Gotta love how our spies always crit when it's really important. So next turn I say we move the wall down, we don't have to invade anymore. Sending more pirates would be best. Maybe a few of our troops pretending to be pirates?
Praised be to the crazy awesome spies we have at our employ! Our People are finally saved from the clutches of slavery! Hell, they even manage to bring back some extra friends as well, welcome to freedom new friends! You will find the protectorate to be extremely accommodating while we handle the paperwork on your new citizenship and a pissy Maretonia for "daring" to "steal" their "Property".

Motherfuckers can go fuck themselves. They can huff and puff all they want but no way in hell are we giving them shit. I DARE them to try and get their so called "property" back from us. Try it you slavering scums, give us the causa belli we need to go to war. Let's see you try and take on two nations on a warpath.

Saying that, I suddenly feel that making that line of watchtowers on the borders between the Crystal Protectorate and Maretonia is a suddenly good idea. Maybe make it so that it would be the start of a new "Peregrine" wall between the Crystal Protectorate and Maretonia.

I get it, "relocating" the original Peregrine Walls maybe the cheaper and faster way of doing things but I REALLY like the idea of a big fat fortified wall protecting the borders of our country. I like the sense of security it brings, the assurance that if anything ever happens to the Crystal Protectorate, they and Griffonia will find safety behind a huge fortified wall that will take a massive undertaking to penetrate.

The idea of having multiple lines of "Peregrine" Wall defenses sound really appealing to me. If a new "Peregrine" wall is built between the Protectorate and Maretonia, then that is TWO large walled of fortifications that ANYONE will have to go through if they want to get to us, not to mention the defenses that they have to go through in the Crystal Protectorate itself.

But that is just my opinion on the matter of the walls though. I can understand if others will not go for it and go ahead with the action to "Relocate" the wall.

That being said, I am glad that we actually have time to breath now. Other than Maretonia being pissed at us, most of the immediate fires are finally out and with event rolls all passing, we can reasonably expect things to calm down a bit for the next turn. The thing we would have to worry about here now is a possible retaliation from Maretonia, though I find that unlikely considering that they are outnumbered three to one as they are surrounded by countries whom they have managed to pissed off by attempting to enslave their people.

What I worry the most here for now, is perhaps an attempt at subterfuge like we did at them to get back our citizens. Maybe the pissy nobles of Maretonia would hire deniable ops to try and get back at us, either to get their slaves back or out of wounded pride or pure spite.

That is the reason I want watchtowers made to mitigate this from happening. Or perhaps...we can conduct some "military exercises" within the Crystal Protectorate.

@Questor would that be a possible military action for next turn? Us authorizing our army to conduct "military exercises" or "Winter training" within the Crystal Protectorate. Not enough to make Maretonia think that we are preparing an invasion force, and they could totally be legitimate training too, but the important thing here being that there is a military presence within the Protectorate to...."discourage" any attempts of "shenanigans" that Maretonia may try on our Crystal Citizens and the newly freed slaves. At least until we have made some proper defenses in the Area to defend the Protectorate.

Edit: Oh and maybe bring back the possibility of making those watchtowers near the borders of the protectorate and Maretonia. If they prove popular enough that is. Maybe bring the possibility of it being the foundations of a new Line? eh? ;)
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Personally, I would prefer if we just build a new Line as opposed to moving the origional. Even discounting the fact that building a new one wholesale would allow us to incorporate the new upgrades in design, I would like to leave the Peregrine Line where it is because 1) Having two walls is always better than one, and 2) the Line at least has the possibility of being a historical monument. I would rather not tear it up if we dont have to.
Well shit. This will definitely hurt them. Or cause an incident. Both are good.

@Questor do not apologize for this thing. Real life come before Tall-Winged-Bird-Lion nonsense. You do you. Small-Winged-Bird-Lion nonsense however is a different story.

Edit: Fools all of you. It obviously Lamblantis.
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Personally, I would prefer if we just build a new Line as opposed to moving the origional. Even discounting the fact that building a new one wholesale would allow us to incorporate the new upgrades in design, I would like to leave the Peregrine Line where it is because 1) Having two walls is always better than one, and 2) the Line at least has the possibility of being a historical monument. I would rather not tear it up if we dont have to.
We will never find the time to mothball the line without doing the action to carry it to the border, though. There are too many other, important things happening.

Action-economically, this makes sense.
Ok, so in summary: Crystal Protectorate is FINALLY more or less at the level of our other territories, and it has its own uniques advantages to further develop (mostly magic/crystal mines related). Next turn they'll also be connected by TRAINS to our capital, making them even closer to our people (which is essential if we want to bring them into the fold as a true member of the empire at some point. Though really, it's not like we really need to. We MIGHT consider calling for a referendum at some point, though it might look bad if we did it too soon. A good moment would probably be 20 years or so since we freed them. It would be even better if it was THEM to call for it, though.)
The crystal capital will certainly receive a lot of visitors from the empire once it's easier to access.

So: Turism, magical (And others) studies at the new academy, mines, crystal architecture/products (i can imagine some nobles wanting their own crystal homes/castles if they can be built at a not-unreasonable cost)

IF possible we should take dog knights next turn though. It would be unfair to let them be the only ones unable to become knights, and this way we have knights in the air, in the sky AND underground! We lack only an underwater option, and maybe a battlemage order.

Though...@Questor, wouldn't it be better if the dogs got their own knight order instead of joining the gryph ones? I mean, they'd need completely different tactics and equipment anyway, it might be better for them to be their own specialized unit. Also building a new citadel might be easier that modifying the exististing three for them

Another question: what would be the actual difference if the Crystal protectorate actually became the crystal province? What advantages/disadvantages would there be for both them and us?

Required: 55. Rolled: 85+13+20(Grand Order: Alter of the Emperor Omake)=118. Art Crit!
Enslaved Citizens Liberated and Returned to Gryphus, Hundreds of Pony and Diamond Dog "Immigrants" Acquired. Monstrous Hangover Gained.

well well well! there IS justice in this world! If we're lucky once they recover our new people will be able to give us a bit of a boost.

A few earth ponies in our bigger farms or maybe helping grow medical herbs, a few pegasi controlling the weather in our big cities, a few ponies of every species as subjects for our magical studies... It's not a revolution, but it gives us some interesting possibilities. Especially for the magical studies.

I am terribly, terribly sorry about how long this update took. I've recently acquired a new job, and the hours are long and tiring. I'm also not connected to a computer or phone for basically the entirety of the day as well. Combine that with numerous other distractions and the usual writer's block and this Update took much longer than usual to get out.

Rest assured, I am continuing this quest, and have no intention on leaving you hanging. The updates are just going to be a lot more spaced out than they were before. Thank you for your patience, and for continuing to follow my Quest in spite of the wait.

As a side note, I've unfortunately been unable to keep track of all the omakes that people have continued to submit. If someone could alert me to the ones I've missed in my absence, I would greatly appreciate it.

Not a problem, real life takes precedence :D. Try to write a short warning post if you need multiple weeks though. Just a "won't be able to write for a couple weeks" would keep everyone calmer i think.

It's completely fine and normal that you take your time, and it's not like you owe us anything, but i've seen some quests end without even a last message from their author, and not knowing if the quest is continuing or if the author simply decided/was forced to stop writing is...i can't find the right word, let's say distracting.
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Wow, paranoia must be rampant in Marei now lol. We just succeeded in doing something so balls off the wall that they must be panicking, wondering if their are more spies around lol. Its gonna be Sombra all over again.
I just realized something. Since this is AFTER the age of discord the Two Princesses are currently ruling which means that the racial divide should have ended a bit before discord popped in.

Thus, we are more likely to become an ally of them than an enemy.

EDIT: I just had a horrifying idea for a mlp AU. Mlp warhammer fantasy.

Think about it. Canterbury is basically britonia, equastria the empire, discord is basically the laughing god.....

Holy crud, mlp is a very very watered down version of warhammer fantasy!!!
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If anything, it would be an opposite version.

In the pastel-colored future of the fourty-neigh millennium, there is only peace... and Friendship.
Warhammer FANTASY. Not 40k. There are some REALLY big differences

EDIT: I also did say it was incredibly watered down but the bare bones are still there.

A godlike magical ruler (2 of them), a chaos god (several if you count the comics), a parallel dimension of pure chaos (discord's home dimension is basically a more child friendly version of the warp), an entire nation of knights complete with the grail and other such things, and so on. The list just keeps going.

It is more child friendly and watered down but the basics of it..... are scarily similar.
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From what I gathered of the intrigue fluff, it was actually the Maretonians that came up with the crazy plans though. So they are either used to operate like that, they were throwing ideas at random and our guy are just that good, ponies just think differently or the thing that was stopping them from being succesful was lack of resources.
We should also probably consider finding a replacement and letting Elva (our Diplo leader) finally retire, very soon.

Next turn wishlist: Dog Knights, possibly the Frontier Knights, start that 4yr Train thing, the sooner we get in the sooner we finish, and the Wall between the Crystal Protectorate and Maretonia... And THAT. DANG. PIETY. OPTION. FFS.
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We'll first our son finally gets to talk to one of his friends. And I think next turn we should talk to Isabelle Brissette
but i want Qilin waifu!
From what I gathered of the intrigue fluff, it was actually the Maretonians that came up with the crazy plans though. So they are either used to operate like that, they were throwing ideas at random and our guy are just that good, ponies just think differently or the thing that was stopping them from being succesful was lack of resources.
question: how did they manage to do it?


seems legit.

If anything, it would be an opposite version.

In the pastel-colored future of the fourty-neigh millennium, there is only peace... and Friendship.

We're here to spread friendship and chew bubblegum..And we're all out of bubblegum.
We're here to spread friendship and chew bubblegum..And we're all out of bubblegum
Again, warhammer fantasy, not 40k.

Warhammer fantasy isnt the endless war (though there is a lot of it) or bleak hopelessness and other grimdark stuff.

Still DARK at times but not the constant grimdark.

Kind of annoyed everyone went right for 40k when i specified warhammer fantasy.
Kind of annoyed everyone went right for 40k when i specified warhammer fantasy.
In the fantasy land that is dark but not all the time of an unknown time period where people have tech resembling that from the medieval era, there is only Friendship...
In the fantasy land that is dark but not all the time of an unknown time period where people have tech resembling that from the medieval era, there is only Friendship...
Yeah, that just doesnt work but nice try.

Also what year is it after the defeat of discord? Because exactly 52 years after his defeat is the Cosmic Convergence where magic will get a bit wonky due to the stars and planets moving in complete and perfect order. (Also occurs again roughly a thousand years later but the first tike wqs noted to be in "the 52nd year of the reign of Luna and Celestia")

One would think this is a good thing for magic (because harmony of the heavens) but it makes magic very deeply aligned with order.

This effect is so powerful it forcibly inverted discord HIMSELF from a being of pure chaos into a being of pure order.

If we are invading and we have soke astrological knowledge and how it links to magic we could time the maretonian invasion on that day and their magic would be on the fritz making it an easy attack.

Sadly the convergence only lasts a few hours but if we time it right we could basically walk right in while their magic is busy backfiring.
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At first, your offers of assistance are politely declined, both by Queen Chevaline and by her vassals. While you could have simply left the matter there, you persisted, pressing the issue and clarifying that your offer of assistance had no hidden strings or implied debts; you simply wished to help your neighbors and newfound allies against Maretonian aggression combat the beasts within their borders. It is, after all, in your own interests to ensure that, should a conflict with the slave state arise, that Maretonia should not be forced to fight a two-front war against enemies both internal and external.
I believe the bolded word should be Canterbury?

From dressing an enslaved Qilin up in a formal kimono and bluffing the local authorities into thinking that he was a visiting dignitary making his way to the capital, to one particularly imaginative Griffon climbing into a box and literally mailing himself to the border, the phrase "so crazy it could work" was most appropriate for many of the tricks used to get your people home. But they didn't return alone.
🤣 😁 :rofl:
It's like some kind of Hogan's Heroes episode!

Monstrous Hangover Gained.

I am terribly, terribly sorry about how long this update took. I've recently acquired a new job, and the hours are long and tiring. I'm also not connected to a computer or phone for basically the entirety of the day as well. Combine that with numerous other distractions and the usual writer's block and this Update took much longer than usual to get out.

Rest assured, I am continuing this quest, and have no intention on leaving you hanging. The updates are just going to be a lot more spaced out than they were before. Thank you for your patience, and for continuing to follow my Quest in spite of the wait.
You're fine! This quest (especially this update :grin:) is well worth the wait!
Yeah, magic is... really good at breaking fortifications. Geomancy for one. Granted I don't remember hearing about chorus type casting yet, meaning casters capable of such acts are strategic resources.
I'm actually hoping that crystal pony magic is something similar to geomancy. It would be absurdly useful.

If the Maretonians don't have any evidence it was us, we should probably act really mad when they tell us they lost all our people. Make it look like we don't have them and are furious that they lost our people who are probably now in the clutches of bandits or something. Hopefully that will at least throw them off a little.

Edit 2:
I agree with putting up watchtowers this turn. If Maretonia invades we'll need to know, but once we find out we can easily let them into the wasteland of the Crystal Protectorate and use guerrilla tactics on them. A solid wall would be useful, but isn't strictly necessary. We'd probably even take less casualties using guerrilla tactics.
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ugh just saw todays episode first off you don't give dashie a job that she clearly doesn't know how to do....and twilight was pretty much at fault here knowingly pulling a page out of the mare do well incident why do her friends do this to her?