Finally, with some hesitation on his part, Gawain spoke of the last nation his people had thus far encountered…Maretonia.

He hoped that the relief he felt at the look of disgust and revulsion on the Princesses faces when he described the Maretonian system of slavery did not show in his posture.

Luna looked almost personally insulted.

"Such barbarity! We hath thought such things rightly abandoned in the days of antiquity! To think that Ponies could inflict such cruelties and injustice upon thine own fellows…tis an outrage!"

Although bearing some resemblance to the more common Pegasi, these Thestrals are nocturnal, bat-like, and perhaps most importantly, obligate carnivores. This last detail, combined with the fact that their batlike nature was apparently a curse inflicted upon their ancestors by Discord, has led to them being faced with a certain level of discrimination and being pushed to the edges of Equestrian society for much of their race's history, occupying their own secluded settlements far from those of their herbivorous brethren. The only exceptions to this are the soldiers of Princess Luna's Night Guard, who are the only Thestrals to reliably live and work within the major cities of Equestria. It seems that the Lunar Princess has taken it upon herself to attempt to rehabilitate the image of the chiropteran equines, and has made numerous attempts to try to bridge the gap between them and the rest of the Kingdom, though she has thus far made little headway in the endeavor. Still, by all accounts the Thestrals themselves adore the Lunar Princess for her attempts to protect and assist them, so clearly her efforts have had some positive results for her.
Hm hm hmm...
Strange, very strange.

I originally thought this curse was recent when discord still reigned and so it would be too early to call them a separate tribe for them. That they might be even researching a way to reverse discords magic on them.

However they say he cursed their ancestors which means they've been around for some time. Looking back on their conversation I have a nagging feeling they were once enslaved by the ponies way back when before the princess's came into the picture.

As for immigrating the thestrals, it sounds good. Thing is I've seen something similar happen in another quest. Not exactly a one to one but its an example, they bluntly asked another leader they were initially on good terms with if they could transfer their citizens to their own for reason's.. it wasn't a complete disaster but it was definitely a big foot in mouth moment and cost some goodwill.

I'd like to work something out, maybe by helping raising PR with the thestrals as Luna has been trying to do and telling them more about the griffin's land's in the meanwhile giving them a reason to want to come to us. I'd rather like to avoid that foot in mouth again :V
And the second thing of "class divide is minimized because common folk can reach wealth" is literally just propaganda and has never been true in history. People can theoretically buy their way in to nobility, but that doesn't mean that a non-negligible percentage actually will make it to the top. That's why class divides even exist.
Except it's kind of a fact that we've been told that there isn't much division among the classes in the Empire thanks to the Winter War and our economy creating a significant middle class

They might not be nobility but many of them are richer and more influential than a lot of nobles
They are slightly wealthier due to having a more modern economy now, and producing more goods to sell on the open market. Mining is their largest industry, with tons of ore either smelted into metal domestically or exported to Gryphus. The Empire remains the sole and exclusive buyer of their Orichalcum, due to the fact that we are the only ones currently capable of smelting it on account of its heat resistant properties. They also make a small profit off of the export of artisanal crafts such as yurts, wooden furniture, decorative ornaments and the products of other small cottage industries.

Militarily they are slightly stronger than before due to population growth and access to Griffon made weapons and fortifications. They actually possess a standing professional army now, though it is very small by the Empire's standards, and they largely still rely upon militias.

Diplomatically, while no longer isolationist, they aren't exactly reaching out to the world either. Their economy, while larger than it was, still isn't big enough to benefit from extensive trade with multiple nations, and aside from military alliances against mutual threats like Storm Country they don't really have much to talk about with their neighbors, let alone countries they've never seen like Olenia or the Emerald Isles.

mh... let's consider, then, a general ranking of currently known nation.


1)Gryphus. easy.
2)Equestria. Our only near-rival, they have the edge in magic just like wave it in technology/industry.
3)Neighpon. Rich, Wealthy, powerful, SAFE, lots of exotic export goods and interesting magics/multiple races. Shame about the Kappa...
4-5)Canterbury and the Minotaur Republics (taken as a whole). Canterbury probably is better off, and it has the advantage of a central government, but the minotaurs are explicitly pretty well off, and they can now trade with us and Neighpon after losing Maretonia as a trading partner.
6)Emerald Isles. They might actually be better off than the Minotaur Republics, actually, hard to say. Trade with us and Neighpon certainly helps, as does their recent "freedom" from the Caribou problem.
7)Yakyakistan. Only recently became a country, but they're on a good path all things considered
8)Olenia taken as a whole. With all the various factions and minor kingdoms in there, and they're general poverty, they're solidly on the bottom of this list, second only to...
9)Libertalia. And they're the last ones only because they're BOTH a very recent polity AND a very small one. In terms per-capita gdp they're probably better, but size matter. Still, they're likely currently in a better situation than any single Olenian kingdom at the very least, and likely multiple ones too.

...I think this is all the countries we know of. Technically we know there's the Dragonlands to the south of Maretonia, and Zebras somewhere beyond Olenia (and also I think there was a mention of a "race similar to the Caribou" beyond a land of eternal winter... probably either Deers or Reindeers.

But we know little to nothing about those countries, mostly what little was shown of the Zebra from the Quest introduction, and maybe a bit from the Deers in the comics if Questor decides to use them, but I doubt it (He didn't even use the canon Kirin after all)

...technically there's also the Buffalo, but let's be real, they're basically a non-entity.

Ok, so we have 9 big known factions (and 2-3 more we heard of), with Minotaurs and Caribous actually being divided in multiple sub-factions.

It's an interesting world
mh... let's consider, then, a general ranking of currently known nation.


1)Gryphus. easy.
2)Equestria. Our only near-rival, they have the edge in magic just like wave it in technology/industry.
3)Neighpon. Rich, Wealthy, powerful, SAFE, lots of exotic export goods and interesting magics/multiple races. Shame about the Kappa...
4-5)Canterbury and the Minotaur Republics (taken as a whole). Canterbury probably is better off, and it has the advantage of a central government, but the minotaurs are explicitly pretty well off, and they can now trade with us and Neighpon after losing Maretonia as a trading partner.
6)Emerald Isles. They might actually be better off than the Minotaur Republics, actually, hard to say. Trade with us and Neighpon certainly helps, as does their recent "freedom" from the Caribou problem.
7)Yakyakistan. Only recently became a country, but they're on a good path all things considered
8)Olenia taken as a whole. With all the various factions and minor kingdoms in there, and they're general poverty, they're solidly on the bottom of this list, second only to...
9)Libertalia. And they're the last ones only because they're BOTH a very recent polity AND a very small one. In terms per-capita gdp they're probably better, but size matter. Still, they're likely currently in a better situation than any single Olenian kingdom at the very least, and likely multiple ones too.

...I think this is all the countries we know of. Technically we know there's the Dragonlands to the south of Maretonia, and Zebras somewhere beyond Olenia (and also I think there was a mention of a "race similar to the Caribou" beyond a land of eternal winter... probably either Deers or Reindeers.

But we know little to nothing about those countries, mostly what little was shown of the Zebra from the Quest introduction, and maybe a bit from the Deers in the comics if Questor decides to use them, but I doubt it (He didn't even use the canon Kirin after all)

...technically there's also the Buffalo, but let's be real, they're basically a non-entity.

Ok, so we have 9 big known factions (and 2-3 more we heard of), with Minotaurs and Caribous actually being divided in multiple sub-factions.

It's an interesting world
Don't forgot the Egyptian cat people
Don't forgot the Egyptian cat people
I'm not mentioning them because we haven't heard even a mention of them in the actual quest, so while I'm reasonably sure Questor is going to use them (even just because there's actual canon designs for them he can use), we actually know NOTHING of what their country would be like.

I wouldn't even be mentioning the Deers if it wasn't because the Caribou mentioned knowing of "similar but different" races to their own (which to me would mean either deers or reindeers)

EDIT: a couple of lines disappeared, but I was also saying: otherwise I'd also have to mention Captain Celaeno, the parrot pirate from the mlp movie. And I'm sure there's other races in the comics as well, like... mh... right now I can only think of the Breezies and those strange things living on the moon.

Also there's the centaurs and gargoyle from Tirek's homeland at the very least.
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9)Libertalia. And they're the last ones only because they're BOTH a very recent polity AND a very small one. In terms per-capita gdp they're probably better, but size matter. Still, they're likely currently in a better situation than any single Olenian kingdom at the very least, and likely multiple ones too.
It's worth considering that the Libertalian economy is very strongly tied to the Empire's to the extent that they could arguable be considered just an extension of it
. it wasn't a complete disaster but it was definitely a big foot in mouth moment and cost some goodwill.
Fredy was fine and we did end up getting what we asked. Now the moot is just the worst parts of halfling culture.

The civil war was NOT kind to them.

We know... Pegaclis was trowing huricanes and razing evrything. The only place that isnt shit is the north and thats because griphus put money into it.
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Thing is I've seen something similar happen in another quest. Not exactly a one to one but its an example, they bluntly asked another leader they were initially on good terms with if they could transfer their citizens to their own for reason's.. it wasn't a complete disaster but it was definitely a big foot in mouth moment and cost some goodwill.
Fredy was fine and we did end up getting what we asked. Now the moot is just the worst parts of halfling culture
If I recall correctly, that particular case was more of a problem brought by the specific situation. Or in that case, cultural drift led to clashes between the immigrants and the Moot...
Edit: Or more specifically, some factors, including a war for survival led them to have very different opinions, which combined with how the moot operated, meant a clash was inevitable.
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By the way I admittedly forgot to include Maretonia in the list... but then again, it would likely be at the very bottom anyway.

The civil war was NOT kind to them.

That really depends, while much of the country is destroyed it's worth mentioning that Maretonia was as populous as Gryphus, even more so and many this world economies are relatively undeveloped.

So by assuming that we could say that while they are poor and among bottom countries they could solidly still outperform Libertalia and Oleania just thanks to sheer size of the country (Also North was relatively speared from more devastating moments of the war).
Not quite, maretonia cant stay afloat without help right now a big population means larger upkeep, libertaria and Olenia can feed and house their pepole right now maretonia simply cant.
That really depends, while much of the country is destroyed it's worth mentioning that Maretonia was as populous as Gryphus, even more so and many this world economies are relatively undeveloped.

So by assuming that we could say that while they are poor and among bottom countries they could solidly still outperform Libertalia and Oleania just thanks to sheer size of the country (Also North was relatively speared from more devastating moments of the war).
I mean even then Maretonia has lost its largest and most important industry, it's major trading partner, it's two biggest cities, a huge chunk of its land and countless people

I think it's pretty solidly in last place right now
There was some talk of backing the imperialist factions in maretonia.

Do we want that?

The avenue for expansion would be nice, and setting up more knightly orders to cover the territories is one of my favorite things. However it's a major investment sink, and unlike the empire is almost sure to want to regain independence in a bare few decades unless we completely wow them.

Not to mention what it would look like to Canterbury. Sure they hate maretonia, but we haven't exactly been hyper friendly to them either.

So I'm not really inclined to go for that, I mostly want them to stop being massacre happy, untrustworthy, slavers so we can trade with them like civilized murderblenders. I'm even willing to educate them in how to make more stuff so they have more things to trade. They're on the bottom of the cannon list though, and yes even below the brainwashed zealots, because at least they'll just burn our heretic butts.

The expansion route would be nice but, honestly if there was a neighbor to annex I think Canterbury is the better deal, and I don't think we'd get both unless we were willing to be lead talons about it due to the mutual antipathy, also because it would give us a border with Equestria to ease trade.

That said if we do make a move on Maretonia we need a new defensive line between us and the dragon raiders, as well as major infrastructure projects, which would be good in and of themselves but we'd need the social capital immediately because we'd be the ones being held accountable for every little thing for the next few years.

We can probably spin it to the Canterburians and their secret queen if we have to, especially if we quote the concerns about dragons.

The other edge for taking maretonia is that it opens up ports for Neighpon and libertalia, not to mention the republics. Might even be able to carve out another base or colony for Neighpon.

I think I may be talking myself around to pushing for maretonia.

Moving on to the thestrals, I think we have a lot to offer them. We have active night work and recreational facilities, a variety of established architectural approaches both over and under ground, plenty of rural area that could be expanded, an interest in expanding our production lines to include anything they might bring with them, an extant pony population that will have no truck with anti-carnivore prejudices, and plenty of livestock variety to save their hunger on.

.... Also I wanna see if thestrals produce a different hybrid with griffons.
Except it's kind of a fact that we've been told that there isn't much division among the classes in the Empire thanks to the Winter War and our economy creating a significant middle class

They might not be nobility but many of them are richer and more influential than a lot of nobles
Pittauro already said this before you in your defense and I already replied.
this is a bit of an exaggeration. Haven't we been explicitly told that social mobility HAS become more common, especially after the winter wars?

We have "commoner" as military officers, we have merchants that have accumulated enough influence to stand up to some nobles... sure, it's not as good as it could be, and it's true that most people tend to stay in the class they're born in, but it's an improvement over the past.

I didn't say class is stagnant. I responded to the post that said "class divide is minimal" which is standard Horatio Alger-style "rags-to-riches" propaganda that being in a liberal economy rather than a feudal one means few people are actually at the bottom (typically with the epithet that those who are at the bottom deserve to be there).

All the things you described are standard historical effects of switching from a feudal-based economy to one led by the growing bourgeoisie. Notably they never got anywhere close to ending widespread wealth disparities or class divides. All it did was change the dynamics of who held wealth and influence (from the "old wealth" nobility to the "new wealth" aristocrats) and how the divides were enforced.

Class divides being minimal is a far different stance than your own stated one that "social mobility has become more common." Jonas's stance is far more radical and less agreeable than your own.
Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't point this out yourself @Pittauro. It'd save me the time and you were involved after all. :p
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