May I ask, why everyone seems to be okay with surrendering Maretonia to Storm? You know, *the guys most invested in keeping up slavery post-Civil War*?

Sure, they hit Star hard with that hurrican, but I utterly refuse to let that one slide. We simply need to use our newly-unlocked anti-Storm intrigue options to their full extent and things are all again. Plus there have been talks of Star cooking up something on their own.

So, Storm only is sure to win if we *let* them win and leave both Maretonia in general and the abolitionists in particular out to rot.
May I ask, why everyone seems to be okay with surrendering Maretonia to Storm? You know, *the guys most invested in keeping up slavery post-Civil War*?

Sure, they hit Star hard with that hurrican, but I utterly refuse to let that one slide. We simply need to use our newly-unlocked anti-Storm intrigue options to their full extent and things are all again. Plus there have been talks of Star cooking up something on their own.

So, Storm only is sure to win if we *let* them win and leave both Maretonia in general and the abolitionists in particular out to rot.
It's kinda between leaving Maretonia or using the next turn to both ramp up our military and gather our allies to inform them of our intents frankly I am for the second as we cannot let storm win this.
Turn 27: A Storm Down South
You consider the intelligence report before you, your expression grave. Gathered about the council chamber, your privy council digests Ravenburg's report on the situation in Maretonia.

The true death toll from Pegicles' artificial hurricane would likely never be known, but it was estimated to be in the thousands. Combined with the tens of thousands rendered displaced or otherwise homeless and the incalculable damage to infrastructure and the local economy, the territorial holdings of House White Star have been quite effectively gutted. In the weeks and months to come, starvation was likely to become an issue for the survivors, much of the crops in the fields having been drowned by the torrential downpour or blown away by gale-force winds.

Combined with the deaths of much of their mid-level leadership and the loss of much of their territory, House White Star has been absolutely devastated, forced onto the defensive across all fronts. Though Pegicles and his allies have halted their advance for now, everyone knows that this is merely a lull before the next big push. The writing is on the wall: House White Star's days are numbered and everyone knows it. You raise a talon to rub your forehead, sighing.

"I don't suppose there's any good news to be had today?"

You were being at least partially sarcastic, so you were a bit surprised when Ravenburg responds.

"Perhaps not exactly good, but certainly not as bad. While his artificial superstorm may have caused much destruction and laid waste to the lands of his enemies, Pegicles' storm has not had the diminishing effect upon the morale of House White Stars troops that he may have hoped. While some of the mercenaries in Duke Haygle's service have deserted, many have remained, some even willingly taking pay cuts in order to oppose the Stormmaker. Combined with the numerous eager volunteers raised from amongst the ravaged civilian population, and House White Star is not as down for the count as their rivals would hope."

"Additionally," he continued, "the Royal Guard in general and Captain-General Marecinas in particular are extremely displeased with what Pegicles has done. Rumor has it they've gone so far as to send a letter to Pegicles stating that, if another such storm is created and used on Maretonian soil, they will have no choice to but directly intervene in the conflict."

He pauses. "Of course that's their official stance. Unofficially, several House Storm outposts close to Roam have been witness to officer assassinations and supposedly random spellfire from the wilderness. Ambrosia and the abolitionists claim not to have any units capable of such actions in those areas."

Redbeak sums up the impromptu intelligence report. "Seems everyone's mighty upset with the would be King of Maretonia."

You nod. That is...somewhat reassuring at least. "Anything else?"

Frida sighs. "We've seen another surge of refugees over the border...three guesses as to why that is...our existing infrastructure and relief organizations should be sufficient to care for them all and get them integrated but it's going to take more funding than we currently have set aside."

You nod. You'd expected as much. "Take as much from the coffers as you need."

-500 Income This Turn

Of course, most of the refugees would be from House White Star give Ravenburg a look, and he nods wordlessly at your unspoken directive. There probably wouldn't be any spies amongst the desperate masses...but he'd make sure of that.

And so the meeting continues, each of your closest advisors raising their own concerns and proposing their own possible solutions to the numerous challenges facing your empire. Redbeak proposes an expansion of the military, Gisa raises the possibility of numerous diplomatic missions as Frida visibly struggles to come up with something to surpass her previous infrastructure projects, the trio of Genevieve, Archimedes and Merlin occasionally chipping in with their own proposals for new research projects that may support or supplement the ideas of the others. Throughout it all, Gawain silently observes, occasionally interjecting with a question or idle observation.

After a few hours, the meeting disbands, decisions that will affect the entire Empire having been made within the warded confines of the council chambers.

As your advisors begin to depart (either through the doorway or, in Merlin's case, via a teleportation that makes your fur stand on end), you walk over to your son, placing a talon upon his shoulder.

"So...what do you think?"

Gawain sighs.

"I think there's no good solution to this situation. Direct Intervention could be disastrous if not handled correctly...but not intervening is becoming less and less morally justifiable."

The crown prince shakes his head.

"I don't think there's any good way forward here."

You nod solemnly.

"Perhaps not...but it falls to us to find the least bad out of a series of terrible options. There are times where that is all you can do."

The two of you stand there for a moment, quietly contemplating the fate of two kingdoms...before you haul your firstborn to his feet and lead him out the door.

"Come on...let's go see what your sisters are up to. I hear Pearl has been making some nice sculpture-work with her crystalmancy."

It was times like this that you were thankful for your family. They helped keep things in perspective...and reminded you of what it was you worked for.

Martial: Pegicles Storm has rattled Redbeak. The idea that a potential enemy has such destructive power at his command isn't something he's particularly comfortable with. But magic isn't his area of expertise, so for now, he focuses his efforts on expanding the military and writing up contingencies for any situation he can imagine. (Two Actions Per Turn) One Action Locked

-[ ] Runic Fortifications-Hardbeak Line: Runes are useful, this much is obvious. They allow Griffons, Diamond Dogs, and the other less magically inclined races to harness the arcane powers that they otherwise could never dream of wielding. Unsurprisingly, Redbeak's mind has been awash with ideas as to how to use this new addition to the Empire's arsenal, and amongst his more conservative and practical ideas is the plan to place fortifying and hardening runes upon the walls of the fortresses of the Hardbeak Line, making the defensive emplacements even more durable. While such a thing is possible, it is also expensive. Still, it may be worth it to ensure that, should the line be assaulted, it's walls can withstand as much punishment as possible. Cost: 2000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Hardbeak Line Fortifications Strengthened with Runic Enchantments, increased upkeep costs. Will Finish This Turn

[ ] Doubling the Guard: The recent population explosion has brought problems, but it has also brought opportunities, chief among them an end to the previous shortage of able-bodied Griffons and Dogs available for military service. Redbeak has long been considering an expansion of the army, and if given sufficient funding to do so he could double the size of your Empire's primary fighting force within two years. With the onset of the Maretonian Civil War, such an expansion may soon become a necessity. Cost: 3000 Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial Army Doubles in Size.

[ ] Gryphus Foriegn Legion: In a bid to quickly swell the Empire's troop numbers in preparation for a future conflict with Maretonia, Redbeak has made a radical proposal: the recruitment of foreign volunteers. These foreign born soldiers would serve for several years in the military of Gryphus in exchange for citizenship, bringing their own unique skills and abilities to your military. Such an idea is not without merit, you must admit. You figure there's no harm in giving Redbeak the funds to give it a try. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Imperial Foreign Legion established, Foreign Auxiliaries recruited.

[ ] Cog Conversion: The creation of your new Carracks have left much of your existing naval assets obsolete. Rather than simply scrapping them or continuing to field outdated ships, a few clever shipwrights have drawn up a plan to convert the hulls of the Cogs into new cannon-armed Carracks. While it won't be a perfect conversion (the Carracks requiring more building material than a Cog) and the cannons will still have to be sourced from the foundries, it will likely be cheaper than building new vessels from scratch. Cost: 700 Time: Two Years. Reward: 20 Cogs Converted into 14 Carracks.

[ ] Knights of the Frontier: With the settlement and rapid expansion of the frontier territories, now dubbed Kestrella, some have begun to call for the establishment of a new Knightly Order to serve as the guardians of the new province, small and relatively underdeveloped as it is now. Though the war against Sombra has depleted the public's appetite for conflict, there is never any shortage of Griffons willing and eager to join an esteemed Knightly Order. Construct a suitable citadel and begin the search for any aspiring Knights. Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.

[ ] Abolitionist Army: The Storm Offensive brought untold suffering to the people of Maretonia and crippled House White Star's ability to act as a major military power. But it also gave the Abolitionists the opportunity to engage their enemies in open combat and win, allowing them to take territory previously held by the noble houses for the first time since the beginning of the war. This, combined with the likelihood of House Storm destroying House White Star in the near future, has led Ambrosia and her comrades to consider expanding the Abolitionist's military capabilities in preparation for a full on confrontation with House Storm. This means more trainers and military advisors, more armor and weapons, and even a few cannons to allow for a greater range of tactical and strategic options. This will of course cost you, but if it will strengthen the abolitionist's position, it may be worth it. Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionist Military Strengthened.

[ ] Cautious Curiosity: While the now-infamous expedition that discovered Sombra has caused some to question the wisdom of venturing beyond the Empire's borders, you feel that such things are a necessity. Without such scouting missions you would have never encountered the Yaks or the Neighponese, who are now your trading partners and steadfast allies. And as some of the more pessimistic have said: "better our scouts meet them than their invasion force meet us." Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Knowledge of Distant Lands.

—[ ] Far West: The Yaks can't tell you anything about what lies beyond their lands, aside from the fact that they know such lands exist. Prior to meeting you and Sombra they never had any reason to wonder about the lands beyond their steppe. Now you have a chance to satisfy both their curiosity and your own.

—[ ] Far South: As of now, it doesn't appear that you and Maretonia will be going to war anytime soon. As such, some have proposed sending a flotilla of exploration ships South along the coast, to see if your rival kingdom has any neighbors that might prove less antagonistic to you and your people. With any luck, you might find another ally or trade partner, or new resources that you could grab before the Maretonians can.

—[ ] Far East: The Minotaurs hinted at the existence of a land to the East, across the great ocean. But aside from these cryptic hints, you know little about this strange land. The journey will be long, but it is one you and your people must make if they are to have answers to the many questions that have been raised regarding this mysterious nation.

Diplomacy: Gisa, though as concerned with the events in Maretonia as everyone else, is more focused upon the international reaction to the magically created superstorm, as well as the potential reactions to any Imperial intervention in the conflict. Gawain continues to assist her, volunteering to act an emissary to your allies. (Three Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Immigration Campaign: The addition of Magical Advisors to your court, and the memory of how much the integration of the Diamond Dogs improved your Kingdom, has led some to propose the idea of advertising abroad for immigrants, from Neighpon, Yakyakistan and Canterbury. You're not sure how many takers you'll get, but it can't hurt to try. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Yak/Neighponese Immigrants. Chance of Success: 65%

[ ] Gaze upon the mists of Fate: The seers and shamans of Yakyakistan have been a subject of interest to you ever since you learned that they had warned their people of the threat of Sombra long before encountering him themselves. In a way, they were partially responsible for your victory at the battle of Redstone, as well as your ensuing positive relationship with the Yak Clans. With the threat of Sombra now extinguished, you find yourself wondering what else these mystics may know...and if they might be willing to share this information with you. There's no harm in asking, right? Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain information from Yak Seers. Chance of Success: 60%.

[ ] She can see the Futuuure!: First the Yak Shamans, now Queen Chevaline. Seriously, how many races can predict the future? Regardless, while the Seer of the Waters may not publish as many prophecies as the Yaks, her predictions tend to be less vague and more detailed. It appears that quality vs quantity is also a problem for prophets. Perhaps you could convince her to share any pertinent vision she may have regarding you or your nation? It might not be as easy as just asking though. Her prophecies are the Word of The Lady, and she might not be eager to share them with outsiders, not even allies. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain Information from Queen Chevaline. Chance of Success: 50%

[ ] Emerald Isles Emissary: The discovery of an entire independent kingdom of Diamond Dogs has raised more than a little bit of interest amongst your people...and the realization that it was the Neighponese who met them first has more than a few members of your diplomatic corps kicking themselves at the missed opportunity. But there's still time to rectify this and properly introduce yourself to the inhabitants of the Emerald Isles. A diplomatic mission seems to be in order. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Contact established with Emerald Isles, New Actions Unlocked.

[ ] Appeal to the Praetorians: You know that Pegicles' recent actions have upset the remnants of the Maretonian Royal Guard enough to warrant them threatening him with their intervention...but thus far they have been content to publicly maintain their neutral stance while taking limited, covert actions against House Storm. It may be time to approach the Captain General and appeal to her conscience and love of country. The recently uncovered evidence of so many plots against the late Queen should lend some support to any arguments you may hope to could even argue you've been taking better care of the Maretonian people (in the form of refugees) than any of the Nobles have. You won't know unless you try. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Royal Guard Negotiations Mini-Turn.

[ ] International Relief Effort: Pegicles' storm brought much suffering and chaos to the Kingdom of Maretonia. Thousands dead, tens of thousands displaced or homeless, and the threat of famine and disease now looming over the survivors. The ruling factions are either uninterested or unable to organize relief efforts, and no one single group can hope to gather and deploy enough resources to make a dent in the ongoing crisis. It would be remiss, and potentially immoral of you, to not try to assist the civilians caught in the middle of the feuding noble houses. Of course, the Maretonians aren't going to accept help from Gryphus...were the situation reversed you'd probably reject their aid as well. Gisa has instead raised the idea of a multinational disaster relief program, a coordinated effort between Gryphus, Neighpon, Canterbury, Minotauria, and even YakYakistan. While you have no doubt that most if not all of the listed nations would agree to some manner of assistance and contribution to the program, coordinating such an effort would be a monumental task...and this is all assuming that the Maretonians would tolerate any sort of foreign involvement. Still, if you hope to build goodwill with the common people of Maretonia and prevent your Southern Neighbor from sliding even further into chaos, it may be the best plan you have available. Cost: 1200 (only paid if action succeeds). Time: One Year. Reward: International Relief Effort Organized, Maretonian Situation Improved. Chance of Success: 60%, Auto-Pass if Appeal to the Praetorians Succeeds.

[ ] International Peacekeeping Force: With each passing day, an intervention in the Maretonian Civil War seems more and more necessary. But as great as your military is, you're not sure they're up to the task of pacifying the divided nation, even with the help of the Abolitionists. Additionally, having support from other nations would lend recognition to your intervention into another kingdom's affairs, no matter how warranted it may be. Float the idea of a multinational "peacekeeping force" to your allies and see if any of them would be willing to contribute. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Promises (or lack thereof) of Support in event of Maretonian Intervention.

[ ] Talking to Scholars: With the tides of the war shifting as they are, and with House White Star growing increasingly cash-strapped, it's likely that some of the Wizards and Mages of the Maretonian Colleges of Magic are starting to have second thoughts when it comes to their support of Duke Haygle, and they likely wish to see Pegicles defeated as much as you. And you could always use another ally in Maretonia. Some have said that the Colleges are like a nation unto themselves with the amount of autonomy they enjoyed, and still do enjoy in the current climate. Perhaps it's time you started treating them like one? Have an emissary approach the Colleges with an offer: whatever Duke Haygle is offering, you can give them more. Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Opened Relations with the Maretonian Colleges of Magic. Chance of Success: 60%

Stewardship: Although as pleased with the completion of the national rail network as everyone else, Frida is now struggling to come up with a program to follow it or rival its impact upon the Empire. This, combined with the renewed flow of refugees from Maretonia, has your steward a little stressed. (Two Actions Per Turn) One Action Locked

-Aggressive Agricultural Expansion: Now that your nation has purged its forests of beasts and monsters, it's time to clear some of that untamed wilderness and prepare it for farming. Having enough food to feed so many new mouths is going to be vitally important for the security and prosperity of the nation going into the future. Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Expanded Agriculture, Secured Food Supply, Increased Income. Will Finish This Turn

[ ] Thaumatological Education: The science of magic is poorly understood by the inhabitants of your Empire, and for good reason. Griffons and Diamond Dogs have no magic of their own, and much of the knowledge gathered by the Crystal Ponies was lost when Sombra enslaved their people. This state of affairs was of little concern in the past...but with the growing Hippogriff population and the inevitability of these new magical minorities access the arcane abilities of their parents, it is becoming apparent that this lack of magical education cannot stand. Frida has been consulting with Merlin and your other magical experts to devise a curriculum for "gifted" individuals that will allow them to better understand and harness their powers. Of course, such knowledge will need to be disseminated. Frida has a few ideas for that. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Magical Education established. Enables future Magic Actions.

[ ] Western Lumberjacks: The woods of the Western Frontier (now dubbed Kestrella), while not quite as expansive and vast as the forests of the Imperial heartland, are still a potential resource and an ample supply of raw timber. Subsidize the establishment of logging camps and lumber mills in the newly settled territory. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Logging Income.

[ ] Cloth Mills: While sufficient Flax has been planted to allow for textile production, and a significant cottage industry has already sprung up to exploit this, you're far from rivaling the Neighponese for textile production. Mass production is the name of the game here: subsidize the construction and start-up costs of some weaving mills and see if you can increase productivity. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Industrial Linen Production achieved, Increased Tax Income.

[ ] Gas Lighting: While Genevieve's gas lamps have become a more and more common sight in the Empire, they are far from ubiquitous, especially outside of the Capital and major industrial centers. The benefits of reliable 24-hour lighting are significant: crime rates drop, and workers can continue their labors even once the sun begins to dip below the horizon. Despite these benefits, few local governments and businesses have invested in gas lamps due to the installation costs involved, to say nothing of the costs to keep them lit. Frida has been considering plans for another great public works project to stimulate the economy. Lighting up the night seems like a suitably ambitious goal. Cost: 1200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Gas Lamps installed in all major population centers in the Empire, Increased Tax Income due to Increased Productivity and Reduced Crime Rates.

[ ] Crystal Agriculture: As time has gone on, the unnatural chill that has permeated the Crystal Protectorate has begun to fade, the Crystal Heart's growing power and influence stripping away the last lingering remnants of Sombra's dark magic and bringing life back to what was once a dead land. For the first time in decades, fields of grass and beds of wild flowers grow untended in the wilderness behind the Crystal City. For the first time since the establishment of the Protectorate, large-scale agriculture is now possible, raising the possibility of a population not dependent on shipments of food from the Imperial Heartland. Of course, such a thing will require great effort and expenditure to make a reality. Help the Crystal Assembly accelerate their plans with an injection of capital and Imperial expertise. Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate gains a substantial agricultural base and is no longer dependent upon food imports from the Griffonlands. Increased Agricultural Income.

[ ] Crystal Forests: As the soil fertility and climate of the Crystal Protectorate begins to lend itself towards agriculture, some within the assembly have made an unusual proposal: the planting and cultivation of forests for the express purpose of providing the Protectorate with a domestic source of lumber. An unusual idea...but one worth exploring. Cost: 400. Time: Three Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate develops domestic logging industry, increased logging income.

Learning: While Archimedes and Genevieve form the core of your scholastic efforts, the Neighponese Trio and the newly arrived Canterbury Experts, particularly the venerable Merlin, have become increasingly important to your Empire's research and development efforts, providing new insights and research opportunities to exploit. (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Sugar Beets: Among the numerous crops that have been introduced to the Empire as a result of trade with Neighpon, Sugarcane has been one of the most sought after, particularly due to its inability to be farmed on the mainland. However, Genevieve claims to have an idea. By selectively breeding a particular species of root vegetable for increased production of Sucrose (the thing that gives Sugarcane its distinctively sweet taste), she believes it to be possible to engineer a hardier alternative to sugarcane that can be grown domestically. This will of course take a while to do. Cost: 200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Sugar Beets acquired, new Learning and Stewardship Actions Unlocked.

[ ] Portable Explosives: The idea of mass produced, portable explosive devices is not a new one, but until recently such devices have been relegated to the drawing board and idle speculation. However, as of late Archimedes has been receiving some assistance from the infamous Captain Karl Kaboom in testing several potential prototypes. Of course, if these prototypes are going to be produced on a large scale, funds and materials will need to be set aside. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Imperial Army gains access to early grenades.

[ ] Prototype Flying Machine: You have the schematics, you have the runes, and now you have a suitable lifting gas. All that's left is to put theory into practice and actually build one of these "airships". Archimedes has cautioned you not to expect much...this Machine is going to be the first of its kind after all, and will likely need to be refined even after after its built, as theory and reality rarely agree with each other. Still, this will bring you one step closer to having a fleet that can sail the skies as well as any navy sails the seas. Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: First Airship Constructed, New Actions Unlocked.

[ ] Sound the War Horns!: The Battle of the Peregrines demonstrated the need for a means of long range communication between commanders and units spread across multiple fronts. Couriers and banners simply aren't good enough. An enterprising army officer and former musician by the name of Major Shrike has proposed building and utilizing specialized horns, designed to communicate coded messages through the pitch, tune and frequency of their blasts. The idea might hold merit. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gain War Horns. Upgrade Army Communications Bonus.

[ ] A Different Kind of Mortar: The prospect of war with Maretonia (or what's left of it) has raised numerous concerns amongst the military. Your cannons, while effective at targeting enemies and destroying unreinforced architecture, may not be as effective against the enchanted walls and fortifications of Maretonia. Archimedes has proposed a potential solution: a weapon similar to a cannon, designed to lob projectiles over walls and other obstructions. While these weapons are unlikely to be as useful against mobile targets, they may prove a decisive advantage in siege warfare. Give Archimedes the go-ahead to try and build a few of these new weapons. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Mortar Artillery Developed.

[ ] Miniature Ballistae: The recent completion of the great hunt, while ridding your lands of monsters and dangerous creatures, has also had the (perhaps expected) side effect of depriving the forests of dangerous game. As a result, the people of your nation have much fewer targets to practice their craft on. This may result in a shortage of skilled archers in the near-future, which may endanger your military's ability to engage enemies from range. Archimedes claims to have a solution to this: a miniaturized ballistae that can be used and carried by one person. Such a weapon could be used by anyone with only a relatively small amount of training, readily solving the issue. Of course, he will need time and funding to perfect the design and make it suitable for mass production. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Crossbows.

[ ] Black-Steel Balls: With the sudden influx of Orichalcum from YakYakistan, you can now afford to produce additional weapons with antimagic properties. One of the weapons that your scientists have been particularly eager to attempt developing is one that will complement the powerful siege weapons that they've made in the past: Black-Steel cannonballs. Sadly, it is not as simple as swapping one metal for another. Black-Steel is notably denser and heavier than simple iron, and the procedures and calculations regarding the use of your cannons will have to be altered to accommodate these properties. Still, you're sure it's nothing Archimedes and his team can't handle. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Army gains Black-Steel Cannonballs

Intrigue: Ravenburg has apologized for his failure to anticipate Pegicles' superstorm, and has dedicated himself to his work of gathering and analyzing the intelligence that is now sluggishly making its way to the eyes and ears of his agents in the wake of the Storm offensive. He is determined not to let the Empire be blindsided as the result of another intelligence failure.(Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Trust but Verify: Everything you know about the kingdom to your Southwest has come from the mouths of its rulers. While you'd like to imagine otherwise, it's entirely possible that Queen Chevaline and Lord Bohemond weren't entirely honest with you about the conditions of their nation. And what exactly is the deal with this Lady of the Lake? Ravenburg and his infiltrators are ready to fact check. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel on Canterbury and its people. Chance of Success: 60%.

[ ] Hoofbeard's Other Heist: Pegicles Storm has completely severed the trade route between House White Star and the Minotaur Republics. Naturally, this has also thrown Hoofbeard's plan for a dream heist completely out the window. Thankfully, your efforts to insert infiltrators into House White Star has paid dividends and opened up a new opportunity. Countess Copper Top had provided you with invaluable information regarding the status of House White Star's treasury...specifically, its gold reserves. To protect its wealth from enemies both within and without, House White Star does not keep all its funds in one place, and moves its stores of gold often. And, while she is not really supposed to have access to such information, Countess Copper Top does possess knowledge of several such shipments of gold and silver bullion. Knowledge which she has graciously shared with you. While Pegicles Storm has rendered some of this Intel obsolete, much if it still remains relevant, especially as the Countess continues to feed you Intel even as House White Star slowly crumbles.

Everything from the routes the carriages and barges shall take to the times of departure and the composition of the security detachments that shall escort the riches of House White Star has been provided to you. Several of these routes of transit are located on or near the coast, where the pirates of Libertalia could conceivably strike. It's not a treasure fleet, but its a viable alternative to the now sunk treasure fleet, if a more risky one. The fact that the abolitionists may be able to provide support to such a venture is just another reason to consider such an otherwise risky operation. Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: House White Star's Treasury Raided, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Chance of Success: 65%

[ ] Assisted Abolitionist Raids-House White Star: The Abolitionists have conducted numerous raids of varying effect and degrees of success against both of the Noble Houses of Maretonia, striking lines of supply and freeing their still-enslaved brethren. Still, many of these attacks are little more than nuisance raids, not having any significant effect on the war capability of either of the Noble Houses. However, with proper support and intelligence from the Empire, it is hoped that these attacks could do some real damage to the Noble War Machine. Ravenburg has already identified several supply depots, barracks and outposts that, if attacked intelligently and in a coordinated manner, could seriously harm and hinder House White Star forces. Coordinate with Ambrosia to provide the support needed to make such coordinated assaults a reality. Cost: 600. Reward: Abolitionists raid House White Star Infrastructure, White Star forces weakened and thrown into disarray. Chance of Success: 75%

[ ] Assisted Abolitionist Raids-House Storm: The Abolitionists have conducted numerous raids of varying effect and degrees of success against both of the Noble Houses of Maretonia, striking lines of supply and freeing their still-enslaved brethren. Still, many of these attacks are little more than nuisance raids, not having any significant effect on the war capability of either of the Noble Houses. However, with proper support and intelligence from the Empire, it is hoped that these attacks could do some real damage to the Noble War Machine. Ravenburg has already identified several supply depots, barracks and outposts that, if attacked intelligently and in a coordinated manner, could seriously harm and hinder the forces of House Storm. Coordinate with Ambrosia to provide the support needed to make such coordinated assaults a reality. Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionists raid House Storm Infrastructure, Storm forces weakened and thrown into disarray. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Scaling the Ivory Towers: It's a matter of debate whether House White Star's greatest strength is it's treasury or its magical might, but regardless of the answer you already know the state of its treasury. You do not however know the status of the Colleges of Magic that supposedly swear fealty to Duke Haygle, on account of their carefully cultivated culture of secrecy. Getting eyes and ears inside the halls of arcane education where not even the nobility dare to intrude will of course be obscenely difficult. But given Ravenburg's prior successes in the field of espionage against all odds, you think that such a thing may be possible. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Maretonian Colleges of Magic, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 50%

[ ] Riddle of the Labyrinth: Gisa suspects that there's something up with the Minotaur Republics, and after hearing the detailed report on her journey to Labyrinthian, you're inclined to agree. Whether they simply didn't tell you everything or outright lied to your diplomats isn't clear, but you are almost certain that they're hiding something. See if Light Step is willing to act as a spy one last time and have him get to the bottom of this mystery. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Minotaur Republics. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Generous Pirates: It would be easy to provide relief to the Maretonian civilians affected by Pegicles' Storm...if only it weren't for their likely stubborn refusal of any foreign aid. But there is an alternative. The Libertalians are virtually right next door to the areas affected by the Storm, and their smugglers have plenty of experience evading the (now very limited) coastal sentries and defenses of House White Star. If you give them relief supplies and pay them for the trouble, you're sure they'd be more than happy to distribute desperately needed food and medical supplies. It won't be much, but it might just be enough to prevent a famine, and it may be worth it to let the common people of Maretonia know that the Empire to their North cares about their wellbeing. Cost: 700. Time: One Year. Reward: Relief Supplies smuggled in, Maretonian situation does not degrade further. Chance of Success: 75%

[ ] The Frame-Up Job: While you don't have sufficient evidence to make a solid conclusion regarding who really killed Queen Mareia, you do know how she died, as well as how the assassination would likely have been carried out. You also know how the Maretonian Royal Guard have been investigating the death of their Monarch, and that the leaders of the Noble factions now warring over the country are their prime suspects. With this information at hand, it wouldn't be impossible to say...fabricate evidence that it was Pegicles who had ordered the assassination of Queen Mareia, thus turning the Royal Guard against him and finally prompting them to abandon their neutral stance in the civil conflict that is destroying their nation. Of course, if things go wrong, the consequences of such blatant forgery of evidence and direct interference in the investigation of the Queen's murder will likely be disastrous. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Pegicles framed for Queen Mareia's murder. Chance of Success: 35%

Piety: The newly established "Council of Faiths", a gathering of representatives from every major religion in the Empire, has wasted no time in clamoring for your attention and attempting to leverage their newfound place in the Imperial Court to expand the influence of their respective beliefs. Each of the six beings upon the Council (Including a Qilin, a Yak, and a Crystal Pony) have submitted a proposal for your consideration. Whether you intend to act on any of them is up to you. (One Action Per Turn)

[ ] Ancient Empire Excavations: When the old Empire fell, many of the sacred texts and holy artifacts of the Griffon Pantheon were lost. A scant few have been pieced together from remnants found during the age of Discord, but if the Pantheon is to be the spiritual force it once was, its modern day adherents will need more than a few scraps of old parchment to serve as the centerpiece of its temples. The representative of the Polytheists has requested permission to organize an excavation of several ruins where it is hoped that he and his colleagues may find greater and more impressive holy relics to serve as objects of worship. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Ancient Religious Artifacts recovered.

[ ] Expanded Crystal Worship: The Crystal Disciples, though quite pleased with the growth of their faith in recent years, are still struggling to expand their influence beyond the Crystal City, something only compounded by the object of their worship being either unable or (as some assume) unwilling to leave the cities limits. The question of how to worship the central object of their religion without it being present is one that almost all of the disciples have been wrestling with, but a preacher by the name of Varado has come up with what he believes to be a solution after studying the Crystal Heart and the Runes upon it. A particular rune array, intended to be carved upon a miniaturized Crystal Heart that can be placed in shrines and houses of worship across the Empire. Supposedly, it would allow the "worship energy" from distant shrines to reach the Heart itself. In theory. Of course, the rune array is the work of a comparative novice, and the Disciples would appreciate some discretionary funding to produce a few of these miniature hearts for a sort of trial run, to see if the preacher's idea has merit. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Crystal Shrines outside the Crystal City. Expanded Crystal Disciples Influence.

[ ] A Sacred Stone: The Yaks' shamanistic beliefs have little need for temples, shrines, or more conventional sites of worship. Instead they mark sites of spiritual significance via raised stones or boulders with intricately carved inscriptions and artwork dedicated to their gods. While the followers of Yak Shamanism within your borders could simply pick a stone and carve an inscription into it themselves, they have deemed such an approach insufficient for the first Runestone to be placed in the Empire, and have attempted to contract the famous Shaman Brod the Wise to create the inscription. There's just one problem: Brod the Wise has left his self-imposed exile from his mountaintop home exactly three times in the past thirty years. Once to confirm the disappearance of Discord, once to give a prophecy concerning the coming of Sombra, and most recently to legitimize the reign of King Rutherford as a worthy ruler of Yak-kind. To say that it's unlikely he'll agree to travel beyond the borders of Yakyakistan to simply carve some runes in a rock is perhaps the understatement of the year. Still...if he were to receive a letter requesting his presence from a foreign Emperor, one that has done so much to help his people...well, he'd be much less likely to refuse then wouldn't he? Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Brod the Wise carves the first Yakyakistani Runestone for the Empire.

[ ] Seaside Shrines: While all natural phenomenon are associated with Kami, and all are important in their own way, the spirits of the winds and waters are regarded as particularly important by followers of Neighponese Spiritualism. Combine this with the fact that most of the practitioners of the Neighponese faith live on or near the coast, and it's fairly obvious what the first shrines they seek to build are going to be dedicated to. Unfortunately, the construction of the shrines is not a simple matter, for two reasons. The first is a matter of material; the followers of a religion originating in Neighpon naturally want materials from said nation to be used in their shrines, which means they'll have to go through the bureaucracy that is the Imperial Customs Office. The second and much larger issue is the fact that several of these shrines are intended to be built in or on the water itself, which may pose a navigational hazard for shallow-draft ships. Naturally, this is a bureaucratic nightmare of its own. The spiritualists would greatly appreciate it if you would grease the wheels of bureaucracy for them do that they can finally build their shrines. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Shrines constructed.

[ ] A Holy Lake: Obviously, Lakes and Ponds are central to the worship of the Lady of the Lakes. While technically any pure body of water could be considered holy by the worshippers of the Lady, certain ones are selected by members of the church to serve as sites of worship. Exactly how they determine which lake or pond should be more holy than others is a mystery to those outside of the priesthood, but the followers of the Lady within your borders have identified one lake in particular which they believe to be a conduit for the Lady's divine will. The fact that it is near your shared border with Canterbury is a total coincidence, you're sure. Regardless, the followers of the Lady have petitioned you to recognize the lake as a protected area, off limits to development or exploitation, save the construction of shrines and houses of worship. Given that the lake in question is far from any major cities or sources of pollution, this shouldn't be too difficult to pull off. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Church of the Lady granted a protected lake to worship at.

[ ] The Imperial Creed: Now that the Imperial Cult and it's adherents have agreed on a singular doctrine, they are ready to begin truly spreading their faith across the Empire. But to do this, they will require a sacred text, a holy book to convey their message. Thankfully they already have one: the Lectitio Divinitatus, collaboratively written by several of the cult's founders. Unfortunately, they currently only have the one full copy, with a handful of excerpts transcribed by talon for congregations across the Empire. If they're going to make any headway in converting citizens to their faith, they're going to need to publish their scriptures. Unfortunately, they have been experiencing some difficulties in acquiring the services of bookmakers and printing presses, mostly because, due to their earlier doctrinal disputes, they were late to the holy book publishing party. It appears they'll need some help finding a publisher not already swamped with orders. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Lectitio Divinitatus published.

Personal: You refuse to let your duties as Emperor take up every moment of your day. (Two Actions per Turn)

[ ] Overtime: Your advisors can only do so much, and sometimes that's just not enough. If it's truly necessary, you can sacrifice some of your otherwise free time to carry out an additional action from another category, provided said action has a duration of only one year. The costs and chances of success for that action remain the same.

[ ] Imperial Priority: Sometimes you need something done as quickly as possible, regardless of the cost. In such times, you can authorize and oversee the judicious and generous application of funds to speed things along. If necessary, you can reduce the duration of a select action by one year at the cost of a personal action and doubling the per-turn financial cost of the action. The chances of success for said action will remain the same.

[ ] Creative Accounting: Even for an Empire as prosperous as yours, money can be tight. Balancing the budget can be a difficult task at the best of times, but your prior experience as a Merchant has taught you many financial "magic tricks". Taking some time out of your busy schedule to squeeze a few extra coins out of the bureaucracy could be the difference between staying in the black and dipping into your reserve funds. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: One Small Lump-Sum of Funds. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Rune-Sword of the Emperor: While you possess a blade of forged Orichalcum for combat against magical threats, you still wear the blade forged when you were merely the King of Griffonia. Over the years, it has become as symbolic of you and your rule as your crown has. When Merlin cracked the code of the Runes upon the Crystal Heart, he sparked an idea in your mind: could such Runes be used to make your trusty blade more powerful? Only one way to find out. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune-Blade.

There will be a 12-hour moratorium to allow for discussion and plan-building.

I have no excuse for the delay, but after exorcising the demons of procrastination, dilly-dallying and distraction from my soul, I have refocused myself upon this Quest. With any luck, I will be able to get these out at a rate closer to the one I once did.

As always, thank you all so much for following this Quest.
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Ok, this maybe a good place to start that Foreign Legion plan and start Crossbow research for those who haven't had a years of archery. What with another influx of refugees. And with more mouths to feed getting the Crystal Protectorate an independent food source would be a good place to start. If we want to start to build a medieval UN we'd need a Peacekeeping force so the Foreign Legion could fill that role. Going All in with Praetorian and both international relief and peacekeeping is mostly an opportunistic option with 3 diplomacy actions. I have no idea what to pick for a 2nd Research option, Intrigue, and Piety actions

So here is half of a plan
[]Plan Early UN
-[] Gryphus Foriegn Legion
-[] Miniature Ballistae
-[] Crystal Agriculture
-[] International Peacekeeping Force
-[] International Relief Effort
-[] Appeal to the Praetorians
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I would like to choose either
[ ] Ancient Empire Excavations: (Finding artifacts or technology from the past)
[ ] The Imperial Creed: (Getting more books printed is good to keep unity in the religion)

I would prefer these one of these so we strengthen one of our own homegrown religion before promoting even more of foreign religions. If we go with a foreign one I would prefer
[ ] Seaside Shrines:
because Its our main allies religion and related to the sea.
So here's my plan (even though I'm not completely sold on talking to the Maretonian Royal Guard but... eh, I'm willing to budge the action into something else if there's better reasons anybody else has). Mostly this plan focuses on the relief and coordination efforts for us going forward. Also I figure it's better that we just sneak roll into the Mage Colleges since we're gonna be talking to the Guard (unless it's still an option later), and that 50% success chance for Spymanceing that Mage College isn't gonna get any better so yeah... Also plan has us using Libertalia to help our PR while we're tryna legitimize the Relief Efforts with the International Relief Effort action. So, thoughts?

[] Plan: Grinding Our Old Beak Into the Overtime-stone v1
-[] Runic Fortifications-Hardbeak Line: Cost: 2000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Hardbeak Line Fortifications Strengthened with Runic Enchantments, increased upkeep costs. Will Finish This Turn
-[] Gryphus Foriegn Legion: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Imperial Foreign Legion established, Foreign Auxiliaries recruited.
-[] Appeal to the Praetorians: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Royal Guard Negotiations Mini-Turn.
-[] International Relief Effort: Cost: 1200 (only paid if action succeeds). Time: One Year. Reward: International Relief Effort Organized, Maretonian Situation Improved. Chance of Success: 60%, Auto-Pass if Appeal to the Praetorians Succeeds.
-[] International Peacekeeping Force: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Promises (or lack thereof) of Support in event of Maretonian Intervention.
-[] Crystal Agriculture: Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate gains a substantial agricultural base and is no longer dependent upon food imports from the Griffonlands. Increased Agricultural Income.
-[] Sound the War Horns!: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gain War Horns. Upgrade Army Communications Bonus.
-[] Miniature Ballistae: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Crossbows.
-[] Scaling the Ivory Towers: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Maretonian Colleges of Magic, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 50%
-[] Riddle of the Labyrinth: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Minotaur Republics. Chance of Success: 60%
-[] Ancient Empire Excavations: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Ancient Religious Artifacts recovered.
-[] Overtime: Thaumatological Education: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Magical Education established. Enables future Magic Actions.
-[] Overtime: Generous Pirates: Cost: 700. Time: One Year. Reward: Relief Supplies smuggled in, Maretonian situation does not degrade further. Chance of Success: 75%

Total Plan Cost: 8700 (7500 if International Relief Effort fails, Crystal Heart forbid)
Net Income/Loss: 1446 (2646 if International Relief Effort fails)
Treasury after Plan: 10156 (11356 if International Relief Effort fails)

Success % Chances of Plan (which would again, need Omake love):
International Relief Effort: 60% (Auto-Pass if Appeal to the Praetorians Succeeds tho) + 18% (Garrick) = 78%
Scaling the Ivory Towers: 50% + 13% (Garrick) = 63%
Riddle of the Labyrinth: 60% + 13% (Garrick) = 73%
Generous Pirates: 75% + 13% (Garrick) = 88%
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I'm confused about something. Don't griffons have the ability to walk on clouds? I remember Gilda sitting on a cloud during her mlp debut. I'm just curious why we haven't utilized this ability more often in this quest.
I'm confused about something. Don't griffons have the ability to walk on clouds? I remember Gilda sitting on a cloud during her mlp debut. I'm just curious why we haven't utilized this ability more often in this quest.
In general it has been claimed by Questor for this quest that griffons have no magic rather than having the same aerokinetic abilities as pegasi. Which is sad, because air engineering would be quite the Thing to have for pretty much any occasion.
In general it has been claimed by Questor for this quest that griffons have no magic rather than having the same aerokinetic abilities as pegasi. Which is sad, because air engineering would be quite the Thing to have for pretty much any occasion.

Damn, guess we gotta build up our airforce the old fashioned way.
In general it has been claimed by Questor for this quest that griffons have no magic rather than having the same aerokinetic abilities as pegasi. Which is sad, because air engineering would be quite the Thing to have for pretty much any occasion.
I am pretty sure it is not magic than an innate property to their bodies but I'm just a nerd so.... meh
[ ] Doubling the Guard
[ ] Overtime: Abolitionist Army
Gotta start the doubling early for use later (unless we're planning on just not doing that for this war?), and the abolitionists are using their army right now instead of building a UN to give approval first. The Foreign Legion can be taken next turn without hurting anything, since we're not using it until at least next turn anyway.

[ ] Appeal to the Praetorians
[ ] International Relief Effort
[ ] International Peacekeeping Force

[ ] Crystal Agriculture

[ ] Sound the War Horns!
[ ] Miniature Ballistae

[ ] Hoofbeard's Other Heist
[ ] Generous Pirates
[ ] Overtime: Scaling the Ivory Towers
Getting the pirates to be a better class of criminal is a good thing, and White Star might not last much longer to do a heist to. The minotaurs might be shady, but they're not really a priority at the moment with all the other stuff on our plate.

[ ] Seaside Shrines
They're our closest ally, they get the first action. And I just don't get the whole "homegrown religion" thing. I see the potential for conflicting loyalties with the lake cult, but the Yaks and Neighpon don't seem particularly Catholic.
[ ] Plan: Diplomatic Shuffle

[ ] Doubling the Guard
[ ] Overtime: Abolitionist Army
Time to prep ourselves and our allies.

[ ] Appeal to the Praetorians
[ ] International Relief Effort
[ ] International Peacekeeping Force
[ ] Overtime: Talking to Scholars
Time to talk to EVERYONE.
A sword would be nice, but can wait.
(The other option is Emeral Isle Emissaries in place of the scholars, but i am worried about what they are doing in that Ivory Tower.)

[ ] Thaumatological Education
For our magical future. Education has always been paramount.

[ ] Sound the War Horns!
[ ] Miniature Ballistae
A little improvement goes a long way.

[ ] Hoofbeard's Other Heist
[ ] Frame-Up Job
Truthfully im iffy on framing, but we put in the work so lets try.
(Generous Pirates if no Framing)
And its Hoofbeards last chance.

[ ] Ancient Empire Excavations
Time for our history.

How's this?
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"Perhaps not exactly good, but certainly not as bad. While his artificial superstorm may have caused much destruction and laid waste to the lands of his enemies, Pegicles' storm has not had the diminishing effect upon the morale of House White Stars troops that he may have hoped. While some of the mercenaries in Duke Haygle's service have deserted, many have remained, some even willingly taking pay cuts in order to oppose the Stormmaker. Combined with the numerous eager volunteers raised from amongst the ravaged civilian population, and House White Star is not as down for the count as their rivals would hope."

"Additionally," he continued, "the Royal Guard in general and Captain-General Marecinas in particular are extremely displeased with what Pegicles has done. Rumor has it they've gone so far as to send a letter to Pegicles stating that, if another such storm is created and used on Maretonian soil, they will have no choice to but directly intervene in the conflict."

He pauses. "Of course that's their official stance. Unofficially, several House Storm outposts close to Roam have been witness to officer assassinations and supposedly random spellfire from the wilderness. Ambrosia and the abolitionists claim not to have any units capable of such actions in those areas."

Redbeak sums up the impromptu intelligence report. "Seems everyone's mighty upset with the would be King of Maretonia."
Called it.

He might have hit his enemies hard but his reputation took a hit that it just couldn't keep.

Fear is good, but being loved is far better, for love can only slide into disinterest or disappointment, fear turns into anger, then to rage, then to hatred.

You might get to suffering too of course, but by then, well, you as a leader probably won't live to see it. To quote "East of West" there are two reasons you burn your leaders, to show the gods their passing and to announce their entry into the afterlife with all the pomp and circumstance a King deserves.

Or you do it because they had it coming.
yay, it's back! Most of the quest I'm following haven't been updating recently, so it's always nice to see one coming back!

now, let' see...

You consider the intelligence report before you, your expression grave. Gathered about the council chamber, your privy council digests Ravenburg's report on the situation in Maretonia.

The true death toll from Pegicles' artificial hurricane would likely never be known, but it was estimated to be in the thousands. Combined with the tens of thousands rendered displaced or otherwise homeless and the incalculable damage to infrastructure and the local economy, the territorial holdings of House White Star have been quite effectively gutted. In the weeks and months to come, starvation was likely to become an issue for the survivors, much of the crops in the fields having been drowned by the torrential downpour or blown away by gale-force winds.

Combined with the deaths of much of their mid-level leadership and the loss of much of their territory, House White Star has been absolutely devastated, forced onto the defensive across all fronts. Though Pegicles and his allies have halted their advance for now, everyone knows that this is merely a lull before the next big push. The writing is on the wall: House White Star's days are numbered and everyone knows it. You raise a talon to rub your forehead, sighing.
well, it's maybe SLIGHTLY worse for House White Star than i expected, but not by much.

"I don't suppose there's any good news to be had today?"

You were being at least partially sarcastic, so you were a bit surprised when Ravenburg responds.

"Perhaps not exactly good, but certainly not as bad. While his artificial superstorm may have caused much destruction and laid waste to the lands of his enemies, Pegicles' storm has not had the diminishing effect upon the morale of House White Stars troops that he may have hoped. While some of the mercenaries in Duke Haygle's service have deserted, many have remained, some even willingly taking pay cuts in order to oppose the Stormmaker. Combined with the numerous eager volunteers raised from amongst the ravaged civilian population, and House White Star is not as down for the count as their rivals would hope."

"Additionally," he continued, "the Royal Guard in general and Captain-General Marecinas in particular are extremely displeased with what Pegicles has done. Rumor has it they've gone so far as to send a letter to Pegicles stating that, if another such storm is created and used on Maretonian soil, they will have no choice to but directly intervene in the conflict."

He pauses. "Of course that's their official stance. Unofficially, several House Storm outposts close to Roam have been witness to officer assassinations and supposedly random spellfire from the wilderness. Ambrosia and the abolitionists claim not to have any units capable of such actions in those areas."

Redbeak sums up the impromptu intelligence report. "Seems everyone's mighty upset with the would be King of Maretonia."
And yet this might end up being only a Pyrrhic victory for Pegicles.

He's certainly a good soldier, but a shitty politician. This might have won him the war (..well, if WE didn't have something to say about that) but he would have had a LOT of troubles ruling after this. His rule would be under an always present threat of revolt and assassination, only fear and violence giving him any chance of keeping the crown on his head (and his head on his shoulders)

He would be a really hated king. He kinda reminds me of Brochard, same kind of short-sighted mindset.

You don't use that kind of weapon unless you plan to leave no survivor, and even then only if you have no other choice. That did more damage than most nukes would! (well, except for the lack of radiation. Small mercies..)

That's the kind of weapon we could have used against Sombra, if we didn't think there was any way to free the crystal ponies!

"So...what do you think?"

Gawain sighs.

"I think there's no good solution to this situation. Direct Intervention could be disastrous if not handled correctly...but not intervening is becoming less and less morally justifiable."

The crown prince shakes his head.

"I don't think there's any good way forward here."

You nod solemnly.

"Perhaps not...but it falls to us to find the least bad out of a series of terrible options. There are times where that is all you can do."
Yeah, they're both right. Military intervention might not be a completely "white" choice, but at this point is probably the lightest shade of gray at our disposal. Discussions about what to do with Maretonia can come AFTER this clusterfuck is solved.

Ok, TIME for a COLOR CODED ANALYSIS! This time I'll order them from WORST to BEST (only my opinion, but I think nearly everyone will agree with my red ones at least)

Martial: (Two Actions Per Turn) One Action Locked

-[ ] Runic Fortifications-Hardbeak Line: Will Finish This Turn

I wonder if this would survive an hurricane... hopefully we'll never need to find out.

[ ] Cautious Curiosity: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Knowledge of Distant Lands.

[ ] Cog Conversion: Cost: 700 Time: Two Years. Reward: 20 Cogs Converted into 14 Carracks.

[ ] Knights of the Frontier: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.

I think it's obvious that these three options should be ignored at this point. Kestrella is mostly peacefull, and our army needs more attention than we need more ships our a new, likely a bit inferior (they'd be untested after all), knight order.

And obviously we have enough problems without going to search for new ones right now. Exploration can wait until we deal with Maretonia, we all know this.

[ ] Gryphus Foriegn Legion: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Imperial Foreign Legion established, Foreign Auxiliaries recruited.

Here's the low cost alternative to doubling the army. It could be a good way to make our army more versatile by adding other races, including maybe some of the refugees.. but I think we need more OOMPH that versatility right now, and adapting to using soldiers with such different abilities might be more trouble than needed right now

[ ] Doubling the Guard: Cost: 3000 Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial Army Doubles in Size.

[ ] Abolitionist Army: Th Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionist Military Strengthened.

And here we have the two main alternatives: Strenghtening our army, or strenghtening the Abolitionists. Preparing to do the ob ourselves, or making our allies capable of doing it on their own while we gain a bit more time to prepare.

I think we have a few possible choices here.

We could take the abolitionists, and delay the doubling to next turn (sped up to complete in one turn of course.)

We could takeb the army and double down on it right now, to act as fast as possible.

Or maybe... just maybe... we could REALLY go all in, and spend THREE actions here and take both, with the doubling sped up. Of course that would take two personal actions as well, so it might not be optimal, but it needs to be considered at least.

IF we're going to attack, fast and hard is probably the best way.

Diplomacy: (Three Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Emerald Isles Emissary: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Contact established with Emerald Isles, New Actions Unlocked.

[ ] Immigration Campaign: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Yak/Neighponese Immigrants. Chance of Success: 65%

Just no. Dogs are not important right now, and with all the refugees we have to deal with more immigrants would NOT be a good thing right now.

[ ] Appeal to the Praetorians: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Royal Guard Negotiations Mini-Turn.

This would be green, if not for one thing: I don't expect they'd trust us right now. We're probably pretty high on their list of suspects, and even if we're innocent it would feel obvious to them that we have much to gain from the chaos in their land.

IF we take this we should probably also focus on the relief efforts, but I'm honestly not that interested in them.

[ ] She can see the Futuuure!: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain Information from Queen Chevaline. Chance of Success: 50%

[ ] Gaze upon the mists of Fate: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain information from Yak Seers. Chance of Success: 60%.

...this is possibly the BEST moment to try for a peek at our future. Some hint at what would be better, relief efforts and support of the abolitionists, or outright military intervention, WOULD be nice. Though I honestly expect Chevaline to be a bit biased. Of the two I expect the Yaks to be the more vague, but also the most trustworthy, while the Lady would be more precise, but biased and with a vested interest in the whole thing.

[ ] International Relief Effort: Cost: 1200 (only paid if action succeeds). Time: One Year. Reward: International Relief Effort Organized, Maretonian Situation Improved. Chance of Success: 60%, Auto-Pass if Appeal to the Praetorians Succeeds.

[ ] International Peacekeeping Force: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Promises (or lack thereof) of Support in event of Maretonian Intervention.

so, international aid/relief efforts, and military alliance. Both potentially very useful, though they might not interact optimally with each other.

Or maybe they might. It really depends on how we spin it. Aid to the civilians, followed by peacekeeping force to stop the hostilities and freeing and feeding all the victims? It could sound either sketchy (they're obviously up to something/they're trying to buy us!) or like a dream come true (they've come to save us!)

[ ] Talking to Scholars: Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: Opened Relations with the Maretonian Colleges of Magic. Chance of Success: 60%

the mages are really the only unknown in this conflict.

There's nothing more dangerous than the unknown. If they're only interested in their research, than there are things we can offer than nobody else can: information on many different types of magic, INCLUDING our own original runic magic.

Stewardship: (Two Actions Per Turn) One Action Locked

-Aggressive Agricultural Expansion: Now that your nation has purged its forests of beasts and monsters, it's time to clear some of that untamed wilderness and prepare it for farming. Having enough food to feed so many new mouths is going to be vitally important for the security and prosperity of the nation going into the future. Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Expanded Agriculture, Secured Food Supply, Increased Income. Will Finish This Turn

This should help a lot with the refugees, and potentially with the relief aid. hopefully it will be enough

[ ] Western Lumberjacks: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Logging Income.

[ ] Crystal Forests: Cost: 400. Time: Three Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate develops domestic logging industry, increased logging income.

[ ] Cloth Mills: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Industrial Linen Production achieved, Increased Tax Income.

Not really the time for them. Cloth Mills is SLIGHTLY more useful in case we decide to send some heavy clothes with our relief efforts, to help more people survive the winter.

[ ] Thaumatological Education: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Magical Education established. Enables future Magic Actions.

Obviously useful, though this might not be the best time for it. It could probably wait a turn or two so that we first end up dealing with Maretonia, and if we make contact with the maretonian mages (or establish closer ties with Canterbury) they might actually be of help in forming a basic study plan.

[ ] Gas Lighting: Cost: 1200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Gas Lamps installed in all major population centers in the Empire, Increased Tax Income due to Increased Productivity and Reduced Crime Rates.

obvious benefits to our productivity, but it sadly requires two years. Maybe it can wait.

[ ] Crystal Agriculture: Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate gains a substantial agricultural base and is no longer dependent upon food imports from the Griffonlands. Increased Agricultural Income.

with the NEW influx of refugees, and a decent chance of us ending up taking the relief efforts action, we will probably need more food. It certainly won't hurt, and you know what they say: better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

Learning: (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Sugar Beets: Cost: 200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Sugar Beets acquired, new Learning and Stewardship Actions Unlocked.

We're too close to war to consider an unrelated research topic.

[ ] A Different Kind of Mortar: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Mortar Artillery Developed.

In my opinion the least urgent of our possible researches. I think it can wait next turn.

[ ] Black-Steel Balls: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Army gains Black-Steel Cannonballs

usefull to deal with magical shields and to stop mages from simply stop them with telekinesis, or whatever other trick they possess.

[ ] Portable Explosives: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Imperial Army gains access to early grenades.

[ ] Sound the War Horns!: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gain War Horns. Upgrade Army Communications Bonus.

[ ] Miniature Ballistae: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Crossbows.

Put it simply, IF we're doubling the army now we should ALSO introduce grenades and ballistae at the same time so that we can immediately teach the new soldiers how to use them. And of course communication (the war horns) is important too.

Really, all three are important, and if we don't use all personal actions on the martial category I think we should use one here to take them all three.

Intrigue: (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Riddle of the Labyrinth: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Minotaur Republics. Chance of Success: 60%

The Minotaurs are simply not important enough right now

[ ] Trust but Verify: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel on Canterbury and its people. Chance of Success: 60%.

...If only we could afford to. this might even give us a better opinion of how likely it is that it was them to kill the queen!

I don't think we have any real choice here though, We'll just have to trust them.

[ ] The Frame-Up Job: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Pegicles framed for Queen Mareia's murder. Chance of Success: 35%

Too risky to try at this point. The consequences of a failure would also be potentially horrible.

[ ] Assisted Abolitionist Raids-House White Star: Cost: 600. Reward: Abolitionists raid House White Star Infrastructure, White Star forces weakened and thrown into disarray. Chance of Success: 75%

White Star is already too close to simply die. They don't need our attention too. We'd be better off to focus on House Storm instead.

[ ] Hoofbeard's Other Heist: Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: House White Star's Treasury Raided, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Chance of Success: 65%

..I kinda feel bad about never proceeding with this. It's kind of our last chance to do it, or close enough to it, but I don't think we can risk basically killing house White Star yet.

[ ] Assisted Abolitionist Raids-House Storm: Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionists raid House Storm Infrastructure, Storm forces weakened and thrown into disarray. Chance of Success: 60%

Them though... them we can hurt without regrets.

[ ] Scaling the Ivory Towers: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Maretonian Colleges of Magic, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 50%

Informations on them would help in the negotiations

[ ] Generous Pirates: Cost: 700. Time: One Year. Reward: Relief Supplies smuggled in, Maretonian situation does not degrade further. Chance of Success: 75%

A must pick IF we don't send official help. If we do it's obviously superfluous

Piety: (One Action Per Turn)

[ ] Seaside Shrines: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Shrines constructed.

[ ] A Sacred Stone: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Brod the Wise carves the first Yakyakistani Runestone for the Empire.

[ ] The Imperial Creed: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Lectitio Divinitatus published.

[ ] Ancient Empire Excavations: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Ancient Religious Artifacts recovered.

[ ] Expanded Crystal Worship: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Crystal Shrines outside the Crystal City. Expanded Crystal Disciples Influence.

[ ] A Holy Lake: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Church of the Lady granted a protected lake to worship at.

...Look, I KNOW we have taken crystal heart pretty much every time, but the mini hearts are just too interesting!

I can also see the merits of gaining some brownie points with the Lady's faith though, or in trying to strenghten the original faith of our people.

It's just... mini crystal hearts!

..but the favouritism..

eh, probably better to delay it for a few turns and take at least a few actions from the others. I think I'd go with the Lake in the end

Personal: (Two Actions per Turn)

[ ] Overtime:

[ ] Imperial Priority:

VERY NEEDED. probably to take and complete both the martial actions (doubling the guard and abolitionist army support), though there are a few other actions we could take in other categories

[ ] Creative Accounting: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: One Small Lump-Sum of Funds. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Rune-Sword of the Emperor: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune-Blade.

useless right now

Fear is good, but being loved is far better, for love can only slide into disinterest or disappointment, fear turns into anger, then to rage, then to hatred.
Better to have both really.

Ideally you want to be both loved and feared. Love without fear makes for a weak ruler, but fear without love makes for an hated one.

Machiavelli might have said that it's better to be feared than loved (and he wasn't really wrong I think), but that's ONLY if you can't have both.

I think we can manage both.
How is it that we still don't have an option available to immediately intervene in the war? There is no longer a delicate balance of power, and the hurricane gives plenty of justification to stabilize the situation south of our borders. Building an international coalition and giving aid to the abolitionists is nice and all but our nation's response to the Maretonian civil war is extremely sluggish and frankly pathetic. The war is getting dragged out as a result.
How is it that we still don't have an option available to immediately intervene in the war? There is no longer a delicate balance of power, and the hurricane gives plenty of justification to stabilize the situation south of our borders. Building an international coalition and giving aid to the abolitionists is nice and all but our nation's response to the Maretonian civil war is extremely sluggish and frankly pathetic. The war is getting dragged out as a result.

I think that, to put it simply, we're not ready.

Our army is not strong enough, as of right now, to fight a war in Maretonia with good enough chances of a not-pyrrhic victory. Also mobilizing to move our army to another country is not something we can do just like that, and up until now we thought the situation was stable enough that we could simply continue to play one side against the other while preparing as thoroughly as possible while not drawing too much attention to it.

That's without considering how there was a very good chance then, if we attacked at any point BEFORE this turn, we would have likely ended up facing all three factions. Nothing like a common enemy...

If we double our army, help the abolitionists form a TRUE army as well, and/or gain the approval AND aid of our allies for the peace-keeping force, THEN we can be reasonably confident in our chances.

Going to war in our conditions is simply not something we should even consider, not when just a turn would be enough, with the right actions, to MORE than double our effective power (double army, abolitionists, allies, crossbow/grenades/mortars/black balls...) least we completed the rails. Those should help gathering and moving troops and supplies closer to the southern border at least, and hopefully our navy is now big enough to at least be of some use too.
So, normally I would be all for meeting the Kin across the Salt Blood Lakes (Ocean), or have a quip or a joke about our situation.

This is not the case this time.

For the immediate future, a swift, through, and if needs be, brutal resolution to the war is needed. As such, I will present my opinions on the path forward as presented to us:

1. Damage control and Relief.

This one is very obvious. Any and all aid must be provided to the refugees, and to the afflicted, and a international response and peace keeping force must be formulated And prepared. Pegiclies has over played his hand, and has sabotaged his chances of victory. We can use this

2. Militarization , Expansion, and preparation.

Self explanatory. Those who wish for peace must prepare for war.

3. Growth and Harvest, prepare for the Famine.

We need to expand our potential food supply in the face of the massive refugee crisis and population increase. Plus more food always helps regardless.

4. A Blade to the Throat, Poison in the veins.

House Storm must be crippled, broken, or hamstrung if we are to succeed in a venture. Information must be gathered, we need to know how the power works, how to counter it, what The internal response is, can the Royal Guards be negotiated with, what is Pegicles endgane and how can we break it. In short, we need information, and we need to be ready so that when we thrust the spear into the throat, he is unable to counter in the slightest.

5. Faith, Steel, And Gunpowder Hearts

We need a breakthrough in the Crystal heart, otherwise not much opinion with this. Leave it up yall.

So yeah. That's it. Not much help, but hey. Words.