I think he means we need better gun tech before we can begin making AAs
Yep, carabines then rifles+ shell chasing and multi barrel wapeons then we have efective AA aginst things like pegasi, srwil canon would do well aginst wervens and other big targets.
Another oprion would be a repeting arbalists but replacing arrows would be a a pain, where chainguns are on the horizon.
Huh guns really are on the horizon in the next five or six years
You were right @MrRobot
Kinda, mass production to phase out the crossbow is long ways but a chaingun like the ones in cowboy movies are close. We arent inustrialized to have the degree off standardization that mass producing guns is needed.
The empire hates spending lives, we acept the necessity of war and the death tha follow but ofuiting the military with guns prone to explosion isnt the way of the grifs.
It would be if we could make them explode only on the enemy.

Speaking of exploding the enemy instead of us, I'm a bit worried about that teleport bombing trick. How do we keep people from doing that to us?
It would be if we could make them explode only on the enemy.

Speaking of exploding the enemy instead of us, I'm a bit worried about that teleport bombing trick. How do we keep people from doing that to us?
Anti magic runes

think about it, the crystal heart absorbs love and turns it into magic so why not make a rune that dose the opposite but instead of turning the magic to love it use the magic to keep the rune running
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Speaking of exploding the enemy instead of us, I'm a bit worried about that teleport bombing trick. How do we keep people from doing that to us?
The secutity runes covers the fortresses if we want individual protection we can rune some armors on key personal.
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Speaking of exploding the enemy instead of us, I'm a bit worried about that teleport bombing trick. How do we keep people from doing that to us?
Well people have already talked about runes, but for an army on the move mages would be better.

Currently the only magic users in the Empire are Crystal Ponies and maybe the rare Yak shaman or Diamond Dog. Thankfully, in a few years we should have some hippogriffs come of age and the college of magic in full swing. Based on when the first Crystal Ponies were freed, Turn 15, and when the adoption program happened, Turn 18, the first hippogriffs should be turning into adults, age 18, between Turns 33 to 36. They will be a complete unknown since they are technically a completely new species.

We might actually want to have some programs around studying hippogriffs throughout their life to get some good data. Want to nip any medical issues they have in the bud and know how to take care of them. It would be bad if it turned out they needed to eat some hay since they are half pony and have a sudden medical crisis.
I dont think we would have this problem, both halves of their biology is well understood and lets be honest, hipogris are the cristal hearth doing, a entirely benevolent semi sentient god rock
in regards to the previous bit about anti air, we might be able to do something by using a small timed shrapnel bomb as a crossbow bolt head.

light the fuse, shoot bolt near enemy, and if you timed it right, boom.
The big things to look out for are how much their pony parent influences their magic, their fertility long term, their expected growth and nutrition requirements, and overall quality of life.

Also are we dealing with seaquestrian style hippogryphs where they're really tall and lanky? Or are we dealing with classical hippogryphs where they're faster than greased lightning and just as destructive when they get riled up?
The big things to look out for are how much their pony parent influences their magic, their fertility long term, their expected growth and nutrition requirements, and overall quality of life.

Also are we dealing with seaquestrian style hippogryphs where they're really tall and lanky? Or are we dealing with classical hippogryphs where they're faster than greased lightning and just as destructive when they get riled up?
We are dealing with citzents of the empire, if their population had any health issues of note we would be notifyed like the dogs.
Their are a hybrid of griphon and cristal poney their traiths descend from their parentage.
The study would give us more info but we are not dealing with a time bomb.
The eldest are crystal pony derived. We have pegasi, earth ponies, and unicorns now as well thanks to that whole maretonia issue.

The diamond dogs have a rough idea what to look for. We don't know what healthy adult hippogryphs are supposed to look like, so paranoia is important.

Also they're a hybrid, that means the potential for cross population disease and parasite transfer just went up a notch, we need to get ahead of that.

I'm not saying we should do anything weird or crazy, but we have to start assembling medical data on them soon. This isn't some extant race coming in and joining up already having a general idea of how they function. Hippogryphs are an entirely new species afawk and thus are missing a lot of the basic self knowledge and lore of their parent species. The empire created them, it's the empire's job to help them catch up a bit.
Expect that the only problem we dont see coming is some wierd iteraction betwen 2 know phisiologies, i get in a simularistic quest i would agree with you but this is a iteration of MLP a universe where the power of friendship and love is wapeonized almost as hard as kingdom hearts.
We need to condutc a study to know what are the capabilities of the hipogrifs and how the compare to their parents, not some wierd doomsday disease like you are implying.
Expect that the only problem we dont see coming is some wierd iteraction betwen 2 know phisiologies, i get in a simularistic quest i would agree with you but this is a iteration of MLP a universe where the power of friendship and love is wapeonized almost as hard as kingdom hearts.
We need to condutc a study to know what are the capabilities of the hipogrifs and how the compare to their parents, not some wierd doomsday disease like you are implying.
afaik they just have magic as well, nothing special.