??? It isnt magic though? In the mlp it mentioned it as being something to do with the clouds, the flyers themselves, or possibly both.

It probably has something to do with how weather has to be directed (outside of places like the far north or places like the everfree forest).

It is explicitly stated in the comics that it is not magic (though there is magic to replicate the effects for beings that are not pegasi, griffons, and similar races)
Word Of GM. It's so here and Griffons can't do it.
Well this was a long quest to catch up on. Quite an exciting one though, and I still have to read the sidestories.

Question: how come renovating and resettling Griffonstone never appeared as an option during the chapters? It was stated to be the birthplace of the last empire, so it clearly has symbolic importance. Even if it was obviously low priority and voters probably wouldn't pick it, you would think the idea would have occurred in-quest for the possibility of a government-led program to revitalize the area.

I am aware that the city is now revitalized anyways by the memorial pilgrimages. I am just curious.
Well this was a long quest to catch up on. Quite an exciting one though, and I still have to read the sidestories.

Question: how come renovating and resettling Griffonstone never appeared as an option during the chapters? It was stated to be the birthplace of the last empire, so it clearly has symbolic importance. Even if it was obviously low priority and voters probably wouldn't pick it, you would think the idea would have occurred in-quest for the possibility of a government-led program to revitalize the area.

I am aware that the city is now revitalized anyways by the memorial pilgrimages. I am just curious.
Welcome to the quest!
I don't know, personally it never occurred to me, but I haven't been here since the beginning so maybe someone else knows if it was considered.
Omake: Of Names and Packs
AN: Freedom. Yay. "Is slapped back into work pile"

Of Names and Packs

Excerpted from 'A Dive with Diamond Dogs, or My Year with the Bright-Stone Kin
By Aquila Longstrider'

Chapter 7

Having covered the Oral History of the Bright-Stone Pack, and it's origins, I feel that it would be appropriate to address a particular issue that has frequently come up in my previous books, and other works about the Kin. Many of my readers will have noticed, in dealings with their Kin or those associated with the Kin, that many of them refer to themselves in, to put it mildly, basic terms. Names like Boulder, Iron, Gemhunter, Cruncher, Breaker and Brighteye are seemingly very basic names, and would seem to indicate a very basic naming structure.

Indeed, it would seem that more often than not, the Empire itself puts more personality in naming particularly famous Diamond Dog than their own culture. Figures like Captain Kaboom are often given their names for their preferences, or through their deeds, as is often the case. Indeed, the many Diamond Dogs who work the Empires mines, scout for the Army, and other tasks often seem to have simple, one word names, like the aforementioned Boulder, or Crusher, or Shorty.

However, one should not assume that such simplicity is the truth. Indeed, much like the perceived like of piety often seen in Griffonkind, and has been discussed in the previous chapters, the Kins way of life and culture is far more complicated than one would expect. As such, I shall endeavor, to the best of my ability, and with aid of Elder Softstone of the Bright-Stones, to explain the many naming conventions and concepts of individual Kin, and of the Pack as a whole. We will start, of course, at the Beginning.


When a Litter is born, the parents, and a presiding Elder of the Pack, or in some rare, unfortunate cases, the litters surviving kin, will inspect the pups when they are strong enough. They will look for defining features, such as eye color, fur color or patterns, teeth shape, body definition, and will name them based on these findings. In cases where the parents have already decided on names, the process will usually be skipped in favor of the parents decision. However, in cases where the parents have no preference, or the pups are orphans, the ritual will commence post haste.

In my fifth month amongst the Kin, I was privileged enough to be invited to observe one such ritual. The parents, both Diamond Dogs, had only prepared names for a few of the litter, having not expected most to survive the few months since the birth. The Elder had explained to me, much to my shock, that prior to the many Packs joining of the empire, 3/4s of all litters were expected to die in the first few months, either from starvation, the cold of the tunnels and mountains, or afflicted by the illness the Kin call Moon Madness, and abandoned. Since then, the Packs have experienced something of a population boom, with a few cross species couples in the mix as well.

Kin are referred to by their birth names at all occasions, and will continue to be until they have earned their True Names. True Names are the names that the Kin gain once they have earned adulthood. To do this, a Kin must have a distinguishing trait, personality or concept about them, or a exemplary deed in their life. Until then, these Kin are considered children, and are not allowed to leave the Pack or mate until they do so, and will not be allowed to feast with the adults at gatherings or fight in battle.

This can take years and decades in some cases. I have heard stories of Elders who have never earned their true names, dying old and alone, unable to achieve their adulthood. These Kin are Pariahs, unable to grow up, and unable to act like children, made into laborers or banished. Some go mad, or lose the will to live. These cases are rare though, as most earn their names within 20 years of life, and even rarer now, since much of the Packs joined the Empire.

True Names
True Names are, as described by Elder Softstone, the sum of a Kins being. Who they are in life, what they do for a living, what makes them tick, how others perceive them. A Kin who loves to mine, to dig, to finds Gems or Gold, can be called Shine-Hunter, or Bright-Heart, or any other combination. Likewise, a Kin who has sharp hearing or a keen sense of smell, may be named accordingly after that trait. The same goes for Kin who like to fight, or hunt well, or are particularly strong, or tall.

Much like how we Griffons name ourselves, these can be simple and short to complex and long. One Kin, introduced to me as simply Hard Rock, told me that his full name was Long-Fured-Bird-Sight-Dense-Stone-Iron-Breaker-Bright-Stone. As my readers can see, such names can be long , drawn out affairs. When I asked why he told me it was simply Hard Rock, however, the Kin laughed and said that it was the sum of his being, and trying to explain it the way they saw it would be like me trying to explain what the color purple is to a blind Kin, or understand what sunlight tastes like to a flower. That last one especially confused me, but he only laughed.

Pack Names
Pack names are traits that each of the kin in the Pack have in common with each other. This can range from preferred locations of living, to the preferred ways of mining, or what they mine, or how they fight, or a distinguishing trait amongst the kin, like Blue eyes, white stripes, or personality. The Bright-Stones were named such because of where they dig, inside gem mountains and ore filled tunnels, and the fact that they likely mine and harvest such metals and gems. Many of the Pack, as such, work in the Empires mines, or spend most of their lives digging underground, though a fair few kin have gone to live on the surface, and serve in the Empires armies.

Most Kin carry their pack names throughout their lives, though they are not usually included in the full name, as most Kin can apparently tell by smell or sight which Pack is which. Some packs will intermix, forming new Packs from two entirely different cultures. Others may have kin form offshoots Packs from the main, gaining new names or changing old ones in some way. Outsiders can be inducted into Packs, including Griffons and Crystal Ponies, and I have heard a few stories of some Packs essentially adopting entirely towns or cites as a part of their pack.

Having lived with the Kin for so long, I have grown to appreciate the seeming simplicity of their names. Their simple nature is deceptive, and can contain a wealth of information about how they view us, and change how we view them as Citizens of the Empire. Indeed, as we will discover in the next chapter, their seeming simplicity is quite deceptive, especially in their relationships with others. Join me, dear readers, as we delve into inter species romance between the Kin and other species, and how it is view by them at large.

AN: I has no more fingers. @Questor take my suffering.
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Martial: Gustav Kingfeather is one of the most scarred Griffons you've ever seen. A former Troll hunter, he lost a wing, an eye, and a hind-leg to a particularly vicious Manticore. Despite his injuries, he's one of the most spirited people you've ever met, and can drink and brawl with the best of them. (Two Actions Per Turn)

-Investigate the Smoky Mountains: You do not like large plumes of smoke in areas not under your control. Generally you just don't like large plumes of smoke. It usually means that a large number of Diamond Dogs have gathered together, or a Dragon has decided to take up residence. You don't like either possibility. So, as such, put together a few scouting parties to investigate, yes? Cost: 50. Time: 1 Year. Reward: ???

A few brave volunteers are selected to make the journey. The smoke has severely reduced visibility, so they have to make a detailed inspection on foot. They have no idea what they'll find. None expect to discover what they do.

It's a scene of carnage. The forest burns, entire trees set alight, acres of greenery turned to ash and smoking embers. There are great rents in the ground, the tell-tale signs of Draconic claws that have been scratching in the dirt. At the entrance to a massive cavern lie the corpses of four enormous mountain trolls, their skins charred black by dragonfire, their entrails scattered about them. The smell of burnt flesh and rotting corpses adds to the already naturally pungent stench of the trolls. Before them is the equally massive corpse of a fully grown dragon, it's ribcage crumpled inwards by a titanic blow, its face still twisted in a snarl of fury.

Inside the cavern, the scouts discover the reason the dragon did not simply flee, why it stayed and fought to the death to defend its home: a nest, carefully carved from the mountain's rock and surrounded by the few gems to be found nearby. Within it, shielded from the elements, sits a cluster of dragon eggs. Four are as cold as the stone they sit upon, the lives within them snuffed out before they could even breach their shells. But the fifth is still warm, still holding a spark of life within it. What now? Smoky Mountain Mystery Resolved, Gain 1 Dragon Egg.

-The Lion's Den: The Knights Lion are the last of the knightly orders, the militant brotherhoods that served the Emperor in the age before Discord. As the only known living descendant of the Imperial Family, the few remaining knights have sworn their service to you. But if they are to truly recapture the glory of their ancestors, they will need a base of operations. A citadel. You intend to give them one. Cost: 400. Time: Two Years. Reward: Citadel of the Knights Lion constructed. Knights Lion upgraded from bodyguards to battlefield unit.

A mountain peak with a commanding view of your territory is selected. Blocks of granite, marble, and limestone are carved from quarries and transported to the building site. The finest architects, masons, and builders are assembled with a single goal: build the greatest and most magnificent fortress since the Empire. A task they set to with gusto. The Knights themselves are not idle either, seeking out young Griffons worthy of becoming their apprentices, so that there will be enough knights to justify the creation of such a grand structure. The construction will take time, but you are one step closer to recapturing the glory of your ancestors. Will Finish Next Turn.

: Elva Von Cleef is a stern eyed and stiff necked old bird. But she's been negotiating deals between city-states since before you were born. Negotiating deals between kingdoms was the logical next step for her. (One Action Per Turn)

-Throw a Dog a Bone: While none of the Diamond Dogs in your territory could be considered "civilized", not all of them are completely feral. Some have been known to use tools, wear clothes, and even speak your language to a certain extent. It might be worth trying to open a dialogue with some of the less aggressive packs, if for no other reason than to tell them that you know where they live and that you'll kill them if they don't stop raiding your territory. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic contact made with several Diamond Dog Packs. Chance of Success: 40%

Required: 60. Rolled: 60+15 (When Heron Met Swift-y Omake)+18=93 (Art. Crit!)

Diamond Dog packs often hang on the edge of survival. They must contend with the beasts of the forest, and compete with rival packs of their fellow dogs for scarce resources. The whole reason they raid Griffon territory is because they usually can't produce what they require on their own. They also possess an almost instinctual need to follow an alpha, a strong dog capable of leading them and providing for them. You knew this intellectually, but you'd never really considered the greater ramifications of it. Until today.

Because today, representatives from the Diamond Dog packs you'd sent envoys to came to present you with tribute. Chests and cloth pouches filled with shining nuggets of gold and silver ore, chunks of glistening marble, multifaceted crystals, even a talonful of rare and precious gemstones.

You know what this means, even before the Dogs presenting their bounty bow down before your throne in a gesture of submission. Diamond Dogs only willingly part with their gems for two reasons: for barter, or as a tax towards their alpha in exchange for protection. They want to become your subjects.


+100 Tax Income

: Claus Rosewing is, much like you, a former merchant. You'd actually done business with him a few times, and he always struck you as a fair and reasonable gryph. Good thing too, because now he'll be handling much of your finances. (One Action Per Turn)

-Diggy Diggy Hole: Now that you know where all the major mineral deposits in your kingdom are, it's time to start exploiting them. Subsidize the construction of several mines for the extraction of iron, coal, copper, and other metals suitable for industrial and military applications. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Mining Income, access to large supplies of raw materials.

As a general rule, Griffons aren't very comfortable underground. The lack of sunlight, the stale air, the tight spaces…still, needs must. You need ore to make metal, and you need metal to make weapons, tools, and other products essential to the continued prosperity of the kingdom. Thus, shafts are dug, support pillars are installed, smelters are assembled, several of your non-sapient avian cousins are employed as makeshift gas warning systems, and the exploitation of your land's bountiful mineral wealth begins in earnest. Gain: +250 Mining Income

: Archimedes is an almost comically small and scrawny Griffon, often mistaken for a teenager despite being middle-aged. What he lacks in physical stature, he more than makes up for with brainpower. He has authored numerous works on history, biology, and physics, making him an ideal choice for an advisor. (Two Actions Per Turn)

-Fungus Farming: In a mountainous, forested land such as yours, arable land is in short supply. That, plus the threat of bandit raids and monster attacks makes the production of a reliable food supply a significant issue. Archimedes claims to have a solution: Mushrooms. They can grow places other foodstuffs can't, don't require sunlight, and are highly nutritious. You're skeptical, but are willing to give him some time and funds to explore the viability of his idea. Time: One Year. Cost: 100. Reward: Viability of Mushrooms as Food Crop investigated.

Well, you were skeptical, but Archimedes delivered on his promises. His prototype fungus farm has done well, producing numerous species of edible mushrooms year-round. After much trial and error, the brainiest of your advisors has figured out how to reliably and efficiently plant, grow and harvest mushrooms like any other food crop. All that's left now is to construct more, larger farms for this new kind of produce. Mushroom Farms now available for construction.

-Ocean Navigation Tools: As a traveling merchant who operated in Discord's era, you are familiar with the importance and difficulties of traveling over a constantly shifting and often dangerous landscape. You can therefore emphasize with those sailors that dare to venture beyond the sight of the coasts. Archimedes has a few ideas to improve ocean navigation, hopefully making the operation of your navy go much smoother. Time: One Year. Cost: 100. Reward: Better naval navigation, +5 on certain naval and exploration rolls.

The Sextant. The Barometer. The astrolabe. Improved Telescopes. Standardized sea charts. All these and more are tools your thinkers have crafted for use by your navy to assist with navigating the frequently dangerous and often unpredictable seas. These new innovations are rapidly disseminated to sailors throughout your lands. This should give you an advantage over your rival seafarers in Aquillea. Gain Naval Navigation Tools, +5 on certain naval and exploration rolls.

: Lord Ravenburg is a stoic fellow with dark feathers and fur. He speaks only when spoken to and somehow manages to be both unassuming and mildly intimidating. You're not sure exactly how he became spymaster, but the fact that he seemed to know everything about you before you'd even met him indicates he is well-qualified. (One Action Per Turn)

-Spy School: If you're going to unite your people, you're going to need information. And to get information you'll need spies. Good ones. Have Ravenburg set up a recruitment and training program for infiltrators to operate beyond your borders. Cost: 400. Time: Two Years. Reward: Spies trained, can be sent on missions to other nations.

Lord Ravenburg announces that his "infiltrator academy" is now up and running, and has produced its first "graduating class" of spies and saboteurs. He confidently states that you're as ready as you'll ever be to start sending spies out to Wingbardy, Aquillea, and the Feathersian League. Additional Intrigue Options now Available

: You refuse to let your duties as King take up every moment of your day. (Two Actions Per Turn)

-I Work Out: Your wife is…ok, there's no beating around the bush here, your wife could probably break you in half with her bare talons. And while that's not a bad thing at all, you have to admit that you feel a little…inadequate when standing next to her. She's intelligent and attractive, and most importantly, your Queen! You think she deserves a husband that can at least stand a chance against her in an arm wrestling match. There's only one solution to this: start exercising regularly. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased martial stat, chance to gain Strong Trait, chance to improve Gabriella's opinion of you. Chance of Success: 70%

Required: 30. Rolled: 30+10 (Training Day Omake)+10(You?! Omake)=50

Gabriella's Training is brutal. At the end of each session you're left a pile of sore, strained flesh and matted feathers. As soon as you start to improve, Gabriella increases the weight load, or moves the finish line further away, or reveals that she's been holding back in your spars together. Still, though it is painful, exhausting, and at times humiliating, benefits are reaped.

By the end of the year you…well, you're not ripped, but you're definitely stronger and more fit than you were before you started training with your wife. Your musculature is a more toned and obvious, your body is a bit sharper around the edges, and you can now actually last a few seconds in an arm-wrestling match with her, though you still lose nine times out of ten. Speaking of which, Gabriella has really enjoyed your training sessions together, appreciating a chance to really relax and let loose, without having to worry about keeping up appearances. Her endless and amazing tales of her exploits as a wandering mercenary make her grueling workouts more bearable than they otherwise would have been. You can tell she…appreciates your gains, though you both think you can go further with a more intense regimen. Assuming you survive it.

Also, in…somewhat related news, Gabriella's Pregnant. Sooo…yeah.
+1 Martial Stat, +1 Gabriella Opinion, Gabriella Gains "Pregnant" Status Modifier.

-Ingratiating the In-Laws: Your wife's father is Federico Montefeathertro, Duke of the city-state of Urbirdo. A veteran warrior, patron of the arts, and a major player in Feathersian politics, he's an extremely powerful and influential Gryph. It might be a good idea to meet with him in a more official capacity and discuss matters of state. It'd be nice to have a friend on the Feathersian council, and it's always a good idea to be on good terms with your Father-in-Law. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: ?

Rolled: 66+18(Personal Diplomacy)+10(Daughter Likes You)=94 (Art. Crit!)

Federico might just be the friendliest Feathersian noble out there. You'd barely gotten out of your throne to greet him before you found him embracing you like you were his own flesh and blood. Apparently Gabriella's been sending him letters filled with nothing but good words about you, and he's pleased as can be that his daughter is settling in well. He's equally relieved that her wanderlust seems to have been sated for now, as he was terrified that she would disappear again on another perilous journey that she would never return from. It's not long before you find yourselves in the castle's wine cellar, sharing a bottle as he regales you with tales of your wife in her pampered youth. You in turn share stories of your own past, and you find yourselves bonding over the issues you both face as rulers of your respective realms.

It's not until you're on your second bottle of wine that you remember exactly why you'd invited him and try to gently broach the subject of Feathersian support of Griffonia. To your surprise, he casually promises Urbirdo's full support for your Kingdom in whatever form you may require. After all, with his daughter as your Queen, her health and happiness are tied to the fate of you and your kingdom. He also expresses his disdain for your rival, King Brochard, and complains of receiving a vaguely threatening letter from him in the aftermath of your wedding, warning him of "the dangers of abandoning his neutrality". Needless to say, he was not impressed, nor was he pleased. As such, he fully intends to back you and Griffonia, both as the Duke of Urbirdo and as a voice on the Feathersian Council. Though he warns you that, while he is powerful, he is merely a single ruler of a single city-state. But while he may not be able to rally the Feathersian's against Brochard, he should be able to prevent them from trying to hinder you in any potential future conflict.

This is the best you could have reasonably hoped for, and you raise another glass to your Father-in-Law in thanks. Not long afterward, as you tipsily assist the equally buzzed Federico into his sky-carriage, he reaches into a pocket of his jacket and removes a bundle of official-looking documents stamped with his personal seal. He thrusts them into your hands and tells you to "consider this a belated wedding gift" before cheerfully bidding you a goodnight and departing back to Urbirdo. You curiously inspect the documents, and are shocked to discover that your new friend has hired your wife's former band of mercenaries on your behalf! Not only that, he's agreed to pay them a retainer "for the foreseeable future", and has left you a note stating that he intends to keep them in your employ until "this whole Aquillean business is dealt with".

You think it's safe to say that he likes you. Federico Montefeathertro and Urbirdo are allied with Griffonia, gain upkeep-free Mercenary unit: "The Valkyries".
question the above is how far ive read but anyway are we going by standard ck2 rules? cause im wondering if our character should die either from natural causes or otherwise we can continue as our heir
question the above is how far ive read but anyway are we going by standard ck2 rules? cause im wondering if our character should die either from natural causes or otherwise we can continue as our heir
I am pretty sure that is the case. We have made multiple comments on how our son would make a good successor.
question the above is how far ive read but anyway are we going by standard ck2 rules? cause im wondering if our character should die either from natural causes or otherwise we can continue as our heir
I am pretty sure that is the case. We have made multiple comments on how our son would make a good successor.
Well, there is still some hope about some alicorn ascension equivalent for our dear emperor (ok, it's probably mostly me :p), but if things proceed as they seem to be doing, we might consider retiring Garrick in a decade or two, maybe make him an advisor, let him rest a bit and enjoy life (and possibly his grandchildren) Our son is about 16 right now, in a few years he'll be ready in case Garrick dies (once he loses his age maluses he has better stats in everything!), otherwise we'll probably abdicate whenever we have a few years of peace to smooth the transition
Well, there is still some hope about some alicorn ascension equivalent for our dear emperor (ok, it's probably mostly me :p), but if things proceed as they seem to be doing, we might consider retiring Garrick in a decade or two, maybe make him an advisor, let him rest a bit and enjoy life (and possibly his grandchildren) Our son is about 16 right now, in a few years he'll be ready in case Garrick dies (once he loses his age maluses he has better stats in everything!), otherwise we'll probably abdicate whenever we have a few years of peace to smooth the transition
I am hoping to have us retire and become an advisor when our son loses the age maluses.

Garrick deserves a nice retirement playing with his grandkids and living peacefully.
You know considering Questors sheer speed in updating at least once a week and the fact it's now been over two weeks, I am now imagining that we either rolled so high or low on the piety option that either a religious schism has formed in the empire or we have just become a god and Questor is having to rework his rules to take into account divine influence :)
You know considering Questors sheer speed in updating at least once a week and the fact it's now been over two weeks, I am now imagining that we either rolled so high or low on the piety option that either a religious schism has formed in the empire or we have just become a god and Questor is having to rework his rules to take into account divine influence :)
Or Questor might be busy. It is summer, after all.
It's obvious to most people that Questor is actually writing an autobiography with this quest, and was merely taking time off from ruling his empire on the other side of the portal to write quests on SV.
He's probably gone back to his Empire to take care of some urgent business.
The Peregrines expedition left with almost a hundred Griffons and Diamond Dogs. Only five return alive.

The survivors are nearly mad with fear. They speak of a frozen wasteland, desecrated by foul magicks, the land itself seeming to be actively hostile as the members of the expedition died one by one, swallowed by crevasses, stabbed by crystalline growths, struck down by sudden lightning or flayed alive by unnatural blizzards.

Then they mention how they came upon a dark city, somehow shielded from the ice and snow, great spires of hallowed out crystal tinged black by some malevolent force, a bizarre feeling of mental oppression emanating from it and driving all who beheld it to fear and madness.

As the scouts finally decided to turn back and leave this cursed land behind them, they were set upon by what could only have been the ruler of this realm of nightmares. A quadrupedal horned Equine seemingly made of living shadow, his mere gaze sending grizzled warriors into fits of primal terror.

He personally slew all but a handful of the expedition, and the survivors believe they escaped only because he allowed them to, that he wished for them to tell all they met of what fate awaited them.

You were tempted to merely dismiss their reports as the ravings of half-starved lunatics. But the unseasonable frost slowly creeping over the mountains into your southern provinces tells you otherwise, as does the massive, unnatural blizzard originating from the South, slowly but inexorably making its way north towards the Empire. Almost as if it was...walking towards you.

Discovered "Crystal Empire".
Invasion Imminent.

You rolled a 1. To all those people who were talking about going to war: wish granted. You're fighting Unicorn Sauron now.

aw sweet merciful celestia not him anypony but him!
Behold the result of a nat 1!

Our first true villain!

Second if you count Brochard.

Without spoiling anything, I'll say our conflict with Sombra is VERY interesting to read. Very entertaining.

This is where legends are born!
This is why I love nat. 1's and other low rolls. You can't have a great story without a great conflict!
That "Emperor-worshipping imperial cult" stuff was funny as a joke (despite some people doing their best to drive it into the ground).
It would've been an insufferable power-tripping shark-jump in the actual story.
That "Emperor-worshipping imperial cult" stuff was funny as a joke (despite some people doing their best to drive it into the ground).
It would've been an insufferable power-tripping shark-jump in the actual story.
I mean yeah, it was mainly a joke. Even Garrick's opinion of the cult was a bit wary and bewildered in the story.
That "Emperor-worshipping imperial cult" stuff was funny as a joke (despite some people doing their best to drive it into the ground).
It would've been an insufferable power-tripping shark-jump in the actual story.
Sounds funny and in any other situation, I would say to encourage it. As it is though, that doesn't really fit the course of the story.
hmm just got to the part where we have anti magic metal.....which was I believe first seen in the fic the assassination of twilight sparkle where said metal is the only thing that can kill an alicorn