disseminated. Frida has a few ideas for that. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Magical Education established. Enables future Magic Actions.

[ ] Western Lumberjacks: The woods of the Western Frontier (now dubbed Kestrella), while not quite as expansive and vast as the forests of the Imperial heartland, are still a potential resource and an ample supply of raw timber. Subsidize the establishment of logging camps and lumber mills in the newly settled territory. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Logging Income.

[ ] Cloth Mills: While sufficient Flax has been planted to allow for textile production, and a significant cottage industry has already sprung up to exploit this, you're far from rivaling the Neighponese for textile production. Mass production is the name of the game here: subsidize the construction and start-up costs of some weaving mills and see if you can increase productivity. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Industrial Linen Production achieved, Increased Tax Income.

[ ] Gas Lighting: While Genevieve's gas lamps have become a more and more common sight in the Empire, they are far from ubiquitous, especially outside of the Capital and major industrial centers. The benefits of reliable 24-hour lighting are significant: crime rates drop, and workers can continue their labors even once the sun begins to dip below the horizon. Despite these benefits, few local governments and businesses have invested in gas lamps due to the installation costs involved, to say nothing of the costs to keep them lit. Frida has been considering plans for another great public works project to stimulate the economy. Lighting up the night seems like a suitably ambitious goal. Cost: 1200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Gas Lamps installed in all major population centers in the Empire, Increased Tax Income due to Increased Productivity and Reduced Crime Rates.

[ ] Crystal Agriculture: As time has gone on, the unnatural chill that has permeated the Crystal Protectorate has begun to fade, the Crystal Heart's growing power and influence stripping away the last lingering remnants of Sombra's dark magic and bringing life back to what was once a dead land. For the first time in decades, fields of grass and beds of wild flowers grow untended in the wilderness behind the Crystal City. For the first time since the establishment of the Protectorate, large-scale agriculture is now possible, raising the possibility of a population not dependent on shipments of food from the Imperial Heartland. Of course, such a thing will require great effort and expenditure to make a reality. Help the Crystal Assembly accelerate their plans with an injection of capital and Imperial expertise. Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate gains a substantial agricultural base and is no longer dependent upon food imports from the Griffonlands. Increased Agricultural Income.

[ ] Crystal Forests: As the soil fertility and climate of the Crystal Protectorate begins to lend itself towards agriculture, some within the assembly have made an unusual proposal: the planting and cultivation of forests for the express purpose of providing the Protectorate with a domestic source of lumber. An unusual idea...but one worth exploring. Cost: 400. Time: Three Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate develops domestic logging industry, increased logging income.

Learning: While Archimedes and Genevieve form the core of your scholastic efforts, the Neighponese Trio and the newly arrived Canterbury Experts, particularly the venerable Merlin, have become increasingly important to your Empire's research and development efforts, providing new insights and research opportunities to exploit. (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Sugar Beets: Among the numerous crops that have been introduced to the Empire as a result of trade with Neighpon, Sugarcane has been one of the most sought after, particularly due to its inability to be farmed on the mainland. However, Genevieve claims to have an idea. By selectively breeding a particular species of root vegetable for increased production of Sucrose (the thing that gives Sugarcane its distinctively sweet taste), she believes it to be possible to engineer a hardier alternative to sugarcane that can be grown domestically. This will of course take a while to do. Cost: 200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Sugar Beets acquired, new Learning and Stewardship Actions Unlocked.

[ ] Portable Explosives: The idea of mass produced, portable explosive devices is not a new one, but until recently such devices have been relegated to the drawing board and idle speculation. However, as of late Archimedes has been receiving some assistance from the infamous Captain Karl Kaboom in testing several potential prototypes. Of course, if these prototypes are going to be produced on a large scale, funds and materials will need to be set aside. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Imperial Army gains access to early grenades.

[ ] Prototype Flying Machine: You have the schematics, you have the runes, and now you have a suitable lifting gas. All that's left is to put theory into practice and actually build one of these "airships". Archimedes has cautioned you not to expect much...this Machine is going to be the first of its kind after all, and will likely need to be refined even after after its built, as theory and reality rarely agree with each other. Still, this will bring you one step closer to having a fleet that can sail the skies as well as any navy sails the seas. Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: First Airship Constructed, New Actions Unlocked.

[ ] Sound the War Horns!: The Battle of the Peregrines demonstrated the need for a means of long range communication between commanders and units spread across multiple fronts. Couriers and banners simply aren't good enough. An enterprising army officer and former musician by the name of Major Shrike has proposed building and utilizing specialized horns, designed to communicate coded messages through the pitch, tune and frequency of their blasts. The idea might hold merit. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gain War Horns. Upgrade Army Communications Bonus.

[ ] A Different Kind of Mortar: The prospect of war with Maretonia (or what's left of it) has raised numerous concerns amongst the military. Your cannons, while effective at targeting enemies and destroying unreinforced architecture, may not be as effective against the enchanted walls and fortifications of Maretonia. Archimedes has proposed a potential solution: a weapon similar to a cannon, designed to lob projectiles over walls and other obstructions. While these weapons are unlikely to be as useful against mobile targets, they may prove a decisive advantage in siege warfare. Give Archimedes the go-ahead to try and build a few of these new weapons. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Mortar Artillery Developed.

[ ] Miniature Ballistae: The recent completion of the great hunt, while ridding your lands of monsters and dangerous creatures, has also had the (perhaps expected) side effect of depriving the forests of dangerous game. As a result, the people of your nation have much fewer targets to practice their craft on. This may result in a shortage of skilled archers in the near-future, which may endanger your military's ability to engage enemies from range. Archimedes claims to have a solution to this: a miniaturized ballistae that can be used and carried by one person. Such a weapon could be used by anyone with only a relatively small amount of training, readily solving the issue. Of course, he will need time and funding to perfect the design and make it suitable for mass production. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Crossbows.

[ ] Black-Steel Balls: With the sudden influx of Orichalcum from YakYakistan, you can now afford to produce additional weapons with antimagic properties. One of the weapons that your scientists have been particularly eager to attempt developing is one that will complement the powerful siege weapons that they've made in the past: Black-Steel cannonballs. Sadly, it is not as simple as swapping one metal for another. Black-Steel is notably denser and heavier than simple iron, and the procedures and calculations regarding the use of your cannons will have to be altered to accommodate these properties. Still, you're sure it's nothing Archimedes and his team can't handle. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Army gains Black-Steel Cannonballs

Intrigue: Ravenburg has apologized for his failure to anticipate Pegicles' superstorm, and has dedicated himself to his work of gathering and analyzing the intelligence that is now sluggishly making its way to the eyes and ears of his agents in the wake of the Storm offensive. He is determined not to let the Empire be blindsided as the result of another intelligence failure.(Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Trust but Verify: Everything you know about the kingdom to your Southwest has come from the mouths of its rulers. While you'd like to imagine otherwise, it's entirely possible that Queen Chevaline and Lord Bohemond weren't entirely honest with you about the conditions of their nation. And what exactly is the deal with this Lady of the Lake? Ravenburg and his infiltrators are ready to fact check. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel on Canterbury and its people. Chance of Success: 60%.

[ ] Hoofbeard's Other Heist: Pegicles Storm has completely severed the trade route between House White Star and the Minotaur Republics. Naturally, this has also thrown Hoofbeard's plan for a dream heist completely out the window. Thankfully, your efforts to insert infiltrators into House White Star has paid dividends and opened up a new opportunity. Countess Copper Top had provided you with invaluable information regarding the status of House White Star's treasury...specifically, its gold reserves. To protect its wealth from enemies both within and without, House White Star does not keep all its funds in one place, and moves its stores of gold often. And, while she is not really supposed to have access to such information, Countess Copper Top does possess knowledge of several such shipments of gold and silver bullion. Knowledge which she has graciously shared with you. While Pegicles Storm has rendered some of this Intel obsolete, much if it still remains relevant, especially as the Countess continues to feed you Intel even as House White Star slowly crumbles.

Everything from the routes the carriages and barges shall take to the times of departure and the composition of the security detachments that shall escort the riches of House White Star has been provided to you. Several of these routes of transit are located on or near the coast, where the pirates of Libertalia could conceivably strike. It's not a treasure fleet, but its a viable alternative to the now sunk treasure fleet, if a more risky one. The fact that the abolitionists may be able to provide support to such a venture is just another reason to consider such an otherwise risky operation. Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: House White Star's Treasury Raided, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Chance of Success: 65%

[ ] Assisted Abolitionist Raids-House White Star: The Abolitionists have conducted numerous raids of varying effect and degrees of success against both of the Noble Houses of Maretonia, striking lines of supply and freeing their still-enslaved brethren. Still, many of these attacks are little more than nuisance raids, not having any significant effect on the war capability of either of the Noble Houses. However, with proper support and intelligence from the Empire, it is hoped that these attacks could do some real damage to the Noble War Machine. Ravenburg has already identified several supply depots, barracks and outposts that, if attacked intelligently and in a coordinated manner, could seriously harm and hinder House White Star forces. Coordinate with Ambrosia to provide the support needed to make such coordinated assaults a reality. Cost: 600. Reward: Abolitionists raid House White Star Infrastructure, White Star forces weakened and thrown into disarray. Chance of Success: 75%

[ ] Assisted Abolitionist Raids-House Storm: The Abolitionists have conducted numerous raids of varying effect and degrees of success against both of the Noble Houses of Maretonia, striking lines of supply and freeing their still-enslaved brethren. Still, many of these attacks are little more than nuisance raids, not having any significant effect on the war capability of either of the Noble Houses. However, with proper support and intelligence from the Empire, it is hoped that these attacks could do some real damage to the Noble War Machine. Ravenburg has already identified several supply depots, barracks and outposts that, if attacked intelligently and in a coordinated manner, could seriously harm and hinder the forces of House Storm. Coordinate with Ambrosia to provide the support needed to make such coordinated assaults a reality. Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionists raid House Storm Infrastructure, Storm forces weakened and thrown into disarray. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Scaling the Ivory Towers: It's a matter of debate whether House White Star's greatest strength is it's treasury or its magical might, but regardless of the answer you already know the state of its treasury. You do not however know the status of the Colleges of Magic that supposedly swear fealty to Duke Haygle, on account of their carefully cultivated culture of secrecy. Getting eyes and ears inside the halls of arcane education where not even the nobility dare to intrude will of course be obscenely difficult. But given Ravenburg's prior successes in the field of espionage against all odds, you think that such a thing may be possible. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Maretonian Colleges of Magic, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 50%

[ ] Riddle of the Labyrinth: Gisa suspects that there's something up with the Minotaur Republics, and after hearing the detailed report on her journey to Labyrinthian, you're inclined to agree. Whether they simply didn't tell you everything or outright lied to your diplomats isn't clear, but you are almost certain that they're hiding something. See if Light Step is willing to act as a spy one last time and have him get to the bottom of this mystery. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Minotaur Republics. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Generous Pirates: It would be easy to provide relief to the Maretonian civilians affected by Pegicles' Storm...if only it weren't for their likely stubborn refusal of any foreign aid. But there is an alternative. The Libertalians are virtually right next door to the areas affected by the Storm, and their smugglers have plenty of experience evading the (now very limited) coastal sentries and defenses of House White Star. If you give them relief supplies and pay them for the trouble, you're sure they'd be more than happy to distribute desperately needed food and medical supplies. It won't be much, but it might just be enough to prevent a famine, and it may be worth it to let the common people of Maretonia know that the Empire to their North cares about their wellbeing. Cost: 700. Time: One Year. Reward: Relief Supplies smuggled in, Maretonian situation does not degrade further. Chance of Success: 75%

[ ] The Frame-Up Job: While you don't have sufficient evidence to make a solid conclusion regarding who really killed Queen Mareia, you do know how she died, as well as how the assassination would likely have been carried out. You also know how the Maretonian Royal Guard have been investigating the death of their Monarch, and that the leaders of the Noble factions now warring over the country are their prime suspects. With this information at hand, it wouldn't be impossible to say...fabricate evidence that it was Pegicles who had ordered the assassination of Queen Mareia, thus turning the Royal Guard against him and finally prompting them to abandon their neutral stance in the civil conflict that is destroying their nation. Of course, if things go wrong, the consequences of such blatant forgery of evidence and direct interference in the investigation of the Queen's murder will likely be disastrous. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Pegicles framed for Queen Mareia's murder. Chance of Success: 35%

Piety: The newly established "Council of Faiths", a gathering of representatives from every major religion in the Empire, has wasted no time in clamoring for your attention and attempting to leverage their newfound place in the Imperial Court to expand the influence of their respective beliefs. Each of the six beings upon the Council (Including a Qilin, a Yak, and a Crystal Pony) have submitted a proposal for your consideration. Whether you intend to act on any of them is up to you. (One Action Per Turn)

[ ] Ancient Empire Excavations: When the old Empire fell, many of the sacred texts and holy artifacts of the Griffon Pantheon were lost. A scant few have been pieced together from remnants found during the age of Discord, but if the Pantheon is to be the spiritual force it once was, its modern day adherents will need more than a few scraps of old parchment to serve as the centerpiece of its temples. The representative of the Polytheists has requested permission to organize an excavation of several ruins where it is hoped that he and his colleagues may find greater and more impressive holy relics to serve as objects of worship. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Ancient Religious Artifacts recovered.

[ ] Expanded Crystal Worship: The Crystal Disciples, though quite pleased with the growth of their faith in recent years, are still struggling to expand their influence beyond the Crystal City, something only compounded by the object of their worship being either unable or (as some assume) unwilling to leave the cities limits. The question of how to worship the central object of their religion without it being present is one that almost all of the disciples have been wrestling with, but a preacher by the name of Varado has come up with what he believes to be a solution after studying the Crystal Heart and the Runes upon it. A particular rune array, intended to be carved upon a miniaturized Crystal Heart that can be placed in shrines and houses of worship across the Empire. Supposedly, it would allow the "worship energy" from distant shrines to reach the Heart itself. In theory. Of course, the rune array is the work of a comparative novice, and the Disciples would appreciate some discretionary funding to produce a few of these miniature hearts for a sort of trial run, to see if the preacher's idea has merit. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Crystal Shrines outside the Crystal City. Expanded Crystal Disciples Influence.

[ ] A Sacred Stone: The Yaks' shamanistic beliefs have little need for temples, shrines, or more conventional sites of worship. Instead they mark sites of spiritual significance via raised stones or boulders with intricately carved inscriptions and artwork dedicated to their gods. While the followers of Yak Shamanism within your borders could simply pick a stone and carve an inscription into it themselves, they have deemed such an approach insufficient for the first Runestone to be placed in the Empire, and have attempted to contract the famous Shaman Brod the Wise to create the inscription. There's just one problem: Brod the Wise has left his self-imposed exile from his mountaintop home exactly three times in the past thirty years. Once to confirm the disappearance of Discord, once to give a prophecy concerning the coming of Sombra, and most recently to legitimize the reign of King Rutherford as a worthy ruler of Yak-kind. To say that it's unlikely he'll agree to travel beyond the borders of Yakyakistan to simply carve some runes in a rock is perhaps the understatement of the year. Still...if he were to receive a letter requesting his presence from a foreign Emperor, one that has done so much to help his people...well, he'd be much less likely to refuse then wouldn't he? Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Brod the Wise carves the first Yakyakistani Runestone for the Empire.

[ ] Seaside Shrines: While all natural phenomenon are associated with Kami, and all are important in their own way, the spirits of the winds and waters are regarded as particularly important by followers of Neighponese Spiritualism. Combine this with the fact that most of the practitioners of the Neighponese faith live on or near the coast, and it's fairly obvious what the first shrines they seek to build are going to be dedicated to. Unfortunately, the construction of the shrines is not a simple matter, for two reasons. The first is a matter of material; the followers of a religion originating in Neighpon naturally want materials from said nation to be used in their shrines, which means they'll have to go through the bureaucracy that is the Imperial Customs Office. The second and much larger issue is the fact that several of these shrines are intended to be built in or on the water itself, which may pose a navigational hazard for shallow-draft ships. Naturally, this is a bureaucratic nightmare of its own. The spiritualists would greatly appreciate it if you would grease the wheels of bureaucracy for them do that they can finally build their shrines. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Shrines constructed.

[ ] A Holy Lake: Obviously, Lakes and Ponds are central to the worship of the Lady of the Lakes. While technically any pure body of water could be considered holy by the worshippers of the Lady, certain ones are selected by members of the church to serve as sites of worship. Exactly how they determine which lake or pond should be more holy than others is a mystery to those outside of the priesthood, but the followers of the Lady within your borders have identified one lake in particular which they believe to be a conduit for the Lady's divine will. The fact that it is near your shared border with Canterbury is a total coincidence, you're sure. Regardless, the followers of the Lady have petitioned you to recognize the lake as a protected area, off limits to development or exploitation, save the construction of shrines and houses of worship. Given that the lake in question is far from any major cities or sources of pollution, this shouldn't be too difficult to pull off. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Church of the Lady granted a protected lake to worship at.

[ ] The Imperial Creed: Now that the Imperial Cult and it's adherents have agreed on a singular doctrine, they are ready to begin truly spreading their faith across the Empire. But to do this, they will require a sacred text, a holy book to convey their message. Thankfully they already have one: the Lectitio Divinitatus, collaboratively written by several of the cult's founders. Unfortunately, they currently only have the one full copy, with a handful of excerpts transcribed by talon for congregations across the Empire. If they're going to make any headway in converting citizens to their faith, they're going to need to publish their scriptures. Unfortunately, they have been experiencing some difficulties in acquiring the services of bookmakers and printing presses, mostly because, due to their earlier doctrinal disputes, they were late to the holy book publishing party. It appears they'll need some help finding a publisher not already swamped with orders. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Lectitio Divinitatus published.

Personal: You refuse to let your duties as Emperor take up every moment of your day. (Two Actions per Turn)

[ ] Overtime: Your advisors can only do so much, and sometimes that's just not enough. If it's truly necessary, you can sacrifice some of your otherwise free time to carry out an additional action from another category, provided said action has a duration of only one year. The costs and chances of success for that action remain the same.

[ ] Imperial Priority: Sometimes you need something done as quickly as possible, regardless of the cost. In such times, you can authorize and oversee the judicious and generous application of funds to speed things along. If necessary, you can reduce the duration of a select action by one year at the cost of a personal action and doubling the per-turn financial cost of the action. The chances of success for said action will remain the same.

[ ] Creative Accounting: Even for an Empire as prosperous as yours, money can be tight. Balancing the budget can be a difficult task at the best of times, but your prior experience as a Merchant has taught you many financial "magic tricks". Taking some time out of your busy schedule to squeeze a few extra coins out of the bureaucracy could be the difference between staying in the black and dipping into your reserve funds. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: One Small Lump-Sum of Funds. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Rune-Sword of the Emperor: While you possess a blade of forged Orichalcum for combat against magical threats, you still wear the blade forged when you were merely the King of Griffonia. Over the years, it has become as symbolic of you and your rule as your crown has. When Merlin cracked the code of the Runes upon the Crystal Heart, he sparked an idea in your mind: could such Runes be used to make your trusty blade more powerful? Only one way to find out. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune-Blade.

There will be a 12-hour moratorium to allow for discussion and plan-building.

I have no excuse for the delay, but after exorcising the demons of procrastination, dilly-dallying and distraction from my soul, I have refocused myself upon this Quest. With any luck, I will be able to get these out at a rate closer to the one I once did.

As always, thank you all so much for following this Quest.
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Grogar Summons a Demon (Non-Canon April Fools Omake)
Grogar, Dread King of Tambalon and Supreme Arch-Necromancer, stared out across the ancient, subterranean amphitheater. Gathered before and beneath the raised platform from which he stood were hundreds of sentients of every race, age and nationality, their robed forms chanting in unison as, behind him, his most skilled and learned subordinates finished carving the arcane symbols necessary for the beginning of the ritual.

And it was indeed, THE ritual, for after this, there would be no need for any other. The ancient caprine had spent decades scouring the globe for scraps of knowledge and forbidden lore before finally stumbling upon the unholy grail of dark magic: a means to bridge the gap between the material and immaterial realms. A ritual to summon a servant of the eldritch beings that originated from and resided within that realm of swirling power.

A ritual to summon a Daemon.

And so for years, Grogar had toiled, gathering followers and occult artifacts to aid in his preparations. As time had passed, as he became more and more focused upon his desire to commit the ultimate pinnacle of dark magic, he swore he could feel the demon itself guiding him along the path to its summoning. It spoke to him in a hushed voice that only he could hear, whispering promises. Promises of immortality.

Grogar's necromantic skills had allowed him to cheat death for over a century beyond what nature would have otherwise allowed...but it was far from a pleasant existence. His dead flesh could not feel, could not taste, could not heal from even the slightest wound. And so the prospect of true immortality drove him forward on his quest with renewed fervor.

It had taken years, and his endless attempts to acquire reagents and arcane artifacts had brought him into conflict with both Equestria and the Empire of Gryphus...but as he stood upon the dias, at the precipice of ultimate victory over the reaper itself, he felt nothing but a sense of triumph as he turned to regard his captives.

The ritual was a complex thing, the most complicated piece of thaumotology he'd ever witnessed in his many decades of unlife. The Daemon was a being of great power after all, and to drag such a being from one realm and into another would require an even greater amount of energy. Hence the location of the ritual. An ancient amphitheater, positioned along a prominent leyline, constructed many centuries before the rise of Discord by a cult that had sought to do something quite similar to what he sought to do now. The cracked stone beneath his dark hooves was virtually overflowing with a millennium's worth of built up arcane power...but even that wouldn't be enough.

That was where the sacrifices came in.

Grogar turned and beheld his captives. Three princesses, kidnapped by his followers from a diplomatic summit which had ironically been called in an attempt to coordinate a response to his increasingly frequent raids against their respective kingdoms. The twin alicorns were chained to a pair of matching black obelisks, bound and gagged with restraints if pure Orichalcum, the only thing on this earth that could hope to contain their divine wrath. The Lunar diarch violently struggled against her bonds, her muffled curses and obscenities just barely audible over the chanting of the Arch-Necromancers followers. Her elder sister, by contrast, seemed content to bore a hole in him with her eyes, as if hoping that she could make him burst into flames through sheer force of will and concentration. Capturing the two had been a great stroke of luck. Two of his greatest foes, perhaps the only beings on the planet that could have rivaled him in sheer magical might, now at his mercy.

Compared to them, the third may very well have been dismissed as a mere filling of the quota, but Grogar knew better. Gleaming Pearl, the Princess of the Crystal Ponies, had meddled in his schemes many times in the past. The damnable Crystalmancer and her family had set his plans back by years with their raids on his hideouts and arrests of some of his most influential followers. But now, here he was, his ultimate victory at hoof, and with the young maiden at his mercy, spread eagle upon the altar as she awaited her inevitable demise and the consumption of her very soul.

Grogar allowed himself a smile as the chanting reached a crescendo, the faint glow in the etchings upon the walls announcing that everything was finally in place, and the otherworldly voice returned for what he knew would be the final time, urging him to go forth and spill the blood of the royals to summon him into existence.

Grogar approached the prone form of the Crystal Princess, who stared defiantly back up at him as he readied the ceremonial dagger to plunge into her heart. As the chants of his followers echoed off the cavernous walls of the temple, as Luna's vain attempts at escape reached a fever pitch, as the temperature of the chamber rose an entire degree in response to Celestia's seething, impotent rage, he spoke the forbidden words he had found within the ancient tome so very long ago.

egassem sdrawkcab egassem sdrawkcab

hsenaals, elgrun, hcteezt, enrohk

llac ym raeh

syob gnippord ew erehw

As he spoke the ancient words of power, the infernal runes around him glowed brighter, the very air seeming to vibrate with barely contained arcane energy. Grogar stared out upon the hundreds of beings gathered below, each and every one of them waiting with baited breath for him to plunge the blade onto the Imperial Princess and being the ritual that would see their "new master" come forth.

The fools. The moment the Daemon materialized in the mortal realm, each and every one of their souls would be consumed by the being. Immortality didn't come cheap after all. Still, Grogar had always been a sucker for grandstanding, and if this wasn't a captive audience he didn't know what was.

"The incantation is complete brothers! All that remains is to cast these sacrificial lambs-"


Grogar gave the restrained Imperial Princess a death glare. She merely raised an eyebrow. It wasn't like he could threaten her after all, he was already about to kill her and feed her soul to a daemon. He was regretting his decision not to gag her as he had the alicorns behind him. He'd hoped she'd face her death screaming and pleading for mercy like a good little damsel in distress but no, that just wasn't good enough for her it seemed.

He took a breath and continued.

"-these sacrificial lambs to the great devourer, to bring him forth into the mortal realm and smite our enemies."

The caprine stared down at the chained Crystal Princess, a wicked smile upon his face.

"Does the sacrifice have any last words before their soul is ripped from their mortal frame and cast into the void for the unspeakable one?"

He had expected a plea for mercy, or a quite whimper, or even a defiant statement that he would never win. But Gleaming Pearl seemed to take great pleasure in defying his expectations.

"I have a question, actually."

He blinked...then chuckled.

"You want to know why, don't you? Why you're about to die and have your soul fed to appease a being behind your comprehension?"

Pearl shook her head.

"Oh no, I think the why is fairly self evident. It's just..."

Grogar grunted impatiently, the wavy dagger clutched in his magic positioning itself over her.

"Just what?"

The adoptive daughter of the First Emperor stared up at him, a strange glimmer in her eye.

"The daemon you're trying to summon...do you know it's name?"

Grogar stared. Something was wrong.


The Crystal Pony smirked at him. Behind him, the lunar princess's thrashings halted as Celestia's death glare changed to a look of confusion.

"That old book you found with all the details of this little ritual...well, we found one of its pages...the page with it's true name, written for all the world to see."

The voice that only he could hear, the dark presence within his mind that had promised him immortality, the being whose whispers never faded, had gone suddenly, deathly silent.

Gleaming Pearl shifted her head, looking out over the crowd of robed acolytes, staring up in confusion at this strange princess.

"Hey! Did you guys know that the demon you're trying to summon is named Kevin?"

There was a terrible, utterly still silence.

Briefly, Grogar swore he could hear the twisted voice of the creature from beyond the veil mutter something that sounded an awful lot like "oh for f#ck's sake". Whatever his otherworldly benefactor was saying was promptly drowned out however, as the amphitheater exploded into pandemonium.

"Kevin? Did she say Kevin?"

"What kind of a name is Kevin for a greater daemon?""

"Was Zorn the Unspeakable too busy or something?"

"Not even K'eh'vhinn or something? Just Kevin?"

Grogar shook, literally vibrating with rage. Princess Pearl just smiled infuriatingly up at him. Behind him, he could barely make out what he momentarily thought were choking noises emanating from behind the gags of Celestia and Luna...

No. Not choking. Laughing.

Laughing at him.

That was it.


His voice, boosted by his own magic and aided by the underground chamber's natural acoustics, echoed off the walls, silencing the horde beneath him.

"Shut up and serve your purpose you miserable cretins! How dare you question me!"

Spittle flew from his mouth, his heart rate skyrocketing as a rage he'd never felt before gripped him, the dagger clattering onto the dias, forgotten.

"My glory is at hoof and you dare to pester me with insipid questions?! I came here to be reborn immortal! I came here to claim my ascension! Not to face your third degree! This isn't a damned cross examination!"

Grogar, Dread King of Tambalon and Supreme Arch-Necromancer, screamed in rage.

"For the Dark God's sakes! I didn't expect a Griffon Inquisition!"

The ceiling exploded, chunks of stone and masonry falling down upon the clustered acolytes below, crushing dozens beneath their multi-ton weight as a thousand Imperial Knights descended upon them through the hole they'd blasted.

And at their very head, eyes red with rage, his father's flaming rune-sword clutched in both talons as he dove straight towards the Dark Lord, was the Emperor Gawain Golden-Feather.

The last noise a panicked Grogar ever heard was not the chants of his mindless followers, nor the whispers of a being beyond mortal comprehension, but a thunderous war cry that tore from a thousand and one throats as his withered body was skewered and incinerated in a singular instant.

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Turn 27 Results
Martial: Pegicles Storm has rattled Redbeak. The idea that a potential enemy has such destructive power at his command isn't something he's particularly comfortable with. But magic isn't his area of expertise, so for now, he focuses his efforts on expanding the military and writing up contingencies for any situation he can imagine.

-Runic Fortifications-Hardbeak Line. Cost: 2000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Hardbeak Line Fortifications Strengthened with Runic Enchantments, increased upkeep costs.

After the numerous preparations made over the course of the previous year, the actual installation and activation of the new fortifying runes is almost anticlimactic. The "mortar" of magically reactive materials is carefully arranged by Merlin and his arcane-inclined colleagues at the previously selected strategic locations, many of the runes being painstakingly carved into place by the newly christened Rune Priests of the Disciples of the Crystal Heart. One by one, the etchings begin to glow and thrum with magical power as the innate magic of the world flows through them, strengthening the walls of your fortresses.

Merlin personally inspects each and every carving to ensure that no mistakes have been made, but even with such fastidious caution and attention to detail, the entire operation is competed within only a few short months. Finally, the Archmage expresses his confidence that the newly crafted Runes are as strong as he can make them, as is the Hardbeak line in general. The Runes themselves will require maintenance of course, but while the materials and labor needed to do so may be expensive, you consider it a worthy investment to protect the Empire's great bulwark against any foreign threat, be it mundane or magical in nature. Hardbeak Line now possesses Runic Fortifications, +50 to Hardbeak Line Upkeep

-Abolitionist Army. Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionist Military Strengthened.

The abolitionists are your only allies within Maretonia, and at this point they are the only group aside from the crumbling House White Star that seems willing and able to openly oppose Pegicles...but if they're going to stand a chance against him in a straight up fight, they're going to need a lot more support than you've already been giving them. Put that way, it's hardly a choice. You give Ambrosia and her comrades a blank check, and tell Redbeak to provide all the help he can without actually marching your army over the border.

Orders go out across the nation, carried by a small army of couriers bearing the Imperial seal. Weapons, armor, bandages, preserved foodstuffs, anything that an army could need is gathered by the ton and loaded onto the steam engines that now drive your Empire's economy. The locomotives make their way South to the Crystal City, where one of the largest logistical operations in history takes shape, as thousands of eager volunteers, both Imperial and Maretonian, haul hundreds of wagons loaded with supplies across the border into Abolitionist territory. Accompanying the wagon trains are dozens of military advisors. Trainers, quartermasters, demolitions experts, officers with over two centuries of combined military service. They act as an impromptu honor guard for the Empire's greatest gift to the Abolitionist cause: half a dozen cannons, fresh from the foundries, their caissons loaded down with enough ammunition to reduce any mundane fortress to rubble.

The abolitionists, though surprised by the sheer amount of support coming their way, waste no time making use of the generous gifts they have been given, hastily reorganizing their scattered, ragtag militias and partisan bands into a unified fighting force. The former Maretonian slaves are armed and armored with Griffon-made steel, and are drilled into fighting shape by a mixture of their own combat veterans and your own advisory troops. By the end of the year, an army of thousands of former slaves stands ready to fight for the abolitionist cause. You have no doubt that such a force shall soon be needed. Ambrosia and her colleagues give their thanks for such an unexpectedly generous donation to the cause of Maretonia's liberation, and you in turn thank Redbeak for all his hard work arranging the massive logistical undertaking that such a thing entailed.

With any luck, this new force will work to ensure that your own direct intervention in the conflict will be unnecessary. And should your own army indeed be forced to march south, at least they will have some guaranteed and enthusiastic allies waiting there to greet them. Abolitionist Army Formed, Trained and Equipped.

: Gisa, though as concerned with the events in Maretonia as everyone else, is more focused upon the international reaction to the magically created superstorm, as well as the potential reactions to any Imperial intervention in the conflict. Gawain continues to assist her, volunteering to act an emissary to your allies.

-Talking to Scholars. Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Opened Relations with the Maretonian Colleges of Magic. Chance of Success: 60%

Required: 40. Rolled: 47+18=65

Gisa, though understandably anxious about the task given to her department, sets to it with the same focus and thoroughness that you've come to expect from your diplomatic advisor, gathering a small team of volunteers from amongst the diplomatic corps to make contact with the most reclusive and enigmatic society your people have yet encountered. Merlin himself briefs them on what to expect, preparing them for their meeting with a hidden society of mages as Gisa coordinates with Ravenburg and Ambrosia to determine where and when such a meeting should take place.

After weeks of preparation, things fall into order. A known Collegiate facility is selected to serve as the point of contact, its remote location and distance from most noble patrol routes making as ideal a place to host a first-contact meeting as any. The diplomatic team gathers their supplies and sets out across the border into Maretonia, crossing over the boundary between Abolitionist and White Star territory only a few days later.

The team is not seen nor heard from again for two weeks.

Just as Frida begins to fear the worst, and you begin consulting with Redbeak and Ravenburg on a plan B for dealing with the Colleges, your missing diplomats abruptly appear in a burst of light just outside the walls of the Hardbeak Line. After narrowly avoiding being skewered by the guards on duty, the team is rushed back to the capital, where you and Frida personally debrief them. It seems that the the mages of the college, though surprised by the sudden arrival of your representatives on their doorstep, proved surprisingly receptive to your offers of patronage and cooperation against your mutual foe. You suspect the literal wagonload of gold your emissaries brought with them as a show of good faith and proof of intent went a long way towards insuring the satisfactory direction of the negotiations.

Of course, the Colleges did not simply switch allegiances and align themselves with you and the Empire just like that. For while the mages held little loyalty to Duke Haygle and despised Pegicles for a variety of reasons, many still claimed allegiance to the Kingdom of Maretonia, however fractured and fragmented it may now be. Still, the arcane practitioners prided themselves upon their intelligence, and any person of even modest intellect could tell that something drastic would have to be done in order to prevent House Storm from winning the war.

And so, the mages offered up a deal: they would support whatever moves your Empire made against House Storm in exchange for the funding that they would have previously received from House White Star, under the condition that their own autonomy never be compromised, and that Maretonia would not be annexed by the Empire. Your ambassadors had tentatively agreed to these conditions, and promised to carry word to you when they departed.

Bold terms...the services of an organization such as the colleges do not come cheaply, and you had already been considering (albeit mostly in your own mind) plans to incorporate Maretonia as you had the Crystal Empire...but in exchange for these promises, you would gain the support of a coterie of skilled mages, the cream of the academic and arcane crop that Maretonia has to offer. It may just be a price worth paying. Contact Made with Colleges of Magic, New Actions Unlocked.

-International Relief Effort. Cost: 1200 (only paid if action succeeds). Time: One Year. Reward: International Relief Effort Organized, Maretonian Situation Improved.
-Appeal to the Praetorians. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Royal Guard Negotiations Mini-Turn.

To Be Continued in "The Summit of Roam"

: Although as pleased with the completion of the national rail network as everyone else, Frida is now struggling to come up with a program to follow it or rival its impact upon the Empire. This, combined with the renewed flow of refugees from Maretonia, has your steward a little stressed.

-Aggressive Agricultural Expansion. Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Expanded Agriculture, Secured Food Supply, Increased Income.

With the land cleared the previous year, now the work begins to make it actually yield crops. The army of farmers and agricultural workers gathered over the past few months sets to work upon the now open fields, readying the soil for cultivation. Unfortunately, even the great many volunteers gathered for the task struggle to effectively work the vast swathes of land that await their toil. Frida sets upon a brilliant idea to fix this shortage of labor however, posting notices across refugee camps and the Crystal City informing any prospective or former farmers that there is free land up for grabs to whomever is willing to cultivate it. Thousands of former Maretonians leap at the chance to establish their own farms and homesteads, using the generous government grants provided to them to purchase the tools needed to work the earth and build homes for themselves.

You scarcely have time to congratulate Frida on her brilliant idea before you personally bear witness to the power of Earth Pony magic, as the farms established by former slaves begin churning out grain and produce by the bushel while the fields planted by Griffons are still growing their first crop. By the end of the year, the Empire faces a food surplus that exceeds Frida's most optimistic projections, and many refugees have been provided with steady work and land to call their own. All in all, a job well done. Imperial Agricultural Sector Expanded, Food Supply Secured, +1075 Agricultural Income.

-Crystal Agriculture. Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate gains a substantial agricultural base and is no longer dependent upon food imports from the Griffonlands. Increased Agricultural Income.

Of course, the Imperial Heartland isn't the only place experiencing an agricultural revitalization. Even as refugees flock north for a chance at free land, some remain closer to the spires of the Crystal City to assist in the new public works program taking shape there. Puissant Arbre, the Canterburian Earth Pony and agricultural expert, personally supervises the Crystal Assembly's latest and greatest project, a mixture of Crystaline and Imperial treasure serving to fund a program similar in scope and intent to the one wrapping up to the north. An army of Crystal Ponies, assisted by Maretonians, Griffons, and Diamond Dogs, sets to work preparing the land for sustained agriculture.

Ground is leveled, irrigation ditches are dug, and boulders are broken as seeds are gathered by the cartload in preparation for future planting. By the time the year ends, much of the cleared and prepared land has already been divided up into hundreds of farming plots which will soon be assigned to the many city dwellers willing to try their hoof at agriculture. All that remains to be done is the actual planting and sowing of seeds before the first Crystal crop can be grown and harvested. Will Finish Next Turn.

: While Archimedes and Genevieve form the core of your scholastic efforts, the Neighponese Trio and the newly arrived Canterbury Experts, particularly the venerable Merlin, have become increasingly important to your Empire's research and development efforts, providing new insights and research opportunities to exploit.

-Sound the War Horns! Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gain War Horns. Upgrade Army Communications Bonus.

Major Shrike had thought his proposal for a new form of military communications to have been declined, or perhaps lost somewhere amidst the vast labyrinth of the ever expanding Imperial bureaucracy. He was naturally surprised then, when he received a summons to the office of Marshall Redbeak himself for a meeting with Genevieve to discuss his idea. In the end, the design and construction of the horns themselves proves to be the easier part of the task. Far harder is the formulation of a sort of "musical alphabet" for ease of use in a war zone.

After a great deal of brainstorming and practical testing in field exercises, a final product is settled upon, and a new form of musical command code is added to the knowledge taught to every enlisted soldier within the Imperial Army. Major Shrike receives much of the credit for the new battlefield innovation, along with a commendation medal for his part in developing a new tool to enhance your military's ability to protect the Empire...and to make up for the long wait. You don't think he minds. Imperial Army Gains Warhorns, Communications Bonus Upgraded to +6

-Portable Explosives. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Imperial Army gains access to early grenades.

The good Captain Kaboom is pleased as can be that he gets another chance to contribute to the Empire's arsenal. Archimedes supervises the construction and testing of several prototype explosive devices, each one a deadly tool of destruction in its own right. Everything from simple pottery based containers to glass and even wooden devices are considered before a simple sphere of casted metal with a simple wick is arrived upon as the ideal form of mass producible explosive device. Workshops are set up to produce the new devices in sufficient quantities to equip sections of the Imperial Army, and training programs are hastily set up to inform recruits and veterans alike of the new weapons being made available to them.

These new "grenades" do have their flaws of course. They're only mostly waterproof, with a slight chance of malfunction, but they're less prone to failure than any makeshift devices that your soldiers would have been making themselves. But no weapon is perfect, especially when it comes to high explosives. Regardless, you now have a new tool within your arsenal. Early Grenades Developed.

: Ravenburg has apologized for his failure to anticipate Pegicles' superstorm, and has dedicated himself to his work of gathering and analyzing the intelligence that is now sluggishly making its way to the eyes and ears of his agents in the wake of the Storm offensive. He is determined not to let the Empire be blindsided as the result of another intelligence failure.

-Trust but Verify. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel on Canterbury and its people. Chance of Success: 60%.

Required: 40. Rolled: 66+13=79

Something hasn't quite sat right with you about Canterbury ever since you'd first encountered them...and the Intel that the poison that had killed Queen Mareia was derived from a plant found within the kingdom's borders only reinforced your suspicions. It may be a baseless assumption...but you needed to know more of what was going on inside the borders of your supposed ally. And so, you authorized Ravenburg's proposed mission to investigate your (geographically) closest ally, sneaking several intelligence agents through amongst the regular trade caravans that travel between your capitals. Soon enough, reports start to filter back to you, giving you a clearer, more detailed picture of the Kingdom of Canterbury than any simple diplomatic statement.

Upon first glance, Canterbury is exactly what it claims to be: a feudal kingdom founded upon chivalrous ideals and religious piety, the nobility acting as shepherds to the peasantry and the small but growing middle class of merchants and artisans in the scant handful of cities that the kingdom possesses. Queen Chevaline serves as both the head of state and the head of the church, with Duke Bohemond serving as the unofficial leader of the nation's military, which sees much combat against the countless beasts that call its vast forests home. This is all public knowledge, something anyone could learn by simply asking anyone who has ever been to Canterbury. But there is more to Canterbury than meets the eye.

Your Empire's technical innovations, and ensuing prosperity, have not gone unnoticed by the inhabitants of Canterbury, both noble and commoner alike. Some have even gone so far as to suggest purchasing or otherwise acquiring the many technologies that your people have developed...but Queen Chevaline has shot down all such proposals, citing either the anticipated expense or the lack of need. After all, your Empire does not possess the magical prowess and skill that resides within Canterbury, which allows them to perform similar, if not greater feats than any form of your technology. But while these complaints are valid, you can't help but get the feeling that there is another reason for such denials.

Additionally, Ravenburg has expressed his confusion with the Canterburians' seeming inability to effectively stamp out the tides of monsters and dangerous creatures that infest their homeland. Your own Empire's early struggles with similar issues prove that such obstacles can be overcome, and yet year after year goes by with seemingly no progress made in stamping out the rampant populations of Chimeras, Hydras, Trolls, Cockatrices and Timber-Wolves that plague the kingdom's countryside, despite the constant and valiant efforts of Canterbury's Knights. Yes, they face the added difficulty of the magical "dead zones" that dot the country, but those are a small obstacle in the scheme of things...and Ravenburg can't help but find something odd about the phenomenon that seems to be unique to Canterbury.

Then there is the Church of the Lady itself. The idea of a state religion is not that unusual (you had considered a similar setup yourself, years ago) but the fact that the church and the state are so irrevocably intertwined strikes you as just slightly...off. What is even stranger is the fact that, to the best knowledge of everyone you and your agents knows, there is not a single pony within Canterbury that does not worship the Lady of the Lake. Not out of any sense of fear of reprisal (for nowhere in the law of Canterbury does it state that the practice of other religions is illegal) but more as if the people are genuinely unaware that there are any other options. Perhaps this is simply another case of culture clash. After all, your Empire seems to be unique in its multicultural approach to religion and matters of faith. But you still can't help the feeling that there's something off about the whole thing.

And finally, and perhaps most unsettling of all, is not a piece of information, but a simple object found when an agent quite literally tripped over what they thought was a pebble along the road between Gryphus and Canterbury. It was not a pebble.

It was a gold coin bearing the face of the late King of Aquileia: Cyril Brochard. You distantly recall the disappearance of the bulk of the late King's treasury...along with the disappearance of Lady Nightingale, his spymaster, in the wake of the unification war. It seems you may have found where her trail lead to...but this is an answer that simply raises more questions. Further investigations may be required. Intel on Canterbury Gained, Shocking Revelations Unearthed, New Actions Unlocked.

-Assisted Abolitionist Raids: House Storm. Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionists raid House Storm Infrastructure, Storm forces weakened and thrown into disarray. Chance of Success: 60%

Required: 40. Rolled: 37+13=50

While the Maretonian Abolitionists have conducted occasional raids against House Storm in the past, a combination of factors, including increased security and sophisticated patrol schedules, and a more appealing target in House White Star, has prevented them from engaging in more ambitious operations against the more militant noble House. But the storm changed things. Now Ambrosia and the rest of the Abolitionist leadership are determined to cripple the military capabilities of House Storm in an effort to prevent them from overwhelming all other opposition in their bid to unite Maretonia under Pegicles' rule.

Ravenburg and Redbeak collaborate in their efforts to assist in what quickly becomes one of the largest examples of Abolitionist-Imperial cooperation to date as spies, scouts and intelligence agents share and compare intel which is then distributed to Abolitionist cell leaders and Imperial Military Advisors, who use the data to draw up plans for surgical strikes and raids on portions of House Storm's military Infrastructure.

Over the course of the weeks and months that follow, these plans are put into practice as squadrons of Abolitionist fighters strike supply depots and communication hubs, assassinate junior officers and mercenary commanders, and free their still-enslaved brethren from mines and plantations supporting the war effort, throwing Pegicles' logistical network into chaos and temporarily halting or slowing House Storm's advance in several areas as frontline units suddenly find themselves without expected reinforcements, orders or supply shipments. Throughout it all, the strike teams suffer minimal losses while inflicting disproportionately high casualties upon the garrison and security forces of their enemy.

The burnt out remnants of a House Storm Encampment

By the end of the year, dozens of strikes have been launched, all of which have been successful to some degree. House White Star is given a much needed reprieve, the Abolitionists strike a blow against their greatest enemy in their war to liberate Maretonia, and the forces of House Storm are temporarily crippled. Operation Succesful.

-Scaling the Ivory Towers. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Maretonian Colleges of Magic, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 50%

Required: 50. Rolled: 51+13=64

Attempting to infiltrate the inner workings of a mysterious organization of magic users at the exact same time you're trying to open up diplomatic relations with them is...well its unorthodox, to put it mildly. But the unorthodox has served you and Ravenburg well in the past, and so, at the same time your diplomats cross the border to meet with representatives of the colleges, a number of Imperial Intelligence Agents do the same, bound for several known and suspected facilities of arcane research within House White Star's dwindling territory.

Several return to Imperial territory over the course of the next few weeks with disappointing results. Most were unable to even locate the buildings they had been charged with infiltrating, or saw no way to slip in without arousing suspicion or sounding the alarm. But finally, after several months of waiting and after you'd begun to consider calling the entire operation off, one recently recruited Earth Pony agent returns with some actual intelligence, having managed to sneak into one of the Colleges' central facilities by hiding aboard a shipment of magically reactive materials and subsequently disguising herself as a servant. The intel she returns with is as illuminating as it is unsettling.

Pegicles wasn't the only one banking on a secret weapon to win the war. He'd just been the first to develop and deploy it. From the outset of the conflict, Duke Haygle had tasked the Maretonian Colleges of Magic with developing a magical means of combating House Storm...specifically, a means of destroying the cloud-based fortifications that the largely ground-based forces of House White Star have few means of dealing with. In response, the Colleges have been developing a spell matrix designed to completely destroy the magic-infused cloud-vapor that form the building blocks of the aerial architecture used by Pegasi. It was the early prototype of this spell matrix that caused Pegicles' storm to suddenly collapse...but in the eyes of Duke Haygle and the heads of the Colleges, that was far from the ideal result that they wanted from the spell.

The goal of the so-called Cloudburster spell is to violently release all of the pent up thaumaturgical energy within magically charged cloud-vapor. Small scale tests under highly controlled laboratory conditions have seen the mages of the Colleges succeed at using the technique to make small bits of charged cloud vapor explode with forces equivalent to jars of black powder. Upon consultation with Merlin and Rafale, the unsettled magic experts inform you that, had such a spell been functional at the time of Pegicles' storm, and had it been used on the artificial hurricane when at its peak, the resulting explosion would have been of sufficient size and force to level an entire city...and likely alter the shape of the coastline. It is quite fortunate then, that the mages of the Colleges have yet to perfect the spell matrix.

Perfect. Another potential magical superweapon to worry about. At least now you are forewarned...and hopefully forearmed. Gathered Intel on Maretonian Colleges of Magic, New Action Unlocked.

-Generous Pirates. Cost: 700. Time: One Year. Reward: Relief Supplies smuggled in, Maretonian situation does not degrade further. Chance of Success: 75%

Required: 25. Rolled: 44+13=57

The smugglers of Libertalia have plied the waves off the coast of Maretonia for decades, regularly evading the kingdom's coastal defenses in their bid to profit off the sale of illegal or untaxed goods. Nowadays however, they are largely bereft of both defenses to avoid and customers to sell their wares to, both on account of Pegicles' storm which laid waste to so much of the coastline. In a bid to provide a measure of relief and aid to the tens of thousands of refugees displaced by the hurricane, Ravenburg coordinates with Hoofbeard to discretely hire a number of skilled boat captains and ship's crews to ferry much needed supplies where they are needed most urgently, a task they take to with surprising enthusiasm, transporting tons of food, potable water and medical supplies to the shantytowns and refugee camps that have sprung up in recent days.

There is, naturally, suspicion regarding the intentions of these smugglers and pirates who suddenly show up bearing much needed supplies to the ravaged shores of the kingdom that once sought to eradicate them, both from the refugees themselves and from the few individuals in positions of authority who realize what's happening. Most expect the Libertalians charity to be a front or a prelude to charging exorbitant fees for their goods...but such trickery never comes. Whether the pirates and brigands are content with the gold your Empire pays them or whether there are a few bleeding hearts amongst the supposedly cutthroat sea-raiders isn't known, but the results speak for themselves: each and every box and barrel loaded onto a Libertalian vessel marked as relief supplies finds its way to Maretonians in need, not a single penny having to be paid by the refugees receiving them.

And atop every container, prominently stamped for all to see, is the flag of Gryphus. A statement to the people of Maretonia that, though their own leaders may have forgotten or condemned them, someone is still looking out for them. Relief Supplies Distributed Succesfully, Famine amongst Internally Displaced Maretonians Temporarily Averted.

Piety: The newly established "Council of Faiths", a gathering of representatives from every major religion in the Empire, has wasted no time in clamoring for your attention and attempting to leverage their newfound place in the Imperial Court to expand the influence of their respective beliefs. Each of the six beings upon the Council (Including a Qilin, a Yak, and a Crystal Pony) have submitted a proposal for your consideration. Whether you intend to act on any of them is up to you.

-Ancient Empire Excavations. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Ancient Religious Artifacts recovered.

The First Empire is something almost every Griffon knows of, but few have any real knowledge of. This is mostly because such knowledge is not practical in the modern era, but also because so much has been lost in the wake of Discord's madness and the inexorable march of time. Still, there are some who desperately seek out the last remnants of the ancient times, hoping to glean some of the wisdom of their ancient forbears. Such historophiles tend to flock towards the known sites of ancient ruins bearing the mark of the old Imperium. This year, those with a vested interest in the remnants of the past have much to be exited about, as your government finally authorizes a series of long-awaited excavations of several ruin sites. Excavations that yield fruit.

From the depths of what the archeologists determine to be a ruined temple complex emerges an entire collection of assorted holy relics belonging to the ancient Pantheon. An Idol of Boreas, a Shrine to Tyr, even a golden circlet bearing the symbol of Freyja, all are slowly pried from the dust and dirt of over a hundred years before being carefully relocated to places of prominence within the few modern temples to the old gods. Naturally, the sudden acquisition of such prestigious and holy items draws quite a lot of attention from the common people, drawing a significant number of new converts to the oldest faith in the Empire. +.5 Imperial Pantheism Influence.

: You refuse to let your duties as Emperor take up every moment of your day.

-Overtime: Generous Pirates

: Scaling the Ivory Towers

Carracks Constructed This Turn: 4

Random Event Rolls:
(27) To Be Continued in Rumor Mill
(87) Pass
Last edited:
Summit of Roam, Part 1
Gawain Golden-Feather, Crown Prince of the Empire of Gryphus, stood before the grand double doors of the Royal Palace of Maretonia, nervously adjusting his armor and making sure the crown upon his head was centered properly. He was beginning to regret going along with the Lady Eagleclaw's suggestion that he be the leader of the Imperial delegation to Roam. On paper the idea had merit. The heir to the Imperial Throne acting as an ambassador would lend weight to any statements or promises, and would give the impression that the Empire was giving the events unfolding in Maretonia it's full attention. And though Gawain wouldn't admit it to anyone but his closest friends, it would give him a chance to actually do something with his position and prove himself worthy of the right to bear the crown his father wore.

At least, that was the thinking that had led to him stuffing himself inside a suit of armor that was equal parts form and function before climbing aboard one of several sky carriages that would carry him and the rest of the delegation across the war-torn countryside of Maretonia. The route had been planned out months in advance, scouted out by the Abolitionists and by Ravenburg's agents for any potential threats before the Maretonian Royal Guard had begun their own patrol of the skies along the route. No one expected House White Star to try anything...but after the storm, no one was putting much past Pegicles. From there it had been a straight shot from the Hardbeak Line to the walls of Roam, the sentinels of the Maretonian Guard keeping watch on and for the convoy as it made its way towards the heart of the formerly prosperous kingdom.

Even from several thousand feet in the air, one could tell that the war was having a pronounced effect upon the Ponies of Maretonia. Every now and then one could spy a collection of tents denoting one of the many refugee camps through the trees, or witness a line of plodding forms traveling along the ill-maintained roads that still connected the various townships and provinces of the nation. And that was before they landed and got to see Roam itself, the once grand city now host to thousands of desperate and displaced Ponies desperate to escape to one of the few places in the country where they wouldn't get caught in a crossfire between the feuding noble houses. To their credit, Gawain and his colleagues could see the city's stewards trying to assist the lost and destitute who had come to them for protection, handing out bread and putting up families of refugees in the abandoned homes of the nobles who had once schemed and plotted for power over them, but it was clear to the visiting dignitaries that what aid was being given was not enough.

It had been a surreal experience, being led through the cobblestone streets past manors and temples of carved marble and gilded sandstone, their hallow-eyed inhabitants clad in mismatched outfits and waiting in soup lines, their escorts barely giving the scenes a second glance as the diplomatic party was led into the heart of the city and through the gates of the Palace, kept sealed ever since the death of the Queen. And now Gawain stood before the entrance to the throne room, awaiting entry and an opportunity to speak with the Captain General in an attempt to get her and her fellow Royal Guards to break their neutrality and/or allow the establishment of an international aid program. A tall order... and one that he had been tasked with fulfilling.

Gawain sighed, trying to steady himself. He supposed that someone could make a "careful what you wish for" comment if the stakes weren't so unbelievably high. He was startled out of his thoughts by a nudge against his shoulder.

"Hey, you ok?"

He turned to take in the concerned visage of Sebastian Rainfeather. Gawain still wasn't entirely certain what had led his friend to come along on this mission. Officially he was there to serve as an aide to Gawain as part of his recent appointment to the civil service. Unofficially, Gawain suspected Lord Ravenburg had pulled a few strings to send the scholar along on the expedition for some other, less obvious purpose. Regardless of the reason, Gawain was just happy to have a familiar face at his side.

The crown prince nodded at his friend's look of concern, trying to put on a brave face.

"Yes...just a little nervous."

The shorter Griffon tried to give a reassuring smile.

"We're all nervous. But hey..."

He motioned to the imposing doorway, still sealed shut.

"...imagine how they feel."

Gawain took another breath, nodding.

"Thanks. That actually makes me feel a bit better."

Sebastian smiled a bit broader, patting his friend on the shoulder as he took a step back, back amongst the numerous diplomats and bureaucrats that made up the rest of the mission.

"It's what I'm here for."

Any response Gawain could gave given was drowned out as the grand doors to the Palace began to creak open. He and Sebastian schooled their expressions. It was time to get serious.


Gawain would give the Maretonians one thing: they knew how to decorate a palace. The contents of the hallway he was walking through were likely worth more than the combined yearly salaries of all the civil servants accompanying him. Still, it didn't impress him too much. Honestly he was surprised that what remained of the local government hadn't pawned the expensive furnishings to either fund their peacekeeping efforts or provide aid to the refugees. Then again...it wasn't like there were many left in Maretonia who could afford them anymore.

Gawain shook his head as the group's Maretonian escorts finally led them to the Throne room, an armored Unicorn Stallion formally announcing their presence as if the Monarch he had sworn service to was actually seated upon the marble throne that stood atop a raised dias at the other end of the expansive chamber. But the throne sat empty save for a single gilded and bejeweled orb, the symbol of the late Queen.

At the right side of the throne stood the Pony that Gawain had been sent to negotiate with: Captain General Marecinas.

At first glance, the dark-coated Unicorn mare, standing resplendent in shining golden armor atop the elevated position, made for an imposing figure. But as Gawain and his fellow Imperials made their way into the Throne Room proper and drew closer to the Captain General, the more observant of them began to pick up on the smaller details that gave a better understanding of exactly what state the mare was in. The plumage atop her helmet was in a state of disarray, several scuff marks and small dents present upon her armor. What little of her mane that was visible was a mess of split ends. There were bags under her eyes that looked like they should have been paying rent.

To Prince Gawain, the Captain General looked a mess.

Still, he didn't let his reaction show, keeping his expression blank as he walked ahead of the rest of the diplomatic party, stoping only a few feet from the Throne which the Unicorn stood alongside. He did not bow. Neither did she, merely tilting her head in acknowledgment.

"Prince Golden-Feather."

"Captain-General Marecinas."

The commander and de facto ruler of Roam stared him down, eyes tracing his armor and briefly lingering upon the sheathed blade at his hip. It was more of a symbol than a weapon at this point; if a fight broke out he and his entourage would be outnumbered over a hundred to one miles from even Abolitionist territory. The fact that the dozens of Royal Guards acting as sentries for the palace hadn't asked any of the Griffins to remove their weapons said much about their confidence in their ability to deal with any skirmishes that might break out.

But no one was here expecting a fight. They were here to try and prevent any further bloodshed. The difficulty would be convincing the Maretonians of that.

"You know why we are here."

It wasn't a question. The Captain General returned his gaze, her facial expression unchanging.

"I suspect you are here in an attempt to convince me and my fellow Guard to cease our neutrality and take action against House Storm."

Gawain nodded.

"Amongst other proposals, but yes, that is my chief aim here."

Marecinas took a few steps forward, her hooves making a soft but audible retort off the marble flooring.

"And why exactly should I feel compelled to do so? Why should we abandon our non-aligned stance simply because the emissaries of another nation implore us to? If anything, your presence here is a reason for me not to do so."

Gawain sighed. He'd been afraid of this, of the Maretonians immediately viewing him and the Empire in a hostile light. Still, he had to soldier on.

"Captain General...we both know that Pegicles does not have the best interests of the Maretonian people at heart. He has proven as such with his recent actions. Thousands dead, tens of thousands displaced, famine and disease looming over the survivors."

Marecinas was quick to retort, baring her teeth in a snarl.

"Do not recite the effects of the storm to me Griffon, we were the ones who were left to tally the dead while the Nobles squabbled over the wreckage!"

Gawain paused, momentarily taken aback by the Guard commander's sudden outburst, something that seemed to come as a shock even to her own subordinates, if the widened eyes on the other guards present in the room was anything to go by. Marecinas took a breath, returning her expression to one of placid calm.

"Make no mistake Prince Golden-Feather, I am well aware of the seeming indifference that Pegicles has for the lives of the very citizens he wishes to rule over...but what you suggest is hardly a solution. Our abandoning our neutrality would merely prolong the conflict and deprive the refugees that have sought shelter within our territory of one of the few safe havens left to them."

Gawain pressed on.

"And what will you do when Pegicles finally finishes rolling over House White Star? After all he's done, do you truly believe that he will not see you as another enemy to destroy?"

The assumption that Marecinas would not approve of the House Storm Patriarch's claim to the throne went unsaid. The Captain General snorted disdainfully.

"Your concern is appreciated Prince, but we in the Royal Guard are more than capable of defending ourselves and our charges. We are not House White Star. We are professional soldiers, the only ones left in Maretonia, and we swore oaths to defend this city and this palace from all threats, foreign and domestic. We are not slave soldiers or mercenaries who will crumble at the first volley, or flee when a bribe is offered. We will stand, we will fight, and we will win, as we always have."

Gawain suppressed the urge to raise an eyebrow. She certainly sounded confident...but her appearance, and the slightest glimmer of apprehension in her eyes, told a different story.

"I have no doubt that, in a straight fight against Pegicles, you would likely be the victor. But how many soldiers will you lose? How many civilians will be caught in the crossfire? And what will happen if the stormbringer tries to bring about another cyclone here in Roam?"

Marecinas's left eye twitched almost imperceptibly, her gaze momentarily drifting to one of the windows through which the skyline of the capitol could be seen. Gawain had seen the reports regarding the artificial hurricane that had devastated the Eastern Provinces of Maretonia. If a similar storm struck here, half the buildings in the city wouldn't be left standing. To say nothing of the potential loss of life. Roam had been one of the most populous cities in the world before the war. And with the number of refugees now crowding its streets...the death toll would make the earlier storm seem paltry in comparison. Gawain pressed his advantage, a sense of urgency in his voice now.

"We both know that a confrontation is inevitable. We share a common enemy. Pegicles has proven himself a threat, not just to Gryphus or Maretonia, but to the whole world. Why face him alone when you do not have to?"

The Captain General returned her gaze to him, indecision in her eyes even as her face maintained a look of disapproval.

"And I am to presume that such aid would have strings attached? Beyond the obvious interference of Gryphus in Maretonian affairs?"

Gawain suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. If she didn't think they weren't already "interfering" in the civil war being waged right across their shared border...

"I would like to think that the Empire of Gryphus has earned the right to at least a modicum of trust at this point, after all that we have done to assist and provide for the countless Maretonians who have fled North to escape the conflict that we wish to see ended. Is it truly too much to believe that we genuinely seek an end to this conflict?"

Marecinas wasn't buying it, still staring down with contempt at the gilded avian.

"And I suppose you've been arming the Abolitionists purely out of the goodness of your hearts?"

Gawain inhaled deeply.

"We have worked with the Abolitionists, and sought to arm them, because as of now they are the only other force in Maretonia that is both willing and able to oppose Pegicles and House Storm, and we still see direct involvement in a civil conflict as something to be avoided if there are other options available."

The Crown Prince shook his head, sighing as he took a step closer to the steps leading up to the empty Throne.

"This war has caused untold death and destruction, and is now threatening to spill over the border into Gryphus. We want to prevent that from happening. You want to help your people and prevent another storm that would devastate your country. We share mutual goals and a common foe. We can accomplish more together than not."

He gave the Guard Commander an imploring look.

"At least consider our proposal on its merits before rejecting it out of hoof."

The Captain General stared silently down at the heir of Gryphus, her expression pensive. After an interminable silence, she gave a hesitant nod, stepping down from the elevated dias and looking Gawain directly in the eye for the first time.

"Very well. I will hear your proposal. Beyond that I can promise nothing."

Gawain allowed himself a relieved smile even as he internally steeled himself. Now came the really difficult part.


You are Gawain Golden-Feather, charged with negotiating an agreement with the Maretonian Royal Guard that will hopefully encourage them to adopt a more openly hostile stance towards House Storm. What proposal do you have for the Captain General?

[X] International Relief Effort: Propose an International Aid Plan to provide food, shelter and healthcare to the countless refugees roaming Maretonia in the wake of the storm and the ongoing conflict, with the Royal Guard serving as the primary distributors and ensuring that the supplies get to those who need them. Given the goal and nature of the proposal, the proven track record of Gryphus in caring for Maretonian refugees, and the amount of groundwork already done by the Imperial Diplomatic Corps, you consider it unlikely that Marecinas will decline this proposal, especially since you intend for it to be considered separately from the more military inclined proposals you intend to bring up. (Automatically Selected. Chance of Success: Near Certain)

[ ] Full Military Support: Show that the Empire is prepared to go all in. Should the Maretonian Guard go against House Storm, Gawain is prepared to promise the aid and backing of the Imperial Army, to deploy into battle against Pegicles alongside the Royal Guard and Abolitionists. The idea of foreign troops on Maretonian soil may rankle Marecinas, but the idea of Griffins dying in place of her own soldiers to ensure victory is one she's likely to appreciate. Still, being the proud mare that she is, Gawain doesn't think it's likely that she would accept such help outright, at least not before actual hostilities have broken out between her and Pegicles' forces. (Chance of Marecinas' Agreement: Low)

[ ] Limited Military Assistance: A compromise between two extremes, Gawain will promise a limited amount of Imperial military support in the event of open conflict between House Storm and the Royal Guard in the form of the Empire of Gryphus' Knightly Orders. The elite units possess the training and equipment to turn the tide of battle, but are of sufficiently small number that their deployment in Maretonia would have a lesser impact and diplomatic repercussions than the entire Imperial Army. And should the worst come to pass and the Knights prove insufficient, the door can still be left open for a larger deployment of regular soldiers. (Chance of Marecinas' Agreement: Medium)

[ ] Aid Only: In order to minimize the Empire's direct involvement in Maretonian affairs, no direct military action will even be considered. Instead, should the Royal Guard move against House Storm, Gryphus shall endeavor to provide backing and support to the Royal Guard similar to how it has supported the Abolitionists. Such an agreement may be sweetened with an agreement that the Empire will not send its military over the border into Maretonia, something that would certainly reassure the paranoid Captain General. This would effectively hamstring Gryphus in the short term...but if things go badly enough the Royal Guard can always ask for more direct Imperial assistance anyway, and if things go well it won't even be necessary for Griffons to shed their blood in another nation's civil war. (Chance of Marecinas' Agreement: High)

[ ] Write In: (Insert Alternative Action or Proposal here, with Chance of Success to be determined by GM)

Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate it!

Didn't get this out as quickly as I'd hoped, on account of both RL stuff and my writer's block being particularly strong when it comes to writing dialogue and more "personal" scenes. I'll be putting the Rumor Mill out shortly, before the post detailing the results of the negotiations between Gawain and Marecinas, whatever those may be.

There will be a twelve hour moratorium to allow for discussion and the proposal of Write-In Actions. Please feel free to ask any questions or request clarification on any details or things I may have neglected to mention.
Turn 27 Rumor Mill
Breadbasket of the World: With the recent advances in agricultural techniques pioneered by Archimedes, Genevieve and the arcane scholars in the Imperial Court, the numerous land reclamation efforts undertaken by the government, and the introduction of Earth Pony magic to the Empire, the nation's agricultural output has skyrocketed to previously unimaginable levels. Average national crop yields have nearly quadrupled over the course of the past decade, far exceeding population growth and causing a corresponding drop in food prices, further feeding the population boom that began in the aftermath of Discord's disappearance.

The Empire's agricultural productivity is such that it has begun to export foodstuffs by the ton to its neighbors and trade partners, Gryphus-grown produce finding its way onto the plates of Yaks, Qilin, Minotaurs, and the Ponies of Canterbury, further swelling the Imperial coffers as foreign funds flow into the economy. +250 Trade Income

Little Maretonia: The steady influx of thousands of Maretonian refugees entering the Empire in general and the Crystal Protectorate in particular over the past few years has resulted in the establishment and rapid growth of ethnic enclaves in several major cities, the largest of which exists in the Crystal City. While the formation of such neighborhoods provides the refugees with a sense of community and familiarity, questions and concerns have been raised regarding how the Ponies living within these neighborhoods cling to the culture of their original homeland. Others see the ethnic enclaves as little different from the numerous underground settlements established by Diamond Dogs that exist parallel to many cities in the Empire, and accuse the critics of the newly formed Maretonian neighborhoods of xenophobia.

Vikings vs Samurai: The attention of the Imperial Public is suddenly drawn away from the events unfolding South of the border and towards the Emerald Isles as the long anticipated showdown between the Qilin and Caribou finally occurs. In a series of events that will come to be known as the Labsfarne Skirmish, a small flotilla of Vikinger vessels, intent on raiding the Western coast of the Emerald Isles and relieving it of its newly acquired wealth, clashed with a Neighponese Patrol. Neighponese officials have stated that the Caribou vessels refused to turn back or adjust their course despite numerous warnings, culminating in an attempt by what has been surmised to be the lead ship in the raiding party attempting to ram one of the Neighponese ships.

A Neighponese "Turtle-Ship", similar to one used in the battle.

The resulting naval battle was as swift and brutal as it was one-sided, ending with the sinking or incineration of all Caribou ships and the capture of the few surviving would be raiders, who are now being held by the Neighponese government as pirates. Casualties amongst the Qilin sailors were limited to half a dozen wounded and largely cosmetic damage to two of their ships. As of now, there has been no response or official statement regarding the event from the Jarls of the Caribou Kingdoms, though the Alphas of the Emerald Isles have officially expressed their gratitude for the Neighponese intervention. Time will tell what the consequences of this event will be, and what effect this will have on the region.
Summit of Roam Part 2
The Captain General had led Gawain, Sebastian and a handful of the other Imperial Diplomats to a conference room elsewhere within the palace, the members of the delegation seated or standing around a long table, Gawain and the Captain General seated directly across from each other as other members of the Royal Guard stood watch at each corner of the chamber.

After a few tense moments of the two leaders silently staring each other down, Gawain broke the silence.

"Before we get to the meat of the meeting..."

The crown prince suppressed a smirk as Marecinas blinked at the unfamiliar phrase.

"I've been asked to deliver this to you, first and foremost."

The Griffon carefully retrieved a scroll from a container attached to his hip and gently placed it at the center of the table. After a moment's pause, Marecinas' horn shone with a yellow light as the scroll was levitated up off the table and in front of her face, the roll of parchment unfurling before her as she silently read the message within. Gawain and the rest of the Imperial delegation looked on in silence as the Guard Commander's eyes flicked over the words, her eyes widening a fraction as she neared the bottom...and saw the signatures of two Emperors, a Royarch, a Yak King, the Consul of the Crystal City, and the rulers of three Minotaurian city states, each complete with their own personal seal attesting to their authenticity.

When the Captain General looked up at Gawain with a questioning look, he simply nodded.

"The offer to provide aid to those Maretonians affected by Pegicles' Storm should be considered separate from the other proposal we wish to make. That aid is not conditional to our other offer, and will be provided regardless of your response to it."

The Heir to the Empire sniffed.

"Even if Gryphus were to withdraw its own offer of relief aid, we certainly could not speak for the rest of the nations on that list."

It wasn't like they would withdraw their offer now. The scroll was the product of over a year of work by the Imperial Diplomatic Corps meeting with the heads of state of multiple nations, extracting promises of material aid for those in need in Maretonia. Rice from Neighpon, medical supplies from Canterbury, tents and blankets from YakYakistan, and all manner of assorted goods from Minotauria, to say nothing of the warehouses full of assorted supplies being prepared in Gryphus and the Crystal City as they spoke. The supplies were gathered, the only thing that still needed to be addressed was how they were to be distributed. The Maretonian Royal Guard were the only group in Maretonia that was both willing and able to coordinate a relief effort on that scale. Not to mention their previous work caring for the refugee population giving them a great deal of experience, and having earned the trust of the population the program was meant to help.

This was the most inoffensive offer of assistance that Gawain, his Father, and the Imperial Court could come up with. If the Captain General turned this down, there was no way in Tartarus she'd agree to the other proposal he'd been sent here with.

(Roll for Agreement to International Aid: 46+20(Desperately Needed Aid)+10(Multinational)+10(No Strings)=86)

Gawain resisted the urge to sigh in relief when Marecinas slowly nodded, eyeing the scroll with a much more positive look in her eyes.

"The details will of course have to be discussed further...but I believe we can tentatively agree to this...international aid proposal."

The Crown Prince gave a cautious smile.

"I'm glad to hear that. You have done a great deal to assist those displaced by the conflict...we want to ensure that you can continue to do so to the best of your abilities."

The Guard Commander rolled the scroll back up with her magic before levitating it into a pocket in her armor, her stern expression returning.

"I won't pretend to believe that your motivations are entirely altruistic...but it would be both irresponsible and morally reprehensible of me to decline an offer of assistance in my task of caring for the kingdom's civilians."

The Unicorn Mare raised an eyebrow.

"Now...what was your other proposal?"

Gawain took a breath to mentally prepare himself. He, Gisa, Ravenburg and Redbeak had composed, revised and debated numerous plans and proposals. In the end, the Emperor had chosen the one they'd deemed the safest bet to be presented to the Royal Guard. But most likely to succeed didn't mean that much in this context. The probability of their offer being rejected was still far higher than he'd like. Still, he took some comfort in the fact that, even if Marecinas rejected it, he'd at least have some good news to go home with. She'd already agreed to the first proposal. He tapped the table with a talon.

"Our proposition for you is simple. It is clear to us in the Empire that conflict between you and House Storm is inevitable. When that happens, we would much prefer you to be the victor. To that end, we, that is to say Gryphus, would like to ensure that you are in the best possible state to combat House Storm."

The Captain General stared across the table.

"And exactly how do you plan to do that?"

Her tone was carefully neutral, but there was a hint of tension, a hidden edge. Gawain didn't flinch. He'd prepared for this, undergone all manner of training in the art of diplomacy and negotiation in preparation for this day. He laid both his talons on the table, palms up.

"Put very simply, we want to supply you with all the materials and resources that you and your subordinates would need to effectively prosecute a war. Blades, bandages, bread and bullion, whatever you would have need of, we would be willing to supply in bulk to you."

Marecinas' placed her forhooves atop the table, bringing them together with a contemplative expression, silently regarding his words. Gawain continued.

"There would be no direct Imperial intervention in Maretonia. No Griffon soldiers coming over the border, no foreign warships sailing along your coast. I have even been authorized to sign a treaty guaranteeing that my government will not unilaterally intervene in this civil conflict."

That was a separate scroll...one he didn't intend to pull out unless she asked for it. Just because he was offering didn't mean he necessarily wanted to give it to her. The Empire still wished to keep its options open...even if they did sign the treaty, the word "Unilaterally" opened up a few very large loopholes. But Marecinas didn't know that, and the possibility of such a promise made her eyes widen a fraction before she managed to school her expression again.

"An interesting arrangement...one that would cost your Empire much to uphold."

The Captain General raised an eyebrow, her eyes seemingly trying to bore a hole through Gawain.

"And exactly what would your Empire stand to gain from such an expenditure? I find it difficult to believe that you would offer so much and not ask for anything in return."

Gawain shifted uncomfortably. This was likely the most delicate part of the entirety of the negotiations. The other members of the privy council had debated the inclusion of this condition for a week before leaving it up to his discretion. He would have to strike a careful balance. If he pushed too hard, the Commander might disagree to the proposal entirely, but if he didn't push hard enough she would see it as optional. He spoke slowly and carefully.

"We would ask only one thing of you: we would like you to officially recognize, and if possible, cooperate with, the Abolitionists."

Marecinas' left eye twitched. Gawain pressed on before she could raise an objection.

"They have no love for Pegicles, and while their fighters do not possess the training and discipline that your own guards do, they have no lack of enthusiasm and are well equipped for large scale combat operations. They could be a great boon to your efforts to combat House Storm."

The Captain General did not appear convinced.

"They are, at best, a poorly organized rabble, at worst they are a band of criminals who seek to take advantage of the chaos that this war has created...and you would ask me and my troops to trust in them, place our lives in their hooves? They may obey you in exchange for your gifts of gold and weaponry, but we have no such guarantees that they will not stab us in the back as they did to their masters."

Gawain bit back a retort on how the Abolitionists had done more in the fight against Pegicles than the Royal Guard had. While true, it wouldn't earn him any favor with his hosts. He inhaled deeply, shaking his head.

"We are not asking you to trust them. We certainly don't expect you to become best friends. All we ask of you is that you give them a chance. With foreign involvement off the table, they are your only allies against House Storm."

Marecinas clicked her tongue.

"House White Star..."

Gawain cut her off.

"Is on its last legs. They can't even defend the territory they have, never mind launch an offensive against their rivals. Even if they were in a state to fight and aid you, would you trust them to do so? After everything they've done? After everything they had planned to do?"

Gawain stared across the table, gauging the effect of his words. She knew what he was talking about. The infighting between the nobles, the jockeying for authority, the unearthed plots that had been hatched in the pre-war era detailing all the numerous ways that the late Queen Mareia could have been assassinated and a rival noble house framed for it. The latter was something he wasn't technically supposed to be privy to, but Imperial Intelligence could dig up anything...hell, they'd probably known about most of it long before her soldiers could report back with the remnants of notes and plans that had been scattered by the great storm.

Marecinas grimaced, eyes downcast. She couldn't refute his words. Even now, with their backs against the wall and certain defeat staring them in the face, the nobles under Duke Haygle couldn't seem to stop their bickering and infighting...most assumed the only reason they weren't jumping ship and swearing fealty to Pegicles en masse was because the few that had tried to do just that had been executed for opposing him in the first place. Despite their pretentious attitude and claims of superiority derived from their noble blood, the remnants of House White Star were far from trustworthy.

Marecinas' eyes flicked back upwards to meet his. There was anger there, frustration, but more than that there was a sense of fatigue, only accentuated by the bags under her eyes. Gawain, sensing a moment of opportunity, sought to drive his point home.

"All we are asking is that you give them a chance. The same chance that you granted us, despite your misgivings and doubts. The aid we promise is not contingent upon any sort of alliance being forged...merely your acknowledgment that such a thing is not an impossibility. The rest will be up to you and them."

The Captain General did not reply. Gawain sighed and made his final point.

"At the end of the day, you are all Maretonians who oppose Pegicles and wish to see an end to this war. Is that not enough of a foundation to forge at least some form of agreement? You were willing to meet with us...why not them?"

(Roll for Agreement to Aid for Recognition: 50+20(Promised Anti-Intervention)+10(Much Needed Supplies)-10(Abolitionist Recognition Clause)=70)

Marecinas sighed explosively, a hoof coming up to rub against her forehead, her eyes looking up towards the ceiling, as if looking for some divine sign to guide her. In the eyes of Gawain, the mare seemed to have aged a decade in the span of an hour. After a long, tense silence, the armor clad unicorn stood up from her seated position and reluctantly extended a forehoof across the table.

"Very well. I will...endeavor to meet with leaders of the abolitionists to discuss our mutual goals...more than that I cannot promise."

Gawain gave a soft smile, even as he cheered internally, Sebastian letting out a relieved sigh from behind him as the postures of every Griffon in the delegation seemed to relax. The crown prince reached across the table and carefully grasped Marecinas' hoof in his talon.

"That's all we ask."

The Captain General's gaze refocused, the steel returning to her eyes and her voice.

"I will be holding you to your promises of aid...and the offer of a treaty barring your Empire's direct intervention. We will uphold our end of the agreement..."

Gawain nodded emphatically.

"...and we will uphold ours."

This would, of course, not be the end of negotiations. Details would need to be sorted out, logistics coordinated, all manner of minutiae seen to by bureaucrats and diplomats on both sides. But the hard part was over. Gawain would return to his homeland in triumph...and some within Maretonia would begin to dare to imagine that the end of the war was in sight.

Negotiations Successful, All Proposals Accepted.

It is hard for me to write scenes like this. May go back and change this up a bit later, depending on audience response.

Still, glad to have gotten this out and finished already.

I will provide details on the results of your success here in the next update. As always, thank you for following this Quest.
Turn 28: War and Peacemaking
You sip idly from your cup, eyeing the map on the table before you. The newest model, fresh from the cartographers only a month prior. You have to keep getting new ones every few weeks...that's how quickly the world changes. From the ever shifting battle lines in Maretonia to the uncertain and nebulous coastline of the mystery land that the Caribou and Minotaurs speak of, the shape of the world you live in is far from consistent.

You hum idly in thought, a talon tracing the sea lanes between the Emerald Isles and Neighpon. Your fellow Emperor has expressed his concern regarding the developing situation there in his letters to you...there has still been no official response from the Jarls and Kings of Olenia, no word on how the Caribou are reacting to the one-sided battle at Labsfarne. Neighpon has doubled its patrols, their ships no longer restricting themselves to the Western Coast of the Emerald Isles. You share his worries.

Your eyes flicker to Canterbury, that land of forests and lakes and so many newly unearthed mysteries. Ravenburg has requested another private meeting with you tomorrow to discuss how he should proceed...and to ask who else should be informed of the apparent connection between Brochard and the foreign kingdom. You have worked with the Griffon for nearly thirty years and you don't think you've ever seen him so intense as he has been in recent days. He hasn't forgotten his failure to track down his Aquileian opposite in the wake of the unification war. You don't think he intends to let her slip through his talons again.

Finally, your gaze falls upon the fractious mess of jig-saw pieces that is Maretonia. You'd personally and publicly congratulated your son on his great success in his negotiations with Captain General Marecinas. Already, agents of the Imperial Crown were meeting covertly with plain-clothes guardsponies on the outskirts of Roam, planning supply shipments and establishing logistical networks in preparation for the day Marecinas finally made her move against Pegicles. Ambrosia has written you and Ravenburg, informing you that Ponies bearing the seal of the Royal Guard have approached her and other leaders in the Abolitionist movement with offers of information sharing and coordinated troop movements. You're glad to hear that the Captain General has kept her word.

You're even more glad to hear that the shipments of badly needed relief supplies, gathered from across the world, have already begun to make their way to ports and depots under the control of the Maretonian Royal Guard, slated for imminent distribution to the thousands of internally displaced persons still living within the borders of the war-ravaged kingdom. Hungry and desperate Ponies across Maretonia will soon be fed, housed and cared for with supplies from foreign nations. You're glad to know that the desperate masses will soon have their needs tended to...and not just for moral reasons. While the flow of people fleeing North and into your Empire has notably slackened in recent months, and will likely be reduced even more in the days and weeks to come, it has never ceased, and the ballooning population of former Maretonians has caused significant tensions in parts of the Empire and the Crystal Protectorate. You'll probably have to do something about that in the near future.

You sigh before draining the last of the liquid from your cup. It's always something. Some new problem to be solved, some new challenge to be faced and overcome. A knock on the door jars you from your thoughts, your wife and Empress Gabriella entering the parchment strewn chamber with a look of disapproval on her face.

"There you are! I've been looking all over the damned palace for you!"

She grabs you by the forearm and drags you out into the hallway, much to your bemusement.

"Our Son and my Father are both in town together for the first time in months, and by the Ancestors we are going to have a proper family dinner! If I catch you trying to sneak off and brood over your work I swear I'll pluck out every one of your tailfeathers and give them to Pearl to use in her sculpture-work!"

As the servants you pass by struggle to keep the looks of amusement off of their faces, all you can think is that you're glad you married someone who can put everything in perspective for you.

Martial: Pegicles Storm has rattled Redbeak. The idea that a potential enemy has such destructive power at his command isn't something he's particularly comfortable with. But magic isn't his area of expertise, so for now, he focuses his efforts on expanding the military and writing up contingencies for any situation he can imagine. (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Doubling the Guard: The recent population explosion has brought problems, but it has also brought opportunities, chief among them an end to the previous shortage of able-bodied Griffons and Dogs available for military service. Redbeak has long been considering an expansion of the army, and if given sufficient funding to do so he could double the size of your Empire's primary fighting force within two years. With the onset of the Maretonian Civil War, such an expansion may soon become a necessity. Cost: 3000 Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial Army Doubles in Size.

[ ] Gryphus Foriegn Legion: In a bid to quickly swell the Empire's troop numbers in preparation for a future conflict with Maretonia, Redbeak has made a radical proposal: the recruitment of foreign volunteers. These foreign born soldiers would serve for several years in the military of Gryphus in exchange for citizenship, bringing their own unique skills and abilities to your military. Such an idea is not without merit, you must admit. You figure there's no harm in giving Redbeak the funds to give it a try. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Imperial Foreign Legion established, Foreign Auxiliaries recruited.

[ ] Specialized Anti-Magic Training: Your encounters with Necronancy notwithstanding, your army doesn't have much experience fighting opponents capable of using magic to alter the battlefield, particularly in regards to the weather manipulation House Storm has become infamous for. While there's no way to prepare your troops for another artificial hurricane like the one that decimated House White Star, you can take steps to prepare them to quickly adapt to changing battlefield conditions. You are sure that the numerous arcane advisors in your court would be willing to assist in devising a few training exercises to prepare for the possibility of conflict with magic users. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Army receives specialized training and experiencing facing magical foes. Bonus to certain future rolls.

[ ] Artillery Investment: It feels like forever ago that Archimedes first introduced the concept of field artillery to you and the Empire at large through his Ballistae, and refined the idea further via black powder and his cannons. Since that time, these war machines have become a cornerstone upon which your battle plans are built. It is therefore vitally important that your army has an adequate supply of artillery pieces. Commission the foundries and workshops of the Empire for a new order of Cannons and Ballistae. Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: 10 Mobile Ballistae and 10 Cannons added to the Imperial Army.

[ ] Cog Conversion: The creation of your new Carracks have left much of your existing naval assets obsolete. Rather than simply scrapping them or continuing to field outdated ships, a few clever shipwrights have drawn up a plan to convert the hulls of the Cogs into new cannon-armed Carracks. While it won't be a perfect conversion (the Carracks requiring more building material than a Cog) and the cannons will still have to be sourced from the foundries, it will likely be cheaper than building new vessels from scratch. Cost: 700 Time: Two Years. Reward: 20 Cogs Converted into 14 Carracks.

[ ] Knights of the Frontier: With the settlement and rapid expansion of the frontier territories, now dubbed Kestrella, some have begun to call for the establishment of a new Knightly Order to serve as the guardians of the new province, small and relatively underdeveloped as it is now. Though the war against Sombra has depleted the public's appetite for conflict, there is never any shortage of Griffons willing and eager to join an esteemed Knightly Order. Construct a suitable citadel and begin the search for any aspiring Knights. Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.

[ ] Cautious Curiosity: While the now-infamous expedition that discovered Sombra has caused some to question the wisdom of venturing beyond the Empire's borders, you feel that such things are a necessity. Without such scouting missions you would have never encountered the Yaks or the Neighponese, who are now your trading partners and steadfast allies. And as some of the more pessimistic have said: "better our scouts meet them than their invasion force meet us." Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Knowledge of Distant Lands.

—[ ] Far West: The Yaks can't tell you anything about what lies beyond their lands, aside from the fact that they know such lands exist. Prior to meeting you and Sombra they never had any reason to wonder about the lands beyond their steppe. Now you have a chance to satisfy both their curiosity and your own.

—[ ] Far South: Maretonia's coastal defenses have...languished as a result of the ongoing civil war. As such, some have proposed sending a flotilla of exploration ships South along the coast, to see if your rival kingdom has any neighbors that might prove less antagonistic to you and your people. With any luck, you might find another ally or trade partner, or new resources that you could grab before the Maretonians can.

—[ ] Far East: Both the Minotaurs and the Caribou have hinted at the existence of a land to the East, across the great ocean. But aside from these cryptic hints, you know little about this strange land. The journey will be long, but it is one you and your people must make if they are to have answers to the many questions that have been raised regarding this mysterious land.

Diplomacy: Gisa, though as concerned with the events in Maretonia as everyone else, is more focused upon the international reaction to the magically created superstorm, as well as the potential reactions to any Imperial intervention in the conflict. Gawain continues to assist her, volunteering to act an emissary to your allies. (Three Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Immigration Campaign: The addition of Magical Advisors to your court, and the memory of how much the integration of the Diamond Dogs improved your Kingdom, has led some to propose the idea of advertising abroad for immigrants, from Neighpon, Yakyakistan and Canterbury. You're not sure how many takers you'll get, but it can't hurt to try. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Yak/Neighponese Immigrants. Chance of Success: 65%

[ ] Gaze upon the mists of Fate: The seers and shamans of Yakyakistan have been a subject of interest to you ever since you learned that they had warned their people of the threat of Sombra long before encountering him themselves. In a way, they were partially responsible for your victory at the battle of Redstone, as well as your ensuing positive relationship with the Yak Clans. With the threat of Sombra now extinguished, you find yourself wondering what else these mystics may know...and if they might be willing to share this information with you. There's no harm in asking, right? Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain information from Yak Seers. Chance of Success: 60%.

[ ] She can see the Futuuure!: First the Yak Shamans, now Queen Chevaline. Seriously, how many races can predict the future? Regardless, while the Seer of the Waters may not publish as many prophecies as the Yaks, her predictions tend to be less vague and more detailed. It appears that quality vs quantity is also a problem for prophets. Perhaps you could convince her to share any pertinent vision she may have regarding you or your nation? It might not be as easy as just asking though. Her prophecies are the Word of The Lady, and she might not be eager to share them with outsiders, not even allies. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain Information from Queen Chevaline. Chance of Success: 50%

[ ] Emerald Isles Emissary: The discovery of an entire independent kingdom of Diamond Dogs has raised more than a little bit of interest amongst your people...and the realization that it was the Neighponese who met them first has more than a few members of your diplomatic corps kicking themselves at the missed opportunity. But there's still time to rectify this and properly introduce yourself to the inhabitants of the Emerald Isles. A diplomatic mission seems to be in order. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Contact established with Emerald Isles, New Actions Unlocked.

[ ] International Peacekeeping Force: With each passing day, an intervention in the Maretonian Civil War seems more and more necessary. But as great as your military is, you're not sure they're up to the task of pacifying the divided nation, even with the help of the Abolitionists. Additionally, having support from other nations would lend recognition to your intervention into another kingdom's affairs, no matter how warranted it may be. Float the idea of a multinational "peacekeeping force" to your allies and see if any of them would be willing to contribute. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Promises (or lack thereof) of Support in event of Maretonian Intervention.

[ ] Qilin and Caribou: The situation in the Emerald Isles is tense, and no one is entirely sure what to expect going forward. There haven't been any further raids or vikinger activity since the Labsfarne incident, but many fear that this is the calm before a storm. You believe it's in your best interest to prevent Neighpon and Olenia from coming to blows with each other or allowing the situation to escalate. With that in mind, Gisa has proposed leveraging Gryphus' status as a relatively neutral third party to bridge the gap between the leadership of both sides and hopefully prevent the situation from deteriorating. Of course, this is assuming that both sides agree to your proposal...and are willing to speak to each other in the first place. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Intervention in regards to the Emerald Isles, reduced chance of further tensions or an escalation of hostility. Chance of Success: 55%.

[ ] Confronting Canterbury: Ravenburg's report on his findings in Canterbury has raised more than a few eyebrows, and has stirred up those privileged few trusted enough to have been briefed. Neither you nor any member of your privy council is content to simply let these revelations slide. Gisa has, uncharacteristically of her, proposed an unusually aggressive course of action: request a private meeting with Canterbury's Royarch and demand an explanation. It's risky, and the fact that it could jeopardize your relationship with the kingdom goes without saying, but you're guaranteed to get some results at least...and it doesn't run the risks that further acts of espionage would. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Result: ???

[ ] Caribou Crop-Sharing: Gisa and her fellow diplomats are quite eager to open up trade with the Caribou in the hopes of opening the door to closer economic and diplomatic ties. This is easier said than done however, as while your Empire possesses numerous products to sell to the denizens of Olenia, they do not have many goods to sell back to you. The Jarls of the frozen kingdoms across the sea are understandably concerned about the possibility of a trade imbalance, especially since they still use the gold and silver coinage that your people have long since begun to phase out. A potential solution to this problem has been proposed however...by Puissant Arbre of all people. The Canterburian agriculturalist's plan is as simple as it is unorthodox: give the Caribou something worth trading for. Specifically, the proposed/theorized sugary root vegetables that Genevieve had first proposed attempting to breed several years ago...and which everyone had promptly forgotten about.

Puissant's plan is thus: offer to dispatch some scholars from the Empire to the courts of the Olenian kingdoms, in a similar manner to how Neighpon and Canterbury dispatched their own experts to share their knowledge with you. These experts would not be there simply to educate and advise however, but to pitch, establish and supervise the root vegetable breeding project that, with any luck, will see the Caribou gain access to a new trade good that will be in high demand amongst the people of Gryphus. A sound plan...provided the Caribou themselves play along. Cost: 400. Time: Two Years. Reward: Caribou breed Sugar Beets, Trade Relations with Olenian Kingdoms established. Chance of Success: 70%.

[ ] Collegiate Coordination: Now that you are more or less allied with both the Maretonian Royal Guard and the Colleges of Magic, it's time to ensure that your allies start working together...or at least tell them that they shouldn't kill each other. Establish a connection between the mages and the Guard Commander with the Empire as a go-between. With any luck you might be able to get the two groups to cooperate against their mutual foe...or at least smooth over any potential problems before they can become apparent. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Coordination between Maretonian Royal Guard and Maretonian Colleges of Magic. Chance of Success: 60%.

Stewardship: Although as pleased with the completion of the national rail network as everyone else, Frida is now struggling to come up with a program to follow it or rival its impact upon the Empire. This, combined with the renewed flow of refugees from Maretonia, has your steward a little stressed. (Two Actions Per Turn) One Action Locked.

-Crystal Agriculture. Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate gains a substantial agricultural base and is no longer dependent upon food imports from the Griffonlands. Increased Agricultural Income. Will Finish This Turn.

[ ] Thaumatological Education: The science of magic is poorly understood by the inhabitants of your Empire, and for good reason. Griffons and Diamond Dogs have no magic of their own, and much of the knowledge gathered by the Crystal Ponies was lost when Sombra enslaved their people. This state of affairs was of little concern in the past...but with the growing Hippogriff population and the inevitability of these new magical minorities access the arcane abilities of their parents, it is becoming apparent that this lack of magical education cannot stand. Frida has been consulting with Merlin and your other magical experts to devise a curriculum for "gifted" individuals that will allow them to better understand and harness their powers. Of course, such knowledge will need to be disseminated. Frida has a few ideas for that. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Magical Education established. Enables future Magic Actions.

[ ] Western Lumberjacks: The woods of the Western Frontier (now dubbed Kestrella), while not quite as expansive and vast as the forests of the Imperial heartland, are still a potential resource and an ample supply of raw timber. Subsidize the establishment of logging camps and lumber mills in the newly settled territory. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Logging Income.

[ ] Cloth Mills: While sufficient Flax has been planted to allow for textile production, and a significant cottage industry has already sprung up to exploit this, you're far from rivaling the Neighponese for textile production. Mass production is the name of the game here: subsidize the construction and start-up costs of some weaving mills and see if you can increase productivity. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Industrial Linen Production achieved, Increased Tax Income.

[ ] Gas Lighting: While Genevieve's gas lamps have become a more and more common sight in the Empire, they are far from ubiquitous, especially outside of the Capital and major industrial centers. The benefits of reliable 24-hour lighting are significant: crime rates drop, and workers can continue their labors even once the sun begins to dip below the horizon. Despite these benefits, few local governments and businesses have invested in gas lamps due to the installation costs involved, to say nothing of the costs to keep them lit. Frida has been considering plans for another great public works project to stimulate the economy. Lighting up the night seems like a suitably ambitious goal. Cost: 1200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Gas Lamps installed in all major population centers in the Empire, Increased Tax Income due to Increased Productivity and Reduced Crime Rates.

[ ] Crystal Forests: As the soil fertility and climate of the Crystal Protectorate begins to lend itself towards agriculture, some within the assembly have made an unusual proposal: the planting and cultivation of forests for the express purpose of providing the Protectorate with a domestic source of lumber. An unusual idea...but one worth exploring. Cost: 400. Time: Three Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate develops domestic logging industry, increased logging income.

Learning: While Archimedes and Genevieve form the core of your scholastic efforts, the Neighponese Trio and the Canterbury Magic Experts, particularly the venerable Merlin, have become increasingly important to your Empire's research and development efforts, providing new insights and research opportunities to exploit. (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Sugar Beets: Among the numerous crops that have been introduced to the Empire as a result of trade with Neighpon, Sugarcane has been one of the most sought after, particularly due to its inability to be farmed on the mainland. However, Genevieve claims to have an idea. By selectively breeding a particular species of root vegetable for increased production of Sucrose (the thing that gives Sugarcane its distinctively sweet taste), she believes it to be possible to engineer a hardier alternative to sugarcane that can be grown domestically. This will of course take a while to do. Cost: 200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Sugar Beets acquired, new Learning and Stewardship Actions Unlocked. (Incompatible With Caribou Crop-Sharing)

[ ] Prototype Flying Machine: You have the schematics, you have the runes, and now you have a suitable lifting gas. All that's left is to put theory into practice and actually build one of these "airships". Archimedes has cautioned you not to expect much...this Machine is going to be the first of its kind after all, and will likely need to be refined even after after its built, as theory and reality rarely agree with each other. Still, this will bring you one step closer to having a fleet that can sail the skies as well as any navy sails the seas. Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: First Airship Constructed, New Actions Unlocked.

[ ] A Different Kind of Mortar: The prospect of war with Maretonia (or what's left of it) has raised numerous concerns amongst the military. Your cannons, while effective at targeting enemies and destroying unreinforced architecture, may not be as effective against the enchanted walls and fortifications of Maretonia. Archimedes has proposed a potential solution: a weapon similar to a cannon, designed to lob projectiles over walls and other obstructions. While these weapons are unlikely to be as useful against mobile targets, they may prove a decisive advantage in siege warfare. Give Archimedes the go-ahead to try and build a few of these new weapons. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Mortar Artillery Developed.

[ ] Miniature Ballistae: The recent completion of the great hunt, while ridding your lands of monsters and dangerous creatures, has also had the (perhaps expected) side effect of depriving the forests of dangerous game. As a result, the people of your nation have much fewer targets to practice their craft on. This may result in a shortage of skilled archers in the near-future, which may endanger your military's ability to engage enemies from range. Archimedes claims to have a solution to this: a miniaturized ballistae that can be used and carried by one person. Such a weapon could be used by anyone with only a relatively small amount of training, readily solving the issue. Of course, he will need time and funding to perfect the design and make it suitable for mass production. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Crossbows.

[ ] Black-Steel Balls: With the sudden influx of Orichalcum from YakYakistan, you can now afford to produce additional weapons with antimagic properties. One of the weapons that your scientists have been particularly eager to attempt developing is one that will complement the powerful siege weapons that they've made in the past: Black-Steel cannonballs. Sadly, it is not as simple as swapping one metal for another. Black-Steel is notably denser and heavier than simple iron, and the procedures and calculations regarding the use of your cannons will have to be altered to accommodate these properties. Still, you're sure it's nothing Archimedes and his team can't handle. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Army gains Black-Steel Cannonballs.

[ ] Steam Drills: Archimedes has been brainstorming additional applications for his steam engines, and has recently come up with the idea of a mining tool combining the attributes of a hammer and a chisel to bore through solid rock. Such a device would be a useful asset for the miners and tunnelers in your Empire, and would likely lead to an increase in overall mining productivity. Naturally, your lead researcher is going to require time, funds and facilities to make his idea reality...and create enough of the new tools to raise interest amongst the general public. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Steam Drills Invented, Additional Mining Income.

Intrigue: Ravenburg's attentions are torn between the ongoing civil war in Maretonia and the recent revelation of an apparent connection between Canterbury and the late King Brochard. He seems determined to make up for his perceived failure in allowing the mysterious Lady Nightingale to evade his agents in the wake of the Unification War, and seems intently focused on not allowing her to give him the slip again. Still, that is not to say that he has been neglecting his duties in other areas of the world, continuing to keep tabs on Maretonia, Minotauria, and the rest of the world besides. (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Hoofbeard's Other Heist: Pegicles Storm has completely severed the trade route between House White Star and the Minotaur Republics. Naturally, this has also thrown Hoofbeard's plan for a dream heist completely out the window. Thankfully, your efforts to insert infiltrators into House White Star has paid dividends and opened up a new opportunity. Countess Copper Top had provided you with invaluable information regarding the status of House White Star's treasury...specifically, its gold reserves. To protect its wealth from enemies both within and without, House White Star does not keep all its funds in one place, and moves its stores of gold often. And, while she is not really supposed to have access to such information, Countess Copper Top does possess knowledge of several such shipments of gold and silver bullion. Knowledge which she has graciously shared with you. While Pegicles Storm has rendered some of this Intel obsolete, much if it still remains relevant, especially as the Countess continues to feed you Intel even as House White Star slowly crumbles.

Everything from the routes the carriages and barges shall take to the times of departure and the composition of the security detachments that shall escort the riches of House White Star has been provided to you. Several of these routes of transit are located on or near the coast, where the pirates of Libertalia could conceivably strike. It's not a treasure fleet, but its a viable alternative to the now sunk treasure fleet, if a more risky one. The fact that the abolitionists may be able to provide support to such a venture is just another reason to consider such an otherwise risky operation. Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: House White Star's Treasury Raided, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Chance of Success: 65%

[ ] Assisted Abolitionist Raids-House White Star: The Abolitionists have conducted numerous raids of varying effect and degrees of success against both of the Noble Houses of Maretonia, striking lines of supply and freeing their still-enslaved brethren. Still, many of these attacks are little more than nuisance raids, not having any significant effect on the war capability of either of the Noble Houses. However, with proper support and intelligence from the Empire, it is hoped that these attacks could do some real damage to the Noble War Machine. Ravenburg has already identified several supply depots, barracks and outposts that, if attacked intelligently and in a coordinated manner, could seriously harm and hinder House White Star forces. Coordinate with Ambrosia to provide the support needed to make such coordinated assaults a reality. Cost: 600. Reward: Abolitionists raid House White Star Infrastructure, White Star forces weakened and thrown into disarray. Chance of Success: 75%

[ ] Riddle of the Labyrinth: Gisa suspects that there's something up with the Minotaur Republics, and after hearing the detailed report on her journey to Labyrinthian, you're inclined to agree. Whether they simply didn't tell you everything or outright lied to your diplomats isn't clear, but you are almost certain that they're hiding something. See if Light Step is willing to act as a spy one last time and have him get to the bottom of this mystery. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Minotaur Republics. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] The Frame-Up Job: While you don't have sufficient evidence to make a solid conclusion regarding who really killed Queen Mareia, you do know how she died, as well as how the assassination would likely have been carried out. You also know how the Maretonian Royal Guard have been investigating the death of their Monarch, and that the leaders of the Noble factions now warring over the country are their prime suspects. With this information at hand, it wouldn't be impossible to say...fabricate evidence that it was Pegicles who had ordered the assassination of Queen Mareia. The Maretonian Royal Guard are already on the brink of war with House Storm, but a final push of such magnitude as this would ensure that the two fight to the death rather than negotiate. Of course, if things go wrong, the consequences of such blatant forgery of evidence and direct interference in the investigation of the Queen's murder will likely be disastrous. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Pegicles framed for Queen Mareia's murder. Chance of Success: 40%

[ ] Canterbury Investigations: The unearthing of an apparent connection between Canterbury and the late King Brochard's spymaster has Ravenburg up in arms. Combined with everything else that was uncovered during his agents' brief sojourn into the feudal kingdom, Ravenburg is insisting upon another, far more extensive covert investigation in hopes of finding answers to the numerous questions that have been raised. Of course such a through investigation may be discovered by the Canterburians themselves. You're not quite sure what might happen if they do. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel on Canterbury-Aquileia Connection, Further Revelations. Chance of Success: 50%.

[ ] Bursting the Cloudburst: The spell matrix currently in development by the Maretonian Colleges of Magic has the potential to be used as a weapon of unimaginable destruction if it is ever perfected. While you are technically now allied with the mages of the Colleges, they do not answer to you directly, and their insistence upon maintaining their autonomy could be pose a point of contention going forward. For these reasons, it is vitally important that the Cloudburst spell is never completed. Your new relationship with the Colleges opens up numerous opportunities to infiltrate and interfere with their activities, which may allow your agents to slow or halt the progress of their research. Of course, such an operation carries great risks, not the least of which being the severing of a relationship you've only just created. Still, preventing the development of a magical WMD may be worth that cost, if it comes down to it. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Project Cloudburst Sabotaged. Chance of Success: 45%.

[ ] Maretonian Intel Sharing: Officially, the Maretonian Royal Guard are on the brink of open conflict with House Storm. Unofficially, several of their units have already been waging a guerrilla war against Pegicles' faction, ever since the Great Storm. The attacks have been small scale, targeting individual patrols or isolated encampments, and are invariably pinned on the abolitionists or the remnants of House White Star. But you feel these attacks could be bigger, and cause more damage to the militant noble house. Your alliance with the Abolitionists, combined with your own extensive spy network, provides intelligence that the Maretonians simply can't hope to acquire themselves. Sharing this Intel as you receive it, and encouraging the Maretonians to use it, may allow for your new allies to launch larger and more ambitious raids against House Storm...hopefully without showing their Hoof before they are ready for open conflict. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intelligence Shared with Maretonian Royal Guard, Additional Raids on House Storm Holdings.

Piety: The newly established "Council of Faiths", a gathering of representatives from every major religion in the Empire, has wasted no time in clamoring for your attention and attempting to leverage their newfound place in the Imperial Court to expand the influence of their respective beliefs. Each of the six beings upon the Council (Including a Qilin, a Yak, and a Crystal Pony) have submitted a proposal for your consideration. Whether you intend to act on any of them is up to you. (One Action Per Turn)

[ ] A Temple to the Old Gods: The followers of the Ancient Pantheon have their sacred relics. Now they need a place to put them. Designs have been drawn up for a temple in the pre-Imperial style, large enough to serve as a gathering place and point of pilgrimage for all those that still worship the old Gods. Unfortunately, a few problems have popped up. The land which they wish to construct the temple on is technically owned by the Imperial Crown, and the wheels of bureaucracy are too turning slowly for people's liking. Combine that with a lack of funds to actually construct the temple itself, and the Pantheists are facing a significant roadblock. Funds and direct intervention from the crown will likely be necessary to ensure the speedy construction of the Temple. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Temple to the Old Gods Constructed.

[ ] Expanded Crystal Worship: The Crystal Disciples, though quite pleased with the growth of their faith in recent years, are still struggling to expand their influence beyond the Crystal City, something only compounded by the object of their worship being either unable or (as some assume) unwilling to leave the cities limits. The question of how to worship the central object of their religion without it being present is one that almost all of the disciples have been wrestling with, but a preacher by the name of Varado has come up with what he believes to be a solution after studying the Crystal Heart and the Runes upon it. A particular rune array, intended to be carved upon a miniaturized Crystal Heart that can be placed in shrines and houses of worship across the Empire. Supposedly, it would allow the "worship energy" from distant shrines to reach the Heart itself. In theory. Of course, the rune array is the work of a comparative novice, and the Disciples would appreciate some discretionary funding to produce a few of these miniature hearts for a sort of trial run, to see if the preacher's idea has merit. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Crystal Shrines outside the Crystal City. Expanded Crystal Disciples Influence.

[ ] A Sacred Stone: The Yaks' shamanistic beliefs have little need for temples, shrines, or more conventional sites of worship. Instead they mark sites of spiritual significance via raised stones or boulders with intricately carved inscriptions and artwork dedicated to their gods. While the followers of Yak Shamanism within your borders could simply pick a stone and carve an inscription into it themselves, they have deemed such an approach insufficient for the first Runestone to be placed in the Empire, and have attempted to contract the famous Shaman Brod the Wise to create the inscription. There's just one problem: Brod the Wise has left his self-imposed exile from his mountaintop home exactly three times in the past thirty years. Once to confirm the disappearance of Discord, once to give a prophecy concerning the coming of Sombra, and most recently to legitimize the reign of King Rutherford as a worthy ruler of Yak-kind. To say that it's unlikely he'll agree to travel beyond the borders of Yakyakistan to simply carve some runes in a rock is perhaps the understatement of the year. Still...if he were to receive a letter requesting his presence from a foreign Emperor, one that has done so much to help his people...well, he'd be much less likely to refuse then wouldn't he? Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Brod the Wise carves the first Yakyakistani Runestone for the Empire.

[ ] Seaside Shrines: While all natural phenomenon are associated with Kami, and all are important in their own way, the spirits of the winds and waters are regarded as particularly important by followers of Neighponese Spiritualism. Combine this with the fact that most of the practitioners of the Neighponese faith live on or near the coast, and it's fairly obvious what the first shrines they seek to build are going to be dedicated to. Unfortunately, the construction of the shrines is not a simple matter, for two reasons. The first is a matter of material; the followers of a religion originating in Neighpon naturally want materials from said nation to be used in their shrines, which means they'll have to go through the bureaucracy that is the Imperial Customs Office. The second and much larger issue is the fact that several of these shrines are intended to be built in or on the water itself, which may pose a navigational hazard for shallow-draft ships. Naturally, this is a bureaucratic nightmare of its own. The spiritualists would greatly appreciate it if you would grease the wheels of bureaucracy for them do that they can finally build their shrines. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Shrines constructed.

[ ] A Holy Lake: Obviously, Lakes and Ponds are central to the worship of the Lady of the Lakes. While technically any pure body of water could be considered holy by the worshippers of the Lady, certain ones are selected by members of the church to serve as sites of worship. Exactly how they determine which lake or pond should be more holy than others is a mystery to those outside of the priesthood, but the followers of the Lady within your borders have identified one lake in particular which they believe to be a conduit for the Lady's divine will. The fact that it is near your shared border with Canterbury is a total coincidence, you're sure. Regardless, the followers of the Lady have petitioned you to recognize the lake as a protected area, off limits to development or exploitation, save the construction of shrines and houses of worship. Given that the lake in question is far from any major cities or sources of pollution, this shouldn't be too difficult to pull off. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Church of the Lady granted a protected lake to worship at.

[ ] The Imperial Creed: Now that the Imperial Cult and it's adherents have agreed on a singular doctrine, they are ready to begin truly spreading their faith across the Empire. But to do this, they will require a sacred text, a holy book to convey their message. Thankfully they already have one: the Lectitio Divinitatus, collaboratively written by several of the cult's founders. Unfortunately, they currently only have the one full copy, with a handful of excerpts transcribed by talon for congregations across the Empire. If they're going to make any headway in converting citizens to their faith, they're going to need to publish their scriptures. Unfortunately, they have been experiencing some difficulties in acquiring the services of bookmakers and printing presses, mostly because, due to their earlier doctrinal disputes, they were late to the holy book publishing party. It appears they'll need some help finding a publisher not already swamped with orders. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Lectitio Divinitatus published.

Personal: You refuse to let your duties as Emperor take up every moment of your day. (Two Actions per Turn)

[ ] Overtime: Your advisors can only do so much, and sometimes that's just not enough. If it's truly necessary, you can sacrifice some of your otherwise free time to carry out an additional action from another category, provided said action has a duration of only one year. The costs and chances of success for that action remain the same.

[ ] Imperial Priority: Sometimes you need something done as quickly as possible, regardless of the cost. In such times, you can authorize and oversee the judicious and generous application of funds to speed things along. If necessary, you can reduce the duration of a select action by one year at the cost of a personal action and doubling the per-turn financial cost of the action. The chances of success for said action will remain the same.

[ ] Creative Accounting: Even for an Empire as prosperous as yours, money can be tight. Balancing the budget can be a difficult task at the best of times, but your prior experience as a Merchant has taught you many financial "magic tricks". Taking some time out of your busy schedule to squeeze a few extra coins out of the bureaucracy could be the difference between staying in the black and dipping into your reserve funds. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: One Small Lump-Sum of Funds. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Rune-Sword of the Emperor: While you possess a blade of forged Orichalcum for combat against magical threats, you still wear the blade forged when you were merely the King of Griffonia. Over the years, it has become as symbolic of you and your rule as your crown has. When Merlin cracked the code of the Runes upon the Crystal Heart, he sparked an idea in your mind: could such Runes be used to make your trusty blade more powerful? Only one way to find out. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune-Blade.

[ ] Meeting with the Dukes: Federico Montefeathertro, your Father-In-Law and the Duke of Urbirdo, has asked you to join him and the Grand Duke of Wingbardy, Garibaldi Talonuelli, on a hunting trip. The grand hunt so many years previous may have culled the monster population, but much game still exists to those who know how to look for it. Of course, you strongly suspect that there's more to this invitation than a simple jaunt in the wilderness. You suspect that the two aging nobles have a few things they'd like to talk to you about...privately and away from any intruding ears. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: ???

[ ] A Gesture of Friendship: The Neighponese have been your closest allies since your battle against Sombra, their soldiers shedding their blood alongside yours in the streets of the Crystal City. You and your family have forged personal connections with your new friends from across the sea, from your son's friendship with the young Qilin Ki Seong, to Gwyndlyn's correspondence with the Emperor Ryuō himself. You feel it's important to show them that you value the relationship you have with your fellow Empire...and Hardbeak's Sword gives you an idea. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune Sword gifted to Emperor Ryuō.

[ ] The Maretonian Question: The influx of refugees from Maretonia has, predictably, led to tensions between the new arrivals and the citizens of the Empire, primarily within the Crystal City, where the largest population of Maretonians have settled after leaving the refugee camps. Protests and confrontations have occurred, not just between Citizens and Refugees, but between former slaves and the ponies that once looked down upon their enslaved countrymen. It may be prudent to pay a visit to the Crystal City and make a statement. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Publicly Address the Refugee Integration Issue.

[ ] Getting to Know You More: Gawain has made some very interesting friends. Despite his new busy work schedule, he still goes out of his way to make time for them and maintain the connections he's made. You're happy to know your son has others which he can confide in and rely on, though you do wonder what sort of things they talk about when they meet. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain and Friends Interlude, potential for Further Rewards. (Does not cost an Action. May only be taken once per Turn.)

-Brochard's Legacy: Isabelle Brissete is a fine young Griffon, one that your son feels immensely lucky to have met. You suspect she feels even luckier to have met him. But while you and your family have been willing to look beyond the unfortunate matter of the young heiress's ancestry, many others within your Empire are not so kind. But while Isabelle has resigned herself to her status as a veritable outcast amongst the Empire's nobility, Gawain is not content to simply let things be. He is determined to help her escape the shadow of her uncles legacy...and has gone so far to request your assistance in the matter. You think you may have an idea.

-Dueling Practice: In many ways, Ki Seong is a typical example of a Neighponese noble lady. She has spent much of her life being educated on the finer points of etiquette and can host an organize a tea ceremony fit for the Dragon Emperor himself. But Gawain knows better than to assume that she is a dainty flower of the Far East, for the young Qilin hides a core of steel and fire that would put any Griffon to shame. She is shockingly well versed in the realms of strategy, politics and diplomacy, and can wield a bow or blade as well as any professional soldier. It is this last quality that piques Gawain's interest. He does not often get the chance to spar with a talented opponent that will not hesitate to hold back against him because of his status. You're interested to see how he fares against the young Qilin.

-Sebastian's Innovations: Sebastian Rainfeather, one of your son's closest friends, seems determined to become the next Archimedes. The young Griffon has been spending a great deal of time cooped up in his "laboratory" (the basement of his family's manor) in hopes of creating something novel and useful enough to impress Archimedes, Genevieve and the rest of the Empire. Gawain has recently received a letter from his scholarly friend, politely inviting him to stop by his home at his earliest convenience. You wonder what the aspiring inventor wishes to show him?

There will be a twelve hour moratorium to allow for discussion and Plan-Building.

Let me know if you have any questions.
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Turn 28 Results
Martial: Pegicles Storm has rattled Redbeak. The idea that a potential enemy has such destructive power at his command isn't something he's particularly comfortable with. But magic isn't his area of expertise, so for now, he focuses his efforts on expanding the military and writing up contingencies for any situation he can imagine.

-Specialized Anti-Magic Training: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Army receives specialized training and experiencing facing magical foes. Bonus to certain future rolls.

Despite your agreement with the Maretonian Royal Guard not to directly intercede in the Maretonian Civil conflict, you cannot discount the possibility that circumstances may render that agreement untenable. And besides that, you consider it an inevitability that you and your armies will eventually be forced to fight magic users at some point in the future. With this, and the memory of Sombra, firmly in your mind, you task the many experts of the arcane that you'v welcomed into your court over the years with training your army and preparing your knights and soldiers to engage in combat with magic users and other unconventional foes.

In hindsight, the way they smiled when you gave them that task probably should have clued you in to what sort of training they had planned.

Asahi Kaji calls upon his own militant past and culture, taking to the role of a flame-spitting drill sergeant with gusto as he drags fresh-faced recruits and hardened veterans alike through a training regimen involving airborne dodges and evasive maneuvers as he sends jet after jet of (carefully controlled) flames into the sky. The Kitsune Yakō-Nogitsū puts his skills with illusion magic and Genjutsu to work, creating realistic combat simulations for the knights of the Empire, all while teaching them the tell-tale signs that they are in an illusion and giving tips and pointers on how to disrupt it...and occasionally making them see bizarre and improbable things to laugh at their reactions.

The soldiers assigned to train under the kindly Tanuki Danzaburō think they have it easy. Those thoughts are quickly dashed when the small furry monk shatters a tree trunk with a single blow of his paw and then kindly instructs the assembled soldiers to come at him with their training weapons. Despite the number of injuries among his trainees, you cannot argue that the method has proven effective in giving your soldiers experience fighting foes capable of augmenting their strength and speed through arcane means.

The Canterbury delegation proves equally unorthodox, only differing in their methods due to the fact that they all have some manner of teaching experience which they can draw upon to impart their knowledge onto your soldiers. The Pegasus Rafale puts her wings to use whipping up artificial storms to test your troops' ability to navigate turbulent weather as Puissant Arbre tests their endurance by summoning forth a veritable forest of greenery for them to weed, hack and slash through as part of their training to adapt to rapidly changing battlefield conditions.

Then there's Merlin, who somehow manages to combine the specialties and training styles of all the other experts put together, creating an ever shifting obstacle course of shifting earth, rapidly sprouting trees, and water-filled ditches that freeze and melt in a matter of seconds. Combined with nearly impenetrable magical barriers and his infuriating ability to levitate or teleport entire squadrons from one corner of the course to another, his makeshift labyrinth quickly becomes infamous amongst your soldiers as a nightmare to navigate and adapt to.

But adapt they do. Each week, hundreds of soldiers and knights undergo the unconventional training that your court wizards devise, and while many struggle to cope with the difficult and exhausting training regimens they are put though, they quickly learn to roll with the punches and change their tactics on the fly, all while gaining invaluable experience in dealing with magic users. By the end of the year, nearly every soldier and knight in the Empire has gone through training with one or more of the arcane experts, and have been hardened to the bizarre and sudden effects that magic can have upon the field of battle. You are sure it will serve them well, should any of them ever face an enemy that wields it as their instructors had. Army and Knights have Received Anti-Magic Training. Bonus to certain future combat rolls.

-Artillery Investment: Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: 10 Mobile Ballistae and 10 Cannons added to the Imperial Army.

Compared to the ordeal that their countrymen in the armed forces are going through, the engineers, carpenters and metal workers of the Imperial Foundries and Siege Workshops have an easy task this year, albeit an ambitious one. The crafting of a score of artillery pieces is an endeavor requiring countless man-hours of work and tons of raw materials, from wood to steel. Thankfully, recent innovations have made the crafting of such weapons of war easier and less time consuming than they were only a few short years previous, from the railroads easing the transport of materials to new boring techniques ensuring the quick forging of cannon barrels.

After many years of becoming accustomed to the once newfangled devices, the engineers and craftsgriffs regard the production of such weapons as almost routine, and though they labor intensively to meet their deadline, the outcome is never once in doubt. By the end of the year, twenty new field artillery pieces have been added to the Imperial Army's arsenal, and the dozens of crew members needed to operate the weapons are hastily trained and equipped to do so. You personally offer your thanks to the Griffons, Dogs and Ponies responsible for the creation of so many fine machines, and take comfort in the fact that, should the conflict to your South spiral even further out of control, your people shall not be in danger of being outgunned. 10 Mobile Ballistae and 10 Cannons added to the Imperial Army.

: Gisa, though as concerned with the events in Maretonia as everyone else, is more focused upon the international reaction to the magically created superstorm, as well as the potential reactions to any Imperial intervention in the conflict. Gawain continues to assist her, volunteering to act an emissary to your allies.

-Emerald Isles Emissary: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Contact established with Emerald Isles, New Actions Unlocked.

While the existence of the Emerald Isles and its Diamond Dog inhabitants has been common knowledge amongst the inhabitants of Gryphus for years, it is only recently that events occurring on (and just off of) those far away shores has drawn the attention of you and your government. The growing tensions between the Neighponese and the Caribou with the Isles in the center of it all has led you and Gisa to the conclusion that formally establishing diplomatic contact with the Alphas of the Emerald Isles would be a wise decision. As such, a diplomatic mission is swiftly assembled and sent off towards the island nation.

The cliff-lined coastline of the Emerald Isles.

Your emissaries report an uneventful journey East, the presence of numerous Neighponese naval vessels ensuring a smooth crossing even as they reinforce the importance of your embassy's mission. The group soon arrives upon the shores of the Emerald Isles, where they are swiftly escorted to the Capital, an underground metropolis known as Doglin, home of the Court of Rex the 2nd, Alpha of Alphas. There your people are greeted with hospitality and curiosity by the canine populace, who are fascinated by the Griffins amongst the party, but are even more intrigued by the presence of the Imperial Dogs among them. The Emerald Dogs had apparently been under the impression that their kingdom contained the sum total of the world's population of Diamond Dogs. They had therefore been very surprised when the Neighponese expressed familiarity with their race, and told them of your Empire. Rex and his subjects are, naturally, insatiably curious regarding their foreign cousins.

It is frankly surprising how many similarities there are between the two groups. The architecture of Doglin would look scarcely out of place in the dogtowns beneath the cities of the Empire, and the dishes served to your diplomats in the subterranean feasting halls bear marked similarities to the dishes served in many canine-operated restaurants within Gryphus. You suppose it makes a certain amount of sense: though the two groups may be from different places and undergone different experiences, they are still members of the same race.

While the Diamond Dogs of the Emerald Isles express some befuddlement at the idea of Dogs pledging fealty to a member of another race, that is the extent of the culture clash, and it is a difference that is swiftly overwhelmed by the similarities the two groups share. Needless to say that the presence of Diamond Dogs, and their status as equal citizens within your Empire, has bought you a great deal of good will and credibility with the Emerald Dogs. After a few short weeks, lines of official diplomatic communication are established and tentative agreements are hammered out as a groundwork is laid for future relations between your two nations. Your emissaries part ways with the Alpha's court on good terms, and return home only a few months after their departure bearing gifts and messages of good will from the inhabitants of the Isles. All in all, a successful and worthwhile endeavor. Relations Established with Emerald Isles (7/10, Dog-Friend), New Actions Unlocked.

-Collegiate Coordination: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Coordination between Maretonian Royal Guard and Maretonian Colleges of Magic. Chance of Success: 60%.

Required: 40. Rolled: 86+18+10(Tales of Goblet-Chan)=114. Art. Crit!

You'd expected it to be difficult to get the Maretonian Royal Guard and the Maretonian College of Magic to cooperate. You'd expected the two groups to despise each other and want nothing to with each other. It only made sense to suspect as much; they had technically been on opposite sides of the conflict for some time, prior to Pegicles' storm and your own attempts to change the status quo. Nevertheless, you had tasked Gisa and her subordinates with establishing lines of communication between the two groups and ensuring that they could coordinate their actions and share resources...even if they weren't likely to do so.

One could imagine your surprise then, when, shortly after being put into contact with the Captain-General, nearly every mage of the Colleges packs their possessions, seals up the towers and remote facilities that they had previously occupied, and journeys en-masse to Roam, where they take up residence in the Arcane district, a collection of dormitories, laboratories and lecture halls that had once been home to the largest concentration of magical talent in Maretonia, prior to the death of Queen Mareia. It surprises you even more when, after dispelling the sealing wards and magicking the dust out of their new accommodations, the Mages and Wizards of the Colleges begin to actively assist their new allies against House Storm, applying their considerable magical talent and power to fortify Roam, repair the city's infrastructure, and grow food for the local refugee population. Many young adepts even attach themselves to squadrons of Royal Guardsponies, training and drilling alongside their newfound comrades in preparation for the day when open hostilities finally break out.

Marecinas herself is reportedly as surprised as you are with how helpful the scholars are being, to the point where she straight up asked one of the most senior mages now present in Roam exactly why they were being so generous. His response was unusually to the point for an arcane academian: "We have no love for Pegicles or his cronies. And for all our knowledge and magical skill, we know that a dreadful fate awaits us if he prevails against you. Supporting you is our only chance to prevent House Storm's victory and ensure our very survival. It is, quite literally, do or die for us."

Regardless of their motivations, Marecinas and her subordinates are grateful for the assistance of their former enemies, and are now far more confident in their ability to effectively wage war against House Storm when the time finally comes. The Colleges of Magic have thrown their full support behind Marecinas and the Royal Guard in the struggle against Pegicles.

-Caribou Crop-Sharing: Cost: 400. Time: Two Years. Reward: Caribou breed Sugar Beets, Trade Relations with Olenian Kingdoms established. Chance of Success: 70%.

Required: 30. Rolled: 72+18=90

Puissant's idea is...a bit unorthodox, but that's never stopped you or your people from implementing such ideas before. You figure there's little to be lost if his idea fails and an awful lot to gain if it succeeds, so you give Gisa full authority to carry on with the Canterburian's suggestion. Volunteers are acquired from the Crystal University's freshly expanded agricultural department and given a crash course in Caribou language, culture and customs while Gisa's most seasoned diplomats broach the idea of an exchange of knowledge and culture with several Jarls and Dukes of Olenia. Despite your fears, they prove to be receptive to the idea of hosting foreign dignitaries, something that will no doubt lend them a great deal of prestige amongst their peers. Once everything is set, the new ambassadors of agriculture hop aboard a convoy of trade vessels and set off for the frozen shores of the Caribou lands, arriving to a great deal of pomp and circumstance from the locals.

Once appropriately settled in, the scholars begin the most difficult part of their task: convincing the local rulership and nobility of the value of their proposed crop. Once again, the local Caribou prove remarkably willing to listen to ideas brought to them by exotic foreign scholars, and begin to tentatively experiment with breeding the plants and seedlings that your agents brought with them to the frozen lands of the far north. The hard part is done. All that anyone on this side of the ocean can do now is wait and see how things progress. Will Finish Next Turn.

: Although as pleased with the completion of the national rail network as everyone else, Frida is now struggling to come up with a program to follow it or rival its impact upon the Empire. This, combined with the renewed flow of refugees from Maretonia, has your steward a little stressed.

-Crystal Agriculture: Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate gains a substantial agricultural base and is no longer dependent upon food imports from the Griffonlands. Increased Agricultural Income.

With much of the most important and labor-intensive work having been completed the year prior, the wrapping up of the largest public works project in the Crystal Protectorate's (admittedly short) history is completed with relative ease and swiftness this year. Hundreds of Crystal Ponies and their families depart the streets and sprawl of the Crystal City to try their hooves at an agriculturalist lifestyle, claiming one of the many plots of tillable land set aside for them by the government. Seeds are sown, homes and farmsteads are built, and the new farmers settle in to wait for the first crop to mature to a harvestable state.

It doesn't take long. Despite the fears of the more pessimistic analysts, the first harvest that is coaxed out of the previously barren and frozen earth is bountiful, and while not enough to completely replace the shipments of foodstuffs regularly received from the Empire, it is more than initially predicted, and Frida is confident that harvests in the future will be even larger as the new Crystal agricultural base finds its footing and is allowed to develop naturally over time. The Crystal Assembly in general and Ivory Rook in particular send you their collective, sincere thanks for your support and funding of the project. Honestly, you're fairly content with the increased tax income the venture has brought you. Crystal Protectorate now largely food Independent, +400 Agricultural Income.

-Gas Lighting: Cost: 1200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Gas Lamps installed in all major population centers in the Empire, Increased Tax Income due to Increased Productivity and Reduced Crime Rates.

It's no secret to you, or to anyone else in the halls of power, that Frida has been struggling to come up with another public works program that can rival the construction of the national rail network in terms of scale and the effects on people's lives. This year, the citizens of the Empire get to see her answer to that particular conundrum. Genevieve's gas lamps, already known to the public, become the talk of the Empire as ground is broken on a network of tunnels and underground passages that will one day transport the volatile gases that will be ignited to light up the night, hundreds of laborers tearing up the cobblestone streets in cities across the nation.

At the same time, the foundries of the Empire burn hotter than they have in years as ton after ton of steel is forged, the lampposts and pipes and valves that will make up the network of public light fixtures slowly taking shape as they are prepared for assembly in the coming months. It is a massive undertaking, but a worthy one. Pushing back the darkness and artificially extending the day...it's almost crazy when you put it that way, but that's what you're doing. You just need to give the work crews a few more months to finalize things. Will Finish Next Turn.

: While Archimedes and Genevieve form the core of your scholastic efforts, the Neighponese Trio and the Canterbury Magic Experts, particularly the venerable Merlin, have become increasingly important to your Empire's research and development efforts, providing new insights and research opportunities to exploit.

-Miniature Ballistae: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Crossbows.

The process of miniaturizing an already proven device, as Archimedes tells you, is not difficult. The process of simplifying the resulting product and devising an effective means of mass producing it so that it can be used by anyone and everyone who wants one...that is where the difficulty comes in. But, Archimedes being who he is, he predictably finds a way to do just that, drastically scaling down the size of his long-proven Ballistae while keeping their mechanical complexity and associated production costs to a minimum. Once he has a suitable design, all that remains to be done is the distribution of the schematics and the instruction of the army of engineers, mechanics, carpenters, and fletchers that will produce the new weapons for use by your armies.

And produce they do. The crafts-Griffons barely have enough time to familiarize themselves with the new design they've been given before Redbeak places an order for hundreds of the new devices to supplement your arsenal of ranged weaponry. The prospect of earning a lucrative contract with the Imperial Crown itself (and more than a little patriotic zeal) drives the operators of workshops and production centers across the Empire to churn out the new "Crossbows" by the cartload, before they swiftly find their way into the talons, paws and hooves of soldiers across the length and breadth of your territory. Redbeak reports that the new weapons are surprisingly easy to use, and by the end of the year virtually every soldier in the Empire with a knack for shooting has been equipped and trained with the new weapon. They will serve your people well in the years, and conflicts, to come. Bows Replaced with Crossbows.

-Steam Drills: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Steam Drills Invented, Additional Mining Income.

When Archimedes' Steam Engine first came into use, it was heralded as the peak of Imperial ingenuity, a device that would reshape the way society operated and change the way people lived. The aging inventor's latest creation serves to reinforce that belief, while simultaneously reminding everyone that, no matter how advanced technology may become, there is always a greater innovation or refinement that can improve and change how people live and work.

The device that Archimedes finally produces is a curious thing. Less of a drill and appearing as more the bizarre lovechild of a hammer, chisel and steam engine, it is nonetheless extremely effective at its purpose of boring through solid rock at a rate even trained work crews simply can't hope to match. While it produces an awful racket whenever its used (with Archimedes' assistants having taken to carrying around a pair of earmuffs at all times no matter the weather) it is undeniably effective. The device, and several others exactly like it, are immediately purchased by numerous mining concerns, where they are put to work creating boreholes for the placement of blackpowder charges, allowing for faster and safer excavations through solid rock as the nation's miners dig ever deeper beneath the earth through later after layer of stone in their endless drive to feed the nation's forges and factories.

Once the new machines are proven to work, and work very well for those that know how to use them, Archimedes' staff can scarcely produce the things fast enough to keep up with demand, quickly farming out the rights to produce the new steam drills to several reputable firms in order to ensure that supply can be maintained. It's not long afterwards that Frida reports a not-so coincidental uptick in overall productivity within the Empire's mining sector...which of course results in an influx of new tax income. Another great innovation from the brilliant mind of your chief researcher. +200 Mining Income.

: Ravenburg's attentions are torn between the ongoing civil war in Maretonia and the recent revelation of an apparent connection between Canterbury and the late King Brochard. He seems determined to make up for his perceived failure in allowing the mysterious Lady Nightingale to evade his agents in the wake of the Unification War, and seems intently focused on not allowing her to give him the slip again. Still, that is not to say that he has been neglecting his duties in other areas of the world, continuing to keep tabs on Maretonia, Minotauria, and the rest of the world besides.

-Canterbury Investigations: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel on Canterbury-Aquileia Connection, Further Revelations. Chance of Success: 50%.

Required: 50. Rolled: 100!+13=113

To be Continued in "Truths and Revelations"

-Maretonian Intel Sharing: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intelligence Shared with Maretonian Royal Guard, Additional Raids on House Storm Holdings.

With you and the Maretonian Royal Guard now ostensibly on the same side in the coming conflict against House Storm, it only makes sense that you should share what information you have on your mutual foe with your newfound, tentative ally. Ravenburg establishes a system of couriers and dead drops to ferry regular intelligence briefings to Roam, where the Royal Guard get a reminder of just how far your spy network reaches (though, to be fair, the reports include a good deal of information acquired by the Abolitionists). While Marecinas isn't exactly happy to realize the full extent of your Empire's presence in Maretonia, she's not willing to urn her nose up at a source of valuable new Intel on her enemies.

Absolutely no one is surprised when, shortly after the intelligence pipeline is established, "abolitionists" launch a concerted campaign of logistical raids and guerrilla assaults against House Storm assets in the general vicinity of Roam, killing hundreds of their soldiers and severely disrupting operations throughout the region, even drawing some of Pegicles' best troops away from combat with the remnants of House Storm to stamp out the "insurgency". Let it never be said that the Royal Guard were only good for standing around and looking pretty in their armor. House Storm activities disrupted, Royal Guard strike another blow against Pegicles.

: The newly established "Council of Faiths", a gathering of representatives from every major religion in the Empire, has wasted no time in clamoring for your attention and attempting to leverage their newfound place in the Imperial Court to expand the influence of their respective beliefs. Each of the six beings upon the Council (Including a Qilin, a Yak, and a Crystal Pony) have submitted a proposal for your consideration. Whether you intend to act on any of them is up to you.

-A Temple to the Old Gods: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Temple to the Old Gods Constructed.

Many people complain about the increasing amount of bureaucracy that must be dealt with if one wishes to build anything in the Empire, especially on land already owned by the crown. You may be biased, but you think many of them exaggerate the issue. You only have to write a single letter to grant the Polytheists the land upon which they wish to build their temple, and it proves equally easy to earmark some funds to be dispensed as a subsidy towards the temple's construction. The worshippers of the old Pantheon don't waste time, quickly assembling construction materials and starting work on the house of the pre-Discord Deities. Donations of funds and labor pour in from across the Empire as followers of the old gods pitch in to see their vision brought to life.

The Temple is a thing to behold. Carved in the likeness of ancient ruins out of the stone of a towering mountain, the Temple is as much a museum as a place of worship, holding every relic and artifact of the faith that its worshipers could get their collective appendages on. Art great and humble, from statuary to Bas Relief murals, decorates both the interior and exterior of the construction. Thousands of people flock to see the completed building, from the most devout followers of the old ways to curious travelers merely wishing to see what all the fuss is about. More than a few of the latter become converts to the old faith, the Temple's congregation swelling as more and more make the pilgrimage to view the artifacts tended to by the resident priests, who express their most sincere thanks for your support of them and their faith. +.8 Imperial Pantheism Influence

: You refuse to let your duties as Emperor take up every moment of your day.

-Meeting with the Dukes: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: ???

To Be Continued in "Hunting for/with Nobility".

-The Maretonian Question: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Publicly Address the Refugee Integration Issue.

You knew things had been going too well.

Your people had surprised you when they had welcomed the Diamond Dogs into their communities with open wings, had made you proud when they had adopted Crystal Ponies as members of their own families...they hadn't even made a fuss about having a literal dragon in the Imperial line of succession! But you should have figured that eventually, their tolerance would reach a limit. And the protests outside of the Crystal City's "Little Maretonia" let everyone know that that limit had most definitely been reached.

To be fair, the protestors calling for the Maretonians to return to their homeland were a tiny minority, vastly outnumbered by the Griffons, Dogs and Crystal Ponies standing in defense of their new neighbors. And even you had to admit that this was different from the waves of immigration seen previously. These people weren't escaped slaves, nor had they already been living within Imperial territory before integrating, as had been the case with the Diamond Dogs. In fact, a few of the more recently arrived Maretonians had actually been small-time slaveowners themselves before the war had left them as destitute as every other refugee. But that didn't change the fact that these Maretonias were now Imperial Citizens. They had all the rights and privileges of any of your subjects, and you had a duty to them as much as you had a duty to any Griffon, Dog or Crystal Pony that lived within your borders.

So, you travel to the Crystal City to address the issue. For it needed to be addressed, that much was clear. But how to do so? A grand speech, calling for unity and extolling the virtues of acceptance? A show of force, to remind everyone of who called the shots and what the consequences of defying your will were? You ruminate on your options, discussing your ideas at length with your family before reaching a decision...and traveling to the Crystal City with your wife and children in tow.

You arrive in the city in the early morning, in an unmarked carriage without any fanfare. You shed your ornate garments, leave your sword and crown in the care of your bodyguards, and take your family on a walkabout of the Maretonian Quarter.

The looks on the faces of the immigrants you pass on the street are absolutely priceless. You see at least a dozen double-takes, and at least one pony walks into a wall after catching sight of The Emperor and his family walking down the road, taking in the sights of the city like tourists.

Not once do you ever give any indication as to who you are. You simply smile, politely greet everyone who stops to gawk at you, and generally act as if you weren't the monarch of a nation but just another Griffon. On more than one occasion, it's clear that the former Maretonians don't even realize who you and your family are until they see the young dragon walking alongside you...something that causes all of you no small amount of amusement. You pull the full tourist routine, from stopping for lunch at a small local tavern to asking for directions from a pair of Unicorns that look like they're on the verge of fainting as you thank them and carry on your way.

And then, at the end of the day, you hop back into your carriage and fly back to the Palace as quietly as you arrived, returning to your duties as Emperor the next morning as if nothing had happened.

Word of your family jaunt through Little Maretonia reaches across the Empire within the week. The fledgeling "newspaper" industry gets its first truly sensational story, struggling to print enough copies of their recounting of events for an astounded public. Amid all the hubbub and questions surrounding your seemingly bizarre and inexplicable stunt, the fact that the nativist protests seem to have abruptly ceased in the wake of your one-day family vacation goes almost unnoticed. Almost.

Sometimes actions speak louder than words. And hey, you even got a few laughs out of the whole thing. All in all, a pretty good day for you and your family. Refugee Integration Issue addressed.

-Getting to Know You More: Brochard's Legacy: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain and Friends Interlude, potential for Further Rewards.

To Be Continued in "The Belle of the Ball".

Carracks Constructed This Turn: 3

Random Event Rolls:
(30) (Bare Pass)
(64) (Pass)

You may notice that a couple of Omake bonuses were not applied. This was because they were completely unnecessary, as I'm sure you can see. They will remain in the Omake bonus depot for later use.

I apologize for how long it took to get this out. The effects of Isolation and Quarantine finally caught up with me, and I haven't been able to get the creative juices flowing very much over the course of the past week or so. Rest assured, I remain committed to continuing this and providing quality content for all of you guys. Thank you all for bearing with me.

I can't thank you all enough for your continued support of this Quest.
Truths and Revelations
Truths and Revelations

Ravenburg is an enigma of a Griffon. Even after working with the male for nearly thirty years, you still can't claim to truly know him. Neither can anyone else, at least none that you are aware of. But you'd like to think that you've gotten a read on him, that you know him well enough to gauge his mood from subtle tells, even when he's trying to hide it and keep up a stoic facade.

So when your Imperial Spymaster knocks on the door to your bed chamber in the middle of the night, rouses you and Gabriella from sleep, and urgently bids you and your wife to follow him, you know something is very wrong.

Anyone not familiar with Ravenburg who had seen him as the two of you walked through the hallways of the palace would have had no idea what was passing through his mind. His manner as he walked alongside you was as calm and unhurried as it always was, his greying head feathers immaculately combed. But you knew something was off, and not just because of the untimely and abrupt request for an urgent meeting. His clothes were in disarray, genuine disarray, not the carefully planned assortment of wrinkled and mismatched fabrics that he would occasionally employ to distract or throw people off. There was a flask poking out of a pocket and the smell of alcohol on his breath, the slightest tension to his gait that only a practiced eye could have noticed. And then you saw his eyes.

You hadn't seen that look since the return of the expedition that first stumbled across Sombra. The look that said that he'd learned something he'd never expected to, that he was dealing with something that had come completely out of left field for him. That look shook you into silence as the three of you made your way down to the basement of the palace, and the numerous subterranean storerooms and chambers there.

Gabriella was not so intimidated, whispering unkind words under her breath as Ravenburg pulls on a wall sconce and reveals a false wall leading to one of several hidden passageways hidden throughout the Imperial residence. Such things were well-known to you and your family, and to a select few members of the castle staff...many of whom answered to Ravenburg.

"What in Tartarus is this about Ravenburg? You pry us out of bed at three in the morning, drag us down into the damn basement with nary a word, and don't even give us an explanation?"

Neither of you are perturbed when the false wall slides back into place behind you...though you are a bit unnerved when, halfway along the passage, Ravenburg suddenly stops and pulls open another hidden door...one that you definitely did not know about. Your spymaster takes a shaky breath as he turns to regard the two of you.


He pauses, searching for words. You've never seen him this off balance. He composes himself, speaking slowly and carefully.

"The investigation into Canterbury bore fruit...very...unexpected fruit."

Gabriella grits her beak, frustration evident in her posture as much as her voice.

"What. Happened?"

Ravenburg glances between you and your wife, then the entrance to the hidden room that should not exist.

"We found a defector...or rather, she found us."

You blink. Gabriella grunts in annoyance.


Ravenburg sighs, leading you onwards.

"She's not a Pony. Or a Griffin."


The room was an interrogation chamber. Ravenburg quietly explains that he'd originally had the room constructed as a panic shelter, a place for you and other V.I.P.s to flee to in the event of an assassination attempt or a assault on the palace. But over the past few days, the room had been renovated for a new purpose.

You and Gabriella barely hear his explanation as you stare through a one-way mirror (one of Archimedes lesser-known creations) at the...being...seated in a chair on the other side as they patiently stare at the wall, occasionally glancing your way.

You turn to Ravenburg, mind abuzz with questions.

"What...Who is she?"

Ravenburg sighs, dragging a talon across his face.

"I don't know."

You and Gabriella both perform double-takes. Ravenburg shakes his head, huffing in frustration.

"A week ago, I woke up with a bundle of documents on my bedside table. It was full of classified intel: minutes of meetings between Brochard and his advisors, a letter from Lady Nightingale detailing how the Aquileian treasury was to be moved to some random cave in the event of war with Aquileia, My intel reports on the Aquileian military build up, it was all there."

You share a look with Gabriella. Someone had breached the Palace's security? Ravenburg carries on.

"There was a note attached. It said that if I wanted to know more, that I should leave a bouquet of Roses on my windowsill for the next few days."

"And you listened!? You didn't tell anyone that the Palace had been breached!?" Gabriella snapped.

Ravenburg didn't bat an eye.

"They had already displayed their ability to evade our security measures. If they wanted me or anyone else dead, we would be. And I needed answers."

You don't know if you're entirely satisfied with that rationale, but you let it go for now.

"What happened?"

Your veteran spymaster motions to the being on the other side of the mirror.

"She knocked on my door two hours ago. She says she'll only speak to you. Haven't been able to get more than a few words out of her beyond that."

You both turn to Ravenburg, you with a look of confusion, Gabriella with one of anger.

"Absolutely not! Are you insane!?"

Ravenburg makes placating motions, his wings partially extending into a conciliatory posture.

"The entire chamber is lined with Orichalcum, there's no way she'll be able to try anything."

Gabriella still doesn't look happy, but she's not about to accuse you of being incapable of handling yourself. That would be an insult to her own training. Even in your fifties, you were still a bastion of muscle. You reckon you out-massed the female in the other room almost twice over. You sigh and move to the door separating the observation chamber from the interrogation room. You might as well get this over with.


The feminine being seated at the table perks up as you enter the room, the door locking itself shut behind you. You take a seat opposite her as she visibly examines you, her eyes flickering over your face and body as you stare back at her.

She, and you'd bet your crown that it is indeed a she, is perhaps the oddest creature you've ever seen that didn't come out of one of Sombra's spawning pits, bearing both equine and insectoid characteristics. You aren't quite sure what to make of them, but it's clear that they are something unusual. You finally break the tense silence, your tone carefully neutral.

"You wanted to speak to me?"

The creature smiles, showing off a mouthful of fangs, and speaks, a buzzing undertone present underneath their feminine voice.

"The Emperor Golden-Feather. It's an honor to finally meet you face to face."

She gives a slight bow of her head. You raise an eye ridge.

"It would seem you have me at a disadvantage Ms..."

Her smile widens as she gestures to herself, bowing her head once again.

"You can call me Rose."

You don't believe for a second that that's her actual name, but you can address that particular issue later.

"Let's start with the obvious questions: what are you and why are you here?"

The insectoid being snorts, leaning back with a casual smirk.

"Getting straight to the point are we?"

She gestures with a hole-filled forelimb (something you are very curious and concerned by) to herself.

"I'm a Changeling. One of a race of shape shifting emotivores."

Your eyeridges damn near fly off your head at that statement, and you suppress the urge to glance through the one-way mirror where you know Ravenburg and Gabriella are watching. The implications of that statement are...concerning. The newly dubbed Changeling continues on, either unaware or uncaring of your shock.

"As to why I'm here...well, your intelligence agents are too good at their jobs."

Your eyes flick back to "Rose", your beak opening in a question, but she answers it before you can ask.

"If I hadn't interceded, your intelligence operatives' investigations into Canterbury would have unearthed my people's existence and forced them to take...rash action. Action that would have likely resulted in their deaths and a likely international incident."

She shuffles her hooves casually.

"So I moved a few orders around, mixed up a letter or two, and made sure that your agents wouldn't see anything that would send my former colleagues back at the hive into a panic."

You blink, staring silently as you try to process every thing that was implied in that sentence.

"...You admit to interfering with our investigation."

She nods, her smile replaced by a stoic expression.

"An unfortunate necessity. Had there been any other way to prevent the awkward situation of your spies stumbling upon the Hive, I would have done so. But, sadly, such a thing could not be avoided."

You tap a talon on the table, frustrated.

"And exactly why are your people so desperate to remain hidden?"

She laughs harshly, gesturing to her face.

"Aside from the obvious?"

She shakes her head at your glare, her gaze rising to the ceiling of the room.

"There's really no easy way to put this....but the Church of the Lady of the Lake is an elaborate front for the Hive of Queen Phalanx."

"Queen Phalanx?"

She shakes her head dismissively.

"My...Mother, technically, but it's complicated...and not that important in the scheme of things."

You blink. That actually sounds very important, but you'll let it slide for now. She continues on.

"That old legend about the Lady of the Lake coming before the founders of the Kingdom of Canterbury, giving the first King her blessing and the guidance to establish the nation? That was Queen Phalanx, passing herself off as a divine figure. And she's been doing it for decades."

You stare, eyes straying to the one-way mirror in a vain attempt to gauge the reactions of your Wife and Spymaster before returning to the increasingly strange person in front of you.

"Why?" You ask.

Rose hums, scratching her chin with a hoof.

"To ensure an adequate food supply for herself and her subjects. Emotivores, remember? We need to exist alongside or among another sapient race in order to survive. A prosperous, united Kingdom is to us what hundreds of acres of fertile farmland is to you."

Your eyes narrow.

"And that's the only reason?"

The Changeling shrugs.

"Well, that was the primary reason...but, putting things bluntly, if some threat to the Hive like Sombra or Maretonia ever came knocking...well it would be nice to have a buffer between you and them, wouldn't it?"

Your talons dig a furrow into the table.

"You would use the ponies of Canterbury as living shields?"

Rose shakes her head.

"Me? No. Queen Phalanx? Yes, absolutely. Though it's not as bad as you're thinking. It's in her best interests for Canterbury to continue prospering. If it fails, she and her hive lose their food supply."

You are not reassured by that. Though her wording does raise a new question.

"You speak as though you are not affiliated with this Queen Phalanx."

Rose shakes her head, snorting.

"I was at one point, but we've long since parted ways under less than agreeable circumstances. She wanted me dead before I left the Hive. If she finds out I'm here spilling all her secrets to you, she'd do worse than kill me."

You stare.

"You're a rogue agent? Why?"

She shifts uncomfortably.

"Two reasons. Firstly, I disagree with the whole 'pretending to be a goddess' thing."

"Because it's immoral?"

She huffs.

"Because it's not sustainable. She can't keep up the charade forever. Eventually, inevitably, someone will put two and two together and expose her for the fraud she is...heck, you almost did it yourself! And when her house of cards comes crashing down, the Hive will be left without a food source, if it survives at all."

You blink.

"And the other reason?"

She shifts in her seat, suddenly looking uncomfortable.

"It's complicated."

You stare down your beak at her, your talons tapping against each other.

"We have time."

She sighs, leaning back as her hooves tap together on the table.

"I'm a Gyne. A sort of...pseudo-Queen. A few of us are born into the Hive every generation as a sort of backup. If anything happens to the Queen, one of us undergoes a metamorphosis and takes her place."

She grimaces.

"You can imagine the sorts of issues that can raise. The posturing, the paranoia...didn't take me long to realize that most of my 'sisters' tended to get sent on a lot of 'long-term infiltration missions' they rarely returned from. Once I put that little picture together, I figured I'd have a higher life expectancy if I tried to go it alone."

You take a moment to digest that information.

"How did you get the intel that you gave Ravenburg?"

She smiles coyly.

"I didn't burn all my bridges with the Hive when I left...just most of them. And not all of the missions I got sent on were just excuses to get me to leave the Hive."

She chuckles, eyes twinkling.

"This actually isn't the first time you and I have spoken to each other. Though that was a long, long time ago. Just after you took the throne of Griffonia, actually."

Your eyes widen in realization. The inaugural gala...the Griffoness who never gave you her name.


She nods.

"Phalanx wanted to get a read on the Kingdoms and Duchies to the East, and she needed to get a few of her more inconvenient daughters out of her hair. So I spent a few years in the Griffonlands."

You blink, thoughts running through your head.

"Lady Nightingale..."

Rose interrupts.

"Another infiltrator...near the end, anyway. I'm still not sure whether they created the persona out of whole cloth or just replaced the actual Lady Nightingale, but the result is the same either way. And yes, they did falsify reports and lead Brochard to the erroneous conclusion that you were about to attack him and forced him to declare war on you."

You barely restrain a snarl.


A shrug.

"Phalanx took a gamble. A Griffin Empire united under a war-monger like Brochard would have been a threat to Canterbury, and by extension the Hive. Either you'd win and prevent that from happening...or Brochard would be weakened by the fight against you and thus be easier to deal with. Though if it makes you feel any better, this was the ideal outcome."

Your mind spins at the knowledge that such a pivotal part of your nation's history was...manipulated in such a way.

"And...Brochard's treasury?"

Rose smirks.

"Hey, the Hive needs gold too. Mostly to grease hooves and fund our covert activities."

You slump backwards, shoulders sagging under the weight of what you've learned. Part of you wants to disbelieve, but this all explains too much, fits together too well...you give the being across from you a wary look.

"Why do this? Why come forward and tell us all this?"

Rose grunts, rolling her eyes as though the answer were obvious.

"Running solo was fun for a while, but it got old fast...and realistically, it's only a matter of time until Phalanx realizes I'm still alive and comes after me. Not even I can hope to hide from her forever."

She smirks.

"And realistically, I figure that the best way to stick it to that bitch is to help you people out. You've already proven your ability to throw a wrench into her plans."

You blink.

"You want to...work for us?"

She shrugs, that damned smirk still present.

"From what I've heard, you've got a pretty nice policy when it comes to hiring 'foreign experts'...and I do have an awful lot to bring to the table."

You turn your gaze to the one-way mirror, imagining what Gabriella and Ravenburg are thinking of the proposal...before you return your focus to Rose.

"And if we don't? It's not like we can just let you go."

She shrugs, looking completely unbothered by the idea of being a prisoner.

"I pegged you as the type to make the right decision and make the best use of the resources given to you. I'm more valuable as an asset than as an 'involuntary guest.'"

You glare.

"And how do I know that what you speak is the truth? How do I know that I can trust you?"

She smiles, fangs bared.

"You can't. I am, by my own admission, a traitor and a liar. But neither of us has any other options right now."

You don't know how to respond to that...so you don't. You stand from the table and exit the room, the Changeling not moving from her spot as you lock the door behind you. Ravenburg and Gabriella are immediately upon you the moment you enter the observation chamber. You suspect the troubled look in their eyes matches your own.

Your wife's reaction is predictable.

"You're not seriously thinking of trusting her."

You shake your head.

"Of course not. But we cannot afford to simply discount what she said. If even a fraction of what she said is true..."

Ravenburg completes your thought.

"This...Phalanx...poses perhaps the greatest potential threat to the Empire since Sombra."

Gabriella huffs, though you can tell her heart isn't fully in it.

"And if it's all made up? If she's feeding us a crock of lies for her own, unknown agenda?"

You rub your forehead, sighing.

"We're dealing with a lot of unknowns...but we can't ignore the possibility that what she says could be the truth."

You raise a talon in preparation for your wife's retort.

"We shall not simply take her at her word. We shall try to corroborate her story, as best we can. Try to find evidence for her words beyond her own testimony."

You give Ravenburg a pointed look.


The dark-feathered Griffon nods emphatically.

"And we'll keep all of this on a strictly need to know basis. None but our most trusted people can even hear a word of this until we have a full understanding of what we are dealing with."

Gabriella rubs her temples, her face a mask of frustration.

"What a mess."

You refrain from joining her, trying, as you often do, to look on the brighter side of things.

"Of course, if what she says is true...this may be our greatest intelligence bonanza yet."

Gabriella gives you an uncomprehending look.

"We know about Phalanx...but she doesn't know that we know."

That manages to startle the slightest smile out of your wife and Empress.

"Heh. Out spying an entire race of spies? Now I actually want to believe her."

The three of you turn in unison to look through the one-way glass at the subject of your discussion.

"...Regardless, it seems she'll be our guest for the foreseeable future."

Ravenburg sighs.

"I suppose I'll have to see about moving some more furniture down here."

Gabriella immediately steps backwards and makes a beeline for the exit.

"Not it."

You sigh, even as you fail to suppress a smile at her words. Such were the burdens of possessing such a sculpted physique.

I'm terribly sorry about how long it took to get this out. I'm still not terribly happy about how it came out, but I figured if I didn't get it out soon I'd never get it out. Quarantine has not been very good for my mental state, but I'm doing better now than I was last week, and remain committed to the Quest.

For those who can't quite follow along: Canterbury really is a copy of Brettonia, only instead of Wood Elves, it's Changelings. Thanks to "Rose" you know the full extent of the conspiracy that underlies the Church of the Lady of the Lake, but Queen Phalanx doesn't know that you know.

Nat 100s are a heck of a thing.
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