On a more useful note. Where should we explore next? Across the ocean past the Neighponese? Further south from what was the Crystal Empire?
We aren't going to explore for a while. We are going to need to focus on internal development and recovery. Also the other powers that were around can do that on their own now that Sombra is gone. We don't need to use our actions for that.
On a more useful note. Where should we explore next? Across the ocean past the Neighponese? Further south from what was the Crystal Empire?
Kinda feel like we should consolidate first before exploring. Get steam engines up, get a plan for the crystal empires lands done, get ourselves back on track for joint research, let our population recover...

But after, maybe working on boats and blimps would be nice so we can get better cross ocean travel. We could set up joint navy explorations, if they want to.

Checking out the area around the crystal empire lands is probably the most important though.
Omake: The Matter of Heart (Canon)
The Matter of Heart

He was nervous still, anyone sane in his position would be he felt. After all, he was young still compared to most of the assembly he was about to address and of lower rank among the movers and shakers of the empire. Inexperienced they would say due to the lack of graying in his feathers he was certain.

And, it was an ambitious thing for him to speak of this subject to them all, but backing down now wasn't something he could do. Images flashed through his mind of the people he was about to speak of, of the crystal pony guides that lead the army to a land turned into a nightmare, of a young mother aged before her time cuddling a precious child closely with weak hooves, determined to shield the filly from all the evils of the world with all her feeble strength. He knew he could not fail now, to simply speak to help those ponies see a brighter future, for them all to see it.

Fryus Quicktalon stepped forwards, swallowed his fear and spoke from his innermost soul and very heart.

"My fellow gryphs, whether griff or dog, we stand at a time unprecedented in our known history. Where our empire blooms and flourishes to the point of our greatest glory, where we stand triumphant over a evil great as any other before if not greater, where we must pick up the pieces of a nation broken under the insane ruler that conquered it through dark magics.

The Crystal Empire was grand and glorious, it's people of great will and ability, we know this from what survived the curse that was Sombra, we know this from their works, we know this from how the Crystal Ponies have not lain down and died after the horrors they went through.. but they are injured. Injured in not just body but mind and spirit. Injured in ways it may take years to heal for some, a lifetime for others and never at all for the worst.

These new neighbors of ours are injured, and like any good neighbor we should do what we can for them in their time of need as we would will them us. Yet their land is ravaged, the realities of transportation limiting, any with wills to lead them broken and hopefully recovering. To leave them among other broken souled individuals with food constantly given to them would leave them in a pitiful state of living. One a people as strong as them could overcome with time.. but one they should not be reduced to.

Thus I feel that we should bring them into our lands, situated with those willing to host them, to have them live among us and remember the joys of life, to see others filled with happiness and join in themselves! To get what they deserve from honest work they choose that they may recall their pride in their labors and talents wherever they may lie!

And then, in later years, when the time is right and their home is recovered somewhat from the dark deeds and magics that ravaged it, they shall take back their ancestral lands, for any who wish to return and any other Imperial citizens that wish to go with them, whether it is from seeking profit in a regrowing land or more personal connections!

And of course, if along the way they decide that they do not enjoy being part of the empire, we shall let them secede and do our best to be good neighbors still, for we are not slavers to force others to remain where we put them, to expect them to live their lives because we saved them! No, we should simply do our part to support these ponies and I expect fully for them to in turn to want to remain part of our great empire of their own free wills and informed decision making, feeling it to be their best choice for happy fulfilling lives, not out of mere gratitude.

It also simplifies somewhat what to do with the Crystal Heart if we go this path.. for it is a powerful item of awesome magic, that defeated the foulest evil we have ever known, (even if I feel we probably could have done it ourselves it would have been a bloodier cost) and as such should be guarded, not in a crumbling city but in the heart of Gryphus power. With one important acknowledgement, that it belongs not to the Empire of Gryphus, but to the crystal ponies, to all the crystal ponies. For them to have been severed from such a clear force of good was one of Sombra's many crimes and it should never happen again, especially not for reasons of 'security'.

Thus, every crystal pony should be allowed to visit it as they will, to bask in it and touch the beating cultural heart of their people, and in time as they heal, for those with stout bodies that desire to, to become part of the guards for it.. until the day that we take and restore their capital city, or they do so themselves as their own nation. But what is important is that at any time it is available to the Crystal Ponies, for among them is where it's home is and I believe we all know the expression 'Home is where the heart is'.

Of course, if we make it available to them, I see no reason our own citizenry and that of our friends should not be allowed to see it, though I advise perhaps against the touching there for them.

And, while I am no architect or great poet.. I believe that while we hold it, as well as providing a guard, we should endeavor to surround the Crystal Heart with what it deserves to be surrounded by.. reminders for it's many visitors of what it symbolizes. Depictions, of the Crystal Empire at it's peak, of ponies working together, loving one another, forming bonds of comradeship and family, of the Gryphus Empire's peoples happier days, of them coming together through (mostly) words.. and of what we want of the future, where we all stand strong, surrounded by those we love and who love us."
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"My fellow gryphs, whether griff or dog, we stand at a time unprecedented in our known history. Where our empire blooms and flourishes to the point of our greatest glory, where we stand triumphant over a evil great as any other before if not greater, where we must pick up the pieces of a nation broken under the insane ruler that conquered it through dark magics.

The Crystal Empire was grand and glorious, it's people of great will and ability, we know this from what survived the curse that was Sombra, we know this from their works, we know this from how the Crystal Ponies have not lain down and died after the horrors they went through.. but they are injured. Injured in not just body but mind and spirit. Injured in ways it may take years to heal for some, a lifetime for others and never at all for the worst.

These new neighbors of ours are injured, and like any good neighbor we should do what we can for them in their time of need as we would will them us. Yet their land is ravaged, the realities of transportation limiting, any with wills to lead them broken and hopefully recovering. To leave them among other broken souled individuals with food constantly given to them would leave them in a pitiful state of living. One a people as strong as them could overcome with time.. but one they should not be reduced to.

Thus I feel that we should bring them into our lands, situated with those willing to host them, to have them live among us and remember the joys of life, to see others filled with happiness and join in themselves! To get what they deserve from honest work they choose that they may recall their pride in their labors and talents wherever they may lie!

And then, in later years, when the time is right and their home is recovered somewhat from the dark deeds and magics that ravaged it, they shall take back their ancestral lands, for any who wish to return and any other Imperial citizens that wish to go with them, whether it is from seeking profit in a regrowing land or more personal connections!

And of course, if along the way they decide that they do not enjoy being part of the empire, we shall let them secede and do our best to be good neighbors still, for we are not slavers to force others to remain where we put them, to expect them to live their lives because we saved them! No, we should simply do our part to support these ponies and I expect fully for them to in turn to want to remain part of our great empire of their own free wills and informed decision making, feeling it to be their best choice for happy fulfilling lives, not out of mere gratitude.

It also simplifies somewhat what to do with the Crystal Heart if we go this path.. for it is a powerful item of great magic, that defeated the foulest evil we have ever known, (even if I feel we probably could have done it ourselves it would have been a bloodier cost) and as such should be guarded, not in a crumbling city but in the heart of Gryphus power. With one important acknowledgement, that it belongs not to the Empire of Gryphus, but to the crystal ponies, to all the crystal ponies. For them to have been severed from such a clear force of good was one of Sombra's many crimes and it should never happen again, especially not for reasons of 'security'.

Thus, every crystal pony should be allowed to visit it as they will, to bask in it and touch the beating cultural heart of their people, and in time as they heal, for those with stout bodies that desire to, to become part of the guards for it.. until the day that we take and restore their capital city, or they do so themselves as their own nation. But what is important is that at any time it is available to the Crystal Ponies, for among them is where it's home is and I believe we all know the expression 'Home is where the heart is'.

Of course, if we make it available to them, I see no reason our own citizenry and that of our friends should not be allowed to see it, though I advise perhaps against the touching there for them.

And, while I am no architect or great poet.. I believe that while we hold it, as well as providing a guard, we should endeavor to surround the Crystal Heart with what it deserves to be surrounded by.. reminders for it's many visitors of what it symbolizes. Depictions, of the Crystal Empire at it's peak, of ponies working together, loving one another, forming bonds of comradeship and family, of the Gryphus Empire's peoples happier days, of them coming together through (mostly) words.. and of what we want of the future, where we all stand strong, surrounded by those we love and who love us."

I think you could create a nice omake, just saying that a pat of the speech of the emperor to the people. like on history channel piece from the future
I think you could create a nice omake, just saying that a pat of the speech of the emperor to the people. like on history channel piece from the future

I was thinking more a senator type or whatever, but realized that while I was motivated enough to do it 'in-character' I wasn't motivated enough to make a name or anything. If people like the plan/speech they're free to slap it into a omake, but I've done all my muse was itching at me to.
Also, quick question as I write the next update: do you guys think the action to decide what happens to the Crystal Empire should be in the Stewardship, Diplomacy, or Personal Category?
Also, quick question as I write the next update: do you guys think the action to decide what happens to the Crystal Empire should be in the Stewardship, Diplomacy, or Personal Category?
Depending on what exactly we do it should propably take up both Diplo and Steward actions to work properly.
And if we do annex also a military action to secure the territory we decide to take.

Every serious action that involves either accepting a big influx of refuges or claiming a large region sounds like a multi-action task.
We could do it via multi action like take it back. Were actions we do in other parts of the action slots add up to some final action. With those actions adding a bonus to the entire final action.
Every serious action that involves either accepting a big influx of refuges or claiming a large region sounds like a multi-action tas

I mean there is already a large portion of Crystal pony population inside our Empire , then there are some in Neighpon.
So i presume we took the refugees automatically.

Basically we already taken most of the population in, what's left is the land and some ponys inside of it.
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I mean there is already a large portion of Crystal pony population inside our Empire , then there are some in Neighpon.
So i presume we took the refugees automatically.

Basically we already taken most of the population in, what's left is the land and some ponys inside of it.
Taking them in is easy.
Setting up the structures to deal with the sudden increase in population takes work. Which s good, since we will also have more potential workers to keep busy.

It still has to be managed well, to keep both the old and new population happy and to avoid poverty for the immigrants or shortage of infrastructure.
Also, quick question as I write the next update: do you guys think the action to decide what happens to the Crystal Empire should be in the Stewardship, Diplomacy, or Personal Category?

Diplomacy is the best one.

Taking them in is easy.
Setting up the structures to deal with the sudden increase in population takes work. Which s good, since we will also have more potential workers to keep busy.

It still has to be managed well, to keep both the old and new population happy and to avoid poverty for the immigrants or shortage of infrastructure.

What are you talking about? We have been building up infrastructure the entire time we are more than capable of handling a drop in the bucket that is the pony population. This isn't a massive influx of people they are all dead. There is only a very small amount of them left. At best they might be the same numbers as the Diamond Dogs when we first took in the ones in Griffonia.
Diplomacy or Stewardship for integration
Military for the territory
We are not taking or stationing any troops outside of the northern most portion or wherever the ponies that stayed there are trying to rebuild the agricultural base at. So no military action is required because they would already have protection. The stewardship is something that is done after we have annexed them so we can start the process of repairs the lands not at all involved in the annexation process.