You sit at the head of a heavy oak table, surrounded by your Advisors in one of your increasingly frequent emergency meetings. Though this meeting had been prompted by a positive event, the discussions were nonetheless deadly serious.

You rub your temples as you scan the document before you for what feels like the fiftieth time.

" we've got about a dozen Griffons and Dogs that have been released from Maretonian custody...complete with an apology letter from Queen Mareia."

You still aren't sure how to respond to that particular missive. As nice as it was to have a powerful ally in your quest to see your enslaved citizens returned, you found it difficult to fathom the idea of feeling anything but disdain for the ruler of a nation of slavers. Still, stranger things had happened in your tenure as Emperor. Somehow, you doubted that this would be the strangest thing to occur in your lifetime. You turn your gaze to Ravenburg.

"Have the...repatriated Citizens been able to offer any information that might aid in recovering their fellows?"

The enigmatic spy-master minutely shakes his head.

"Nothing we don't already know from our own spy-work, or the Intel from the abolitionists. That's not to say it's useless, it just confirms what we already know."

You sigh. Of course. Why should things be easier for you and your people?

"Any indication that we should expect more of these...releases?"

Ravenburg shrugs.

"With the way the political climate in Maretonia is right now, it's as equally likely to happen as not. While they're no longer teetering on the brink of civil war, things are still pretty tense amongst the ruling class. As of now, I'm afraid I can't offer any credible predictions for what might occur there within the next few months."

You take a deep breath, then turn to your Marshal, Redbeak. He's answering your question before you can even ask it.

"The army and knights alike stand ready to do whatever you will, my liege. We've prepared numerous contingencies for every scenario."

You nod. While you'd prefer to reserve the military option as a last resort, you knew better than to put it off the table entirely.

Frida groans, gaining the attention of all others present.

"Why are we treating this like a bad thing!? A dozen families have got their loved ones back, and people across the Empire are starting to feel hope that more will follow. Isn't that something to be happy about?"

You can't really argue with did warm your heart to see the tears of joy from those former slaves, now returned to their homes.

"That may be true Frida, but as much as I want to sit back and take credit for it, I won't be satisfied until every Griffon, Dog and Qilin is returned to their homes safe and sound."

No one has any objections to that. You owed the people of the Empire nothing less, after all.

Martial: Redbeak, though relieved by the revelation that your neighbors to your Southwest are friendly, and pleased at Libertalia's fear of you and your military, remains concerned regarding the potential military threat that Maretonia poses. And, although he vehemently denies it, you suspect he's developed a bit of a sense of rivalry with the Knights of Canterbury, riding hard on your own Knights to become true paragons of the Empire. (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Cog Conversion: The creation of your new Carracks have left much of your existing naval assets obsolete. Rather than simply scrapping them or continuing to field outdated ships, a few clever shipwrights have drawn up a plan to convert the hulls of the Cogs into new cannon-armed Carracks. While it won't be a perfect conversion (the Carracks requiring more building material than a Cog) and the cannons will still have to be sourced from the foundries, it will likely be cheaper than building new vessels from scratch. Cost: 700 Time: Two Years. Reward: 20 Cogs Converted into 14 Carracks.

[ ] Dedicated Naval Shipyards: Of course, while it may be wise to effectively utilize the ships you have, you also must consider the necessity of building new ships, as while your navy is effective, it is rather small, especially when pitted against the maritime juggernaut that is Neighpon. Thus far, you have utilized civilian shipbuilders and slipways, but if you really want to boost the size of your navy in a reasonable timeframe, you'll need to establish your own dedicated military shipbuilding facilities. Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: 1D4 Carracks per Year, 600 a Year Upkeep/Production Costs.

[ ] And Push It Somewhere Else!: One particularly eccentric military engineer has proposed an unusual solution to the problem of fortifying the Maretonian border region. Rather than mothball the already existing fortifications in the Peregrine mountains and build new ones from scratch, he proposes disassembling the existing defense infrastructure, transporting it across the Protectorate, and reassembling it along the new border. The craziest part of the whole thing is that, after running the numbers and performing some small-scale simulations to test the plan's feasibility, it appears that not only is the idea possible, it would actually be cheaper and faster than the alternative! An...unusual solution, but if it works, it works. Cost: 1500. Time: Three Years. Reward: Peregrine Line "Relocated" to Maretonian Border.

[ ] Knights of the Frontier: With the settlement and rapid expansion of the frontier territories, now dubbed Kestrella, some have begun to call for the establishment of a new Knightly Order to serve as the guardians of the new province, small and relatively underdeveloped as it is now. Though the war against Sombra has depleted both the fighting age population and the public's appetite for conflict, there is never any shortage of Griffons willing and eager to join an esteemed Knightly Order. Construct a suitable citadel and begin the search for any aspiring Knights. Cost: 400. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard the Western Frontier.

[ ] Black Knights: The Orichalcum/Steel Alloy, now dubbed Black Steel, has many of the benefits of Orichalcum at a fraction of the cost. Despite this, it is still a resource that must be carefully husbanded, and reserved for use by elite units. Elite units like the Knights of the Inner Circle. Have them equipped with weapons forged of the new alloy, that they may serve the Empire more effectively. Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Knights of the Inner Circle equipped with Black Steel weapons.

[ ] Dog Knights: The idea of inducting Diamond Dogs into the Imperial Knightly Orders is not a new one, but it is only recently, after tales of the bravery of canine volunteers during the Winter War began to spread throughout the Empire, that the idea has begun to be seriously considered at the highest echelons of power. It is not a simple thing to do. Specialized equipment will have to be provided, unique tactics will have to be developed, and several Knight Citadels will require modifications to accommodate the differing physiology of the Dogs. Still, it may be worth it to have a larger pool of recruits to draw new Knights from. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Diamond Dog Knights.

[ ] Crystal Knights: The recent revelations regarding a slave-holding state just South of the Crystal Protectorate's borders have led to a marked upswing in the militancy of its inhabitants. Several prominent Crystal Ponies have begun to call for the establishment of a formal military of their own, in addition to the already existing militias. Several members of the Crystal Assembly have signed a petition forwarded to you, requesting the resources and expertise required to establish a homegrown Knightly Order to serve as the protectors of their lands. As with the establishment of any Knightly Order, such an endeavor will be expensive, but worth it to ensure the protection of your latest group of subjects. Cost: 600. Time: Two Years. Reward: Establishment of Crystal Knightly Order.

[ ] Cautious Curiosity: While the now-infamous expedition that discovered Sombra has caused some to question the wisdom of venturing beyond the Empire's borders, you feel that such things are a necessity. Without such scouting missions you would have never encountered the Yaks or the Neighponese, who are now your trading partners and steadfast allies. And as some of the more pessimistic have said: "better our scouts meet them than their invasion force meet us." Cost: 200. Time: Variable. Reward: Knowledge of Distant Lands.

—[ ] Far West: The Yaks can't tell you anything about what lies beyond their lands, aside from the fact that they know such lands exist. Prior to meeting you and Sombra they never had any reason to wonder about the lands beyond their steppe. Now you have a chance to satisfy both their curiosity and your own.

—[ ] Far East: On rare occasions, wreckage of ships unknown to the Qilin will wash up on the shores of Neighpon, evidence of lands and peoples beyond their own. Koryū has been pondering sending out a scouting party of his own in the near future. You're sure he wouldn't mind if some of your vessels accompanied his.

Diplomacy: Elva...well, there's no sugar-coating it, she's begun to really show her age lately. The Geriatric Hen can hardly fly anymore, walks with a pronounced limp, and struggles to cope with the increased workload that establishing relations with Canterbury entails. Despite this, she retains her skill, knowledge and quick wit that got her the job as your chief Diplomat, and somehow manages to get all her work done despite her deteriorating physical condition. (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Arms Deal: The Neighponese, having seen the effectiveness and utility of black powder Artillery firsthand, now desire to arm their ships and soldiers with many more of these Griffon-made weapons, and have officially requested permission to purchase cannons, black powder and ammunition without restriction from the foundries and workshops of your Empire, all at full market price. Such a deal would be a boon for your industry and trade, and would likely improve ties with your closest ally. However, Elva cautions you that such a deal would cause Gryphus to lose its status as the only nation capable of fielding Black Powder Artillery in sizable numbers. Cost: 0 Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Trade Income, Neighpon Gains Access to Large Numbers of Black Powder Weapons.

[ ] Canterbury Caravans: Your newly discovered neighbors, while not having quite the economy that you do, are still a nation of potential customers for Imperial Products, and your people are always hungry for new and exciting novelties and luxury goods. While it may be difficult to brave the cursed forests of Canterbury, enterprising merchants have done riskier things in pursuit of profit, and you're sure that your chivalrous neighbors will be more than happy to assist and escort traders through their lands, as you will theirs. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade with Canterbury Established, Increased Trade Income.

[ ] Knights and Trollslayers: Canterbury is, as your own Empire was until very recently, infested with murderous beasts. This issue is further complicated by the presence of magical flora (much of which is either poisonous, toxic or carnivorous, and numerous "cursed" zones, where Pony magic often goes rogue and turns against its wielder. While Canterbury's knights have made progress in reclaiming swathes of the wilderness that lies within their borders, nearly half of the lands that are legally claimed by the servants of the Lady of the Lakes are wild and untamed. While your Empire knows little of magic, you are experts in the art of hunting and slaying dangerous beasts. Perhaps it may be a good gesture of friendship to have your finest hunters and trollslayers share their experiences with Canterbury's finest, and form a multi-national task force to begin aggressively purging the beasts from their lands. Assuming the Nobles of the foreign land go for such a proposal. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Slightly Increased Canterbury Relations, Formation of International Anti-Monster Task Force. Chance of Success: 65%.

[ ] Immigration Campaign: The addition of Magical Advisors to your court, and the memory of how much the integration of the Diamond Dogs improved your Kingdom, has led some to propose the idea of advertising abroad for immigrants, from both Neighpon and Yakyakistan. You're not sure how many takers you'll get, but it can't hurt to try. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Yak/Neighponese Immigrants. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Gaze upon the mists of Fate: The seers and shamans of Yakyakistan have been a subject of interest to you ever since you learned that they had warned their people of the threat of Sombra long before encountering him themselves. In a way, they were partially responsible for your victory at the battle of Redstone, as well as your ensuing positive relationship with the Yak Clans. With the threat of Sombra now extinguished, you find yourself wondering what else these mystics may know...and if they might be willing to share this information with you. There's no harm in asking, right? Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain information from Yak Seers. Chance of Success: 60%.

[ ] She can see the Futuuure!: First the Yak Shamans, now Queen Chevaline. Seriously, how many races can predict the future? Regardless, while the Seer of the Waters may not publish as many prophecies as the Yaks, her predictions tend to be less vague and more detailed. It appears that quality vs quantity is also a problem for prophets. Perhaps you could convince her to share any pertinent vision she may have regarding you or your nation? It might not be as easy as just asking though. Her prophecies are the Word of The Lady, and she might nit be eager to share them with outsiders, not even allies. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain Information from Queen Chevaline. Chance of Success: 50%

[ ] Calling the Old Yaks Out: The Broken Horns are sitting on a large deposit of Orichalcum, one that they've repeatedly denied all knowledge of. Despite their inability to make use of it themselves, they seem determined to hold onto it. You don't know what their game is, but you know that the other Yak clans are unlikely to approve of their behavior. Confronting the Broken Horns and their rival clans with evidence of their misdirection is the first move in a diplomatic game with the Orichalcum as the prize. This plan will of course have the downside of letting everyone know about the valuable mineral lying basically unguarded, and there's no guarantee the Yaks will respond as you hope they will. You did send spies into their country to get such evidence after all. Still, your efforts to build up their nation has earned you a great deal of goodwill and political capital amongst the Yaks as a people, so any blowback is likely to be minimal. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Broken Horns publicly confronted with evidence of their deception, other Yak Clans alerted to potential power-play. Further Diplomatic Actions Available. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] Ahoy me Buckos!: Libertalia's Tribute was...unexpected, but it opens up some possibilities that you could potentially capitalize on. A collection of pirates and other ne'er-do-wells they may be, but they've shown signs that you could potentially negotiate and work with them. Their willingness to police their own to avoid your wrath proves that they are at least willing to acknowledge your superior force of arms. Though many of its inhabitants may be motivated by greed, you could certainly use that motivation to advance the interests of Gryphus, either as a proxy against Maretonia, or even as another possible protectorate in the future. But before any of that can happen, you'll have to establish some sort of actual diplomatic relationship with the Island nation and whatever passes for a government upon it. Perhaps it would be a good idea to send another, less heavy-handed delegation to the Pirate Republic to reassure them you're not planning on killing them of now. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Relations with Libertalia, Peace Agreement, Further Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 60%.

[ ] High-Level Talks: First contact with Maretonia didn't go very well, but a diplomatic solution is not yet completely off the table. From what little you've seen or been able to infer, Queen Mareia is at least somewhat reasonable, and actually seems to desire a quick and peaceful resolution of this crisis. It's the nobility below her that are stymying things and refusing to give up your people, even seeking to sabotage relations between you to further their own ends. While it may be premature, perhaps even dangerous at this juncture, it may be prudent to see if you can negotiate with the Queen face to face. A meeting of monarchs, with no intermediaries to twist words or chances for things to get lost in translation. Naturally, such an action may be seen as controversial by your own people, and even if Mareia agrees to meet with you under suitable conditions, there's no guarantee that anything will actually come of such an encounter. Still, it may be worth a shot to clear the air and ensure you're both on the same page regarding your intentions towards each other. Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Face-to-Face meeting with Queen Mareia, Chance to Normalize Relations with Maretonia. Possibility to Unlock New Actions, Gain Information. Chance of Success: 40%

[ ] Gunboat Diplomacy: Apparently your delegations' show of covert prowess was not sufficient to convince the Maretonians to take your veiled threats seriously. Perhaps it's time for a less subtle threat? Sail a fleet of warships along the coast of Maretonia as a show of force, then reiterate your request for the return of your people. Perhaps that will encourage them to reconsider their position? Elva cautions you that this move has the potential to accidentally spark a conflict, and even if it works the Maretonians aren't going to take very kindly to it. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Maretonia Reconsiders. Chance of Success: 35% (Critical Failure Leads to War)

Stewardship: Frida's focus this year remains on the Crystal Protectorate, as while it has improved much since coming under your Empire's jurisdiction, it still has a long way to go before it can stand alongside Griffonia, Wingbardy, or any other province of Gryphus. (Two Actions per Turn) One Action Locked.

-Crystalline Investment: The Bronzeclaw Plan turned a bombed-out ruin in the middle of the frozen tundra into a functioning city capable of a degree of self-sustainability and economic prosperity. Yet, the Crystal Protectorate is still underdeveloped, both in terms of infrastructure and economic activity. See about remedying this through a cash infusion and the supplying of a few steam engines to boost their productivity. Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Increased Tax Income, Crystal Protectorate Becomes More Developed. Will Finish This Turn.

[ ] Neighponese Seed Drills: An invention from the East has been seeing slow but steady adoption amongst your farmers. The Neighponese call it a seed drill, a device that sows seeds for planting at regular depth and intervals with minimal effort on the farmer's part. A few larger farms have already built or purchased their own, but most Imperial farms remain without them. Subsidize the purchase of these new devises and ensure they are widely adopted by the Empire's agricultural base. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Farming Income.

[ ] Western Lumberjacks: The woods of the Western Frontier (now dubbed Kestrella), while not quite as expansive and vast as the forests of the Imperial heartland, are still a potential resource and an ample supply of raw timber. Subsidize the establishment of logging camps and lumber mills in the newly settled territory. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Logging Income.

[ ] Cloth Mills: While sufficient Flax has been planted to allow for textile production, and a significant cottage industry has already sprung up to exploit this, you're far from rivaling the Neighponese for textile production. Mass production is the name of the game here: subsidize the construction and start-up costs of some weaving mills and see if you can increase productivity. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Industrial Linen Production achieved, Increased Tax Income.

[ ] Skill-Training Program: Your Southern protectorate, while showing steady economic growth, is hitting a bit of a roadblock in the form of a lack of skilled workers. While they have no shortage of able-bodies to form a pool of laborers, when it comes to artisans and specialized vocations they don't have many to go around. While they've managed to supplement their native talent with hired Imperial experts, this isn't a good long-term solution. Have Frida coordinate with Ivory Rook and the Crystal Assembly to set up some impromptu schools and vocational training classes to resolve the Crystal Ponies' skilled labor shortage. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Slightly Increased Tax Income, Crystal Protectorate no longer dependent on Imperial Expertise.

[ ] Rail Network: Your first railway has been proven a great success, and leaders and business magnates from across the Empire are clamoring to have more lines built across the provinces, to facilitate the flow of goods and raw materials. The establishment of such a network will be both time consuming and costly, but it will more than pay for itself through the boost to national productivity, and the economic benefits of cheap transportation. Cost: 1500. Time: Four Years. Reward: National Freight Railway Network Constructed. Increased Tax Income. New Options Unlocked.

[ ] The Crystal Line: Of course, Frida has also begun to explore the idea of building a rail line connecting the Crystal City to the wider Empire. While not nearly as expensive or difficult as the establishment of a national network, such a task would be hampered by the distances involved, as well as the terrain the tracks would need to be laid across. Still, the potential benefits, in both the economic and military spheres, would far outweigh the costs. Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Rail Line connecting Crystal City and Central Gryphus. Increased Income, New Actions Unlocked.

Learning: Archimedes and Genevieve continue their work as always, despite the former's advancing age that doesn't seem to slow him down. Both of the learned Griffons, as well as the Trio of Neighponese magic experts, continue their studies, drawing upon research from their academic equivalents in Canterbury, the Crystal Protectorate, and Neighpon. (Two Actions per Turn) One Action Locked

-Crystal University: Now that the Crystal City is no longer a bombed-out ruin, your scholars are chomping at the bit to establish a center of learning and scholarship to facilitate study of the inhabitants' unique magic, as well as that of the Crystal Heart. Naturally, the establishment of such an institution will not be fast or cheap, but the potential future benefits more than outweigh the immediate costs. Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Crystal University Constructed, New Learning Actions Unlocked. Will Finish This Turn

[ ] Flying without Wings: The fragment of the ancient design you found, while sparse on details due to its decay, has given both of your scientific advisors ideas. Big, big ideas. Of course, in order to make those ideas reality they'll need equally big amounts of funding and time. Just for starters they're going to have to figure out whether they can even build such a contraption with the materials they have available, and what other steps will need to be accomplished before they can even start to build this "flying machine". Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Viability of Airships explored, additional Learning Actions Unlocked.

[ ] Sugar Beets: Among the numerous crops that have been introduced to the Empire as a result of trade with Neighpon, Sugarcane has been one of the most sought after, particularly due to its inability to be farmed on the mainland. However, Genevieve claims to have an idea. By selectively breeding a particular species of root vegetable for increased production of Sucrose (the thing that gives Sugarcane its distinctively sweet taste), she believes it to be possible to engineer a hardier alternative to sugarcane that can be grown domestically. This will of course take a while to do. Cost: 200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Sugar Beets acquired, new Learning and Stewardship Actions Unlocked.

[ ] Sound the War Horns!: The Battle of the Peregrines demonstrated the need for a means of long range communication between commanders and units spread across multiple fronts. Couriers and banners simply aren't good enough. An enterprising army officer and former musician by the name of Major Shrike has proposed building and utilizing specialized horns, designed to communicate coded messages through the pitch, tune and frequency of their blasts. The idea might hold merit. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gain War Horns. Upgrade Army Communications Bonus.

[ ] Canned Foodstuffs: Archimedes has been collaborating with Redbeak in hopes of easing the military's logistical burdens. To this end, your chief scholar has devised a method of reliably preserving large amounts of food. By placing foodstuffs in sealed, airtight cans of tinned iron, the shelf life and portability of food can be greatly increased, ensuring that armies on campaign will not need to worry about spoilage. Small scale tests have already proven the theory behind the idea, but in order to be practical a cannery will have to be established to mass produce the canned goods your military will require. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Decreased Military Upkeep, Additional Actions Unlocked.

[ ] A Different Kind of Mortar: The prospect of war with Maretonia has raised numerous concerns amongst the military. Your cannons, while effective at targeting enemies and destroying unreinforced architecture, may not be as effective against the enchanted walls and fortifications of Maretonia. Archimedes has proposed a potential solution: a weapon similar to a cannon, designed to lob projectiles over walls and other obstructions. While these weapons are unlikely to be as useful against mobile targets, they may prove a decisive advantage in siege warfare. Give Archimedes the go-ahead to try and build a few of these new weapons. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Mortar Artillery Developed.

[ ] Rambling Ravelins: While you are currently, as far as you know, the only nation possessing Gunpowder Artillery, that may not remain the case. Even if it does, magic can easily replicate the effects of sustained bombardment. And as you saw in the Winter War, conventional walls and battlements often can't stand up to such explosive power for long. Archimedes has been considering a solution to the problem, but will require the resources needed to test his theories, which is a nice way of saying he's going to build a bunch of fortifications and then fire a bunch of cannons at them to see what happens. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: New Types of Artillery-Resistant Fortifications Devised, New Actions Unlocked.

Intrigue: Ravenburg has been busy drawing up plans for covert operations across the world, from Maretonia to Yakyakistan to your newly discovered neighbor of Canterbury. Despite having his attentions divided, he has no difficulty keeping up with the increased workload, in no small part due to his numerous subordinates in the Ministry of Information, which he now grudgingly acknowledges the utility of. (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Covert Kingmaker: Some in the Yak Modernist movement have begun to speak privately of a unified Yakyakistan. Such a unified Kingdom would need a King, or at least a leadership figure of some renown capable of uniting the Clans. You could wait for such a figure to arise naturally...or you could seek one out and begin to covertly "groom them" for leadership. Whether they'll be made aware of such grooming is still up for debate. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Potential Yak Unifier Identified, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 70%

[ ] Putting Out Feelers: The Broken Horns are sitting on a literal mountain of Orichalcum, one they've denied any knowledge of. While they lack the capacity to mine and smelt it, you don't like the idea of such a strategically important resource being in the possession of a Clan with mysterious motivations. Truthfully, you just don't like the fact that you don't have access to it. You could wait for the Yaks to unify themselves and then negotiate with the new leadership, but that's a risk you might not want to take. Ravenburg has raised a potential solution to this problem: organize a coup. Surely there is an ambitious young Yak within the Broken Horns willing to overthrow the clan's Elder Council...several such individuals are known to exist within the local group of modernists. Such a aspiring leader would likely be amicable to allowing Imperial access to the Orichalcum deposits in exchange for support and recognition. Of course, you'll have to find such a Yak before you can even think of going through with this, provided you do actually want to go through with this. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Identify potential Broken Horn Coup leader. Chance of Success: 60%.

[ ] Trust but Verify: Your new Equine neighbors seem much easier to talk to than the Maretonians. But everything you know about the kingdom to your Southwest has come from the mouths of its rulers. While you'd like to imagine otherwise, it's entirely possible that Queen Chevaline and Lord Bohemond weren't entirely honest with you about the conditions of their nation. And what exactly is the deal with this Lady of the Lake? Ravenburg and his infiltrators are ready to fact check. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel on Canterbury and its people. Chance of Success: 60%.

[ ] A Pirate's Life for Me!: While it would be a simple task to burn Libertalia to the ground, put its inhabitants to the sword and scatter the survivors to the four winds, such a move would be costly. And, as your advisors have pointed out, there are alternative solutions to the challenge the pirate kingdom poses, each of which could lead to great returns on your investment. But if these alternative avenues are to stand a chance of success, you'll need a partner within Libertalia, a local leader that would be willing to cooperate, negotiate and work with you. The slave-turned-captain Hoofbeard seems like a promising candidate. Have Ravenburg's spies get in touch with him and see if he's willing to play ball. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Libertalia Contact gained: Hoofbeard. New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 60%.

[ ] The Good Kind of People Smuggling: Buying your people back from Maretonia was deemed an unacceptable course of action. Still, ensuring the return of your people remains a top priority. Naturally, Ravenburg has a comprehensive plan to do so using his usual brand of stealth and guile. Through a combination of blackmail, bribes, infiltration, and the forging of official documents, your spies will secret away every Imperial Citizen, one by one, out of Maretonia. You'll even be able to grab the few Qilin that were taken! Of course, this plan carries a degree of risk, and even if it goes perfectly the Maretonians are going to notice when all their "rare merchandise" goes missing, but hopefully by the time they realize what's happened they won't be able to do anything about it. Cost: 600. Time: Two Years. Reward: Enslaved Citizens Liberated. Chance of Success: 45%

[ ] The Indispensables: Ravenburg has also cooperated with Redbeak in drawing up a more...aggressive plan for getting your people back. Put very simply, the plan calls for the creation of a team of highly trained operatives, equally skilled in combat and infiltration, to be inserted into Maretonia to conduct a series of raids against the nobles that are in possession of your people in the interests of rescuing them and escorting them over the border. Unlike the more traditionally covert option, this plan relies less upon stealth, and more upon the assumption that anyone who notices the presence of your agents won't live long enough to tell anyone. If all goes well, the attacks will be blamed on bandits, rogue mercenaries, rival nobles, or any other group within Maretonia, rather than you. Of course, should anything go wrong, not only will your people be captured or killed, but you will almost certainly be at war with Maretonia...and since you technically will have engaged in hostilities first, Neighpon will not be obligated to come to your defense (though this doesn't mean they won't). Still, it may be worth the risk. Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Enslaved Citizens Rescued, Chaos in Maretonia, Chance to Inflame Tensions. Chance of Success: 50%

Personal: You refuse to let your duties as Emperor take up every moment of your day. (Two Actions per Turn)

[ ] Overtime: Your advisors can only do so much, and sometimes that's just not enough. If it's truly necessary, you can sacrifice some of your otherwise free time to carry out an additional action from another category, provided said action has a duration of only one year. The costs and chances of success for that action remain the same.

[ ] Imperial Priority: Sometimes you need something done as quickly as possible, regardless of the cost. In such times, you can authorize and oversee the judicious and generous application of funds to speed things along. If necessary, you can reduce the duration of a select action by one year at the cost of a personal action and doubling the per-turn financial cost of the action. The chances of success for said action will remain the same.

[ ] Creative Accounting: Even for an Empire as prosperous as yours, money can be tight. Balancing the budget can be a difficult task at the best of times, but your prior experience as a Merchant has taught you many financial "magic tricks". Taking some time out of your busy schedule to squeeze a few extra coins out of the bureaucracy could be the difference between staying in the black and dipping into your reserve funds. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: One Small Lump-Sum of Funds. Chance of Success: 60%

[ ] A Question of Faith: The Yaks have their sky-gods, the Neighponese have their nature spirits, and the Canterburians have their Lady of the Lake. And your people have...well, that's just it; with the exception of a widespread custom of ancestor veneration, the people of Gryphus aren't a very spiritual sort. Considering the fact that the only "God" most Griffons and Diamond Dogs are familiar with is Discord, that's not much of a surprise. But since Discord's defeat, and in the wake of your encounters with other cultures, Faith has become a subject on the mind of many Imperial citizens. A scant few Griffons have begun to practice foreign faiths, some even trying to resurrect the pantheon of the Old Empire. You've even heard rumors that some of your subjects have taken to worshiping you as a divine figure! Regardless of your own thoughts on the matter, it may be a good idea to host a "Council of Faiths", to discuss the state of religion in your Empire, and to determine what should be done about it, if anything should indeed be done at all. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Council of Faiths Interlude. Chance to unlock Piety Category.

[ ] Crystal Pastimes: Pearl, much like her siblings before her, has found her attentions divided and her passions unfocused. She's in need of a hobby to occupy her time. What manner of time-sink shall you guide her towards, and what skills shall she gain from it? Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gleaming Pearl gains a Hobby/Stat Modifier.

[ ] Getting to Know You: Gawain has made some very interesting friends. You're relieved to see him getting along with kids his own age, though you do wonder what he gets up to with them. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain Improves Relationship with a Friend, May Lead to Further Developments and Benefits Down the Road. (Does not cost an Action. May only develop one relationship per Turn)

—[ ] Isabelle Brissette: Brochard's Niece is not what you'd expected...then again you're not really sure what you'd have expected her to be like. You're proud of your son for looking beyond her family's past. Hopefully he can help her come out of her she'll a bit.

—[ ] Ki Seong: The Cultured Qilin is exactly what you'd expect the daughter of Neighponese Nobility to be...and that might actually be a problem. Gawain tells you she likely feels pressured by the expectations of society and her family to hold herself to a high standard at all times. Hopefully he can convince her to let her hair down around him.

—[ ] Sebastian Rainfeather: The shy young Gryph reminds you a bit of Gawain when he was younger and less sure of can see why Gawain sought to take him under his wing. He shares your son's passion for chess, and practically worships wonder how he'll turn out in the future.

There will be a Twelve Hour moratorium to allow for discussion and plan-building.

I changed things up for Gawain's Action. It kind of was unfair to require a personal action from his father for that. So, free action.

Let me know if you think of an action that I might have forgotten to put in.
caught up
I have found an epic song for celestia.


Found this and it hilarious
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I have found an epic song for celestia.


Found this and it hilarious

already knew that video. I love it (and the song)!

It's incredibly fitting to Celestia.

Fun fact: that song, and many others (try to listen to some more "mercedes lackey songs" on youtube like Battle Dawn, Shadow Stalker or Oathbreakers. they're quite nice) are actually all songs related to the same fantasy book series, Valdemar. I still have to read them (though i've read a few chapters some years ago, before knowing about the songs)

...The brony video is hilarious! Also i had to check because i thought i must have been imagining it, but the singer is really John De Lancie (Discord's voice actor, and Q in star trek for those who watched it).

Somehow i didn't immediately realize that the female voice was Tara Strong though (Twilight's voice actress). I was probably still too focused on Discord/De Lancie
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Also i had to check because i thought i must have been imagining it, but the singer is really John De Lancie (Discord's voice actor, and Q in star trek for those who watched it).

Somehow i didn't immediately realize that the female voice was Tara Strong though (Twilight's voice actress). I was probably still too focused on Discord/De Lancie

Didn't notice that actually.

...The brony video is hilarious!
I know, thought you guys would like it.
my train of thought was going "but is that.. no, it couldn't possibly be...but it really sounds like..".
Pretty much my reaction when you pointed it out

EDIT: Found this. It has some awesome fight scenes for celestia and luna and, if this was what would have happened if we had not defeated sombra ourselves, we may have actually delayed the birth of nightmare moon.

Also it makes me glad he never chose to try and talk to us because with that level of charisma he could probably have done well in making our forces doubt themselves.

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Omake: Grimm Tales, Volume 1
AN: more nonsense for the nonsense god. A new Omake Series has begun.

Grimm Tales
A series of stories and legends created,
gathered, and and copied by the Family Grimm

Volume 1

Chapter 7

The Three Siblings

Three sibling ponies walked a lonely road at twilight, in the lands that would one day become Maretonia. Their reason and purpose for traveling were unknown, but still they traveled, for the end was in sight.

The siblings stopped at a crossroads, unsure of which way to go. They argued, stating a different path was clearly the best option. Then, suddenly, an old, blind beggar came wandering down the road. The Beggar was small and sickly, and his hooves bled as he walked, scrapped and raw from the hard road.

The Beggar asked the siblings for some food and water, scraps to bind his hooves, and gold to set him on his way. After some debate, the siblings agreed, with the Eldest giving his bread and water, the Middle sibling his gold, and the Youngest tore her cloak in half to bind the Beggars hooves.

After the Beggar had feasted, bound his wounds, and took the gold, he turned towards the siblings, and removed his face. Where once there had been the old, wrinkled face of the Beggar, had been replaced by a bleached white skull of a Filly.

A mane the color of the blackest nightmares flowed down his skull, hiding eyes that were mismatched in color, one of burning silver and one of frozen gold. Both held the image of a crossroads, of choices and decision already made but have yet to be or decided. When he spoke, his voice changed from male to female at random, sometimes that of a Pony, other times that of a dragon.

The Beggar introduced himself to the frightened siblings as Destiny, or Choice as some may call him. He congratulated the siblings on their choice to help one in need, and offered each a prize. He would let them go from that crossroads with a vision of their future, but if only they spoke true their reasons for helping the Beggar.

The Eldest sibling, proud, selfish and arrogant, stepped forward and proclaimed that he had only helped so that the Beggar would be in his debt, stating that the weak should be beholdened to the strong. Choice accepted that answer, but only showed the Eldest his immediate future, as his answer had been short sighted. The Eldest saw himself as a King, proud and mighty, building an empire from the backs of those he had conquered and enslaved, as was his right.

The Eldest demanded how this future might come about, and Choice said that the road the Siblings has come from would show him the way. Proud and excited, the Eldest left the group, and went back down the road, eager for his glory. Choice then turned to the second sibling.

Pious and Pure, the Middle Sibling stated that it was his duty from the divine to help those less fortunate than himself, that he was doing their will in their name. Destiny accepted the answer, and showed him his future. The middle Sibling saw a vision of a lake, and upon that lake stood a Unicorn Mare, who carried with her a chalice of the purest treasure. Destiny told the Middle sibling that if he took the road west, he would find his Divine, though she warned that he may not find exactly what he wants. And so the Middle sibling departed, faith reaffirmed and determined to reach his goddess, regardless of what Destiny said.

Finally, Choice turned to the Youngest sibling, all alone now. They asked what their reason was, expecting another selfish or pious reason. The Young mare simply looked at Destiny, and said that it was be right thing to do, and that she didn't want to know her fate. What matters is not what will be, said the Youngest sibling, but what is now.

Destiny was surprised, but laughed, stating that was the right answer. Choice pointed up the northern path, telling her that in a land far to the north, she would find a cave of Crystal. They told her to take a Crystal, and carve it into the shape of a heart, and with that Crystal Heart, found a kingdom of love and hope. The rest, they stated, would be up to her. And So Choice left the Crossroads, and the Youngest sibling traveled north, ready to find out what lay in store.

AN: @Questor, I give this Offal as a sacrifice, to speed your return.
The first sibling will found the precursor states to equestria. The second sibling will found Maretonia. The thrid one will found the crystal kingdom.
Is this correct?
The first sibling will found the precursor states to equestria. The second sibling will found Maretonia. The thrid one will found the crystal kingdom.
Is this correct?
Pretty much, you got it in one. Kind of a precursor tall tale of how these kingdoms were founded.
Really? My reading was pretty off then. I thought the first sibling (the oldest, right?) would found Maretonia, and the second (middle?) sibling would found Canterbury.

Regardless, great omake!
Really? My reading was pretty off then. I thought the first sibling (the oldest, right?) would found Maretonia, and the second (middle?) sibling would found Canterbury.

Regardless, great omake!
that was my reading as well. I mean, slavery for Maretonia, faith for Canterbury, Crystal Heart for Crystal Empire. Seemed obvious like that.

Also the defining trait of the Equestria's precusors wasn't slavery, but segregation and racism, with every tribes answering only to their rulers (no common ruler for all three tribes).

I mean, it's not impossible they had slavery, it was simply never stated, here (we know absolutely NOTHING about Equestria IC) or in canon.

Still a nice omake though.
Turn 22 Results
Martial: Redbeak, though relieved by the revelation that your neighbors to your Southwest are friendly, and pleased at Libertalia's fear of you and your military, remains concerned regarding the potential military threat that Maretonia poses. And, although he vehemently denies it, you suspect he's developed a bit of a sense of rivalry with the Knights of Canterbury, riding hard on your own Knights to become true paragons of the Empire.

Dedicated Naval Shipyards: Of course, while it may be wise to effectively utilize the ships you have, you also must consider the necessity of building new ships, as while your navy is effective, it is rather small, especially when pitted against the maritime juggernaut that is Neighpon. Thus far, you have utilized civilian shipbuilders and slipways, but if you really want to boost the size of your navy in a reasonable timeframe, you'll need to establish your own dedicated military shipbuilding facilities. Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: 1D4 Carracks per Year, 600 a Year Upkeep/Production Costs.

Setting up dedicated naval dockyards is both simple and complex. Simple in that you're merely copying the already existing civilian dockyards. Complex in that you have to hire and train a bevy of new shipwrights, carpenters, and associated artisans to staff the new ship-building facilities, a process that is as costly as it is time-consuming. But, after months of work and the expenditure of several fortunes, Aukland and and several other coastal cities now boast numerous government-owned slipways and dry-docks dedicated to the construction of warships for the Imperial Navy. You look forward to seeing the fruits of their labors in the coming years.
Military Shipyards Established, Automatic Warship Construction Enabled.

Crystal Knights: The recent revelations regarding a slave-holding state just South of the Crystal Protectorate's borders have led to a marked upswing in the militancy of its inhabitants. Several prominent Crystal Ponies have begun to call for the establishment of a formal military of their own, in addition to the already existing militias. Several members of the Crystal Assembly have signed a petition forwarded to you, requesting the resources and expertise required to establish a homegrown Knightly Order to serve as the protectors of their lands. As with the establishment of any Knightly Order, such an endeavor will be expensive, but worth it to ensure the protection of your latest group of subjects. Cost: 600. Time: Two Years. Reward: Establishment of Crystal Knightly Order.

The news that the Crystal City shall soon become home to a whole new Knightly Order drawn from the local populace has led to a ubiquitous feeling of pride and excitement amongst the Crystal Ponies. A plot of land just South of the city is chosen as the future sight of the Order's Fortress, which is now under construction. Meanwhile, Konrad Hardbeak himself oversees the selection and training of aspiring Knights from amongst the City Militia's finest warriors. While their lack of wings and talons necessitates a different training regime and combat doctrine than their Griffon Counterparts, you have no doubt that this new breed of Knights shall be stalwart defenders of the Empire and the Protectorate nonetheless. Will Finish Next Turn

: Elva...well, there's no sugar-coating it, she's begun to really show her age lately. The Geriatric Hen can hardly fly anymore, walks with a pronounced limp, and struggles to cope with the increased workload that establishing relations with Canterbury entails. Despite this, she retains her skill, knowledge and quick wit that got her the job as your chief Diplomat, and somehow manages to get all her work done despite her deteriorating physical condition.

Arms Deal: The Neighponese, having seen the effectiveness and utility of black powder Artillery firsthand, now desire to arm their ships and soldiers with many more of these Griffon-made weapons, and have officially requested permission to purchase cannons, black powder and ammunition without restriction from the foundries and workshops of your Empire, all at full market price. Such a deal would be a boon for your industry and trade, and would likely improve ties with your closest ally. However, Elva cautions you that such a deal would cause Gryphus to lose its status as the only nation capable of fielding Black Powder Artillery in sizable numbers. Cost: 0 Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Trade Income, Neighpon Gains Access to Large Numbers of Black Powder Weapons.

The required paperwork is signed, stamped and filed, a new category of tariffs are drawn up for a very unique type of trade good, and the cannon foundries begin to receive orders written in Neighponese. By the end of the year, Griffon-made cannons are a common sight amongst the armories and military harbors of Neighpon, and you receive twin letters from Koryū and Minamoto expressing their gratitude for sharing the secrets of black powder weaponry. Your Empire's closest ally is now stronger than before, and you consider that a good thing. The extra money in your coffers is just icing on the proverbial cake. +500 Trade Income, Neighponese gain Cannons.

Knights and Trollslayers: Canterbury is, as your own Empire was until very recently, infested with murderous beasts. This issue is further complicated by the presence of magical flora (much of which is either poisonous, toxic or carnivorous), and numerous "cursed" zones, where Pony magic often goes rogue and turns against its wielder. While Canterbury's knights have made progress in reclaiming swathes of the wilderness that lies within their borders, nearly half of the lands that are legally claimed by the servants of the Lady of the Lakes are wild and untamed. While your Empire knows little of magic, you are experts in the art of hunting and slaying dangerous beasts. Perhaps it may be a good gesture of friendship to have your finest hunters and trollslayers share their experiences with Canterbury's finest, and form a multi-national task force to begin aggressively purging the beasts from their lands. Assuming the Nobles of the foreign land go for such a proposal. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Slightly Increased Canterbury Relations, Formation of International Anti-Monster Task Force. Chance of Success: 65%.

Required: 35. Rolled: 17+18+15(Crystal Matrix Omake)= 50

At first, your offers of assistance are politely declined, both by Queen Chevaline and by her vassals. While you could have simply left the matter there, you persisted, pressing the issue and clarifying that your offer of assistance had no hidden strings or implied debts; you simply wished to help your neighbors and newfound allies against Maretonian aggression combat the beasts within their borders. It is, after all, in your own interests to ensure that, should a conflict with the slave state arise, that Maretonia should not be forced to fight a two-front war against enemies both internal and external.

This argument seems to have won over some of the more influential Canterburian nobles, enough to see a few dozen of your finest hunters allowed into the castles and fortress monasteries of the nation as "foreign advisors". Advisors that soon do more than just advise, judging by the stories you hear of your people leading bands of volunteers into the dark forests and cursed glades of the Kingdom's interior, returning each time with the corpses or severed heads of multiple killer beasts.

Having made a good first impression upon their chivalrous hosts, your warrior ambassadors are soon given greater authority and leeway in how they pursue their quarry and carry out their hunts, earning personal renown as they show the Canterburians the mettle of Gryphus's warriors. While the new multi-species hunting teams won't be reclaiming the wilds of Canterbury by themselves anytime soon, all agree that they are making a difference in the fight to tame the wilderness. +.3 Canterbury Relations, Fewer Monsters Plague the Canterbury Countryside.

: Frida's focus this year remains on the Crystal Protectorate, as while it has improved much since coming under your Empire's jurisdiction, it still has a long way to go before it can stand alongside Griffonia, Wingbardy, or any other province of Gryphus.

Crystalline Investment: The Bronzeclaw Plan turned a bombed-out ruin in the middle of the frozen tundra into a functioning city capable of a degree of self-sustainability and economic prosperity. Yet, the Crystal Protectorate is still underdeveloped, both in terms of infrastructure and economic activity. See about remedying this through a cash infusion and the supplying of a few steam engines to boost their productivity. Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Increased Tax Income, Crystal Protectorate Becomes More Developed.

The Crystal City has experienced what many are already beginning to call an economic miracle. A combination of intelligent locals moving to cleverly exploit niches in the wider Imperial economy, massive subsidies from the Crystal Assembly towards aspiring entrepreneurs, and laws encouraging rapid economic growth have resulted in the formerly destitute protectorate becoming a thriving hub of commerce and trade, with industry steadily developing as the smokestacks of factories, mills and workshops take shape on the city skyline. Ivory Rook and the representatives of the Crystal Assembly thank you for the generous financial grants that have made such progress possible. As if the increased tax revenues from the protectorate weren't enough to satisfy you. +400 Tax Income, Crystal City now Economically Developed.

The Crystal Line: Of course, Frida has also begun to explore the idea of building a rail line connecting the Crystal City to the wider Empire. While not nearly as expensive or difficult as the establishment of a national network, such a task would be hampered by the distances involved, as well as the terrain the tracks would need to be laid across. Still, the potential benefits, in both the economic and military spheres, would far outweigh the costs. Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Rail Line connecting Crystal City and Central Gryphus. Increased Income, New Actions Unlocked.

With the techniques pioneered and experience gained over the course of last year's rail line construction, work crews set to their task with a rapid pace, laying down track at a greater pace then they had previously. Of course, due to the distance between the Griffonlands and the Crystal City, this merely reassures everyone that this line's construction will be finished on schedule at the conclusion of next year. Ivory Rook has expressed his and the Crystal Ponies' excitement over the new link between their home and the greater Empire, and the Crystal expats living in the Empire proper are overjoyed at the prospect of a faster and easier means of travel to their old home. Will Finish Next Turn.

: Archimedes and Genevieve continue their work as always, despite the former's advancing age that doesn't seem to slow him down. Both of the learned Griffons, as well as the Trio of Neighponese magic experts, continue their studies, drawing upon research from their academic equivalents in Canterbury, the Crystal Protectorate, and Neighpon.

Crystal University: Now that the Crystal City is no longer a bombed-out ruin, your scholars are chomping at the bit to establish a center of learning and scholarship to facilitate study of the inhabitants' unique magic, as well as that of the Crystal Heart. Naturally, the establishment of such an institution will not be fast or cheap, but the potential future benefits more than outweigh the immediate costs. Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Crystal University Constructed, New Learning Actions Unlocked.

After months of work on the part of countless laborers, architects, artisans, scholars and newly-minted professors, the Crystal University has finally opened to much fanfare and excitement of scholars across the known world as experts on subjects from history and philosophy to science and magic flock to the newly constructed campus, the fabled scholar Archimedes personally presiding over the opening ceremonies as the first batches of starry-eyed students walk through the hallowed halls of learning, the accumulated knowledge of the Empire and its allies all gathered in one place.

Of course, while the University is a place of learning and education, it is also a place of research. Labs dedicated to everything from the latest medical breakthroughs to the most esoteric fields of thaumatology dot the campus, staffed by experts from across the world. You look forward to seeing what exciting new developments come out of these new think-tanks. Crystal University Constructed, New Learning Actions Unlocked.

Canned Foodstuffs: Archimedes has been collaborating with Redbeak in hopes of easing the military's logistical burdens. To this end, your chief scholar has devised a method of reliably preserving large amounts of food. By placing foodstuffs in sealed, airtight cans of tinned iron, the shelf life and portability of food can be greatly increased, ensuring that armies on campaign will not need to worry about spoilage. Small scale tests have already proven the theory behind the idea, but in order to be practical a cannery will have to be established to mass produce the canned goods your military will require. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Decreased Military Upkeep, Additional Actions Unlocked.

Coming up with a novel method of food preservation was not difficult, or so Archimedes tells you. No, the difficult part was coming up with a way to replicate and scale up the process to the point that such preserved foods could be made available for entire armies on the march, as well as ships at sea. Thankfully, the duo of Archimedes and Genevieve are able to put their heads together and come up with a series of tools and techniques meant to facilitate the mass production of canned goods, which are hastily installed in a massive "grand cannery", a factory-like building dedicated to the production of vast amounts of preserved foodstuffs.

By the end of the year, literal tons of tinned meat and vegetables are being shipped out from the new production center to military units across the width and breadth of the Empire, with many civilians of various types also expressing interest in the new good, intrigued by the possibilities of easy preservation and transport. This raises an idea for potential future profits....Canned Goods Invented, Additional Actions Unlocked. Army Upkeep Reduced to 100 Gold per ten thousand soldiers per Turn. Navy Upkeep Reduced to 3 Gold per Ship per Year.

Rambling Ravelins: While you are currently, as far as you know, the only nation possessing Gunpowder Artillery, that may not remain the case. Even if it does, magic can easily replicate the effects of sustained bombardment. And as you saw in the Winter War, conventional walls and battlements often can't stand up to such explosive power for long. Archimedes has been considering a solution to the problem, but will require the resources needed to test his theories, which is a nice way of saying he's going to build a bunch of fortifications and then fire a bunch of cannons at them to see what happens. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: New Types of Artillery-Resistant Fortifications Devised, New Actions Unlocked.

Archimedes pours much of his little remaining time this year into supervising a team of engineers and architects tasked with devising new methods and types of fortifications and defensive structures. A series of small-scale tests involving a singular cannon being pitted against several small sections of wall soon escalates into the construction of a full-on garrison fort, complete with straw Griffons and crude wooden barracks, being subjected to "stress testing", which in this instance means it is used for target practice by an entire artillery battery, culminating in the subterranean detonation of a large amount of black powder and liquid fire by your Empire's resident explosive demolitions expert: Karl Kaboom.

While the fort in question is little more than a series of irregularly shaped holes in the ground by the conclusion of the testing, the engineers overseeing their creation's destruction are quite pleased with the data gathered as a result. While you don't quite grasp all the mathematics used to explain why sloped or angled walls are superior to standard defenses, the test results speak for themselves. All keys left to do now is implement these new construction standards and upgrade your existing fortifications.

Although, given the sheer number of fortified settlements in your Empire, this task is easier said than done. Artillery Resistant Fortifications Developed. New Actions Unlocked.

: Ravenburg has been busy drawing up plans for covert operations across the world, from Maretonia to Yakyakistan to your newly discovered neighbor of Canterbury. Despite having his attentions divided, he has no difficulty keeping up with the increased workload, in no small part due to his numerous subordinates in the Ministry of Information, which he now grudgingly acknowledges the utility of.

A Pirate's Life for Me!: While it would be a simple task to burn Libertalia to the ground, put its inhabitants to the sword and scatter the survivors to the four winds, such a move would be costly. And, as your advisors have pointed out, there are alternative solutions to the challenge the pirate kingdom poses, each of which could lead to great returns on your investment. But if these alternative avenues are to stand a chance of success, you'll need a partner within Libertalia, a local leader that would be willing to cooperate, negotiate and work with you. The slave-turned-captain Hoofbeard seems like a promising candidate. Have Ravenburg's spies get in touch with him and see if he's willing to play ball. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Libertalia Contact gained: Hoofbeard. New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 60%

Required: 40. Rolled: 21+13+15(First Impressions Omake)=49

In a smoky backroom of one of Libertalia's many, many taverns, an agent of the Imperial Crown stared across a table at one of the most notorious pirates alive.

The Diamond Dog Female known as simply as Ruby (it wasn't her real name, but Hoofbeard didn't know that) silently regarded the massive Earth Pony stallion, her expression unreadable. As one of the infiltrators tasked with the gathering of intelligence on the anarchic island nation, Lord Ravenburg had assigned her to make contact with the legendary slave Captain and make an offer of cooperation. She'd posed as one of the many black market merchants that frequented the Pirate haven, claiming that she was willing to pay an exorbitant fee for the services of a skilled smuggler. Sure enough, Hoofbeard had been amongst the many applicants. One request for a private meeting later and the spy had dropped the "scurvy dog" act and had silently handed over the envelope bearing the wax seal of the Emperor Goldenfeather himself.

Then she'd simply sat back and watched the (surprisingly literate) pirate read through the document, his eyes scanning the words with intensity as his facial expression betrayed nothing. Finally, Hoofbeard looked up from the Imperial missive, an eyebrow raised as he slid the paper back across the table.

"And why should I agree to such a proposal? You're making a lot of promises, but words alone aren't worth much."

His eyes narrow.

"Why should I trust you to keep up your end of any deal?"

Ruby didn't even blink.

"Because we share a common desire. A common enemy. The situation with Maretonia is...complex. As things are now, we are ill-prepared for open warfare with another Empire...but if a hoofull of pirates were to somehow get ahold of Gryphus-made weapons, and then use those weapons to raid Maretonian territory...well, that would be a different matter."

Hoofbeard worked his jaw, mulling her words. She pressed on.

"And if a few slaves happened to be taken by the pirates in said raids...well that would just be in keeping with your usual MO wouldn't it?"

Hoofbeard snorted.

"And if I say no?"

Ruby shrugged.

"You've committed no crimes against the Empire. We want you to work with us willingly, not out of fear of any potential consequences."

The stallion eyed the paper again before his eyes darted back up.

"And Libertalia?"

Ruby wordlessly glanced at the candle burning at the center of the table, the flames flickering in the darkness. By some act of fate, coincidence, or carefully planned showmareship, the fire seemed to flare brighter for a moment.

Hoofbeard stared, the silence stretching on for several long moments.

"Where do I sign?"

New Contact/Intelligence Asset: Hoofbeard. New Actions Unlocked.

The Good Kind of People Smuggling: Buying your people back from Maretonia was deemed an unacceptable course of action. Still, ensuring the return of your people remains a top priority. Naturally, Ravenburg has a comprehensive plan to do so using his usual brand of stealth and guile. Through a combination of blackmail, bribes, infiltration, and the forging of official documents, your spies will secret away every Imperial Citizen, one by one, out of Maretonia. You'll even be able to grab the few Qilin that were taken! Of course, this plan carries a degree of risk, and even if it goes perfectly the Maretonians are going to notice when all their "rare merchandise" goes missing, but hopefully by the time they realize what's happened they won't be able to do anything about it. Cost: 600. Time: Two Years Reward: Enslaved Citizens Liberated. Chance of Success: 45%

Required: 55. Rolled: 85+13+20(Grand Order: Alter of the Emperor Omake)=118. Art Crit!

You stare at the report on your desk, struggling to comprehend the words written upon it, struggling to accept them as truth. You look up at Ravenburg, who your staff had once again found trying to singlehandedly drain the Imperial wine cellar. He evidently had just as hard a time accepting the word of his agents as you did.

"This is..."

Insane. Preposterous. So crazy that even if we went public with the information no one would believe it. All would have accurately relayed your feelings at the moment. Ravenburg grunts, finishing your sentence for you.

"Completely true. I personally debriefed the agents responsible, as well as many of the citizens they rescued. That report contains no embellishment or hyperbole."

You scan the post-operation report once again, then silently reach for the bottle of Shroomshine you keep in a locked cabinet of your desk, pulling it and two glasses out.

Whether the two of you begin drinking in celebration or out of a simple need to get drunk after reading that mad report isn't known to either of you, nor would it ever be.

When Gabriella and the castle staff find the two of you the next morning, suffering from one of the worst hangovers you've ever experienced in your life, they'll find a confidential document that, after being declassified many years in the future, will serve as the inspiration for a series of plays, books and motion pictures. The after-action report for Operation Winged Freedom.

Winged Freedom (Ravenburg insists he didn't come up with the name, though he also claims not to remember who did) would go down in history as one of the finest hours of the Gryphus secret service, a covert operation that would be studied and emulated by spies and saboteurs for generations to come.

The op was simple in its objective, but complex in its execution. Teams of infiltrators crossed the border into Maretonia via air, underground tunnels, and even by sea. These skilled agents then linked up with a series of Abolitionist cells to share intel and plan the rescue of your enslaved citizens. Due to the distributed nature of the hostages, as well as the need for secrecy and discretion, each cell and infiltration team acted more or less independently of each other.

Despite this, each and every team would report success in their tasks. As to how those tasks were carried out...well, much of that was partially responsible for your hangover.

The Abolitionists, being more knowledgeable on the local area and more experienced in the covert freeing of enslaved peoples, took the lead in most cases. This was not surprising. What was surprising was the sheer insanity of many of their plans. What was even more surprising was that, in every single case, these mad schemes succeeded.

From dressing an enslaved Qilin up in a formal kimono and bluffing the local authorities into thinking that he was a visiting dignitary making his way to the capital, to one particularly imaginative Griffon climbing into a box and literally mailing himself to the border, the phrase "so crazy it could work" was most appropriate for many of the tricks used to get your people home. But they didn't return alone.

The abolitionists, not content to simply free a select few when they could save so many others, worked with your spies to smuggle hundreds of Pony and Diamond Dog slaves out of Maretonia. And while many of these fugitives had already escaped from bondage and were simply hiding out within the borders of the slave kingdom before fleeing North, many others went straight from the fields and mines of Maretonian nobility to the escape routes of the abolitionist movement. Not coincidentally, many of the slaves freed in such a manner had lived and worked alongside your captured citizens.

Some of your people, having struggled with and lived alongside their fellow slaves, actually refused to leave without their new friends. Ravenburg's infiltrators would not deny them that. In total, over a thousand slaves were liberated and snuck into the Empire, your spies following behind them once the last Imperial Citizen was safely accounted for.

There are now many tearful and joyous reunions occurring across Gryphus. Many families and households are also taking in new members: the Ponies and Diamond Dogs freed from a lifetime of servitude. For the first time, these souls born into shackles may now live freely. The inhabitants of the Crystal City in particular have been especially welcoming of their Equine cousins, their memory of Sombra making them particularly sympathetic to the plight of their new friends and neighbors.

The Maretonians are, of course, furious. But that's a small price to pay for having made shattered families whole again, and for giving hundreds of people a fresh start in a land where they need not know fear.

Your hangover on the other claw...
Enslaved Citizens Liberated and Returned to Gryphus, Hundreds of Pony and Diamond Dog "Immigrants" Acquired. Monstrous Hangover Gained.

: You refuse to let your duties as Emperor take up every moment of your day.

Overtime: Rambling Ravelins

Imperial Priority
: Sometimes you need something done as quickly as possible, regardless of the cost. In such times, you can authorize and oversee the judicious and generous application of funds to speed things along. If necessary, you can reduce the duration of a select action by one year at the cost of a personal action and doubling the per-turn financial cost of the action. The chances of success for said action will remain the same.
-The Good Kind of People Smuggling

-[X] Getting to Know You: Gawain has made some very interesting friends. You're relieved to see him getting along with peers his own age, though you do wonder what he gets up to with them. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain Improves Relationship with a Friend, May Lead to Further Developments and Benefits Down the Road. (Does not cost an Action. May only develop one relationship per Turn)

--[X] Sebastian Rainfeather: The shy young Gryph reminds you a bit of Gawain when he was younger and less sure of can see why your son sought to take him under his wing. He shares your son's passion for chess, and practically worships wonder how he'll turn out in the future.

To be Continued in Fast Times at Crystal High

Hazard/Random Event Rolls

74 (Pass)
57 (Pass)

I am terribly, terribly sorry about how long this update took. I've recently acquired a new job, and the hours are long and tiring. I'm also not connected to a computer or phone for basically the entirety of the day as well. Combine that with numerous other distractions and the usual writer's block and this Update took much longer than usual to get out.

Rest assured, I am continuing this quest, and have no intention on leaving you hanging. The updates are just going to be a lot more spaced out than they were before. Thank you for your patience, and for continuing to follow my Quest in spite of the wait.

As a side note, I've unfortunately been unable to keep track of all the omakes that people have continued to submit. If someone could alert me to the ones I've missed in my absence, I would greatly appreciate it.
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There are now many tearful and joyous reunions occurring across Gryphus. Many families and households are also taking in new members: the Ponies and Diamond Dogs freed from a lifetime of servitude. For the first time, these souls born into shackles may now live freely. The inhabitants of the Crystal City in particular have been especially welcoming of their Equine cousins, their memory of Sombra making them particularly sympathetic to the plight of their new friends and neighbors.
Free at last, free at last! Thank Garrick almighty, they're free at last!

Of Names and Packs
Grimm Tales, Vol. 1, Chapter 7, The Siblings
The Omakes after the last omake threadmark.
Thanks for the update!

And dont worry about it man, we can wait for good content.

Kind of dissapointed we didnt accidentally an underground railroad with pur actions but this is pretty damn good as well.