ugh just saw todays episode first off you don't give dashie a job that she clearly doesn't know how to do....and twilight was pretty much at fault here knowingly pulling a page out of the mare do well incident why do her friends do this to her?
I forgot the episode was today! I'll watch it the moment I'm home.

Mlp characters do some really stupid things sometime, ESPECIALLY Twilight. How can one possibly forget lesson zero?
Awesome. Picturing a future cliche of spy's in media being griffons. Griffon James Bond is in our future
Or better yet Spy Movie Villains! Just imagine a Griffon petting a White cat in his lap, talons make for the best scritches.

In the space age could be noted for good spying like the Cardassians and Romulans are, only we are not plotting for the sake of derp.

But for real, our spy missions would be good tv shows like the quest is implying in the future. Like Hogan's Heros types of stuff but we are actually good enough to pull it off without dulling down the movie villain.
Kinda wonder now if one of the plans involved sneaking the slaves away and replacing them with a bunch of hay/stick decoys? Especially if the switch wasn't even noticed until someone visiting asked about it. A month later.

Also, what if we just made up an organization/nation/being and blamed them for stuff if anyone asks or something?
Next Diamond dog knight then anti magic knight that comprise of the elite of the other knights.
The Rumor Mill will be a lot of good news this turn.
We should try to do that immigrant action since it may lead to more magic and possible future Hero unit that come with the immigrant. It would also be good smokescreen for the free slave that come to our kingdom.
Last edited:
At some point we should get scouts for the army. Our intelligence assets are amazing, but they all answer to us directly. We need to make sure that lower ranking officers are also in the loop when war happens.
We've managed to get away with not having scouts so far because we mostly stayed on defense, but if we want to attack or use guerrilla tactics in the future we'll want to have scouts so that our troops can find the enemy and ambushes, weak points, etc.
Also, I know War Horns is literally our only communicative-related upgrade on the table afaik right now but... We gotta invest some magical or electrical doohicky knowhow into radios or literally anything else to put us ahead on the information-mass-communication game, just a thought.
Also, I know War Horns is literally our only communicative-related upgrade on the table afaik right now but... We gotta invest some magical or electrical doohicky knowhow into radios or literally anything else to put us ahead on the information-mass-communication game, just a thought.
Well, we are currently in the cannon age while everyone else is still is swords and lances.

We also have steam so a steam powered generator is likely to be discovered some time soon (applying the idea of static with steam's easy movement should allow that fairly quickly) so that should soon allow us to gain electricity which would soom lead to radio.

Though i would honestly prefer the magical route, possibly pioneered by our nieghpon allies. Perhaps somethijg along the lines of old style telephones via leylines and illusion magic?

Old telephones had an operator at a single location which would direct emergency calls and would allow scheduled calls to go through.

We have an illusionist working a ritual there to connect to points on a leyline and show illusionary images of the two people and boom, instant magical video chat.

Would also allow our neighbors a chance to shine in the r&d field. After all, i doubt they have been idle in that area.
At some point we should get scouts for the army. Our intelligence assets are amazing, but they all answer to us directly. We need to make sure that lower ranking officers are also in the loop when war happens.
We've managed to get away with not having scouts so far because we mostly stayed on defense, but if we want to attack or use guerrilla tactics in the future we'll want to have scouts so that our troops can find the enemy and ambushes, weak points, etc.

Perhaps we could have an action to transfer some spies into the military both to act as reconnaissance and to train a new unit for advanced recon purposes? What do you think @Questor?
Omake: A Mailed Griffin
Seriously give our spies an omake covering this, a series of short story omakes from several perspectives.

Rises from the lurking depths.

Thine wise is mine command.

This is insane and we're going to get caught. Grey Talon thought to himself as he stuffed himself in a box. This entire plan was insane and if he got caught, he was certain he was going to die. But it was either that or go back into slavery. He gave his saviors, a collection of ponies and fellow griffins, the stink eye as they closed the lid over him. Darkness and having a itty-bitty living space would become his world for the next several weeks.

He thought back how all of this started as he felt himself rock back and forth. This entire plan started off as a joke. His fellow griffins and abolitionists within Maretonia managed to contact him while he labored in one of the many camps belonging to a noble he never bothered learning the name of. For hours they argued about the best way to transport him without alerting the Maretonia authorities. Grey half-heartedly offered to mail himself to the border. His saviors agreed and here he was. Being bounced between various abolitionist cells. Lucky him.

Thankfully he never stayed in the box, being let out whenever possible. Otherwise his family would receive a stinky coffin. He thought about what his epitaph would be if that happened. Here lies Grey Talon, died while already in a coffin.

His abolitionist hosts, however, were nice and even generous if they could afford it. Still, Grey encountered some… oddities. More than a few flirted with him, adoring his muscled, battle-scarred body. He never told them those scars were results of falling onto his rear during his time on a merchant ship. He basked in the illusion of being a mighty soldier, detailing how he helped slay Sombra and stared down crystalline abdominations.

Some others… wanted his wings. Not longing to have wings like him, no, but rather have them for recipes. He was reassured they were joking. Grey Talon nonetheless kept his distance from those ones.

Then there were the former soldiers who saw through his illusion. They challenged him to a duel and he fought mightingly against them! Well, at least that how he put it. The soldiers handed his butt to him each time. Many shook their heads at how poor he fought. Some even thought his time in slavery drove him mad with power as a coping mechism.

Whatever his mental state, rountingly passing by patrolling soldiers didn't do any wonders for it. Most simply greeted the 'merchants' that carried him, but a few demanded to inspect the cargo. One was even bold enough to try and claim the box Grey was in, apparently believing it was illegal substances. None ever discovered him until they were just short of the border.

In his world of darkness he couldn't see what had stopped them so abruptly. But harsh and commanding voices told him everything. Those voices belonged to the guards that oversaw the camp he was in.

His heart thundered as hooves stomped ever closer. Thoughts raced in his mind. Had he been discovered? Was this mere coincidence? No no no. He was so close! This insane plan had been working up until now. Did it need another insane step for the final push? Grey Talon steeled himself, tensing up and readying to lunge. The lid groaned from being forcibly removed. Daylight flooded into the box causing Grey Talon to squint and look up.

Right into a blinking unicorn. For the next several seconds both simply stared into each other's eyes. The unicorn's mind was attempting to process what she was seeing. Those few precious seconds was all that Grey needed to leap out. His talons gripped onto the helmet of the unicorn who screamed in surprise and fell backwards.

Grey used the momentum and the unicorn as a springboard to shot up into the air. His wings flared. He shouted as he flapped his wings to quickly ascend into the sky. Grey thought what he shouted was an insult so grand that it stunned the soldiers. He later learned it was something so embarrassing, he would deny that to his dying day.


Shots below him attracted his attention. He looked down to see the abolitionists scattering in all directions. The soldiers stumbled after them before falling over.

Were they drunk? He noted a campsite with… a lot of barrels. Quite a few ponies laid in heaps. They lifted their heads up and yelled at their comrades to quiet down while they nursed hangovers. Huh, lucky him.

The unicorn, however, was sober enough to scramble back onto her hooves. By then, Grey Talon and the abolitionists were long gone. She shook her head. This would not go over well with their employer. The unicorn uncapped her flask with the intent to drink herself into a haze. Maybe if she got drunk enough she could spin a tale to convince her employer not to sack her. Would being stunned by a devilishly handsome griffin work?

Note: I'm not well versed in MLP canon so for any mistakes that happen... I am not sorry.

Submerges back into the lurking depths.

+10 to a roll!

AN: Freedom. Yay. "Is slapped back into work pile"

Of Names and Packs

Excerpted from 'A Dive with Diamond Dogs, or My Year with the Bright-Stone Kin
By Aquila Longstrider'

Chapter 7

Having covered the Oral History of the Bright-Stone Pack, and it's origins, I feel that it would be appropriate to address a particular issue that has frequently come up in my previous books, and other works about the Kin. Many of my readers will have noticed, in dealings with their Kin or those associated with the Kin, that many of them refer to themselves in, to put it mildly, basic terms. Names like Boulder, Iron, Gemhunter, Cruncher, Breaker and Brighteye are seemingly very basic names, and would seem to indicate a very basic naming structure.

Indeed, it would seem that more often than not, the Empire itself puts more personality in naming particularly famous Diamond Dog than their own culture. Figures like Captain Kaboom are often given their names for their preferences, or through their deeds, as is often the case. Indeed, the many Diamond Dogs who work the Empires mines, scout for the Army, and other tasks often seem to have simple, one word names, like the aforementioned Boulder, or Crusher, or Shorty.

However, one should not assume that such simplicity is the truth. Indeed, much like the perceived like of piety often seen in Griffonkind, and has been discussed in the previous chapters, the Kins way of life and culture is far more complicated than one would expect. As such, I shall endeavor, to the best of my ability, and with aid of Elder Softstone of the Bright-Stones, to explain the many naming conventions and concepts of individual Kin, and of the Pack as a whole. We will start, of course, at the Beginning.


When a Litter is born, the parents, and a presiding Elder of the Pack, or in some rare, unfortunate cases, the litters surviving kin, will inspect the pups when they are strong enough. They will look for defining features, such as eye color, fur color or patterns, teeth shape, body definition, and will name them based on these findings. In cases where the parents have already decided on names, the process will usually be skipped in favor of the parents decision. However, in cases where the parents have no preference, or the pups are orphans, the ritual will commence post haste.

In my fifth month amongst the Kin, I was privileged enough to be invited to observe one such ritual. The parents, both Diamond Dogs, had only prepared names for a few of the litter, having not expected most to survive the few months since the birth. The Elder had explained to me, much to my shock, that prior to the many Packs joining of the empire, 3/4s of all litters were expected to die in the first few months, either from starvation, the cold of the tunnels and mountains, or afflicted by the illness the Kin call Moon Madness, and abandoned. Since then, the Packs have experienced something of a population boom, with a few cross species couples in the mix as well.

Kin are referred to by their birth names at all occasions, and will continue to be until they have earned their True Names. True Names are the names that the Kin gain once they have earned adulthood. To do this, a Kin must have a distinguishing trait, personality or concept about them, or a exemplary deed in their life. Until then, these Kin are considered children, and are not allowed to leave the Pack or mate until they do so, and will not be allowed to feast with the adults at gatherings or fight in battle.

This can take years and decades in some cases. I have heard stories of Elders who have never earned their true names, dying old and alone, unable to achieve their adulthood. These Kin are Pariahs, unable to grow up, and unable to act like children, made into laborers or banished. Some go mad, or lose the will to live. These cases are rare though, as most earn their names within 20 years of life, and even rarer now, since much of the Packs joined the Empire.

True Names
True Names are, as described by Elder Softstone, the sum of a Kins being. Who they are in life, what they do for a living, what makes them tick, how others perceive them. A Kin who loves to mine, to dig, to finds Gems or Gold, can be called Shine-Hunter, or Bright-Heart, or any other combination. Likewise, a Kin who has sharp hearing or a keen sense of smell, may be named accordingly after that trait. The same goes for Kin who like to fight, or hunt well, or are particularly strong, or tall.

Much like how we Griffons name ourselves, these can be simple and short to complex and long. One Kin, introduced to me as simply Hard Rock, told me that his full name was Long-Fured-Bird-Sight-Dense-Stone-Iron-Breaker-Bright-Stone. As my readers can see, such names can be long , drawn out affairs. When I asked why he told me it was simply Hard Rock, however, the Kin laughed and said that it was the sum of his being, and trying to explain it the way they saw it would be like me trying to explain what the color purple is to a blind Kin, or understand what sunlight tastes like to a flower. That last one especially confused me, but he only laughed.

Pack Names
Pack names are traits that each of the kin in the Pack have in common with each other. This can range from preferred locations of living, to the preferred ways of mining, or what they mine, or how they fight, or a distinguishing trait amongst the kin, like Blue eyes, white stripes, or personality. The Bright-Stones were named such because of where they dig, inside gem mountains and ore filled tunnels, and the fact that they likely mine and harvest such metals and gems. Many of the Pack, as such, work in the Empires mines, or spend most of their lives digging underground, though a fair few kin have gone to live on the surface, and serve in the Empires armies.

Most Kin carry their pack names throughout their lives, though they are not usually included in the full name, as most Kin can apparently tell by smell or sight which Pack is which. Some packs will intermix, forming new Packs from two entirely different cultures. Others may have kin form offshoots Packs from the main, gaining new names or changing old ones in some way. Outsiders can be inducted into Packs, including Griffons and Crystal Ponies, and I have heard a few stories of some Packs essentially adopting entirely towns or cites as a part of their pack.

Having lived with the Kin for so long, I have grown to appreciate the seeming simplicity of their names. Their simple nature is deceptive, and can contain a wealth of information about how they view us, and change how we view them as Citizens of the Empire. Indeed, as we will discover in the next chapter, their seeming simplicity is quite deceptive, especially in their relationships with others. Join me, dear readers, as we delve into inter species romance between the Kin and other species, and how it is view by them at large.

AN: I has no more fingers. @Questor take my suffering.

+10 to a roll!

AN: more nonsense for the nonsense god. A new Omake Series has begun.

Grimm Tales
A series of stories and legends created,
gathered, and and copied by the Family Grimm

Volume 1

Chapter 7

The Three Siblings

Three sibling ponies walked a lonely road at twilight, in the lands that would one day become Maretonia. Their reason and purpose for traveling were unknown, but still they traveled, for the end was in sight.

The siblings stopped at a crossroads, unsure of which way to go. They argued, stating a different path was clearly the best option. Then, suddenly, an old, blind beggar came wandering down the road. The Beggar was small and sickly, and his hooves bled as he walked, scrapped and raw from the hard road.

The Beggar asked the siblings for some food and water, scraps to bind his hooves, and gold to set him on his way. After some debate, the siblings agreed, with the Eldest giving his bread and water, the Middle sibling his gold, and the Youngest tore her cloak in half to bind the Beggars hooves.

After the Beggar had feasted, bound his wounds, and took the gold, he turned towards the siblings, and removed his face. Where once there had been the old, wrinkled face of the Beggar, had been replaced by a bleached white skull of a Filly.

A mane the color of the blackest nightmares flowed down his skull, hiding eyes that were mismatched in color, one of burning silver and one of frozen gold. Both held the image of a crossroads, of choices and decision already made but have yet to be or decided. When he spoke, his voice changed from male to female at random, sometimes that of a Pony, other times that of a dragon.

The Beggar introduced himself to the frightened siblings as Destiny, or Choice as some may call him. He congratulated the siblings on their choice to help one in need, and offered each a prize. He would let them go from that crossroads with a vision of their future, but if only they spoke true their reasons for helping the Beggar.

The Eldest sibling, proud, selfish and arrogant, stepped forward and proclaimed that he had only helped so that the Beggar would be in his debt, stating that the weak should be beholdened to the strong. Choice accepted that answer, but only showed the Eldest his immediate future, as his answer had been short sighted. The Eldest saw himself as a King, proud and mighty, building an empire from the backs of those he had conquered and enslaved, as was his right.

The Eldest demanded how this future might come about, and Choice said that the road the Siblings has come from would show him the way. Proud and excited, the Eldest left the group, and went back down the road, eager for his glory. Choice then turned to the second sibling.

Pious and Pure, the Middle Sibling stated that it was his duty from the divine to help those less fortunate than himself, that he was doing their will in their name. Destiny accepted the answer, and showed him his future. The middle Sibling saw a vision of a lake, and upon that lake stood a Unicorn Mare, who carried with her a chalice of the purest treasure. Destiny told the Middle sibling that if he took the road west, he would find his Divine, though she warned that he may not find exactly what he wants. And so the Middle sibling departed, faith reaffirmed and determined to reach his goddess, regardless of what Destiny said.

Finally, Choice turned to the Youngest sibling, all alone now. They asked what their reason was, expecting another selfish or pious reason. The Young mare simply looked at Destiny, and said that it was be right thing to do, and that she didn't want to know her fate. What matters is not what will be, said the Youngest sibling, but what is now.

Destiny was surprised, but laughed, stating that was the right answer. Choice pointed up the northern path, telling her that in a land far to the north, she would find a cave of Crystal. They told her to take a Crystal, and carve it into the shape of a heart, and with that Crystal Heart, found a kingdom of love and hope. The rest, they stated, would be up to her. And So Choice left the Crossroads, and the Youngest sibling traveled north, ready to find out what lay in store.

AN: @Questor, I give this Offal as a sacrifice, to speed your return.

+10 to a roll!

Rises from the lurking depths.

Thine wise is mine command.

This is insane and we're going to get caught. Grey Talon thought to himself as he stuffed himself in a box. This entire plan was insane and if he got caught, he was certain he was going to die. But it was either that or go back into slavery. He gave his saviors, a collection of ponies and fellow griffins, the stink eye as they closed the lid over him. Darkness and having a itty-bitty living space would become his world for the next several weeks.

He thought back how all of this started as he felt himself rock back and forth. This entire plan started off as a joke. His fellow griffins and abolitionists within Maretonia managed to contact him while he labored in one of the many camps belonging to a noble he never bothered learning the name of. For hours they argued about the best way to transport him without alerting the Maretonia authorities. Grey half-heartedly offered to mail himself to the border. His saviors agreed and here he was. Being bounced between various abolitionist cells. Lucky him.

Thankfully he never stayed in the box, being let out whenever possible. Otherwise his family would receive a stinky coffin. He thought about what his epitaph would be if that happened. Here lies Grey Talon, died while already in a coffin.

His abolitionist hosts, however, were nice and even generous if they could afford it. Still, Grey encountered some… oddities. More than a few flirted with him, adoring his muscled, battle-scarred body. He never told them those scars were results of falling onto his rear during his time on a merchant ship. He basked in the illusion of being a mighty soldier, detailing how he helped slay Sombra and stared down crystalline abdominations.

Some others… wanted his wings. Not longing to have wings like him, no, but rather have them for recipes. He was reassured they were joking. Grey Talon nonetheless kept his distance from those ones.

Then there were the former soldiers who saw through his illusion. They challenged him to a duel and he fought mightingly against them! Well, at least that how he put it. The soldiers handed his butt to him each time. Many shook their heads at how poor he fought. Some even thought his time in slavery drove him mad with power as a coping mechism.

Whatever his mental state, rountingly passing by patrolling soldiers didn't do any wonders for it. Most simply greeted the 'merchants' that carried him, but a few demanded to inspect the cargo. One was even bold enough to try and claim the box Grey was in, apparently believing it was illegal substances. None ever discovered him until they were just short of the border.

In his world of darkness he couldn't see what had stopped them so abruptly. But harsh and commanding voices told him everything. Those voices belonged to the guards that oversaw the camp he was in.

His heart thundered as hooves stomped ever closer. Thoughts raced in his mind. Had he been discovered? Was this mere coincidence? No no no. He was so close! This insane plan had been working up until now. Did it need another insane step for the final push? Grey Talon steeled himself, tensing up and readying to lunge. The lid groaned from being forcibly removed. Daylight flooded into the box causing Grey Talon to squint and look up.

Right into a blinking unicorn. For the next several seconds both simply stared into each other's eyes. The unicorn's mind was attempting to process what she was seeing. Those few precious seconds was all that Grey needed to leap out. His talons gripped onto the helmet of the unicorn who screamed in surprise and fell backwards.

Grey used the momentum and the unicorn as a springboard to shot up into the air. His wings flared. He shouted as he flapped his wings to quickly ascend into the sky. Grey thought what he shouted was an insult so grand that it stunned the soldiers. He later learned it was something so embarrassing, he would deny that to his dying day.


Shots below him attracted his attention. He looked down to see the abolitionists scattering in all directions. The soldiers stumbled after them before falling over.

Were they drunk? He noted a campsite with… a lot of barrels. Quite a few ponies laid in heaps. They lifted their heads up and yelled at their comrades to quiet down while they nursed hangovers. Huh, lucky him.

The unicorn, however, was sober enough to scramble back onto her hooves. By then, Grey Talon and the abolitionists were long gone. She shook her head. This would not go over well with their employer. The unicorn uncapped her flask with the intent to drink herself into a haze. Maybe if she got drunk enough she could spin a tale to convince her employer not to sack her. Would being stunned by a devilishly handsome griffin work?

Note: I'm not well versed in MLP canon so for any mistakes that happen... I am not sorry.

Submerges back into the lurking depths.

+10 to a roll!
Rises from the lurking depths.

Thine wise is mine command.

This is insane and we're going to get caught. Grey Talon thought to himself as he stuffed himself in a box. This entire plan was insane and if he got caught, he was certain he was going to die. But it was either that or go back into slavery. He gave his saviors, a collection of ponies and fellow griffins, the stink eye as they closed the lid over him. Darkness and having a itty-bitty living space would become his world for the next several weeks.

He thought back how all of this started as he felt himself rock back and forth. This entire plan started off as a joke. His fellow griffins and abolitionists within Maretonia managed to contact him while he labored in one of the many camps belonging to a noble he never bothered learning the name of. For hours they argued about the best way to transport him without alerting the Maretonia authorities. Grey half-heartedly offered to mail himself to the border. His saviors agreed and here he was. Being bounced between various abolitionist cells. Lucky him.

Thankfully he never stayed in the box, being let out whenever possible. Otherwise his family would receive a stinky coffin. He thought about what his epitaph would be if that happened. Here lies Grey Talon, died while already in a coffin.

His abolitionist hosts, however, were nice and even generous if they could afford it. Still, Grey encountered some… oddities. More than a few flirted with him, adoring his muscled, battle-scarred body. He never told them those scars were results of falling onto his rear during his time on a merchant ship. He basked in the illusion of being a mighty soldier, detailing how he helped slay Sombra and stared down crystalline abdominations.

Some others… wanted his wings. Not longing to have wings like him, no, but rather have them for recipes. He was reassured they were joking. Grey Talon nonetheless kept his distance from those ones.

Then there were the former soldiers who saw through his illusion. They challenged him to a duel and he fought mightingly against them! Well, at least that how he put it. The soldiers handed his butt to him each time. Many shook their heads at how poor he fought. Some even thought his time in slavery drove him mad with power as a coping mechism.

Whatever his mental state, rountingly passing by patrolling soldiers didn't do any wonders for it. Most simply greeted the 'merchants' that carried him, but a few demanded to inspect the cargo. One was even bold enough to try and claim the box Grey was in, apparently believing it was illegal substances. None ever discovered him until they were just short of the border.

In his world of darkness he couldn't see what had stopped them so abruptly. But harsh and commanding voices told him everything. Those voices belonged to the guards that oversaw the camp he was in.

His heart thundered as hooves stomped ever closer. Thoughts raced in his mind. Had he been discovered? Was this mere coincidence? No no no. He was so close! This insane plan had been working up until now. Did it need another insane step for the final push? Grey Talon steeled himself, tensing up and readying to lunge. The lid groaned from being forcibly removed. Daylight flooded into the box causing Grey Talon to squint and look up.

Right into a blinking unicorn. For the next several seconds both simply stared into each other's eyes. The unicorn's mind was attempting to process what she was seeing. Those few precious seconds was all that Grey needed to leap out. His talons gripped onto the helmet of the unicorn who screamed in surprise and fell backwards.

Grey used the momentum and the unicorn as a springboard to shot up into the air. His wings flared. He shouted as he flapped his wings to quickly ascend into the sky. Grey thought what he shouted was an insult so grand that it stunned the soldiers. He later learned it was something so embarrassing, he would deny that to his dying day.


Shots below him attracted his attention. He looked down to see the abolitionists scattering in all directions. The soldiers stumbled after them before falling over.

Were they drunk? He noted a campsite with… a lot of barrels. Quite a few ponies laid in heaps. They lifted their heads up and yelled at their comrades to quiet down while they nursed hangovers. Huh, lucky him.

The unicorn, however, was sober enough to scramble back onto her hooves. By then, Grey Talon and the abolitionists were long gone. She shook her head. This would not go over well with their employer. The unicorn uncapped her flask with the intent to drink herself into a haze. Maybe if she got drunk enough she could spin a tale to convince her employer not to sack her. Would being stunned by a devilishly handsome griffin work?

Note: I'm not well versed in MLP canon so for any mistakes that happen... I am not sorry.

Submerges back into the lurking depths.
You know this remind me of Henry Box Brown story. Was it inspire from that story or base on the mail joke? Henry Box Brown - Wikipedia
You know this remind me of Henry Box Brown story. Was it inspire from that story or base on the mail joke? Henry Box Brown - Wikipedia

The story was inspired by the mail joke, though originally I had two false starts involving a earth pony named Grey Shield who would have either kept an out eye for the box or guard it during its journey. I didn't even know of Henry Box Brown till you mentioned it, but still rather a interesting coincidence.
Grimm Tales and Of Names and Packs could be considered Canon, but since they're more expository, textbook-esque omakes, I didn't feel confident labeling them as such.
I wonder what would happen if a QM started a quest that canonized every single omake :thonk:
At first, your offers of assistance are politely declined, both by Queen Chevaline and by her vassals. While you could have simply left the matter there, you persisted, pressing the issue and clarifying that your offer of assistance had no hidden strings or implied debts; you simply wished to help your neighbors and newfound allies against Maretonian aggression combat the beasts within their borders. It is, after all, in your own interests to ensure that, should a conflict with the slave state arise, that Maretonia should not be forced to fight a two-front war against enemies both internal and external.
Uh... shouldn't this be Canterbury?
Omake: Back in Marethon (Canon)
Omake: Back in Marethon...

Queen Mareia, Sovereign of Maretonia looked over the papers delivered to her by Swift Strike. At first she was utterly elated, the slaves that agitated the other kingdoms so badly were now gone, and then she remembered the words of her father, always consider the consequences. Now she was free to pursue international relations with other nations, it was apparent now more than ever that Maretonia could no longer be isolated. This was why for several years she had centralized rule more and more under her personal authority rather than a bunch of bickering nobles. A slave set a goblet of wine on the table next to her throne, she nodded and then carefully schooled her features. A Queen was not weak, A Queen is not to be questioned, A Queen will be obeyed, for if it is ever doubted... they will no longer be Queen.

From her throne in the Grand Hall of Maretonia she took in her advisors. Olive Branch, Duke of Maldrood Heights was seething in rage, and that bore ill for many nobles reactions. Swift Strike under their hood was expressionless, she would expect nothing more from her spymaster, but they had discussed this an hour ago, Swift Strike had flown straight to the palace once she heard after all, the Griffins and Qilins were now gone, and she was at a complete loss to say how beyond a few sales receipts and scattered tales. Gale Force in his ceremonial armor was standing at attention, also expressionless, Mareia's father had appointed him and his advice although infrequent was well regarded and few would question it. The Doge of Marethon was contemplative... Mareia thought she might actually be able to get away with smacking Olive Branch a little

She took a breath and soon the Sovereign of Maretonia spoke there was always a good bit of theater, "This is indeed troubling news. Olive Branch, what have you heard from your contacts."

Olive Branch snorted, "They are livid your majesty," even if Mareia knew he was in cahoots with the aristocratic league against her, no one would drop address, "These slaves represent nearly 5000 gold of lost labor and value. Many of their owners are demanding action, this is truly a threat to Maretonian way of life! An existential threat to the foundation of our economy and security."

She heard a snort from Gale Force, but Mareia held her hoof up... just a second too late for Olive Branch, oh how she would nearly love to send this fool to the dungeons. "How many violent escapes were there?" she asked Swift Strike already knowing the answer,

"None your majesty, although given that several nobles have refused to allow me to investigate their holdings there could be others. Although I find the total value of the slaves lost at around 1500, not..." she glared at Olive Branch, "5000."

Olive Branch hammered his hoof on the table, "you dare impugn the honor of noble unicorn families, pegasi!"

"Enough!" the Queen stood, "It is clear that there were lapses in security on both sides. Swift Strike I believe I asked for you to expand your forces to cover the noble estates?"

Swift Strike nodded, "Indeed you did your majesty, however as a lowly pegasi despite bearing a letter of marque from your majesty, my experts were not allowed entry to several noble estates." Mareia shot her a quick wink out of Olive's view, before turning to Olive Branch, "Truly? Lord Olive Branch I hope that you will address this" she paused dramatically, "lapse on the part of some noble families. Without Royal corroboration by my agents, I am unmoved to seek redress from the Griffons. Now then have you heard any response from your griffon contacts?"

Olive Branch seethed, "No, they rejected the offer you directed me to make. Their Emperor apparently agrees that a Griffon's life is worthless." Mareia knew the letter said priceless.

"Their ambassador's statement?" she said sitting back on the throne. "I assume they have provided us with one?"

Olive branch gulped, and Mareia had hope for a moment. Is he that much of a buffoon, did he actually do it? Oh please let it be! Mareia leaned back and fixed a gaze upon Olive Branch, "Well? What say their ambassador?"

"The Ambassador has not issued any such statement yet." he said quickly

Swift Strike chimed in, "Oh? Still involved in embassy matters?"

Olive Branch was sweating bullets now, "Er no. I take it he has difficulty finding cheap enough rent in Marethon." he said desperate. He was not prepared for what happened next

The Doge of Marethon whipped around to fix Olive Branch with a glare, "Unlike some people, the Griffons pay their debts. If the exalted Minister of Foreign Affairs issued a bucking letter allowing foreigners to rent in Marethon, I'd have happily kicked out the Duke of Maidenhead from her compound to be the Griffon embassy, at least they PAY for their housing in Mareton. Which reminds me the Branch family needs to pay their rent on their own compound."

Olive Branch coughed "The theft of property over 5000 gold in value has caused a disruption of many families finances at this time."

Mareia was internally doing a happy little dance, oh even the Doge was jumping in on Olive Branch's failures. Mareia cleared her throat, "Gentlecolts, this is not the time for this discussion. Olive Branch, I order you to send a letter to the Gryphus Empire inviting their ambassador to the palace to answer these rumors. You will inform the noble families that Swift Strike's colts and ponies are allowed to investigate, and IF" she stressed, "We find that the Griffins were behind this, we will respond."

Olive branch was suitably chastized but nodded, "Very well, but the threat of the realm is in question. I ask that the unicorns and pegasi legions mobilize on our northern border in a show of force!"

She looked at Gale Force, "General your thoughts?"

Gale Force shook his head, "Nay, the Griffons are an honorable sort, at least on the open battlefield, the pegasi legions see no reason why they would attack now. Better to keep patrols in place for the defense of the realm. Those raiding parties that keep trying to go to Canterbury, or watching out for Libertalian pirates, that is the threat to the realm."

Olive Branch stood up, "The Unicorn battlemages disagree, and several ponies have asked to be stationed north along the Amethyst River border, to dissuade Griffon agression,"

Mareia gauged the room before standing up, "Very well. The Pegasi legions are to remain on task for now, the Unicorns will be mobilized and prepared for duty along the Amethyst River, but I will only order for more of a response IF there is evidence that Swift Strike believes is genuine. This is the Sovereign's will."

"and the labor shortfall?" said Olive Branch hoping for something.

Queen Mareia waved her hoof dismissively, " I will not allow the nobles to recoup their loss by enslaving the children of free mudponies, I don't care for the argument that they invested in their forefathers and thus have a claim to the line." Of course the real reason was that Mareia didn't want an insurrection.

As soon as council had ended she rubbed the base of her horn before relaxing in her bath, "Another day, another day Maretonia stays in one piece"


@Questor Omake notice
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