They are slightly wealthier due to having a more modern economy now, and producing more goods to sell on the open market. Mining is their largest industry, with tons of ore either smelted into metal domestically or exported to Gryphus. The Empire remains the sole and exclusive buyer of their Orichalcum, due to the fact that we are the only ones currently capable of smelting it on account of its heat resistant properties. They also make a small profit off of the export of artisanal crafts such as yurts, wooden furniture, decorative ornaments and the products of other small cottage industries.
Militarily they are slightly stronger than before due to population growth and access to Griffon made weapons and fortifications. They actually possess a standing professional army now, though it is very small by the Empire's standards, and they largely still rely upon militias.
Diplomatically, while no longer isolationist, they aren't exactly reaching out to the world either. Their economy, while larger than it was, still isn't big enough to benefit from extensive trade with multiple nations, and aside from military alliances against mutual threats like Storm Country they don't really have much to talk about with their neighbors, let alone countries they've never seen like Olenia or the Emerald Isles.
mh... let's consider, then, a general ranking of currently known nation.
1)Gryphus. easy.
2)Equestria. Our only near-rival, they have the edge in magic just like wave it in technology/industry.
3)Neighpon. Rich, Wealthy, powerful, SAFE, lots of exotic export goods and interesting magics/multiple races. Shame about the Kappa...
4-5)Canterbury and the Minotaur Republics (taken as a whole). Canterbury probably is better off, and it has the advantage of a central government, but the minotaurs are explicitly pretty well off, and they can now trade with us and Neighpon after losing Maretonia as a trading partner.
6)Emerald Isles. They might actually be better off than the Minotaur Republics, actually, hard to say. Trade with us and Neighpon certainly helps, as does their recent "freedom" from the Caribou problem.
7)Yakyakistan. Only recently became a country, but they're on a good path all things considered
8)Olenia taken as a whole. With all the various factions and minor kingdoms in there, and they're general poverty, they're solidly on the bottom of this list, second only to...
9)Libertalia. And they're the last ones only because they're BOTH a very recent polity AND a very small one. In terms per-capita gdp they're probably better, but size matter. Still, they're likely currently in a better situation than any single Olenian kingdom at the very least, and likely multiple ones too.
...I think this is all the countries we know of. Technically we know there's the Dragonlands to the south of Maretonia, and Zebras somewhere beyond Olenia (and also I think there was a mention of a "race similar to the Caribou" beyond a land of eternal winter... probably either Deers or Reindeers.
But we know little to nothing about those countries, mostly what little was shown of the Zebra from the Quest introduction, and maybe a bit from the Deers in the comics if Questor decides to use them, but I doubt it (He didn't even use the canon Kirin after all)
...technically there's also the Buffalo, but let's be real, they're basically a non-entity.
Ok, so we have 9 big known factions (and 2-3 more we heard of), with Minotaurs and Caribous actually being divided in multiple sub-factions.
It's an interesting world