Teatime for Two
Gawain Goldenfeather sighed in contentment, gently gripping the steaming mug of green tea in both talons. Much like his father and mentor, he had developed an affinity for the invigorating beverage, though it was rare that he got the chance to enjoy it as he was now.

He glanced up from his drink to his companion for the evening, the female Qilin seated across from him enjoying her own cup with a similar amount of relish. Not for the first time, the Prince marveled at just how much Ki Seong met the expectation of a noble Neighponese heiress. Refined, graceful, demure, cultured, intelligent...she embodied every positive stereotype that others could have expected of her.

But, as he was quickly learning, that was not all there was to the foreign maiden. For though she projected an image of a delicate flower, she had a hidden core of steel. From the way she casually manipulated flames and tamed infernos that a Qilin years her senior would struggle with, to her almost encyclopedic knowledge of both magical lore and military history, to her uncanny skills at games of skill and strategy, the Lady Seong seemed more like a warrior than her bearing and her father's position would initially suggest. But then, the Qilin philosophy in matters of diplomacy was to speak politely while keeping a sword at the ready. And speaking of games of strategy...

The Gryphon prince took another moment to inspect the board before him, examine the positions of his pieces and those of his opponent. Ki had introduced him to the Neighponese game of Shogi when he had told her of his passion for chess, and the two had met frequently to mentally spar against each other over a cup of tea, moving their pieces of carved bone across the board, silently ordering their simulated columns of soldiers about an imaginary battlefield.

Ki Seong's strategy in such battles was curious though. She never engaged in a general assault, never aggressively pressed her advantage, even when she had a greater number of pieces than him. She always conserved her pieces, carefully husbanding her resources, even when it didn't strictly make sense to do so from the perspective of someone trying to win the game.

When he had questioned her on this habit, her explanation had given him pause.

"A victory that costs you the majority of your army is hardly a victory at all."

He supposed she was right about that. Especially when viewed from the perspective of the Qilin as a culture.

It was no secret that the population of Neighpon was a fraction of that of Gryphus or Maretonia, an issue compounded by the Qilin's notoriously poor fertility rates. The Qilin often said it was a consequence of their long lives and powerful magic, but Archimedes had speculated that it was a result of their nature as hybrid creatures. Whatever the reason, it was no surprise that any losses taken by a Neighponese army would be dearly felt.

It had taken his father a year to replace the losses sustained during the Winter War and the invasion of the Crystal Empire. Had the Neighponese suffered such losses, it would have taken them decades to replenish their numbers.

Gawain shook his head, mentally dispelling that line of thought, returning his mind to the game as he moved another one of his pieces, removing one of his opponent's from play. As Ki Seong considered her next move, Gawain asked a question that had been on his mind a lot lately.

"What do you think I should do?"

His companion looked up from the board with a raised eyebrow. She knew he wasn't talking about the game. He'd picked up the rules and mechanics remarkably quickly.

"Regarding what?"

The prince ran a talon through his headfeathers, sighing.

"My father is the Emperor. The first worthy of the title since Discord. Even if he doesn't do anything else of note for the rest of his reign, he'll be remembered as one of the greatest Griffons of all time."

He met her gaze, his eyes belying a worry that shouldn't belong to one so young.

"And I'm his son, his heir apparent, the one who will assume the throne after him."

Ki Seong nodded in understanding, the game momentarily forgotten.

"You worry that you will not be able to measure up to him. That you will not be able to escape his shadow."

Gawain nodded. Seong took another sip from her cup, contemplating the issue. She understood why he had asked her this question. Of those in his circle of friends, she was the one most able to sympathize with his plight of living up to the expectations of others and meeting the high bar that her family had left for her. Though his case was much more extreme than hers.

"You are only nineteen."

Gawain snorted, waving a talon dismissively.

"And? When my father was my age, he was leading Trade caravans through dangerous territory and fighting off raids from bandits and monsters alike. When my mother was my age she was part of a mercenary outfit renowned for taking some of the most dangerous jobs and succeeding every time."

He sank into his seat, looking up at the ceiling.

"What have I done? Nothing but sit on my tail, play games and eat food from gilded plates."

Ki Seong frowned. Personally, she thought he was being too hard on himself, but she knew that simple reassurances wouldn't be enough to help him with his issue. So she took another direction.

"So do something."

Now it was Gawain's turn to look at her with a raised eye ridge. She continued, returning his stare with the gaze of velvet steel that she would one day become famous for.

"Stop 'sitting on your tail' and do something to make a name for yourself. Join a Knightly Order, become a diplomat, build something..."

A teasing edge slipped into her tone, a lip quirking upwards.

"...become head of that Cult that likes your father so much."

Gawain's face told her exactly how he felt about that particular suggestion. Momentary amusement gained, her demeanor returned to the steely mask she'd had before.

"It doesn't matter what you do, just that you do something."

Gawain looked at her, silently contemplating her words with an unreadable expression before responding.

"I'd considered that...but if I were to do something along those lines...I feel I would still be known simply as 'the Son of Garrick'."

Ki Seong sighed.

"Maybe so. But do you not owe it yourself to try?"

Gawain was opening his beak to respond when the door to the room suddenly slammed open, a Griffon in the full armor and regalia of the Imperial Household Guard entering the room with a look of concern upon his face, one that momentarily abated when he sighted the Prince.

Before Gawain could ask the obvious question, the guard was already right in front of him, gently pulling him to his feet and herding him towards the door.

"Sir, I apologize but we need to get you back to the Palace."

Gawain stopped, a mixed look of confusion, frustration and concern on his face as he pulled on his bodyguard's arm, forcing him to stop at look at him.

"Why, what's happened?"

The soldier's eyes darted to the Lady Seong, still sat upon the floor, staring silently at this bizarre and unexpected occurrence.

"The Emperor requested I bring you back to the palace with haste sir, I can explain on the way."

Gawain was having none of it. He stood his ground, his tone uncompromising.

"Sergeant, what is going on?"

There was a tense pause as the two Griffons stared each other down, the young Qilin bearing witness to a silent debate between protectors of the Empire. Finally, the guard spoke, his words heavy in the air.

"There's been a coup in Maretonia. Queen Mareia is dead."
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Turn 24 Rumor Mill
Baby Boomers: The wave of children born in the aftermath of Discord's defeat and the return of organized society have finally begun to reach adulthood, changing society with their every action as they seek out jobs and homes of their own. Distinguished from their elders by more than their youth, this newest generation has already become renowned for its optimism, genuinely believing that the world can and will improve with time, as well as their willingness to embrace changes in society and life that their parents would be more hesitant to accept immediately. No doubt that these youngsters will have a great effect upon the shape of the Empire in the days and years to come.

Magic versus Machinery: It is no surprise that your people have learned to put their faith in the reliability of machines. From the humble oil lamps that illuminate thousands of homes to the cannons and flame-throwers of the Imperial Arsenal and even the mighty steam engines of the soon-to be completed rail lines, technology has defined the lives of your subjects in recent years, each day seeming to bring new innovations that change the way people live and work. But contact with foreign cultures has introduced your people to magic, and the benefits thereof. And while the majority of your people are incapable of utilizing magic themselves, save for the rare and expensive enchanted object, that doesn't stop them from being fascinated with the concept, a fascination that has only grown with the addition of magical advisors to the Imperial Court and the recent string of Hippogriff births, the young hybrids already showing signs of juvenile magic. The debate over the merits of magic versus technology now rages everywhere from the taprooms of bars to the classrooms of the Crystal University, debates that you don't expect to end anytime soon.

A Season of Sickness: Concern and fear spreads across the Empire as a particularly virulent strain of Feather Flu sweeps through the population. Outbreaks of respiratory illness are not uncommon, and cases are often treated as more of a nuisance than a threat to life, but this year's strain of influenza has a higher infectivity and lethality rate than any other in living memory, infecting tens of thousands and killing hundreds in a matter of months. Doctors and specialists from the Office of Disease Control enact quarantines and scramble to treat the sick and prevent the contagion from spreading, but the difficulty of their task is compounded by the fact that the flu is transmissible days before symptoms begin to manifest Soon, no corner of the Empire is safe from the disease, as special clinics and "sick houses" have to be temporarily established for those incapacitated by fever and hacking coughs.

As quickly as the sickness arrives, it disappears, burning itself out as most of those who catch it recover and become immune. By the end of the year, there are only a handful of remaining cases, all of which under the care and observation of medical professionals. Still, the damage is done: hundreds of deaths, countless lost hours of productivity, and a population that is now more fearful than ever of another, even more deadly disease outbreak that might strike in the future. -500 Tax Income Next Turn

Chaos in Maretonia
: In hindsight, you should have expected your meddling in Maretonian affairs to have unintended consequences. Between inflaming existing rivalries between the noble families, supplying weapons to escaped slaves, and forcing Queen Mareia to conduct a military crackdown to restore order, something had to give eventually.

But you were still surprised when your Southern Neighbor descended into civil war.

Shortly after unleashing her armies in a bid to restore order, Queen Mareia was assassinated, poisoned by an unknown party during her dinner one night.

She died without an heir.

Before her body had even grown cold, a mad scramble for the throne began, with all manner of countesses, dukes and retainers claiming some manner of ancestral relation to the royal family, no matter how marginal or unreliable the claim may have been. Most if not all of the claims were blatant fabrications, but so numerous were the claims, and so powerful and influential were the those making them, that it became effectively impossible to verify them and fish the truth from a sea of lies. It soon reached the point where almost half of the Maretonian nobility were each individually insisting that their claim was the only true one, and that they and they alone deserved to rule the kingdom.

Few even bothered to try and determine the identity of the Queen's killer.

Soon, arguments regarding ancestry deteriorated into magical duels in the streets, which in turn devolved into small-scale wars between the noble houses as bands of mercenaries and battle-mages openly waged war against each other. Each day the conflict escalated, the soldiers of the Maretonian guard either unable or unwilling to intervene as many of their number deserted to defend their families or join the growing armies of the most powerful noble houses.

And as if that wasn't enough, the abolitionists add fuel to the fire, as a wave of slave revolts and mass breakouts sweeps the country, overseers and slaveowners meeting their ends at the hooves of their former property and at the points of Griffon-made blades as hundreds of Earth Ponies, Donkeys and Diamond Dogs take out lifetimes of suppressed rage against their masters.

By the end of the year, the schizophrenic chaos of a nation collapsing inwards upon itself has begun to stabilize as battle lines are drawn between the dominant factions within the Kingdom.

First is House White Star, powerful in terms of both wealth and arcane strength. They control much of the Southern and Eastern Portions of the Kingdom, and have gained the allegiance of much of the traditional nobility, lending them an air of legitimacy. Their leader, the Duke of Argentum, is a renowned schemer and a mage of considerable skill, with deep pockets and a silver tongue. He is the mastermind behind the Maretonian Trade route to the Minotaur Republics, a Trade route that ensures that he and his supporters wield an obscene amount of wealth, which they have used to hire an army comprised almost entirely of mercenaries and supplemented by the infamous battlemages of the Maretonian colleges of magic.

Duke Haygle of Argentum, Head of House White Star

Second is House Storm, a noble house built upon a foundation of martial prowess and military service. House Storm has the support of numerous rural landholders and slaveowners, making up for its comparative lack of wealth and influence with brute strength and intimidation. In addition, many members of the Maretonian Guard who deserted their posts in the aftermath of the Queen's assassination have since pledged their service to House Storm's patriarch Pegicles, a renowned general who has led many campaigns to subjugate "barbarian tribes" and add new lands to the Kingdom of Maretonia...many of which are now ruled over by him and members of his family. They control much of the Western and Central Portions of Maretonia, projecting power through squadrons of household troops and conscripted common ponies.

Pegicles, Duke of Mare-A-Thon and Head of House Storm

The third faction are the remnants of the Maretonian Royal Guard. While their numbers have been depleted by desertions and skirmishes with mercenaries in the opening days of the civil war, they still maintain control of the Capital and the surrounding lands, acting as a force of law and order in these times of chaos. Their overall commander, one Captain Marecinas, has repeatedly expressed her neutrality in the brewing conflict between the noble houses, insisting that she serves Maretonia and will honor the orders of the late Queen Mareia to the best of her ability. Though they are by far the smallest faction, they are potentially the literal kingmakers in the conflict, as they represent the only professional military force in Maretonia at the present time, to say nothing of the symbolic weight of their potentially throwing their allegiance behind one faction or another.

Gaius Marecinas, Captain-General of the Maretonian Guard

And finally, though they aren't in the running for the throne, Ambrosia's abolitionists certainly count as a faction of their own, having seized control over much of the Maretonian-Gryphus Border region and scattered pockets of territory elsewhere in the country. They're practically destitute in comparison to the noble houses and little more than an armed rabble militarily, but their spy network stretches across the nation, and everyone knows that, should your Empire intervene, it will doubtlessly be to support them and their cause.

As of now the situation in Maretonia is more or less stable, with no side having enough of an advantage to attack any other. Though whether this will hold true is yet to be determined. All you know is that thousands of Maretonians are flooding into the Crystal Protectorate, as escaped slaves and commoners alike seek to escape the lawless war zone that much of their homeland has become. Maretonia has fragmented into civil war. Refugee Situation: -500 Gold Per Turn to Support Refugees
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Turn 25: The Death of a Queen
You sigh as you examine the updated map of Maretonia, the once singular nation now divided between multiple warring factions. Crowded around you and the long table at the center of the council room are the members of your "war council". Redbeak eyes the assumed frontlines with the air of an experienced tactician, trying to gleam some further detail or hidden knowledge from the parchment. Gisa Eagleclaw quietly glances between the map and the rest of the room's inhabitants, shifting nervously in silence. You can't help but feel bad for her. Just over a year on the job and already being made to contemplate a potential international crisis.

Honestly she's mostly here as a formality. You don't expect a diplomatic solution to be found for the conflict any time soon. No, she's mostly here to provide any input on how the other nations of the world may react to any given course of action.

Frida Bronzeclaw doesn't even look at the map, too engrossed in a sheaf of papers detailing the progress of the work on the national rail line and sewage infrastructure. She occasionally takes a sip from a mug of tea, the bags under her eyes visible even in the dim light of the council chamber. Much like her diplomatic counterpart, she's mostly here as a formality, and to offer any input on how the Maretonian situation may affect your internal affairs...and vice versa.

The most recent addition to the Council, unofficially, is your son Gawain, here merely as an observer after he requested to become more involved in matters of government. He sits quietly in the corner, observing the goings-on with a contemplative expression that you've seen him adopt during many games of strategy. This should be a learning experience for him, if nothing else.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, your spymaster Ravenburg stands directly across from you, having just finished his explanation of the situation in Maretonia. Despite his skill at hiding his emotional state, you can feel the suppressed guilt emanating from him. You've repeatedly told him that the start of the civil war wasn't his fault, that, given the circumstances, it was bound to happen eventually. He doesn't seem to have taken your words to heart. Still, he is as focused on the job as he always is, and is now dedicated to ensuring that he doesn't make the situation south of the border any worse than it already is.

Ravenburg wraps up his expository speech, and you nod, silently gesturing the rest of the room's attendees to offer up any thoughts. Predictably, Redbeak is the first to the punch, his eyes never leaving the map even as he speaks.

"I don't think we're likely to get a better chance than this. We've been preparing for a conflict with them for years, now we have both an opening and an excuse. Before we'd have been invaders, now we can honestly call ourselves peacekeepers interested in restoring law and order."

Frida snorts, not even looking up from the report she's reading.

"You honestly think the Maretonians will see it that way? The moment we send troops over the border they'll put aside their limited differences to fight off the 'foreign hordes trying to destroy their country'."

Redbeak's retort is interrupted by Ravenburg.

"We would face a difficult fight against even one of the noble houses, let alone both at once. And heavens forbid the remnants of the Maretonian Royal Guard throw their considerable might against us. Combine that with the resistance we are likely to face from the local population as foreign occupiers, and an armed intervention in Maretonia is not advisable at this time."

Redbeak presses on.

"The Abolitionists-"

Gisa sighs, rubbing her forehead.

"Don't have the numbers, funds, training or equipment to last a week in an actual war with any of the other factions. The only reason they haven't been wiped out already is because everyone knows that attacking them would risk our intervention."

Your chief diplomat stares down your martial advisor with a surprisingly unflinching gaze.

"Besides, how do you think our allies will react to this? If we invade, we'll be doing so unilaterally, without support from Neighpon or Canterbury. And it will set a dangerous precedent in the realm of international relations if we so blatantly meddle in the affairs of another kingdom, regardless of the circumstances."

Redbeak sighs and sits back down, conceding defeat as a contemplative silence descends upon the council chamber...a silence broken by an almost inaudible mutter.

"Three is stability."

All eyes turn to Gawain, who flashes under the sudden attention. You silently gesture him to continue, which he hesitantly does.

"However many sides there are in a conflict determines how that conflict will go. Three means stability. Even if one is weak, neither of the other two can move against it without exposing themselves to attack from each other. If Storm attacks the Abolitionists and wins, White Star will attack the weakened and disorganized Storm forces. And if White Star attacks the Abolitionists, the same thing will happen with the roles reversed. And if the Abolitionists were crazy enough to attack either of the Noble Houses..."

You nod at your son's words.

"The other party would take both of them out."

Gawain nods.

"And so there's a stalemate. No side can move against any of the others without exposing themselves to attack."

Redbeak raises an eye ridge.

"And where do the Maretonian Guard fit into this?"

Gawain shrugs.

"They're the wildcard, same as us. For now, they're neutral, but that could change at any time. If they wanted to, they could easily serve as the kingmaker in the conflict...but as of now they don't seem interested in doing anything but maintaining control over the capitol."

All of you silently ponder this information, contemplating the ramifications. Finally, Ravenburg breaks the silence.

"What happens when there are four sides?"

Gawain shifts uneasily.

"If it were us and the Abolitionists against the Noble Houses...the same as if it were only two factions: war."

Ravenburg shows no reaction.

"And if the fourth faction wasn't us but was instead the guard?"

Gawain sighs heavily.

"Then the strongest faction will destroy the weakest one, neither of the other two getting involved for fear of drawing attention from all of the others."

The silence that follows his statement lasts a long while...before you break it by quietly tapping a talon against the table.

"Then we better make sure that that doesn't happen."

Martial: Redbeak rivals Ravenburg with his concern over the events unfolding south of your Protectorate, drawing up numerous contingency plans even as he oversees the construction of the Hardbeak Line. (Two Actions Per Turn) One Action Locked

-The Hardbeak Line: The architects and engineers of the Imperial Army have drawn up plans for a line of "star forts" to be constructed South of the Crystal City, intended to serve as a defensive line against any potential Maretonian aggression. Naturally, the construction and maintenance of these forts is going to be expensive, and they're not going to be built overnight. Still, if you're looking to build modern fortresses to defend your Protectorate, it's the best plan you've got. The recent completion of the Crystal Line has made such an endeavor cheaper and easier, though still nothing to sneeze at. Cost: 2200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Hardbeak Line Constructed using new fortification techniques. Southern Border Secured. Will Finish This Turn

[ ] Military Advisors: With the Abolitionists now forced into open revolt by the death of Queen Mareia and the collapse of Maretonian society, the odds of Ambrosia and her followers being forced into open combat with the forces of either of the Noble houses are now worryingly high. And while the ragtag militias that they rely upon for defense have no shortage of courage, they are severely lacking in training, tactics, and logistical knowhow. Redbeak has proposed a solution: sending volunteers from the Imperial Military to serve as trainers, instructors, and advisors to the Abolitionist's military forces. By now it's basically an open secret that you and your Empire support the Abolitionist cause anyway, and the lack of any direct offensive action against them should prevent the Noble Houses from doing anything rash in response. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionists receive support from Gryphus Military Advisors. Chance of Success: 70%

[ ] Doubling the Guard: The recent population explosion has brought problems, but it has also brought opportunities, chief among them an end to the previous shortage of able-bodied Griffons and Dogs available for military service. Redbeak has long been considering an expansion of the army, and if given sufficient funding to do so he could double the size of your Empire's primary fighting force within two years. With the onset of the Maretonian Civil War, such an expansion may soon become a necessity. Cost: 3000 Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial Army Doubles in Size.

[ ] Cog Conversion: The creation of your new Carracks have left much of your existing naval assets obsolete. Rather than simply scrapping them or continuing to field outdated ships, a few clever shipwrights have drawn up a plan to convert the hulls of the Cogs into new cannon-armed Carracks. While it won't be a perfect conversion (the Carracks requiring more building material than a Cog) and the cannons will still have to be sourced from the foundries, it will likely be cheaper than building new vessels from scratch. Cost: 700 Time: Two Years. Reward: 20 Cogs Converted into 14 Carracks.

[ ] Knights of the Frontier: With the settlement and rapid expansion of the frontier territories, now dubbed Kestrella, some have begun to call for the establishment of a new Knightly Order to serve as the guardians of the new province, small and relatively underdeveloped as it is now. Though the war against Sombra has depleted the public's appetite for conflict, there is never any shortage of Griffons willing and eager to join an esteemed Knightly Order. Construct a suitable citadel and begin the search for any aspiring Knights. Cost: 400. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.

[ ] Mothballing the Peregrines: Recent innovations in fortress construction have rendered the Peregrine line largely obsolete. Perhaps it may be better to simply halt the expensive maitenance and garrisoning of the mountain forts, now that the Hardbeak Line is nearing completion. You can always reactivate it later if need be. Cost: 0. Time: Instant. Reward: Peregrine Line Mothballed, Removes Upkeep Costs. Does not cost an action.

[ ] Cautious Curiosity: While the now-infamous expedition that discovered Sombra has caused some to question the wisdom of venturing beyond the Empire's borders, you feel that such things are a necessity. Without such scouting missions you would have never encountered the Yaks or the Neighponese, who are now your trading partners and steadfast allies. And as some of the more pessimistic have said: "better our scouts meet them than their invasion force meet us." Cost: 300. Time: Variable. Reward: Knowledge of Distant Lands.

—[ ] Far West: The Yaks can't tell you anything about what lies beyond their lands, aside from the fact that they know such lands exist. Prior to meeting you and Sombra they never had any reason to wonder about the lands beyond their steppe. Now you have a chance to satisfy both their curiosity and your own.

—[ ] Far South: As of now, it doesn't appear that you and Maretonia will be going to war anytime soon. As such, some have proposed sending a flotilla of exploration ships South along the coast, to see if your rival kingdom has any neighbors that might prove less antagonistic to you and your people. With any luck, you might find another ally or trade partner, or new resources that you could grab before the Maretonians can.

Diplomacy: Gisa Eagleclaw, though concerned with the events unfolding in Maretonia, is primarily concerned with the numerous other nations that you are on speaking terms with, particularly the newly discovered Minotaur Republics, who she is eager to make official diplomatic contact with. (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Canterbury Caravans: Your newly discovered neighbors, while not having quite the economy that you do, are still a nation of potential customers for Imperial Products, and your people are always hungry for new and exciting novelties and luxury goods. While it may be difficult to brave the cursed forests of Canterbury, enterprising merchants have done riskier things in pursuit of profit, and you're sure that your chivalrous neighbors will be more than happy to assist and escort traders through their lands, as you will theirs. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade with Canterbury Established, Increased Trade Income.

[ ] Immigration Campaign: The addition of Magical Advisors to your court, and the memory of how much the integration of the Diamond Dogs improved your Kingdom, has led some to propose the idea of advertising abroad for immigrants, from Neighpon, Yakyakistan and Canterbury. You're not sure how many takers you'll get, but it can't hurt to try. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Yak/Neighponese Immigrants. Chance of Success: 65%

[ ] Gaze upon the mists of Fate: The seers and shamans of Yakyakistan have been a subject of interest to you ever since you learned that they had warned their people of the threat of Sombra long before encountering him themselves. In a way, they were partially responsible for your victory at the battle of Redstone, as well as your ensuing positive relationship with the Yak Clans. With the threat of Sombra now extinguished, you find yourself wondering what else these mystics may know...and if they might be willing to share this information with you. There's no harm in asking, right? Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain information from Yak Seers. Chance of Success: 60%.

[ ] She can see the Futuuure!: First the Yak Shamans, now Queen Chevaline. Seriously, how many races can predict the future? Regardless, while the Seer of the Waters may not publish as many prophecies as the Yaks, her predictions tend to be less vague and more detailed. It appears that quality vs quantity is also a problem for prophets. Perhaps you could convince her to share any pertinent vision she may have regarding you or your nation? It might not be as easy as just asking though. Her prophecies are the Word of The Lady, and she might not be eager to share them with outsiders, not even allies. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain Information from Queen Chevaline. Chance of Success: 50%

[ ] Emerald Isles Emissary: The discovery of an entire independent kingdom of Diamond Dogs has raised more than a little bit of interest amongst your people...and the realization that it was the Neighponese who met them first has more than a few members of your diplomatic corps kicking themselves at the missed opportunity. But there's still time to rectify this and properly introduce yourself to the inhabitants of the Emerald Isles. A diplomatic mission seems to be in order. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Contact established with Emerald Isles, New Actions Unlocked.

[ ] Journey to the Frozen Coast: The Caribou are an interesting people. A maritime culture, divided between multiple petty kingdoms, subsisting through a combination of trade and raiding. Whether they will be enemies, allies, or simply another divided people to keep an eye on has yet to be determined. A diplomatic mission to introduce your people to theirs may be in order. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Contact made with Caribou Kingdoms, New Actions Unlocked.

[ ] Meeting the Republicans: The infiltrator Light Step's fateful adventure overseas allowed you to make a decent first impression with the Minotaurs, the Maretonians' mysterious trading partners. Though, despite this, you've yet to make official diplomatic contact with representatives from the city-states that comprise the Minotaur Republics, and you still have many questions regarding the newly discovered people and their culture. Perhaps it's time you tried to arrange a more formal meeting and foster a dialogue between your respective governments. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Relations Opened with Minotaurs, First Contact QA Interlude, New Actions Unlocked.

[ ] Orichalcum Trade: The Yak King Rutherford has expressed his willingness to trade his kingdom's considerable Orichalcum deposits in hopes of balancing out his people's trade deficit to the Empire. All that remains is to smooth out the details and determine exactly how the rare mineral will be transported and paid for. It will be expensive, but it will be worth it to secure a larger supply of the anti-magic metal that your military is becoming increasingly dependent upon. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Yak Orichalcum Imports, Additional Actions Unlocked, -500 Gold per Turn.

Stewardship: Between the gargantuan task of completing a national railroad and performing a complete overhaul of the Empire's sewage infrastructure, Frida has her talons full this year, to the point that you don't she can handle anything else. Still, if it's truly necessary, you think she can handle just a bit more on her plate...you think. (Two Actions Per Turn) Two Actions Locked

-Rail Network: Your first railway has been proven a great success, and leaders and business magnates from across the Empire are clamoring to have more lines built across the provinces, to facilitate the flow of goods and raw materials. The establishment of such a network will be both time consuming and costly, but it will more than pay for itself through the boost to national productivity, and the economic benefits of cheap transportation. Cost: 1500. Time: Four Years. Reward: National Freight Railway Network Constructed. Increased Tax Income. New Options Unlocked. Will Finish Next Turn

-Imperial Sanitation Commission: Your growing population has raised concerns amongst the healers and physicians of the Office of Disease Control. The issue of...waste management...has been raised more than once. Simply put, you are rapidly reaching a point where the existing infrastructure will become unable to handle so many people, which may in turn lead to outbreaks of disease. Frida and the Office of Disease Control have been coordinating with a team of architects and civic planners to draw up an expansion of the existing sewage network in your major cities. Needless to say, it's going to be expensive, and will take a significant amount of time to implement. But it may be the only way to prevent the recent population explosion from becoming the catalyst for a plague. Cost: 3000. Time: Two Years. Reward: City Sewage Networks Upgraded, lessened chance of disease outbreaks. Will Finish This Turn

[ ] Western Lumberjacks: The woods of the Western Frontier (now dubbed Kestrella), while not quite as expansive and vast as the forests of the Imperial heartland, are still a potential resource and an ample supply of raw timber. Subsidize the establishment of logging camps and lumber mills in the newly settled territory. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Logging Income.

[ ] Cloth Mills: While sufficient Flax has been planted to allow for textile production, and a significant cottage industry has already sprung up to exploit this, you're far from rivaling the Neighponese for textile production. Mass production is the name of the game here: subsidize the construction and start-up costs of some weaving mills and see if you can increase productivity. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Industrial Linen Production achieved, Increased Tax Income.

[ ] Aggressive Agricultural Expansion: Now that your nation has purged its forests of beasts and monsters, it's time to clear some of that untamed wilderness and prepare it for farming. Having enough food to feed so many new mouths is going to be vitally important for the security and prosperity of the nation. Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Expanded Agriculture, Secured Food Supply, Increased Income.

[ ] Refugee Resettlement Program: The Maretonian Civil War has displaced thousands of citizens, many of which have fled to the Empire or the Crystal Protectorate in hopes of escaping the carnage and bloodshed that has so rapidly consumed their homeland. Combined with the thousands of escaped slaves who have flocked North to the promised land of Griffonia, this living tide of desperate people has swamped the government offices dedicated to assisting them, and has led to severe overcrowding in the hastily established refugee camps along the border. A coordinated government response is needed urgently. In between her numerous other duties, Frida has coordinated with the Crystal Assembly to draw up a plan to empty out the camps and help these Maretonians become self-sufficient Imperial citizens. This will of course require both time and a significant influx of funding. Cost: 500. Time: One Year Reward: Refugee Crisis Addressed.

Learning: While Archimedes and Genevieve form the core of your scholastic efforts, the Neighponese Trio and the newly arrived Canterbury Experts, particularly the venerable Merlin, have become increasingly important to your Empire's research and development efforts, providing new insights and research opportunities to exploit. (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Sugar Beets: Among the numerous crops that have been introduced to the Empire as a result of trade with Neighpon, Sugarcane has been one of the most sought after, particularly due to its inability to be farmed on the mainland. However, Genevieve claims to have an idea. By selectively breeding a particular species of root vegetable for increased production of Sucrose (the thing that gives Sugarcane its distinctively sweet taste), she believes it to be possible to engineer a hardier alternative to sugarcane that can be grown domestically. This will of course take a while to do. Cost: 200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Sugar Beets acquired, new Learning and Stewardship Actions Unlocked.

[ ] Sound the War Horns!: The Battle of the Peregrines demonstrated the need for a means of long range communication between commanders and units spread across multiple fronts. Couriers and banners simply aren't good enough. An enterprising army officer and former musician by the name of Major Shrike has proposed building and utilizing specialized horns, designed to communicate coded messages through the pitch, tune and frequency of their blasts. The idea might hold merit. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gain War Horns. Upgrade Army Communications Bonus.

[ ] A Different Kind of Mortar: The prospect of war with Maretonia (or what's left of it) has raised numerous concerns amongst the military. Your cannons, while effective at targeting enemies and destroying unreinforced architecture, may not be as effective against the enchanted walls and fortifications of Maretonia. Archimedes has proposed a potential solution: a weapon similar to a cannon, designed to lob projectiles over walls and other obstructions. While these weapons are unlikely to be as useful against mobile targets, they may prove a decisive advantage in siege warfare. Give Archimedes the go-ahead to try and build a few of these new weapons. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Mortar Artillery Developed.

[ ] Crystal Rune Replication: While the replication of the Crystal Heart has been deemed impossible, the individual runes found on it may be a different story. Genevieve and the Neighponese Trio stand ready to make the attempt at reverse engineering the more easily comprehensible components of the Crystal Heart. It will take time and funding, but if successful, you may have a method of harnessing the power of magic. The arrival of Merlin and his colleagues have decreased the anticipated time needed to perform this action. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Reverse-Engineered Runes. Chance of Success: 70%.

[ ] Miniature Ballistae: The recent completion of the great hunt, while ridding your lands of monsters and dangerous creatures, has also had an unexpected side effect of depriving the forests of dangerous game. As a result, the people of your nation have much fewer targets to practice their craft on. This may result in a shortage of skilled archers in the near-future, which may endanger your military's ability to engage enemies from range. Archimedes claims to have a solution to this: a miniaturized ballistae that can be used and carried by one person. Such a weapon could be used by anyone with only a relatively small amount of training, readily solving the issue. Of course, he will need time and funding to perfect the design and make it suitable for mass production. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Crossbows.

[ ] Arcane Agricultural Practices: Puissant Arbre has approached you with an intriguing proposal to improve your Empire's agricultural output. While it is not possible, nor desirable for him to use his magic to personally enhance the soil and crop output of every farm in the Empire, there is a more practical way for him to make a difference, namely, through teaching. While the majority of your population cannot use magic, and thus cannot hope to use it the way he does, he can teach them a few agricultural tricks that he and other Earth Ponies have picked up from years of experimentation and trial-and-error, taking advantage of the natural flow of ambient magic to aid in plant growth. He will need funds to organize a proper lecture circuit, but if it works as he claims it will, you could see a significant increase in annual crop yields. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Agricultural Income. Chance of Success: 65%

[ ] Gas, Gas, Gas: The designs for a flying machine you found so long ago in the Imperial Archives have proven feasible...in theory. Archimedes tells you that, in order to create a craft large enough to be practical, a suitable lifting gas must be found to serve as a means of airborne buoyancy. Naturally, this will take time and dedication of resources. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Lifting Gases Identified.

Intrigue: Ravenburg is more than a little embarrassed at how his meddling in Maretonia's affairs accidentally started a civil war that now threatens the stability of the region, but he hasn't let that stop him from doing his job of keeping the Empire safe and keeping the Emperor informed. (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Trust but Verify: Everything you know about the kingdom to your Southwest has come from the mouths of its rulers. While you'd like to imagine otherwise, it's entirely possible that Queen Chevaline and Lord Bohemond weren't entirely honest with you about the conditions of their nation. And what exactly is the deal with this Lady of the Lake? Ravenburg and his infiltrators are ready to fact check. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel on Canterbury and its people. Chance of Success: 60%.

[ ] Eyes on the Skies: House Storm worries you and the abolitionists. A House with such a militant history and reputation, simply waiting and reacting to what the other factions will do? Not likely. You need to know what they are up to, but finding out is going to be easier said than done, due to the fact that many of their higher-ups live and work in the cloud-settlements that Pegasi are famous for. Getting an infiltrator inside is going to be a difficult task...but it will be worth it to have a source of intel on the warlike faction. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel on House Storm Activities, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 55%

[ ] Spying on the Stars: House White Star is an enigma to you. A collection of wealthy nobles and powerful battlemages tenuously united by their shared greed and their fear or loyalty to the Duke of Argentum. They've got more money than they know what to do with and enough magical talent to make the impossible reality. And yet they seem to be content to simply sit on their wealth and wait for their enemies to make the first move. You're not buying it. Get some infiltrators into the parlors and council chambers of the White Stars and have them find out what the Unicorns are up to. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel on House White Star Activities, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 60%.

[ ] Cold Case: In all the chaos surrounding the aftermath, it's easy to forget that a Queen has been murdered. But that would be a mistake. Whoever killed the monarch of Maretonia is still out there, and their identity and motivations are a mystery. A pity that no one seems interested in trying to figure this mystery out, though that's hardly surprising since at this point half of Maretonia is a suspect and the other half have the more pressing concern of survival on their minds. Solving the murder of a foreign Queen without the support or knowledge of her subjects is a nearly impossible task...but the Abolitionists and your own spy corps have made a habit of exceeding your expectations. If anyone has any hope of figuring out who killed Queen Mareia, it's Ravenburg and Ambrosia. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Queen Mareia's Assassination. Chance of Success: 35%

[ ] Subterranean Supplylines: There are several pockets of Abolitionist fighters that are operating behind enemy lines, still working to free their enslaved brethren. As of now they are a mere nuisance to the forces of the warring nobles, but if they were to receive proper support that may very well change. Ambrosia has a plan to excavate a great series of tunnels burrowing under and through hostile territory to serve as routes of transit and transport for her forces...but she can't do so without Imperial Support. Lend her some of your best Diamond Dog excavators to assist and oversee the construction of these proposed tunnels, and provide some funding to get the project off...or rather under...the ground. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionist Supplylines established, Abolitionist Resistance Forces strengthened. Chance of Success: 70%

[ ] Hoofbeard's Heist: While Maretonia's recent collapse has disrupted much, it hasn't prevented House White Star from continuing to make a profit from the Trade route to the Minotaur Republics. If anything, it's actually increased their profit margins, as they are no longer obligated to pay taxes to the crown. However, the conflict between them and House Storm has forced them to shift personnel away from convoy security to the front lines, creating a unique opportunity. And with the Intel gathered by Light Step, you now know their exact route and force composition. You won't get a better chance than this. Give Hoofbeard the go-ahead and a blank check to carry out the heist. Even if things go wrong, you'll only be going to war with House White Star, so any potential blowback should be minimal. Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: House White Star's Finances Ruined, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Chance of Success: 60%

Piety: The newly established "Council of Faiths", a gathering of representatives from every major religion in the Empire, has wasted no time in clamoring for your attention and attempting to leverage their newfound place in the Imperial Court to expand the influence of their respective beliefs. Each of the six beings upon the Council (Including a Qilin, a Yak, and a Crystal Pony) have submitted a proposal for your consideration. Whether you intend to act on any of them is up to you. (One Action Per Turn)

[ ] Ancient Empire Excavations: When the old Empire fell, many of the sacred texts and holy artifacts of the Griffon Pantheon were lost. A scant few have been pieced together from remnants found during the age of Discord, but if the Pantheon is to be the spiritual force it once was, its modern day adherents will need more than a few scraps of old parchment to serve as the centerpiece of its temples. The representative of the Polytheists has requested permission to organize an excavation of several ruins where it is hoped that he and his colleagues may find greater and more impressive holy relics to serve as objects of worship. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Ancient Religious Artifacts recovered.

[ ] Crystal Shrine: Thus far, the religious services for disciples of the Crystal Heart have been held in a corner of the Crystal Palace, just below the object of their worship. The Crystal assembly has promised funding and authorization for the construction of a permanent shrine, but with their focus on growing the local economy and preparing their people for the possibility of war with Maretonia, they have had other priorities as of late. Perhaps you could pen a letter to the assembly reminding them of the importance of faith, and of the need for more suitable amenities for worshippers. You can even offer up a little bit of funding yourself, just to show how seriously you take the matter. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Shrine to the Crystal Heart constructed.

[ ] A Sacred Stone: The Yaks' shamanistic beliefs have little need for temples, shrines, or more conventional sites of worship. Instead they mark sites of spiritual significance via raised stones or boulders with intricately carved inscriptions and artwork dedicated to their gods. While the followers of Yak Shamanism within your borders could simply pick a stone and carve an inscription into it themselves, they have deemed such an approach insufficient for the first Runestone to be placed in the Empire, and have attempted to contract the famous Shaman Brod the Wise to create the inscription. There's just one problem: Brod the Wise has left his self-imposed exile from his mountaintop home exactly three times in the past thirty years. Once to confirm the disappearance of Discord, once to give a prophecy concerning the coming of Sombra, and most recently to legitimize the reign of King Rutherford as a worthy ruler of Yak-kind. To say that it's unlikely he'll agree to travel beyond the borders of Yakyakistan to simply carve some runes in a rock is perhaps the understatement of the year. Still...if he were to receive a letter requesting his presence from a foreign Emperor, one that has done so much to help his people...well, he'd be much less likely to refuse then wouldn't he? Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Brod the Wise carves the first Yakyakistani Runestone for the Empire.

[ ] Seaside Shrines: While all natural phenomenon are associated with Kami, and all are important in their own way, the spirits of the winds and waters are regarded as particularly important by followers of Neighponese Spiritualism. Combine this with the fact that most of the practitioners of the Neighponese faith live on or near the coast, and it's fairly obvious what the first shrines they seek to build are going to be dedicated to. Unfortunately, the construction of the shrines is not a simple matter, for two reasons. The first is a matter of material; the followers of a religion originating in Neighpon naturally want materials from said nation to be used in their shrines, which means they'll have to go through the bureaucracy that is the Imperial Customs Office. The second and much larger issue is the fact that several of these shrines are intended to be built in or on the water itself, which may pose a navigational hazard for shallow-draft ships. Naturally, this is a bureaucratic nightmare of its own. The spiritualists would greatly appreciate it if you would grease the wheels of bureaucracy for them do that they can finally build their shrines. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Shrines constructed.

[ ] A Holy Lake: Obviously, Lakes and Ponds are central to the worship of the Lady of the Lakes. While technically any pure body of water could be considered holy by the worshippers of the Lady, certain ones are selected by members of the church to serve as sites of worship. Exactly how they determine which lake or pond should be more holy than others is a mystery to those outside of the priesthood, but the followers of the Lady within your borders have identified one lake in particular which they believe to be a conduit for the Lady's divine will. The fact that it is near your shared border with Canterbury is a total coincidence, you're sure. Regardless, the followers of the Lady have petitioned you to recognize the lake as a protected area, off limits to development or exploitation, save the construction of shrines and houses of worship. Given that the lake in question is far from any major cities or sources of pollution, this shouldn't be too difficult to pull off. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Church of the Lady granted a protected lake to worship at.

[ ] The Imperial Creed: Now that the Imperial Cult and it's adherents have agreed on a singular doctrine, they are ready to begin truly spreading their faith across the Empire. But to do this, they will require a sacred text, a holy book to convey their message. Thankfully they already have one: the Lectitio Divinitatus, collaboratively written by several of the cult's founders. Unfortunately, they currently only have the one full copy, with a handful of excerpts transcribed by talon for congregations across the Empire. If they're going to make any headway in converting citizens to their faith, they're going to need to publish their scriptures. Unfortunately, they have been experiencing some difficulties in acquiring the services of bookmakers and printing presses, mostly because, due to their earlier doctrinal disputes, they were late to the holy book publishing party. It appears they'll need some help finding a publisher not already swamped with orders. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Lectitio Divinitatus published.

Personal: You refuse to let your duties as Emperor take up every moment of your day. (Two Actions per Turn)

[ ] Overtime: Your advisors can only do so much, and sometimes that's just not enough. If it's truly necessary, you can sacrifice some of your otherwise free time to carry out an additional action from another category, provided said action has a duration of only one year. The costs and chances of success for that action remain the same.

[ ] Imperial Priority: Sometimes you need something done as quickly as possible, regardless of the cost. In such times, you can authorize and oversee the judicious and generous application of funds to speed things along. If necessary, you can reduce the duration of a select action by one year at the cost of a personal action and doubling the per-turn financial cost of the action. The chances of success for said action will remain the same.

[ ] Creative Accounting: Even for an Empire as prosperous as yours, money can be tight. Balancing the budget can be a difficult task at the best of times, but your prior experience as a Merchant has taught you many financial "magic tricks". Taking some time out of your busy schedule to squeeze a few extra coins out of the bureaucracy could be the difference between staying in the black and dipping into your reserve funds. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: One Small Lump-Sum of Funds. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Meeting Merlin: The Archmage Ambrosius is a mystery to you. His arcane power is obvious, his knowledge of magic unparalleled in the known world, but his reasons for leaving his homeland to serve in a foreign ruler's court are vague. You should probably have a chat with the elder Unicorn and see what he's all about. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Merlin Ambrosius, chance to unlock new Actions.

[ ] Pet (Rock) Project: Pearl's hobby of geology and the study of crystals is well known to you, and she has become increasingly passionate regarding her study of how magic and minerals interact, traveling across the length and breadth of the Empire and the Crystal Protectorate to learn all she can. After one such journey to the Crystal City, she excitedly claims to have something to show you. You wonder what it could be? Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: ???

[ ] The Good Prince: Gawain has repeatedly expressed concerns about his place in the Empire. He feels that he is not doing enough to help the nation he will one day rule. He wishes to make a difference, to earn his title of Prince. He has recently approached you asking to be given a position where he may prove himself, and earn experience for the day when he will take the throne himself. You won't deny him the opportunity. The only question is: where to send him? Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain gains a government post and job experience.

Sorry about the time it took to get this out. I currently work at the Airport, and as you can imagine the Holiday travel season has been very hectic for me. Combine that with family and social obligations and other assorted distractions and I've had very little time to put into this. But again, I remain committed to this Quest. Hope you all enjoy the update.

Also, if you think there's an action missing from a category that should be added, please let me know.

As always, there will be a 12-hour moratorium.
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Turn 25 Results
Martial: Redbeak rivals Ravenburg with his concern over the events unfolding south of your Protectorate, drawing up numerous contingency plans even as he oversees the construction of the Hardbeak Line.

-The Hardbeak Line: The architects and engineers of the Imperial Army have drawn up plans for a line of "star forts" to be constructed South of the Crystal City, intended to serve as a defensive line against any potential Maretonian aggression. Naturally, the construction and maintenance of these forts is going to be expensive, and they're not going to be built overnight. Still, if you're looking to build modern fortresses to defend your Protectorate, it's the best plan you've got. The recent completion of the Crystal Line has made such an endeavor cheaper and easier, though still nothing to sneeze at. Cost: 2200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Hardbeak Line Constructed using new fortification techniques. Southern Border Secured.

After many months of hard work on the parts of countless laborers, carpenters, masons and architects in the employ of civilian firms and the military, the Hardbeak Line is finally completed. Half a dozen star forts and over a dozen fortified watchtowers and signaling stations, all connected by a network of roads and bridges crisscrossing the previously unmarked plains to the South of the Crystal City. With their walls manned by hundreds of garrison troops and bearing dozens of mounted cannons and ballistae, the Hardbeak Line is a nearly impenetrable wall of stone and steel guarding your Southern Border with what was once a unified Maretonia.

A scale model of Rogno Fortress, Centerpiece of the Hardbeak Line

While an invasion from the South is no longer considered likely, the completion of the Hardbeak Line has put any lingering fears of slave raids to rest, and has done much to reassure both the Crystal Assembly and the thousands of former slaves that now call your Empire home. Though the forts will hopefully not be seeing combat in the near future, they serve a powerful psychological purpose merely by existing. You congratulate Redbeak on the completion of a fortified network to surpass the Peregrine Line. Now the Southern Border is secured from any would-be aggressors. Hardbeak Line Constructed. -250 Gold Per Turn In Upkeep Costs

-Military Advisors: With the Abolitionists now forced into open revolt by the death of Queen Mareia and the collapse of Maretonian society, the odds of Ambrosia and her followers being forced into open combat with the forces of either of the Noble houses are now worryingly high. And while the ragtag militias that they rely upon for defense have no shortage of courage, they are severely lacking in training, tactics, and logistical knowhow. Redbeak has proposed a solution: sending volunteers from the Imperial Military to serve as trainers, instructors, and advisors to the Abolitionist's military forces. By now it's basically an open secret that you and your Empire support the Abolitionist cause anyway, and the lack of any direct offensive action against them should prevent the Noble Houses from doing anything rash in response. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionists receive support from Gryphus Military Advisors. Chance of Success: 70%

Required: 30. Rolled: 34+14+10(Crystal Clear Glass Omake)=58

With the situation in Maretonia being what it is, it was only a matter of time until the Empire sent troops over the border. The fact that the handful of soldiers you send are intended to serve a mere supervisory role alongside the Abolitionist militias does little to change the fact that Imperial soldiers are crossing the horder into Maretonian territory. Though seeing as how the border between Maretonia and the Empire (or rather, the Crystal Protectorate) is controlled by the Abolitionists themselves, your troops encounter no issues flying over the imaginary line, swiftly meeting up with Abolitionist forces and beginning the long and difficult task of training the ragtag army of liberated slaves into a cohesive fighting force.

It is both easier and more difficult than expected. The Abolitionists are nothing if not enthusiastic, and eagerly listen to whatever bits of tactical advice their newfound friends can offer. Shipments of Griffon-made weapons and raids on armories in the earliest days of the Civil War have ensured that the rebels have an adequate supply of weapons, though they have nothing approaching the level of equipment standardization that your own army possesses.

Unfortunately, that is where the good news ends. Armor and shields are in short supply, and many members of the militia are in less than prime fighting shape thanks to years of mistreatment and inadequate nutrition in the mines and plantations of their former masters. Ambrosia and her fellows have a mere fraction of the funds and resources that their rivals down South do. And, as your troops increasingly report, the Abolitionist's enthusiasm is a double edged sword. In the mock battles that your advisors stage to train their charges, abolitionist fighters frequently engage in reckless charges and futile last stands, selling their lives bravely but for little gain.

As one Captain Oscar Nightail puts it: "It's a good thing we showed up when we did, otherwise these crazy bastards would have all impaled themselves on the swords of the nobles. Making the enemy choke on your dead is only a viable strategy when you outnumber them."

Captain Nightail, of the newly established Military Assistance Command

Over the weeks and months that the awkward stalemate between the factions persists, your soldiers attempt to train these suicidal tendencies out of the abolitionist troops, instructing them in the use of camouflage, hit and run tactics, and asymmetrical warfare. By the end of the year the Abolitionist troops are faring better in their simulated clashes, and Redbeak assures you that your advisors have done much to prepare your Southern allies for any future clashes with their foes. You can only hopes he's right. Gryphus Military Advisors now Improving Abolitionist Forces.

: Gisa Eagleclaw, though concerned with the events unfolding in Maretonia, is primarily concerned with the numerous other nations that you are on speaking terms with, particularly the newly discovered Minotaur Republics, who she is eager to make official diplomatic contact with.

-Meeting the Republicans: The infiltrator Light Step's fateful adventure overseas allowed you to make a decent first impression with the Minotaurs, the Maretonians' mysterious trading partners. Though, despite this, you've yet to make official diplomatic contact with representatives from the city-states that comprise the Minotaur Republics, and you still have many questions regarding the newly discovered people and their culture. Perhaps it's time you tried to arrange a more formal meeting and foster a dialogue between your respective governments. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Relations Opened with Minotaurs, First Contact QA Interlude, New Actions Unlocked.

To Be Continued in "Minotaur Dialogues"

-Orichalcum Trade: The Yak King Rutherford has expressed his willingness to trade his kingdom's considerable Orichalcum deposits in hopes of balancing out his people's trade deficit to the Empire. All that remains is to smooth out the details and determine exactly how the rare mineral will be transported and paid for. It will be expensive, but it will be worth it to secure a larger supply of the anti-magic metal that your military is becoming increasingly dependent upon. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Yak Orichalcum Imports, Additional Actions Unlocked, -500 Gold per Turn.

Given a blank check to negotiate on your behalf for YakYakistan's considerable Orichalcum reserves, Gisa personally travels to the court of King Rutherford to hammer out the details of a trade agreement. During the negotiations the Yaks show their trademark stubbornness, but they are no fools: the Empire may have a great demand for their mineral deposits, but you are also the only Kingdom currently willing to purchase their Orichalcum stores, and the only ones with the means of smelting the durable and heat-resistant ore into shapeable metal.

The Gates to the Capital of Yakistown, as viewed by a band of visiting Canterburian Merchants

Though the negotiations drag on for weeks, everyone knows how they will end. A reasonable price is settled upon, routes are transit are established, and by the end of the year the first shipments of Yak-mined Orichalcum begin to regularly cross the border into the Imperial Heartland. All that's left to do now is figure out what to do with it. Gained Additional Source of Orichalcum, New Actions Unlocked, -500 Gold Per Turn

: Between the gargantuan task of completing a national railroad and performing a complete overhaul of the Empire's sewage infrastructure, Frida has her talons full this year, to the point that you don't she can handle anything else. Still, if it's truly necessary, you think she can handle just a bit more on her plate...you think.

-Rail Network: Your first railway has been proven a great success, and leaders and business magnates from across the Empire are clamoring to have more lines built across the provinces to facilitate the flow of goods and raw materials. The establishment of such a network will be both time consuming and costly, but it will more than pay for itself through the boost to national productivity, and the economic benefits of cheap transportation. Cost: 1500. Time: Four Years. Reward: National Freight Railway Network Constructed. Increased Tax Income. New Options Unlocked.

Work continues on the national rail network, which is now the largest and longest running public works project in the Empire's history, employing thousands of Griffons, Dogs and Ponies clearing land, building tunnels and laying tracks. Several major cities now sport loading areas, warehouses, cranes and maitenance bays intended to serve the locomotives and their cargo once they finally begin making their way along the completed tracks, and multiple businesses are already being established by far sighted nobles and young entrepreneurs to take advantage of the coming drop in transport costs for bulk goods. Frida confidently reports that, given the current rate of construction, the first trains will begin making their way along a completed rail network sometime next year. Will Finish Next Turn

-Imperial Sanitation Commission: Your growing population has raised concerns amongst the healers and physicians of the Office of Disease Control. The issue of...waste management...has been raised more than once. Simply put, you are rapidly reaching a point where the existing infrastructure will become unable to handle so many people, which may in turn lead to outbreaks of disease. Frida and the Office of Disease Control have been coordinating with a team of architects and civic planners to draw up an expansion of the existing sewage network in your major cities. Needless to say, it's going to be expensive, and will take a significant amount of time to implement. But it may be the only way to prevent the recent population explosion from becoming the catalyst for a plague. Cost: 3000. Time: Two Years. Reward: City Sewage Networks Upgraded, lessened chance of disease outbreaks.

After many months of backbreaking and nose-covering work, the upgrade to the Empire's sewage networks is finally completed to much relief and fanfare on the parts of the workers and ordinary citizens alike. You make a point of touring several of the completed sewage tunnels (before they come into use, obviously), and give a number of speeches to the assembled workers on this "marvel of subterranean architecture" that will ensure the Empire's cities will remain clean and free of filth and disease.

A segment of the Sewers underneath Gryphus Peak

The physicians of the Office of Disease Control are relieved with the project's completion, glad to have a monarch so willing to spend vast sums of funds for the sake of public health, and Frida is pleased to report that the pumping of so much money into local economies has resulted in an overall improvement in local employment statistics, even as young citizens from across the nation flock to the cities for the jobs to be found there. It seems that the project has been a boon to your people in more ways than one. City Sewage Networks Upgraded, lessened chance of disease outbreaks, Lessened Consequences of Urbanization

-Refugee Resettlement Program: The Maretonian Civil War has displaced thousands of citizens, many of which have fled to the Empire or the Crystal Protectorate in hopes of escaping the carnage and bloodshed that has so rapidly consumed their homeland. Combined with the thousands of escaped slaves who have flocked North to the promised land of Griffonia, this living tide of desperate people has swamped the government offices dedicated to assisting them, and has led to severe overcrowding in the hastily established refugee camps along the border. A coordinated government response is needed urgently. In between her numerous other duties, Frida has coordinated with the Crystal Assembly to draw up a plan to empty out the camps and help these Maretonians become self-sufficient Imperial citizens. This will of course require both time and a significant influx of funding. Cost: 500. Time: One Year Reward: Refugee Crisis Addressed.

At the beginning of the year, a number of tent cities dotted the Crystal Protectorate, filled to bursting with refugees fleeing the violence and chaos of the Maretonian civil war. Numbering in the tens of thousands, these desperate peoples ranged from escaped slaves and army deserters to independent farmers whose lands had been seized by the forces of the Noble Houses. Seeing no other option, they had thrown themselves upon the mercy of the Crystal Assembly and the Empire, begging for assistance in their hour of greatest need.

And the Empire had answered.

Funds pour into the coffers of hastily established government agencies tasked with emptying the overcrowded camps. Food, firewood, coal, building materials and medical supplies arrive by the boxcar via the Crystal Line. Private charities soon join the government response as the Golden Circle (an organization that can trace its origins back to the ancient Empire in the days before Discord) holds nationwide fundraisers, raising over a million Kronemarks in less than two months. Material assistance comes from abroad, as the governments of Neighpon and Canterbury both contribute funds, the people of YakYakistan donating blankets and spare yurts to refugee families in need.

But the most inspiring acts of charity are performed by the Crystal Ponies.

In an address to the Crystal Assembly and multiple speeches to his people, Consul Ivory Rook names the assistance of their "brethren of another land" as his top priority, a statement that is met with cheers. Residents of the Crystal City open up their homes to their newfound neighbors as the protectorate government opens up its coffers to fund the construction of swathes of new housing and public works projects intended to provide quick and easy employment to these newest additions to the local population.

By the end of the year, several of the refugee camps have been emptied entirely, and those that remain contain a fragment of the population they once held. While refugees continue to flow over the border, their is now an adequate system in place to care for and integrate them, and their plight can no longer be accurately described as a crisis. You are proud of your people.
Refugee Crisis Addressed, Costs Reduced to -100 Gold Per Turn

: While Archimedes and Genevieve form the core of your scholastic efforts, the Neighponese Trio and the newly arrived Canterbury Experts, particularly the venerable Merlin, have become increasingly important to your Empire's research and development efforts, providing new insights and research opportunities to exploit.

-Crystal Rune Replication: While the replication of the Crystal Heart has been deemed impossible, the individual runes found on it may be a different story. Genevieve and the Neighponese Trio stand ready to make the attempt at reverse engineering the more easily comprehensible components of the Crystal Heart. It will take time and funding, but if successful, you may have a method of harnessing the power of magic. The arrival of Merlin and his colleagues have decreased the anticipated time needed to perform this action. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Reverse-Engineered Runes. Chance of Success: 70%.

Required: 30. Rolled: 25+18+10 (Imposter Syndrome Omake)= 53

With the gathered arcane expertise of two cultures represented by the representatives of the Neighponese and Canterburian schools of magic, the Crystal University has never had a better chance at reverse engineering the complex and enigmatic runes of the Crystal Heart. Merlin himself heads the project, eager to study something new that may be added to his repertoire of knowledge, and spends many a day and night closely examining the subtlest details of the almost microscopic carvings upon the sacred artifact, whilst Genevieve gathers magically reactive materials to be used in an attempt to replicate the properties of the magically infused carvings. Months of intense study and frustrating trial and error follow, as Genevieve searches for a mixture that can adequately carry a magical charge whilst Merlin attempts to decipher the runic alphabet.

Finally, near the end of the year, Merlin teleports himself into your private chambers in the middle of the night. After managing to avoid stabbing your head of arcane research, you are presented with the full text of the elderly Ambrosius's research into an entire newly developed school of arcane theory. The ancient Unicorn states that he has managed to translate several commonly known spells into runic equivalents, and has laid the groundwork for the creation of many more. For the first time, non-Unicorns can harness the power of magic in a similar fashion! Merlin stresses that, despite his best efforts, the runes that he has devised are but a pale imitation of the ones found upon the Crystal Heart. He theorizes that one could study the object for over a century and not be able to replicate it's capabilities. Still, his adaptation of its inner workings are better than nothing.

A rune of lighting, one of the simplest of Merlin's adapted Runes

Less than a week after that revelation, Genevieve forwards you her own findings. Unfortunately, hers are not as positive as Merlin's. While she has uncovered the ideal mixture of magical reagents to ensure a reusable and long-lasting rune, the ingredients are rare. Powdered diamonds and dragon-bones rare. Combined with the fact that any given object seems to be capable of holding only a handful of runes without sundering under the strain of being a vessel for so much arcane power, and it is obvious that, much like Orichalcum, runic objects are never going to be commonplace in the Empire.

Still, you now have a method of harnessing thaumatological phenomenon for your own use, something previously thought impossible for your kind. You can't even begin to imagine how many applications this new field of study may have for you and your people. Runes Reverse Engineered, New Actions Unlocked

-Arcane Agricultural Practices: Puissant Arbre has approached you with an intriguing proposal to improve your Empire's agricultural output. While it is not possible, nor desirable for him to use his magic to personally enhance the soil and crop output of every farm in the Empire, there is a more practical way for him to make a difference, namely, through teaching. While the majority of your population cannot use magic, and thus cannot hope to use it the way he does, he can teach them a few agricultural tricks that he and other Earth Ponies have picked up from years of experimentation and trial-and-error, taking advantage of the natural flow of ambient magic to aid in plant growth. He will need funds to organize a proper lecture circuit, but if it works as he claims it will, you could see a significant increase in annual crop yields. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Agricultural Income. Chance of Success: 65%

Required: 35. Rolled: 17+18= 35

Puissant's lecture circuit is...not very well received. Few Griffons and even fewer Diamond Dogs turn out to hear him speak, and many of those that do don't really put a lot of stock in his words or teachings. It's not that he isn't a good public speaker, nor that he is incapable of imparting the necessary information, it's a matter of his audience. The Imperial public is still trying to wrap its head around the idea of magic, and many are understandably skeptical about the whole thing, preferring to stick to the tried and true mundane methods they've always relied upon. And, to be fair, some of the Earth Pony's suggestions for growing healthier crops do come off as a little...strange.

Singing lullabies to saplings isn't even the weirdest thing he tells your farmers to do.

While you're sure that there's a reasonable explanation for such practices, the farmers of your Empire are in no mood to waste time on these strange new ideas from some foreigner, and largely ignore the tidbits of wisdom that he seeks to impart. And that would have been the end of it, were it not for the actions of an opportunistically minded Griffon.

After giving another one of his lectures in Wingbardy, Puissant is approached by a Griffon named Gunio Valerio with a proposition to adapt his advice into book form, and thus distribute it across the Empire. Puissant approves the venture, at this point desperate to get his message across. Valerio sets to work, adapting Arbre's spoken words to written ones, editing out many of the more bizarre agricultural practices and focusing upon the more approachable and understandable ideas, such as planting certain types of crops within closer proximity to each other or at certain times of the day.

Once done, he publishes "Arcane Agricultural Principles" under his own name, crediting Puissant as a researcher and co-author. The book is initially met with the same skepticism that the Canterburian Earth Pony was, but after a few farmers try out the ideas and are met with more bountiful harvests, it quickly becomes required reading for anyone working in the Agricultural sector. Gunio profits greatly from the book sales, and shares a fraction of the profits with Puissant.

The Canterburian is...not exactly happy with this turn of events, but he's technically succeeded in his task, and the royalty checks he receives from Valerio helps soothe his displeasure. It's hard to be upset with a pocket full of currency...though it's not the gold he's used to.

All in all, a success...albeit a narrow one. Increased Agricultural Yields, +100 Income

: Ravenburg is more than a little embarrassed at how his meddling in Maretonia's affairs accidentally started a civil war that now threatens the stability of the region, but he hasn't let that stop him from doing his job of keeping the Empire safe and keeping the Emperor informed.

-Subterranean Supplylines: There are several pockets of Abolitionist fighters that are operating behind enemy lines, still working to free their enslaved brethren. As of now they are a mere nuisance to the forces of the warring nobles, but if they were to receive proper support that may very well change. Ambrosia has a plan to excavate a great series of tunnels burrowing under and through hostile territory to serve as routes of transit and transport for her forces...but she can't do so without Imperial Support. Lend her some of your best Diamond Dog excavators to assist and oversee the construction of these proposed tunnels, and provide some funding to get the project off...or rather under...the ground. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionist Supplylines established, Abolitionist Resistance Forces strengthened. Chance of Success: 70%

Rolled: 30. Rolled: 50+13= 63

Ravenburg, given the go-ahead to assist his Abolitionist colleague in her latest plan, dispatches multiple teams of Diamond Dog tunneling experts south of the border to aid in the construction of the many miles of underground supplylines needed to connect the Abolitionist's main force with the scattered bands and pockets of resistance located behind enemy lines.

A recently excavated tunnel intersection.

Over the course of the year, mile after mile of earth is excavated right under the noses of the Maretonian noble houses, allowing for vital shipments of food, weapons, medicine, and reinforcements to groups of free slaves, who use their newly acquired resources to launch a series of raids against Noble holdings and logistical centers, striking a blow for the Abolitionist cause and making things more difficult for Star and Storm. Ambrosia sends another bottle of wine to express her thanks, and states that the tunnels that the Empire has helped to build will serve a pivotal role in the days to come. You are glad to hear that your contribution to the abolitionist cause is appreciated, and will be put to good use. Abolitionist Positions Strengthened.

-Spying on the Stars: House White Star is an enigma to you. A collection of wealthy nobles and powerful battlemages tenuously united by their shared greed and their fear or loyalty to the Duke of Argentum. They've got more money than they know what to do with and enough magical talent to make the impossible reality. And yet they seem to be content to simply sit on their wealth and wait for their enemies to make the first move. You're not buying it. Get some infiltrators into the parlors and council chambers of the White Stars and have them find out what the Unicorns are up to. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel on House White Star Activities, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 60%.

Required: 40. Rolled: 75+13+10(Crushing It In Imperial Accounting Omake)=98 Art. Crit!

Once again, Ravenburg delivers you another intelligence coup. Over two dozen spies and informants are now delivering regular updates on House White Star Activities through a series of encoded messages and dead drops, ensuring that the nobles can't do anything without you learning of it. These spies include mercenary commanders, household servants, free ponies of the middle classes, even a noble who opposes the Duke of Argentum and his supporters on personal grounds.

Countess Copper Top, Member of House Storm and your most Valuable Spy within the Maretonian Nobility.

These spies paint you a colorful picture of House White Star, which is as informative as it is unsettling.

For starters, while Duke Haygle of Argentum is the nominal leader of House White Star, his position of authority is far from uncontested. Since the crisis began, he has survived two attempts on his life, and has participated in magical duels on an almost monthly basis as an endless stream of challengers vie for his position at the head of the faction. This is merely the most obvious manifestation of the fact that House White Star is not nearly as unified as it appears.

Virtually the only thing that all of the nobles comprising it can all agree on is that Pegicles should not be allowed to rule over Maretonia, though each seems to have their own reasons to justify that line of thought. Some see him as a militaristic tyrant who would seek to command them as he commands his own troops, others cite his lack of experience governing or doing anything other than waging war and reaping the immediate benefits. Some recoil at the mere idea of having a Pegasus as their ruler.

Regardless of their reasons for opposing House Storm, the nobles of House White Star spend just as much time planning to fight each other as they do planning to fight Pegicles or the Abolitionists. Ravenburg theorizes that this is the reason Duke Haygle has been so hesitant to commit his forces to a full assault thus far: doing so could risk disrupting the delicate political balancing act that allows him to maintain his leadership of his faction, sparking a civil war within a civil war. In addition, House White Star seems generally predisposed towards a defensive mindset, believing that their wealth and magical prowess will allow them to simply outlast their rivals. They have deeper pockets than House Storm, and since the armies of both sides are comprised largely of mercenary companies, Haygle's followers believe that all they have to do to win is run out the clock until House Storm goes bankrupt.

Though at this rate, that's likely to take years, and no one is patient enough for that. Hence Duke Haygle's courting of the wizards at the Maretonian Colleges of Magic, who he seems to believe hold the key to a swift victory. Though even he doesn't seem to have full control over them.

One of several "private studies" maintained by the Maretonian Colleges of Magic in remote corners of the kingdom.

The mages and scholars of the Arcane Colleges live in a world unto their own in their ivory towers, isolated form the wider world and answerable to few. Even Queen Mareia did not dare to order them about as if they were beneath her station, instead treating them almost like representatives of a foreign state within her own kingdom.

You have no idea what sort of magical wonder-weapons the mages may be concocting inside their hidden halls. Only time, or a truly risky infiltration, could possibly reveal what they are up to.

Regardless, you now have a far better idea of what House White Star has in store, and a few ideas to use that information to your advantage. Gained Intel on House White Star and Multiple Contacts Within It. New Actions Unlocked.

: The newly established "Council of Faiths", a gathering of representatives from every major religion in the Empire, has wasted no time in clamoring for your attention and attempting to leverage their newfound place in the Imperial Court to expand the influence of their respective beliefs. Each of the six beings upon the Council (Including a Qilin, a Yak, and a Crystal Pony) have submitted a proposal for your consideration. Whether you intend to act on any of them is up to you.

-Crystal Shrine: Thus far, the religious services for disciples of the Crystal Heart have been held in a corner of the Crystal Palace, just below the object of their worship. The Crystal assembly has promised funding and authorization for the construction of a permanent shrine, but with their focus on growing the local economy and the ongoing refugee crisis, they have had other priorities as of late. Perhaps you could pen a letter to the assembly reminding them of the importance of faith, and of the need for more suitable amenities for worshippers. You can even offer up a little bit of funding yourself, just to show how seriously you take the matter. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Shrine to the Crystal Heart constructed.

With the ongoing refugee crisis causing thousands of Ponies, Donkeys and Diamond Dogs to swell the population of the Crystal City and the Protectorate as a whole, the Assembly has more pressing concerns than the construction of a place of worship. The Disciples of the Crystal Heart have been understanding, but after having the promised construction of a shrine postponed for a third time, their representative on the Council of Faiths placed a request for you to intervene.

In an open letter to the Crystal Assembly, you join the head of the Disciples in emphasizing the need for spiritual guidance in this time of uncertainty, and offer funds to supplement the construction of a proper shrine to the Crystal Heart. Moved to action by your written speech (and the sudden upsurge in public interest it generates), the Assembly finally puts aside the time and resources to construct a proper Shrine to the Crystal Heart.

Conspicuously placed beneath the arch of the Crystal Palace's elevated structure, the original plan had been to create a space for individuals to worship as close to the Heart as possible without actually having the Shrine be present within the Palace itself. An upraised spike of carved crystal resembling a stalagmite sits at the very center of the Shrine, intended to act as a focal point and an indicator pointing towards the object of worship.

It came as a great surprise to everyone when, just as the inaugural ceremony began, the Crystal Heart teleported itself from its perch atop the Crystal Palace and began levitating at the center of the shrine, only to return to its elevated position atop the Palace once the stunned worshippers finally concluded the ceremony. The Heart has repeated these actions at every weekly mass, and the Disciples naturally see this as a great blessing and proof that the Heart approves of their actions and worship.

The Crystal Shrine as it appears during periods of intense worship at it's shrine.

Your arcane scholars theorize that the Heart may be gaining power by basking amidst the adoration of its worshippers. You are once again reminded of its supposed semi-sentience. Regardless, the completion of the Shrine and its blessing by the Heart has resulted in a significant increase in religious attendance and a number of conversions to the growing cult of the Crystal Heart, many of them refugees from Maretonia. Shrine to Crystal Heart Constructed, Disciples of the Crystal Heart: +1.5 Influence

: You refuse to let your duties as Emperor take up every moment of your day.

-Overtime: Refugee Resettlement Program

-The Good Prince: Gawain has repeatedly expressed concerns about his place in the Empire. He feels that he is not doing enough to help the nation he will one day rule. He wishes to make a difference, to earn his title of Prince. He has recently approached you asking to be given a position where he may prove himself, and earn experience for the day when he will take the throne himself. You won't deny him the opportunity. The only question is: where to send him? Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain gains a government post and job experience.

[ ] Martial: Gawain shall be given a commission and a position of authority within the military. Exactly what role he will play is as of yet uncertain, but your military command could always use another effective leader to carry out operations, both logistical and combative in nature.

[ ] Diplomacy: As his friendship with Ki Seong has shown, Gawain has no difficulty bridging cultural divides and forging connections with individuals of differing backgrounds; valuable skills for a head of state and diplomat alike. Gisa could always use another helping talon managing the growing number of foreign delegations and embassies she has been placed in charge of. Gawain should fit right in.

[ ] Stewardship: While he does not have the business instinct borne of years of experience that you do, Gawain still has a head for sums and an eye for opportunity. Besides, the whole point of this exercise is to give him a chance to learn and grow.

[ ] Learning: As a former student of Archimedes, Gawain already possesses all the necessary attributes of a scholar and researcher. What better place to have him work than alongside his former mentor in the act of benefiting the Empire's knowledge base?

[ ] Intrigue: When you began your rule, you had no idea just how important your spies and intelligence agents would become to the security and functioning of your domain. If Gawain is to one day become an effective ruler, he must have first-hand experience with the Empire's...less obvious means of influencing events.

[ ] Piety: They say that suffering builds character, and you can't think of a more character-building activity for your son than placing him at the head of the Council of Faiths. In all seriousness though, with the growing prominence and importance of religion in the Empire, having your son in a place to learn about and influence the numerous faiths in Gryphus may be a wise decision.

As others have speculated, in addition to the stat boost Gawain's work experience will give him, you will also gain an additional action in the chosen category.

Carracks Built: 1d4: 2

Happy Holidays Everyone, and Happy Belated Anniversary to the Quest! I can't thank you all enough for following this Quest and inspiring me to continue making content. You guys are awesome and I greatly appreciate all your support.
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Minotaur Dialogues

Gisa Eagleclaw kept her eyes closed, trying not to focus on the rocking of the ship as she awaited the completion of her journey.

It had been nearly a month since she had been tasked by the Emperor with building upon the foundation Light Step had created in establishing official relations with the Minotaur Republics, as well as finding out as much about them as she could. Ordinarily she'd have jumped at the chance to learn about a new culture, especially one that seemed as diverse as that of the Republics.

But maritime travel had never agreed with her. That was the entire reason why, when serving as a lowly interpreter in the diplomatic corps what seemed like a lifetime ago, she had chosen to work with the nomadic Clans in YakYakistan, a posting that many of her colleagues had seen as far less exciting and prestigious than a position in the court of the Dragon Emperor of Neighpon.

She'd have said that the joke was on them if her promotion to the Emperor's council hadn't come with responsibilities that included taking a long journey across the ocean.

The fact that she was a guest aboard a Minotaur vessel was both a blessing and a curse. If she'd travelled by Caravel the journey would have taken a fraction of the time it had. Still, at least she could pass the time learning their language...whenever she wasn't making a run to the side of the boat to vomit.

Though her eyes were closed, her ears could pick up the whispered conversation between Light Step and the Lady Gold Heart, the occasional feminine giggle punctuating their conversation. Despite her queasiness, she couldn't help but smile a bit at that. It was good to see those two getting along...and not just for the obvious reasons of it being a good indicator for any future diplomatic relations between their peoples.


After almost two weeks at sea, just as she was starting to get used to the constant rocking of the boat, the marble roofs and stone walls of Labyrinthian came into view on the horizon.

As the ship moved into port and Gisa found herself escorted through the crowded streets of the city towards the hill where she was to meet with representatives of the local government, she couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. Despite her time to prepare, both prior to the journey and aboard the ship itself, she was uncertain if she was really ready.

By the Ancestors, she was about to handle the first contact negotiations for an entirely new culture! If she did anything to mess things up...

So caught up in her anxiety was she that she barely even noticed when her party of diplomats arrived at the top of the Pynx, as the locals called it. According to Ms. Gold Heart, this hill held both spiritual and political significance, being the place where leading citizens gathered to discuss and vote upon legislation, as well as conduct yearly religious ceremonies. Waiting for them atop the hill sat a trio of Minotaurs in the cloth tunics and cloaks that seemed to be the norm when it came to local garb, seated upon stools around a large table covered in plates of food and pitchers of different beverages.

The Minotaurs sure loved wining and dining their guests.

After the initial pleasantries and greetings, and as she and her colleagues began to tuck into the offered food and drink, Gisa began to seriously consider exactly what she wished to talk about with their hosts...and what sort of questions she wanted to ask them.

What Questions does Gisa ask?
[ ] Write-Ins

Apologies if this seems a little rushed. I was eager to get this out quickly and keep the Quest rolling along. As before, you get to ask five questions, though if I see a lot of really good questions I might expand the number. Any relevant lore or valuable information not covered in the coming update will be made available as the result of future Diplomacy and Intrigue Actions.

Also, as a side note, the vote on Gawain's job posting stands at 24 for diplomacy and 23 for learning. In light of that, I'm leaving the vote open for just a bit longer in hopes of a clearer majority.
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Turn 25 Rumor Mill
Noble Skirmishes: The latest wave of refugees from Maretonia tell tales of clashes between House Storm and House White Star, squadrons of Unicorn and Pegasi soldiers engaging in border clashes as both factions probe the defenses of the other, though neither has committed to a serious offensive. A handful of villages have been the site of fierce fighting, changing hands multiple times, but territorial gains and casualties for both sides have been relatively small. It appears that both factions are thus far unwilling to commit to a true battle of decision, husbanding their resources and prolonging the existing stalemate.

A House White Star soldier operates a trebuchet.

Religion and Refugees
: The thousands of Maretonian refugees that have flooded into the Empire and Crystal Protectorate have attracted the attentions of a small army of missionaries from every established faith. Lost and adrift and with an uncertain future, many former slaves find themselves clinging to the sense of purpose and community that these faiths are eager to provide them with. While most new immigrants flock to the Cult of the Crystal Heart, every faith can now count former Maretonians amongst their number, bolstering their influence over the wider population. +.5 Church of the Lady Influence, +.4 Neighponese Spiritualism Influence, +.3 Imperial Pantheism Influence, +.2 Yakyakistani Shamanism Influence, +.1 Imperial Cult Influence

Emerald Inus: Since his scouting expedition discovered the Emerald Isles and their Diamond Dog inhabitants, Koryū Ryuō and the Neighponese government have wasted no time developing diplomatic ties with their newest neighbor to their East, establishing trade routes and extending offers of a mutual defense pact similar to the one they have with the Empire of Gryphus. While the Diamond Dogs of the Emerald Isles have been eager to purchase Neighponese luxury goods in exchange for shipments of food and mineral wealth, they have been less quick to sign the latter treaty, the various pack leaders that comprise the Isles noble class vigorously debating the pros and cons of such an alliance well into the new year. Still, few of them are in favor of simply rejecting the offer out of paw. Only time will tell how the relationship between the two island nations will evolve.

Will have the second Minotaur post out soon, but I wanted to get one last post in before the new year.
Minotaur Dialogues, Part 2
Gisa and her colleagues sat and shared food and drink with their Minotaur hosts, exchanging pleasantries and introducing themselves.

The first of the welcoming contingent went by the name of Steel Will, who she gathered was one of the more prominent and influential members of the local government, selected by his fellows to serve as the representative of the city-state and the point of contact between them and the Empire. He was by far the most flamboyantly dressed of the three bulls sat atop the hill, numerous bits of jewelry accessorizing his colorfully dyed cloak.

To his immediate left sat a particularly fit looking male who introduced himself as Bronze Fist, who she gathered was some manner of military official. His plain formal garb was supplemented by a steel pauldron over his left shoulder. She wasn't sure if that was a sign of rank or profession or merely a personal quirk of his. He had been largely silent this far, preferring to let his civilian counterpart do most of the talking.

And finally, seated closer to the party of Imperial diplomats than either of his compatriots, was Gold Touch, father of Gold Heart and the patrician that had sponsored Light Step's citizenship. His fashion sense appeared to fall somewhere between that of his compatriots, a cloak with embroidered gold thread and a single silver ring his only accoutrements. He was engaged in quite conversation with his daughter and the Earth Pony who had assisted her. Gisa couldn't make out what they were saying, but judging by the look on the young equine's face and his daughter's reactions to his words, he was receiving a classic 'overprotective father' speech.

After the initial pleasantries and sharing of food, Gisa was pleased to have their host break the proverbial ice as he nodded in her direction.

"I'm sure there is much you wish to know about us. I'd be pleased to answer any questions you may have."

[X] What are The Minotaur Republic's main imports and exports for trade?

Steel Will shrugged.

"We imported very little from Maretonia, as they had little that we did not already possess...though their gold was valued. As for exports..."

He gestured to the contents of the table before them.

"We possess many luxury goods. Fine food and drink, marble, dyes, spices, glassware...that sort of thing."

Gisa nodded. That made a sort of sense. She could certainly see the nobility of Maretonia paying an awful lot for such products. Still, she couldn't help but feel like there was something missing from that list.

Light Step had seen entire ships holds full of gold and silver. Was all of that wealth really being used to purchase only luxury goods?

Despite her doubts, she refrained from asking such a probing question so soon. No need to risk offending their hosts so quickly.

[X] What other locations and polities are you aware of?

Steel Will opened his mouth to speak, only to be suddenly interrupted by Gold Touch.

"Saddle Arabia. It's a kingdom not too dissimilar from Maretonia to our East. They've been our largest trade partner for years."

The merchant shrugged.

"Other than that, we haven't made contact with too many other nations. We haven't had cause to go looking."

Had Gisa blinked, she would have missed it, but the look that Steel Will gave his colleague at his sudden outburst could have killed lesser beings.

But just as quickly as it came, it was gone, the politician's face resuming its previous friendly look as Gold Touch returned to his discussion with his daughter and her Earth Pony savior.

"As he said."

Gisa refrained from commenting, instead moving on to a different topic.

[X] What kind of threats do your people face?

Bronze Fist breaks his silence.

"Very few, thankfully. We are on relatively good terms with all of the nations and kingdoms that we possess knowledge of, and our nature as an island nation lends us a decent amount of protection from foreign threats. Most of our security concerns are internal. The occasional rabid Manticore, an outbreak of Qua-Ray Eels whenever a mine digs too deep, and of course the ever-present threat of bandits and assorted brigands."

The armored male shook his head.

"Nothing that poses a serious threat to our existence or way of life."

Gisa outwardly smiled and nodded, but in the inside she couldn't help but seethe a little. Was the rest of the world really this naturally peaceful, or did the Empire just have the bad luck to always be involved in a war of some kind? She tried not to let her thoughts dwell upon the subject, instead moving on to the next line of questioning.

[X] What are the main tenets of your culture and belief system?

Steel Will retook control of the conversation, eager to share knowledge of his people.

"We are primarily a mercantile culture. Trade and commerce are the cornerstones of a functioning society, and it is through such cooperation that our society has come to know such prosperity."

The elder states-bull gestured to the city below them. Gisa had to admit, it was hard to argue with that worldview when the evidence of the benefits was on display. Steel Will continued.

"Integrity and reliability are important qualities to us. The payment of debts, the keeping of one's word, the upholding of laws and contracts...that sort of thing."

Steel Will shook his hand in a so-so gesture.

"But then, that only covers Labyrinthian. Most of the other City-States have slight variations on that cultural summation...with the possible exception of Stratos. They're...quite a bit more militaristic than us, though not in a necessarily aggressive way."

The patrician shook his head.

"But yes, that basically summarizes the most basic tenets of our culture."

Gisa nodded. That was easy enough to wrap her head around. Finally, she moved on to the last question she had for her bipedal hosts.

[X] What do you want most out of an accord with us?

Steel Will held his hands out, palms up.

"A trade partner, and an ally against the destructive forces that we know exist beyond our borders."

The politician returned his hands to his sides and glanced towards Light Step, still in conversation with the two members of the Gold Family.

"Your...informant...told us stories about Sombra. I shudder to imagine what might have occurred had we been the ones to stumble across him."

Steel Will returned his gaze to Gisa, his expression troubled.

"I have no doubt that, despite our hopes to the contrary, we will one day face an enemy that cannot be reasoned or bargained with, one that would rather conquer and enslave than trade and profit."

He gestured to Bronze Fist, who nodded in acknowledgment of his colleague's words.

"That is one of the reasons why we maintain a core of professional soldiers, despite the costs inherent to doing so. Why we have invested in a permanent navy to defend our shores. Why our government reserves the right to call up any able-bodied citizen to defend their home in a time of crisis."

The elected official looked out over the city below.

"Our land is rich, and we have prospered as a result...but everything has a cost. A cost that we fear we may be forced to pay in blood."

He looked back towards the Griffon ambassador, his eyes bearing a gaze reminiscent of his namesake.

"I'm determined to do all I can to avoid such a fate for my people."

Gisa nodded, standing and offering a talon to the older male with a reassuring smile.

"An understandable and admirable desire. One that the Empire is more than prepared to fulfill."

Steel Will grasped the offered talon with perhaps more force than was necessary, and Gisa's smile became a bit more forced as the bones in her fingers audibly creaked. The Minotaur politico return the smile.

"I am glad to hear that."

After what felt like an eternity, Gisa manages to pry her fingers loose from the vice grip that the Minotaur holds them in as her host resumes speaking.

"Now...speaking of trade..."

Contact with Minotaur City States made, New Actions Unlocked. Trade Agreement Created: +300 Trade Income.

Apologies for how long this took. Have been sick with a cold the last couple of days, and that has only compounded the normal writer's block. I've been working in the action list for the next Turn as well, and am nearly done. All that's left to is to write up the flavor text at the start of the turn. Should have that out tomorrow.

Once again, thank you all for following this Quest.
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Turn 26: Growing Pains
You take a sip of tea from your cup as you survey the game board before you. For the third time in a row you'd been backed into a corner, only a single move or two away from a checkmate. Still, you were improving. It had taken Gawain half again as many turns to best you as it had the previous round. All things considered, you'd say you were doing fairly well. After all, he has the weight of practice and experience behind him, having played against the best strategists of your court since his childhood.

It wasn't often that the two of you got a chance to play like this. Between Gawain's lessons and social obligations and your own duties, it was rare for your schedules to match up. But that only encouraged you to make the most of your time together.

Gawain patiently awaits your next move, his expression betraying little. His poker face had become legendary amongst the Empire's nobility, something that you know will serve him well in his new role as a diplomat and negotiator.

You move a pawn forward, placing it in a position to threaten a hostile knight, prompting Gawain to immediately snatch it up and remove it from play with his bishop. You show no concern. That had been the plan, to move that piece away from your King...but all that's done is buy you some time and given you breathing space.

"Has Gisa given you your first assignment yet?"

Gawain shakes his head.

"Not yet. I think she's still trying to decide where it would be best to put me. Honestly, I could wind up anywhere at this point."

You nod, moving your remaining Knight to block Gawain's Queen. Again, you lose a piece, but you've bought time to maneuver your King behind your last remaining pair of pawns. But now you have nowhere left to run. The only question now is whether you'll last one or two more turns.

Gawain stares at the board for a time before finally moving his Queen forward, bypassing your pawns and cornering your King. You contemplate dragging on the match for another turn or two to make a point...before tipping over your King in the traditional move of surrender.

If Gawain takes any pleasure in his victory, he doesn't show it.

As the two of you reorder the board, Gawain pauses.

"I'll make you proud Dad. I promise."

You stare silently at your eldest child before standing and pulling the surprised young Gryph into a hug.

"You make me proud every day Son. Don't ever forget that."

The two of you stand there in that embrace for a time...until the moment is broken by Gleaming Pearl slamming open the door to the gaming parlor.

"Dad, Gwyndlyn set the dining room drapes on fire again!"

You sigh, pulling yourself out of Gawain's grip and making your way out the door, towards the sounds of draconic panic and your Wife's laughter.

There was never a dull moment in the Imperial Palace.

Martial: Redbeak rivals Ravenburg with his concern over the events unfolding south of your Protectorate, drawing up numerous contingency plans, though the presence of the newly completed Hardbeak Line has reassured him somewhat. (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Doubling the Guard: The recent population explosion has brought problems, but it has also brought opportunities, chief among them an end to the previous shortage of able-bodied Griffons and Dogs available for military service. Redbeak has long been considering an expansion of the army, and if given sufficient funding to do so he could double the size of your Empire's primary fighting force within two years. With the onset of the Maretonian Civil War, such an expansion may soon become a necessity. Cost: 3000 Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial Army Doubles in Size.

[ ] Gryphus Foriegn Legion: In a bid to quickly swell the Empire's troop numbers in preparation for a future conflict with Maretonia, Redbeak has made a radical proposal: the recruitment of foreign volunteers. These foreign born soldiers would serve for several years in the military of Gryphus in exchange for citizenship, bringing their own unique skills and abilities to your military. Such an idea is not without merit, you must admit. You figure there's no harm in giving Redbeak the funds to give it a try. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Imperial Foreign Legion established, Foreign Auxiliaries recruited.

[ ] Runic Fortifications-Hardbeak Line: Runes are useful, this much is obvious. They allow Griffons, Diamond Dogs, and the other less magically inclined races to harness the arcane powers that they otherwise could never dream of wielding. Unsurprisingly, Redbeak's mind has been awash with ideas as to how to use this new addition to the Empire's arsenal, and amongst his more conservative and practical ideas is the plan to place fortifying and hardening runes upon the walls of the fortresses of the Hardbeak Line, making the defensive emplacements even more durable. While such a thing is possible, it is also expensive. Still, it may be worth it to ensure that, should the line be assaulted, it's walls can withstand as much punishment as possible. Cost: 2000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Hardbeak Line Fortifications Strengthened with Runic Enchantments, increased upkeep costs.

[ ] Runic Armor: Merlin's introduction of Runic magic to the Empire has caused a fervor amongst academics and common peoples alike, attracting the attention of artisans and laborers of all stripes as they ponder the implications for their crafts and daily lives. One of the more notable individuals whose interest has been piqued by the possibility of magical weapons is the hero-knight Hardbeak himself, who has personally written to you expressing interest in the idea of rune-enhanced armor to protect himself and his fellow grandmasters and enhance their capabilities upon the battlefield. This naturally has raised ideas of Runic Armor for yourself and your family. It will be expensive, that much is obvious, but can one really put a price on the lives of your loved ones and most valued warriors? Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: Runic Armor for Knightly Grandmasters and Imperial Royal Family.

[ ] Cog Conversion: The creation of your new Carracks have left much of your existing naval assets obsolete. Rather than simply scrapping them or continuing to field outdated ships, a few clever shipwrights have drawn up a plan to convert the hulls of the Cogs into new cannon-armed Carracks. While it won't be a perfect conversion (the Carracks requiring more building material than a Cog) and the cannons will still have to be sourced from the foundries, it will likely be cheaper than building new vessels from scratch. Cost: 700 Time: Two Years. Reward: 20 Cogs Converted into 14 Carracks.

[ ] Knights of the Frontier: With the settlement and rapid expansion of the frontier territories, now dubbed Kestrella, some have begun to call for the establishment of a new Knightly Order to serve as the guardians of the new province, small and relatively underdeveloped as it is now. Though the war against Sombra has depleted the public's appetite for conflict, there is never any shortage of Griffons willing and eager to join an esteemed Knightly Order. Construct a suitable citadel and begin the search for any aspiring Knights. Cost: 400. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.

[ ] Cautious Curiosity: While the now-infamous expedition that discovered Sombra has caused some to question the wisdom of venturing beyond the Empire's borders, you feel that such things are a necessity. Without such scouting missions you would have never encountered the Yaks or the Neighponese, who are now your trading partners and steadfast allies. And as some of the more pessimistic have said: "better our scouts meet them than their invasion force meet us." Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Knowledge of Distant Lands.

—[ ] Far West: The Yaks can't tell you anything about what lies beyond their lands, aside from the fact that they know such lands exist. Prior to meeting you and Sombra they never had any reason to wonder about the lands beyond their steppe. Now you have a chance to satisfy both their curiosity and your own.

—[ ] Far South: As of now, it doesn't appear that you and Maretonia will be going to war anytime soon. As such, some have proposed sending a flotilla of exploration ships South along the coast, to see if your rival kingdom has any neighbors that might prove less antagonistic to you and your people. With any luck, you might find another ally or trade partner, or new resources that you could grab before the Maretonians can.

—[ ] Far East: The Minotaurs hinted at the existence of a land to the East, across the great ocean. But aside from these cryptic hints, you know little about this strange land. The journey will be long, but it is one you and your people must make if they are to have answers to the many questions that have been raised regarding this mysterious nation.

Diplomacy: Having returned from her meeting with the Minotaurs with a trade agreement and a wealth of new information, Gisa is feeling much more confident in her ability to lead her diplomatic corps, a feeling only reinforced by the sudden addition of the Crown Prince to her staff. (Three Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Canterbury Caravans: Your newly discovered neighbors, while not having quite the economy that you do, are still a nation of potential customers for Imperial Products, and your people are always hungry for new and exciting novelties and luxury goods. While it may be difficult to brave the cursed forests of Canterbury, enterprising merchants have done riskier things in pursuit of profit, and you're sure that your chivalrous neighbors will be more than happy to assist and escort traders through their lands, as you will theirs. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade with Canterbury Established, Increased Trade Income.

[ ] Immigration Campaign: The addition of Magical Advisors to your court, and the memory of how much the integration of the Diamond Dogs improved your Kingdom, has led some to propose the idea of advertising abroad for immigrants, from Neighpon, Yakyakistan and Canterbury. You're not sure how many takers you'll get, but it can't hurt to try. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Yak/Neighponese Immigrants. Chance of Success: 65%

[ ] Gaze upon the mists of Fate: The seers and shamans of Yakyakistan have been a subject of interest to you ever since you learned that they had warned their people of the threat of Sombra long before encountering him themselves. In a way, they were partially responsible for your victory at the battle of Redstone, as well as your ensuing positive relationship with the Yak Clans. With the threat of Sombra now extinguished, you find yourself wondering what else these mystics may know...and if they might be willing to share this information with you. There's no harm in asking, right? Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain information from Yak Seers. Chance of Success: 60%.

[ ] She can see the Futuuure!: First the Yak Shamans, now Queen Chevaline. Seriously, how many races can predict the future? Regardless, while the Seer of the Waters may not publish as many prophecies as the Yaks, her predictions tend to be less vague and more detailed. It appears that quality vs quantity is also a problem for prophets. Perhaps you could convince her to share any pertinent vision she may have regarding you or your nation? It might not be as easy as just asking though. Her prophecies are the Word of The Lady, and she might not be eager to share them with outsiders, not even allies. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain Information from Queen Chevaline. Chance of Success: 50%

[ ] Emerald Isles Emissary: The discovery of an entire independent kingdom of Diamond Dogs has raised more than a little bit of interest amongst your people...and the realization that it was the Neighponese who met them first has more than a few members of your diplomatic corps kicking themselves at the missed opportunity. But there's still time to rectify this and properly introduce yourself to the inhabitants of the Emerald Isles. A diplomatic mission seems to be in order. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Contact established with Emerald Isles, New Actions Unlocked.

[ ] Journey to the Frozen Coast: The Caribou are an interesting people. A maritime culture, divided between multiple petty kingdoms, subsisting through a combination of trade and raiding. Whether they will be enemies, allies, or simply another divided people to keep an eye on has yet to be determined. A diplomatic mission to introduce your people to theirs may be in order. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Contact made with Caribou Kingdoms, New Actions Unlocked.

[ ] Minotaurs against Maretonia: While the Minotaur city-state of Labyrinthian has led several of its fellows in severing their economic ties with House White Star, others continue to trade with the slavers, either out of ignorance or a sheer desire for profit. See if Gisa and Gawain can convince them to follow the example of their neighbors and boycott the nobles. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Minotaur Republics cease trade with Maretonia. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Yak Cannons: One of the first things that the newly crowned King Rutherford did was organize the numerous warbands of the now unified Yak Clans into an army with a centralized command structure, which he has begun to equip with weapons and armor. Now flush with spendable currency in the wake of his deal with your Empire to supply you with Orichalcum, he is sparing no expense in his quest to ensure that the Yaks can defend their homeland from any would-be invader. Gisa has raised the possibility of trying to gain back some of the money you've been paying the Yaks by selling their newly formed army some cannons, as you had done with the Neighponese. Given that they haven't asked, it's going to be more of a sales pitch this time around, but you're convinced that you can convince your neighbors of the benefits of ranged weapons to their arsenal. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Yaks begin purchasing Imperial Cannons. Chance of Success: 60%

Stewardship: As the national rail network nears its completion, Frida is eager to see the long-running project finished, and has even begun to propose additional infrastructure projects that could better your Empire, provide jobs and inject some currency into the national Economy.
(Two Actions Per Turn) One Action Locked

-Rail Network: Your first railway has been proven a great success, and leaders and business magnates from across the Empire are clamoring to have more lines built across the provinces, to facilitate the flow of goods and raw materials. The establishment of such a network will be both time consuming and costly, but it will more than pay for itself through the boost to national productivity, and the economic benefits of cheap transportation. Cost: 1500. Time: Four Years. Reward: National Freight Railway Network Constructed. Increased Tax Income. New Options Unlocked. Will Finish This Turn

[ ] Western Lumberjacks: The woods of the Western Frontier (now dubbed Kestrella), while not quite as expansive and vast as the forests of the Imperial heartland, are still a potential resource and an ample supply of raw timber. Subsidize the establishment of logging camps and lumber mills in the newly settled territory. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Logging Income.

[ ] Cloth Mills: While sufficient Flax has been planted to allow for textile production, and a significant cottage industry has already sprung up to exploit this, you're far from rivaling the Neighponese for textile production. Mass production is the name of the game here: subsidize the construction and start-up costs of some weaving mills and see if you can increase productivity. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Industrial Linen Production achieved, Increased Tax Income.

[ ] Aggressive Agricultural Expansion: Now that your nation has purged its forests of beasts and monsters, it's time to clear some of that untamed wilderness and prepare it for farming. Having enough food to feed so many new mouths is going to be vitally important for the security and prosperity of the nation going into the future. Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Expanded Agriculture, Secured Food Supply, Increased Income.

[ ] Gas Lighting: While Genevieve's gas lamps have become a more and more common sight in the Empire, they are far from ubiquitous, especially outside of the Capital and major industrial centers. The benefits of reliable 24-hour lighting are significant: crime rates drop, and workers can continue their labors even once the sun begins to dip below the horizon. Despite these benefits, few local governments and businesses have invested in gas lamps due to the installation costs involved, to say nothing of the costs to keep them lit. Frida has been considering plans for another great public works project to stimulate the economy. Lighting up the night seems like a suitably ambitious goal. Cost: 1200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Gas Lamps installed in all major population centers in the Empire, Increased Tax Income due to Increased Productivity and Reduced Crime Rates.

[ ] Crystal Agriculture: As time has gone on, the unnatural chill that has permeated the Crystal Protectorate has begun to fade, the Crystal Heart's growing power and influence stripping away the last lingering remnants of Sombra's dark magic and bringing life back to what was once a dead land. For the first time in decades, fields of grass and beds of wild flowers grow untended in the wilderness behind the Crystal City. For the first time since the establishment of the Protectorate, large-scale agriculture is now possible, raising the possibility of a population not dependent on shipments of food from the Imperial Heartland. Of course, such a thing will require great effort and expenditure to make a reality. Help the Crystal Assembly accelerate their plans with an injection of capital and Imperial expertise. Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate gains a substantial agricultural base and is no longer dependent upon food imports from the Griffonlands. Increased Agricultural Income.

[ ] Crystal Forests: As the soil fertility and climate of the Crystal Protectorate begins to lend itself towards agriculture, some within the assembly have made an unusual proposal: the planting and cultivation of forests for the express purpose of providing the Protectorate with a domestic source of lumber. An unusual idea...but one worth exploring. Cost: 400. Time: Three Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate develops domestic logging industry, increased logging income.

Learning: While Archimedes and Genevieve form the core of your scholastic efforts, the Neighponese Trio and the newly arrived Canterbury Experts, particularly the venerable Merlin, have become increasingly important to your Empire's research and development efforts, providing new insights and research opportunities to exploit. (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Sugar Beets: Among the numerous crops that have been introduced to the Empire as a result of trade with Neighpon, Sugarcane has been one of the most sought after, particularly due to its inability to be farmed on the mainland. However, Genevieve claims to have an idea. By selectively breeding a particular species of root vegetable for increased production of Sucrose (the thing that gives Sugarcane its distinctively sweet taste), she believes it to be possible to engineer a hardier alternative to sugarcane that can be grown domestically. This will of course take a while to do. Cost: 200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Sugar Beets acquired, new Learning and Stewardship Actions Unlocked.

[ ] Sound the War Horns!: The Battle of the Peregrines demonstrated the need for a means of long range communication between commanders and units spread across multiple fronts. Couriers and banners simply aren't good enough. An enterprising army officer and former musician by the name of Major Shrike has proposed building and utilizing specialized horns, designed to communicate coded messages through the pitch, tune and frequency of their blasts. The idea might hold merit. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gain War Horns. Upgrade Army Communications Bonus.

[ ] A Different Kind of Mortar: The prospect of war with Maretonia (or what's left of it) has raised numerous concerns amongst the military. Your cannons, while effective at targeting enemies and destroying unreinforced architecture, may not be as effective against the enchanted walls and fortifications of Maretonia. Archimedes has proposed a potential solution: a weapon similar to a cannon, designed to lob projectiles over walls and other obstructions. While these weapons are unlikely to be as useful against mobile targets, they may prove a decisive advantage in siege warfare. Give Archimedes the go-ahead to try and build a few of these new weapons. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Mortar Artillery Developed.

[ ] Miniature Ballistae: The recent completion of the great hunt, while ridding your lands of monsters and dangerous creatures, has also had the (perhaps expected) side effect of depriving the forests of dangerous game. As a result, the people of your nation have much fewer targets to practice their craft on. This may result in a shortage of skilled archers in the near-future, which may endanger your military's ability to engage enemies from range. Archimedes claims to have a solution to this: a miniaturized ballistae that can be used and carried by one person. Such a weapon could be used by anyone with only a relatively small amount of training, readily solving the issue. Of course, he will need time and funding to perfect the design and make it suitable for mass production. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Crossbows.

[ ] Gas, Gas, Gas: The designs for a flying machine you found so long ago in the Imperial Archives have proven feasible...in theory. Archimedes tells you that, in order to create a craft large enough to be practical, a suitable lifting gas must be found to serve as a means of airborne buoyancy. Naturally, this will take time and dedication of resources. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Lifting Gases Identified.

[ ] Black-Steel Balls: With the sudden influx of Orichalcum from YakYakistan, you can now afford to produce additional weapons with antimagic properties. One of the weapons that your scientists have been particularly eager to attempt developing is one that will complement the powerful siege weapons that they've made in the past: Black-Steel cannonballs. Sadly, it is not as simple as swapping one metal for another. Black-Steel is notably denser and heavier than simple iron, and the procedures and calculations regarding the use of your cannons will have to be altered to accommodate these properties. Still, you're sure it's nothing Archimedes and his team can't handle. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Army gains Black-Steel Cannonballs

[ ] Runic Airships: While Merlin does not have the engineering knowledge to allow him to completely understand what Archimedes and Genevieve are trying to accomplish with the ongoing airship project, his arcane knowledge base is vast enough to make up for it, and he finds himself intrigued by the concept of inorganic flight. Though Archimedes is somewhat hesitant to accept arcane assistance, he cannot deny the potential benefits of incorporating runes into any potential flying machine. Of course, whether such a thing is feasible will require testing, which will in turn require time and funding. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Explored Viability of Runes in Potential Flying Machines.

Intrigue: Ravenburg is more than a little embarrassed at how his meddling in Maretonia's affairs accidentally started a civil war that now threatens the stability of the region, but he hasn't let that stop him from doing his job of keeping the Empire safe and keeping the Emperor informed. (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Trust but Verify: Everything you know about the kingdom to your Southwest has come from the mouths of its rulers. While you'd like to imagine otherwise, it's entirely possible that Queen Chevaline and Lord Bohemond weren't entirely honest with you about the conditions of their nation. And what exactly is the deal with this Lady of the Lake? Ravenburg and his infiltrators are ready to fact check. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel on Canterbury and its people. Chance of Success: 60%.

[ ] Eyes on the Skies: House Storm worries you and the abolitionists. A House with such a militant history and reputation, simply waiting and reacting to what the other factions will do? Not likely. You need to know what they are up to, but finding out is going to be easier said than done, due to the fact that many of their higher-ups live and work in the cloud-settlements that Pegasi are famous for. Getting an infiltrator inside is going to be a difficult task...but it will be worth it to have a source of intel on the warlike faction. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel on House Storm Activities, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 55%

[ ] Cold Case: In all the chaos surrounding the aftermath, it's easy to forget that a Queen has been murdered. But that would be a mistake. Whoever killed the monarch of Maretonia is still out there, and their identity and motivations are a mystery. A pity that no one seems interested in trying to figure this mystery out, though that's hardly surprising since at this point half of Maretonia is a suspect and the other half have the more pressing concern of survival on their minds. Solving the murder of a foreign Queen without the support or knowledge of her subjects is a nearly impossible task...but the Abolitionists and your own spy corps have made a habit of exceeding your expectations. If anyone has any hope of figuring out who killed Queen Mareia, it's Ravenburg and Ambrosia. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Queen Mareia's Assassination. Chance of Success: 35%

[ ] Hoofbeard's Heist: While Maretonia's recent collapse has disrupted much, it hasn't prevented House White Star from continuing to make a profit from the Trade route to the Minotaur Republics. If anything, it's actually increased their profit margins, as they are no longer obligated to pay taxes to the crown. However, the conflict between them and House Storm has forced them to shift personnel away from convoy security to the front lines, creating a unique opportunity. And with the Intel gathered by Light Step, you now know their exact route and force composition. You won't get a better chance than this. Give Hoofbeard the go-ahead and a blank check to carry out the heist. Even if things go wrong, you'll only be going to war with House White Star, so any potential blowback should be minimal. Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: House White Star's Finances Ruined, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Hoofbeard's Other Heist: Making contact with the Minotaurs had the unexpected side effect of reducing the amount of trade between the bipeds and their former partners in House White Star. This in turn has raised the possibility that trade between the two groups will soon cease entirely. Ordinarily this would be a good thing, but it would doubtlessly deprive Hoofbeard of his long awaited triumph over his former masters, and remove an opportunity to enrich Libertalia. Thankfully, your efforts to insert infiltrators into House White Star has paid dividends and opened up a new opportunity. Countess Copper Top has provided you with invaluable information regarding the status House White Star's treasury...specifically, its gold reserves. To protect its wealth from enemies both within and without, House White Star does not keep all its funds in one place, and moves its stores of gold often. And, while she is not really supposed to have access to such information, Countess Copper Top does possess knowledge of several such shipments of gold and silver bullion. Knowledge which she has graciously shared with you.

Everything from the routes the carriages and barges shall take to the times of departure and the composition of the security detachments that shall escort the riches of House White Star has been provided to you. Several of these routes of transit are located on or near the coast, where the pirates of Libertalia could conceivably strike. It's not a treasure fleet, but if trade between the Minotaurs and Maretonia dries up, its a viable alternative, if a more risky one. The fact that the abolitionists may be able to provide support to such a venture just another reason to consider such an otherwise risky operation. Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: House White Star's Treasury Raided, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Chance of Success: 50%

[ ] Assisted Abolitionist Raids-House White Star: The Abolitionists have conducted numerous raids of varying effect and degrees of success against both of the Noble Houses of Maretonia, striking lines of supply and freeing their still-enslaved brethren. Still, many of these attacks are little more than nuisance raids, not having any significant effect on the war capability of either of the Noble Houses. However, with proper support and intelligence from the Empire, it is hoped that these attacks could do some real damage to the Noble War Machine. Ravenburg has already identified several supply depots, barracks and outposts that, if attacked intelligently and in a coordinated manner, could seriously harm and hinder House White Star forces. Coordinate with Ambrosia to provide the support needed to make such coordinated assaults a reality. Cost: 800. Reward: Abolitionists raid House White Star Infrastructure, White Star forces weakened and thrown into disarray. Chance of Success: 65%

[ ] Scaling the Ivory Towers: It's a matter of debate whether House White Star's greatest strength is it's treasury or its magical might, but regardless of the answer you already know the state of its treasury. You do not however know the status of the Colleges of Magic that supposedly swear fealty to Duke Haygle, on account of their carefully cultivated culture of secrecy. Getting eyes and ears inside the halls of arcane education where not even the nobility dare to intrude will of course be obscenely difficult. But given Ravenburg's prior successes in the field of espionage against all odds, you think that such a thing may be possible. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Maretonian Colleges of Magic, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 40%

[ ] Riddle of the Labyrinth: Gisa suspects that there's something up with the Minotaur Republics, and after hearing the detailed report on her journey to Labyrinthian, you're inclined to agree. Whether they simply didn't tell you everything or outright lied to your diplomats isn't clear, but you are almost certain that they're hiding something. See if Light Step is willing to act as a spy one last time and have him get to the bottom of this mystery. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Minotaur Republics. Chance of Success: 60%

Piety: The newly established "Council of Faiths", a gathering of representatives from every major religion in the Empire, has wasted no time in clamoring for your attention and attempting to leverage their newfound place in the Imperial Court to expand the influence of their respective beliefs. Each of the six beings upon the Council (Including a Qilin, a Yak, and a Crystal Pony) have submitted a proposal for your consideration. Whether you intend to act on any of them is up to you. (One Action Per Turn)

[ ] Ancient Empire Excavations: When the old Empire fell, many of the sacred texts and holy artifacts of the Griffon Pantheon were lost. A scant few have been pieced together from remnants found during the age of Discord, but if the Pantheon is to be the spiritual force it once was, its modern day adherents will need more than a few scraps of old parchment to serve as the centerpiece of its temples. The representative of the Polytheists has requested permission to organize an excavation of several ruins where it is hoped that he and his colleagues may find greater and more impressive holy relics to serve as objects of worship. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Ancient Religious Artifacts recovered.

[ ] Runic Literacy: The Disciples of the Crystal Heart are fascinated by the news that the runes that make up the object of their worship have been partially translated, and have been chomping at the proverbial bit to get their hooves, paws and talons on Merlin's notes. Unfortunately, due to a myriad of issues including the scarcity of copies and Merlin's hesitance to have his research notes used as an object of worship, the Disciples have been unable to secure access to the knowledge they desire. Perhaps you should intercede? Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Crystal Heart Worshippers gain access to basic Runic Knowledge, Runic literacy spreads.

[ ] A Sacred Stone: The Yaks' shamanistic beliefs have little need for temples, shrines, or more conventional sites of worship. Instead they mark sites of spiritual significance via raised stones or boulders with intricately carved inscriptions and artwork dedicated to their gods. While the followers of Yak Shamanism within your borders could simply pick a stone and carve an inscription into it themselves, they have deemed such an approach insufficient for the first Runestone to be placed in the Empire, and have attempted to contract the famous Shaman Brod the Wise to create the inscription. There's just one problem: Brod the Wise has left his self-imposed exile from his mountaintop home exactly three times in the past thirty years. Once to confirm the disappearance of Discord, once to give a prophecy concerning the coming of Sombra, and most recently to legitimize the reign of King Rutherford as a worthy ruler of Yak-kind. To say that it's unlikely he'll agree to travel beyond the borders of Yakyakistan to simply carve some runes in a rock is perhaps the understatement of the year. Still...if he were to receive a letter requesting his presence from a foreign Emperor, one that has done so much to help his people...well, he'd be much less likely to refuse then wouldn't he? Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Brod the Wise carves the first Yakyakistani Runestone for the Empire.

[ ] Seaside Shrines: While all natural phenomenon are associated with Kami, and all are important in their own way, the spirits of the winds and waters are regarded as particularly important by followers of Neighponese Spiritualism. Combine this with the fact that most of the practitioners of the Neighponese faith live on or near the coast, and it's fairly obvious what the first shrines they seek to build are going to be dedicated to. Unfortunately, the construction of the shrines is not a simple matter, for two reasons. The first is a matter of material; the followers of a religion originating in Neighpon naturally want materials from said nation to be used in their shrines, which means they'll have to go through the bureaucracy that is the Imperial Customs Office. The second and much larger issue is the fact that several of these shrines are intended to be built in or on the water itself, which may pose a navigational hazard for shallow-draft ships. Naturally, this is a bureaucratic nightmare of its own. The spiritualists would greatly appreciate it if you would grease the wheels of bureaucracy for them do that they can finally build their shrines. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Shrines constructed.

[ ] A Holy Lake: Obviously, Lakes and Ponds are central to the worship of the Lady of the Lakes. While technically any pure body of water could be considered holy by the worshippers of the Lady, certain ones are selected by members of the church to serve as sites of worship. Exactly how they determine which lake or pond should be more holy than others is a mystery to those outside of the priesthood, but the followers of the Lady within your borders have identified one lake in particular which they believe to be a conduit for the Lady's divine will. The fact that it is near your shared border with Canterbury is a total coincidence, you're sure. Regardless, the followers of the Lady have petitioned you to recognize the lake as a protected area, off limits to development or exploitation, save the construction of shrines and houses of worship. Given that the lake in question is far from any major cities or sources of pollution, this shouldn't be too difficult to pull off. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Church of the Lady granted a protected lake to worship at.

[ ] The Imperial Creed: Now that the Imperial Cult and it's adherents have agreed on a singular doctrine, they are ready to begin truly spreading their faith across the Empire. But to do this, they will require a sacred text, a holy book to convey their message. Thankfully they already have one: the Lectitio Divinitatus, collaboratively written by several of the cult's founders. Unfortunately, they currently only have the one full copy, with a handful of excerpts transcribed by talon for congregations across the Empire. If they're going to make any headway in converting citizens to their faith, they're going to need to publish their scriptures. Unfortunately, they have been experiencing some difficulties in acquiring the services of bookmakers and printing presses, mostly because, due to their earlier doctrinal disputes, they were late to the holy book publishing party. It appears they'll need some help finding a publisher not already swamped with orders. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Lectitio Divinitatus published.

Personal: You refuse to let your duties as Emperor take up every moment of your day. (Two Actions per Turn)

[ ] Overtime: Your advisors can only do so much, and sometimes that's just not enough. If it's truly necessary, you can sacrifice some of your otherwise free time to carry out an additional action from another category, provided said action has a duration of only one year. The costs and chances of success for that action remain the same.

[ ] Imperial Priority: Sometimes you need something done as quickly as possible, regardless of the cost. In such times, you can authorize and oversee the judicious and generous application of funds to speed things along. If necessary, you can reduce the duration of a select action by one year at the cost of a personal action and doubling the per-turn financial cost of the action. The chances of success for said action will remain the same.

[ ] Creative Accounting: Even for an Empire as prosperous as yours, money can be tight. Balancing the budget can be a difficult task at the best of times, but your prior experience as a Merchant has taught you many financial "magic tricks". Taking some time out of your busy schedule to squeeze a few extra coins out of the bureaucracy could be the difference between staying in the black and dipping into your reserve funds. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: One Small Lump-Sum of Funds. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Meeting Merlin: The Archmage Ambrosius is a mystery to you. His arcane power is obvious, his knowledge of magic unparalleled in the known world, but his reasons for leaving his homeland to serve in a foreign ruler's court are vague. You should probably have a chat with the elder Unicorn and see what he's all about. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Merlin Ambrosius, chance to unlock new Actions.

[ ] Pet (Rock) Project: Pearl's hobby of geology and the study of crystals is well known to you, and she has become increasingly passionate regarding her study of how magic and minerals interact, traveling across the length and breadth of the Empire and the Crystal Protectorate to learn all she can. After one such journey to the Crystal City, she excitedly claims to have something to show you. You wonder what it could be? Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: ???

[ ] Rune-Sword of the Emperor: While you possess a blade of forged Orichalcum for combat against magical threats, you still wear the blade forged when you were merely the King of Griffonia. Over the years, it has become as symbolic of you and your rule as your crown has. When Merlin cracked the code of the Runes upon the Crystal Heart, he sparked an idea in your mind: could such Runes be used to make your trusty blade more powerful? Only one way to find out. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune-Blade.

As always, there will be a twelve hour moratorium to allow for discussion and plan-building.
Turn 26 Results
Martial: Redbeak rivals Ravenburg with his concern over the events unfolding south of your Protectorate, drawing up numerous contingency plans, though the presence of the newly completed Hardbeak Line has reassured him somewhat.

-Runic Fortifications-Hardbeak Line: Cost: 2000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Hardbeak Line Fortifications Strengthened with Runic Enchantments, increased upkeep costs.

After much consideration of Redbeak's proposal, and having consulted with Merlin himself on the feasibility of the project, you give your martial advisor the green light to begin installing fortifying and strengthening Runes upon the walls and foundations of the Hardbeak Line. Redbeak sets to his task, first gathering up as many arcane reagents he can get his talons on. The Empire's coffers are emptied in a bid to acquire vast amounts of magically reactive plants, ground gemstones, and other alchemical ingredients which are swiftly gathered together in hastily constructed "refineries" which begin turning these raw ingredients into the magically reactive mortar that shall form the basis of the architectural runes.

One of the planned Runes of Fortification, developed specifically for the Hardbeak Line.

In the meantime, Merlin and your other arcane advisors scope out the fortifications themselves, determining where and how the runes in question are to be placed. You don't know exactly how they come to their conclusions, though they talk an awful lot about leylines and the positions of the sun and stars. Eventually, the preparations are complete. All that remains to be done is actually creating the runes themselves. Will Finish Next Turn

-Runic Armor: Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: Runic Armor for Knightly Grandmasters and Imperial Royal Family.

Gathering the materials for the creation of Runic Armor for yourself, your family and the Grandmasters of the Knightly Orders proves easier than Redbeak's task. The amount of raw resources required is a scant fraction of those needed for the arcane fortification of an entire defensive line. In fact, you already possessed some of the required ingredients yourself: the fragments of Gwyndlyn's egg, kept since her birth, are incorporated into the Runic enchantments upon the armor of you and your family.

Merlin himself oversees the forging of the armor, instructing the handpicked smiths entrusted with the task and ensuring that the enchantments properly bind to the metals over the course of the forging process.

The process is slower than you'd have expected, hindered by Merlin's insistence that the forging take place solely on nights when the moon is full, but by the end of the year the labor is complete: full suits of Runic armor, enchanted to be as durable as possible and capable of protecting their wearers from magical as well as mundane attacks. The ones intended for your children also possess an enchantment that will allow the armor to grow with them as they age (though this is likely to hit a ceiling in the case of Gwyndlyn). Both the Royal Family and the Knightly Grandmasters now boast a level of personal protection unparalleled in the known world. Grandmasters and Royal Family now possess Runic Armor

: Having returned from her meeting with the Minotaurs with a trade agreement and a wealth of new information, Gisa is feeling much more confident in her ability to lead her diplomatic corps, a feeling only reinforced by the sudden addition of the Crown Prince to her staff.

- Canterbury Caravans: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade with Canterbury Established, Increased Trade Income.

While the untamed forests of Canterbury remain infested with numerous beasts and monsters, recent efforts on the parts of both the local Canterburians and the occasional Griffon Hunter team have resulted in travel between the cities of Canterbury and the Empire no longer being an inordinately dangerous proposition, so long as each trade caravan is accompanied by a reasonable number of armed guards. The Canterburians themselves prove eager to engage in trade with another nation, and within a matter of months regular shipments of goods are making their way along hastily cleared paths through the forests and mountains of Canterbury and Gryphus, merchants of both cultures profiting greatly from the exchange even as their rulers gain funds via import tariffs. Both you and Queen Chevaline are quite pleased with this. +.2 Canterbury Relations, +300 Trade Income

-Journey to the Frozen Coast: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Contact made with Caribou Kingdoms, New Actions Unlocked.

Once again, a group of translators, scholars and negotiators gather onto one of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps' Caravels for a journey across the sea for a meeting with a faraway people in a foreign land. Unlike the earlier expeditions however, this time the diplomatic vessel is accompanied by twin Carracks of the Imperial Navy, along with their complements of onboard marines. Such a precaution is deemed necessary, as there are no guarantees that some of the Caribou will not assault your diplomats and their vessel. The Neighponese expedition had experienced similar difficulties, managing to beat back a group of pirates off of the Olenian coast only through the combined efforts of their firebenders. As you and hundreds of others see the expedition off from the docks of Aukland, you can only hope that the journey of your own explorers will be a more peaceful one.

Months go by as you await word from the Olenia expedition, the nobles and common people alike speculating as to their fate and what they may encounter. Such speculations cease near the end of the year as all three ships return on schedule, bearing trinkets and stories from the lands of the Caribou.

The inhabitants of the numerous Petty Kingdoms of Olenia, though initially suspicious of foreigners in strange vessels sailing off of their shores, prove willing to meet and even trade with your emissaries, giving the linguists of the Diplomatic Corps the opportunity to build a lexicon of the Caribou language shortly before they attempt to make contact with the Jarls and Chieftains that rule over Olenia. Your emissaries were welcomed into the grand feasting halls of the Kings of the North, their hosts listening intently to their tales of your Empire across the waves, similar to yet different from the Empire of Neighpon, who they had already encountered.

Despite the Caribou's reputation, their rulers proved to be cautiously friendly to your diplomats, some even mentioning the possibility of trade. Perhaps this is another case of stereotypes being misleading...or perhaps they realize that crossing the vast ocean to pillage your towns would not be worth the risk or effort. Regardless of the reason, the Caribou seem to have no quarrel with you or your people...for now. Caribou Kingdoms Contacted, New Actions Unlocked.

-Yak Cannons: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Yaks begin purchasing Imperial Cannons. Chance of Success: 60%

Required: 40. Rolled: 10+18+15 (Omake: Total War Disharmony-Faction Selection)= 43

Strengthening one's allies is a wise and noble endeavor. And if one can do so while enriching oneself...well, that's just a nice bonus now isn't it? It is with these thoughts in mind that you order a cannon constructed for use by the Yaks, and send it off fresh from the foundry to the capital of Yakistown alongside a diplomatic team tasked with convincing King Rutherford and his court of the value of such a weapon, in hopes that he will deign to purchase more from you to add to his army.

It is a near thing. Yaks traditionally scorn ranged combat, preferring to get up close and personal with their foes, and the weighty and unwieldy cannons don't easily fit into their doctrine of highly mobile warbands. Still, none can dismiss the power of a cannonball crashing through flesh and stone alike, and the Yaks have been changing a lot about their culture lately...

After an energetic pitch by your "sales team", and a great deal of debate amongst the leaders of the Yaks, King Rutherford silences the assembled nobles and dignitaries with a mighty stomp of his hoof. His decision was final. The Yaks would purchase more of these weapons for their own use. It was better to have them and not need them, and even if they were too difficult to transport to be used by the great warhost of YakYakistan, then they could be used to defend their cities from attackers.

One of several proposed "export model" cannons.

By the time the details of the trade are hammered out and your emissaries return, the state-owned cannon foundries of the Empire have already started work on a new line of weapons for foreign export, expanding their facilities and setting up new production lines to meet the increased demand. The bags of gold coin to pay for these weapons, some still bearing the Imperial Seal of Gryphus, begin to flow over the border soon afterward. By the end of the year, the Yaks have begun to train their warriors in the use of these new explosive weapons, and you and your people have netted yourselves a tidy profit. Everyone wins. Yaks now possess Cannons, +200 Trade Income

: As the national rail network nears its completion, Frida is eager to see the long-running project finished, and has even begun to propose additional infrastructure projects that could better your Empire, provide jobs and inject some currency into the national Economy.

-Rail Network: Cost: 1500. Time: Four Years. Reward: National Freight Railway Network Constructed. Increased Tax Income. New Options Unlocked.

It has taken years and cost the equivalent of multiple fortunes. It has required countless man-hours of backbreaking work on the part of thousands of Griffons, Ponies, Yaks and Diamond Dogs, from the menial laborers laying track and clearing land, to the engineers tasked with crafting and assembling the great engines that will soon carry tons of goods and materials across your Empire. But finally, after so much time and effort, it is done. A spiderweb of steel rails crisscrosses the nation, connecting industrial manufacturing centers with mining towns and ports with inland settlements. You personally attend the ceremonial completion of the last segment of the Railway, nailing a golden spike into a railroad tie of polished oak with a silver hammer.

In the days and weeks that follow, the citizens of the Empire bear witness to the fruits of such labors: dozens of steam-belching locomotives hauling hundreds of tons of goods and raw materials across the nation, cutting transport costs down to a mere fraction of what they had been previously, and allowing for the growth of cities and industry on an unprecedented scale.

New industries and businesses are founded to take advantage of the new technology, and with these new businesses come new jobs and tax revenues, enriching the Empire and its people. Once again, Frida is celebrated for her role in bringing prosperity to your people. +1200 Tax Income, New Options Unlocked

-Aggressive Agricultural Expansion: Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Expanded Agriculture, Secured Food Supply, Increased Income.

Even as the nation celebrates her latest achievement, Frida continues her work, this time focused on expanding the Empire's agricultural base. A small army of bureaucrats coordinate and manage legions of laborers that are hired and dispatched to clear forests, break boulders, and prepare unproductive and uninhabited land for dedicated agricultural use. In the meantime, the call goes out for any experienced agricultural workers or aspiring farmers to lay claim to portions of the newly arable land as seeds, tools and other necessities are stockpiled in preparation for the sudden surge in agricultural activity that Frida predicts will occur next year. Will Finish Next Turn.

: While Archimedes and Genevieve form the core of your scholastic efforts, the Neighponese Trio and the newly arrived Canterbury Experts, particularly the venerable Merlin, have become increasingly important to your Empire's research and development efforts, providing new insights and research opportunities to exploit.

-Gas, Gas, Gas: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Lifting Gases Identified.

Archimedes and Genevieve set to work, identifying and examining numerous lighter than air gasses in their quest to bring the ancient airship schematics to life. One by one, potential lifting gases are identified, only to be rejected in short order. Hot air isn't buoyant enough, Helium too difficult to acquire in the quantities needed. Steam was considered, but the practical concerns of creating an enveloping material capable of containing the scalding water vapor without also causing it to cool and lose its buoyant properties forced it to be discarded. Genevieve had high hopes for the coal gas used in her famous lamps, but this too was eventually rejected on account of its toxicity in large amounts. Eventually, Hydrogen was settled upon as the best option. While flammable, it is both easy to acquire in large amounts and the most powerful lifting gas currently known, being only 7% the weight of normal air. Not ideal, but the best out of a series of bad options. Besides, you're certain that your scientists and mages can find a way to mitigate the risks. Ideal Lifting Gas Identified, New Action Unlocked.

-Runic Airships: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Explored Viability of Runes in Potential Flying Machines.

In recent days, Merlin's name has become synonymous with Rune-Master. In between overseeing the forging of Runic Armor and the planning of runes on the Hardbeak Line, he adds his considerable expertise to the growing team of engineers charged with the study of the ancient airship schematics, considering the numerous ways that runes may be added to the design to improve its function. The results are promising. Lightening runes, fortifying runes, waterproofing runes, fireproofing runes, the list goes on. After consultations with Archimedes and Genevieve, the three scholarly minded individuals approach you with a finalized design for the proposed airship.

It certainly looks impressive...on paper anyway. All that's left to do now is actually build the thing and see if it works when theory meets reality. Runes Added to Airship Design. New Action Unlocked.

: Ravenburg is more than a little embarrassed at how his meddling in Maretonia's affairs accidentally started a civil war that now threatens the stability of the region, but he hasn't let that stop him from doing his job of keeping the Empire safe and keeping the Emperor informed.

-Eyes on the Skies: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel on House Storm Activities, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 55%

Required: 45. Rolled: 12+13+10 (Omake: Black Wings, Red Ground) +10 (Omake: The Maretonian Royal Guard)= 45

Infiltrating the holdings of House Storm proves far more difficult than expected. The success of numerous abolitionist raids proves to be a double-edged sword, as frequent patrols and stringent security checks prevent all but the best of your infiltrators from even laying eyes upon Mare-a-Thon, the defacto capital of Storm Territory. Actually getting inside it proved even harder, as Pegicles and his soldiers were apparently on the lookout for spies from House White Star and the Abolitionists. After numerous close calls and one particularly hair raising moment when one of your agents was actually briefly arrested and thrown in a holding cell before managing to escape, Ravenburg's subordinates finally pulled through, slipping a precious few informants into the ranks of House Storm's armed forces. The information they relay to you, while scant on details, is still precious.

Mare-A-Thon, Capital of House Storm

House Storm is far more unified than House White Star. All of the military commanders, mining tycoons and plantation owners that form Pegicles' power base have sworn fealty to him, and in the lands that House Storm calls its own, Pegicles is already King in all but name. The few that dared to oppose him or defy his orders in the earliest days of the conflict were all brutally and publicly executed, their lands and riches distributed to their more compliant fellows as a reminder of who wields supreme authority in the Maretonian SouthWest.

Pegicles has wasted no time in amassing a considerable fighting force for use against House White Star. His personal guard, veterans of many campaigns against the "barbarian tribes" that had originally inhabited much of the lands he now holds, form the core of his army, alongside many defectors from the Maretonian Royal Guard, who bring with them all the discipline and training of professional soldiers. This core is supplemented with numerous mercenary companies, penal battalions, and conscripted slave soldiers. In terms of sheer martial strength and prowess, House Storm wields the larger stick by far. The fact that a majority of their soldiers are Pegasi only adds to their capabilities, their natural flight and ability to bend the weather to their will giving them numerous tactical and strategic options.

One would think that such an army could easily defeat the nobles of House White Star, but the truth is far less simple. For Pegicles' army is a glass cannon. While House White Star controls most of the larger cities on the coast, House Storm is left to control the more rural and underdeveloped regions of the kingdom. While this has ensured they shall not want for food or raw resources, it has left them with a crippling lack of ponypower. Any losses sustained by the core of Pegicles' army are keenly felt, for they cannot be easily or quickly replaced. This issue is compounded by the fact that the penal squads and slave soldiers are only motivated to fight with the spears of the Storm army at their backs, and the coffers of House Storm are barely sufficient to pay the mercenaries they already have, let alone hire new ones should their current roster die or desert.

And so, much like his Unicorn rivals, Pegicles sits on his hooves, unwilling to commit his army to a risky gambit that could cost him everything. But your spies have heard things. Rumors of some grand strategy, some secretive battleplan that only a trusted hoofull of Pegicles' closest subordinates are privy to. Perhaps it's simply propaganda, something meant to reassure the rank and file and improve moral. Or perhaps there is truth to the rumors. This may warrant further investigation. Intel Gained, New Actions Unlocked

-Cold Case: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Queen Mareia's Assassination. Chance of Success: 35%

Required: 65. Rolled: 14+13+20(Portrait of the Royal Family)+20(A Luncheon Between two Shadows)= 67

Solving the murder of a Queen is difficult even under the most ideal of circumstances. Solving said murder as an agent of a foreign government that most see as the primary suspect, months after the body of the deceased was interred within a guarded mausoleum and all evidence secured within a vault a stones throw away from the personal quarters of Gaius Marecinas herself...many would consider it an impossible task.

The Mausoleum of Queen Mareia

But somehow, someway, Ravenburg's agents pull through. The mausoleum is infiltrated and the body of the Queen respectfully examined, whilst a truly masterful infiltrator manages to crack the vault holding the evidence and the notes of the Royal Guard's own investigations. These notes are swiftly copied and evidence examined before everything is placed back exactly as it was before, leaving no trace of your agent's presence.

By all accounts, Captain Marecinas was, and still is, utterly devoted to the late Queen Mareia, and pursued her killer and the investigation with a fervor that is plain to see within the notes and transcripts of her own attempts to do what your own agents have now set out to accomplish. But despite her determination, she and her colleagues were soldiers first and foremost. They did not possess the decades of experience that Ravenburg, Ambrosia, and your spies have in gathering and analyzing information. Where their efforts hit a brick wall, yours go further.

A sample of the poison that killed the Queen is acquired, and sent off to Archimedes and Genevieve for analysis. At the same time, your agents across Maretonia start digging into the secret archives of the various nobles that may have wished the late Queen dead, in hopes that a shred of evidence may yet remain.

And surprisingly enough, there is evidence to be found. In fact it's actually kind of disturbing how much there is. It seems that almost every major noble in Maretonia had at one point or another entertained the thought of assassinating Queen Mareia, and more than one had even written up elaborate plans describing exactly how they would have done so. It seems to have devolved into some macabre game amongst the nobility at a certain point, something to talk about as they played cards, smoked their pipes, and shared glasses of the finest alcohol served by their slaves.

But every plan is couched in hypothetical language, as if the plots were more of a thought exercise than anything else. Some of the plans even have notes in the margins detailing exactly how the death of the Queen would almost certainly result in the collapse of Maretonian society and war between the Noble Houses as each vied for the throne. Rather than point to a culprit, this new evidence makes it even more difficult to identify a prime suspect.

By the time Archimedes and Genevieve make their report on the nature of the poison used to kill Queen Mareia, your infiltrators have exhausted what leads they have managed to uncover within the halls of the Maretonian nobility. Unfortunately, your science team's final conclusion does little to put your speculations to rest.

For it is determined that the poison used to kill Queen Mareia was distilled from the extract of the black lotus.

A flower which is found only within the borders of Canterbury.

Ravenburg is quick to say that this may not have anything to do with the people of Canterbury themselves. It is entirely possible that whoever killed the Queen of Maretonia had intended to frame Canterbury for the crime...but to what purpose, none can even guess. More questions without answers.

While you are disappointed that you don't have a red-hoofed assassin to point to, you still have more than you started with...and you have some decisions to make regarding what to do with this new information. Intel on Assassination Suspects gained, New Actions Unlocked

: The newly established "Council of Faiths", a gathering of representatives from every major religion in the Empire, has wasted no time in clamoring for your attention and attempting to leverage their newfound place in the Imperial Court to expand the influence of their respective beliefs. Each of the six beings upon the Council (Including a Qilin, a Yak, and a Crystal Pony) have submitted a proposal for your consideration. Whether you intend to act on any of them is up to you.

-Runic Literacy: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Crystal Heart Worshippers gain access to basic Runic Knowledge, Runic literacy spreads.

You've done much to assist the Disciples of the Crystal Heart in recent years, and you're not about to stop anytime soon. You earmark a token sum of funds and secure the services of a bookmaking firm before asking Merlin for a copy of his translated Runic alphabet. You make no secret of your intentions to give it over to the Disciples, and while he is initially reluctant to comply he eventually does relinquish a copy of his notes. One does not simply refuse an Emperor, and you had funded his research.

By the end of the year, almost every Disciple of the Crystal Heart possesses a copy of the Book of Runes (First Edition), and they study it...well, religiously. And just like that, thousands of your subjects are now fluent in the language of Runes, and are capable of creating and maintaining them. You're sure this will become important in the future. +.5 Disciples Influence, Thousands of Imperial Citizens are now Literate in Runes

: You refuse to let your duties as Emperor take up every moment of your day. (Two Actions per Turn)

-Meeting Merlin: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Merlin Ambrosius, chance to unlock new Actions.

To Be Continued in Magical Mysteries and Merlin

-Pet (Rock) Project: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: ???

To Be Continued in Magical Mysteries and Merlin

Carracks Built
: 3

Random Event Rolls:
91 (Pass)
39 (Pass)

You came really close with some of the rolls here. Like, holy hell.

Sorry, no Q&A with the Caribou Kingdoms, wanted to get this out as quickly as possible. Let me know if you have any questions regarding the specifics of them and their culture and I'll do my best to answer.

Griffon: *slaps barrel of cannon* "This bad boy can fit so many f*cking explosions in it."
Rutherford: "Well it's pretty cool, but I don't think..."
Griffon: "Plus, you can use it to defend your cities."
Rutherford: "We'll take your entire stock!"
Magical Mysteries and Merlin
Despite being a figure of great renown in both his native Canterbury and the Empire itself, despite having basically invented a whole new form of magic and given its secrets to your people, and despite having spent a considerable amount of time in your court...you know almost nothing about Merlin Ambrosius. Beyond the occasional report on his work and questions regarding it, the two of you rarely speak to each other.

You'd figured that it was time you remedied that.

Thus, here you were, two of the most powerful beings in the known world, sitting down and sharing a cup of tea in one of several drawing rooms that the palace had to offer.

As Merlin quietly sips at his cup (clutched in the glow of his magic), you break the silence that had settled upon you after the initial exchange of pleasantries.

"Why did you come to the Empire?"

Merlin raises an eyebrow.

"As I told you before: to learn, and to share what knowledge I have with those who wish to learn."

You tap a talon against the tabletop.

"But why here, specifically? You could have just as easily gone to Neighpon or YakYakistan."

The elderly unicorn shook his head.

"The Yaks are a proud people...not used to taking direction or advice from foreigners."

You open you mouth to speak, but Merlin waves a hoof before you can.

"You and your people are the exception. You earned their respect in your war against Sombra. If you hadn't, they would never have tolerated your assistance in building their kingdom."

He shakes his head.

"As for Neighpon...they have magic of their own, quite different from the sort that I and my Canterburian colleagues wield. And they have their draconic ancestors to guide them...they may only awaken for minutes at a time, but you'd be surprised what arcane knowledge can be imparted in only a few minutes."

He takes another sip from his cup as you raise an eyebrow yourself.

"So we needed your help more?"

The unicorn snorts, shaking his head.

"Need? No. You've gotten along just fine without magic. More than fine."

You weren't about to argue that.

"So why here? Why us?"

Merlin sighs, standing and staring out one of the nearby windows, his cup trailing after him. Like many other rooms in the palace, this one offers a commanding view of the capital, its streets and buildings stretching into the distance. You remain seated, patiently awaiting his answer.

"...I am ninety seven years old."

Not the answer you were expecting.

"I've spent my entire life studying magic, trying to master the arcane. In the beginning it was a matter of practicality, about finding a way to survive in the chaotic maelstrom that the world was during Discord's rule. But I came to value knowledge for its own sake, not just for the things one could do with it."

He sighs, eyes downcast.

"Ever since I cast a spell for the first time in my youth, I've been chasing the idea that someway somehow I would be able to understand it all, that I would be able to decode the greatest mysteries of the aether...that I could know everything there was to know."

He turns and looks back at you, a tired look on his face.

"And for a time, in my arrogance, I actually thought I was on the cusp of doing so! And why wouldn't I...everyone else seemed to think so."

He laughs a hollow, bitter laugh.

"Merlin the wise, Merlin the Great, Merlin the Magnificent!"

He speaks each of his titles with a mocking tone.

"You should have heard the things they called me, the things they still call me, in the streets and courts of Canterbury."

He stares up at the ceiling and sighs.

"...When people say things like that over and over for years, eventually you start to believe them."

Clearly he didn't believe that anymore.

"So what changed?"

Merlin smiles a tired, amused smile as he returns your gaze.

"We met you."

You raise an eyebrow. Merlin simply nods in answer to your unspoken question, that enigmatic smile still gracing his muzzle as he walks back over to the table, taking his seat again.

"No, really. You may not have realized it, but our first contact with your people brought many of our preconceived notions of the world into question. Prior to meeting you, many assumed that Canterbury may very well be the last light of civilization, the only true kingdom still standing in the wake of Discord's madness. Our few encounters with the Yaks and the slavers of Maretonia only served to reinforce this belief. The idea that we were the Lady's chosen, destined to inherit what remained of the world...it was a far more common idea than you'd think, back in those days just after Discord's disappearance."

He chuckles to himself, staring down into his tea. It is not a happy chuckle.

"So arrogant. So prideful. To think that we were the only ones who would be able to rebuild, who would not only survive but flourish as stability returned to the world."

You listen quietly, not wishing to interrupt. This is by far the most the elderly unicorn has ever spoken to you...you think it's the most he's ever spoken with anyone regarding something that wasn't related to magic or some other academic topic. He looks back up at you, his expression unreadable.

"When Queen Chevaline had her first vision of your Empire...when we first encountered your people and learned the true extent of the world beyond our borders..."

He sighs.

"Humbling is probably the best word to describe it. For all of Canterbury really...but for myself in particular."

He stares back out the window, his eyes focused on something behind the horizon.

"Sombra...I can't really convey to you how the mere knowledge that a being such as that could exist rattled us. Queen Chevaline had never before encountered a threat that she could not predict, nor rival her in magical prowess. The Knights of Canterbury had only ever faced the beasts of the dark forests. And I..."

He turns back to you, and you are struck with how unbelievably defeated he looks.

"I realized that there was so much I still did not understand...that I would never understand...either because I didn't want to or because I simply wouldn't live long enough to do so...it was only then that I began to think of my legacy...of what would come after my end."

You nod. You think you are starting to understand.

"You came here in hopes of making the most impact."

Merlin smiles, more earnestly than before.

"In Canterbury I was merely the most learned of many wizards. My ability to influence and act was limited, as were the resources I had to work with. Here, I can do much more, build something to stand the test of time...that I might find a way to avoid the final death, when my name is spoken for the very last time."

You take a final drag from your cup as you nod your head in thought. You can certainly understand the desire to build something that will long outlive you. That was what you were doing with the Empire itself after all. Though, speaking of the Empire.

"And I'm sure that the entire new race of magic users had nothing to do with your decision."

Merlin sighs.

"I'd be lying if I said that the Hippogriffs didn't interest me...that was what finally convinced me to leave Canterbury. But can you blame me? The birth of a whole new race of magic users is something unprecedented in recorded history, of course I'd take an interest."

You suppose you can't blame him for being curious. You'd have to admit to taking an interest in the possibilities inherent there yourself...but perhaps that's a conversation for another time.

"I see."

Another silence falls between you, this one more comfortable than the last.

A silence broken when Merlin suddenly shoots to his feet and stares with concern at...a corner of the room?

The Palace shudders, your cup shaking upon its saucer as a muffled boom reaches your ears, Merlin suddenly teleporting away in a burst of golden light as a member of the Palace Guard almost breaks down the door in his haste, panting.

"Your highness! The Lady Pearl she..."

You don't catch the rest, already down the hall and around the corner before he can speak another word.


Months ago, Gleaming Pearl had asked for one of the larger and unused rooms within the palace's basement for her own personal use. She had quickly turned the subterranean chamber into a bizarre hybrid of study space and geological museum, all manner of stones and mineral deposits sharing space on shelves alongside countless tomes on topics ranging from mundane geology to Merlin's numerous treatises on the nature of Magic itself.

No one questioned the adopted princesses eclectic tastes or unusual hobby. A love of knowledge and learning seemed to be a common trait amongst the Imperial Family, and the children of the Emperor had a mutual habit of throwing themselves into their hobbies and studies with unparalleled enthusiasm. As a result, few took notice when the young Pearl began to accumulate an increasingly large amount of crystals and minerals that were considered magically reactive.

As you round the corner to find a massive pillar of solidified crystal jutting out at an angle from the wall, you realize that someone really should have stopped and asked your daughter more questions.

You weave around and over several other such protruding growths before finally reaching the room where in question...Where the sight of your younger adopted daughter tearfully groveling before Merlin brings you up short for a moment.


Merlin, for his part, seems completely nonplussed at the entire situation, giving you what you can only assume is a pleading look as he takes a step back and towards one of the obvious origin points of the massive spires of calcified minerals currently speared through the palace foundation.

With a sigh, you step forward and place a taloned foreclaw upon Pearl's shoulder, bringing her tirade to an end as she looks up at you with wide eyes and a nervous smile.

"Um...I can explain?"

You raise an eyebrow.

"Please do."


You would discover much later that your daughter's ability was something not completely unknown to the Crystal Ponies. The manipulation of crystals, mineral deposits and the earth itself was a common ability amongst them. In the Crystal City, it was a popular party trick to place a piece of calcite in a bowl and see who could get it to outgrow its container.

But apparently Gleaming is on a completely different level when it comes to the act of crystalmancy, as evidenced by her ability to make a veritable forest of crystal spires grow out of a hooffull of "seeds". Such a magical prodigy has not been seen since before the reign of Discord.

Merlin seems as intrigued by this new phenomenon as he is seemingly frustrated by the fact that he once again needs to rearrange his worldview and understanding of magic. You're just glad that your daughter is ok, though you extract a promise from her not to do anymore "experimentation" without supervision, something she readily agrees to once her workspace is finally cleared of the excess mineral growths.

It seems there's never a dull moment in the palace.

Information on Merlin Ambrosius Gained, New Actions Unlocked, Gleaming Pearl gains Trait: Crystalmancer

Me: "Ok, I'm going to get this next update out in a reasonable timeframe!"

My Muse, My Brain, My Job, and the Universe in General:

I Promise the Rumor Mill will be out soon. Once again, thank you all for following this Quest.